Pruning fruit trees. Pruning garden trees without mistakes. Spring pruning of fruit trees

" Trees

Tree pruning is the key to success and a mandatory procedure that every experienced gardener knows about. Any fruit tree requires constant and careful care. Only in this case will it produce a rich harvest.

Such fruit trees like apple, pear and stone fruit crops need pruning. They are very picky about pruning. Why prune fruit trees?

By pruning, gardeners solve several problems at once:

  1. Growth and fruiting.
  2. Reducing crown dimensions.
  3. The phytosanitary task is to create conditions unfavorable for pests and diseases.

The procedure of pruning trees prolongs their life and leads to a rich harvest.

If little light enters the crown, then the branches located inside the crown do not bear fruit and die over time. Fruits form only on those branches of the tree that receive light.

AND if tree pruning was done rarely or not at all, then the fruits will be on hard-to-reach branches, located, as a rule, high.

Thanks to the cutting procedure the tree crown is formed correctly. Which leads to the growth of side branches and allows you to get more fruits on the available branches.

When and which trees in the garden can be pruned?

Pruning fruit trees in a particular season depends on the following factors:

  • what goal the gardener wants to achieve with this procedure;
  • in what climatic conditions is the garden located?
  • depending on the type of tree.

What time of year is it best to prune: spring, summer, winter or autumn?

In central and northern regions Russia not recommended autumn pruning , because due to severe frosts, the wounds on the trees will not have time to heal.

This also happens because the movement of sap in the tree slows down as it goes into a dormant state. As a result, the tree may become sick and die.

Therefore, in these regions it is best to do pruning in early spring, not in the fall. It is important to consider that the procedure can be carried out as soon as the air temperature rises above 0℃.

Besides It is important to start pruning from old trees Since the buds on them swell faster than on young ones, it is recommended to prune strictly before the buds swell.

Pruning fruit trees in spring:

In the southern regions of the country, pruning can be done in winter period . This is due to the fact that in the south the frosts are not as severe as in the north.

Winter pruning is primarily carried out in order to rejuvenate old trees and create the correct crown for young seedlings.

Also winter pruning is often carried out to reduce fruiting of young trees. It is believed that a tree that produces rich harvests for 2-3 years in a row should be allowed to rest.

In addition, from a high harvest, thin branches young tree may break. Therefore, it is important to trim off unnecessary branches in winter. In winter, gardeners prune first the pome-bearing species, and then the stone fruits.

The ideal dimensions of a fruit tree are 3 m in height and 3 m in width. They will allow you to collect most of the crop without the help of stepladders or ladders.

Some gardeners believe that summer is the most best period for trimming. But in in this case We are talking about trees 3 years old and older. They claim that pruning in summer months leads to rapid growth of new shoots.

In addition, if you prune while the fruit is filling, the quality of the fruit will noticeably improve.

Another plus summer pruning is the sap secreted by the tree. It covers the wound, which leads to rapid healing, and also acts as protection against pests.

Majority experienced gardeners They believe that pruning is best done when the tree is resting. Therefore, preference is given to early spring.

At what age should fruit trees be pruned?

You can start doing this procedure annual shoots for crown formation.

If the tree has already reached 10-15 years of age, it is considered old. Such a tree has a reduced number of growths and productivity. It needs anti-aging pruning.

To do this, branches are cut into 3-7 year old wood. Thus, the crown is reduced. But by next year the young shoots will thicken it. It is important to ensure that the number of cuts on one side of the branch does not exceed three.

Which plants to do and which ones not to

Almost all fruit trees require pruning. Since it is precisely this that leads to an increase in yield, allows the tree to grow faster, and also protects its numerous pests and diseases.

Trim, apricot, cherry plum It is possible only when leaves appear on the trees. If this is done while the tree is dormant, pruning can lead to damage to the trees by fungi and diseases.

In summer, you can remove dried branches, also shorten new shoots and remove branches that interfere with the crown.

Features of the procedure

It is important to do tree pruning carefully and follow the basic rules so as not to cause harm.


First of all, you need to decide on the appropriate pruning season. This will depend on the type and age of the fruit trees, as well as the location of the garden and the climate.

Preparing garden tools

The availability of all the tools necessary to carry out this procedure will play a big role in the result of pruning.

In order to avoid increasing the diameter of the damaged area on the tree Only sharp tools should be used for cutting.

  • garden hacksaw;
  • pruner;
  • air pruner - a pruner on a long rod, for cutting branches at the top;
  • ladder;
  • glasses;
  • garden varnish or drying oil paint are the means necessary to treat the cut area.

Do not cut with a rusty tool.. Otherwise, the tree may get sick and die as a result.

Circuit and technology

Before you start cutting, it is necessary to determine why it is needed and draw up an action plan.

Below are the main goals that gardeners achieve using this procedure:

  • form the correct tree crown;
  • strengthen thin young shoots;
  • remove crossing branches, defuse the crown to allow sunlight to penetrate into it;
  • remove diseased branches, allowing them to grow healthy;
  • increasing the number of fruiting branches;
  • prepare the tree for winter.

If you need to get the most out of a fruit tree rapid growth, during the pruning period it is necessary to reduce the main number of fruit-bearing buds.

Once the goal is determined, it is important to learn pruning techniques. Several techniques are known, among which the most popular are three:

  1. Bud cut. This technique helps set the correct direction for branch growth. You should find a branch with good growth. The cutting blade of the pruning shears should be turned towards the remaining part of the branch. The cut is made at a slight angle of 5 mm. in front of the kidney. The new branch will grow in the direction the bud is facing.
  2. Cut to ring. This technique is used when it is necessary to remove full thread, which grows inside the crown, interferes with other branches and creates density. The scheme is as follows: in the place where the branches connect, it is necessary to make a cut exactly along the outer ring.
  3. Side branch cut. This technique allows you to change the direction of growth from one shoot to another. Ineffective branches are cut off, and the lateral ones take on the function of the main branches.

Good after care

If the cut diameter is more than 1 cm, the wound should be treated without fail. To do this, you need to buy or prepare your own garden varnish and treat the wound on the tree with it.

If for some reason the garden varnish does not apply to the wound, you can use drying oil paint.

Young fruit trees should be trimmed only to form the correct crown. Otherwise, pruning may lead to a deterioration in fruit-bearing properties.

People who take care of their trees and prune them correctly and on time, always receive gratitude in the form of a good harvest.

If a person decides to do this procedure for the first time, it is very important to follow the recommendations knowledgeable gardeners, since this process seems simple only at first glance.

But in fact, carelessness and ignorance can lead to the death of the plant.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Experienced gardeners often disagree on the question “when and how to prune trees correctly?” However, they are all unanimous that this procedure is extremely important for correct height fruit trees, optimal formation of their crown and trunk, increasing the ability to bear fruit and the quality of the harvest, as well as rejuvenation garden plants. It is also important to remove deformed, broken, dried out or diseased branches.

Tree pruning

When solving the problem of when to prune fruit trees, it is important to know that their first pruning is done during planting. permanent place growth of one- and two-year-old seedlings. About thirty to fifty percent of the crown of a planted specimen is cut off with pruning shears. The resulting cuts should be covered with garden varnish, and then wrapped with electrical tape. Instead of garden varnish, you can use oil paint as a putty.

Over the next three years, formative pruning is performed to create a proportional and reliable crown of the fruit tree. Our website contains a video on how to prune trees during this period, so that later the tree has a correctly formed crown, and its skeletal branches grow thick and do not interfere with each other. Also, the pruning procedure should ensure obtuse angle the growth of a tree's branches relative to its trunk.

If the question is when to prune trees in the garden and how often to do it, the answer is the following: young trees require annual formative pruning. During this procedure, it is recommended to cut off up to a third of the length of absolutely all strong shoots growing on skeletal branches and the trunk. It is advisable to leave three or four shoots on the branches of a young tree. The rest must be removed.

Problem, cuttings of old ones garden trees, is also completely solvable. They are pruned as needed. Old and diseased branches are definitely removed, as well as branches that have been damaged or deformed. Also, periodic thinning of the crown is recommended.

When is the best time to prune trees?

Questions: “Can trees be pruned in winter or summer?” — novice gardeners ask quite often. It is important to understand that in different time Every year it is necessary to carry out different tree pruning procedures. The main pruning is usually carried out after the cessation of severe frosts during fruit dormancy of the trees. It is advisable that it be done before the onset of spring. growing season. In warm regions it is performed until the end of February. If you lack the proper experience or doubt how to prune trees in the spring, for fear of cutting off healthy branches, confusing them with damaged ones, you can postpone the pruning procedure until May, when the buds begin to bloom. Formative pruning is also performed at the beginning of summer, while pruning trees in the fall is mainly done to rejuvenate the tree and encourage the growth of new shoots.

Have you planted a garden, but don't know how to prune? Have you bought a cottage with old trees and want to rejuvenate them? Don’t know which fruit tree pruning scheme to use in the spring? Confused about terms and rules? If the answer to at least one question is yes, you have come to the right place. Especially for you, we have collected information from books on gardening, added recommendations from experienced gardeners, put everything in a readable form, and attached photos and video materials. Read and learn with us!

Any pruning is an injury to the tree. How quickly it will recover depends on the type and quality of the instrument. fruit crop. The smoother the cut, the faster plant will recover.

  • a garden knife is the main tool;
  • hacksaw - for cutting thick, old branches;
  • pruner

Get used to using a garden knife

Although pruners cut branches with ease, they compress the wood, which increases the time for wounds to heal.

  • rejuvenating;
  • sanitary:
  • formative.

Let's look at them in more detail during the article.

Crown formation scheme

The formation of the crown of fruit trees begins in the second year of life and lasts several years. Any pruning scheme will be difficult if the branches are not positioned correctly. In Russia, the two most common methods are: sparsely tiered and without tier.

Let's consider the first: it is simple, accessible to novice gardeners and suitable for all types of fruit trees.

The first, lower tier is formed in the nursery, this makes the work of a novice gardener easier. When planting a seedling, you need to cut off all branches by 1/3. Root system is damaged when dug up, and such pruning promotes the harmonious development of the plant. How soon after planting should you start forming the crown?

In the first year, a young fruit tree adapts to new conditions, roots develop, and therefore growth is small. In the second year, shoot growth will also be insignificant. From the third year after planting, start forming the crown.

In a sparsely layered system, the crown of a fruit tree consists of a central trunk and 5-6 branches located at different levels. On the right side of the schematic drawing, the structure is visible: each branch of the next tier is located in the middle of the angle formed by the lower branches. See the distance between tiers on the left side of the image.

Term What does it mean
Fruit tree trunk The section of the trunk between the root collar and the first branch
Center conductor The section of the trunk from the first lower branch to the top
The escape A twig growing from last year's bud
Tops Shoots growing vertically and reaching a length of up to 2 meters
Escape Rival A strong branch growing from a lateral bud located slightly above last year's growth
Pincing Manipulation aimed at stopping shoot growth. To do this, pinch off the top with 2-3 leaves.
Fat shoots Strong tops at the bases of branches that appear when the tree ages or is improperly pruned.

Anti-aging pruning: how to do it right

If orchard characterized by the predominance of old trees over 30 years old - a decrease in yield is observed. In this case, it is necessary, which is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Inspect the tree for dying branches.
  2. At their base, select strong fatty shoots.
  3. Step back 1-2 cm from the base of the fatty shoot and cut off (cut down) the drying branch.
  4. Cover the cut area with garden varnish.

It is advisable to have not one, but several strong shoots near the pruning site: then the wound will heal faster. To prevent the shoots from growing too much, you need to tweezing.

that the process of rejuvenation of an old fruit tree should take place gradually.

If you remove all the dying branches at once, the tree may wither. Therefore, experts recommend extending rejuvenation over 4 years, performing it in parts. The formation of the crown in the future is the same as for a young tree.

Sanitary pruning of fruit trees - what you need to know

Sanitary pruning is carried out annually in the fall. Its purpose is to remove dried or diseased branches.

Rules for this type of pruning:

  • remove shoots above the outer bud, skeletal branches - onto the ring;
  • cut off diseased and dry branches with the healthy part;
  • if the branch is located vertically, make an oblique cut;
  • After completing pruning, lubricate all wounds with garden varnish or other putty.

In fact, sanitary pruning is partly rejuvenating, partly shaping. The technique and rules are the same.

When and how to prune an apple tree

The answer to the question of which month to prune an apple tree depends on its age. If the tree is young, prune in the spring, before the buds open. The time depends on the region - approximately early to mid-March. For an adult tree, in which the movement of sap and swelling of the buds occurs earlier, winter pruning is carried out at the end of February.

Rules to follow:

  • make sure that the thickness of the branches that extend from the conductor is not more than 1/2 the diameter of the trunk;
  • branches that are too thin are also unacceptable;
  • the angle of departure is 40 0 ​​(it can be corrected, look at the picture);
  • in the lower tier there are no more than 3-4 branches with a divergence angle of at least 90 0.


The following literature on pruning was used in this article:

  • Kolesnikov E.V. ‘Advice to gardeners’ - Moscow: Rosselkhozizdat, 1972 - p.152;
  • Videnov B.M., Kovachev G.T., Manov S.L. 700 tips for the amateur gardener - 1972.

So that a fruit tree or shrub gives bountiful harvest it needs not only to be watered and fed, but also pruned. Why are some plants pruned in the fall and some in the spring?

Shrubs also need pruning. You need to pay attention to: , blackberries, . The main purpose of pruning is to shape the crown to allow sufficient light to pass through. This in turn will lead to active growth of the bush and an increase in yield. Pests will attack the bush in fewer numbers.

Black currants are trimmed:

  • During the dormant period, that is, while there are no leaves or buds on the tree. The operation can also be carried out during harvest.
  • Berries appear not only on mature, but also on young shoots. But on old branches the harvest is not so abundant and the berries are not so juicy. Old branches can be identified by color; they are darker.
  • On young bush should be before 10 large branches. The remaining ones can be deleted.
  • When the bush matures, only the oldest shoots are removed, their number will be 1/3 of all.
  • The remaining shoots are shortened either to the very base or to the first bud.
  • New branches must be added from the roots, so after pruning the bushes spud up.

Raspberries and blackberries are trimmed:

  • . This period begins at the end of summer.
  • Pruning is sanitary in nature, that is, diseased or dried branches are removed.
  • The fruits appear on the shoots of the second year.
  • After harvesting, they can be cut back to the very base, and new season up to 10 branches are left.
  • Fruiting on the remaining branches will occur the next year.
  • Young branches themselves are weak, so they need garter. If the region has a cold climate, then the garter is done in the spring, when the shelter is removed.
  • If the bush has not produced any visible growth, then only the strongest shoots should be left and the lateral shoots should be shortened.

Gooseberries and currants are trimmed:

  • During the dormant period, when the bush has no leaves or buds.
  • You can also do additional pruning in the summer. This is necessary for the formation of new growth to get more yield.
  • These shrubs produce berries on old branches, so you need to leave only 5 mature branches no more than 25 cm.

In summer, young branches are pruned, leaving only a few leaves. Thus, the bush will devote all its energy not to the formation of new greenery, but to the ripening of the berries.

Blueberries (blueberries) are trimmed:

  • In winter or spring, before the period active growth. Fruiting occurs on last year's lateral shoots.
  • Young shrubs are pruned only lightly or not touched at all.
  • Mature shrubs form, leaving mature branches, medium branches and new growth in equal measure.
  • After sanitary pruning cut off the young shoots to 2 buds, which bore fruit last year. If the bush is too dense, then 1/3 of all old branches are cut off at the root.
  • After pruning, the bush must be mulched and sulfate fertilizers applied.

Young and mature plants. In most cases, pruning is carried out in the spring to rejuvenate the tree and stimulate the growth of new shoots that will bear fruit in the future.

More information can be found in the video.