Fertilizers for cabbage in the open. Feeding cabbage for a bountiful harvest in open ground: useful tips. Slurry as fertilizer for cabbage

Kira Stoletova

Growing any variety of cabbage requires adherence to a certain technology, from the moment of sowing the seeds to harvesting. Feeding cabbage allows you to get a good harvest, which is why it is so important to feed the plantings on time.

Fertilizing in open ground

The culture is demanding of care, especially when it comes to fertilizing. At the stage of growth and development, seedlings need more mineral nutrition. With intensive growth of leaf rosettes, plants require nitrogen.

Feeding cabbage open ground is a prerequisite when moving sprouts to poorly cultivated and infertile land.

Cabbage in open ground is fed with several preparations that contain nitrogen.


The white crystalline substance contains more than 30% nitrogen. The fertilizer is highly concentrated, so you need to use ammonium nitrate to feed plants without exceeding the permitted amount, otherwise the plants will accumulate a large amount of nitrates, causing poisoning.

Ammonium sulfate

This drug contains 2 components: nitrogen and sulfur. The nitrogen content in this substance is much less than in ammonium nitrate, so the dose of the drug when feeding plants is increased by 1.5 times the application rate ammonium nitrate.

Sulfur, which is part of the fertilizer, increases the acidity level of the soil.

Urea (urea)

Urea is a highly concentrated substance that contains 45% nitrogen, therefore, when applying, the dose is reduced by 1.5 times the dose of ammonium nitrate taken.

Potassium ensures intensive growth of plant roots and their above-ground parts. It is recommended to feed cabbage with this preparation to form a head of cabbage.

Potassium chloride

Potassium chloride is a white crystalline substance, resembling large crystals in appearance. table salt. This drug contains 60% potassium. When applied to the soil, it increases its acidity level.

Potassium sulfate

The sulfate contains 50% potassium. The drug is used for the growth and development of chlorophobic plants.


This vegetable does not particularly need phosphorus fertilizers, but you should not exclude them from the general nutrition of plants: fertilizing with superphosphate ensures the high-quality development of heads of cabbage and the accumulation of nutrients and useful substances at the end of their ripening period.

To fertilize cabbage, regular superphosphate is used, containing about 18% phosphorus (double - 45%).

When adding this substance, take into account the acidity level of the soil, since phosphorus is poorly absorbed by acidic plants. Seedlings in such soil also grow and develop poorly.


Organic fertilizers for cabbage are no less important. They provide a full growing season for plants. In addition, such fertilizing is required for the formation of a hard and juicy head of cabbage.

It is best to feed cabbage with manure in combination with peat: 6 kg of the mixture is consumed per 1 square meter. m beds.

Soil acidity level

The acidity level depends on the composition of the soil:

  • for peat it is 5-5.5 pH;
  • for podzolic - from 6.5 to 7.5 pH.

You can deoxidize the soil using quicklime (fluff) or dolomite flour.

The composition and amount of fertilizer for cabbage depends on the variety being planted. Cabbage early varieties feed 2-3 times during the entire growing period.

To feed late cabbage, a mixed nutrition scheme is used: mineral preparations alternate with organic ones.

Feeding seedlings

To get a good harvest of heads of cabbage in the future, the first step is to feed the seedlings.

Fertilize the plants three times.

First stage

The first feeding of cabbage seedlings is carried out at the stage of picking young sprouts. For these purposes, the following composition of components is used:

  • 25 g of ammonia;
  • 40 g phosphorus;
  • 10 liters of potash fertilizer.

Dry ingredients are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

Second phase

The second feeding is carried out exactly 2 weeks later. Feed cabbage seedlings initial stage you need ammonium nitrate. 35 g of substance are consumed per 10 liters of water.

Third stage

The last fertilizers for cabbage seedlings are applied when planting in open ground. They consist of the following components:

  • nitroammophoska - 35 g;
  • phosphorus-containing substance - 85 g;
  • potassium - 25 g.

The resulting composition is brought to a volume of 10 liters with cold water.

After feeding three times a day, the plants will become stronger and will be able to develop successfully in new conditions.

Feeding early varieties

Given the intensive ripening time of the crop, early varieties need to be fertilized with preparations that stimulate the rapid growth of green mass and root system. In a short period of time, the heads of cabbage gain good mass and absorb nutrients.

1 meal

The first feeding of cabbage of early varieties is carried out using the root method 20 days after planting in the garden. At this stage of development, seedlings are fed with urea and ammonium nitrate. If these fertilizers were applied during the autumn digging of the site, you can feed the cabbage after planting in the ground with a complex composition from the manufacturer. The drug "Agricola" is in great demand. It is applied both by root and foliar methods.

2 food

The following feeding of cabbage in open ground is carried out in two ways: with mullein or slurry, previously diluted with water. For 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters of manure are consumed. You can fertilize with the working solution 2 days after it has infused. The interval between the first and subsequent feeding is 2 weeks.

3 food

For the final feeding of early cabbage, a solution of boric acid is used, which is applied foliarly: 5 g of the substance is diluted with warm boiled water(200 g), then add chilled water to a volume of 10 liters.

Leaf nutrition boric acid prevents cracking of heads of cabbage. If the stalks are deformed, nutrient solution add 5 g of molybdenum ammonium.

Food in the greenhouse

You can feed cabbage for the greenhouse according to the above scheme. Plus, the nutrition of early varieties includes another fertilizer, which increases the shelf life of cut heads of cabbage.

Greenhouse plants are fed with ash (400 g) and potassium sulfate (40 g). The resulting mixture is diluted in water (10 l).

The plants are watered with the working solution several days before cutting the stalks.

Feeding late-ripening varieties

Nutrition late ripening varieties and hybrids are produced in the same way and using the same components as early ripening varieties. Additionally for late varieties Cabbage plants are recommended to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers and mullein.

The proportion and composition for feeding are the same as for feeding early-ripening species. Late cabbage has weak roots; as it feeds, the dose of potassium and phosphorus is increased.

An integral part of the care and cultivation of late species is irrigating the leaves with ash. Spraying plants with ash not only nourishes the plants, but also repels insects. This type of treatment has a negative impact on appearance heads of cabbage and reduces their commercial quality, so the ash solution can be replaced with saline solution: 150 g of the substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Irrigation of the leaves is carried out several times between feedings.

Some gardeners use folk remedies plant processing. Plants can be fed with nettles and iodine tincture in water.


Like other varieties, this variety loves feeding. Unlike white cabbage, colored responds well to feeding chicken droppings(1 liter of substance per 20 liters of water). This organic fertilizer can be applied instead of mullein and yeast.

Fertilizer should be applied at the rate of 1 liter of nutrient liquid per plant.


Beijing cabbage belongs to early ripening varieties. No fertilizing is carried out after planting in open ground.

To grow a good harvest, add organic and minerals straight into the ground in front autumn digging: per 1 sq. m mullein (5 kg), double superphosphate (15 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g).


A particular feature of this crop is the poor survival rate of seedlings in unprotected soil after transplantation, so the first feeding of cabbage of this variety is carried out a week after planting on the site.

Broccoli seedlings are fed with mullein. The infusion is prepared according to the scheme indicated above.

Such fertilizing with organic matter after planting in the ground strengthens young plants and stimulates their full growth.


During the development of seedlings, this variety of cabbage does not need fertilizing. For fertilizer Brussels sprouts Mineral fertilizers are used on the site, which are applied in spring and summer (August).

White cabbage

White cabbage should be fed repeatedly:

  • There are 2 options for fertilizers for white cabbage. They are introduced 2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the garden bed. Young plantings are fertilized with mullein (0.5 liters of substance per 10 liters of water). Also, seedlings of this crop are fed with urea (30 g of substance per 10 liters of water).
  • The second feeding of white cabbage is carried out 2 weeks after the first. Plants are fertilized with urea or dissolved mullein.
  • After another 2-3 weeks of planting, they are fed with rotted manure (500 g), liquid mullein (0.5 l) and superphosphate (30 g). The resulting mixture is dissolved in 10 liters of water. A liter of fertilizer is used per specimen. Such feeding is required for the formation of heads of cabbage in plants.
  • Cabbage should be fed for shelf life several weeks before cutting the heads. Plants are irrigated with 200 g of ash solution per 10 liters of water.


You can feed cabbage in open ground with different preparations. Each variety and species has its own nutritional pattern. But besides proper nutrition this garden culture required correct landing and competent care.

Cabbage is one of the crops most adapted to the conditions of the middle zone. For this reason, this vegetable is one of the main ingredients of Slavic cuisine and has been grown since time immemorial. For successful cultivation it is necessary to comply proper care and feeding cabbage. Only in this case can you count on getting a good harvest and quality heads of cabbage.

Basic rules for fertilizing cabbage

It is best to prepare the soil for planting white cabbage in advance - in the fall. How to fertilize cabbage when planting in the ground? This question is often asked by beginning gardeners. This vegetable grows well in soil into which organic fertilizer - manure - has been added before planting the seedlings. In addition to it, gardeners often use other additives. In areas with acidic soil, ash or lime is scattered during digging. Most effective in in this case there will be pure coal ash, as it is excellent at reducing soil acidity levels.

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An unprepared area is fertilized in advance before forming beds for cabbage in the spring, or immediately before planting vegetable crop. Experienced summer residents and gardeners often use compost for this purpose. It should be noted that the amount of compost added to cabbage beds must be reduced if the soil has been previously fertilized with manure in the fall. The compost scattered around the perimeter of the garden is lightly sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. It wouldn’t hurt to immediately add potassium and phosphate fertilizers to the soil.

This is usually done about a week before planting young plants in open ground. You can also fertilize beds for white cabbage with complex nitrogen-containing additives.

Nutritional Features of Cabbage

This plant is characterized by uneven consumption nutrients. At the first stage, it absorbs them slowly and in small quantities. That is why the increase is small at first. But this does not mean that there should be less nutrition in the soil. The soil must contain all the necessary elements in the required ratio.

At the initial stage, the crop absorbs a significant amount of nitrogen. It is consumed up to 11% of the total nutritional requirement. Potassium and phosphorus are required slightly less, about 7%.

The intensity of food absorption increases during the period of head formation. At this time, the plant accumulates the maximum amount of substances. This is approximately 80% of each element from their maximum content in the harvest. In a fairly short period of time, i.e. In about 40 - 50 days, the plant absorbs almost all the necessary elements. A lack of essential substances in the soil leads to a sharp decrease in yield.

Cabbage grows well in fertile soils that are rich in humus. But it is not required condition. Decent yields can be obtained by using exclusively mineral nutrition. However, adding organic matter will significantly increase the yield. All types can be used for cabbage organic fertilizers. Just do not use fresh compounds that are excessively rich in nitrogen. In this case, leaf growth will increase, and the head of cabbage will not set well.

Organic fertilizers for cabbage

The main fertilizer for cabbage, rich in nutrients, is applied both during planting seeds or seedlings in open ground, and during active growing season. Summer residents prefer simple feeding with organic mixtures. The basis of the nutritious organic base is humus, chicken droppings, and wood ash.

Particular attention should be paid to fertilizing cabbage with ash. It is placed in the soil in the fall, as well as during direct planting of seedlings in open ground. In this case, it is recommended to add up to 40 g to each well.

How is ash useful for cabbage?

It provides protection young plant from many diseases and pests. In the early stages of development it gives necessary complex minerals.

As for humus, it is a source of high molecular weight organic nitrogenous compounds of an acidic nature.

And the best fertilizer for cabbage seedlings.

These compounds are in close connection with the mineral part of the soil.

This provides cultivated plant many useful natural ingredients.

Chicken droppings are also considered one of the the best fertilizers for cabbage. Some experts consider it even more useful cow dung or humus.

The concentration of nitrogen, magnesium, phosphoric acid and potassium in its composition is several times higher.

Mineral fertilizers for cabbage

This type of feeding consists of inorganic compounds, mainly mineral salts. Depending on the type of filling, fertilizers for seedlings can be simple with one microelement or complex, containing several minerals. Basic feeding:

Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) has the appearance of off-white crystals (due to impurities). It is inexpensive and contains about 34% of nitrogen available to plants. It is one of the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizers. If you plan to use ammonium nitrate to feed cabbage for growth, be sure not to exceed the application rate, since excess nitrogen leads to the accumulation of nitrates in the leaves and stems of the plants. A large number of nitrates can lead to poisoning (nitrates turn into nitrites, and nitrites into very toxic nitrosamines).

Potassium chloride. Pure potassium chloride appears as white crystals, very similar to the crystals of ordinary table salt. True, potassium chloride is rarely found in nature in its pure form, and the natural mineral (mainly sylvite with impurities) has a reddish tint.

The proportion of potassium available to plants is about 60%. Potassium chloride acidifies the soil.

If there is a deficiency of any mineral, seedling growth slows down significantly. Its leaves become light green, become small and begin to fall off. If there is an excessive supply of mineral fertilizers, the plant can get burned and die.

Therefore, before fertilizing the seedlings, you must carefully study the instructions and apply fertilizing in accordance with the stated standards.

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Additional cabbage feeding

In addition to the main fertilizer, cabbage, both early and late, during the growing season needs additional fertilizing. Early cabbage give 2-3 feedings, consisting of 12-15 g of potassium salt and 8-10 g of urea per 1 m2.

Late cabbage is usually given 3 feedings during the growing season. The first is carried out 12–15 days after planting the seedlings. Per 1 m2 of ridge area, add 8–10 g of superphosphate, 5–7 g of ammonium nitrate and the same amount of potassium salt. If the soil is fertile, you can add only nitrogen fertilizer. The second feeding is carried out at the initial stage of head formation. Per 1 m2 of plot area, add 10–15 g of superphosphate, 8–10 g of ammonium nitrate and 5–7 g of potassium salt. The third time feeding is done 12–15 days after the 2nd. It consists only of potassium fertilizer - 8-10 g of potassium salt are added per 1 m2 of land.

Cabbage is a crop that is very demanding on soil characteristics, especially its fertility.

The soil reaction for growing this vegetable must be neutral or slightly acidic. If the acidity is high, liming will be required. Lime is applied immediately before planting seedlings in open ground. If in the previous season a crop grew in this place, which also required liming, then there is no need to apply lime again.

A good cabbage harvest can only be obtained if there is a sufficient amount of nutrients. If they are deficient, a full-fledged harvest will not be able to form.

This plant requires the addition of potassium and nitrogen to the soil. When these components are not enough, then lower leaves turn yellow, and then all the rest take on a purple-pink hue.

If there is a lack of phosphorus, then the leaves of the plants are stretched. They turn pale and become thin and long.

If there is insufficient amounts of potassium in the soil, the edges of the leaves may dry out. They may peel and break. If the soils are peaty, then potassium starvation is expressed in more severe forms. The whole plant shrinks, the heads of cabbage soften.
A small amount of magnesium is expressed in chlorosis of the lower leaves.

Nutritional features of cabbage

This plant is characterized by uneven consumption of nutrients. At the first stage, it absorbs them slowly and in small quantities. That is why the increase is small at first. But this does not mean that there should be less nutrition in the soil. The soil must contain all the necessary elements in the required ratio.

At the initial stage, the crop absorbs a significant amount of nitrogen. It is consumed up to 11% of the total nutritional requirement. Potassium and phosphorus are required slightly less, about 7%.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year there will be a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


The intensity of food absorption increases during the period of head formation. At this time, the plant accumulates the maximum amount of substances. This is approximately 80% of each element from their maximum content in the harvest. In a fairly short period of time, i.e. In about 40 - 50 days, the plant absorbs almost all the necessary elements. A lack of essential substances in the soil leads to a sharp decrease in yield.

Cabbage grows well in fertile soils that are rich in humus. But this is not a prerequisite. Decent yields can be obtained by using exclusively mineral nutrition. However, adding organic matter will significantly increase the yield. All types of organic fertilizers can be used for cabbage. Just do not use fresh compounds that are excessively rich in nitrogen. In this case, leaf growth will increase, and the head of cabbage will not set well.

Secrets of growing garden vegetables

Feeding seedlings

Fertilization of this plant begins from the time of growing seedlings. The first feeding is performed when two weeks have passed after picking. For it, take 25 g of ammonia, 40 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride. All these substances are diluted in a bucket of water (10 l).

Re-application of nutrients for cabbage seedlings completed in another two weeks. Approximately 40 g of ammonium nitrate is taken per bucket of water (10 l).

The third feeding is carried out before planting seedlings in open ground. For one bucket of water (10 l) take 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 80 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride. This will help young plants get used to new environmental conditions more easily.

First fertilizing in open ground

Cabbage should be fed 16 days after it is transplanted into open ground. For the first feeding you need to use mineral fertilizer. A liquid solution of the following components will be optimal. Take 10 g of urea and potassium fertilizer and 20 g of superphosphate.

Instead of chemical compositions Organic ones are also used. Best result will give an infusion of mullein. It is prepared quite simply. Five buckets of water are added to one bucket of cow dung. The solution is stirred and left for two days. Then add five more buckets of water.

You can not add water a second time, but dilute it immediately before fertilizing. As a result, mullein is used with a dilution of 1:10. Each plant will require approximately 0.5 liters of solution.

The need for first feeding is determined by many factors. One of them is the fertility of the soil on which the crop will be grown. If fertilizers were applied during soil preparation, the first application of nutrients can be omitted.

Second feeding

About a month after planting, the plants need to be fertilized again. This feeding is especially relevant for early varieties. At this time, they are growing a head of cabbage. That is why it is necessary to add urea in the amount of 30 g per 10 liters of water, mullein in a standard dilution, a solution of chicken manure with ash, or compost infusion.

A solution of chicken manure is prepared from 0.5 liters of excrement, which is diluted with 10 liters of water. For 3 days, a glass of ash is soaked and infused. Then filter and pour into the litter solution.

Compost is infused by adding 1 liter of organic fertilizer to 10 liters of water.

Late and mid-late varieties need less second feeding. However, it will not be superfluous for them either. You can use mullein solution.

Usually the second feeding is combined with hilling. It is required to obtain additional roots on the part of the stem located above the soil level.

Third feeding

It is necessary to fertilize cabbage a third time if it belongs to the mid-late and late varieties. This addition of nutrients is required for normal head setting and activation of its growth.

Perform the third feeding approximately a couple of weeks after the second.

This time the plants should be fed with mullein solution, but with the addition of 30 g of superphosphate per bucket of water, i.e. for 10 l. The amount of added composition also changes. Each plant will require from 1 to 1.5 liters of nutrient mixture. The specific amount depends on individual characteristics. These are the ones you should focus on when adding all nutrient options. Too much will not be beneficial. Feeding should be moderate.

Fourth feeding

The fourth time, fertilizing is applied only if the need for it is felt, for example, the heads of cabbage are growing poorly. Add nutrients approximately 3 weeks after last feeding. They use the same compositions as last time.

When applying all substances, it is always necessary to ensure that they do not fall on the leaves of the plants. Any solution can lead to damage to the head of cabbage, so-called “burns”.

There are many recommendations for growing this crop, especially in terms of adding nutrients. It is not worth following all of them unconditionally. It is always necessary to focus on a specific situation. The need for additional substances depends on the variety, initial soil fertility and other similar characteristics.

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To get a good harvest, you need to regularly fertilize vegetable crops. To feed cabbage after planting in the ground, mineral and organic fertilizers are used.

Basic rules for fertilizing cabbage

You should start preparing the soil for planting white cabbage in the fall. It is useful to apply organic fertilizers for cabbage when planting in the ground. Cabbage does not react well to “acidic” soil, so regular coal ash or lime will be a good help. They need to be scattered on the ground during digging, this will help reduce acidity. If preliminary preparation was not possible, you can fertilize the bed about a week before planting the vegetable crop. Compost is used for this, which is scattered around the perimeter and sprinkled with earth on top.

First feeding of cabbage

  • Urea

The first feeding of cabbage is carried out 14 days after the plant is moved into the ground. At this stage, plants require nitrogen, which allows them to grow green mass. The source of this element for plants is urea. This universal fertilizer, containing up to 46% nitrogen. For 10 liters of water, 15 g of urea is required. Urea is highly soluble in water and easily absorbed by plants. The resulting solution is treated with 10 square meters. m landings.

  • Ammonium nitrate

Another option for feeding after planting cabbage in the ground is the use of ammonium nitrate. It contains sulfur, which helps plants obtain nitrogen and produce protein. Additional property sulfur is to repel pests and prevent the development of harmful fungi. Therefore, with the help of ammonium nitrate you can not only feed cabbage, but also protect it from diseases. The norm of ammonium nitrate is 15 g per 10 liters of water. When working with this fertilizer, you must follow the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, the cabbage will begin to accumulate nitrates. For this reason, nitrogen fertilizing is stopped 2 weeks before harvest.

  • Mullein

Mullein (500 ml) diluted in water (10 liters).

  • Chicken droppings

Chicken manure for feeding cabbage is an organic fertilizer. In terms of nitrogen content, it is several times higher than mullein. The benefits of feeding with droppings include:

  • acceleration of maturation;
  • increase in productivity;
  • increasing plant resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases;
  • prevention of mold formation on the soil surface;
  • non-toxic;
  • improvement of soil properties;
  • long lasting effect;
  • balanced plant nutrition.

In the garden, concentrated liquid fertilizer made from chicken manure is often used. A barrel is used for its preparation. Chicken manure and water are mixed in it in a 1:1 ratio. The mass is thoroughly mixed and infused under tightly closed lid within 3 days. The finished fertilizer is stored throughout the season. When used, it is diluted from a ratio of 1 liter of concentrate to 10 liters of water. The product is applied under the bushes and between the ridges several times a season. This type of feeding is suitable for cabbage and other types of vegetables or flowers.

Mix a ten-liter bucket of water with 200 g wood ash and 60 grams of superphosphate. Dissolve half a liter of mullein in a ten-liter container.

Second feeding of cabbage

Let's find out how to feed cabbage seedlings again after planting them in garden beds for normal growth and successful formation of a large head of cabbage.

  • Pitching Yeast

Yeast fungi are full of amino acids, vitamins, etc., so they can be used to enrich the soil under cabbage, especially since they contribute to the growth of the root system.

We enrich the soil using the yeast method 20 days after the first enrichment of the soil with fertilizers as follows:

  • Mix a liter of warm water with 200 grams of dry yeast and a teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  • Let the mixture sit for a couple of hours.
  • Mix the infusion with water (10 l) and pour 0.3 l under each cabbage.

Attention: since yeast fungi extract a lot of calcium and potassium from the soil, at the same time as the yeast we add ash (an infusion from it) or crushed eggshells to it.

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  • Ammonium sulfate

These are salts of sulfuric acid. The fertilizer looks like crystals white, contains about twenty percent nitrogen and a sufficient amount of sulfur. It is necessary to apply it according to the norm in the amount of one hundred and fifty percent of nitrate in order to give the plants the required amount of nitrogen. But remember that this fertilizer can increase the acidity of the soil composition, which is not very desirable. And you don’t have to spray the plant to get rid of pests.

  • Potassium chloride

In its pure form, it is represented by white crystals, reminiscent of ordinary salt. It is rarely found in nature in this form, but the natural version is distinguished by reddish tones. Available potassium in the composition is about sixty percent. There is a high probability of soil acidification.

  • Potassium sulfate

These are potassium salts of sulfuric acid containing up to fifty percent of the component. In most cases, the composition is used for chlorophobic crops, which do not include cabbage. Can be used as a feeding composition.

  • Phosphorus

Phosphorus (simple or double superphosphate, phosphate rock). These fertilizers are especially important for white cabbage during the head setting period. It is almost impossible to overfeed the plant with them; it will take exactly as much phosphorus as it needs.

Complex ones (azophoska, nitroammophoska) contain nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. They are usually used by inexperienced gardeners or if the plant shows signs of lack of general nutrition.

  • Eggshell

Eggshells are one of the available and common natural products for fertilizing garden beds. It is used when it is necessary to normalize acidic soil. The procedure requires a large volume of shell. For this reason, eggs are harvested starting in the fall.

The shells are stored in a dry place in whole or crushed form. The powder is used to feed cabbage seedlings after transferring the seedlings to open ground. It is added to freshly dug holes. The presence of calcium nourishes the roots and promotes the active development of seedlings.

Egg shells are used as fertilizer in the fight against mole crickets. A clear sign of calcium deficiency in plants is the presence of white spots on cabbage leaves.

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Last feeding of late varieties of cabbage

The last fertilizing is applied only for late varieties of white cabbage two weeks before harvesting, and is intended to prepare the plants for long-term storage. For example, the composition of the mixture would be:

  • 40 g of potassium sulfate is dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered at a rate of 2 - 4 liters per bush;
  • or 10 l hot water stir 0.5 kg of wood ash, leave for 24 hours, strain and feed the cabbage.

To summarize the above, we can say that only strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will allow you to harvest a rich harvest of healthy, healthy vegetables. It is worth remembering that not only a lack of nutrition has a detrimental effect on the development of plants, but also an excess. It is not allowed to sprinkle fertilizers “by eye”; this can lead to an imbalance of nutrients and the accumulation of nitrates in vegetables. Treat your plants with attention and care, and they will reward you with an excellent harvest.

Ask any summer resident “how to feed the cabbage after planting it in the ground?” and you'll almost certainly get an incredibly stupid answer. Most likely, he will suggest feeding the cabbage with manure, which is generally unsuitable for feeding. No, I'm not against organic fertilizers. The results of numerous field experiments prove that large doses of organic matter can produce good harvests even on poor sandy loams, but you can’t feed them with manure. It is suitable for basic fertilization; it is of little use as a top dressing.

Then what?

Let me note right away: the option given below for feeding cabbage in open ground is not the only possible or correct one. It works well on cultivated soddy-podzolic soils Middle zone(including in the Moscow region), but on other soils and in a different climate, the feeding scheme may be completely different. Therefore you should also consider local practice growing white cabbage. It will be especially useful to study technological maps nearby vegetable farms.


Since we use cabbage leaves for food, we are faced with the task of obtaining the maximum possible green mass (while maintaining quality). Therefore, mainly nitrogen fertilizers will be used in fertilizing. In addition, cabbage is quite demanding on potassium.

How to feed cabbage after planting - review of basic fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers for cabbage

Ammonium nitrate(ammonium nitrate) has the appearance of off-white crystals (due to impurities). It is inexpensive and contains about 34% of nitrogen available to plants. It is one of the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizers. If you plan to use ammonium nitrate to feed cabbage for growth, be sure not to exceed the application rate, since excess nitrogen leads to the accumulation of nitrates in the leaves and stems of the plants. Large amounts of nitrates can lead to poisoning (nitrates turn into nitrites, and nitrites into very toxic nitrosamines).

Ammonium sulfate- salt of sulfuric acid. It looks like white crystals. Contains approximately 21% available nitrogen and a fair amount of sulfur.

Since the proportion of nitrogen in ammonium sulfate is approximately 1.5 times less than in ammonium nitrate, its application rate is 150% of the nitrate application rate. It should be borne in mind that ammonium sulfate acidifies the soil, which is not always desirable.

Urea is an ammonium salt carbonic acid. It looks like white crystals. The nitrogen content is approximately 46%: therefore, the feeding rate taken from ammonium nitrate must be divided by approximately 1.5.

Potash fertilizers

Cabbage is one of the most demanding crops in terms of potassium supply. Potassium is necessary both for the formation of the root system and for the development of the above-ground part. It plays an important role in the transport of organic substances: you should remember this and feed the cabbage to form a head of cabbage, including potassium fertilizers.

Potassium chloride

Pure potassium chloride appears as white crystals, very similar to the crystals of ordinary table salt. True, potassium chloride is rarely found in nature in its pure form, and the natural mineral (mainly sylvite with impurities) has a reddish tint.

The proportion of potassium available to plants is about 60%. Potassium chloride acidifies the soil.

Potassium sulfate

Potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate is the potassium salt of sulfuric acid. Contains about 50% potassium. It is usually used as a fertilizer for chlorophobic plants, but white cabbage is not one of them. It is recommended to use it as a supplement.

Phosphorus fertilizers

Cabbage is not very demanding on phosphorus, but completely ignore it phosphate fertilizers do not do it. They are especially important for head formation and accumulation of nutrients at the end of the growing season.

As a rule, cabbage is fed with superphosphate. Simple superphosphate contains from 14% to 19% of available phosphorus, double superphosphate - about 45%. Usually the mass fraction of phosphorus is indicated on the packaging.

It should be taken into account that phosphorus is poorly absorbed when applied to acidic soils. If you plan to feed cabbage with superphosphate, you need to take into account the soil reaction. However, cabbage acidic soil generally grows poorly.

Feeding frequency for cabbage

Feeding white cabbage seedlings:

No. Term Rate and method of application
1 10...15 days after picking and transferring to individual pots. For 10 liters of water: potassium chloride 10...12 grams, ammonium nitrate 25 grams, simple superphosphate - 40 grams. Use the resulting solution for watering.
2 10...15 days after feeding For 10 liters of water, 15 grams of ammonium nitrate or other mineral nitrogen fertilizer (calculate the dose taking into account the nitrogen content). Use a watering solution.
3 A few days before planting cabbage in open ground For 10 liters of water, 20 grams of potassium chloride, 20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 60 grams of simple superphosphate. Use for watering.

Feeding white cabbage after planting in the ground

The diagram below assumes that the soil was prepared in advance and fertilizer was applied either in the fall over the entire area or immediately before planting the cabbage in the seed holes. If this has not been done, feeding of white cabbage should be shifted in timing and the plants should be fed immediately after planting in open ground.

1 feeding - carried out 10...15 days after planting. Nitrogen fertilizers.


  1. 20 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water. Use for watering;
  2. 10 grams of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water. Use for foliar feeding if the soil is waterlogged and watering is not required. In this case, I recommend a reduced dose, since concentrated fertilizer can cause leaf burn, and summer residents still dose fertilizers “by eye”;
  3. 30 grams of urea per 10 liters of water. Use for watering;
  4. Mullein infusion (about 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water).

2nd feeding - carried out approximately 15 days after the first. Nitrogen fertilizers.


  1. Infusion of mullein or chicken droppings (about 0.5 liters per 10 liters). Watering;
  2. 30 grams of urea or other nitrogen fertilizer (calculated) per 10 liters of water. Watering. Application to the root zone is allowed if the soil is waterlogged;
  3. 200 grams of ash per 10 liters of water;

3 feeding - only for white cabbage of medium and late varieties. It is carried out 10...15 days after the second. Nitrogen + phosphorus.


  1. 0.5 liters of liquid mullein or 0.5 kg of rotted chicken manure per 10 liters of water + 30 grams of superphosphate;
  2. 20 grams of ammonium nitrate + 30 grams of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. If the soil is waterlogged, apply dry to the root zone.

Additionally, you can use a complex of microelements.

4 feeding - only for late varieties 20...25 days before harvesting. Potassium fertilizers to increase the shelf life of cabbage

  1. 40 grams of potassium sulfate or other potash fertilizer for 10 liters of water;
  2. 200 grams of ash per 10 liters of water.

That's basically all. Let me remind you once again: the cabbage feeding scheme and fertilizer application rates can be adjusted based on the conditions of a particular field or summer cottage.


Question: how to feed cabbage to grow? There are many different stimulants on sale now.

Answer: Using stimulants and feeding are two different things. You can read above about feeding white cabbage in open ground. It is generally better not to use stimulants if you do not understand what it is and how it works.

Question: is it possible to use ready-made fertilizers for cabbage and other vegetables?

Answer: You can use ready-made fertilizers, but it is strongly recommended to study the composition and content of the main nutrients. Sometimes mixtures with such content go on sale that you can safely pour a whole jar under each plant.

Question: how can you feed cabbage after planting seedlings if no further feeding is planned?

Answer: nothing, rely on the main application of fertilizers when tilling the soil or apply fertilizers to the hole when planting.