DIY quadcopter: step-by-step assembly. How to assemble a quadcopter with your own hands. Setting up and controlling the quadcopter

A quadcopter can be purchased at almost any major online store, or you can make a drone yourself. It is not known what came first: mass production of copters or the first attempts by radio amateurs to create a drone on their own. But the fact that this hobby is becoming popular among fans of radio-controlled devices cannot leave any modeler or quadcopter collector indifferent.

DIY quadcopter model

Many drone users are wondering how to assemble a quadcopter. with my own hands. Rather, this desire comes from the desire to gain complete control over the flight and control of the shooting process.

There are a number of advantages to assembling a copter yourself: Firstly, this is an opportunity to create a device with the parameters that you need. Secondly, Such a device is easier to customize; you can always attach new parts or replace, for example, the battery and install a more powerful power source. Third, this can serve as an interesting experience and be the first step towards a new hobby.

One of the negative aspects can be emphasized that such an assembly may require a lot of time to search the necessary details, studying the entire technical part. Moreover, no one can guarantee that “the first pancake will not go lumpy.” Although on the other hand, now there is a large number of specialized stores for radio equipment, and numerous diagrams using the example will help you understand the principles of the design and operation of a quadcopter ready-made models homemade versions.

Also, many people resort to modeling drones in the belief that it can be much cheaper than buying a branded device. But here, too, a lot depends on what characteristics the device you want to get, and whether it is important for you appearance square Moreover, frequent modifications that will help make the drone more functional can also cost a pretty penny.

Inventor Jasper van Leenen introduced a kit in 2013 for those who want to assemble a drone themselves. In his suitcase he had everything he needed: electronics, motors, a radio, body parts. All plastic parts were printed on 3Dprinter.

Buy or make?

The decision to make a copter yourself may be determined by the so-called sporting interest, or may also be associated with the desire to save money. In both the first and second cases, it is important to weigh the pros and cons, as well as identify the strengths and weaknesses of self-assembly.


As mentioned above, the main disadvantage of a DIY drone can be time. After all, it’s one thing to order a quadra ready to fly, wait one or two weeks and use it for your pleasure. But in self-assembly there is whole line nuances that may affect the timing:

  1. Purchasing all the necessary spare parts, which may not always fall into your hands at the same time.
  2. It will also take time to study the technical part in order to clearly understand what the drone consists of and how it works.
  3. Assembly and setup itself flight controller It will take time and, of course, patience.
  4. Post-assembly, which means not only testing, but working on errors and “rework”, which also takes a lot of time and effort.


The first point can largely be compensated by having experience in independently assembling radio-controlled devices. In addition, if you are assembling a drone with a “factory” model, then this can become a visual aid for studying the “filling” of the quad. But for those who are encountering such an assembly for the first time, there are two options:

A) Purchase the most inexpensive quadcopter model, which will not only serve as a model, but also whose parts you can borrow for your own copter;

B) Seek help from forums and specialized websites, where you can get all the information, and also read in detail about the step-by-step assembly of the copter, indicating the names of all the necessary parts.


Many people decide to assemble a quadcopter with the expectation that such a device will cost less than a purchased one. But here you should remember some features:

  • Of course, if your goal is to assemble a quad from available materials at minimal cost, then there will be no problems, since you can purchase all the components from the same price range. But here you need to understand that you will not be able to create a powerful device with a high load capacity.
  • If you rely on the characteristics of the quadcopter, and not on the simple ability to take off and soar in the air for several minutes, then here you are unlikely to achieve a significant difference between a purchased and a home-made copter. Although, of course, there will still be an opportunity to save 10-20% of the cost.

Self-assembly of a quad, hex or tricopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and mechanic, allowing you to create a unique model with the characteristics that are most relevant to you. But it’s still not worth holding out hopes that this is an easier and cheaper way than buying a ready-made device.

Details, assembly process, nuances

So, you have decided to create your first quadcopter. To begin with, it is best to turn to the experience of “experienced” designers. Here various forums, websites, and video “life hacks” will come to the rescue.

Any drone consists of two main parts - the mechanism itself that launches it, and the frame on which this “filling” is attached. In order for the copter to fly you need:

  • Flight controller;
  • Battery;
  • Motors and propellers that are attached to them;
  • Speed ​​controllers;
  • Servo wire to create a rotating mechanism;
  • As well as various consumables: screws, connectors, anti-vibration sponge, glue, elastic tape.

The frame can be cut from plywood or durable plastic; its shape largely determines the type of drone: whether it will be a tri-, quad-, or hexacopter. It consists of a main frame on which the controller and battery, and beams with motors are mounted, rotating mechanism and design for the speed controller. It is best if the beams are movable, especially if you are going to make a large quadcopter, then later there will be no problems with transportation.

Creating your own quadcopter is an opportunity to try yourself as an engineer and designer. The copter can be given the most different shapes, using both a ready-made frame and a homemade one, try to equip it with additional structures that will help carry various objects on board.

If the copter will be used for aerial photography, then care should be taken to have camera mounts. The load capacity of the device will depend on the power of the motors and the size of the propellers. This fact is especially important to consider when we are talking about heavy digital or semi-professional cameras.

The flight controller is configured via a PC, on which you first need to install a special program for MultiWii or Arduino, depending on the model of the purchased controller. And, of course, in order for you to be able to control and receive a signal from your copter, you will need to purchase a radio transmitter, for example, DSM2.

A quadcopter can hang in one place and take photos and videos, which is why many photographers keep up with progress and buy quadcopters for video shooting.

Quadcopters burst into our lives along with technical progress. Today, ordering electronics for a quadcopter from China is very cheap. Assembling a quadcopter frame with your own hands from scrap materials is not at all difficult. You can learn to fly with the help of flight simulators. So the main thing is to have the desire to make a quadcopter with your own hands.

It is best to buy ready-made electronics for a quadcopter.

Details of a homemade quadcopter

Motors for quadcopter, 4 pcs - D2822/14 1450kv

Of course, the additional purchase of a small quadcopter is a little expensive, but by flying one you will learn how to control it and will be able to fly a large quadcopter with a camera without falling! And you can always give a small toy to a child.

And finally, short video flight on a quadcopter, recording from a camera.

In this article, we looked at the basic principles of making homemade quadcopters. If you want to know more, see the section

iskra comments:

how to make a quadcopter so that it flies within a radius of 500 meters with a real-time camera that displays the image on the screen

chelovek comments:

Guys, help!
I want to build a quadrick on the Arduino Mega platform using these components:

A quadcopter can hang in one place and take photos and videos, which is why many photographers keep up with progress and buy quadcopters for video shooting.

Quadcopters burst into our lives along with technological progress. Today, ordering electronics for a quadcopter from China is very cheap. Assembling a quadcopter frame with your own hands from scrap materials is not at all difficult. You can learn to fly with the help of flight simulators. So the main thing is to have the desire to make a quadcopter with your own hands.

It is best to buy ready-made electronics for a quadcopter.

Details of a homemade quadcopter

Motors for quadcopter, 4 pcs - D2822/14 1450kv

Of course, the additional purchase of a small quadcopter is a little expensive, but by flying one you will learn how to control it and will be able to fly a large quadcopter with a camera without falling! And you can always give a small toy to a child.

And finally, a short video of a quadcopter flight, recorded from a camera.

In this article, we looked at the basic principles of making homemade quadcopters. If you want to know more, see the section

iskra comments:

how to make a quadcopter so that it flies within a radius of 500 meters with a real-time camera that displays the image on the screen

chelovek comments:

Guys, help!
I want to build a quadrick on the Arduino Mega platform using these components:

I'm interested in quadcopters. I decided to place an order, the choice fell on the Habsan x4 with a 0.3MP camera.
I waited and received it. I flew it quite a lot (there were crashes, long waits for spare parts and repairs). The idea came to my mind to build a large quadcopter, I plunged into this topic, and re-read many articles. Whenever possible, I answered questions from people in the Rc modelers group: regarding the selection of parts, assembling the quadcopter. From all this the idea to write this article arose.
Flight principle

So, If you decide to build your own quadcopter, then you need to decide on a budget. The size depends on the amount you are willing to spend on this Miracle. The most common sizes (in mm) are 250,330,450,550 and more.
*250 size: small, light, most often used only for FPV flights.
*330 and 450 the golden mean for a budget quadcopter. Acceptable weight and assembly price.
*550 and more can be classified as professional copters or multirotors. Such machines will turn out to be heavy and expensive. These aircraft will have powerful engines and they can carry a decent amount of weight, up to kilogram DSLRs.
I will continue my story based on a 450 scale copter.
A special place in this category is occupied by the DJI 330 and 450 and TBS Discovery frames.

Their price is appropriate...high.
There are many clones, and I chose this one.

It's time to find out what is it quadcopter and what it consists of.
1. Frame
2. Receiver/Transmitter
3. Flight controller:
c) MuliWii
d) HKPilot
e) AMP
f) And others

4. Power plant
a) Motor
b) Speed ​​controller
c) Propellers
5. Battery
6. Add. Equipment:
a) FPV system (first person view in real time)
Heading camera
b) Gimbal for on-board camera
c) Backlight

Now we can look at everything in detail.
1) With frame have already decided. 450 scale, TBS clone.

2) Receiver/Transmitter. Its choice is very important. You need to understand for yourself: how far you want to fly.
The most popular options:
 1.5-2 km will provide 2.4 GHz
 433 MHz will provide about 5-10 km (it all depends on the power, you can fly 20 km)
For myself I chose 2.4 GHz FlySky Th9x 9 channels

Not expensive and easy to set up equipment.
A quadcopter requires at least 5 channels.
The choice of this equipment is due to its popularity, how long it has been on the market. There are many clones. There is a lot of debate about which company was the first, this is the same Turgiga 9, Avionix and others... There are a lot of settings on the Internet.
3) Flight controller
At the moment there are a lot of flight controllers for quadcopters. I made my choice. This Naza Lite with GPS

Not very expensive and angry. Naza requires minimal setup and is very easy to do.
With AIOP, Crius and MultiWii controllers it will be many times more difficult, especially for a beginner.
Why did I take a controller with GPS?
This function is necessary for hovering at a point and returning home.
I see it very convenient functionality.
4) Power plant
Raises many questions among the uninitiated.
BC motors are used. They are three phase (3 wires), their efficiency is about 90%.
To control the rotation speed of such a motor, a speed controller (regulator) is used, which receives commands from the flight controller.

Let's consider frames 330.450mm. Depending on your needs, you need to estimate the weight of the quadcopter. On average it turns out from 1k to 1.5kg. It is desirable that the thrust of the motors be 2-2.5 times greater than the total mass. This suggests that the thrust should be 2-3 kg. We divide this by 4 and get the thrust of one motor: approximately 500-750 g.
The question arises: which engine to choose? We look at the characteristics of the frame: we are interested in what engines can be installed in it. The first 2 digits should be of interest: 22 or 28 in most cases.
Let's start choosing an engine. You will see a certain value next to the engine name, for example: 1100kv. This value indicates the number of revolutions per 1 volt. Motors with high kv values ​​have fewer turns of the stator winding than lower speed motors. It follows that the maximum current will be higher in motors with lower kv, which have more torque and this allows the use of larger propellers.
Can be compared to a car's gearbox. 380kv and 1400kv are like the first and third gears of a car.
380kv for measured slow and long flights with a large load capacity
1400kv for fast and manoeuvrable running.
On the Internet or in the description of this engine you can see it specifications and test results. You need to find out the maximum current (A) that the engine can draw and, based on this data, select a speed controller (ESC). Let's say max A for a 20A motor. Then, we take ESC 20-25% more powerful, 25-30A.
Now let's look at the test results.
For example we see: 11x4.7 –3S-12A – 830g
It means
11x4.7 - propeller characteristics (11-inch, 4.7 pitch)
3S - number of LiPo battery cans
12A - current strength in the circuit at a given load
830g – engine thrust under given conditions
Thus, the maximum thrust is 830x4 = 3300 g, the maximum current in the circuit is 12x4 = 48A
The maximum current strength is needed to select the Battery and Wiring.

For starters, don't buy carbon props. Overpayment. Learn to fly cheap ones.
The propeller mounting depends on the engine itself. Most propellers have an adapter for the engine axis. Possible mounting on collets or threads. DJI has excellent self-tightening options; with this option, your propeller will never come loose during flight.
For more simple options I advise you to additionally secure it with thread sealant.

Paying attention : You can compare motors with different kv under conditions of the same standard size. For example, EMAX XA 2212 exists in different configurations:

They can be compared.
The efficiency of a motor with 1400kv will be maximum when using an 8040 propeller,
And a motor with 820kv - with a propeller of 1147.
A motor with 820kv will have maximum torque, so it is advisable to use large propellers. And a motor with 1400kv will love high speeds at lower loads.
The difference between the presented motors is in the winding.
It makes sense to use them like this:
1400kv on a 330 frame and 8040 propellers
980kv on a 450 frame and 1045 propellers
820kv on a 500-550 frame and 1147 propellers
I chose
And propellers
Wonderful set.
Connection diagram
For simplicity: Signal - black, Power (+\-) - red

5) Battery
When choosing a battery, you need to select the current output. This is the number C. (25С,35С)
Don’t forget that, according to our data, the system consumes 48A.
Let's say there is a 3300mAh 3S 35C Lipo Pack battery
3300 mAh - battery capacity
3S – number of cans (one can 3.7v)
35C – current output. Those. Battery capacity 3.3Ah (3300 mAh) x 35C = 115A
Which sufficiently covers our energy consumption. Even too much. The higher the C, the heavier and more expensive the battery.
Let's see whether a battery of the same capacity, but with a current output of 25C can cope with our tasks or not: 3.3Ah (3300 mAh) x 25C = 82A
Answer: Yes.
Such a battery will be lighter and cheaper.
To monitor the battery condition, you can buy such a thing.

Imax B6 is very popular for charging batteries, be careful, there are a lot of fakes.

And don't forget to handle LiPo very carefully.
My advice: take at least a couple of batteries.
6) Add. Equipment.
When you have decided on the flight range and selected the control system, you can begin choosing an FPV system:
FPV - literally: first-person view in real time.
 2.4GHz is compatible with 5.8GHz
 433MHz compatible with 1.2GHz
Otherwise, joint interference will be created.
For my 2.4 GHz I selected 5.8 GHz 200mw

The FPV system consists of:
1) Course camera
2) Transmitter on a quadric
3) Receiving station on the ground.
To increase the communication range, you can replace standard antennas with “clovers”

Most transmitters are powered within 9-12v, a small 3S battery can power the transmitter and camera, which is selected for a given voltage.
What does 200mw mean?
This is the transmitter power. It directly affects the communication range. In open areas with non-standard antennas, the signal can be received at a distance of up to 1 km.
Considering that my control system is not capable of controlling a distance of more than 1.5-2 km, this is ideal
option for my needs.
Now everything is clear with the choice of receiver and transmitter, but how to choose a camera, there are a huge number of them?
The choice of camera initially comes down to money.
There are cameras that have the function of streaming data and simultaneous recording. The cost of such cameras is much higher. The mobius camera is very popular.

Its competitor has appeared, which also has an AV output

You can use the cheapest directional camera, without a housing. The cost of which ranges from 600 to 1000 rubles, and is recorded using a good action camera on a gimbal.
For an FPV camera we will see the TVL number. What it is? This is the number of scan lines. For an FPV camera, 500-700TVL will be enough. The level of minimum illumination is important; this parameter is measured in lux. 0.01 lux is enough for flights even in the evening. The viewing angle is equally important. 100-120 degrees is ideal. It would be nice to have automatic highlight and auto correction. white balance.
The picture can be displayed on such a monitor

You can buy a 2- or 3-axis gimbal for the camera. This thing allows you to rotate the camera and have a more stable picture, without jerking or jerking.
The thing is quite expensive.
I have this one:
Naturally the on-board camera itself
You can install LED backlight, beeper, GPS tracker

As you understand, to assemble such a UAV requires quite a lot of investment.
The price is approximately 400-500 dollars.

This review is intended for beginners and contains theory; there will be a continuation soon. With assembly and configuration.
I have planned a series of articles and will slowly implement them.
I will be glad to criticize Thank you per view.
I'll show you the cards: the end result

How to assemble such a thing and lift it into the sky?
Instructions will be in the next part)

Here is a short video from the first flights with a gimbal.

P.S. Everything was purchased with personal funds. I'm planning to buy +99 Add to favorites I liked the review +62 +150

The reasons why amateur copter pilots think about how to assemble a quadcopter with their own hands vary. For example, someone is not satisfied with the prices, someone wants to install their own camera, which is not installed on any gimbal, others want to get a configuration only for racing. You never know what else!

Modern users prefer to receive a comprehensive answer to the above question in the form step-by-step recommendations. And it’s even better if they are given the opportunity to see it in video format. Because diagrams and instructions in many cases do not fully disclose all the important parts during assembly.

In order to understand how to make a quadcopter with your own hands, let's take a look at the big picture so that at each stage of assembly we have an understanding of how much we have already managed to do and how much work we still have to do. This will make it easier to continue and complete the process, because often a lack of understanding of how much work is left makes a novice designer give up halfway through.

So, let's first remember all the key components of the aircraft that must be included in the kit for assembling a quadcopter with your own hands. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the body of the drone, on which all the other equipment and electronics will be placed.

Assembling the case from scratch is not difficult at all. For example, if we look at what the body of conventional quadcopters is made of, we will see that manufacturers use plastic as the material. Plastic is the most versatile and suitable material for assembling the body and beams of any drone.

It is lightweight, which allows you to retain battery charge for a longer period. It cannot, of course, be said that plastic is the most reliable means of protecting a multicopter from damage in the event of an emergency fall. But if you think about it in general, even large planes made of stronger materials fall apart into pieces. Therefore, we will not be so demanding of lightweight plastic, the main task of which is, first of all, to firmly secure electronics and accessories inside the case during flight.

If you do not have the opportunity to make beams and body elements from this material, and also do not have spare pipes or beams from other unmanned vehicles, then we recommend paying attention to ordinary plywood. Of course, you should not select solid fiberboard sheets, because no motors or motors will be able to lift such a heavy structure. Look for a lighter option for your case.

Plywood is also good because any number of holes can be drilled into it to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the copter, as well as for inserting various copter blocks into it. They can be the same blocks for motors and propellers, fastenings for wires and landing gear, compartments for electronic boards, batteries and video cameras.

After this, you should consider installing electronic and printed circuit boards on the finished case. This will allow you to move in assembling the device as if from its middle. As they like to say in such cases, dance from the stove. That is, from the most important thing that is in a quadcopter.

On each of the beams, special markings must be made so that the wires and motors are installed perfectly. How smoothly and balanced your assembled device will fly depends on this. An error of a couple of millimeters can lead to a strong roll or tilt of the drone during flight. Take accurate measurements and double check them several times before installing motors.

At the very end, all you have to do is establish a connection between all components of the drone - draw a connection between them in the form of wiring. General recommendations Read on to learn how to establish a connection. It remains to be added here that this is where the preliminary assembly of the drone ends. All that remains is to do a lot of tests on the ground and in the air to make sure that you did everything correctly and in case of errors, and, believe me, they will definitely be made, adjustments will be made.

Next, we will tell you what important components should be on board your copter, so that you know where, in fact, you need to start building your air “house” and what important details will come in handy. After this, you will definitely no longer have all the questions like “how to assemble a quadcopter yourself and at home.” As it turns out, it's not that difficult. The most important thing is to know the structure of the drone and the principles of its flight.

What is a quadrolet?

For those who are not yet in the know, this is a structure, a platform, a structure, aircraft, which is more convenient for you, which (if we are talking about a platform) is controlled by a transmitter. Has 4 engines with the same number of propellers. The assembly of such aircraft necessarily includes a flying multi-engine platform.

When the drone takes off, it assumes a horizontal position. Like a helicopter, it is capable of hovering above the surface of the earth for different heights. It flies in different directions. Previously, copters could only fly towards their nose. In recent years, they began to make models of the Headless type, when a drone during flight could fly sharply in any of four directions without turning its nose in that direction.

The copter is able to rise and fall, while it always remains horizontal relative to the ground. If special equipment is installed on it, then in some cases it can even fly in autopilot mode. Most aviation enthusiasts use such opportunities, first of all, to focus on aerial photography at this moment, and not to show the world their aerobatic skills.

General operating principle of a drone

As we said earlier, the system is multi-rotor. These same rotors create powerful diagonal rotation in opposite directions. The rotors have a so-called manager that collects information from three or six gyroscopes (the number of the latter depends on the configuration of the copter) and transmits it to the rotors.

Gyroscopes were created in order to automatically determine the position of the device during flight and then fix it in all three planes. At the same time, the accelerometer makes sure that the copter takes an ideal horizontal position. To secure the quadcopter at a certain height, the flight system is equipped with a barometer.

Due to this, the copter moves if all four propellers turn equally. The result of changing the rotation speed of one or another pair of motors is the tilt of the copter (as it is also called “roll”) towards the weakest rotating propellers - the drone flies horizontally.

In most cases, there are strictly four rotors, but from time to time you can find copters with six or even eight rotors. That’s why they are called multicopters, and the word “quadcopter” will no longer be relevant to the last two representatives of multirotor drones.

Instructions for assembling a simple drone

The first thing that comes to mind when assembling your own quad is, of course, its frame. There is nothing complicated with this element. For its base, ordinary plywood measuring 15 square centimeters will do. The beams are adjusted using screws along the diagonal markings of your frame. The beam should be 30 centimeters long, starting from the center of the copter. The beams are 25 cm. The holes for the engines themselves will be set aside at the end of creating the body, having first made markings for the engines.

And here is what is useful for the assembly itself:

  • Turnigy 9 technology;
  • Control board;
  • Batteries for Turnigy;
  • Power battery;
  • Blades;
  • Various battery chargers.

Let's start assembling

First of all, we install the control board. At the same time, place it as close to the center of your platform as possible. From the very beginning, take the necessary, and most importantly, accurate measurements. In this case, the device will not drift from side to side during the flight. Use self-tapping screws of sufficient length to screw the beams to the board. An aluminum strip is suitable for landing skis and holding the battery.

Install the receiver close to the board. To install the receiver, you can use some powerful superglue. A simplified version of connecting with two three-wire cables is possible in the case when the receiving channels are the same in purpose as the control board channels. Keep this in mind.

Engine Installation

Before inserting it, you need to make precise markings of the rays and make holes for the engine itself. Make sure that the distance from the edges to the axis of rotation is equivalent. At least as much as possible. When installing the engine, a shaft tail will stick out from its bottom, so you need to make a special hole for it.

When making holes for fastening, drill across the entire width of the square and all the way through. Then you can immediately see whether the shaft will catch on the edges of this square.


Using adapters, make parallel connection 4 power wires. In the place where the battery will be connected to all four wires, you will need to use detachable connections. In other places soldering will be necessary. Then heat-shrink all the parts so that during strong vibration (when the copter is flying) nothing will jump out and become detached.

Now let's work on the control board and connect the driver wires. In principle, after this operation you can do a small check and eliminate problems that are revealed during testing.

The second way to assemble a quadcopter yourself

No matter how you assemble your first aircraft, there is one thing you need to remember - do not spare money on the parts from which you will assemble the drone. Only in this case, with a greater degree of probability, the result will be of high quality and minor inaccuracies and errors will be forgiven.

When assembling the quadcopter using the second method, we will consider a step-by-step assembly option with using Arduino Mega, Mega-Pirate firmware.

What is required for assembly? 5 motors, including 1 spare. Also purchase two sets of blades - one for use, the other for reserve. We remind you that there should be two regular screws and two with reverse rotation. Speed ​​controllers. There should be at least four of them and, again, at least as many spare ones.

It is better to take a smaller battery for such a drone so that it does not weigh down the copter.

We recommend using several light and small ones. Yes, the drone will fly less during one life cycle such a mini-battery, but at the same time your flight will be more stable. Moreover, the process of replacing the battery will not take much time.

The frame for your quadcopter should be lightweight and at the same time durable. Remember what frame we described in the first case self-assembly. So, such a frame is quite suitable for this option. From the electronic stuffing you will need: an all-in-one board, an accelerometer, batteries, a microcontroller, a gyroscope, as well as many bolts, screws, wires and various types screed Don't forget also about a soldering iron and drill.

Once you are sure that you have everything you need, you can safely begin assembly. The assembly process can be repeated using the first method described above. The most important thing is that the distance from each end of the beam to the center of the frame is the same. Make sure that the propellers do not touch each other and, importantly, the central part of the frame, because this is where the electronic brains of your drone will be located, plus a video camera, which, by the way, can be installed at will.

If you mount your sensors in rubber or, say, in a silicone mass, then the force of vibration during operation of the propellers will be dampened. As a chassis, foam can be made and secured at the very ends of the beams. For a softer landing, they can be rubberized or foam rubber attached.

If you do not want to assemble the board yourself, we recommend buying a ready-made one. It already has 4 sensors installed, a gyroscope that will measure angular acceleration, an accelerometer that measures acceleration, a barometer that is responsible for selecting the desired height and holds the quadcopter at it, as well as a magnetometer that is responsible for where the drone will fly.

How to build a cheap Arduino Uno quadcopter with your own hands

If you follow brief instructions according to the Arduino Uno assembly outlined below, the output you will get is an unmanned four-beam device with a 30-minute flight time, measuring 60 centimeters (152 inches) from motor to motor. It will weigh a little more than one kilogram.

For the frame you need to use thin beams cut from ordinary wooden planks. The approximate thickness of one such beam should be 1-1.5 centimeters from above and about 3-4 centimeters when looking at the beam from the side. Make two identical pieces, each 60 centimeters long, and by cutting a hole in the center of one of them, secure both beams firmly together. You can solder them, glue them, and so on.

After that, for your convenience, you can paint the rays in two different colors. For example, paint the front two beams yellow, and red or black those beams that, after assembly, will be the back side of the drone.

The power board will need to be installed at the junction of your frame. It should be fixed in the center, at the bottom of the cross. Using plastic straps, the length of which can be adjusted, attach this board to the case on both sides. This will be enough to prevent the board from falling off and stably fulfilling its main purpose. Don’t be confused by the fact that it can move and move from its place by a couple of millimeters or even 1 centimeter.

After that, you will need to install 4 electronic speed controllers from HobbyKing - each weighing only 16 grams. Attach them securely near the edge of each beam. The same plastic adjustable strap with which you secured the power board is quite suitable for this purpose. In most cases, only one strap per controller is sufficient. But if you doubt it, you can add one or even two more straps for security.

At the end of each beam you should attach a special cap with a hole into which you will install the engines and propellers. Again, use straps as a fixing material. Secure the cover securely so that it does not fall off the first time you start the engines. By the way, it is better to install the electronic speed controller on the top of the beam. This will make it interact better with the propeller and make it easier for you to establish a connection between them.

The control panel, assembled from several important electronic elements (see illustration for assembly diagram), is attached to the top using plastic straps. Your board should have two holes on each of the four sides in order to securely attach it to each beam.

Ultimately, there will be two boards in the central part of your homemade quad. One is the power panel, installed at the bottom of the mount, the second is the control panel, mounted at the top of the crossed beams of your copter.

To soften and suppress the vibration of motors, which will not have a very good effect on your electronics, you need to make anti-vibration dampers. For these purposes, you can use regular silicone earplugs. They are sold at any pharmacy. You will need a set of four of these earplugs to fit under each control circuit board mount.

The best way to do this is as follows. Before you start tightening the reinforcement straps on each of the four sides of your board, place the silicone plug so that it is under the board itself and still rests on the beam. In this case, it will act as a kind of gasket between these two rigid elements and will be able to absorb vibration.

To secure the earplug between the board and the multicopter spider, insert a plastic strap into the holes on the board, align the earplug and tighten the strap so that it can secure not only printed circuit board on the crosspiece, but also pressed the plug itself on both sides.

Now let's start installing the batteries. You can use two Zippy Compact batteries. The capacity of each of them is 3700 milliampere hours. If you use both of them, it will double. As a result, we get 7400 mAh and almost 30 minutes of full flight. However, it is worth remembering that these two batteries will become the main load of the drone. Their total weight will be 517 grams.

To secure the batteries you will need tape and a long plastic strap (only one, but wider than the ones you used to secure the parts before). The batteries should be attached in such a way that they take a diagonal position, that is, they are attached not to either beam, but to both at once.

It is clear that best place for this there will be the same cross in the center. Since there will be free space between the control printed circuit and the crosspiece itself, obtained due to the height of the earplugs, you will need to insert a strap into this gap in order to attach the batteries to the structure.

Before this, you will need to place one battery on top of another, and add a regular soft sponge on top, which is used to transport breakable parts, pass a plastic strap under them, and stick strong tape on top of it. This will keep the strap in place so the batteries don't slip off, and will help keep the batteries glued to each other. For reliability, you can also use tape to glue the batteries to each other along the edges, but this is already optional.

Next, we place the batteries tightly to the bottom of the case and insert the strap into the hole under the board from above. We tighten it tightly. If necessary, we check the structure again for strength. The sponge will also act as a dampener for vibration that may occur between the quad beams, batteries, and power board at the bottom of the structure.

Special caps at the ends of the beams can now be used to install 25mm motors and put propellers on them. Your frame is already painted in two different colors, in order to better navigate where the front of the device is and where the back is. But for more precise orientation, you can use an orange or white table tennis ball.

To do this, you need to run an ordinary wire from one front beam to the other and secure each end approximately under the speed controllers. In the center of the wire there should already be a ball tightly strung on it.

That's it, your Arduino is ready to fly. As mentioned above, its flight weight was 1054 grams. The flight time at this weight is 30 minutes and a few seconds.

When designing the quadcopter, the presence of landing gear was not taken into account. In principle, they are not needed, because the drone does not have a camera installed on its belly, and it is not worth protecting the batteries and bothering with attaching legs for them. All you have to do is accurately calculate when the 30 minutes of flight are up and land the system softly on the ground in time. This way you will protect the device from accidentally falling from high altitude, because you will not have sensors anywhere to inform you about the state of charge of your batteries.

Setting up the firmware

Today it is quite easy to find the necessary firmware, download and install. After loading it into Arduino, download the program for configuration. After launching the program, you will be taken to the “Options” menu, there, enter the Arduino COM port and go to the Action menu - AC2 Setup. To ensure that the ATV setup is correct, try to flawlessly follow the instructions (tips) during the installation process and operation of the program.

For example, one dialog will ask you to move the levers on the transmitter to the highest and lowest values, while another will ask you to control the position of the aircraft. It must be level for accurate calibration of the sensors.

When the calibration is complete, you will need to open A5 from GND. In the menu, in the AC2 Sensor item, find the Raw Sensor tab to check if the sensors are working correctly. In this case, you need to focus on the arrow. While rotating our board, the arrow should reach the desired value. If this does not happen or, on the contrary, it goes off scale, then you have problems with the sensors or coefficients in the code.

The transmitter is checked as follows. If the levels move as expected, then when you press the gas lever to the right and down for a couple of seconds, the red diode will blink. If you move the stick up, the indicators should be identical, that is, the LED should light red again.


It's time to take off. Before doing this, install the multicopter at a distance of approximately 10-12 meters from you. Tilt the throttle down and to the right. The copter will have to take off. If instead it is stationary, the propellers are running, and it is shaking, then you will need to adjust the PID configuration in the appropriate menu.