Mint interior design. Mint color: shades, combination, selection of clothes (photo)

The color they call mint is actually nothing like this color. odorous plant. The name is associated with the associations of freshness and coolness that arise when it is perceived. It was this shade of green that appealed to fashion designers, decorators and interior designers.

This popularity is due to the properties of this unusual shade. Mint color in the interior gives a feeling of lightness, airiness, peace, security, does not tire the eyes and relaxes. It reminds of spring, youth, cool freshness, its effect can be compared to a mint cocktail with ice on a hot day. Consequently, this color is very suitable for rest rooms in apartments and houses; note, it is often used to decorate hospital wards and kindergartens.

Is mint color appropriate in home interior, where and in what form to apply it, how to use it correctly when planning a design, and what colors can it be successfully combined with?

Mint color in the interior: what is it?

In fact, mint color is a mixture of light green and blue. Its shades may be more or less saturated, but these are just pastel, blurry tones.

In the interior, mint color can be used as the main color, or can be represented only by some accessories and details. But he always brings sophistication, comfort and spring mood. A bright, sunny room is filled with cheerfulness, cheerfulness and a sense of celebration if pastel, spring colors are used in its design: mint, blue, pink, lilac. After all, these are the colors of spring flowers, the sky, the first greenery and the sun.

Acceptable combinations of mint color in the interior

Mint color can be combined with many shades and tones. Blue and green suit him best as accent partners. A combination with white and cream would also be a win-win option - this is a universal option for any room.

What else goes with mint color? You can combine purple, lilac, light brown, chocolate, golden and milky shades with it. The combination of mint color in the interior with metallic looks very impressive - this option is ideal for decorating a kitchen or bathroom, evoking a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

If you want to create a burst of color in the decor of the room, then you should mix mint color with the fruity brightness of coral, bright yellow, and light green. However, such bright spots should not be too large.

Mint color in different interior styles

Mint color can be used to create different styles in the interior. Most often, due to its faded and “faded” tone, mint color is used in “antique” styles: retro, shabby chic and vintage. Moreover, it is combined with pastel colors, for example, with pale pink or cream. Also popular in these styles is the combination of mint, chocolate, turquoise and blue.

You can even buy household appliances mint color, for example, a retro-style refrigerator. Such options are now available from many manufacturers, in particular, “mint” refrigerators are produced by brands such as Smeg and Big Chill.

In a minimalist interior it is used as a fresh accent. After all, the main colors here are white and gray, and the mint color of the decorative elements looks very impressive and adds softness, freshness and airiness.

Where can you apply mint color?

Mint is suitable for almost all rooms in the house. Since it is a light shade, it helps to expand the room, making it visually more spacious and brighter. The mint interior of the living room will make it more comfortable and, at the same time, more elegant when combined with shades of beige and ocher.

Mint color is also perfect for decorating a bedroom. It adds freshness, lightness and tranquility to the environment. Even a little of this color as touches pleases the eye. For example, a mint-colored headboard looks elegant and sophisticated against the background of light walls.

The predominance of this wonderful color will transform a nondescript kitchen beyond recognition. It combines well with natural wood and looks impressive on glossy surfaces of facades or ceramic tiles. A minty tone can add cheerfulness to an ordinary white kitchen– textiles, chairs, refrigerator. You can create a real fruit explosion using “juicy” colors of greens, fruits and berries - mint, green, yellow, orange, pink.

A good solution would be to decorate a children's room in mint color. He is unobtrusive, not annoying, quite gentle, joyful and cheerful. For a girl's room, choose pink or light lilac colors, and for a boy - blue, apricot, turquoise.

In the bathroom, you can decorate the walls with mint color, and choose accessories in a rich warm color, for example, yellow. Such a bathroom will not seem cold, but will radiate freshness, cleanliness and light.

Mint color in the interior can fill the house with spring warmth, joy and bright mood throughout the year.

Take this into account!


Tones, while they are absolutely far from the color of real mint leaves. The color got its name due to its ability to refresh the room and fill it with a certain coolness, which made it possible to compare it with the plant of the same name. In recent years, it has gained immense popularity and has become widely used by designers in interior design. But we will look in more detail at how to properly use mint color in the interior, what shades to combine it with and what decorative elements to complement.

Variety of mint shades

A mint-colored interior (photos of similar designs can be seen in this article) can be decorated in several shades: from pale green to light blue. Accordingly, colors can be either very light or rich, cold or slightly cool. Mint color cannot be bright. It includes only pastel colors, which are characterized by lightness and blurriness. Its main varieties are the following shades:

  • aquamarine;
  • pang;
  • snow mint;
  • turquoise pearls;
  • heavenly turquoise and others.

They differ from each other in saturation and degree of blueness.

Properties of cooling paints

Now let’s consider what sensations a mint color in the interior can evoke in a person.

1. First of all, it is worth emphasizing that this is a spring shade, so it gives the room coolness, freshness and youth. In such an atmosphere a person feels calm, safe and relaxed.

2. Due to their calming effect, such paints are often used to decorate walls in children's institutions, clinics, rest rooms and in various rooms where people experience nervous tension.

3. Separately, it should be noted the beneficial effect of green tones on human vision. Since mint color is considered a natural shade, it is more familiar and pleasing to the eye. Such colors do not cause tension, but, on the contrary, promote relaxation and rest. That is why scientists recommend using mint color in other work areas. Moreover, people whose work involves long periods of work at the computer simply need to have a green decorative element on their desktop.

4. Do not forget that items with a similar color may look old and faded, so they should be used very carefully. On the other hand, this quality will be very useful when arranging ancient interiors.

Color combination

In any room, a pale green shade can act as both the main shade and as a complement to other tones (in the form of various accessories and details). In both the first and second options, you should pay attention to the combination of mint color with other colors in the interior.

When combining colors, the following facts should be taken into account:

1. The most the best option The use of all green and blue shades is considered. They harmonize perfectly with “mint” colors and help create the most sophisticated, light and festive atmosphere.

2. When thinking about what color goes well with mint in the interior of small rooms, it is recommended to pay attention to white and cream shades. Their combination with green tones is considered a universal option that can be used in absolutely any style. A room decorated in this way will always look noble and spacious, regardless of the size of the room.

3. Also, mint shades can be complemented with purple, light brown, golden, milky, blue and lilac colors. The combination with metal objects and tones will be no less successful. This design method allows you to create a feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the room, so it is most often used in the bathroom, kitchen and dining room.

4. If necessary, add brightness and richness to the interior, complement the room with elements of rich and bright colors. It can be coral, rich light green or bright yellow. However, you should not overdo it with such tones. It is better if these are small decorative elements, such as dishes, pictures, tiles, curtains and other household items.

In which rooms can mint shades be used?

The interior, rich in mint shades, is suitable for any room in the house. This color design optimal for arranging sunny and hot rooms. Light green tones will fill such a room with coolness and freshness.

A good combination with a lot of colors allows you to use green shades in the children's room, living room, kitchen and bedroom. The ability of pastel colors to visually expand the boundaries of a room will be useful in the process of arranging a bathroom, hallway, dressing room and toilet room.

Using mint color in the kitchen

For boys, interiors are most often decorated in blue, turquoise and soft apricot colors. The mint color in the interior of the children's room is complemented by bright pictures and photographs. Floors can be covered carpeting suitable tones.


Considering the freshness and lightness of mint color, we can conclude that it is ideal for the bathroom. The walls of this room can be tiled or painted. Ceiling and flooring should be decorated in light colors that will go well with the installed plumbing fixtures.

Shelves and all kinds of hangers are chosen from metal, and towels and other accessories are purchased in bright and rich colors. A room decorated in this way will always look clean, bright and not at all cold.

Shabby chic and country styles

When thinking about what mint color can be combined with in the interior, you should pay attention to what styles it can be used in. Considering that this shade is very pale and looks slightly faded, we can conclude that it is most often used in “antique” styles. This includes trends such as vintage, retro, country and shabby chic.

Shabby chic and country (in other words - “shabby luxury”) are characterized by a large number of expensive figurines, angels, ruffles on curtains and tablecloths. Such styles are filled with pastel-colored items, so mint shades come in handy here. It could be antique furniture or just mint-colored wallpaper. In an antique interior pale colors are used as the main decoration and are complemented by a large number of wooden items.

Retro and vintage styles

Vintage and retro interiors are designed to transport a person many years back into the past. In this design, mint paints are used as an additional shade. This could be a large carved light green cabinet with scuffs or an elegant antique sofa.

Of course, mint color is very popular today, so it is used in almost all interior design styles. However, do not forget that all the colors present in the room should not create chaos and a feeling of disorder. Therefore, when creating your own interior design, pay attention to the combination of all items, because only in this case you are guaranteed a decent result.

Developing the right color concept for a room design is very difficult. Even the most experienced designers find it difficult to resolve this issue.

For this reason, the owner of the room must choose for himself the color of the room, which will successfully combine with the interior and evoke extremely pleasant emotions.

Today we can safely say that the most popular color for creating a room design has become a mint shade.

What is it, mint color?

The mint color, both in the interior and in clothing, does not have a direct resemblance to the mint plant. This shade combines a palette of sky blue, green, turquoise and white flowers.

Why is it called mint? Apparently, because it conveys a feeling of freshness and coolness, which is so necessary in spring and summer, and in autumn and winter it is full of home comfort and a sense of peace.

This color perfectly conveys a feeling of spaciousness and visually enlarges the room, and also adds a feeling of cleanliness and neatness to it.

It is often used when painting walls in kindergartens, schools, and hospitals for the reason that it visually evokes joyful emotions.

What to combine with

In fact, the mint color appeared by combining light green and blue paint, and the resulting shade became very saturated. At the same time, it belongs to a number of pastel colors.

In the interior, it is most often used as the main color, which can be successfully combined with other spring tones.

  • The following colors are used as combining colors:
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • lilac;
  • golden;
  • turquoise;
  • emerald;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • cream;
  • beige;

light brown.

Mint and lilac are a great color pair

Most often it is used for painting walls or pasting walls with mint-colored wallpaper.

But in some cases, the designer can combine the base of painted walls in mint color with wallpaper of other shades (you can read how to properly hang two types of wallpaper, as well as methods of combining).: In order not to risk it right away, cover the room with snow-white wallpaper for painting, and then paint one of the walls. This way you will understand your minty needs.

In this technique, the main thing is to choose the right combination of wallpaper with the main color. During combination different colors the interior of the room will become more expressive and harmonious:

  • It can definitely be said that mint color harmonizes well with pastel tones. Many people associate it with homeliness and youth;
  • in combination with gives a feeling of constant summer and clear skies with clouds;
  • paired with beige, brown, golden, mint looks dignified and solid, but at the same time this combination conveys a feeling of peace and tranquility. This combination is more often chosen by older people;

  • mint with emerald, light green and looks good in the interior different rooms, but in some cases merges into one color. Therefore, with this connection, it is imperative to use accenting details in dark shades;

  • delicate mint combined with bright colors— fuchsia, coral, bright yellow, conveys a charge of positive energy and joy.

Where to use in the interior

Mint color is so versatile that it is suitable for absolutely any room, be it:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • bedroom;
  • living room;
  • children's;
  • study.

For example, in the kitchen it is better to use a mint shade as an accent color, and take beige or White color.

They will go well together white table with a glossy finish and mint-colored chairs.

For a bedroom, it is better to use a mint shade as the main (dominant) color, which will convey a feeling of coolness and fresh air. As a nice accent, you can choose mint-colored textiles.

In combination with beige and brown flowers in a mint shade gives a feeling of peace and tranquility, which is very important for a relaxation room.

The color that is called mint is actually not at all similar to the color of this fragrant plant. The name is associated with associations of freshness and coolness that arise when it is perceived. It was this shade of green that appealed to fashion designers, decorators and interior designers.

This popularity is explained by the properties of this unusual shade. Mint color in the interior gives a feeling of lightness, airiness, peace, security, does not tire the eyes and relaxes. It reminds of spring, youth, cool freshness, its effect can be compared to a mint cocktail with ice on a hot day. Consequently, this color is very suitable for rest rooms in apartments and houses; note, it is often used to decorate hospital wards and kindergartens.

Is mint color appropriate in a home interior, where and in what form should it be used, how to use it correctly when planning a design, and what colors can it be successfully combined with? “House of Dreams” will give answers to these questions today.

Mint color in the interior: what is it?

In fact, mint color is a mixture of light green and. Its shades may be more or less saturated, but these are just pastel, blurry tones.

In the interior, mint color can be used as the main color, or can be represented only by some accessories and details. But it always brings sophistication, comfort and spring mood to the room. A bright, sunny room is filled with cheerfulness, cheerfulness and a sense of celebration if pastel, spring colors are used in its design: mint, blue, pink, lilac. After all, these are the colors of spring flowers, the sky, the first greenery and the sun.

Acceptable combinations of mint color in the interior

Mint color can be combined with many shades and tones. Most suitable for him as accent partners are blue and. A combination with white and cream would also be a win-win option - this is a universal option for any room.

What else goes with mint color? You can combine with it lilac, light brown, chocolate, and milky shades. The combination of mint color in the interior with metallic looks very impressive - this option is ideal for decorating a kitchen or bathroom, evoking a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

If you want to create a burst of color in the decor of the room, then you should mix mint color with the fruity brightness of coral, bright yellow, and light green. However, such bright spots should not be too large.

Mint color in different interior styles

Mint color can be used to create different styles in the interior. Most often, due to its faded and “faded” tone, mint color is used in “antique” styles: retro, and. At the same time, it is combined with pastel colors, for example, pale pink or cream. Also popular in these styles is the combination of mint, chocolate, turquoise and blue.

You can even purchase mint-colored household appliances, for example. Such options are now available from many manufacturers, in particular, “mint” refrigerators are produced by brands such as Smeg and Big Chill.

Each color evokes associations in us: yellow with the sun, orange with orange. And mint is a unique color that cannot be general rules. The dark mint green color is not a minty shade.

It got its name due to the smell of delicate mint, and the mint color is rather greenish-blue.

Mint design

The eye-pleasing shade is often liked by creative individuals; it is becoming popular not only in residential and office designs, but also in fashionable clothing.

Mint color in the interior will give extraordinary lightness and tenderness, a feeling of spaciousness, comfort and cleanliness, which is so lacking for residents of huge cities.

Mint tone has many advantages:

  • looks great in any room (from the hallway to the bathroom);
  • has a beneficial effect on the body, quickly calms and relaxes;
  • in hot weather these colors will give you coolness;
  • it is impossible to “oversaturate” the room with mint paints;
  • harmonizes well with primary colors (white, beige, black), pastel colors and delicate shades (light pink, green, blue and yellowish);
  • fit well into rooms flooded with bright sunshine.

Mint living room

The unusual shade will appeal to everyone: from the owners to the guests, it is impossible to argue with the mint design, the conversation will initially be tuned to a calm wave of friendliness.

Can be chosen as a base mint background for wall decoration. For example, mint-colored wallpaper with a spectacular silver (white) pattern.

There are liquid wallpapers of this color with stunning shimmering particles. Decorative plaster mint shades are also suitable.

With such a pleasant color, furniture of different colors looks advantageous: yellowish, brownish, pink, as well as white or black.

For classic design White sofas are suitable, and if you like bright colors, then yellow or unusual pink furniture is better.

IN small rooms It is better to choose furniture and walls in the same tone. You can add bright accessories: pillows on the sofa, a “sunny” picture, fresh flowers, multi-colored vases, etc. Be sure to choose the right textiles, a carpet on the floor in beige tones, and curtains in a mint shade.

Important! Green living room - photo of the interior of living rooms in green tones

Mint tones in the kitchen

There is always a family gathering in the kitchen, it should be comfortable here, and a pleasant mint color scheme - the best option. It never gets boring, doesn’t irritate the eyes (like bright, saturated shades), and creates a peaceful atmosphere of incredible comfort. But it’s better to choose several harmonious shades.

With a snow-white ceiling and the same floor, where appliances have a silver tint, the mint shade of the façade of the kitchen unit will fit well.

A combination of white (light) furniture with mint shades of tabletop and the same apron is possible.

Designers use simple techniques to visually expand the space. But the furniture cannot be massive if it is mint in color.

It goes well with laminate (tiles) in gray shades or natural light wood.

Mint bedroom

Light mint-colored interior design in the bedroom, where the atmosphere itself surrounds you with affection and gives gentle warmth, the body quickly recovers. So that even the walls have healing properties, you can choose wallpaper (plaster) of mint colors.

The main accent element to such walls can be a bed in a contrasting yellow-brown color.

Other pieces of furniture can also be in mint tones: wardrobe, chest of drawers, bedside tables, table, etc.

This is an interesting way to hide the bulkiness of furniture and give space to a small bedroom.

Bathroom in mint colors

If you have a window in the bathroom, you can decorate it with mint curtains. Big choice tiles, among which there are mint shades. Marble (its imitation) on the walls will look impressive.

Can be implemented interesting ideas with bright varied colors, luxurious friezes or vertical stripes. Decorate the ornament under the ceiling. But don't stop at just one shade.

For plumbing fixtures, traditional white is appropriate, but there are beige or brownish sinks and bathtubs. First you need to choose the main tone of the hygiene room, and then place accents.

Beige, light pink, lilac or yellow colors. For example, a light brown tone is selected. Then this color should be: a bedside table under the sink, a rug, towels, a shower curtain, even a soap dish and a cup for brushes.

Stylish mint-colored interior design will become an unforgettable highlight even in small spaces.

Lots of extraordinary ideas professional designers can be seen in the photo of the mint interior.

Photo of mint color in the interior