Long and narrow kitchen design. What should be the design of an elongated kitchen (45 photos) - general recommendations, useful tips

Being the owner of a spacious kitchen that allows you to install many functional household appliances and sit comfortably at the dining table is the dream of many women. Most old layouts and some modern new buildings are far from ideal parameters. A narrow, long kitchen makes it difficult to harmoniously place furniture, but the secrets of design art make it possible to smooth out the inconvenience as much as possible and equip the room in accordance with the principles of ergonomics.

Room layout

A competent approach to planning the environment can visually hide the disproportionate dimensions of a narrow, long room and turn the kitchen into a cozy corner for family communication. Depending on the size of the room, furniture is equipped in several ways:

Advice ! When planning, you should take into account the “triangle” principle, when the sink, refrigerator, and stove form corners geometric figure. This arrangement contributes to significant savings in time and effort spent on cooking and, with the exception of the linear method, allows use in all design options for a narrow kitchen.

Surface decoration

The priority design task is to visually expand the narrow space. The correct color design of the walls will help solve the problem. Regardless of the choice of finishing material for the kitchen, be it wallpaper, paint or tiles above work surface, it is important to stick to light shades. Optimal solution- a plain background, but small patterns on the wallpaper are also allowed. At low ceilings It is appropriate to use a vertical pattern on the walls. Experts strongly do not recommend using dark colors in decoration.

When linearly planning a long kitchen, the opposite wall requires a special approach. A large painting, photo wallpaper with a 3D pattern or panoramic view. A wall design that imitates a brickwork. Similar tricks are used when corner layout long kitchen. A narrow table allows you to shift the emphasis away from disproportionate sizes small sizes, installed opposite the headset.

The next step is the ceiling design. Haute cuisine gives scope for ideas for transforming a narrow space. Multi-level and relief surfaces are popular, which at the same time help in delineating zones. Plaster decor or architectural elements- another trick for creating smooth transitions. Standard height is not an obstacle to solving the problem of a narrow kitchen. Mirror ceiling will perfectly increase the space.

The final stage is the correct floor design for a long narrow kitchen. Choice color design depends on the goal: dark shades will visually lift the room, and those chosen to match the decor will help create a light, light space. Another nuance that allows you to achieve visual expansion rooms and concealing a disproportionately long kitchen - laying flooring:

  • the tiles are glued diagonally;
  • the laminate is positioned perpendicular to the long wall;
  • The pattern on linoleum has a transverse direction.

A bright rug that contrasts with the overall look will help draw attention away from a long, narrow space.

Proper organization of lighting

Good light always helps create the effect of a spacious room, so first of all you should take care of maximum accessibility natural light. Do not clutter the kitchen with heavy curtains. If the window is on a narrow wall, best option- short curtains that form an additional horizontal line and hide the shortcomings of a long room. French blinds, Roman blinds or English curtains are ideal for these purposes.

Note! Required condition disproportionate room - several sources of artificial light.

Design rules for long narrow kitchens offer the following options for organizing lighting:

  • the ceiling chandelier should not be installed in the center of the room; it is better to move it closer to the dining area;
  • if there are several lamps on the ceiling, they should not be placed in one row, this will enhance the tunnel effect in a narrow kitchen;
  • It is recommended to equip the work area with spotlights mounted in cabinets;
  • It is advisable to additionally decorate the place where you eat with sconces soft light, if there is a free corner, put a floor lamp.

Convenience and originality in a long narrow kitchen will be provided by a lamp that allows you to adjust the direction of the horns.

Selecting a headset

An important design principle for small spaces is to adhere to minimalism. The most suitable for these purposes would be high-tech or Scandinavian style. You should think about the equipment in advance. Choosing a standard set for a disproportionate kitchen is very problematic; custom-made furniture will help solve the problem of a long room. In this case, pull-out shelves and folding countertops will ensure a comfortable stay in a narrow kitchen. The bar counter will cope perfectly with the zoning function.

Narrow kitchens are quite common in our homes. This layout also has its advantages - in a narrow small space, everything is at hand, and the housewife does not have to waste time moving around the kitchen. Another thing is that it is difficult to develop a kitchen design so that it does not look cluttered and at the same time remains comfortable and roomy. How to furnish the kitchen so that everyone feels comfortable in it?

If the kitchen is one and a half or a little more than a meter wide, then it is clearly narrow. Moreover, it is not necessarily small - there are rooms with an area of ​​15 meters and at the same time narrow, in the form of a pencil case. To play up such a kitchen project, you need to carefully consider the choice and arrangement of furniture and appliances; choose the right ones Decoration Materials.

The peculiarity of the layout of narrow kitchens lies in their shape. As a rule, they look like an elongated pencil case with a window on the narrowest side. This feature of one-way natural lighting makes the kitchen appear even narrower and smaller to the eye than it already is.

Therefore, narrow spaces need to be visually expanded. The main principles used for this are focusing on light colors in decoration and furniture, avoiding too bright colors, contrasting combinations and playing with lighting.

Color in the interior

Whatever kitchen design you choose, in narrow spaces you need to choose the right color. You will have to give up using black, dark purple, rich blue, dark green, bright red, no matter how much you want to use them. These bright and strong colors visually compress the space. The kitchen will seem cramped and cluttered.

The interior should be decorated in light colors. Perfect color for a narrow kitchen - white and all its shades and variations. The following colors for the room would also be quite good:

  • light pink;
  • light green;
  • blue;
  • yellow and its shades;
  • soft lilac.

Light colors are used everywhere - for walls, ceilings, furniture. A light apron together with light light curtains against the background of light walls makes the interior more airy and cheerful, and the space more voluminous.

Important: To prevent the interior from looking boring, you should not decorate everything in one color, especially white. Color combinations are welcome: white and yellow, white and light blue, white and soft purple.

You will have to abandon contrasting combinations in wall decoration. Red in combination with black, black in combination with purple, white with black will destroy the interior of a narrow kitchen and turn it into a gloomy nook. Likewise, you should not use contrasting color combinations in furniture or combinations of walls and furniture. A red set against a background of light walls, unfortunately, will make the kitchen design unnecessarily oppressive and create a feeling of clutter.

For a narrow room there are more interesting ideas:

  • light pink walls and white facades;
  • light blue wall solutions and white furniture and apron;
  • light purple walls and pink facade solutions;
  • light green walls and lemon yellow furniture.

The design of the room looks interesting if the upper tier of the kitchen is decorated in a more bright hues, and the lower one - into darker or colored ones. This applies not only to walls, but also to cabinet fronts.

Furniture selection

The design of a narrow small kitchen largely depends on the choice of furniture. Standard furniture standard sizes most often not suitable for her. A standard set either simply will not fit into a narrow kitchen, or will completely fill it and leave only a narrow strip for passage, which will kill any interior.

Therefore, for narrow kitchens it is better to make furniture according to individual measurements and designs. In this case, several problems can be solved at once:

  • make the most of every centimeter of space;
  • create unique design rooms and bring your ideas to life;
  • save money, especially if you make furniture yourself.

Furniture for a small kitchen should first of all be very compact and as functional as possible. It is in narrow kitchens that tall narrow pencil cases, shelves, wall cabinets, and folding tables have found their application.

Space layout

A narrow room dictates a special arrangement of furniture in it. As a rule, furniture is lined up along a long wall in one line. There is, of course, a second long side in the room, but if you place furniture along it, the kitchen will look like a reserved seat carriage with a narrow passage. You definitely can’t call such an interior cozy.

You can play with the configuration of the room and try to place furniture and appliances in a more original way. To do this, it is best to actively use the space around the window. In its area you can place a work area - the design of the room looks quite interesting, where there is a sink under the window, and shelves and cabinets along the window. This allows you to change the geometry of the kitchen, and it will look not like an elongated rectangle, but like a square. Which is more proportional and aesthetic for the eyes.

A good way to make the most of space is a window sill countertop. You can run a tabletop along a long wall working area, which then smoothly includes the window sill. This countertop allows you to solve the problem of a kitchen table, which, as a rule, does not have room in narrow kitchens. In this case, the window sill can play the role of a table.

About the place of the table

Alas, in a narrow kitchen there is no room for full dining area simply no. Does this mean that you will have to completely abandon the table? In principle, you can do this and move the dining area into the living room if the kitchen is too small. If, however, the layout is simply narrow and not small, then you can try to organize a place for eating here too. You just need to think about the shape and size of the table.

A regular sized table will not work here. But you can make a small table. The most best place for his organization is the smallest side. Typically the window space is used. The length of the side is just enough to organize a small table for 2-3 people. To save space, you can also make this table folding or folding. In this case, the battery must be moved from the window area to another place.

A bar counter that can serve as a table and storage space also looks good in a narrow kitchen. The interior will only benefit from the presence of a bar counter. In narrow kitchens, it is best to use a pull-out bar counter.

Interior of a narrow kitchen - renovation and ideas (video)

Let's sum it up

The design of a narrow kitchen can be developed in such a way that it will be comfortable for all family members to work and relax in it. We wish you good luck with the renovation!

Examples of narrow kitchen design (photo)

If the family has at its disposal a kitchen space that cannot be called close to a square, but can more easily be described as long and elongated, then during the renovation it becomes necessary to develop such a design for a narrow kitchen so that it is convenient for the person responsible for cooking to work there, and for the rest to gather at the table and receive food. pleasure from communication. When designing, you should take into account all ergonomic standards, provide for the location of the necessary household appliances, cabinets, work surfaces, and use design tools to expand the space and make it harmonious.

Such a kitchen can be presented in two options: narrow small room and elongated, but significant in area. Everyone has their own secrets of design, selection kitchen furniture, technical equipment.

Small narrow kitchen

A small kitchen space is a legacy of post-war Soviet architecture, or a sign of modern urban planning based on saving space utility rooms to allocate more square meters to living space.

Also narrow kitchen can be designed for a home where the family has breakfast, lunch and dinner in a separate dining room, and the kitchen is purely utilitarian in nature, used only for preparing food (often it is not the housewife who cooks, but hired staff).

Available layout options:

  • A rectangle with a window and a door on opposite end walls.
  • A rectangle with a window and a door on opposite elongated walls (large window, door in the center).
  • A rectangular room with a window located in the upper part of an elongated wall (Baltic, Scandinavian projects houses) and the kitchen door, shifted closer to one of the corners.
  • A rectangle with an exit to the balcony at the end and a doorway on the adjacent wall.
  • A very narrow room (1.5-1.8 m), endowed with a small window.
  • A pencil case without windows, adjacent to the dining room, separated by a door or decorated with an open opening.

Options for arranging furniture for different layouts

If the door is located opposite the window at the end and the kitchen space is sufficiently long, the most optimal design method for a narrow kitchen will be a transverse division of the space into two zones - working and dining. The food preparation area project is a parallel option for placing a kitchen unit. The passage left between the working lines should allow movement during the cooking process along the route “refrigerator - sink - stove - countertop” and be sufficient to ensure free opening of the oven door and convenient use of floor cabinets and retractable drawers.

If the kitchen space is elongated in width and not in length, the main wall is occupied by a window, and the door is in the middle of the opposite wall, then the area near the window should be given to the dining group, and the narrow ends should be occupied with work surfaces with appliances. One side will accommodate a refrigerator and a sink connected by a worktop, the other - a stove with a surface for preparing food. This technique will allow you to correct the elongation of the room and make the space closer to a harmonious rectangle.

If the window opening cuts through the upper part of the wall (third layout option), the space under it can be occupied by a worktop by cutting a sink into it, hob, and place a low refrigerator below. The dining area should be given a blind corner, providing good local lighting, and kitchen cabinets of shallow depth, up to the ceiling, should be hung on the wall opposite the window, creating a large space for storing kitchen utensils.

When designing a narrow kitchen design, pay attention Special attention pens kitchen cabinets. Parts that protrude far and brackets with sharp corners can be hazardous. It is better to use rounded elements or “click-clack” technology (a method of opening doors with a simple press).

Inconvenient layout - an opportunity to use your imagination

The last three layout options listed above can be described as “minimal kitchens in size.” They are less common, and it is more difficult to arrange them in such a way as to ensure ease of use.

A kitchen with a balcony leaves virtually no opportunity to accommodate a full-fledged dining and work area. However, by lining the surface along a long wall and placing it under the window (combining it with the window sill), you will get enough space for your culinary experiments.

Directly around front door It is better to use floor cabinets of reduced depth for easy movement around the kitchen. The dining table of this option can be rolled out perpendicularly from under the tabletop, the panel covering the lower kitchen module can be raised, or a folding wall table can be mounted on the opposite wall. The mobile dining group will be complemented by comfortable folding chairs.

During the cooking process (moving along the tabletop), the chairs are folded and hung on decorative wall hooks to eliminate possible inconvenience, or they are pushed into a special niche under the work surface.

A very narrow kitchen space (less than 2 m wide) implies a single-line placement of the kitchen set and folding dining furniture. To reduce the width of the tabletop, you should use household appliances mini-format, kitchen modules of reduced dimensions.

The kitchen-pencil case assumes only the working process of preparing food. When arranging it, it is proposed:

  • U-shaped arrangement furniture set or G-option;
  • the small width of the “pencil case” dictates the use of cabinets of reduced depth along the longitudinal walls;
  • full-size household appliances fill the end of the kitchen or run along one of the walls (an L-shaped method of arranging furniture is preferable).

Large elongated kitchen

Similar room large area found in country houses, where the kitchen-dining area is allocated a part comparable to the scale of the living room.

Design techniques for a narrow, voluminous kitchen suggest:

  • Dividing the room into a cooking area (U-shaped with open space inside for freedom of movement) and a dining area (with sliding floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the garden or framing a beautiful view).
  • Installation of two parallel lines along the walls - one (blind) to accommodate kitchen set and the necessary equipment, the second (with windows along the entire wall) for installing a long table for snacks below the window (the option implies the presence of a separate dining room).
  • The device is perpendicular to the long wall between the windows of a kitchen peninsula of large width, protruding into the room. Furniture and household appliances are arranged in the form of an unfinished letter “P” along the free walls. The remaining square of area is used as a breakfast nook or a resting place (it is possible to place a free-standing table with chairs, or a set with sofa benches).

Decorating a narrow space: choosing colors, textures, decor

Choosing color scheme For a small, elongated space, you should adhere to the axiom “white expands, dark reduces.” The monochrome of the kitchen does not make it boring; you can add mood by including several bright accents, the main thing is to observe the measure and rule of brevity: “If you can do without something, it’s better to do without it.”

Vertical surfaces (walls, furniture, apron)The most successful for walls is the use of light colors

In the “all white” option, the furniture dissolves into the walls and plays the role of one whole with them.

Against the background of light walls, painted kitchen facades (light green, blue, sand, peach) look harmonious.

Reflective materials can be used for the apron - glossy tiles, chrome plated surface, glass

Horizontal surfaces (floor, tabletop)The floor can be either dark or light

When choosing a floor covering, you should consider its tonal combination with the countertop

Features of the decor of window openingsDark window frame becomes invisible against the background of light walls, does not require textiles

Instead of the usual curtains that reduce space, it is more practical to install roller blinds

Window sill is a place for beautiful flower or aromatic greenery, plants will enliven the kitchen and make it cozy

The interior of a narrow kitchen should be thoughtful, combining only the essentials, eliminating the fragmentation of space by small elements. Filling the shelves with collections of miniature objects of various colors, using alternating colorful spots of decor, bright geometric patterns will be inappropriate, the room will become even more compressed. If you plan to install open shelves on the walls, then it is better to display single-color sets of tableware or serving glass of a single shape.

Good lighting will make the kitchen look bigger

Small narrow kitchens, in addition to limited usable space, usually have another serious drawback - low natural light, especially if the window is located at the end of the room. In this case, when designing a narrow kitchen, it is necessary to carefully consider the placement of lighting fixtures and pay great attention to good illumination of the work area. A sufficient amount of light is a visual expansion of the volume of the room, the convenience of the housewife, and the guaranteed absence of minor household injuries.

The general lighting plan includes:

  • illumination of the work area;
  • interior lighting of the upper kitchen cabinets;
  • general overhead lighting;
  • local lighting of the dining area (ceiling lamp lowered above the table or volumetric wall sconce).

The last point is very important - good lighting The table where a family dinner takes place gives the home atmosphere a piece of bright sun, filling it with warmth and comfort. In addition, psychologists assure that well-lit food looks more attractive, awakens appetite, and disappears better from plates.

When decorating a limited space or choosing lamps, you should not get carried away with provocative details; it is better to choose a design in a calm style.

Several transparent pendant lamps, as an option for overhead lighting, will perfectly fulfill the necessary function and add a modern accent to the interior of a narrow kitchen, but will not burden the small space. Large-sized “Ilyich bulbs” or techno lamps can look especially interesting against the general background.

The design of the rooms depends on the dimensions of the space. The design of a narrow kitchen must combine beauty and functionality. You should carefully choose furniture items and decorations for decoration. appearance.

Finishing materials are the ideal choice

The future interior depends on how the finishing is selected. If you choose the right materials for renovation, you can visually expand the space. Light colors are suitable for the surface of the walls. It doesn’t matter whether it’s wallpaper or paint, but thanks to delicate shades, a small narrow kitchen will become the best place in the house.

Wallpaper with patterns or ornaments will allow you to make a bright accent splash. Canvases with vertical stripes look good in small spaces. The area near the dining table can be covered with photo wallpaper, thereby dividing the room into separate zones.

Panoramic images will help to visually enlarge the space. This method is considered the most popular and effective today. In general, the choice of coatings is very diverse. You can purchase wallpaper with the image picturesque area or night city. Such tricks add originality to a narrow and long kitchen.

Any material can serve as a floor covering. Regardless of the appearance of the material, the main thing is strength and reliability. Best to use ceramic tiles. This method is considered the most popular among specialists and consumers. In their opinion, flooring can make the room more spacious if placed in a diagonal direction.

The color scheme of materials, both for the walls and for the floor, should be in harmony with each other. If you use laminate, it means lay it perpendicular to the main wall. If you choose a dark-colored material, you can visually raise the ceiling.

Light-colored laminate goes well with beige furniture. Narrow kitchens with a window, especially when it is large, are less demanding, because the opening becomes an accent in the space.

Interior layout of a narrow long kitchen

A thoughtful choice of furniture and its arrangement will create comfortable interior narrow kitchen. Modern headsets and household appliances will help you use wisely square meters. Install a sink or countertop near the window. You can put a washing machine or dishwasher in this place.

To add some space near the wall, take care to move the radiator and put it under the windowsill. Use the corner niche with a headset. This way the central part of the room will remain free.

Kitchen utensils will find their place in wall cabinets and shelves. Often, owners of unusual kitchens use sliding structures as furniture. Such tables or shelves save space.

You can install a bar counter - it won’t take up much space, and the chairs can easily be hidden under the tabletop. Sometimes owners buy a narrow sofa for the kitchen and place it near the table along the wall.

In general, compact furniture should be used for such non-standard rooms. When creating a style, pay special attention to the kitchen table. There is no need to purchase large items that take up extra space.

Plastic table rectangular shape or a glass structure will help the room look free and relaxed. As for chairs, they should not block the passage in the kitchen.

You need to select items that can easily slide under the table. These can be small stools without backs or benches. Careful planning of a narrow kitchen will help visually increase the space, and the room will become comfortable regardless of the availability of square meters.

Expert advice on how to create a comfortable and beautiful narrow kitchen

To prevent the kitchen from seeming too narrow or long, you need to follow a few simple recommendations. They will help you adjust the space.

The mirror surface will make the room wider. It is recommended to place this item on a long wall. If you decide on such a trick, then the mirror should be large.

The unused wall is highlighted with finishing material. It is desirable that the covering be unusual, for example, a panel, fresco, mosaic or canvas with an original image.

The visual perception of space will help to adjust the lighting. Therefore, in addition to the usual chandelier, you need to use additional light sources. This method is suitable for the work area. Choose hanging lamps or kitchen sconces, the main thing is that they match the same style.

A long narrow kitchen will look much better if the window opening is designed correctly. Use light curtains, Roman shades or blinds in pastel shades.

Furniture items with transparent inserts will create the illusion of weightlessness and lightness.

As for cabinets and cabinets, opening their doors should not interfere with moving around the room. For narrow passages, purchase items with mechanisms. For example, a wardrobe will help save extra square meters in a small room.

Straight narrow kitchens with a balcony are great, but what to do with the doorway. To exit you need to install a glass door. Thus, the interior of the room will become weightless and, of course, more spacious.

The kitchen set is placed along one wall so that it does not occupy another, near which the home owners can arrange a dining area.

Do not use a large number of wall cabinets. The upper structures will make the design of the room heavy, but it is in the kitchen with a cup of coffee that you will have to get ready for a new day.

Distract guests from the unusual shape of the room with bright accessories and decorative elements. Use unusual pictures Wall Clock or flower pots, the main thing is to match the theme with the chosen design.

In our article you can see a selection of photos of a narrow kitchen. And remember the right one design solution, finishing materials and pieces of furniture will help make an unusual room an attractive, cozy corner. Use your imagination and consult with your relatives. Good luck!

Photo of a narrow kitchen

A narrow kitchen is a problem area in an apartment. A place for preparing food for its intended purpose should not only be cozy and attractive, but also comfortable. To visually expand the space of a narrow room, there are general rules, to which the kitchen also obeys. Ensuring convenience is a more complex task; the design of a narrow kitchen is developed separately in each specific case.

Much depends on whether the kitchen has a window or a balcony, and what the length and width of the room are. How can you make the kitchen seem larger and fit everything you need in it?

When developing the design of a narrow room, it is necessary to take into account 2 fundamental areas:

  • shaping the interior of any elongated room;
  • specific features of the place for cooking.

When planning an elongated room, they try to visually increase the width and reduce the length, making the room more square. The leading role in solving this problem belongs to color. By choosing light finishes for walls, ceilings, and furniture in soft pastel colors, you can visually expand the room. Using rich, dark tones will transform a long room into a tunnel or train compartment.

There should be few finishing colors. Usually two shades are chosen, cold ones are preferred. The greatest effect will be achieved by gray, blue, and white colors.

The style of the setting is also subordinated to the overall task. A minimum of decorative elements that attract attention, bright details create the feeling of a single bright space that seems spacious. The preferred styles are minimalism and hi-tech.

A diagonal floor pattern will visually expand the room. When choosing a coating, choose linoleum with a suitable pattern or lay tiles diagonally.

An interesting solution is furniture in two colors, dark and light. This option is applicable for two-row arrangement of kitchen furniture. The dark side catches the eye, and the light side merges with the wall, adding width to the passage between the rows.

The design of the kitchen should reflect its purpose. Except general requirements, the elongated room must be made functional. The work area, consisting of a stove, sink and table, is formed taking into account ease of use. Moving along a narrow passage will slow down the cooking process and create inconvenience for the hostess. Based on the length of the room, it is divided into 2 zones: dining and working, or the dining group is moved outside the kitchen.

Layout options

There are 4 basic ways to create the interior of a narrow kitchen. They differ in furniture arrangement options:

  • single-row;
  • double row;
  • L-shaped;
  • U-shaped.

Single-row arrangement is the most common. It minimizes obstacles to movement, but does not make it possible to rationally plan the work area. For every little thing, the housewife must go separately to the corresponding cabinet.

The two-row one is more beneficial in terms of organizing the workspace. However, for such a layout of a narrow kitchen to become possible, a sufficient width of the room is required.

A two-row layout is chosen if the remaining passage has a width of at least 100 cm.

Double row layout suits narrow but long rooms. The design of a narrow kitchen with a window in front often includes a dining area adjacent to the window. Further from the dining area to the front door there are two rows of cabinets and household appliances.

The L-shaped layout allows you not to occupy one of the walls, which makes it easier to move and visually increases the width of the room. If the room is wide enough, the L-shaped arrangement of furniture allows you to place a dining table, which can be folding, against a free wall. This layout is also convenient for forming a working triangle.

The angular arrangement of furniture allows the use of a single L-shaped tabletop, which covers the work area and can serve as a dining table. The use of special corner or radius cabinets smooths out the corner. The furniture of these models has a large capacity, which is important when there is a lack of space.

Kitchen design with window

The design of a narrow kitchen with a window at the end may include a U-shaped arrangement of furniture. This option allows you to place all the cabinets on opposite walls, and give the space under the window to a work area.

Should not be placed near a window gas stove or hob. They are installed so that the air flow during ventilation does not extinguish the fire of the burner.

The design of a long and narrow kitchen with the formation of a work area near the windows makes it possible to use the rest of the room to install a dining group.

What furniture to buy and how to arrange it also depends on the location of the doors and windows. If there is a window at one of the ends and the door is located on the long side, then a small sofa or corner is placed near the window, and the cooking area is shifted to the side opposite from the window.

If the distance from the door to the window exceeds 120 cm, the work area can be moved towards the window, and the opposite end wall can be used to create a relaxation area. Cabinets are hung on the wall at maximum height, and a small soft sofa is installed under them.

When placing a cooking area near a window, the window sill and countertop are often connected. This gives a gain in space and allows you to get a large, comfortable table.


The design of a kitchen with a balcony can be solved in two ways:

  • the balcony fits into the interior, but is not included in the space of the room;
  • the balcony is being converted for year-round use as part of the premises.

An uninsulated balcony is used as a summer veranda. If the lack of space in the main room does not allow creating a full-fledged relaxation area in the kitchen, a small table with comfortable chairs is moved to the balcony. If the loggia area is sufficient, a small sofa and a TV are installed on it. After all, the kitchen is the most visited and frequently used room in the apartment.

The option of an insulated balcony in the interior of a long narrow kitchen represents an additional area into which a work area can be placed. If you don’t want to move the sink and run additional pipes to the balcony, you can place floor cabinets and a refrigerator on it, which will only benefit from such placement.

Furniture selection

A kitchen set for an elongated space should not be too large. If you cannot find the necessary items among ready-made samples, you will have to make a set to order. This will increase the cost of equipping the room, but will make the layout rational and visually increase the space.

Furniture is chosen in light colors. This is especially important for rooms with high ceilings. Dark furniture will turn the room into a gorge. For high ceilings light walls, the ceiling and furniture complement the dark color scheme floor to visually reduce the height of the side walls of the passage.

Upper cabinets are hung as high as possible; models with light shiny facades or with glass doors. It is advisable to avoid protruding handles, as they will make movement difficult and may cause injury.

With a double-sided or U-shaped layout, built-in household appliances are placed along one wall, the countertop and the depth of the floor cabinets on the opposite side are reduced to increase the passage. The sink and refrigerator are located at a distance of at least 60 cm from the stove.

If the kitchen is large enough to accommodate a dining group, install a table with glass table top, plastic chairs with transparent backs. Thanks to the free passage of light, the room appears wider and more spacious.

The design of a narrow long kitchen allows for expansion of space by eliminating hanging elements. The cabinets below are not visible and are left open maximum width premises. If hanging shelves cannot be abandoned, choose a combined set with dark floor cabinets and light hanging shelves. Shiny shelf fronts visually increase the space at eye level.

A small kitchen is furnished taking into account the lack of free space. Wall cabinets are chosen or ordered as tall as possible; the dishwasher or washing machine is hidden under the sink. A retractable table that functions as a work table and a dining table is hidden under the window sill. There is also a niche for storing pots under the window sill.

The narrower the passage, the more folding and retractable elements should be present in the interior. Floor cabinets are chosen with drawers instead of traditional doors. This configuration makes it easier to use the furniture without compromising the passage.

Use instead of curtains horizontal blinds or Roman blinds help expand the window area. The transverse steps of the ceiling, echoing the design of the window, turn the elongated rectangle of the room into a square. The rich tones of the apron between the countertop and wall shelves will deepen the kitchen.


The food preparation area must be well lit. This is necessary for work, in addition, lighting is an excellent way to manage space. Kitchen lighting is divided into 3 groups:

  • central;
  • illumination of the working sector;
  • individual light for the dining group.

For a narrow room, a chandelier is chosen when high altitude ceiling. Otherwise, they will replace it ceiling lamps, creating uniform bright illumination of the entire area. A good solution would be spotlights that allow you to focus attention on the selected area. But the overhead light is only the first stage. In very small rooms, for example, in Khrushchev-era buildings, you can refuse it. The main thing is to ensure good illumination of the work area. A small room will receive enough light from the illumination of functional sectors.

A cornice with built-in light bulbs is installed along the upper border of the wall cabinets. Local light sources are placed on the lower surface to illuminate the work area. The dining group is provided with light using pendant lamps. Their number may vary. The design of a small room often includes one lamp, but several, suspended at different heights, look more advantageous.

A table located near the wall will be successfully illuminated by 1-2 sconces. A floor lamp with a high arc provides good lighting and looks modern, but its installation is not always possible due to lack of space.

When choosing lamps, pay attention to the color spectrum. For ease of cooking and creating comfort, fluorescent or halogen lamps with a yellow spectrum are suitable. The lamps are chosen to be simple, and the power of the lamps varies lighting fixtures should not vary too much.

With some effort, a narrow, elongated kitchen can be made cozy and comfortable. The right combination of colors good choice furniture will provide comfort and good mood to the whole family.