Interior options for a small room. Small room design. Visually expanding the space

If you have small apartment and it would seem that there is no way to bring all your design ideas to life - do not despair, because even the interior of a small room can be made very attractive and cozy. But to do this you will need to follow several important rules.

In fact, these are rather not rules, but useful tips professional designers, adhering to whom, you will be able to visually expand the space, properly decorate the interior, eliminating all unnecessary things and leaving only the essentials.

Color solutions

As a rule, the interior of small rooms is decorated in several colors. It is not at all necessary that base color was white. Many people believe that it is what gives the room volume. However, you can also use shades of other colors, for example, blue, beige, green.

As an additional color, it is necessary to select more bright shades main background. By the way, this technique allows you to add volume to a small room.

Various figurines, watches, photo frames and other small items can be made in rich colors. At the same time, remember that you do not need to clutter up an already small room with these items - they should not attract attention to themselves at all.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the interiors, where the main background was chosen dark colors. Of course, this solution allows you to smooth out some imperfections in the walls and ceilings, but at the same time the room will seem much smaller than it actually is.

Interior lighting

Decorating the interior of a small room, Special attention need to pay attention to lighting. Large chandeliers, which can be used in spacious rooms, are not suitable here. Instead, purchase stylish ones, for example, spotlights, which can also highlight one or another area of ​​the room.

If possible, install big windows instead of standard ones. Daylight will fill the room with warmth and will lift your spirits.

In some cases you can use neon lighting for niches and shelves. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because you most likely want to create a cozy atmosphere, and not something like a noisy nightclub.

Ceiling in small rooms

The main rule to remember is that you cannot have a multi-level ceiling in small rooms. It is also highly undesirable to paint it in dark colors.

If you want to visually increase its height, then choose the same color for the ceiling as the walls. Or use curtains on the windows vertical stripe.

But still the ideal solution is White color and a smooth surface. They look very good stretch ceiling. Glossy PVC film gives the room volume, and the ceiling height will visually increase.

You should not paint baguettes with a separate (especially saturated) color, because this solution will not bring the desired result. You will immediately notice how the border stands out, which will make the ceiling noticeably lower.


So, you are thinking about the interior of a small room. Wallpaper with vertical stripes, proper lighting, light color palette- all this visually expands the space. But what other options are there? If your financial situation allows you, then, of course, use mirrors. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but it is worth it.

Mirrors can be used on walls or cabinet doors. If we are talking about a bedroom, then you can sheathe the wall behind the head of the bed with them. Various glass shelves and other decorative items will create a stunning play of light.

Of course, you can say: “If a person can afford such expensive decoration, then he most likely has the money for an apartment with spacious rooms.” Maybe that's true. However, for example, the same bedroom does not always have to be large. Rather, compact and cozy.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of a small room

Modern photo wallpapers are often used by designers in their projects. The pattern can be selected to suit any interior style. But even if you don’t find something that suits you, you can order photo wallpaper, for example, with a picture of your loved one.

However, most often, to increase space, wallpapers with beautiful landscapes or busy cities are used. In principle, it all depends on the taste preferences of the apartment owner, but sometimes you still need to listen to the advice of experts.

If your room is decorated in light colors, then it is better to choose black and white photo wallpaper, for example, with images of mountains. Colorful ones are recommended for use in children's rooms, but not in all cases.

General advice - try to buy photo wallpaper that best matches the interior style of your room.


A crucial moment in interior design small room is the choice of furniture. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in the size, so before going to the store, take all the necessary measurements.

If we are talking about the living room, then corner sofa in the interior of a small room there will be great solution. Concerning general recommendations, then it is better to choose transformable furniture here. This will significantly save space.

The bed should be equipped with drawers where you can hide bed linen. Today you can find interesting models tables with retractable tabletops. Sofas in the interior of a small room should be as simple as possible, without bulky armrests.


Do you want to bring coziness and warmth to your room? Then approach the issue of choosing textiles correctly. You should not use curtains with tassels, large bows and other decorative elements in the interior. Remember, simplicity is key.

Light flowing curtains will give the room a certain charm. At the same time, they should be light shades; the presence of some simple pattern is allowed.

Bedspreads should also be simple, without a pronounced pattern. Cushions can be used instead of chairs.

As for carpets, whether to lay them or not is your personal choice. However, if possible, it is better to do without them. At the same time, if the floor is not heated, and it would be cold to walk without a carpet, then, of course, you must use it.

By the way, using a striped carpet, you can visually make the room wider. To do this, lay it in strips perpendicular to the long walls.

An original way to visually increase space

To visually expand the space, you can draw a window on the wall with a view of the ocean or mountains. Such a pattern will not only decorate the room, but also visually enlarge its boundaries. Of course, such work may not be cheap at all, so, as an option, try to find interesting photo wallpapers.

It is not necessary to apply the drawing to a separate wall. It can go to the door and even to the ceiling. Here everything depends on the designer’s imagination.

Small bedroom interior

It is better to choose low furniture so that it does not catch the eye. In principle, in the bedroom it is enough to install one or two bedside tables, a wardrobe with mirrored doors for visual increase space, bed and dressing table.

Proper lighting will create a favorable atmosphere for relaxation. You can use lamps built into the furniture that beautifully illuminate the shelves. But in any case, the lighting should not be too bright.

Wallpaper for the bedroom in the interior for small rooms, choose light shades, which will give the room volume. But too much light - not in all cases good decision. Therefore, behind the head of the bed you can cover the wall with photo wallpaper or decorate it with a large painting.

How to choose a bed for a small bedroom?

Choosing a bed is perhaps the most crucial moment in arranging a bedroom. By the way, it is undesirable to use a folding sofa with a high back instead, since this technique “eats up” space.

As a rule, the interior design of a small room does not always make it possible to install a large bed. But there are several options to solve this problem. Firstly, if you live in an apartment alone, you can purchase a single bed. Secondly, it has long been practiced to arrange sleeping place under the ceiling. In this case, it is recommended to use the space under such a bed for storing clothes or other items.

Of course, for a young couple it is better to buy a large bed. Wherein required condition- the presence of drawers where you can store bed linen.

Interior of a small room for a boy

The choice of interior design for a small children's room for a boy must be approached based on the child's age and interests. If he is interested in, for example, airplanes, then it is recommended to decorate the nursery using paintings with images of pilots and various thematic figurines.

Color solutions depend on the boy's temperament. The interior of a room for active children should be done in soothing colors. If the child is not very active, then use brighter shades. At the same time, remember that red can cause increased irritability, while green can calm you down.

As for the furniture, everything is simple here - a small bed, a bedside table, a wardrobe, a desk by the window. If possible, equip a small sports corner.

Separate functional areas can be highlighted with spotlights or small carpets.

In order to make the most of space when decorating the interior of a small room, you need to listen to the advice of professional designers:

  • It is not recommended to make a multi-level ceiling in small rooms;
  • You need to use the free space rationally, so you should leave only the necessary pieces of furniture in the room;
  • if you install a sofa with a high back, the ceiling will seem lower, which means it is better to abandon such models;
  • forget about large chandeliers, buy neat modern lamps instead;
  • if possible, use mirrors to visually increase the space;
  • Natural light will fill the room with warmth and lift your spirits, so install windows of non-standard sizes.

And remember that there should always be order in a small room. Put everything unnecessary in drawers and closets.


Decorating the interior of a small room is not as difficult as it might seem. Of course, in a large room you would most likely have more possibilities. But not everyone can afford a spacious apartment.

If ideas for arranging a small room don’t come to your mind, then use someone else’s. Today there are many sources of information. Remember, the main thing is desire! With a little imagination, you can definitely create interesting design and bring it to life.

There are small rooms in almost every home. They are always associated with cramped spaces, discomfort, and lack of free space. If this is one of many premises, then this is not so bad (although it can be used effectively), but what should the owners do, for example, one-room apartments, in which one room serves as a bedroom, living room and dining room? In this case, a properly created interior will help. There are plenty of ideas on how to decorate small rooms; you just need to use your imagination a little and transform yourself into a designer, at least for a little while.

Color design of the room

Dark tones visually reduce space, light colors increase it. It is this rule that should be taken as a starting point when choosing a color scheme. Professionals recommend that owners of small rooms avoid using too bright colors in large quantities. Not only will it look too rough, but it will also visually reduce the size of the room. Staying in a colorful room for a long time can cause headaches. It is best to opt for light colors, for example, beige, white, light green, gray, light blue.

It is recommended to choose wallpaper with a small pattern; a large pattern looks more appropriate in huge halls than in a small room. You can play on the contrast of the ceiling, walls and floor. The latter should be much darker, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. small size involves maintaining monochrome. If possible, you should select furniture of the same color; minor variations in shades are allowed. This will visually increase the space.

Choosing curtains for a room

Curtains also play a big role in decorating small spaces. Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing light, flowing curtains in light shades that would not weigh down the space or attract undue attention. Curtains should be combined with the walls, they can even be made in one color scheme. Fabrics should be airy, you can give preference to gauze tulle. To visually enlarge the windows, you should hang curtains along the edges. Curtains should be long; short options should not even be considered.

How to properly use free space?

Before arranging small rooms, you should determine what should be in them and for what purposes they are designed. A small room does not tolerate disorder; scattered things immediately create a feeling of cramped space and discomfort, so every dress, every cup, figurine, book, etc. should know its place. All free space should be used to the maximum. For example, why buy a chest of drawers, a bookcase and a shelf if all this can be replaced with a functional wall? This way, space will be saved, and the room will become much neater and more spacious.

Ideas for small rooms involve purchasing multifunctional furniture. Many designers recommend purchasing a bed that transforms into a wall for one-room apartments, but not everyone can afford such a purchase. But even people with an average income can afford to buy a sofa bed, on which two people can sleep at night, and during the day it takes on a neat appearance and is ready to receive guests. In addition, you can fold bed linen and pillows inside. Thus, not only free space is saved, but also money. Instead of a large table, it is advisable to purchase a folding coffee table or one that is attached to the wall and lowered if necessary.

Visual enlargement of the room

Repair in a small room involves installing large mirrors, reflective surfaces. Such accessories visually expand the room and make it brighter. Therefore, professionals recommend installing mirrors opposite the windows. When buying a cabinet, you should give preference to models with glass doors. Chairs with transparent legs, a glass tabletop, and furniture made of transparent plastic will help create the illusion of lightness.

Room zoning

Many people are interested in how to arrange a small apartment to achieve its multifunctionality. Only correct zoning will help here. For example, one room can be divided into sleeping and workplace, the space can even be limited by screens or curtains. In this case, it is allowed to use different colors, light sources, - the illusion of two different rooms. Furniture should be arranged in such a way that it does not disturb anyone. The freer the floor, the more spacious the room seems.

Lightening rules

Before arranging small rooms, you should worry about lighting, artificial or natural. A bright room visually seems much more spacious than a dark one. If there is a large window, then it should not be covered with curtains; on the contrary, it should attract attention. should be used if the room is not located on the sunny side. It is best to choose a transparent chandelier, small sizes.

For small rooms you should buy dwarf furniture. Bulky chairs are discarded immediately; Manufacturers now produce many comfortable chairs in small sizes. You can buy a corner sofa: it is larger in size, but takes up much less space compared to a regular one.

How to arrange a small bathroom?

Arranging a small room is much more difficult than a large one, because everything needs to be placed and at the same time leave free space. For a small bathroom, it is worth purchasing shallow cabinets and pencil cases, because more bulky designs will take up a lot of space. You will have to give up the urinal and bidet. You also need to choose between a shower and a bath. The first option is more practical and compact. If you want to occasionally pamper yourself by soaking in the foam, you can purchase a corner bathtub with a curtain.

In this room you can also make room for a home library by filling a wall with floor-to-ceiling shelving. In addition, the lower shelves can be used to store other things. If the office is used to receive business partners, then you need to take care of compact and comfortable chairs; if space allows, you can buy a small sofa and a table for drinks.

By following easy-to-follow rules, you can even turn a small room into a functional, bright and spacious living room, bedroom, bathroom or office.

A dorm room is a popular type of housing. It is chosen not only by students during their studies, but by young families. Despite the small area, such housing is easy to arrange. The main thing is to make the most of every centimeter of the room. The result will be a beautiful and stylish design dorm rooms.

To make a beautiful and convenient design, you need to use square meters as efficiently as possible.

This housing option is suitable for families and students

Dorm room is a popular type of housing

Everyone dreams of cozy and comfortable housing. And it doesn’t matter what size it is. As a rule, a dorm room is characterized by meager square meters. It is not easy to arrange them, but it is possible. The main thing is to use free space correctly.

The problem with arranging such housing is that it must be multifunctional. This can be achieved through zoning. Areas will be highlighted for different purposes. The housing will be compact and comfortable.

Making your home compact and functional is not difficult

It is quite possible to equip such a room if you take the issue seriously

When arranging a dorm room, you can use many modern styles. They will allow you to make your home as functional and beautiful as possible. The following areas are especially popular:

  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;
  • Urban;
  • Country.

It is appropriate to use minimalism. It involves placing only the most necessary items in the interior. Concerning color design, then you should choose light, cool shades. This range will visually increase the space. You can dilute the interior bright colors, but should not be abused. The design of the room should be restrained and calm. Pomposity is not relevant.

Minimalism is very suitable for such housing.

You can use different styles to decorate a room.

Only the most necessary furniture should be used in the room.

As for furniture, it should be of simple shape and with a smooth surface. Products made of glass and plastic are used as decoration. Mirrors visually expand the space. Therefore, they are recommended to be installed in small rooms.

Cozy accommodation will allow you to get a different direction of country music. It involves installing wooden furniture, light curtains on window openings, a lot of textiles in the interior. All this will fill the room with warmth and home comfort. You should not use a large number of decorative items. They will make the interior look pretentious.

You can use partitions in the room

Furniture in the interior should be functional


Light plays an important role in creating an interior. Especially when it comes to a dorm room. A large number of light will have a good effect on the overall atmosphere. She will be pleasant and comfortable.

If the window openings are small and cannot provide enough natural light, then you need to resort to other sources. They use not only a chandelier, but also wall sconces and floor lamps. It is necessary to provide separate lighting for each zone.

If there is little natural light in the room, you need to install additional sources

Good lighting will look great in the interior

Lighting in the room plays an important role

Important points for arranging a small room

The design of a small dorm room has a number of features. If you take them into account, you can get comfortable and beautiful housing. First, you need to properly think through your storage system. Every person has things and it is important to place them correctly so that they do not clutter up the space. At the same time, they were always at hand.

The sleeping area can be separated by a partition

The racks are very compact, they take up minimal space

If you take into account all the features of the room, you can create comfortable housing

Expert advice will help you make your dorm room stylish and cozy. Famous designers They offer their own design options for small rooms. If you use them, the process of arranging your home will be easy and simple.

Some designers have already figured out how to arrange such a living space

To make your room cozy, you can use the advice of professionals

  • Arrange furniture correctly. It should not be massive or in the form of Soviet sets that take up a huge area. It is enough to install a sofa, an armchair, a small table and an open wardrobe.
  • Use modern furniture transformer. It can perform several functions at once: be a compact chair, and, if necessary, become a sleeping place.
  • Install sliding doors. They take up little space, look original and modern.
  • The style you choose doesn't have to be rich, cluttered or luxurious. A small area does not accept such solutions. Therefore it is better to refuse classic style, Baroque in decoration.
  • The window opening should be as open as possible. The curtains are light and translucent. Roller curtains are perfect.
  • The use of mirror surfaces is encouraged. They are able to highlight the dignity of the room.

A great idea would be to use multifunctional furniture.

The correct arrangement of furniture plays a role main role in the arrangement

Color design

A color palette can visually enlarge a room. IN in this case This is important to take into account when arranging and it is necessary to abandon dark materials when finishing. This will allow you to get beautiful, stylish and functional housing.

Use white color in the interior with caution. He is able to turn a home into a hospital ward. The white shade is completely impractical and difficult to keep clean. The optimal solution The problem is the use of pastel colors.

To make the room seem more spacious, do not make the color of the floor contrast with the color of the walls. They must fit harmoniously. It is better to make the ceiling as light as possible. Small drawings look good on the walls, large ones attract a lot of attention and clog up the interior.

All colors must match

Use white color in the interior carefully

Using light shades can visually expand the room

Family nest

When arranging a dorm room, you need to be guided not only by the characteristics of the room, but also by the preferences of the owners. If the residents are students, then the interior should be stylish and modern. Light shades are suitable for girls; a large mirror is a must in the room. A design for a guy can be more vibrant and combine several rich colors.

As for a married couple, the situation here is different. Warm colors are good for decoration. You can dilute them with dark accents. They will give the interior a stylish look. If there are children in the family, then it is worth paying attention to the place for them.

Warm shades are best for married couples

The design of the room should be done based on your own preferences

Home improvement interesting process. If you plan the renovation correctly and highlight functional areas, then even a dorm room can be turned into a cozy and modern apartment. Each of the residents will be able to feel comfortable in it and have a good time.

Video: Great ideas for decorating small rooms

Small room design not that hard to come up with if you follow our helpful tips)

Unfortunately, the standard layouts of our apartments often leave much to be desired. Especially many problems arise for owners of small rooms, which are found in abundance in homes. old building. To make a small room cozy and comfortable to live in, you should seriously think through all the interior details. Several tricks successfully used by modern designers will tell you how to visually expand a small room.

Small room design: color scheme

If you are faced with the task of visually expanding the boundaries of the room, you will have to stick to one color scheme in the interior. We are talking not only about wallpaper and curtains, even furniture will need to be carefully selected by color. Light and soft colors will help you make a small room more spacious.

At the same time, when choosing shades, you should not limit yourself only to warm tones. You can safely make the walls of the room pale blue or green - this will create a visual effect of distance and make the room seem more spacious. Professional designers Gray-blue interiors are often used for small rooms in combination with light furniture - this creates a feeling of lightness and spaciousness.

Disastrous for small rooms are:

Dark shades in the interior;

The presence of bright, contrasting elements.

Window decoration

To visually expand the window opening and let more light into the room, curtains in small rooms should be hung along the edges. Choose light, translucent fabrics that harmonize in color with the walls of the room.


Dense materials;

Shortened curtain models;

Bulky lambrequins.


The same requirements apply to the color of the flooring as to the general color scheme. The floors in a small room should be light, ideally even white. You can choose the desired shade using today's popular Scandinavian style interior. Light floors make the space feel lighter; a small room with such flooring will feel much more comfortable.

Another original one small room interior design idea helping to visually expand the space: flooring, laid “diagonally”. You can use tiles for this, floorboard or linoleum with patterns.

Small room design: photo wallpaper

If bright interiors If you associate them with the design of a hospital room, you can liven up the room with photo wallpaper. For a small room optimal choice there will be an image that visually “leads deeper”, since it also visually expands the space.


Glossy stretch ceilings are a real find for small rooms. By reflecting light, such a ceiling will make your room taller, and the room will seem much more spacious.

When choosing lighting, it is better to give preference to small built-in lamps, distributing them around the perimeter. Floor lamps or wall sconces look good in small rooms, but impressive chandeliers should be abandoned.

Small room design: furniture and accessories

When arranging furniture in a small room, you should not occupy the middle of the room - this will only emphasize its modest size. Built-in wardrobes look good in a compact room, especially with mirrored or glass doors.

The use of glass and mirror elements in the decor adds light and space, making it ideal for small rooms. A glass coffee or computer table, translucent plastic chairs and cabinets, a “false window” in the form of a mirror in window frame will help you visually enlarge the space. If appropriate, you can also use transparent partitions or sliding door instead of the usual wooden one.

Excessive quantities are contraindicated for small rooms. decorative elements in the form of vases, figurines or pictures. If you want to decorate the room, choose and hang one medium-sized painting on the wall in neutral, light colors.

Following these simple rules will help you transform even the most small room, making it bright, cozy and comfortable for its owner.

(3 Votes)

How to furnish a small room? At first glance, this task seems impossible! I want a small room to fit all the necessary furniture, and at the same time be cozy and comfortable. In this article, we have selected for you several options for how to furnish a small room; the interiors were made by famous designers.

Option #1. How to furnish a small room, namely a bedroom? Very beautiful and truly cozy option The bedroom interior was proposed by designer Marina Pennie (Marina’s official website The dimensions of this bedroom are only 7 sq.m.

We were captivated by the panel with a picturesque view opposite the bed. When you wake up in the morning, it seems like you are in one of the cozy towns in Europe!

If you are wondering how to furnish a bedroom, our following articles will be useful to you:

Option #2. How to furnish a small room - a living room? We liked the interior of a small living room proposed by the architect and interior designer Ekaterina Kozova (Marina’s official website The interior turned out to be very light and at the same time stylish!

If you are thinking about how to furnish your living room, you will find our following articles useful:

Option #3. How to furnish a small kitchen. Great idea for a kitchen interior with an area of ​​only 7 sq.m. from designer Olga Zaretskikh (Olga’s official website Kitchen in a house built in 1959. After the redevelopment, the entrance to the room was moved to the adjacent wall, making it possible to devote 2 walls entirely to kitchen furniture.

If you are thinking about how you can furnish a small kitchen, you will find our following articles useful:

Option number 4. How to furnish a small bathroom? Here is an example of just a super small bathroom - only 1.9 sq.m. square! Designer Maxim Kasymov (Maxim's official website

If you have a very small bathroom and don't know how to furnish a small room, you will find our following articles helpful:

Option #5. How to furnish a children's room? We really like the idea of ​​the design studio GA+Partners (official website to use compact furniture.

If you are thinking about how to furnish a small children's room, you will find our following articles useful:

You can also find useful tips in our article

And finally, a few more photos of ideas on how to furnish a small room!