Thickness of brick external walls. Standard brickwork walls

22. Brickwork external walls (640 mm).

The bricks are laid out using a single-row chain ligation system. The spoon rows alternate with the bond rows.

By doing external masonry First, corners or wall junctions are made to a height of up to 5 rows, using special devices - orders (wooden or duralumin beams with notches).

The purpose of the orders and cord-mooring is to ensure strict horizontality of the brickwork, seams between rows of bricks and a minimum thickness of the seams.

In the absence of orders and cords, there are errors and defects in the brickwork: the thickness of the seams along the entire length of the brickwork is different, while all the rows of brickwork “go” either up or down, or along a sinusoid.

Corners when laying external walls with a thickness of 640 mm, as a rule, are laid by masons of 4, 5, 6 categories, using plumb lines weighing at least 1 kg, building levels with horizontal and vertical bubbles.

The seams of the external walls are made in jointing (1-convex, 2-concave)

23. Brickwork of internal air defense walls mm).

A single-row chain ligation system is used, as it is the most reliable and simplest.

The outer mile (spoon row) is laid out by a mason of 4 (5) grades, setting the order and tightening the moorings.

The inner mile (butt row) is laid by a mason of 3 (4) grades.

The seams of internal walls and partitions to be plastered are made empty.

¼ spoon

380 mm

Poke ½ to

Tools for brickwork.

Mason's trowel with metal back

Hammer for cutting bricks

1 kg plumb line for laying corners and checking the verticality of the masonry

Construction level for checking the verticality and horizontality of masonry

Orders with fastenings

Cord mooring

Bayonet and shovel shovels

Convex and concave joints for seams

All tools are stored in a tool box. At the end of each shift, tools are cleaned of solution and minor repairs are made if necessary.

Geodetic instruments such as a construction level and a construction theodolite are also used to check the verticality and horizontality of the masonry.

24. Installation of prefabricated staircase elements.

It is carried out in the following sequence: installation of the lower, then intermediate, then upper landing during the bricklaying process. Where the staircase rests on a brick wall, a row of joints is made.

After installing all landings flights of stairs are mounted (using shortened slings). The installation of metal fences is mandatory.

25. Installation of jumpers above door and window blocks(B-13. BU-13) In the absence of mounting loops, belt slings are used.

Before installation, M75 - 100 mortar, up to 2 cm thick, is laid under the jumpers and leveled. After installation, the lintels are laid with brickwork in 2-3 rows (according to the level, hydraulic level).

Greetings to all readers! What should be the thickness of brick exterior walls is the topic of today’s article. The most commonly used walls made of small stones are brick walls. This is due to the fact that the use of brick solves the problems of creating buildings and structures of almost any architectural form.

When starting to carry out a project, the design firm calculates all structural elements - including the thickness of the brick exterior walls.

The walls in a building perform various functions:

  • If the walls are only an enclosing structure– in this case, they must meet thermal insulation requirements in order to ensure a constant temperature and humidity microclimate, and also have sound insulating qualities.
  • Load-bearing walls must have the necessary strength and stability, but also as an enclosing material, have heat-shielding properties. In addition, based on the purpose of the building and its class, the thickness of the load-bearing walls must correspond to the technical indicators of its durability and fire resistance.

Features of calculating wall thickness

  • The thickness of the walls according to thermal engineering calculations does not always coincide with the calculation of the value based on strength characteristics. Naturally, the more severe the climate, the thicker the wall should be in terms of thermal performance indicators.
  • But in terms of strength, for example, it is enough to lay out the outer walls in one or one and a half bricks. This is where it turns out to be “nonsense” - the thickness of the masonry, a certain thermotechnical calculation, often, due to strength requirements, it turns out to be excessive.
  • Therefore, laying solid brick walls from the point of view of material costs and subject to 100% use of its strength should only be done in the lower floors of high-rise buildings.
  • In low-rise buildings, as well as in the upper floors of high-rise buildings, hollow or lightweight bricks should be used for external masonry; lightweight masonry can be used.
  • This does not apply to external walls in buildings where there is a high percentage of humidity (for example, in laundries, baths). They are usually built with a protective layer of vapor barrier material on the inside and solid clay material.

Now I’ll tell you about the calculation used to determine the thickness of external walls.

It is determined by the formula:

B = 130*n -10, where

B – wall thickness in millimeters

130 – size of half a brick, taking into account the seam (vertical = 10mm)

n – integer half of a brick (= 120mm)

The calculated value of the solid masonry is rounded up to the whole number of half-bricks.

Based on this, the following values ​​(in mm) of brick walls are obtained:

  • 120 (a brick floor, but this is considered a partition);
  • 250 (into one);
  • 380 (at one and a half);
  • 510 (at two);
  • 640 (at two and a half);
  • 770 (at three o'clok).

In order to save material resources (bricks, mortar, fittings, etc.), the number of machine hours of mechanisms, the calculation of wall thickness is tied to the load-bearing capacity of the building. And the thermal component is obtained by insulating the facades of buildings.

How can you insulate the external walls of a brick building? In the article insulating a house with polystyrene foam from the outside, I indicated the reasons why brick walls cannot be insulated with this material. Check out the article.

The point is that brick is a porous and permeable material. And the absorbency of expanded polystyrene is zero, which prevents the migration of moisture outward. That is why it is advisable to insulate a brick wall with heat-insulating plaster or mineral wool slabs, the nature of which is vapor-permeable. Expanded polystyrene is suitable for insulating concrete or reinforced concrete bases. “The nature of the insulation must correspond to the nature load-bearing wall».

There are many heat-insulating plasters– the difference lies in the components. But the principle of application is the same. It is performed in layers and the total thickness can reach up to 150mm (for large values, reinforcement is required). In most cases, this value is 50 - 80 mm. It depends on the climate zone, the thickness of the base walls, and other factors. I will not go into detail, since this is the topic of another article. Let's return to our bricks.

The average wall thickness for ordinary clay bricks, depending on the area and climatic conditions of the area at the average winter ambient temperature, looks in millimeters something like this:

  1. — 5 degrees — thickness = 250;
  2. — 10 degrees = 380;
  3. — 20 degrees = 510;
  4. - 30 degrees = 640.

I would like to summarize the above. We calculate the thickness of external brick walls based on the strength characteristics, and solve the heat-technical side of the issue using the method of wall insulation. As a rule, a design firm designs external walls without the use of insulation. If the house is uncomfortably cold and the need for insulation arises, then carefully consider the selection of insulation.

2.130-1.28 00ПЗ Explanatory note
2.130-1.28 01 Fragments of masonry facades
2.130-1.28 02 Nodes 1, 2. Examples of the order of external walls with a floor height of 2.8 m
2.130-1.28 03 Units 3, 4, 5. Walls 380 mm thick made of brick and ceramic stones. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 04 Units 6, 7, 8. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick and ceramic stones. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 05 Nodes 9, 10, 11. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick and ceramic stones. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 06 Nodes 12, 13. Walls 380 mm thick made of brick. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 07 Units 14, 15. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 08 Units 16, 17. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 09 Nodes 18, 19, 20, 21. Laying walls with a widened seam
2.130-1.28 10 Nodes 22, 23, 24. Walls 380 mm thick made of brick and ceramic stones with facing masonry. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 11 Units 25, 26, 27. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick and ceramic stones with facing masonry. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 12 Units 28, 29, 30. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick and ceramic stones with facing masonry. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 13 Units 31, 32, 33. Walls 380 mm thick made of brick with facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 14 Units 34, 35, 36. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick with facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 15 Units 37, 38, 39. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick with facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 16 Nodes 40. Walls 380 mm thick made of brick with facing ceramic stones. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 17 Units 41. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick with facing ceramic stones. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 18 Nodes 42. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick with facing ceramic stones. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 19 Nodes 43, 44. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick with decorative facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 20 Nodes 45, 46. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick with decorative facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 21 Units 47. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick with decorative facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 22 Units 48. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick with decorative facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 23 Units 49. Walls 510 mm thick made of brick with decorative facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 24 Nodes 50. Walls 640 mm thick made of brick with decorative facing masonry. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 25 Nodes 51… 62. Walls with a thickness of 380, 510 and 640 mm made of brick and ceramic stones with cladding. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 26 Nodes 63… 66. Brick pillars section 380x380; 380x510; 510x510 and 640x510 mm
2.130-1.28 27 Nodes 67, 68, 69. Brick pillars with a section of 640x640; 640x770 and 770x770 mm
2.130-1.28 28 Nodes 70, 71. Narrow walls with a section of 1160x510 and 1420x640 mm
2.130-1.28 29 Nodes 72… 77. Connections of external and internal walls. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 30 Nodes 78, 79, 80. Connections of external and internal walls. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 31 Nodes 81, 82, 83. Connections of external and internal walls. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 32 Nodes 84, 85. Fragments of walls with channels
2.130-1.28 33 Nodes 86…. 89. Smoke and ventilation ducts in walls with a thickness of 380, 510 and 640 mm. Chain dressing system
2.130-1.28 34 Units 90, 91. Smoke and ventilation ducts in walls 380 and 510 mm thick. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 35 Units 92, 93. Smoke and ventilation ducts in walls 380 and 640 mm thick. Multi-row dressing system
2.130-1.28 36 Nodes 94-1… 94-7. Examples of solutions for lintels in external walls
2.130-1.28 37 Unit 95. Lining of lintels
2.130-1.28 38 Units 96, 97, 98. Installation of window units with paired sashes
2.130-1.28 39 Units 99, 100, 101. Installation of window units with separate sashes
2.130-1.28 40 Units 102, 103, 104. Installation of door blocks in external walls with quarters on the outside
2.130-1.28 41 Units 105, 106, 107. Installation of door blocks in external walls with quarters from the inside
2.130-1.28 42 Units 108… 111. Installation of door blocks in interior walls
2.130-1.28 43 Units 112… 117. Expansion joints
2.130-1.28 44 Node 118. 119, 120. Cornices
2.130-1.28 45 Nodes 121… 126. Socles

Construction of a three-layer wall with brick cladding

IN low-rise construction The design of an external three-layer wall is very popular: load-bearing wall - insulation-brick cladding (120 mm), Fig.1. This wall allows you to use effective for each layer materials.

Bearing wall made of brick or concrete blocks, is the strength frame of the building.

Insulation layer. fixed to the wall, provides the necessary level of thermal insulation outer wall.

Wall cladding from facing bricks protects the insulation from external influences and serves decorative coating walls.

Fig.1. Three-layer wall.
1 — interior decoration; 2 - load-bearing wall; 3 - thermal insulation; 4 - ventilated gap; 5 - brick cladding; 6 - flexible connections

Multilayer walls also have disadvantages:

  • limited durability of the insulation material compared to the material of the load-bearing wall and cladding;
  • release of hazardous and harmful substances from insulation, albeit within acceptable limits;
  • the need to use special measures to protect the wall from blowing and moisture - vapor-tight, windproof coatings and ventilated gaps;
  • flammability of polymer insulation;

Load-bearing wall in three-layer masonry

Insulation of house walls with mineral wool slabs

Mineral wool slabs are fixed on a load-bearing wall with a ventilated air gap between the surface of the slabs and the brick cladding, or without a gap, Fig. 1.

Calculations of the humidity conditions of walls show that in three-layer walls Condensation in the insulation occurs during the cold season in almost all climatic zones of Russia.

The amount of condensate that falls varies, but for most regions it falls within the standards established by SNiP 02/23/2003 “ Thermal protection buildings." There is no accumulation of condensate in the wall structure during a year-round cycle due to drying in the warm season, which is also a requirement of the specified SNiP.

As an example, the figures show graphs of the amount of condensate in the insulation based on the results of calculations for various options cladding of three-layer walls of a residential building in St. Petersburg.

Rice. 2. The result of calculating the humidity conditions of a wall with mineral wool insulation as a middle layer (expanded clay concrete - 250 mm, insulation -100 mm, brick -120 mm). Facing - ceramic brick without ventilation gap.

Rice. 3. The result of calculating the humidity conditions of a wall with mineral wool insulation and plaster coating (expanded clay concrete - 250 mm, insulation - 120 mm, plaster coating -10 mm). Facing - vapor permeable.

Rice. 4. The result of calculating the humidity conditions of a wall insulated with mineral wool slabs with a ventilated gap and a “siding” type coating (brick - 380 mm, insulation -120 mm, siding). Facing - ventilated facade.

The graphs above clearly show how the cladding barrier, which prevents ventilation of the outer surface of the mineral wool insulation, leads to an increase in the amount of condensation in the insulation. Although moisture accumulation in the insulation does not occur in the annual cycle, it When facing with bricks without a ventilation gap, a significant amount of condensation and freezing occurs in the insulation every year in winter. amount of water, Fig.2. Moisture also accumulates in the layer adjacent to the insulation brick cladding

Moistening the insulation reduces its heat-shielding properties, which increases heating costs building.

In addition, when water freezes every year, it destroys the insulation and brickwork of the cladding. Moreover, cycles of freezing and thawing can occur repeatedly during the season. The insulation gradually crumbles, and the brickwork of the cladding collapses. I note that frost resistance ceramic bricks only 50 - 75 cycles, and the frost resistance of the insulation is not standardized.

Replacing insulation covered with brick cladding is expensive. Hydrophobized high-density mineral wool slabs are more durable under these conditions. But these plates also have a higher cost.

The amount of condensate is reduced or There is no condensation at all if you provide better ventilation of the insulation surface - Fig.3 and 4.

Another way to eliminate condensation is to increase the vapor permeability resistance of the load-bearing wall. To do this, the surface of the load-bearing wall is covered with a vapor barrier film or thermal insulation boards with a vapor barrier applied to their surface are used. When mounting on a wall, the surface of the slabs covered with vapor barrier must be facing the wall.

The construction of a ventilated gap and sealing of walls with vapor-proof coatings complicate and increase the cost of wall construction. The consequences of dampening the insulation in the walls in winter are described above. So choose. For construction areas with harsh winter conditions the installation of a ventilated gap can be economically justified.

In walls with a ventilated gap, mineral wool boards with a density of at least 30-45 are used. kg/m 3, covered on one side with a windproof coating. When using slabs without wind protection on the outer surface of the thermal insulation, windproof coatings should be provided, for example, vapor-permeable membranes, fiberglass, etc.

In walls without a ventilated gap, it is recommended to use mineral wool boards with a density of 35-75 kg/m 3. In a wall design without a ventilated gap, thermal insulation boards are installed freely in a vertical position in the space between the main wall and the facing layer of brick. The supporting elements for the insulation are the fastenings provided for attaching the brick cladding to the load-bearing wall - reinforcing mesh, flexible connections.

In a wall with a ventilation gap, the insulation and windproof coating are attached to the wall using special dowels at the rate of 8 -12 dowels per 1 m 2 surfaces. The dowels must be buried in the thickness concrete walls at 35-50 mm, brick - by 50 mm, in masonry made of hollow bricks and lightweight concrete blocks - by 90 mm.

Insulation of walls with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

Rigid slabs of foamed polymers are placed in the middle of a three-layer brick wall structure without a ventilated gap.

Plates made of polymers have a very high resistance to vapor permeation. For example, a layer of wall insulation made from expanded polystyrene boards (EPS) has a resistance 15-20 times greater than that of a brick wall of the same thickness.

The insulation when installed hermetically is in brick wall vapor barrier. Steam from the room simply does not reach the outer surface of the insulation.

With the correct thickness of insulation, the temperature of the inner surface of the insulation should be above the dew point. If this condition is met, steam condensation on the inner surface of the insulation does not occur.

Mineral insulation - low density cellular concrete

Recently, another type of insulation has been gaining popularity - products made from low-density cellular concrete. These are heat-insulating boards based on materials already known and used in construction - autoclaved aerated concrete, gas silicate.

Thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete have a density of 100 - 200 kg/m 3 and thermal conductivity coefficient in dry condition 0.045 - 0.06 W/m o K. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam insulation have approximately the same thermal conductivity. Slabs are produced with a thickness of 60 - 200 mm. Compressive strength class B1.0 (compressive strength not less than 10 kg/m3.) Vapor permeability coefficient 0.28 mg/(m*year*Pa).

Thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete are a good alternative to mineral wool and expanded polystyrene insulation.

Well-known brands of thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete in the construction market: “Multipor”, “AEROC Energy”, “Betol”.

Advantages of thermal insulation slabs made of cellular concrete:

The most important thing is higher durability. The material does not contain any organic matter - it is fake diamond. It has a fairly high vapor permeability, but less than mineral wool insulation.

The structure of the material contains a large number of open pores. The moisture that condenses in the insulation in winter dries quickly in the warm season. There is no moisture accumulation.

Thermal insulation does not burn and does not emit harmful gases when exposed to fire. The insulation does not cake. Insulation boards are harder and mechanically stronger.

The cost of insulating a facade with cellular concrete slabs, in any case, does not exceed the cost of thermal insulation with mineral wool insulation or expanded polystyrene.

When installing heat-insulating slabs made of aerated concrete, the following rules are followed:

Thermal insulation slabs made of aerated concrete with a thickness of up to 100 mm attached to the facade using glue and dowels, 1-2 dowels per slab.

From slabs more than 100 thick mm A wall is laid close to the insulated wall. The masonry is laid using glue with a seam thickness of 2-3 mm. The masonry of insulation boards is connected to the load-bearing wall with anchors - flexible ties at the rate of five ties per 1 m 2 walls. Between the load-bearing wall and the insulation you can leave a technological gap of 2-15 mm.

It is better to connect all layers of the wall and brick cladding with a masonry mesh. This will increase the mechanical strength of the wall.

Wall insulation with foam glass

Three-layer wall of the house with foam glass insulation and brick cladding.

Another type of mineral insulation that has appeared on the construction market relatively recently is foam glass slabs.

Unlike heat-insulating aerated concrete, foam glass has closed pores. Due to this, foam glass slabs do not absorb water well and have low vapor permeability. A ventilated gap between the insulation and the cladding is not needed.

Foam glass insulation is durable, does not burn, is not afraid of moisture, and is not damaged by rodents. It has a higher cost than all the types of insulation listed above.

Installation of foam glass slabs on the wall is carried out using glue and dowels.

The thickness of the insulation is selected in two stages:

  1. They are chosen based on the need to provide the required resistance to heat transfer of the outer wall.
  2. Then they check for the absence of steam condensation in the thickness of the wall. If the test shows otherwise, then it is necessary to increase the thickness of the insulation. The thicker the insulation, the lower the risk of steam condensation and moisture accumulation in the wall material. But this leads to increased construction costs.

A particularly large difference in the thickness of the insulation, selected according to the two above conditions, occurs when insulating walls with high vapor permeability and low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation to ensure energy saving is relatively small for such walls, and To avoid condensation, the thickness of the slabs must be unreasonably large.

When insulating aerated concrete walls(as well as from other materials with low resistance to vapor permeation and high resistance to heat transfer - for example, wood, from large-porous expanded clay concrete), the thickness of the polymer thermal insulation, according to the calculation of moisture accumulation, is much greater than that required by energy saving standards.

To reduce steam inflow, it is recommended to arrange vapor barrier layer on the inner surface of the wall(from the side warm room), Rice. 6. To install a vapor barrier from the inside, materials with high resistance to vapor permeation are selected for finishing - a deep penetration primer is applied to the wall in several layers, cement plaster, vinyl wallpapers.

The installation of a vapor barrier from the inside is mandatory for walls made of aerated concrete and gas silicate for any type of insulation and façade cladding.

It should be borne in mind that the masonry of the walls of a new house always contains a large amount of construction moisture. Therefore, it is better to allow the walls of the house to dry thoroughly from the outside. It is recommended to carry out façade insulation work after the interior finishing is completed, and not earlier than a year after the completion of this work.

Cladding the external walls of a house with bricks

Cladding the external walls of a house with bricks is durable and, when using special colored facing bricks, or even better clinker bricks. quite decorative. The disadvantages of cladding include the relatively large weight of the cladding, the high cost of special bricks, and the need to widen the foundation.

It is especially necessary to note the complexity and high cost of dismantling the cladding to replace the insulation. The service life of mineral wool and polymer insulation does not exceed 30 - 50 years. At the end of its service life, the heat-saving properties of the wall are reduced by more than a third.

With brick cladding it is necessary use the most durable insulation materials, providing them with conditions in the wall structure for the longest possible operation without replacement (minimum amount of condensation in the wall). It is recommended to choose high-density mineral wool insulation and polymer insulation made from extruded polystyrene foam, EPS.

In walls with brick lining, in It is best to use mineral insulation from autoclaved aerated concrete or foam glass, with The service life of which is much greater than that of mineral wool and polymer.

Brick cladding is laid in half a brick, 120 mm. on ordinary masonry mortar.

A wall without a ventilated gap, insulated with high-density slabs (mineral wool - more than 50 kg/m 3, EPPS), you can veneer with brickwork on edge - 60 mm. This will reduce the overall thickness of the outer wall and plinth.

The masonry of the brick cladding is connected to the masonry of the load-bearing wall with steel wire or reinforcement mesh, protected from corrosion, or with special flexible connections (fiberglass, etc.). The grid or connections are placed vertically in increments of 500-600 mm.(height of the insulation board), horizontally - 500 mm., while the number of connections per 1 m 2 blank wall - at least 4 PC. At the corners of the building along the perimeter of window and door openings 6-8 PC. by 1 m 2.

The brick lining is longitudinally reinforced with masonry mesh with a vertical pitch of no more than 1000-1200 mm. The masonry mesh must fit into the masonry joints of the load-bearing wall.

To ventilate the air gap in the bottom row of facing masonry, special vents are installed at the rate of 75 cm 2 for every 20 m 2 wall surface. For lower vents, you can use a slotted brick placed on the edge so that outside air through holes in the brick was able to penetrate the air gap in the wall. Upper vents are provided in the eaves of the wall.

Ventilation holes can also be made by partially filling cement mortar vertical joints between the bricks of the bottom row of masonry.

The placement of windows and doors in the thickness of a three-layer wall should ensure minimal heat loss through the wall at the installation site.

In a three-layer insulated wall from the outside, a window or door frame installed in the same plane with the insulation layer at the border of the heat-insulating layer- as it shown on the picture.

This arrangement of the window and door along the thickness of the wall will ensure minimal heat loss at the junction.

Watch the video tutorial on the topic: how to properly lay a three-layer wall of a house with brick cladding.

When facing walls with brick, it is important to ensure the durability of the insulation layer. Longest term The service will be provided with thermal insulation by slabs of low-density cellular concrete or foam glass.

It is also important to reduce the amount of moisture in external walls in winter period. The less moisture condenses in the insulation and cladding, the longer their service life and the higher the heat-shielding properties. To do this, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the vapor permeability of the load-bearing wall, and for vapor-permeable insulation it is recommended to create a ventilated gap at the border with the cladding.

For insulation of a three-layer wall mineral wool It is better to use slabs with a density of at least 75 kg/m 3 with a ventilated gap.

A wall insulated with mineral wool with a ventilated gap dries out construction moisture faster and does not accumulate moisture during operation. The insulation does not burn.

Thickness brickwork walls 510 – 640 mm is not due to load-bearing capacity, but rather due to considerations of thermal conductivity. A wall thickness of 250 mm is enough for the house to be strong and support the roof and snow. However, this thickness is not enough for the house to retain heat. IN middle lane In Russia, brick walls are made with a thickness of 640 mm. This wall thickness is calculated based on thermal conductivity, based on the winter outside air temperature of -30°. To reduce the cost of walls, two conditions must be met. Maintain the same thermal conductivity and reduce the thickness of the wall, which in turn will reduce brick consumption. You can use for these purposes well masonry, or masonry with horizontal diaphragms.

Lightweight brick walls suitable for the construction of low-rise buildings. The walls are erected from walls (versts) half a brick thick, the space between these walls is filled heat insulator– light concrete. Sometimes in a role thermal insulation use bulk materials, but they are less effective because Over time they settle, resulting in the formation of blown areas in the wall. The verst walls are connected to each other by horizontal diaphragms made of mortar, brick (Fig. a, b) or vertical brick walls - partitions that extend half a brick into the main wall - well masonry(Fig. c).

To build lightweight walls, you can use half-brick; you need to lay it with a break inside the wall. But it is necessary that the rows of half bricks alternate with rows of whole bricks (spoon rows). The bonded rows of transverse vertical diaphragms and the horizontal bonded rows are made only from whole brick. Lightweight walls, compared to solid ones, are approximately 40-50% more economical and lighter in weight. In terms of thermal conductivity, a wall with horizontal diaphragms, which are placed in a checkerboard pattern, is more effective (Fig. b), because the inner and outer versts do not touch each other, except for the last and first row

Thermal insulation can be made from expanded clay concrete, sawdust concrete, cinder concrete, and other materials. It is better to carry out the thermal insulation that is most accessible to you. But expanded clay is expensive, and slag and sawdust are practically free. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at slag and sawdust concrete. Sawdust concrete is nailable, non-flammable and strong enough for the walls of a low-rise building. It can even be used to build walls as independent material, but then the walls need to be plastered, because lightweight concrete, due to its low volumetric weight, is quite hygroscopic and absorbs atmospheric moisture. In terms of thermal conductivity, the thickness of a 20 cm wall made of sawdust concrete is equal to a half-meter thick wall made of brick, or a 15 cm thick wall made of timber.

If you decide to fill the walls with sawdust concrete, then it is better to use sawdust concrete M, but not lower than 10. To make sawdust concrete, sawdust is used that has lain for at least 2 months in the open air. Fresh sawdust contains carbohydrates, which when combined with water begins the fermentation process. Slag concrete is mixed with cement, clay and lime. Walls made with cement and lime are the strongest.

To prepare cinder concrete, you need to sift the slag through a 40x40 mm sieve, and then through a 5x5 mm sieve. Large pieces must be broken up. To obtain even finer slag, sift it through another 1x1 mm sieve. To prepare slag concrete, you need 30-40% fine slag (after a 1x1 mm sieve) and 60-70% coarse slag (up to 5x5 mm). These components are mixed and the binder is added.

Slag concrete can also be used as an independent material for walls. The thickness in this case depends on the minimum outside temperature: 45 cm at temperatures below -20°, 60 cm at -30°, 70 cm at -40°. For lightweight masonry, slag concrete is used, but the thickness of the walls is chosen the same as for walls made entirely of brick. At temperatures below -30°, lightweight masonry walls should have a thickness of 64 cm. If sawdust concrete is used, the thickness should be 38-51 cm.

Nowadays, some small enterprises produce 40x18x18 cm wall blocks. Before purchasing these blocks, check their composition. If they consist only of cement, gravel or sand, without thermal insulation materials, then don't take them. They are only suitable for a cold shed, because in rooms with walls made of such blocks, the walls collect condensation in winter, and in summer such a room is damp.

Let's consider the technology of laying a lightweight wall with horizontal diaphragms (Fig. b). Brickwork begins with waterproofing. Two layers of roofing felt are placed on the base (on the solution). The first row of bricks are already being laid for insulation. This first row needs to be laid down with a poke, two bricks thick - the diaphragms are connected. Along the bottom row, the corners of the building are also laid out in 5 rows. First, the corners of the outer mile are formed, all these five rows are placed with a spoon, not forgetting to check the verticality of the plumb line. Then between the outer corners you need to pull the mooring on each row. Screw the mooring onto nails, which are driven into the seams. At the end of the row, the nails are removed to be moved to the next row. The 1st row of masonry is poked across the entire thickness of the wall (that is, the brick is perpendicular to the wall), from the 2nd to 6th rows inclusive of the outer mile - the brick is parallel to the wall (with a spoon). Make sure that the masonry is even, filled, and seams are bandaged. During laying, until the mortar has set, the seams are unstitched. Embroider with a jointer (special tool). First, the vertical seams on the outside of the building are unstitched, then the horizontal ones. There is no need to unstitch the internal seams. After six rows of the outer mile, you need to start laying the inner mile. Again, start from the corners.

The corners are raised by 3 rows. Lay out three rows, stretching the mooring, the inner mile. Light concrete (sawdust concrete or slag concrete) must be poured into the void between the miles. After pouring, lay the 4th row of the inner mile, only with a poke (inside the wall), the fifth and sixth rows with a spoon. Again, you need to fill the cavity between the versts and lay the 7th row of masonry on the outer verst with a poke and so on. Lifting the inner and outer versts in turn, lightweight concrete is poured. But you need to try to ensure that the outer milepost is always higher than the inner one. Thus, the outer side of the wall will not be covered with lightweight concrete.

The brickwork of the walls begins and ends with bonded rows. When opening the doors and window openings There should also be side rows. In order not to weigh out the corners of the masonry every time, you can prepare even wooden slats with sawn grooves, where the distance between the grooves corresponds to the height of the row of masonry. At each corner of the building, these slats are installed plumb, nailing them into the seams of the finished masonry (for example, to the base). Next, the corners are placed along these slats, and the moorings are easily pulled into the grooves. But you cannot completely trust them. It is necessary to occasionally step aside and check the verticality, horizontality of the rows and corners, as well as the filling of the seams. While the mortar has not set, minor flaws, while the mortar has not set, can be corrected by tapping with a hammer; even, if necessary, fresh masonry can be dismantled.

Overlap openings in the walls jumpers. As a rule, in multi-storey buildings prefabricated reinforced concrete lintels. In low-rise buildings, openings up to 2 m are also covered with brick ordinary lintels, and if the opening is up to 4 m, with arched lintels. To prevent bricks from falling out during the formation of row lintels above the opening, 5-6 reinforcement rods 8-10 mm in diameter are placed under the bottom row of bricks. In this case, the lintels are made using formwork made of boards 40 mm thick. The formwork panel must be supported by racks. First, a 2-3 cm layer of mortar is spread over the formwork, then reinforcement is sunk into it, approximately 3-5 mm from the formwork panel, so that the reinforcement from below is protected by the mortar and there is no metal corrosion. The ends of the rods extend 25 cm beyond the edges of the opening. If a smooth profile is used, then the ends should end with hooks. If the profile is corrugated, hooks are not needed. The formwork is removed on the 9th day.

For wedge lintels, ordinary brick is used, but with wedge-shaped seams (at the bottom, minimum 5 mm and at the top, maximum 25 mm). The laying of the wedges is carried out along the formwork. There is an odd number of bricks in the lintel. Laying begins from the edges of the opening, ending with the odd brick in the middle, which is placed at odds. Thus, the middle brick wedges the lintel and prevents it from collapsing. The formwork is removed on the 5th day.

The brickwork ends with a cornice. The overhang for each row of the cornice is no more than 1/3 of the length of the brick, and the total offset is a maximum of half the thickness of the wall. In the cornice, in its upper upper part, a niche is left for the maeurlat. Some house designs do not include a cornice.

The internal walls of the building are made of brick: 250 mm thick - load-bearing; partitions up to 3 meters in length and 2.7 m in height - 1/4 brick, if the dimensions are larger - 1/2 brick. Partitions are secured to the walls using steel pins and ruffs. In bathrooms and toilets, partitions are made of red brick. For internal walls, the foundation is not deep, up to 50 cm. Under a heated building, the soil does not freeze.

When building walls, be aware of the ventilation of the house. It is necessary to leave ventilation ducts in the internal walls - 1 for the toilet and bathroom, 1 for the kitchen. Channels are opened under the ceiling of each floor in the masonry, measuring 12x12 cm and led to the roof. For hot water supply and heating devices, the channels must be made according to the dimensions from the passport for these devices. Wooden inserts (4 pieces per opening) can be placed into walls, partitions and piers along the masonry for fastening window and door frames. If construction is carried out in hot, dry summer conditions, then the brick is moistened with water, since the presence of moisture in the pores contributes to normal hardening of the mortar.