Household gas meter - types and principles of operation, accounting units, how to choose for a private house or apartment. Gas meters: installation and operation. How to choose a gas meter

Gas meters ─ special devices designed to account for the consumption of liquefied or natural gas. Depending on the throughput they are:

  • household;
  • communal and household;
  • industrial.

Each option has certain technical specifications and design features. The service life of a gas meter in an apartment or in a factory also differs.

Characteristics and types

The main characteristic of meters is the amount of gas passing through the meter per unit of time. In addition, the operating time of the devices is important. To find out what the service life of a gas meter is, you need to find out the data from its technical passport and operating conditions. On average it is 20 years and above.

The throughput of the device is determined according to the parameters specified in its technical data sheet. It is also reflected in the marking of the gas meter, where the number corresponds to the volume for which the meter is designed. For example, G6 is a device with throughput 6 m3/h. It is installed in a system where the total gas demand of household appliances does not exceed this value. The service life of the G6 gas meter is indicated in the accompanying documents and depends on its manufacturer, but is at least 20 years. To confirm its serviceability, it should be regularly checked every 8-10 years.

Metering devices for the household sector

Based on their operating principle, gas flow monitoring devices are divided into the following types:

  • membrane;
  • diaphragm;
  • rotary;
  • turbine

Membrane meters are used for commercial metering in the domestic and municipal sectors. The principle of their operation is based on a design feature consisting of several chambers. When gas enters, the membranes shift, and the gearbox, through a system of levers, actuates counting mechanism.

One of the options for a membrane-type household appliance is the NPM G4 meter with a throughput capacity of 4 m3/h. It is produced in two versions - left-handed and right-handed. The service life of the NPM G4 gas meter is indicated in the accompanying documents and is 20 years from the date of manufacture.

terms of Use

However, such parameters are typical for devices that are used in ideal conditions. When used in standard apartment meters can fail long before the end of their service life. Among the reasons are the following:

  • absence of a dust filter or non-compliance of its cells with established requirements;
  • throughput is lower than necessary;
  • excessive moisture content;
  • violation during installation of the metering device.

As a result, the service life of household gas meters may be reduced and may not correspond to the data in the accompanying documents. Over time, due to damage or the selected resource, the gas flow meter will have to be replaced. To do this, you will need to purchase a new device and install it by contacting a specialized organization.

To date gas heating- this is one of the few alternatives to meet the needs of a private home. It is much more profitable to receive heat from gas boiler than heating water using electricity. When connecting to the gas mains, the owners need to account for the incoming gas. To do this, a metering device is installed on the incoming pipe. However, before choosing a gas meter for a private home, it is worth taking a closer look at its characteristics and technical indicators.

What to pay attention to

To select the optimal device, you should pay attention to:

  1. Device throughput. IN in this case we are talking about the device’s ability to pass a certain amount of fuel in an allotted unit of time. If only a stove or hob consumes gas in the house, a device for 1.6 m3/h is enough. When the house is standing geyser, choose a device with a throughput of at least 2.5 m3/h. If there is a heating boiler in the house, a meter of up to 4 m3/h is installed.

    When there are all three fuel consumers in the house at the same time, set the device to 6 m3/h.

  2. The diameter of the inlet pipe that is connected to the meter. It is usually ½ or ¾ inch. Less common are pipes with a cross section of 1 inch. Depending on the diameter of the pipe, union nuts for the meter are selected.
  3. Center distance. This parameter is relevant for “top” installation on the main gas pipeline. This type of installation is more often used in private homes, so it is worth considering this option in more detail. There are three distances between the meter fittings: 250 mm, 200 mm and 110 mm. Longer distance corresponds to higher gas consumption. For example, for a house with three consuming devices, install a device with a nozzle distance from 200 mm to 250 mm. It is also necessary to take into account the direction of gas supply relative to consumer devices. Usually it is indicated by a special arrow on the meter itself.
  4. Temperature operating conditions of the device. When choosing a metering device, be sure to pay attention to its operating conditions. If the meter will be located outdoors in an unheated room, choose a device with an operating temperature range from +40 to – 40 Cº.
  5. Gas meter verification interval. Each gas meter model has its own verification interval. It is responsible for the period of time that indicates the maximum service life until the next check of the device.

Choosing a gas meter

How to choose a gas meter for your home so that it lasts a long time and does not take much effort during installation, we will consider below.

When choosing a gas meter, you need to take into account some parameters of the device itself:

  1. When choosing a meter, take into account the direction of gas movement in the pipe. There are devices where gas flows from the right or left along the main fuel line. It is worth noting in advance the movement of gas through the main pipe and the location of consuming devices in the house.
  2. Before purchasing a gas meter, measure the distance at the mounting location from the center of the pipe to the wall of the device. When choosing a device, this distance must be greater than the segment between the axis of the connecting pipe and the rear wall of the meter. Otherwise, the device may simply not fit in size.
  3. If the gas pipeline has already been installed, be sure to measure the axial distance between the pipes. Based on this parameter, a metering device is selected. Otherwise, you will have to change the entire system or buy a new meter.

The metering device is selected depending on the volume of gas consumed. To do this, all fuel consumers in the house are counted.

Masters gas equipment It is usually recommended to install two types of devices:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

The first devices are more reliable and low cost. However, they are not used when negative temperatures and produce more noise. Such devices can be installed in warm utility room.

The electronic meter is not afraid of the cold and can be installed both outdoors and indoors. It is silent and compact. At the same time, it has greater accuracy and can be serviced using special diagnostic equipment.

Professionals note that the service life of the device is counted from the date of release of the device, and not from the moment of its installation.

When choosing a gas meter for a private home, be sure to take all indicators into account. Installation of the device should be entrusted to professionals. It is worth remembering that incorrect or careless installation of the device can lead to disaster.

Gas meter

Saving gas by owners of apartments or private houses has now become as necessary as saving electricity, water or heat. In order to be able to correctly account for natural gas consumption and pay only for the amount of “blue fuel” that we have consumed, it is necessary to buy a household gas meter.

The market offers many options, but there are a number of differences between gas meters, and not all of them are suitable for us. Let's look at all the nuances when choosing them or replacing an old counter with a new one.

How to choose a gas meter for gas consumption: technical characteristics

Gas meters differ from each other in several main parameters:

Maximum throughput or gas flow;

Connecting thread diameter;

Distance between threads along the axes and direction of gas flow (for horizontal design);

Temperature Range;

Intervalidation interval.

Gas meters: SGK-4 "Signal", NPM G4 "Gazdevice", BK G4 "Elster", SGMN-1 G6

Maximum capacity of gas meters

All gas meters are divided according to this indicator. If you need a flow meter for only one gas stove or gas hob, then you need to buy a household gas meter with a gas flow rate of 1.6 m3/h. For example, gas meter SGM-1.6 (Orel), Grand 1.6 or Betar-1.6.

If only for a gas water heater, then a model with a throughput capacity of up to 2.5 m3/h is suitable, for example, the Omega G2.5 RL, Triton-Gas-2.5 or Grand-2.4 gas meter. These models are compact and have a round body.

If in addition to the stove there is a gas boiler in the house, then a gas meter with a maximum gas flow rate of up to 4 m3/h is suitable for you. An example would be the gas meter SGK-4, KG-4, G4 “Gallus 2000”, SGB G4, NPM G4 “Gazdevice” or their analogues. Such meters are already designed for two gas appliances, but no more.

If the house has gas stove, gas water heater and boiler, then you will need to install a meter with a maximum throughput of up to 6 m3/h, for example, SGMN-1 G6 “Belomo” (Minsk). For four gas appliances, you already need to buy a gas meter with an indicator of “10”, for example, the Elster brand meter model BK-G10 or Metrix G10 is suitable for this scheme: a stove, a water heater and two gas boilers.

Diameter of connecting thread of gas meters

This indicator directly depends on the diameter gas pipe, on which the gas meter will be installed. In apartments it is 1/2 inch, in private houses it is usually 1/2 or 3/4 inch, less often - 1 inch (25 mm). For professional, industrial gas meters, this figure may be higher. Accordingly, the diameter of the union nuts themselves for the meter may also be different.

Center distance of gas meters

This gas meter parameter is relevant for models with a top connection, installed on a horizontal section of the gas pipeline, usually used in private homes. The distance between the fittings along the axes (centers), as a rule, is 110 mm, 200 mm and 250 mm.

Models of gas meters SGK-4, NPM-G4, BK-G4, Signal SGB G4 have a value of this parameter equal to 110 mm. For meters with maximum gas flow and used for three gas appliances, this parameter is most often equal to 200 mm or 250 mm.

Gas meter NPM G-4 right

It is also necessary to take into account the direction in which gas is supplied to the devices relative to the gas meter, left-to-right or right-to-left. There is usually an arrow on the top of the gas meter indicating this direction. Look at the photo above.

Meter temperature range

When purchasing a gas flow meter for a private home, you need to check with the organization that will carry out the installation where you plan to install the gas meter - in the house or on the street.

If outdoors or in an unheated room, then the temperature range of the gas meter should be from +40 to -40 degrees Celsius, and the street gas meter should have a thermal corrector (thermal compensator). This required condition when installing gas meters on the street.

When designating street meters, their name usually contains the symbol “T”. For example, gas meter SGK 4T (Voronezh) or SGMN-1 G 6T (Minsk).

Gas meter calibration interval

Each brand of gas meter has its own calibration interval. This parameter shows us the maximum service life of the gas meter before it is calibrated. It may be different.

For example, the gas meter SG-SGK-1.6 (Saratov) and the Ukrainian "Omega" are designed for only 8 years of service, and the gas meter SGMB-1.6 (Orel), Grand-1.6 or SGBM- 1.6 "Betar" - for 12 years.

When purchasing, be sure to ask the seller about this, and also look in the passport for the meter for the date of manufacture of the device.

Remember that the service life of a gas meter begins from the date of its manufacture at the factory, and not from the date of sale

Gas meter Grand 1.6 or Betar: which gas meter is better to choose

Most popular on Russian market Now household meters gas meters designed for one gas stove are the Grand 1.6 and SGBM-1.6 Betar gas meter. It is not possible to replace the battery yourself.

Gas meters Betar-1.6 and Grand 1.6

Both meters are domestically produced, Grand is produced in Rostov-on-Don, and Betar is produced in Chistopol. Both flowmeters are compact and have a nice appearance, and the maximum verification interval is 12 years.

But there are still differences...

The housing of the Betar meter is not monolithic; the connecting part is mounted once and only in two positions: horizontal and vertical. The Grand gas meter is somewhat reminiscent of a water meter; its dial can be scrolled 360 degrees.

The connecting part of the Betar gas meter has both ends with external threads, while the Grand has one end external thread, the second is a union nut, plus a barrel adapter is included in the kit.

In addition, the display on the Grand 1.6 gas meter is slightly larger than that of Betar. The numbers on it are larger, which allows you to conveniently write off the readings of the device. In addition, the Betar gas meter is available only in white, while the Grand has three types of colors: white, dark gray and orange.

If you decide to install and buy a gas meter, do not forget about the mesh filter. It will protect your gas flow meter from contamination and metal particles from the gas pipeline, and will facilitate its operation for the entire period of operation. Let's watch the video.

Gas meters for private homes: description and installation

Devices for metering gas consumption are The best way save money, especially if you plan to install it in your private home. The actual amount of payment is much less than the payment based on “average” indicators, which are actually set by the supplier much higher than actual consumption. If the reader is interested in how to save on gas bills in a private home, then this article will answer many questions that arise.

What are the different types of gas meters?

There are several classifications of household gas consumption meters that are installed in households. Such meters differ in various technical parameters:

  • Depending on the maximum throughput;
  • According to the thread diameter of the connecting holes;
  • If the gas meter horizontal type, then according to the distance between the connecting holes;
  • According to the time interval of operation between device verifications.

Before you go shopping for a new domestic gas meter for your private home, you need to obtain a project from an organization that installs equipment and introduces a gas supply system in your area. This organization will inform you:

  • details of the location of the gas meter;
  • thread characteristics;
  • additional data on communication to the gas network.

Which throughput meter to choose?

It is necessary to choose a household gas meter based on how many consumer gas devices will be used in your private home. Depending on how many gas consumers there are and how much they require this fuel, you need to purchase gas meters according to the following throughput parameter values:

  • A gas consumption of 1.6 m3/h will be sufficient if either only one gas hob or only one gas stove is installed in a private house (this corresponds to the minimum gas consumption at the facility). Such gas meters will be the cheapest;
  • A throughput capacity of up to 2.5 m3/h will be necessary already in that private house where only one gas water heater is installed among the gas equipment. These gas meters will cost a little more than the meters mentioned above;
  • The maximum throughput for devices, whose value is 4 m3/h, should be selected if gas in the house is consumed not only by stoves or hobs, but also gas boiler for heating. These are the most expensive household gas metering devices.

Where to install a gas meter

Typically, in private homes, gas meters are installed not only indoors (for example, in the kitchen or basement, hall, special rooms), but also even outdoors.

As a rule, the installation location of gas meters is indicated by the organization itself, where you applied for the installation and commissioning of gas equipment. According to the provided project, the exact location of the gas metering device will be indicated: in the house itself or outside it.

If you plan to install a household gas meter on the street or in an unheated room, then be sure to find information about the operating temperature range when purchasing the device. For street meters, this technical characteristic should be in the range from -40 to +40 degrees. Celsius.

This parameter is extremely necessary, because Depending on the ambient air temperature, the readings will also depend. Also, when installing outdoors or in cold rooms, you will need to install an additional device - a temperature compensator - to the device. Also, for installation outdoors, it will be necessary to install a special metal box for it, which will protect it from external influences(moisture, precipitation, wind, etc.)

If a household gas consumption meter is installed inside the house, the operating temperature range may be narrower, and the purchase and installation of a temperature compensator will not be necessary.

Placing a metering device within the heated part of your private home will be much cheaper than installing the meter itself and adjustment equipment on the street.

Verifications - when and why

Verification is a procedure that is carried out by qualified specialists to determine the accuracy of any measuring instruments. If any deviations are detected, the gas meter is cleaned, repaired, adjusted or replaced with another device. During operation, the mechanisms of gas meters can become clogged with small particles.

Sometimes the reason for inaccurate readings is a violation of the temperature regime. Taking into account many factors influencing the quality of measurements of household gas consumption, gas meter manufacturers specify verification periods in their technical passports: from 8 to 12 years. After this period, specialists must check this device and, in some cases, repair or replace them.

Please note that the countdown of the operating time of the metering device begins from the moment of its manufacture, and not from the day of its installation in your private home.

Installing appliances in your private home is good way not only calculate the volumes of household gas consumed by stoves or heating systems, in order to optimize the consumption of this fuel or introduce new gas appliances into the household, but also the most affordable way save. The presence of gas meters will allow you to pay exclusively according to real expenses, and not according to “pulled out of thin air” gas consumption data assigned by the supplier company.

How to pay 3 times less for gas?

  • Have you tried all the ways to save money, but nothing works?
  • Gas bills keep rising and rising...
  • Moreover, these new stoves consume more and more gas...
  • And most importantly, if you leave everything as it is, soon gas bills will begin to exceed your salary...

But effective remedy to save money still exists. Follow the link and find out how Alexey Shinkevich saves gas!

Find out details

The price of energy resources is steadily increasing and is not going to decrease in the foreseeable future. A thrifty owner tries to use them as efficiently as possible. Metering devices will help him with this. They should be installed in all private houses, and, according to innovations in legislation, in apartments.

We will tell you how to choose a gas meter, introduce you to the models of devices used in living conditions. Here you will learn what criteria should be used to select a flow meter that records the supply of main gas to the consumer. Taking into account our recommendations, you can choose both the optimal model and the place for its installation.

Some gas consumers, in the old fashioned way, pay for it according to standards, citing the fact that the cost of a meter with installation is prohibitively high.

Indeed, they have such a right, but economically it is very unprofitable. Why is this happening?

Firstly, the fee according to the standards is initially too high. It is calculated based on maximum gas consumption, which in real life is extremely rare, if not nonexistent.

Payment according to standards takes into account the maximum of all possible option gas consumption of each person living in an apartment or house. If there are two or three residents, or even more, the amounts are not small.

In addition, the state is interested in ensuring that consumed resources are recorded by metering devices, therefore the current legislation provides for increasing coefficients that increase gas fees according to standards. Over the course of several years, this coefficient gradually increases until it reaches a maximum.

Installing a gas meter makes it possible to pay for actually consumed energy resources and makes you think about saving them

Whereas installing a meter involves paying only for the amount of gas actually consumed. Practice shows that it differs significantly from that calculated according to the standards. Accordingly, the fee is significantly reduced.

The real difference in payment allows you to quickly recoup the cost of purchasing and installing a metering device, and subsequently receive significant benefits from it.

For those who have autonomous gas heating, installing a meter provides another advantage. They can use their heating equipment regardless of start or finish heating season.

Consumers who do not have metering devices are automatically disconnected from the gas supply after the end of the heating season until it begins. solves this problem.

Types of metering devices

Equipment for metering gas consumption is varied. There are several types of such devices, differing in their operating principles. Let's look at each in more detail.

Option #1 - rotary or rotational

It is a chamber metering device with eight-shaped rotors, which are used as converting elements.

Structurally, the device consists of a housing, counting and transmission mechanisms. Inside the housing there are two identically sized rotating rotors in the shape of a figure eight. One of them is connected to the transmission and counting mechanisms.

Two rotors move inside the housing of a rotary gas meter. Counting the number of their revolutions allows you to measure the volume of gas passing through the measuring device

The housing is equipped with an inlet or upper and an outlet or lower gas pipe. When the latter begins to flow inside the housing, a pressure difference arises, which causes the rotors to rotate.

They do this synchronously, for which the gear wheels fixed in the end boxes are responsible. During rotation, the rotors touch each other with their side surfaces, which is necessary for the counting process.

The volume of gas that is displaced by one rotor during half its revolution is equal to the volume corresponding to the amount of gas limited by the inside of the housing and the surface of the rotor in a vertical position. For every full revolution of the two rotors, four such volumes are displaced from the housing. Accordingly, the flow rate of gas passing through the meter is easily taken into account.

The advantages of such devices include a significant measurement range and high throughput. At the same time, they are quite compact.

In addition, the devices are durable, non-volatile, and not sensitive to short-term overloads. The noise level they produce is considered average, it is almost unnoticeable. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the short verification period. It is only 5 years.

Option #2 - diaphragm or membrane

It is a chamber-type meter used to account for small gas flows. The device body is divided into two parts. At the top there are gas inlet and outlet pipes.

Both body fragments are securely fastened together. Special gaskets are installed between them and a paste-like sealant is placed. Also inside the case there is a diaphragm-type measuring mechanism.

A membrane or diaphragm gas meter is considered the most popular among consumers. It accurately measures gas flow and does not require special maintenance

It consists of two chambers reminiscent of a blacksmith's bellows. Each of these chambers is connected to a common valve spool mechanism by means of levers and cranks. Gas supply channels pass through it.

The number of cameras may be different, the accuracy and class depend on their number measuring instrument. The spool mechanism is connected via a shaft to a counting device mounted on the housing.

When gas enters the device, it is alternately displaced from the bellows chambers. This leads to alternate movement of the diaphragm partitions. As soon as one chamber is filled, the spool mechanism switches and it begins to release gas.

This cycle is repeated many times. It is accompanied by movement of the diaphragms. This movement triggers a counting mechanism that takes into account the amount of gas that has left the chambers in a certain unit of time.

The membrane meter housing contains a diaphragm, which expands when filled with gas. There may be several of them, it all depends on the required accuracy of the measuring device

Membrane meters are distinguished by high measurement accuracy. The simplicity of the design gives them a significant service life, which is at least 20 years. Such devices are extremely easy to maintain and economical.

However, if necessary, it is very difficult to disguise a membrane counter. Another disadvantage is the fairly high cost of the equipment. The verification period for diaphragm-type devices is 10 years.

Option #3 - turbine meter

The device received its name due to the presence of a small turbine in it, the wheel of which rotates under the pressure of the gas flow entering the device.

Structurally, the equipment is a pipe fragment equipped with flanges. The following mechanisms are located sequentially in the device body, starting from the inlet pipe: a jet rectifier and the turbine itself with rotation supports and a shaft.

For smooth operation of the bearings, lubrication is necessary, so a pump unit is mounted on the meter body. With its help, oil is supplied to the rotating elements through special tubes.

The operating principle of the measuring device is quite simple. The speed of the rotating turbine is transmitted through a reduction gear to a special counting mechanism mounted outside the gas cavity.

Turbine meters can be equipped with additional detectors to measure pulses, temperature or pressure. In addition, the measurement process can have three degrees of automation. The lack of automation assumes that the user independently reads the instrument readings.

New generation measuring device. Can be equipped with equipment for fully automated transmission of readings. The cost of such meters is still quite high

Semi-automatic measurements assume that control is carried out by a computing device, but manual correction of indicators, settings, etc. is possible. Full automation of measurements assumes that the readings of the measuring device are received by a computing device, which processes them and transmits them to the accounting center.

The advantages of turbine meters are energy independence, reliable design and ease of maintenance. The device can work with gas that is not of the highest purity level. The noise level emitted by the device can be characterized as low. Manufacturers produce turbine meters in a large number of standard sizes.

The disadvantages of the equipment include measurement errors. If the device operates continuously, the error is minimal; if in pulsating mode, measurement distortion increases significantly. The verification period is 8 years.

Criteria for choosing the optimal meter

Having met various types gas meters, you can decide which one to choose for your home. However, in addition to the type of device, there are several other important parameters that must be taken into account when choosing. Let's look at each of them in turn.

Device throughput

By capacity we mean the maximum amount of a gas mixture that the equipment can measure per unit of time. Usually this is one hour of work. This value must be compared with the maximum gas consumption in the house or apartment.

To do this, you need to calculate the total gas consumption. To do this, you need to add up the average consumption of all devices using it.

The throughput capacity of the gas meter must be indicated on the device body in the form of special markings. It must be larger than planned maximum flow gas

It will be much easier to do this if you find technical documentation for each device and take the required value from there. The manufacturer must indicate the maximum consumed gas volume in the equipment passport.

Total consumption is calculated for all gas appliances in the apartment, even if some of them, in the owner’s opinion, are used extremely rarely.

Moreover, if you plan to purchase and install additional gas equipment, its consumption must also be added to the total. Then you won’t have to subsequently buy and install a new meter.

Having determined the maximum value, you need to select a flow meter with a throughput capacity greater than the obtained value. This will be very easy to do if you read the device labeling correctly. It represents the letter G, next to which there are numbers.

Thus, a meter marked G1.6 has a throughput capacity of 1.6-2.5 cubic meters per hour, G2.5, accordingly, can pass 2.5-4 cubic meters per hour, G4 - from 4 to 6 cubic meters, G6 - from 6 to 10 and G10 – from 10 to 16 cubic meters. m per hour. Based on this marking, a suitable measuring device is selected.

Design features of the device

The variety of installation locations for gas meters determines their design features. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the direction of gas movement. It can be fed from the left or from the right.

Depending on this, devices are divided into left- and right-handed. It is necessary to clearly understand the connection diagram of the meter, since it is physically impossible to install left-sided equipment on the right side and vice versa.

The direction of gas flow must be indicated by an arrow on the device body. It must be strictly observed when connecting the meter

The direction of gas movement is necessarily indicated by an arrow on the device body. It must be strictly observed.

Another important point– diameter of the thread of the connecting pipe of the device. It must exactly match the dimensions of the pipe through which gas is supplied and on which the meter will be installed. For apartment buildings The pipe diameter is standard and is ½ inch.

In buildings constructed according to an individual project, these dimensions may vary. The most common supply pipes are ½, ¾ or 1 inch in diameter. Depending on the thread diameter, union nuts are selected for mounting the device. They must correspond exactly to the installation dimensions.

It is also important that the interaxial distances of the threaded connections coincide; they also vary. For devices with a top-type connection installed on a horizontal pipe, this distance varies from 110 to 250 mm.

Devices with high throughput, which are installed where the number of consumers is more than two, can have a center-to-center distance of more than 250 mm.

Presence or absence of a thermal corrector

A standard gas meter can operate in a temperature range from -40 to +40 °C. However, the correctness of the measurements he made under such conditions may be questionable.

This is due to the fact that the gas mixture tends to expand or contract when the temperature increases and decreases. Pressure in the system also plays a role. Therefore, we can only talk about the correct operation of the measuring device under conditions of normal pressure and temperature of 20 °C.

Externally, measuring instruments with a thermal corrector may differ little from standard ones; in order to clarify the features of the meter, it is advisable to study its technical data sheet

It is clear that such conditions do not always exist. Especially if the gas meter is installed on the street, which is not prohibited by law. During the cold season, gas services can suffer serious losses, since the actual volume of gas consumed increases, and its consumption according to the meter remains virtually unchanged.

In the hot season, economic losses are already borne by consumers who have to pay for increased gas consumption, although the actual volume of gas supplied has not changed. To avoid this, a special device called a thermal corrector is used. It does not allow changes in temperature and pressure to affect gas consumption.

Thus, under any conditions, the measurements made by the meter are as correct as possible. You need to know that gas meters equipped with a thermal corrector cost much more than standard ones. Therefore, they should be installed only where difficult operating conditions are expected.

For example, in the kitchen of a city apartment, where a stable, comfortable temperature is maintained, this device will be clearly superfluous. Whereas the installation of such equipment on the street is justified and necessary.

The importance of the date of manufacture

The current federal law regulates the regular verification of metering devices. Moreover, the first of them is carried out at the manufacturing plant immediately after the product is released. Information about it is entered into the technical passport of the device.

Thus, it turns out that the date of the next periodic verification is counted from the date indicated in the documents. Therefore, when purchasing a new device, you need to carefully study the technical documentation and check the date of first verification.

Routine verification of the gas meter is carried out at a specially equipped stand by certified specialists. Based on the results of verification, a corresponding mark is entered into the device passport

It happens that a device “stays” in a warehouse and goes on sale two, three, or even five years from the date of manufacture. Consequently, its verification interval is automatically reduced by this period. And it turns out that recently installed counter is already subject to verification or replacement. This can be an extremely unpleasant surprise for an inattentive owner.

The contract concluded with the gas service must indicate the date of the first verification of the measuring device. Gas workers closely monitor verification deadlines, but they are not obliged to inform users about them.

Therefore, if a consumer, due to inattention, ignorance, or for any other reason, missed the deadline for calibrating his flow meter, he will be issued an invoice calculated according to the standards.

Calibration interval for gas meters different types is significantly different. But in any case, it is less than the service life of the device.

To carry out verification, the equipment is dismantled and sent to a specialized workshop, where specialists will check it and issue a conclusion on the possibility further use. If the device is recognized as suitable for use, a special mark must be made in its technical passport.

Installation location of the measuring device

You can choose a gas meter for your apartment or house yourself, but it is better to entrust this important task to specialists from the gas service. They will competently analyze the operating conditions of the device and offer models of devices suitable for a particular apartment.

You can choose a gas meter for your apartment yourself, but it is better to consult with gas service specialists

However, if you want to do everything yourself, when choosing a device you should consider the following significant points:

  1. Maximum amount of gas consumed by residents. It depends on the required throughput of the model. It is calculated taking into account all gas appliances in use.
  2. Location of the metering device. You need to choose right away to decide on design features counter.
  3. Equipment noise level. It is advisable to purchase the least noisy model.
  4. Intervalidation interval. The longer it is, the better.
  5. Service life and reliability of the model.

Important Note. You should not purchase a meter with a thermal corrector for an apartment, no matter how hard sellers try to advertise it. This is a waste of money.

Actually, choosing a gas meter for a private house is practically no different from choosing a device for an apartment. But there is a small nuance here. Legislation allows the installation of gas meters not indoors, but outdoors.

A gas meter that is installed outdoors must be reliably protected from adverse effects environment. It is best to mount it in a special cabinet

Many owners of private houses do exactly this. They install a meter on the street. In this case, you should choose only equipment with a thermal corrector, otherwise problems may arise with paying for gas.

In addition, care should be taken to protect the equipment casing, otherwise unfavorable weather conditions will quickly damage the meter. The easiest way is to purchase a special installation cabinet like this. It is convenient for use and safe for him to place the device.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1. How a membrane gas meter works and works:

Video #2. How to choose a gas meter:

Video #3. Gas meters for home and apartment:

A gas meter is necessary in every home. It helps to use energy resources as efficiently as possible and, ultimately, significantly save money from family budget.In order for the device to work correctly and for a long time, it is important to choose it as wisely as possible.

You should not completely trust sales consultants who are interested in selling their goods. It is better to carefully study the technical documentation and make an informed choice yourself.

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To control the amount of natural fuel consumed in each a private house or the apartment should have a gas meter installed. The device will help you save money and significantly reduce the cost of paying for services. They are household, municipal, industrial, electronic, mechanical. All devices differ from each other in type, principle of operation, and the price of a gas meter depends on this.

What is a gas meter

A device such as a gas meter is designed to record the volume of natural fuel passing through it in cubic meters. The device is installed for a long period, so it is important to choose a high-quality and safe meter. Some devices are designed for outdoor use, while others can only be installed indoors. Some gas metering products can be expensive, but the savings after installation quickly pay for themselves.


All existing devices for metering consumed natural gas are divided into the following main types:

  1. Rotary. They are used in boiler houses and large enterprises. They do not require a power connection, are not sensitive to system overloads, and have high output capacity.
  2. Membrane. This type of accounting devices is used in apartments and houses; they are reliable, accurate, and inexpensive.
  3. Vortex. These meters operate due to fluctuations arising from pressure during fuel flow.
  4. Drums. Used in laboratories.


You need to approach the choice of a gas meter responsibly - this will help to avoid possible problems in the operation of the device, and also save natural fuel and money. The most popular metering device today is the Grand, which gives very accurate readings, rarely fails and can be installed in both horizontal and vertical positions.

Gallus membrane type devices are no less popular. These devices are produced by a joint French-Ukrainian enterprise and are used in public utilities. Many models of Gallus gas meters have a slot for a smart card, which reads information about the status of the device and readings for further payment of bills. In addition to the above products, products from the companies Elster, Betar and Elehant are in considerable demand.

Buy a gas meter

You can find out how much a gas meter costs, select it and order it in a specialized online store, where a wide selection of such devices is available. Thanks to various promotions, discounts and sales conducted by manufacturers, every buyer has the opportunity to buy a gas meter relatively cheaply. There you can also see photos of the goods, learn about the packaging, and also arrange delivery of the product by mail to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.


One of the popular gas meters is the device of JSC Elektropribor. It is designed to account for gaseous fuel in housing and communal services. The company provides a guarantee for 24 months from the date of installation. Short description:

  • model name: JSC Elektropribor, SGK – 4.0 (with KMCH);
  • price: 1900 rubles;
  • characteristics: maximum flow rate – 6 m3/h, pressure – 3 kPa, weight – 2.5 kg, produced in Voronezh;
  • pros: temperature regime from -20 to +60 degrees, installation parts included;
  • cons: not found.

The household gas meter from the Betar company is designed to serve private consumers and operates at temperatures from -10 to +50 degrees. Can be installed in horizontal and vertical positions, has a display for displaying readings. Main characteristics:

  • model name: SGM – 1.6 Betar, household, with pulse output;
  • price: 1915 rubles;
  • characteristics: measurement range up to 1.6 m3/h, weight – 0.67 kg, pressure – 5 kPa, pulse counter;
  • pluses: inter-check interval – 12 years;
  • cons: not found.


In the public utilities sector, a meter produced by the German company Elster, which records the volume of consumption of natural gas and liquefied fuel vapors, has received a lot of professional, positive reviews. It can be installed both indoors and outdoors (with a thermal corrector). Key product indicators:

  • model name: VK G10T (mech) Du32;
  • price: 24310 rubles;
  • characteristics: manufacturer – Elster (Germany), pressure – 50 kPa, weight – 4.5 kg, maximum flow 16 m3/h;
  • advantages: temperature range from -20 to +50 degrees;
  • Cons: Kit does not include mounting parts, expensive.

A gas appliance from the company Gazdevice is often used in public utilities, which has the ability to transmit information to central system energy accounting. The advantage of the device is its high measurement accuracy and the ability to calibrate at seven points. Brief description of the product:

  • model name: ZAO Gazdevice, UBSG – 001 G6;
  • price: 11805 rubles;
  • characteristics: productivity – 10 m3/h, pressure – 100 kPa, weight – 1.6 kg;
  • pros: it is possible to use a smart card;
  • disadvantages: inter-check interval – 6 years.


Among industrial equipment, the product for metering gas consumption SG-16 MT 100-4000 has many positive reviews. The principle of its operation is based on the rotation of the turbine due to the energy of the gas flow. The turbine speed is calculated on an integrating device, which shows the volumetric amount of gas passing through the meter. Main indicators of the device:

  • model name: SG-16 MT 100-4000;
  • price: 46,800 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight – 5.5 kg, pressure – 1.6 MPa, test interval – 5 years;
  • pros: permissible temperature-30 – +50 degrees;
  • cons: high cost.

To measure the volume of natural gas and other dry gases in boiler houses, at gas distribution stations for the purpose of their commercial accounting, they are often used gas device RSG Signal-100-G250. The product can be mounted in both horizontal and vertical positions. Short description:

  • model name: RSG Signal-100-G250;
  • price: 148,500 rubles;
  • characteristics: measured medium from 1:20 to 1:160, weight – 43 kg, type – rotational, test interval – 6 years, pressure – 1.6 MPa;
  • advantages: low pressure loss;
  • cons: expensive.


The newest invention in the history of gas meters is an electronic product of the SGB-1.8G type from the Elehant company, which not only calculates the consumption of natural fuel, but also saves all previous results and creates a consumption history. In addition, the device has a removable cover, which can be changed to another color if desired. kitchen set. Brief description of the product:

  • model name: Elehant, SGB-1.8G;
  • price: 1485 rubles;
  • characteristics: manufacturer – Elehant, weight – 0.3 kg, pressure – 5 kPa, maximum flow – 1.8 m3/h, connecting thread in inches – G1/2, electronic counting mechanism;
  • pros: compact size (110*66*65), replaceable multi-colored pads, cheap;
  • cons: not found.

Second in the ranking electronic meters gas is the Helikon G1.6 device, designed to measure the volume of natural gas and the gas phase of liquefied hydrocarbon gas in low and medium pressure gas pipelines. The product has compact dimensions, modern design, high strength, fire resistance. Key product indicators:

  • model name: Helikon G1.6;
  • price: 1992 rubles;
  • characteristics: maximum flow rate - 1.6 m3/h, pressure - 5 kPa, test interval - 10 years, electronic, possible error when changing temperature - 0.147 (T -20), power supply - lithium cell 2/3 AA with voltage 3, 6 V;
  • advantages: lightness, ease of installation;
  • cons: not found.


A household product for metering gas consumption with mechanical compensation from the German company Elster is very popular. The device is intended for commercial metering of the volume of natural, liquefied, petroleum and other dry non-aggressive gases. The device can be installed in houses equipped with gas stoves, water heaters and low-power boilers. Brief description of the product:

  • model name: VK-G6T;
  • price: 5600 rubles;
  • characteristics: manufacturer Elster Gaselectronics LLC, Germany, maximum flow rate up to 10 m3/h, pressure - 50 kPa, connecting thread - 11/4 inches, weight - 3.5 kg, counting device capacity 99999 units;
  • cons: not found.

The household gas meter of the NPN G4 Omega membrane type is designed to record the volume of non-aggressive gases; it comes in two types - with left and right gas supply. This device does not require calibration or performance testing, which gives confidence in the accuracy of its readings over a long period of time. Key product indicators:

  • model name: NPN G4 Omega;
  • price: 1500 rubles;
  • characteristics: manufacturer Gazdevice, mechanical, maximum flow rate – 6 m3/h, pressure – 5 kPa, weight – 1.6 kg;
  • pluses: inter-check interval – 10 years;
  • cons: not found.

How to choose a gas meter

Before you go shopping for a gas meter, you need to look at all the pros and cons of such a product. It is best to consult a specialist for advice, help in calculating the number of gas appliances, and calculating the consumption of cubic meters of gas per hour. This data will help you determine the device that is suitable for your apartment or house. The main selection criteria for all types of meters are the following indicators:

  • its location;
  • price;
  • size, noise;
  • throughput;
  • inspection frequency.

For a private home

To buy a gas meter for a private home, consider the number of appliances that consume fuel (to calculate the throughput) and the following factors:

  1. For an ordinary private home, a device marked G-4, which passes up to 6 cubic meters of gas, is suitable.
  2. If the boiler is used a large number of consumers or have a boiler room, you should choose a gas meter marked G-16, with a throughput capacity of up to 25 m3.
  3. Consider the thread diameter of the gas supply pipe and the hole on the meter.

For apartment

If you decide to buy a gas meter for your apartment, focus on the following important factors:

  1. Pay attention to the date of manufacture of the device. The date of the next inspection of the product and its service life depend on it.
  2. Read the label. For apartments with one gas stove, a device (electronic or rotary) marked G-1.6 is suitable. If there is also a column, then the marking should be G-2.5, and when it is heating system– G-4 and G-6.
  3. Consider the direction of gas flow - right or left, this is important for installing the device.

For the street

If a gas metering product is installed outdoors, then you need to take into account the temperature conditions, possible changes, environmental influences, as well as the following factors:

  1. If a difference from +40 to -40 degrees is possible, a temperature compensator is purchased in addition to the outdoor device. This will increase the cost of the product at least 2 times, but it will be more profitable to pay for fuel with it.
  2. A box should be installed on top of the device, designed to protect it from external natural factors.
  3. IN technical specifications of such goods must indicate the minimum and maximum temperature air that suits your region.
  4. Please note that gas consumption increases in winter, so the device may become noisy.


Due to the increase in gas prices, the installation of gas meters has become relevant. What types of meters are there and how do they differ? How to choose a gas meter and much more. in this article we tried to answer all these questions.

Membrane gas meter WHY DO YOU NEED A GAS METER?

A gas meter is used to measure the amount of natural or liquefied gas that has passed through it, taking into account the characteristics and characteristics of consumption. Gas meters are currently installed in many apartments and houses. It performs two functions at once:

  • keeps records of energy resources;
  • stimulates energy saving.

Gas meters installed at industrial and manufacturing enterprises also perform a safety function: timely control of gas volume helps prevent its leakage.


Turbine gas meter There are a large number of meters for gas metering; they are divided into utility, industrial and household meters, and classified according to gas consumption. Meters are also divided according to the principle of operation: rotary, turbine, vortex, membrane.

A turbine gas meter is a very complex mechanism and therefore expensive. Modern turbine gas meters are equipped with electronic systems that indicate gas consumption, constantly check the system, and signal detected failures or equipment damage to a remote monitor. In addition, the meter gives a signal if someone tries to connect to the system unauthorized. Thus, this type The meters are designed for installation at an industrial enterprise or on a gas pipeline.

The rotary gas meter is a more common gas meter. Its high cost is due to the materials used in its manufacture. The principle of operation of the meter is quite simple - there is a rotor inside it, which rotates under the influence of the displaced gas. A similar meter is designed to pass approximately 200 cubic meters of gas per hour. A rotary gas meter is perfect for installation in a private home or industrial enterprise with low gas consumption. Advantages of this counter obvious - this small size, lightweight, long service life.

In apartments, private houses, and in dachas, membrane-type gas meters are mainly installed. It is designed for low gas consumption - no more than 12 cubic meters per hour, but at the same time it has great accuracy and reliability. Also quite low in price, all this is an excellent option for an individual user or for an enterprise that does not consume gas in the production process.

The most complex device for calculating gas consumption is a vortex flow meter - a gas meter. It has the highest precision and is capable of passing large quantities of consumed gas. Vortex flowmeters are installed only in very large enterprises, whose manufacturing process based on gas consumption.


Meters and other gas supply components are installed for a long period, at least 10-15 years, so when choosing, first of all, you need to pay attention to safety, durability, warranty obligations manufacturer's plant, calibration interval, and of course the price of the selected gas meter model.

When choosing a gas meter, you need to consider two main points:

The number of gas appliances you use. The amount of gas that the meter is capable of measuring is determined by its nominal value. The passport of any gas equipment must indicate the gas consumption per hour. This way you can calculate what kind of total consumption gas and then select a gas meter of the required marking. Eg, kitchen stove a 4-burner has a flow rate of 1.0 m³/h, a gas water heater flow rate of 1.5 m³/h. In an apartment where only a gas stove is installed, a G 1.6 meter will be sufficient. If a gas water heater is also installed, then it is better purchase a meter marked G 2.5.

Consider the relative position of the pipe and stove in your kitchen! According to the direction of gas flow, the meters are left-handed (gas flows from the left) and right-handed (gas flows from the right).

Gas meters are designed to measure the amount of natural gas passed through it in accordance with GOST 5542-87 or liquefied petroleum gas vapor in accordance with GOST 20448-90 (as indicated in all passports for gas meters). In accordance with the above GOSTs, these gases should not contain mechanical impurities or other inclusions.

However, in practice, during the construction of pipelines, dust, sand, dirt, welding scale, etc. appear in the gas pipeline. Gas dust filters are used to protect gas flow meters.

It is also worth noting that each gas meter model has certain installation features. To install the meter, you must choose a trusted company. Only experienced technicians can perform the installation correctly.

In our store you can buy Betar and Grand gas meters for household use. Experienced sales consultants will help you make your choice.