What should the room temperature be according to standards? Temperature conditions of the working room. How to correctly measure the temperature in an apartment

Quite often we hear complaints: “It’s cold at home! Why should we pay for barely warm batteries? What should be the temperature in the apartment in winter? Let's look at these issues and find out in which cases it is legal to file a complaint with the Housing Office and in which cases it is not.

Heating season

For every little thing in Russia there are special regulatory documents. Our legislators did not ignore the climate inside homes. They clearly established what temperature should be in the apartment of the average resident of the country. The law states that the period when the premises begin to be heated centrally occurs when the temperature outside has been at “plus eight” for five days. The heating season ends similarly. Again, short frosts in the off-season do not oblige housing offices to anything.

But what if the heating season has begun, but it’s still cold in the house? Residents can write a statement to the Housing Office. However, the concepts of “cold” and “hot” are very subjective. In order not to be unfounded in your complaint, you need to measure the temperature with a thermometer and provide clear figures for the indicators. Thus, the law meticulously establishes minimum standards for different rooms: in the living corner room it should be +20, in the kitchen - +18, and in the bathroom, where we have to strip naked - and everything is +25.

At a height of one and a half meters from the floor, and a meter from outer wall install a thermometer and record its data. Housing and communal services know what temperature should be in the apartment. They also know that for every hour you deviate from these parameters, your heating bill should decrease by 0.15 percent. Now take a calculator and calculate: how much you should pay for barely warm batteries.

There are also clearly defined standards on this issue. Hot water should be supplied to the taps all year round: not lower than + 50 and not higher (to avoid burns) + 70 degrees. During the heating season, such water should also fill the radiators. How to check if hot water is supplied to your home as required by regulations? Open the tap, place a glass with a thermometer. A deviation of 4 degrees is allowed, but only upward.


Perhaps the housing office is not to blame for anything, and your batteries are simply “airy.” In this case, the tenant writes a statement to the DEZ.

The repairman must come and fix the breakdown within a week (depending on the complexity of the repair). After the inspection, the DEZ engineer draws up an act, one copy of which remains in the hands of the tenant and can serve as the basis for recalculating the rent for this period.

Recalculation of heating fees

If you suffer from a systematic deviation of indicators from accepted standards (and they are determined by special Rules, which describe in great detail how the services for which they are charged are provided communal payments), you can start a lawsuit. As a result, housing and communal services will either fix problems with heating, or you will pay less for it. Even in the event of an accident or other emergency, it is clearly stated how long people can remain without hot water. According to Section VIII of the above Rules, residents must report in writing to the service dealing with accidents (housing office, housing and communal services, etc.) about all problems, including improper indoor climate. A commission comes with an inspection and draws up a report indicating what temperature should be in the apartment, and what it actually is. This document is signed by the complainant himself. If the commission does not appear, a similar act can be drawn up by the tenant, who took neighbors as witnesses. The recalculation of fees is set for the entire “ice age” - until the breakdown is fixed and your home becomes warm again.

Housing and communal services enterprises are obliged to provide comfortable conditions in apartments, so in winter the home should be warm. Management companies do not always ensure the prescribed temperature conditions in the premises. As a result, residents apartment buildings Not only are they freezing, but they are also forced to overpay for services of inadequate quality.

Let's look at ways to influence management company.

Optimal temperature for humans

During the research, the most acceptable living conditions for humans were determined. The normal temperature in the apartment should be in the range from 21 to 25 degrees.

Such a large scatter is explained by:

  1. individual characteristics of the body;
  2. the age of the person;
  3. his way of life;
  4. floor.

The research results formed the basis for the adopted technical standards.

Current standards for permissible temperature in the home

Requirements for temperature conditions in housing are established in GOST R 51617-2000. This document provides differentiated indicators, taking into account the season and purpose of the premises in the apartment. Acceptable The normal temperature in an apartment during the heating season is in the range from 18 to 25 degrees.

In a relationship individual parts apartments and premises common use The following indicators have been established:

  • for a living room from 18 to 24 degrees;
  • for the bathroom at least 24 - 26 degrees;
  • for the kitchen from 18 to 19 degrees (this is explained by the heating devices located on it);
  • for children's rooms the norm is from 21 to 24 degrees (for infants more than heat, and for older children - closer to the lower limit);
  • for other rooms in the apartment the norm is within 18 – 22 degrees;
  • For landing from 14 to 20 degrees;
  • for the corridor between apartments from 16 to 22 degrees.

The air temperature in the apartment can deviate from the norm by no more than 3 degrees. For living rooms, discrepancies are only allowed from midnight to 5 am.

If the apartment is corner, then the minimum temperature level increases by 2 degrees, since the room has 2 walls facing the street.

Battery operating parameters and procedure for measuring their temperature

To determine compliance with the legally permissible temperature in the apartment during winter, it is necessary to check the operation of the batteries. They should be periodically monitored to establish the validity of housing and communal services tariffs.

There are no regulations governing the minimum temperature of radiators. In this case, the maximum limit for heating batteries is set, defined in SNiP 41-01-2003.

  • If the heating system is two-pipe, then the radiator should not heat up above 95 degrees.
  • When the system is single pipe, the limit is 115 degrees.

To establish deviations from the permissible temperature norm and achieve recalculation, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the radiators using one of the following methods:

  1. applying standard electronic thermometer to the surface of the battery (in this case it is necessary to add no more than 2 degrees to the readings);
  2. using a heat meter that senses infrared radiation;
  3. using an alcohol-type thermometer (it must be isolated from the environment when taking measurements).

Any of the devices used must have a certificate and passport, which contains the rules of use and error characteristics.

Measuring the temperature in the apartment

Violations can be detected by recording the temperature in the apartment. Measurements should be carried out observing a number of rules:

  • It is necessary to record the temperature on a cloudy day so that the sun does not heat the air;
  • if doors, windows or walls are not airtight, then it is necessary to limit the air flow;
  • measurements are carried out in 2 rooms (except for apartments with a single living space);
  • the temperature is fixed at a distance of at least half a meter from the outer wall and heating devices and not lower than 60 cm from the floor;
  • as when establishing compliance with the permissible temperature of a battery in an apartment, you should use a certified device that has a passport.

Watch the video about temperature standards:

Actions when deviations are detected

If you discover that the temperature in your home does not comply with current standards, you must contact the management company. She must send a team to establish the causes of the lack of heat.

If the source of the problem is not found, then you need to contact the housing and communal services operator with a request to take measurements. The organization will carry out an inspection and draw up a report in which it will record the evidence received. Before signing the document, you should familiarize yourself with the equipment used and test results.

The next step will be to send a report and a claim to eliminate the detected problems and recalculate the cost of services already provided.

If the management company refuses to comply with the requirements, it is necessary to go to court. To do this, it is necessary to collect all copies of documents (acts, statements and claims) exchanged between the citizen and the housing and communal services operator.

The plaintiff has the right to demand a reduction in the cost of services provided by 0.15% for each hour of the period when permissible norm temperature was not maintained. Practice shows that it is possible to achieve the return of overpaid services only by initiating legal proceedings.

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The act contains the following information:

  • date of its preparation,
  • characteristics of the apartment,
  • composition of the commission,
  • device data,
  • temperature values,
  • signatures of all commission members.

The act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment, and the other with the housing and communal services employees carrying out the measurements. back to contents Air exchange rate Air temperature is not the only parameter that directly affects the comfort and safety of people living in the house. Air exchange is important for the body: the presence of fresh air, ventilation of living and non-residential premises. This parameter is also adjustable regulatory documents SanPiNa. Thus, the required air exchange rate for a living space with an area of ​​18 m² is 3 m³/h per person. square meter, for the kitchen - three times more.

What temperature should the apartment be during the heating season?

Utility fees are rising every year, especially in times of economic crisis. Unfortunately, nothing similar can be said about their quality. When citizens give a significant part of their hard-earned money to provide comfortable conditions accommodation, utility services strive to show dishonesty on all fronts of their work.
The content of the article:

  • Indoor temperature standards
  • Deadlines heating season
  • Indoor heat measurement
  • Air exchange rate
  • How to measure the coolant?
  • Responsibility of utilities for violation of temperature standards

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

What temperature should the apartment be in winter?

In the event that the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season are not met, it is necessary to request a recalculation of the payment for the corresponding service. Her payment should be reduced by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance. Normal winter temperature in an apartment All temperature standards in a residential area are determined and regulated by GOST 30494-2011 “Indoor microclimate parameters”.


First of all, the temperature should be comfortable for those living in the apartment. Inside a living space, these standards are different, although there is an average temperature for an apartment. Generally normal temperature it's 20-22 degrees. Naturally, the beginning of the heating season should begin long before the onset of frost, that is, a stable minus.

“Heating” in apartments begins before the onset of winter. This happens after the thermometer is not constantly below +8 degrees.

What is the optimal temperature in an apartment in winter: the norm by law

In accordance with clause Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock", approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170, organizations servicing the housing stock during the operation of residential buildings must regularly implement measures to maintain proper temperature and humidity conditions and air exchange in residential and auxiliary premises. Moreover, the management company is obliged to maintain temperature and humidity conditions not only in the apartments of a residential building, but also: - in attic spaces(in cold attic spaces - no more than 4 degrees Celsius above the outside air temperature, in warm attic spaces - not lower than 12 degrees Celsius). (clause 3.3. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 170); - in basements and technical subfields (basements must be dry, clean, have lighting and ventilation.

What should be the temperature in the apartment during the 2018 heating season?


It is customary to adhere to the following indicators: Kitchen - recommended temperature - 19 - 21 degrees, maximum - 26 degrees, bathroom - 24 and 26, respectively, bedroom, living room - 20 and 24, corridor - 18 and 22. If necessary, check the compliance of these indicators with regulatory standards parameters, measurements should be carried out in a place where there are no drafts and the battery is not located close. Hypothermia of the body, symptoms and consequences When the body is hypothermic in a room, a feeling of chills occurs.

Increased drowsiness may develop and performance may decrease. There is a desire to wrap yourself up and put on warm clothes. Young children and the elderly become hypothermic the fastest. The consequences of hypothermia can be colds, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

What are the norms for temperature in an apartment during the heating season according to Sanpin?


The temperature standards that should be in an apartment during the heating season are determined by law. Sanitary standards, determined by sanitary control Russian Federation, come down to the following:

  1. In the corner room - 20°C;.
  2. In the living room - 18°C.
  3. In the kitchen - 18°C.
  4. In the bathroom - 25°C.
  5. In the toilet - 18°C, and with a shared bathroom - 25°C; although the bathroom has individual heating permissible temperature– 18°С.

It is within these limits that temperature fluctuations are considered optimal, and people in the apartment should feel good at such indicators. Read also: Indoor temperature standards for kindergartens When the temperature drops below normal, which most often happens in the winter season, more energy is spent on keeping warm.

A person experiences fatigue and constant accumulating stress.

The temperature in the apartment is normal (sanpin)

During the period of correction of violations, standards change and charges for an apartment are recalculated taking into account the area of ​​housing. The heating service must be provided uninterruptedly. Allowable breaks should not exceed 24 hours per month (this is in total).

If the reduced temperature persists for a long time, then you need to call the control room. If a blockage is detected during the inspection, it must be removed. If the reasons are not found, you need to write a statement to the management company or housing and communal services.

Where else can you go:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  • housing inspection.

During the proceedings, you must present acts, applications with appeals, as well as copies of title documents. In the video about heating standards. If you approach the process competently, you can defend your rights.

  • 1 Standard temperature in residential premises
  • 2 What can affect the temperature in the apartment?
  • 3 How to measure air temperature correctly?
  • 4 How to measure the coolant temperature?
  • 5 What to do if the temperature in the living room is below normal?
  • 6 The answer to your question may be here

Standard temperature in residential premises Normal operation of the central heating system in the cold season is a topic that worries every city resident. Unfortunately, in practice it often turns out that residential heating services are provided by utility services of poor quality. Situations often arise when the heating seems to be working, but the apartments are cold, and residents have to turn on additional heating devices and pay significant electricity bills.

In order not to incur unnecessary expenses, it is useful to know what temperature should be in living rooms, what documents establish this standard, and what to do if it is not observed. Temperature in the apartment are determined by the Rules for providing utilities, which were approved by Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011. In accordance with this document, the air temperature in the room should not fall below 18˚C, and in corner rooms - below 20˚C.

Reduction allowed standard temperature at night, but not more than 3˚С. During the day, descent is not allowed. If the temperature deviates from these values, then the heating service fee must be recalculated downwards by 0.15% of the fee for each hour of deviation from the norm. In addition, the optimal and permissible temperature values ​​in residential premises are established by SanPiN

The measuring distance must exceed half a meter from the outer wall and heating devices, and its height must exceed 60 centimeters. A sample Temperature Check Report can be downloaded here. If, during self-measurement, you determine that the temperature norm is lowered, you should inform the Emergency Dispatch Service about this. If the disruption of the heat supply is not caused by natural factors (for example, an accident on the heating main), the dispatcher calls an emergency team to the house, drawing up an official measurement report. The measurement must be carried out by a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents.

The home must have an air environment with the characteristics of air comfort, which is provided by the temperature in the room,
relative humidity and air speed.
The air in residential premises should not contain harmful vapors, gases, dust and microorganisms.
Building codes and regulations stipulate +18″C in dwellings in the central and southern zones of the country, and in the northern
areas +20″С.

However, these temperatures do not provide comfortable living; hygienic standards are closer to them, providing for
in the northern regions the temperature in the dwellings is +21-22’C, in the middle regions +20-21°C, in the southern regions - +18-19*C. Relative air humidity in residential premises is allowed within 30-60%, in summer - 35-50%, in winter - 30-40%. The microclimate of a home is significantly influenced by the speed of air movement. Still air prevents air exchange, sharply worsening the process of breathing and thermoregulation of the human body. On the contrary, too high a speed of air movement in rooms can cause colds, which are possible in those cases when the air flow blows extremely unevenly across different parts of the body. Normal air speed in the room is 0.15 m/s

The permissible temperature difference in the premises and on the inner surface of the outer wall is +6*C, i.e. at an indoor temperature of +18’C, the temperature on the surface of the outer wall should not be lower than +12’C. If it is lower, it means that the external walls do not provide heat retention, have high heat transfer and need to be insulated. From a hygienic point of view
standards, the temperature difference should not exceed 2-3’C, and the temperature on the surface window glass should not be lower than +10″C.

External walls of a residential premises are considered satisfactory if winter period with sufficient heating, the required air temperature is maintained in it, there is no condensation of moisture on the inner surface of the walls and there is no accumulation of moisture in the enclosing walls and in the air environment of the room.

Dampness on the walls of the living quarters of the house occurs due to defects in the external walls and sanitary installations made during the design and construction of the house, as well as during its operation. In urban apartments located in multi-storey buildings, dampness may be caused by the use of blocks and panels high humidity, leaks through the joints of panels, poor sealing of joints, unsatisfactory drying of panels during the finishing work.

If dampness appears in basements and ground floor rooms, you should pay attention to the serviceability of the yard and street water supply and sewerage networks, as well as yard drainage networks. Often the cause of the appearance of moisture is poorly executed adhesive or roll-free waterproofing of the basement floor.

To eliminate the dampness of external walls in the overlying floors, it is usually enough to improve the operation of heating and ventilation or increase the moisture and heat-insulating properties of structures. Sometimes it is necessary to use both means, i.e. waterproofing and wall insulation. These works are carried out by repair and construction organizations.

A special place in normalizing the microclimate parameters of a home is occupied by the southern regions, where the outside air temperature reaches 35’C. Optimal temperature residential premises in such areas are considered to be +24-25*C with a relative air humidity of 40-55% and air mobility of 0.15-0.20 m/s

The microclimate of the home is significantly influenced by interior decoration walls and equipment. In residential areas with surfaces finished with lime plaster solutions, the latter play the role of a regulator of relative humidity, absorbing moisture from the air at high relative humidity and releasing it at low relative humidity. Surfaces finished with adhesive paints behave in the same way.

When replacing plaster and adhesive finishes with other materials that do not absorb moisture (oil and enamel paints, washable and moisture-resistant wallpaper), relative humidity depends on the amount of moisture. emitted by various household appliances and machines (open containers with water, humidifiers, wet cleaning, boiling laundry, etc.), excess household moisture settles on such materials.

Russia may be a cold country, but our apartments are warmer than in many European countries. Because it is central heating, subsidized by the state, and the British, Germans, French, deprived of this luxury, are forced to save and toughen up at the same time. This is in theory. But what happens in practice? Is your heating system good and what should you do if not?

Heating standards

Since central heating is a matter of state concern, heating standards in the apartment are determined centrally. GOST 30494-2011 says that during the heating season the temperature in living rooms, kitchens and bathrooms should not fall below 18°C. In cold regions, such as Yakutia or the Khabarovsk Territory, the temperature for living rooms is set at 20°C, and for the kitchen and bathroom - at 18°C.

From midnight to five o'clock in the morning, it is allowed to lower these standards by 3°C. The human body needs less heat during sleep, and heating suppliers are legitimately taking advantage of this to save money.

If the specified GOST is a reference book for designers engineering systems, then all utility workers, without exception, check the hours and degrees with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011. In particular, it establishes the beginning of the heating season. The batteries should be turned on on the sixth day after the temperature outside the window drops below 8°C. By the way, the rule of eight also applies to reverse side: As soon as the spring air reaches an average daily mark of 8°C and can maintain its position for five days in a row, the batteries will be turned off.

Often the specified framework heating season go against our personal comfort. Almost every autumn, utility workers are bombarded with demands to turn on heating in apartments earlier than planned, but they have every right to reject these demands until, of course, the day specified by the Resolution arrives.

How does heating work in apartment buildings?

The heat that goes into our homes is generated at thermal power plants or boiler houses. There the water is heated to be piped into the houses. It must reach the batteries hot, so it must be very hot. Every schoolchild knows that at 100°C water will boil, but this does not happen with water in heating pipes.

A pressure of 7-8 atmospheres is created in the heating pipes, which increases the boiling point of water to 160-170°C.

There are different schemes for the distribution of coolant (as official documents call water in pipes and heating radiators) coming from a thermal power plant. In the most common, so-called independent scheme heating supply, water does not go directly to the apartments. First, it is sent to a heating point located in the basement of a high-rise building, where it passes through a heat exchanger and cools to a temperature acceptable for supply to the rooms. The water in radiators should not be too hot - this is simply dangerous.

Having passed through the heating radiators inside the house, the coolant, already cooled by 25-35°C, returns to the same heating point - to heat up again and enter our homes.

Temperature in radiators

The only rule that directly concerns heating batteries in apartment building, - This Maximum temperature coolant. It should not exceed 95°C for two-pipe systems and 105°C for single-pipe systems. It’s easy to find out which system is installed in your apartment: look at your radiator and count how many pipes are connected to it. Two-pipe systems are more widespread - they are more efficient and economical.

The lower limit of water temperature in heating radiators is not officially fixed in any way. The only rule: batteries must provide established by GOST 30494-2011 temperature norm in the rooms. It is clear, however, that if the radiators themselves are slightly warm, then they will not be able to heat the room to the 18°C ​​required by GOST. Just a very, very small room.

What to measure and how to measure

So, the desired hour has come, and the heating season has begun, but it is still cold in the apartment. How to proceed?

The first step is to measure the heating in the apartment. In other words, measure the temperature in the rooms and compare it with the GOST standards indicated above (and listed in detail) to make sure that poor heating in the apartment - reality, not your individual feelings.

If you have a base station, then you will see exact indicators air temperature in the form of a graph in your mobile application or web interface.

If all measurements comply with the rules, there is no use in complaining; utility services will simply refer to the same GOST. You'll have to insulate yourself.

However, if the measurements taken indicate that the heating temperature in the apartment does not correspond to the norm, then there are several options for action.

First you need to determine the cause of the thermal problem.
Here is a short list of the most common:

1. Battery plug
Batteries can be cold due to the accumulation of air in the pipes - the so-called air jams. They prevent water from circulating properly and proper heating in the apartment is violated. You can remove the plug yourself by opening a special valve or, as it is also called, the Mayevsky tap. It is usually located near the top corner of the radiator. Be careful, and if you are not sure that you can install the heating yourself, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

2. Large heat losses in the apartment
A common problem in old houses: the radiators seem to be scalding hot, but it’s still cold. It is useless to appeal to utility workers; you need to take care of thermal insulation on your own. Just don’t get carried away with sealing too much, because if you cure one, you can cripple the other. In particular, it often suffers from excessive insulation measures. When installing airtight windows and foaming cracks in walls, think about your rooms.