Interior doors: types, advantages and disadvantages. Basic selection criteria. MDF and chipboard - how chip materials behave

Protection from noise and odors, division of space and decoration of the apartment - all these functions are assigned to interior doors. It is desirable that within the same apartment they be made in the same style, although slight differences in design are allowed. It turns out that the task becomes more complicated, because the choice will depend on how the home as a whole will be perceived. Which interior doors are best to choose for an apartment so that they are functional, durable, match the chosen interior style and are pleasing to the eye? We understand the basic materials, type of construction and color scheme.

Material for interior doors in an apartment

The material of manufacture is one of the most important parameters, so it is of paramount importance when choosing. Today on sale you can find doors made from wood, MDF, chipboard, glass, metal, plastic or a combination of options. Buyers base their choice on the budget allocated for the purchase, the type of room where the door will lead, the style of the interior and personal preferences. To be fully armed, you need to know the basic performance qualities of each option.

Wooden interior doors

Wooden doors are the standard of naturalness and quality, and if the budget allows, then it is better to choose this option. TO main advantages worth mentioning:


  • fear of moisture, so it is better not to install such doors in bathrooms;
  • flammability;
  • high price.

The door leaf can be made from solid wood valuable species (oak, beech, hornbeam, ash) or cheaper conifers. If you need to choose a cheaper interior door, you can pay attention to products made from laminated wood: natural wood bars are glued together under high pressure, and their fibers are positioned in different directions relative to each other, thereby achieving increased resistance of the material to changes in temperature and humidity.

Typically, wooden doors are treated with paint, stain, varnish or antiseptic in order to emphasize its natural beauty. Doors made of laminated veneer lumber can be covered with veneer, and valuable wood with a characteristic pattern is used.

It is better to buy wooden interior doors from companies that thoroughly dry the wood - this is a guarantee of the quality of the product. It is advisable that before installation the door remains in the room where it will be installed for several days.

Masonite interior doors

Masonite, or honeycomb, interior doors It was first produced by the Canadian company Masonite, hence the name. Design such a door includes a frame made of bars, outer skin from MDF or fiberboard sheets, as well as semi-hollow (honeycomb) filling. As honeycomb filler use:

  • paper 0.3 mm thick, from which a three-dimensional accordion with cells measuring 5-15 cm is made. The canvas is light and cheap, but does not withstand serious impacts, however, there are no special strength requirements for interior doors;
  • slab fine hollow filler allows you to obtain a fabric of greater strength, but the weight and price increase;
  • cellular fiberboard. The fiberboard slab is cut into bars with a width slightly less than the thickness of the door, from which a lattice is formed with a cell size of about 3 cm. These are the most expensive doors in the masonite category, as they are durable and lightweight.

On top, MDF or fiberboard sheets can be finished with natural or artificial veneer, varnish, paint or laminated wood-imitation coating.

Basic advantages of masonite doors:

  • affordable price;
  • light weight, which facilitates transportation and reduces the load on the walls;
  • a large assortment, so choosing the right option for your interior will not be a problem;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • good sound insulation performance. A Masonite door dampens noise by approximately 20 dB (more than exact indicator depends on the design features).


  • low moisture resistance in direct contact with water, but the canvas can withstand inconsistent exposure to high humidity. When installing such products in the bathroom, it is better to additionally coat the canvas with protective agents;
  • low resistance to impact loads, especially for canvases with paper filler.

Masonite doors are considered today one of the most popular and is available from many foreign and domestic manufacturers. Among them, unfortunately, there are also unscrupulous companies that produce products poor quality. Remember that the stingy pays twice - it is better to contact trusted manufacturers and sellers, whose name serves as a guarantee. In Kyiv, such a reliable seller is the Vist store, which offers interior doors of the highest quality from large Polish and Ukrainian manufacturers.

MDF interior doors

Doors from solid MDF board They surpass masonite canvases in strength and are not much inferior to their wooden counterparts. Such doors are made from wood chips, which are pressed under high pressure and temperature; no resins are used in production, which can subsequently release toxic formaldehyde, so one of the main advantages of interior doors from is their health safety. Among the others advantages:

As for moisture resistance, then some manufacturers use special additives, due to which a good level of resistance to moisture is achieved with inconsistent exposure, therefore MDF doors can even be used in the bathroom. Much depends on the quality of the coating. From cons It is worth noting the possibility of catching fire and the fact that thick canvases with high-quality cladding are not cheap. Veneer, laminate, enamel or PVC film can be used as a coating.

You can also find on sale chipboard doors, but in terms of performance and durability they are inferior to their MDF counterparts and can emit toxic formaldehyde.

Glass doors

Glass can serve not just as an insert, but also independent material in the manufacture of doors. For these purposes These types of glasses are used:

If you need to choose an interior door so that it delimits rooms and at the same time visually enlarges the space, then you can choose glass version. To others benefits environmentally friendly, chic appearance and the possibility of applying any patterns and, durability, resistance to water. Glass can be made either completely transparent or frosted. A significant disadvantage of glass doors is poor sound insulation. Despite their high strength, they are not recommended for use in a children's room.

Aluminum interior doors

Aluminum doors are made from anodized aluminum, which is electropolished. Usually metal is supplemented with glass inserts, but can also be used in the form of a blank sheet. Sometimes it is painted to achieve the desired effect.

To the main benefits Such doors include moisture resistance and resistance to corrosion, temperature changes, durability, strength, shock resistance, and excellent sound insulation. Among cons high cost and high thermal conductivity. These doors will be a great addition.

Decorative door trim

Many people confuse the material used to make the door leaf and its material. decorative covering, this gives rise to incorrect questions such as which doors are better, masonite or laminated. The outer coating plays a decorative role and also protects the door from moisture, abrasion and other negative impacts. We have already figured out the materials for making the door leaf, now let’s find out what a decorative layer can be:

  • natural veneer– a thin cut of wood while preserving its texture. The most expensive cladding option and an excellent replacement for solid wood doors. The veneer is attached to the canvas under high pressure using glue, varnished on top. Almost all types of door panels can be finished with veneer;
  • eco-veneer (artificial veneer) are also made from wood. First, thin longitudinal sections are made, which are pressed with the addition of glue and resins. Then cross sections are made from the prepared material, obtaining a finished material for finishing. Eco-veneer is cheaper than its all-natural counterpart;
  • laminate for covering doors, they are made from several layers of paper and film with a pattern applied to it and protective coating. The pattern can follow the texture of any type of wood or anything. A fiberglass laminate will be many times stronger than a paper laminate, it is not susceptible to sunlight, abrasion, it can be washed, but it also costs more;
  • PVC film can have any pattern and is applied to the door leaf in chambers with high blood pressure and temperature. The film can be used to cover the canvas with the most complex relief; it is suitable for doors made of plastic, MDF and masonite doors. This coating has high moisture resistance and low price;
  • coloring using enamels, tinting antiseptics, varnishes. Depending on the type of fabric, a finish with the required level of transparency and protective properties is selected. For example, it is better to emphasize the texture of natural wood with impregnation or a translucent antiseptic, and the surface of an aluminum door can be painted with a dense color.

Interior door opening type

The choice of opening mechanism for an interior door depends on the type and area of ​​the room. The most popular options:

  • swing doors installed in probably 90% of apartments, if not more. They open in one direction and consist of one or two panels. If the door opens to the left, it is called left, to the right - right, this must be taken into account when choosing fittings. Please note that space must be provided to open the door leaf of a swing door. If it is not there, then it is better to choose sliding or folding doors;
  • sliding doors (sliding doors) involve moving the canvas along or inside the wall. The guide rails can be top, bottom or top and bottom. The last option is the most durable and practical. If the rail is located only at the top, then during a draft the door is not heavy enough to swing. Sliding doors are great for those apartments where every square centimeter counts, but in terms of protection from sounds and odors they are inferior to the classic swing version;
  • folding doors (accordion doors) consist of several panels connected by hinges, an upper rail (sometimes there is a lower one) and a roller. The roller has built-in bearings, so the blade moves smoothly and silently. Folding doors are often equipped with stoppers to secure the door leaf in a certain position. Such canvases are made of plastic, aluminum, MDF, and can be solid or with glass inserts. The advantages are space saving, the disadvantages are poor sound insulation and fragility;
  • stable doors- a type of swing, they consist of an upper and lower part, each with its own hinges and lock. Previously, such doors were used in stables, but today they are used in apartments, especially in country style. Such doors are well suited if there are animals and children in the house: the lower door can be closed to block the path, and the upper one can be left open for ventilation;
  • swing doors- a rare occurrence in apartments. Designs that open in both directions can often be seen in shopping centers, metro and supermarkets, but today there are also “home” options on sale. A significant disadvantage is the inability to ensure tightness, so high levels of sound and heat insulation cannot be expected.

Type of interior door leaf

The door leaf can be:

  • panel;
  • paneled.

Panel door It is made from a single piece of material, has a smooth surface, without any hints of relief. These are simple and minimalist options that can be made from solid wood, MDF, plastic or with honeycomb filling. Paneled doors assembled from a frame and panels, which can be wood, MDF, glass, etc. As a result, it is possible to obtain an interesting appearance of the door with figured inserts.

Door leaves are also divided into:

Interior door size and design type

The main parameter from which to build is: doorway width. If it is 80-90 cm, then you can choose a single-leaf door; if it is more than 110 cm, then you will have to choose a double-leaf interior door or reduce the doorway. Depending on the design of the door there are:

Color of interior doors

It is necessary to choose so that the canvas matches the decoration or pieces of furniture. When choosing a shade use the following principles:

  • to match the color of the floor - the most common option, ideal when all rooms have the same floor covering;
  • to match the color of the furniture;
  • to match the color of the walls;
  • contrasting shade.

The universal option is always White color , and matching the tone of the door will help you fit a door of a non-standard shade into the room. As a last resort, you can use trim on different sides of the door different color.

The quality of the fittings, because the comfort of use will depend on the handles and hinges. It is ideal if all the doors in the apartment are made in the same style, but they may differ in the type of opening and even the material of manufacture.

In our time high technology interior doors are still relevant. But modern products differ in many ways. Both in quality, design, and manufacturing materials. The question of how to correctly evaluate the existing variety and how to choose interior doors remains one of the priorities when performing repairs.

To understand what to choose, you need to clearly understand what the doors are for, what functions they will perform in the home, what material they should be made of, what construction and design are more suitable for the apartment. To do this, you need to know what requirements may be placed on them, and what types of interior doors there are in general. In this matter, professional advice is very important.

Requirements for interior doors

The total list of requirements looks like this:

  • Beauty.
  • Functionality.
  • Reliability and durability.

Doors should be beautiful, easy to operate, durable and properly divide the living space. If they are glazed, let in the right amount of light.

The level of heat and sound insulation must ensure good rest. A properly installed, good seal and threshold help solve the problem. The reliability of a door is determined by the following properties:

  • Resistant to mechanical stress. Elements should not be easily scratched or peeled off after wet cleaning.
  • Moisture resistant. The material must provide long-term exposure to steam without changing physical and geometric parameters.
  • UV resistant. Under the influence of sunlight, the canvas and platbands fade or change colors. The highest quality products retain their original appearance for a long time.

Types of structures

If you choose the right design, it can last a long time. And there is plenty to choose from:

  • Panel. This canvas consists of a solid material, usually solid wood. Glued or solid, but with a uniform structure.
  • Paneled. This is a stacked structure consisting of vertical and cross bars and panels (thinner inserts) forming a cellular structure.

MDF or chipboard boards are attached to it on top, for the covering of which veneer, eco-veneer or laminate is used.

According to their form, interior products are divided into the following:

  • Deaf. The canvas is made entirely from one material without cutouts.
  • With inserts. Cutouts are made in the canvas for inserts to fill the interior space with light. Today it is not difficult to choose an insert of any color to match the interior.

The designs also differ in opening methods. The most commonly used types are:

  • Swing. These are the most ordinary doors, the leaves of which are suspended on hinges. There are single and double doors.
  • Sliding. These doors move to the sides on rollers along special runners.
  • Folding. This type It is an accordion-type structure, when the canvas folds when opening and straightens when closing.

Material for interior doors

The material from which the product is made is a fundamental factor when choosing. It affects properties and reliability. The cost of the door depends on it. The most common are:

  • Tree. Natural material always in price due to its properties. Solid wood products are distinguished by their external beauty, strength and durability. Best models give status, significantly decorating the interior. They serve up to 50 years. They breathe, that is, they ensure normal moisture exchange, do not harm health and are best suited for residential premises.
  • MDF. The material is great alternative natural wood. MDF boards are made from fine wood chips using the pressing method.

Thanks to their high environmental friendliness and durability, large selection of textures and colors, MDF products enjoy a deservedly high reputation.

It is important to consider the thickness of the slabs and the quality of their coating.

  • Chipboard. Cheaper material, literally and figuratively. Given that high-quality processing can serve as an alternative when choosing. It is not recommended for installation in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens, as it does not withstand high humidity.
  • Plastic. Metal-plastic products are highly moisture resistant. The color selection is small. They are not used as interior rooms, but for balconies they are an irreplaceable option.
  • Glass. Most often used as inserts, but sometimes designers recommend installing completely glass structures.

Types of finishing

The quality of the finish determines the appearance and durability of the door. It is the finishing that pays first attention when choosing. The following materials are widely used today:

  • Natural veneer. Veneered products are an excellent alternative to solid wood structures. Veneered doors are cheaper, and their properties are not inferior to solid wood ones. Veneer is used to cover products both solid and paneled from MDF. Veneer is environmentally friendly, and veneered doors have durability and natural beauty.
  • Eco-veneer. Even more affordable in cost modern material. It is made from wood waste with a small addition of non-natural ingredients. In production, wood fibers are used, glued together with a special compound. The outside of the eco-veneer is coated with compounds that increase its strength and wear-resistant properties. Doors veneered with it are distinguished by a wide choice of colors and textures.

  • PVC film. MDF and chipboard using special technology covered with polyvinyl chloride film. Laminated PVC products have high moisture resistance and strength. PVC film completely imitates expensive types of wood. The best laminated PVC doors outwardly difficult to distinguish from wooden ones. Laminated PVC doors have a wide choice of colors. The best laminated products with PVC film do not emit harmful substances when heated. PVC does not fade. Laminated doors coated with PVC do not dry out. PVC film resists the growth of bacteria.
  • Laminate. Most often unnatural coating. The best laminated samples have a protective layer of melamine.

Veneer and eco-veneer: pros and cons

Veneer easily copes with fluctuations in humidity and temperature. If it is varnished, it is completely protected from negative factors.

Veneer provides a wide choice for design imagination. Thanks to the large selection of textures, patterns and colors, you can choose a product to suit any interior. Veneer - a thin cut of wood - has all the advantages of natural wood. This is beauty, environmental friendliness, strength and durability. Veneered products also have disadvantages, which include the following:

  • Veneer does not like sunlight. When exposed to ultraviolet light, the material fades.
  • Insufficient moisture resistance. Thin veneer can pick up moisture and move away from the base if the assembly is poor.

Eco-veneer completely imitates it, but thanks to the added resins it has increased strength and moisture resistance. At the same time, its cost is significantly lower.

It is almost impossible to distinguish veneered doors from natural ones either by sight or touch.

Eco-veneer has the following advantages:

  • High moisture resistance. It does not absorb moisture, and therefore does not swell or dry out. Eco-veneer can be used in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Ease. The material has a relatively low mass. Such products are easier to install and require less effort in terms of ensuring the reliability of the canopies.
  • UV resistance. The sun does not affect this material in any way.
  • Wear resistance. This property is acquired through a special protective film, providing protection against abrasion.
  • Strength. Eco-veneer is less susceptible to chipping and cracking.

Thanks to the last three properties, eco-veneer is durable. Big choice texture and color determine the growing popularity of the material. The disadvantages include the following:

  • Low sound insulation properties.
  • Eco-veneer does not breathe. The material does not allow air to pass through and does not absorb or release moisture.
  • Difficulty in eliminating mechanical damage.

Main selection criteria

Before choosing a door, you need to decide what functional load the structure will bear and where it will be installed. This could be simply dividing the living space and decorating the interior, increasing sound insulation, or all three. You need to decide how much light it should let into the room. If the door must be installed in a bathroom or toilet, special requirements must be placed on it. Basic selection criteria include:

  • Material. The properties, weight and price of the product depend on it.
  • Thickness. This parameter should provide good sound insulation.

  • Weight. For installation in rooms, a very massive structure is not required.
  • Sound and heat insulation. The design should not allow sounds from the bathroom and noise into the bedroom. Thermal insulation is important for the balcony door, but not for the rest.
  • Moisture resistance. Important when installing in a bathroom, kitchen or toilet. It is better to take laminated PVC.
  • Design. The type and number of sashes, the structure of the door leaf and the presence of inserts are selected based on practical requirements.

In the video you can see the selection rules:

  • Finishing. It must satisfy design and durability requirements.
  • Colors and style. The choice of color, structure and pattern is determined by design requirements and personal taste preferences. The product should match the style of the interior as closely as possible.

In any case, it is correct to start your choice by measuring the opening. It is difficult to take into account all tolerances and allowances, so it is recommended to leave the work to specialists. They should also bet. It is better to order doors from trusted manufacturers according to the catalog. The store checks the completeness and quality of assembly, and the presence of a warranty. Attention is paid to the quality of fittings, decorative elements and locks, as well as the actual condition of the surfaces. Advice from experts and friends should always be taken into account.

Today the market is saturated with numerous and varied offers of interior door models. Such an abundance of products on display can make your head spin not only for a beginner, but also for a fairly experienced person who has repeatedly faced the task of renovating their home. After all, the door to the interior opening is still installed for quite a long time. Therefore, it must necessarily correspond modern requirements- be as functional as possible, aesthetically pleasing in appearance, and also fit perfectly into the interior of the room.

Features of choosing doors

To some people, all door panels seem the same. And they focus their choice solely on the price of the product, focusing on cheap door options. Others give preference to the external aesthetic component and exclusivity, choosing quite expensive designs for the interior opening.

In any case, when choosing doors, you should take into account their variety in purpose, shape and style of the product, as well as the availability of fittings. No less important are such external characteristics of door structures as:

  • exact dimensions of openings;
  • raw materials for the manufacture of the canvas itself;
  • material for door cladding.

Advice. When choosing a specific company that manufactures doors, it is worth choosing one that provides a guarantee for its products, which already confirms the fairly high quality of the products it produces.

The main function of interior doors is to separate rooms. Moreover, they are important element in home interior design. And the service life of the doors and the preservation of their external presentability for a long time often depend on what material they are made of.

The choice of materials for the manufacture of canvas and cladding is quite wide. But most often today you can find interior doors:

  • veneered;
  • laminated;
  • from eco-veneer;
  • covered with PVC film.

Products made from these materials have their differences. Each of them has certain advantages and some disadvantages. They also differ in cost. To understand which material is better for an interior door, it makes sense to take a closer look at each of them separately.

Veneered interior doors

Veneer door products have gained particular popularity. They can become good alternative option for those who want to install a door made of solid wood, but want to save money. Veneered products have many qualities that relate to wooden doors from the array. In addition, they are much lighter in weight than their all-wooden counterparts and, of course, cheaper than them, although they have a higher cost compared to other materials.

Veneer is a material that is obtained from cutting trees. For greater efficiency, it is treated with a special solution and varnished on top. All this ensures a significantly higher resistance of this material to moisture. There are 2 types of veneer:

  • natural - fully conveys the structure of noble wood, looks elegant and rich, when treated with varnish it can be used for doorways premises with high humidity, for example, bathrooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight;
  • artificial - durable and resistant to various types of influences, allows for experiments with decor, and can be made from low-cost wood species.

This material has many advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. The undoubted advantages of veneer include the following characteristics:

  • large selection in color scheme, by texture and wood species;
  • the ability to restore the product if it receives minor mechanical damage;
  • provides good sound insulation.

Among the disadvantages of this material are the need for stable microclimate indicators in the room, as well as the difficulty in obtaining uniformity of structure and consistency of color of the product, especially large ones. And the indicated disadvantages of this raw material are primarily related to its naturalness.

Laminated door products

Interior doors coated with laminate film have become widespread in recent years. They are significantly cheaper in cost than veneered door products of the same quality class. They can be classified as budget option, accessible to people of low income.

Laminate, which is obtained from cellulose fibers impregnated with synthetic resins, can be painted in any color range with the application, if necessary, of designs, patterns, and various compositions. This material gives the product special strength and resistance to almost any type of external influence. Laminate doors are made from high-density fiberboard, which is created by hot vacuum pressing during production. Such products have excellent environmental safety indicators for humans.

Laminated doors have other advantages. These include good tolerance to temperature changes and excellent resistance to almost any detergents used in the care of such products. In addition, caring for them does not cause any difficulties and does not require too much time or money. But the main advantage, of course, is the relative cheapness of this product.

Attention! Too cheap products can be covered with a laminate of very low quality, as a result of which the surface of the canvas will begin to quickly crumble, especially in the edge area, and the door will soon acquire an unpresentable appearance.

Despite all these advantages, laminated doors also have their disadvantages:

  • smooth texture of the surface of the material, which many may not like;
  • some external similarity of door products, which is sometimes annoying;
  • impossibility of restoration in case of mechanical damage.

Ecoveneer and PVC

Quite often today you can find interior doors with other coatings, for example, eco-veneer or PVC film. Eco-veneer is durable, varied in color, and easy to maintain. Outwardly, it differs very little from natural veneer, only slightly cheaper in cost. This material consists of wood fibers combined with a special adhesive composition, which is vacuum processed. It is durable, environmentally friendly, resistant to wear, and is not afraid of exposure to sunlight.

Doors coated with polyvinyl chloride are also in sufficient demand among the population. Products with PVC film are:

  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • shockproof.

In addition, they can be painted in any color and follow the lines well textured surface and are easy to care for, and at the same time have low price, which is one of their main advantages. Such doors are practically perfect option for bathrooms, kitchens, balconies and loggias.

Interior doors made of any material find their consumers. And to choose for yourself best option, it is worth first assessing some factors, namely, for what specific room the doors are being chosen, whether it is possible to fit them harmoniously into the interior, the most preferred material in accordance with the existing conditions, the expected service life and the state of your wallet.

How to choose the right interior doors: video

Types of interior doors: photo

One of the main elements of the interior of a home is interior doors. Not only the aesthetic appeal of the interior spaces, but also, to a large extent, the comfort of living of the residents depends on them. Interior doors are an intermediate link between rooms and unite the interiors of rooms. The first doors appeared immediately after the construction of the first homes, and the manufacture of doors was considered honorable and important matter, akin to art. Interior doors separate different rooms, and when the doors open, a new space opens up. Soon after their introduction, doors began to be decorated, and today there are quite a few companies that develop door designs, turning them from ordinary objects of everyday use into works of art that can be admired.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that doors are given a lot of attention, so the modern construction market offers a fairly wide selection of interior doors, various shapes, colors, structures, quality characteristics And various materials. When creating a door leaf, materials such as wood, MDF and chipboard in combination with valuable tree veneers are used, as well as doors using forged elements and even natural stones. Often door leaves are not made in one piece, but with a slot into which various types of glass are inserted.

The design of interior doors must match the style of the entire room, so when choosing doors, you must initially think through the entire interior of the home. The most discreet style is distinguished by doors made of MDF and chipboard. Such doors can be used in a wide variety of room designs - ranging from modest classic rooms and ending with ultra-extravagant spaces. The surface of the door leaf can be different and also depends on the overall design of the room and the preferences of the owner. If the room has a classic design, then experts recommend using doors with a corrugated surface. If the interior of the room is made in the Art Nouveau style, then doors with a smooth surface are perfect for such rooms. For the interior of premises made in the Baroque style, doors made of wood and decorated with carvings are perfect. For ultra-modern rooms made in high-tech style, doors with metal inserts are used. The color of interior doors depends on color design floor surfaces and furniture. Typically, the color of the doors is chosen to be a tone darker or lighter than the floor covering.

In most cases, single-leaf and double-leaf classic interior doors are used. Door block consists of the door itself, inserted into the door frame. To increase the aesthetic appeal, platbands are additionally installed. Recently, the set of door blocks has included special rubber seals that increase the level of sound insulation. Sliding doors are very popular in designer spaces. This type of door allows you to save space and realize design ideas. Sliding doors can easily replace classic interior doors. Door leaves sliding doors They move on special rails that are attached to the wall or ceiling. The most commonly used are sliding doors consisting of 1-4 panels. These panels slide into a pencil case placed along or inside the wall. Folding doors are sometimes used in the design of sliding doors.

In addition to interior doors made of solid fabric, there are also various models with inserts. Most often, glass or a glass system is inserted into door panels. The use of glass allows you to create a certain effect of openness of rooms, increases the level of illumination and makes the room more welcoming and stylish. Such doors can be used not only for the living room or kitchen, but even for bedrooms and bathrooms. In this case, not classic transparent glass is installed, but frosted or patterned. Additional lighting is very important for enclosed spaces that do not have windows. This applies to corridors and some other rooms in which lighting is provided only by light bulbs. In public buildings, acrylic glass is often used in doors, which is characterized by an increased level of strength and resistance to mechanical stress. The use of these glasses is also supported by the fact that if a glass panel breaks, the glass crumbles into many non-sharp particles, thus preventing injuries to people who find themselves near the breaking glass. Although it is quite difficult to break acrylic glass.

Before purchasing one or another type of interior doors, you need to decide whole line questions that will help you navigate modern trends construction market. First, you need to decide on the price category of doors that will be acceptable to the owner of the premises. After this, you should study the market for interior doors and become familiar with the products of manufacturers, as well as companies selling doors in the region. At the same time, the design and material of the doors is selected. Having decided on the type of door, you need to focus on the right sizes. In our country, door leaves with dimensions are mainly used: height 2 meters, width 0.8 meters or height 2.1 meters and width 0.9 meters. But sometimes there are exceptions to the rules, so it’s better to try everything on yourself. You should also pay attention to the harmonious flow of new doors into the interior of the room. To do this, you may need to purchase some decorative elements that will match the doors and interior of the room to one general style. You should also decide on the design of the doors, right-hand or left-hand opening of the door. If doors are already installed in the room, then it is advisable to purchase new doors that match them in color, design and style. Properly selected interior doors will decorate the interior of the room and bring comfort, elegance and beauty to your home.