Plastic material for furniture. Basic materials for furniture production. Video: Materials for furniture production. Plywood. Chipboard Furniture board

Nowadays, in the production of furniture they use the most various materials. In this article we will look at what materials are used and what they are used for, and look at them specifications. Our company produces custom-made furniture, using combinations of materials and textures in its work. Such furniture to order from the manufacturer cannot but please the eye, and will also satisfy with its functional and technical characteristics.


Solid wood- it is presented and known to you as an ordinary board - lumber up to 100 mm thick, which is made from logs of various tree species.

Tree species differ in their texture, strength and actual price. The most common in furniture production tree species: oak, beech, ash, walnut and mahogany. Oak, the most popular material on the furniture market, has a distinct texture and is a relatively cheap material.

Also, in our production we use an array of valuable tree species. These include makassar, rosewood, teak, as well as wood made from tree roots, for example, elm or thuja root.

Solid wood in furniture production is used mainly to make complex, shaped parts of products: cornices, baseboards, façade trim, layouts and other decorative elements.


- particle board- sheet material made by hot pressing of wood chips. Chipboard began to be produced in the USA in the 40s of the 20th century. Now chipboard is the most common material for furniture production, which is also used in construction.

In this form, the boards are almost never used - in furniture production they are lined with veneer, films or plastics. We produce exclusive veneered furniture to order from slabs lined with veneer (see veneer). Chipboards lined with melamine film are also used in our production as frame material for products.


- laminated particle board- sheet material used for the production of furniture. LDSP are chipboard boards lined with melamine film of various colors and decors. Custom-made furniture from a manufacturer made from this material is considered very practical and not expensive.


MDF - Fiberboard medium density (English) Medium Density Fiberboard) - board material for the production of furniture and construction work is obtained by dry pressing of small wood chips. MDF, like chipboard, is covered with films, plastics and veneer. Distinctive feature This material is characterized by its moisture resistance and homogeneity. MDF is used to produce furniture that will be located in rooms with high humidity (for example, in the bathroom). Also, MDF is ideal for the production of milled facades and for painted products. The paint lies evenly on such a surface, while color solutions furniture can be the most daring and exclusive.


Wood material, which is a thin (less than 3 mm) sheet of wood. The production of custom-made furniture based on individual projects involves the use of this material. Veneer is used to cover MDF and chipboard boards. Veneered furniture to order is unique design, the texture of the wood makes the products presentable appearance. The veneer goes very well with decorative elements from solid wood of the same type.


Paint and varnish products. For finishing products, varnishes, impregnations and paints are used. Veneered furniture to order is coated with impregnations - they give the veneer and solid wood different shades(depending on the application of impregnation, the wood may become lighter or darker. Varnishes give the product strength, it will serve you for many years.

The paint that will be used to coat custom-made furniture can be chosen from hundreds of different shades. color ranges. To “aging” products, we use the patination technique. Patina, initially, is a film formed on products made of copper and other alloys. The production of furniture and custom carpentry uses a decorative patina (it can be compared to thick paint), it gives the products exclusivity and elegance.

Leading global manufacturers.

In assortment:

  • laminated panels(Egger, Austria) – about 30 species. The Mr.Doors company uses laminated E1 class panels with a thickness of 8, 16 and 25, 38 and 43 mm;
  • panels finished with PVC films and high-gloss PVC films. At the same time, the Mr.Doors company is one of the few in Russia that produces panels in PVC film on own production according to individual sizes, rather than ordering a ready-made range of standard sizes from European manufacturers. The technology of so-called 3D cladding consists of several stages. First, the MDF panel is evenly coated on all sides with glue from a special sprayer. Then the facade is placed in a special press, where under the influence of vacuum and high temperature the film is practically “fused” onto the part. The Mr.Doors company uses ultra-abrasion-resistant films from the world's best manufacturers: the Japanese company Riken and the German Alkor, part of the Renolit group.
  • panels finished with high-gloss enamels. MDF panels in high-gloss enamel are manufactured in our own high-tech production according to individual sizes. The process of manufacturing panels in high-gloss enamel requires a modern production facility and painstaking manual labor. Installed at Mr.Doors production modern equipment a complete cycle for applying high-gloss enamel, including painting, curing and drying chambers from the Cefla company (Italy).

    The Mr.Doors company, being at the forefront of furniture fashion, is developing the direction of high-gloss enamels, which resulted in the new “Palette” program. Of the 19 primary colors of enamels used by the company, 8 were selected, based on each of which 4 additional options were created by mixing with white in different proportions. Thus, the company’s enamel palette has expanded to 51 shades, providing a huge range of choice.

  • "Tamburato" panels- a favorite material of Italian designers, which has come to Russia in recent years. Its use allows you to create voluminous swing doors, large open shelves and spacious shelving, following the latest trends in European furniture fashion. “Tamburato” – furniture panels with a thickness of 36 and 50 mm. They are thicker than the chipboard panels commonly used in furniture production, but are much stronger and lighter due to the use of an internal honeycomb core.
  • various glasses and mirrors, as well as plastic inserts. Attaching great importance to the safety of furniture, the Mr.Doors company uses glass and mirrors equipped with special protective film. Even if the glass accidentally breaks, it will hold the fragments, preventing them from scattering around the room.
  • Eco-tek panels. Faux leather– not new, but still original way decoration of furniture compositions. The leather inserts included in this series look impressive both on the fronts of drawers and swing doors, and as fragments wall panels or

Hello, dear site visitors!

We would like to say a few words about the most common materials used for the production of “Hard” furniture - cabinets (both built-in and cabinet), kitchens, dressing rooms, cabinets, etc.

First of all, it should be said that the main components of furniture can be:

  • frame,
  • facade,
  • table top,
  • accessories.

Case materials - product basics

Material No. 1 - laminated chipboard

The vast majority of furniture cabinets in Russia are made from laminated chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm, although there are other thicknesses, for example 18, 25 mm. LDSP is a Laminated Chipboard (the official abbreviation is LDstP, the most common abbreviation is LDSP, in common parlance - chipboard, in professional slang - firewood). Basic device is a particle board consisting of glued together high temperature wood shavings, onto which special decorative paper – impregnate – was “glued” on both sides. This paper (Impregnate) either imitates various materials - usually wood of various species or some other materials, for example, Titanium metal, or simply plain different colors: white, beige red, blue etc..

Non-laminated (or sanded) chipboard is not used for the production of furniture cabinets.

1 chipboard

2 laminated chipboards

The price of laminated chipboard depends on the Thickness, Color, Texture (the surface may feel different to the touch) and the pricing policy of the manufacturer. Prices

In the photo: Egger chipboard white with different textures.

To make furniture, a laminated chipboard is sawn, and decorative edges of varying THICKNESS are glued to the ends, depending on its purpose.

In the photo: 16 mm chipboard with PVC edging 2 mm thick

The material from which edges are now made is plastic (or PVC-Polyvinyl chloride or ABS - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) with a thickness of 0.4 to 2 mm. These edges are designed to be applied using special equipment. The previously common melamine edges, which could be glued with an iron, have practically fallen out of use due to lower consumer qualities.

Material No. 2 - MDF

MDF is, just like chipboard, a glued board, only it is glued not from shavings, but from wood “dust”.
MDF (MDF) - from English. Medium Density Fiberboard to refer to medium density fiberboard. The most common thicknesses are 16, 19 and 25 mm, and gluing of these boards is also possible.
The fundamental difference from chipboard is that MDF is much stronger and denser, so patterns can be applied to its surface using milling.

In the photo: MDF with milling

MDF is a more expensive material (more wood base, more binder) than chipboard, and, as a rule, intended for subsequent surface treatment: painting, milling, gluing veneer, plastic, PVC film, etc.. For this reason, laminated MDF of any color other than white - very rare.

There is an opinion that MDF is a more environmentally friendly material than chipboard - this is a misconception.
The environmental characteristics of these materials are very similar: both high-quality chipboard and high-quality MDF corresponding to class E1 have equally low formaldehyde emissions. To see this, read the Egger environmental brochure - see page 24.

Egger environmental brochure
Eco Egger.pdf (1.61 MB)

Material No. 3 - furniture board, solid wood, plywood

Furniture board, solid wood, plywood are also glued wood. In general, furniture made from a single piece of wood is a rarity in modern world. Reason number one for this is that due to changes in humidity, a solid piece of wood with a large width (and this is exactly what is needed for the production of the cabinet body) is prone to deformation, reason number two is that a solid piece of wood with a large width is very expensive.

Material No. 4 - for rear walls

For back walls, the most common materials are fiberboard, HDF, laminated chipboard, and in the cheapest furniture - fiberboard.

A little more about each of these materials in ascending order of cost.

Fiberboard - Wood Fiber Board is similar in composition to MDF, only the density is lower and standard thickness just over 3 mm. This is the cheapest slab material known to us; it has no decorative finishing, but often has persistent odor, which tends to accumulate inside your closet. This material is suitable only for the most undemanding consumers.

DVPO - Ennobled Wood Fiber Board, in common parlance - Hardboard. This is fiberboard, one side of which is painted and either imitates wood or is simply a solid color. Since the decorative layer of fiberboard is applied using a technology that is fundamentally different from chipboard, the colors are different.

HDF – from English High Density Fiberboard is a high-density fiberboard. Roughly, this is a higher quality DVPO. HDF is produced by the same companies as laminated chipboard, so some of the colors of HDF and laminated chipboard are almost identical, but, alas, not all. Disadvantages of MDF– the cost is close to laminated chipboard and relative fragility.

Laminated chipboard for rear walls is used in the following cases:

  • The back wall is not covered by the facade and its color must completely match the rest of the body parts. In this case, the thinnest plate, 8 mm, is most often used.
  • The product is located in the middle of the room - and its back side is visible.

The rear wall experiences high loads - in this case, chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm or more is used.

Facade materials

It should be noted that facades come in different types of opening: sliding – for example, sliding doors made of aluminum profiles and hinged ones, which affects their design. From a structural point of view, facades can consist of a single material and be prefabricated, for example, filling from other materials is inserted into a profile made of one material. Common frame materials – aluminum profile

, a profile made of MDF and wrapped in PVC film.

  • The materials for facades consisting of a single material and the materials for filling prefabricated facades are fundamentally the same: laminated chipboard, painted MDF, both with and without milling, MDF covered with PVC film, MDF covered with HPL plastics, Mirror and glass, as simple and processed - matte, tinted, painted, with a pattern, etc., decorative plastics and artificial leather.
  • 1) laminated chipboard.
  • 2) Transparent glass and “silver” mirror (i.e. not tinted)
  • 3) Glass with Oracal color films
  • 4) Facades made from MDF frame profiles
  • 5) MDF covered with PVC films
  • 6) MDF coated with HPL plastic from Egger, Melaton, Arpa and others.
  • 7) Matte painted MDF
  • 8) Painted MDF glossy

9) MDF veneered

Options for materials from which countertops are made

If the furniture is not exposed to moisture, then it is laminated chipboard or MDF, painted or veneered.

If the furniture is exposed to moisture, for example in the kitchen, then it is a tabletop based on moisture-resistant chipboard, lined with plastic, a tabletop made of artificial stone or natural stone. Our company works with most of the listed materials. More detailed information

You can obtain it in the relevant sections of the site or from our employees.

Furniture is necessary to create comfort, coziness and convenience. These items are found in every home and it is impossible to imagine life without them. modern man. To create these necessary items, materials are used that are reliable and long-lasting, environmentally friendly and safe. No less important is quality such as strength. In addition, the cost of a modern furniture set directly depends on the material from which the structure was made.

Main materials used

The most commonly used material for furniture is wood. But there are furniture sets, made of metal and glass, plastic or combinations thereof. The basis for the manufacture of furniture structures is wood or its materials obtained as a result of processing. Among them are:

  • melamine;
  • postforming;
  • veneer;
  • array.

All of them are used in the production of furniture. These are fibreboards or particle boards. These furniture materials are similar in their basic qualities, but they also have many differences. The places and methods of their application differ. For example, natural wood has become widespread when creating furnishings in children's rooms, schools and preschool institutions.

Office furniture is assembled from chipboard or MDF, which are more suitable for the manufacture of sets intended for use under heavy load conditions. Modern artificial furniture materials are resistant to mechanical damage and exposure to negative environments. Such qualities are ensured by the fact that new technologies are used in the manufacture of furniture from lumber, allowing them to withstand high humidity or shock.

Chipboard used in furniture production is covered with a special film. This decorative coating can be laminated or melamine. The difference between films that increase the strength of wood boards lies in the percentage of melamine resin. In one case it is 20%, and in the other - 60%. It is this component that affects the heat resistance, impact resistance and moisture resistance of the material used for the manufacture of furniture structures.

Types of wood panels

The cost of furniture depends on the quality of the wood taken for its manufacture. Natural wood has a high degree of resistance to negative impacts, mechanical damage, humidity and temperature changes. Solid furniture structures are made from natural wood. As for cabinet furniture, the most suitable materials for its manufacture are wood panels obtained after processing wood.

Fiberboard is a material for furniture, the creation process of which requires dried wood fibers treated with special substances that act as binders. The layer-by-layer laying of fibers resembles the weaving of a carpet in its structure.

This material in the manufacture of cabinet and modular furniture is used only after the hot pressing process and application of the finishing (decorative) melamine coating or veneer. The cost of MDF is several times higher than the price of chipboard, but in terms of its qualities (strength and wear resistance) this material is better than others.

Chipboard, the positive quality of which (unlike natural wood) is the absence of knots and other defects. There are no internal voids or cracks in the chipboard. In order to make this material for furniture, sawdust and shavings are mixed with glue. After this, they are pressed and, after waiting for complete drying, they are sanded. The strength of the boards is given by melamine paper or veneer.

Chipboard is widely used in the manufacture of office furniture, educational institutions, public receptions. Finished structures have high strength, moisture resistance, resistance to aggressive environments and temperature changes.

Laminated chipboard. This stove is present in every home. Furniture structures and flooring, it can be seen as decoration on walls and ceilings. The surface of laminated chipboard is highly durable and resistant to mechanical damage.

The coating is created by applying a laminated film, which is a type of paper-resin film created on the basis of thermosetting polymers. This coating provides the material reliable protection and guarantees a long service life in areas with high traffic or high humidity levels. Resistance to moisture can only be ensured if the laminated surface is free of chips and scratches.

This furniture material is better known as hardboard. Lightweight, durable and easy to process. Holds self-tapping screws and screws quite firmly. Used for the manufacture of back walls of cabinet furniture as cladding for wood frames. It was used in this way because of its fragility and fragility.

To create the chipboard and fiber material used in furniture production, certain types of wood are required. Wooden furniture helps create comfort in a room, guarantees the safety of owners, and can withstand a variety of loads and negative influences. Before choosing such furniture, you need to clarify what kind of wood it is made of.

Important qualities of wood used to make furniture are strength, environmental friendliness and durability. Wood is selected according to several criteria:

  • texture and pattern;
  • coloristics;
  • hardness;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance.

For example, soft woods include birch, alder and pine. They are easy to process, but can hardly withstand minor mechanical damage. Oak, walnut, cherry or beech are medium-hard woods. Maple is considered hard and most exotic breeds tree.

If we talk about color, then light textures include birch, pine, maple, and ash. Darker are oak, larch and cedar; the darkest are walnut, wenge, and rosewood. To make furniture from solid natural wood, you should not choose species with a pronounced pattern.

Most often, furniture is made from wood with a medium-expressed pattern:

  • cherry;
  • ash;
  • maple.

Particular attention should be paid to such characteristics as moisture resistance. Wood of high hardness and strength may not withstand high humidity. Furniture made from it quickly loses its attractiveness and breaks down.

Using coating for furniture material

Designed and created to protect wood different kinds coverings. Before pressing, all types of chipboard chips are processed chemicals, acting as binders. For the manufacture of furniture, they choose materials made without the use of formaldehyde resins, since during operation such slabs emit harmful fumes.

Quality and Features decorative covering affect not only the cost of chipboard used to make furniture, but also its visual appeal, durability, and strength.


This is the fixation of special paper on the chipboard surface, which is later embossed or varnished. Furniture with such a coating can be installed in the living room or bedroom, but will quickly lose its attractiveness and become unusable if placed in places with high traffic or humidity.

Melamine coating or artificial veneer

It has a fairly high level of strength and wear resistance. Resistant to aggressive environments, high and low temperatures, and humidity. Treatment of wood chips with melamine and formaldehyde resins increases the wear resistance of the coating several times, making it possible to make kitchen and bathroom cabinet facades and countertops from such boards.

One of the highest quality, durable and reliable coatings. Due to the application of a film created on the basis of melamine resins, the chipboard becomes several times stronger. Such materials are widely used in assembly kitchen furniture, sets for hallways, offices, children's rooms. home distinguishing feature laminated surface - a structure, the features of which depend on the class of the laminate. CPL class material is absolutely smooth, and HPL class products made with high pressure, have a surface that imitates stone or wood.

Designed for making furniture with rounded corners. Its base is plastic, made of paper and plasticizer. This material perfectly retains the shape that the master gives it using heat.


Furniture veneering is the process of gluing a sheet of natural wood onto a chipboard surface. This coating guarantees high level strength, visual appeal, resistance to minor mechanical damage.

The processing method and the chosen coating for wood panels used in the production of furniture play an important role in giving the finished product the most desired qualities.

Rules for choosing finished furniture products

When choosing furniture, it is important to clarify not only the features of the coating, but also the source material from which the chipboard is made. This choice is based on the characteristics of the upcoming operation and the installation location of the furniture structure. A living room set may not be highly resistant to temperature changes or wear-resistant, but furniture for a kitchen or hallway should be truly durable.

Beautiful, strong, durable furniture made from solid natural wood is very attractive, but such a set is expensive, and not every consumer is able to purchase it. Veneered products would be an excellent alternative. Externally, they are not much different from natural wood and in terms of performance they are not inferior to the most durable wood.

A budget option is chipboard or laminated chipboard, but these materials can guarantee the owner long-term use of the furniture if treated carefully and correct operation. When choosing furniture, it is important to know what kind of wood was used in the manufacture of chipboard, the degree of their moisture resistance, the level permissible load and warranty period.