Useful plants for apartments and people. Video about the most useful indoor plants. Flowers that purify the air

There are numerous microorganisms in the air of any room where people live or work. Many houseplants emit volatile substances that can purify the air from pathogenic bacteria.

Microorganisms are always present in residential areas. Among them there are many that do not cause the slightest harm to people, but there are also causative agents of a wide variety of diseases. In autumn and winter time the risk of contracting influenza or acute respiratory viral infections, which are transmitted by airborne droplets, increases. Streptococci and staphylococci are also always present in rooms, and tuberculosis bacillus is also not uncommon these days in places where there are a lot of people.

People have increasingly begun to think about what environmentally friendly methods can be used to purify indoor air. Are there indoor plants that absorb toxins from the air? Perhaps they can also cleanse the house of germs?

Phytoncides inhibit the development of bacteria

All plants have an antimicrobial effect to one degree or another. It is known that in pine forest the air is clean, there are almost no pathogenic bacteria in it. Coniferous plants secrete phytoncides - biologically active substances that kill or suppress the growth and development of not only bacteria, but also microscopic fungi and protozoa. Characteristic representatives phytoncides are essential oils. Phytoncides have not yet been studied enough, because most of them cannot be collected in sufficient quantities to conduct laboratory research.

Indoor plants also produce phytoncides that can purify the air. Researchers from different countries conducted experiments with different types plants and obtained encouraging results.

To check whether indoor plants really kill bacteria, two identical test tubes with harmful microorganisms were placed in two identical chambers with ordinary air; indoor lemon. After a certain time, air samples were taken from the chambers.

According to the results of the study, it turned out that in the chamber where there was a pot of lemon, the air was much cleaner. Not completely sterile, of course, but it contained several times fewer pathogens than in the control chamber. Pathogenic microorganisms die on their own - they need a nutrient medium to live, suitable conditions(certain temperature, air humidity). But the presence of indoor lemon greatly accelerated the purification of the air.

This fact is confirmed by the experiments of Novosibirsk scientists who conducted air studies in one of the city kindergartens. In the premises of this institution, specially selected plants producing phytoncides (chlorophytum, aloe, begonia, asparagus) were placed. It turned out that the content of microorganisms in the air of this kindergarten was at a level comparable to the air in sterile rooms in medical institutions.

The results of a study of juice from crushed leaves of pelargonium, aloe and Kalanchoe on bacterial colonies (staphylococci, tetracocci, rods) have also been published. In accordance with the data obtained, zonal pelargonium has the greatest phytoncidal activity of tissue juices. It acts on all types of test cultures of microorganisms. Aloe showed a phytoncidal effect on tetracocci. Kalanchoe did not act on staphylococci and tetracocci, but acted on rods.

What indoor plants emit phytoncides?

All indoor plants are capable of producing volatile substances that are released into the indoor air and have biological activity. But not all of them have the same effect on people and microorganisms.

For example, indoor lemon releases a whole complex of substances that have a beneficial effect on humans, purify the air, increase efficiency, and resistance to stress. All plants of the citrus family have the same effect to one degree or another.

Coniferous plants are very effective at cleaning the house from almost all common types of microbes. The most common of them is indoor araucaria. Juniper can destroy streptococci and even tubercle bacilli. In ancient times, they used it to fumigate the rooms of the sick. You can grow decorative juniper at home. Like Araucaria, he does not like high temperature, but grows well in a cool hall.

Unlike conifers that are difficult to grow, pelargonium (geranium) is found in almost every home. This is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. And it also purifies the air perfectly! And our great-grandmothers knew this well. All parts of the plant contain substances that can neutralize viruses and bacteria. Essential oil pelargonium also affects the human nervous system: its aroma calms, relaxes, and improves sleep.

There are quite a lot of such plants: Kalanchoe, aloe, begonias, chlorophytum, common ivy, cyperus, peperomia obtufolia, myrtle, sansevieria and others. All these plants have an antimicrobial effect and can become an effective barrier to the spread of various infections.

Asparagus, coleus and spathiphyllum can be very useful plants for landscaping a children's room. They clean the indoor air well and do not cause allergies in children. Ferns also fight harmful microorganisms and, in addition, perfectly humidify the air, which is especially important in winter in heated rooms.

Aglaonema modesta effectively kills streptococci, good phytoncidal plants Monstera, Cyperus and small-flowered chrysanthemum are also considered.

Eucalyptus and myrtle beautiful plants for landscaping the bedroom. They can be considered an ideal tool for destroying viruses. These plants are very useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases.
What determines the amount of phytoncides in the air?

The quantitative content of phytoncides in the air is significantly influenced by temperature. In a cold room, less volatile substances are released. An increase from 15 degrees to 20 leads to a significant increase in the amount of phytoncides in the air.

At very high humidity phytoncides are almost not released. But in too dry air their activity decreases.

The amount of phytoncides in the air does not depend on lighting.

Five of the most useful plants for the home, video

What are the benefits of indoor plants, video

Tell me, what flowers should be in the house? We are a young family, we recently celebrated a housewarming party and made renovations. Now all that’s left to do is arrange your home by purchasing and arranging furniture. I also really want a lot of flowers. A start has been made - friends gave us the first pot of dracaena. I heard that not all plants can be kept in the room, and besides, we are expecting a new addition to the family. Help me choose flowers that will not cause harm, will bring benefit, and will be beautiful. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Perhaps there is no house that does not have at least one flowerpot with a living flower. Indoor plants are brought into home comfort special note. Compact or rather tall green bushes decorate the room all year round, not to mention flowering. Just imagine: it’s winter outside the windows, the trees are bare, covered with a snow cap. And on your windowsill there is a charming geranium that has bloomed its lush bright buds. It's just a fantastic sight, isn't it? But, in addition to decoration, flowers can also make your home more comfortable and safe. Some plants can purify the air from dust and harmful substances emitted by household items. Others moisturize it, which is especially important in heating season, others are generally medicinal. There are also mascot flowers that attract love, prosperity and prosperity into the house. What flowers must be in the house to fill it with coziness and comfort? We bring to your attention a short selection of indoor plants depending on their purpose.

Flowers that purify the air

IN modern times every house or apartment is literally “stuffed” different techniques. TV, computer, refrigerator, microwave, air conditioning - undoubtedly, all these things are useful and necessary. But at the same time, they also have a negative impact in the form of electromagnetic radiation. You can clear your house of them and enrich the air with oxygen by planting the following flowers in your rooms:

If there are small children in the house, it is better to choose cacti without thorns.

Medicinal flowers for the home

Some plants have beautiful appearance leaves combined with healing properties, most often anti-inflammatory. To always have a “green first aid kit” on hand, you need to keep the following flowers in your house:

What flowers should be in the house as a talisman?

There are whole legends about some indoor plants, claiming that they can attract good luck and happiness to the house and owner. In order for everything to be fine in your home, you need to plant the following flowers:

The list of flowers for the home could go on for a long time. They are all beautiful and it is up to you which plant will become your favorite. Grow and enjoy the spectacular appearance and flowering of your pets.

Video about the most useful indoor plants

Since ancient times, man has felt his inextricable connection with nature. He not only enjoyed inhaling the smell of foliage and the aroma of flowers, but also felt a surge of vigor and strength. Since ancient times, people have known that many plants can heal, and they turned to them for help.

Therefore, man intuitively sought to bring a piece of living nature into his home. And in our time, scientists have found that many indoor plants that decorate apartments and offices serve as air “cleaners.”
They enrich the room atmosphere with oxygen,saturate with aromatic substances and phytoncides,have a detrimental effect on the growth and reproduction of many pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the volatile substances they release have a beneficial effect on the human body, and some of them are capable of neutralizing harmful substances and radiation.The correct selection of plants that produce phytoncides can completely improve the atmosphere in the room.

One of the most useful indoor plants is chlorophytum ( Chlorophytum ). To purify the air in a room of about 20 square meters 6 plant specimens are enough.

Chlorophytum leaves have the ability to absorb toxic substances released by synthetic finishing materials, as well as those contained in gas combustion products - formaldehyde, sulfur and nitrogen compounds. Therefore, this plant will be very appropriate both in the kitchen with a gas stove and in the living room.
Common ivy, spathiphyllium, dracaena, and chamedorea also have the ability to absorb formaldehyde and other toxic substances.

Chamaedorea ) It is especially recommended for houses located near highways, since it neutralizes the evaporation of harmful substances contained in exhaust gases - benzene, trichlorethylene.

The same function is performed by ficus ( Ficus ) . In addition to saturating the air with oxygen, moisturizing and removing toxins, it releases phytoncides that suppress the activity of microorganisms. The gloss of its leaves traps a lot of dust, and when washing or wiping the leaves it is easily removed. Since ficus produces oxygen during the daytime and absorbs it at night, it is not recommended to place a pot with this plant in the bedroom, and especially in the nursery. Its ideal habitat is a kitchen or rooms with windows overlooking an industrial area or highway.

Unpretentious plant sansevieria ( Sansevieria ) , popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “snake skin”, can rightfully be considered an oxygen generator. Sansevieria helps to the human body adapt to changing conditions, increasing its immunity. Thus, it protects against colds and reduces the harmful effects of changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature and air humidity.It also protects against toxins released by synthetics and linoleum.

Geranium (Pelargonium ), or pelargonium , acts as a “house doctor” for functional disorders of the nervous system. The aroma of geranium relieves nervous tension, helps with insomnia, neuroses, stress, and also with oncology. The substance geraniol released by it has an antiviral and antibacterial effect, kills staphylococcal and streptococcal viruses. Pelargonium also seems to “suck out” carbon monoxide and dampness, repels flies, and refreshes stagnant air.Therefore, in addition to the bedroom, it is well suited for the kitchen.

It's not just the fruits that are valuable when grown indoors. lemon ( Citrus × lemon ) . Its leaves, which are a source of 85 healing substances, sterilize the air. In the room where lemon grows, pathogenic organisms stop multiplying. Essential oils of lemon, orange, grapefruit, muraya, orange and other citrus leaves can reduce elevated arterial pressure, give a feeling of vigor and improve general condition, increase brain activity.

Everyone knows aloe ( Aloe ) among many peoples it is famous for its healing properties, such as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, wound healing, and as a remedy for burns. Its juice also helps to improve appetite, enhance secretion of the digestive tract and normalize digestion, increase the body’s protective functions, and accelerate recovery processes in case of tissue damage. It turns out that it releases oxygen at night, so it belongs in the bedroom.

Indispensable in the presence of chronic diseases asparagus ( Asparagus ) . By its presence, it helps accelerate the healing of bone fractures and skin damage, and improves skin elasticity. It is useful for various pulmonary diseases, as it strengthens the lungs. Asparagus is destructive to many pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it absorbs heavy metals from the air.

For people suffering from chronic bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, it is simply necessary to plant medicinal rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ) , phytoncides of which are therapeutic therapy for these diseases.

Myrtle and euonymus, eucalyptus and Kalanchoe Thanks to their antibacterial properties, they help improve immunity and prevent the development of colds. Groups of 4-5 of these plants have an effective effect even at a distance of about 1.5 - 2 meters from them.
Have cleansing properties conifers, philodendron, syngonium, peperomia, everflowering begonia, epipremnum pinnate, nephrolepis, tradescantia.

If you work at a computer, near an air conditioner, a printer, or a copier, you probably feel very tired by the end of the day, and sometimes weak and have a headache. Dead air processed by technology does not contain negative ions, phytoncides and living aromas. Place a small conifer next to you. It can bearaucaria, cryptomeria, juniper, cypress, cypress .

Scientists have found that from phytoncides secreted dracaena, amaryllis, hippeastrum agapanthus, zephyranthes , some strains of bacteria die faster than garlic.
Experts recommend chlorophytum, ivy, aloe and sansevieria as effective air purifiers, and for one person they recommend having 10 plants of chlorophytum crested, 4 geraniums, one each of lemon, philodendron or other vines, and several cacti.

Flowers with a bright red or yellow-orange color will drive away sleep in the morning and give you a good mood for the whole day.

Creating comfort in own home, it is very difficult to choose the right wallpaper, carpets, furniture and other items. It is no less difficult to choose the right indoor plants that will not only please the eye, but also provide benefits for one reason or another. We bring to your attention a selection of 25 indoor flowers with photos and names that must grow in the house.


Colorful ornamental shrub heather family. The flower comes from India, China, the mountains of Siberia and the Caucasus. The leaves of the flower are small, symmetrical on long stalks. The flowers are large, multi-colored, curly. Azalea has many interpretations about growing it at home. Many sources say that a lush and blooming azalea in the house will bring good luck to household members in the business sphere.

Aloe (Agave)

A shrubby plant with dense and fleshy arrow-shaped leaves. The ends of the leaves are covered with spines. The plant may be light green or have small white speckles. Aloe can be called a “house doctor”, it irreplaceable plant in the house. Helps with colds, headaches, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the throat and nose, diseases of the oral cavity, boils and ulcers. An excellent product for home cosmetology. Effectively stops bleeding.

Anthurium (Men's happiness)

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. The flowers are large, spadix-shaped, with a single petal around them. The flowers are most often shiny red. The flower is native to South America. It is generally accepted that Anthurium brings happiness to its male owner. The flower symbolizes courage, passion, strength, freedom, love.


Evergreen coniferous plant in the form of a miniature tree with a pyramidal crown. Instead of leaves, the plant has soft green-yellow needles. Araucaria in the house will fill the home with freshness and pine aroma. Serves as an excellent air purifier.

Wax ivy

Evergreen climbing plant family of swallowtails. The plant has heart-shaped or oval leaves of dark green color. An umbrella blooms with inflorescences on a long stalk. The inflorescence can contain up to 25 flowers of white, pink or red. The plant comes from China. It is believed that the plant protects households from various misfortunes and removes negative energy. The plant purifies the air well and kills germs.


A lush indoor plant with curly, light green, basal leaves. The flowers are small, lush, on high stalks, in an umbrella inflorescence. Flowers can be white, pink, red. Geranium is famous for its antiseptic, bactericidal and antiviral effects. Very often, the plant is used in home medicine for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, otitis media, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, headaches, toothaches, normalization of blood pressure, indigestion and wound healing. Geraniums are also credited with the mystical properties of identifying illnesses in the household; the plant begins to wither and disappears when someone gets sick.


A perennial bulbous houseplant of the Liliaceae family. The plant is native to tropical America. The leaves are belt-shaped, dense, dark green, up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem is single, juicy, dense, up to 90 centimeters in height. The flowers are large, lily-shaped, collected in an umbellate inflorescence of 2-6 flowers. The color of flowers can be very diverse. The plant purifies the air well.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

The cactus has a spherical, symmetrical body with small needles. The body color of the cactus is dark green, the body is ribbed. Cactus blooms good care, at the end of spring and every year. The cactus throws out a furry soft arrow at the end of which a bud opens. One bud blooms for 1-3 days. Flowers exude a wonderful aroma. You need to place the cactus in places where some kind of radiation is possible (computer, TV and other equipment). Cacti attract money and protect the house from thieves.


A lush indoor plant with heart-shaped leaves speckled with white or plain, dark green. Leaves on long stalks. The flowers are single on long stalks. The flower consists of one colorful folded petal and a spadix center. The color of the flowers can be white, pink, red, beige, yellow. The flower comes from South Africa. Calla has magical abilities to transform aggressive energy into energy of joy and triumph. Calla lilies are considered to be a talisman for the home, and also a generator of goodness and joy.


A bushy indoor plant covered with large oval leaves with a grooved pattern. The leaves are dark green with light green or burgundy splashes. The leaves are arranged symmetrically on tall, succulent stalks. It blooms with small yellow or white flowers. The flowers are located low on individual stalks. Calathea purifies indoor air well. The flower is considered to be an absorber negative energy. According to many beliefs, calathea brings peace to the family.


A lush indoor plant with spatulate or oval leaves. The leaves are dark green, shiny, on separate stalks, basal. The flowers are in the inflorescence of an umbrella, small, the color may vary. In the home, Kalanchoe is considered to be a full-fledged “home healer”. The plant is able to heal wounds, regenerate skin, treat runny nose, treat stomach ulcers, treat varicose veins veins and so on.


Lush bushy indoor plant. The leaves are oval, shiny, dark green. The flowers are large, red, on separate stalks. Externally, the flower is similar to a peony flower. Camellia in the house means good luck in creative and career endeavors.


Tree-like indoor plant. The tree trunk is thin, single. The crown of the tree is formed from small branches and small, frequent leaves. The crown of myrtle is in the form of a ball. Myrtle is considered to be a plant that can give eternal youth. The plant brings into the house family happiness and everlasting love.


Bushy plant. Plant leaves purple. Outwardly, the flower resembles a “flock of purple butterflies.” Oxalis blooms with small white flowers in umbrella inflorescences of 5-10 pieces. The flower has the property of weaving. Oxalis can be eaten in salads and as a substitute for sorrel. The flower is recommended for the home of those who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Oxalis has the properties of heightening the senses and enhancing intuition.


Indoor rose has many varieties. Shrub roses are similar in appearance to street roses. The climbing rose does not grow in the room. tree rose or Chinese rose, according to popular belief, brings misfortune. A bush rose in the house is an ancient symbol of wealth, love and prosperity.

Sansevieria (Mother-in-law's tongue)

Bushy massive plant. The leaves are succulent, large, sword-shaped. The leaves can reach 2 meters in height. The leaves of the plant can be a solid dark green color or interspersed with white and even with a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. Sansevieria promotes family well-being and harmony. ethnoscience did not lose sight of the medicinal antiseptic properties of the plant’s leaves. The juice of the leaves heals wounds and stops bleeding.

Saintpaulia (violet)

Low growing indoor plant. The violet leaves are oval, dense with a rough surface. The color of the leaves is bluish-green. Each leaf is on a separate stem. The leaves are lying, located in the basal part of the plant. The flowers are regular, on separate stalks. Flowers can be pink, red, purple, white, yellow or multi-colored. It all depends on the species. According to popular belief, the violet brings family well-being. The plant is considered a symbol of eternal love.

Spathiphyllum (Women's happiness)

A lush houseplant with shiny, dark green, heart-shaped or oval leaves. The sheets are corrugated. The flowers are large, spadix-shaped, with a single petal around them. The flowers are white, matte. The flower is native to South America. It is generally accepted that Spathiphyllum brings happiness to its female owner. I will return the flower, tenderness, hope, love.

Scindapsus aureus

Climbing indoor vine plant. The leaves are oval or heart-shaped, dark green in color. The leaves may be bordered with a yellow stripe or have yellow spots. The plant is in most cases used as an excellent air purifier. The flower is able to transform the energy of laziness into mobility.

Crassula (Money tree)

Indoor tree plant. The tree trunk is dense, can be either squat or tall (depending on the subspecies of the plant). The leaves are small, oval, juicy, dark green. The leaves are symmetrically arranged along the branches. According to Chinese beliefs, the leaves of the tree resemble coins. It is believed that the plant attracts money into the house.


Tall indoor plant. The stem is dense. single, can be up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem may be brown or burgundy. The leaves are large, oval, juicy, dark green. Ficus maintains an even energy balance in the house. An excellent air purifier.


Bushy indoor plant. The leaves are light green, thin and bendable, sword-shaped. There is a light stripe in the middle of the leaf. There are a lot of leaves on the bush. The plant is native to the subtropics. Chlorophytum is an excellent air purifier. The plant is capable of filling the air with beneficial phytoncides. People call the plant “family happiness.” According to legends, it brings happiness, comfort and peace to the family.


Lush bushy indoor plant. The leaves are dark green. bluish, matte. The leaves have whitish inclusions. The flowers are solitary on their own pedicels. The flowers look like butterflies. The color of flowers can be varied. Most often, flowers have the correct natural gradient. The plant has powerful energy. An excellent antidepressant. Drives away bad dreams and dispels fears.

Citrus tree (lemon, tangerine)

The citrus tree in the house can be either a lemon or a tangerine. The tree trunk is strong and massive. The leaves are small, dark green, on thin branches. Crown on such indoor trees, often spherical. Most often when proper care Fruits are formed on the tree. A citrus tree is an excellent air purifier in the house. The plant also fills the house with citrus freshness, which improves sleep for household members and improves overall mood.


Bushy indoor plant. The leaves of the plant are small, dark green, symmetrically arranged on separate stalks. Eucalyptus purifies and refreshes the air. Eucalyptus leaves have very beneficial properties for asthmatics. The plant is also very useful for people with bronchial diseases and runny nose.

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet. » Jeremy Bentham

Living in a city apartment has alienated a person from nature, and we are all trying to compensate for our lack of communication with her with indoor indoor flowers, which not only delight us with their growth, green leaves and blooms. Plants are able to react to the human condition and get sick due to frequent quarrels in the family. Like pets - animals, they love to be interacted with and can heal a person.

The properties of indoor plants are not limited to this. And if you want to know what useful indoor plants are best to buy for your home to fill it with positive energy, bring love and prosperity into it, and clear the air of harmful substances, then the main “green helpers” that are worth paying attention to are listed below.

Useful indoor plants that purify the air from harmful substances

Plants that we grow for beauty can help us not only relieve stress when we admire their beauty and greenery, saturate the room with oxygen, but also cleanse it of harmful substances such as sulfur and nitrogen compounds, carbon monoxide, benzene and formaldehyde vapors . They can also reduce the harmful effects on humans - soot, dust and other types of allergens. Let's look at a few of these filter plants that you should definitely install in your home.

– will decorate any room. But besides beauty, this plant ranks first in purifying the air in apartments and offices. It is able to neutralize harmful formaldehyde vapors, clean the room from carbon monoxide and cigarette smoke and destroy pathogens and allergens.

-ranks first in popularity, and this is not surprising. He is popularly called the “centenarian” for his big number medicinal properties. Aloe juice disinfects and heals wounds, improves appetite and has choleretic and anti-inflammatory properties. He enters medicinal compounds boost immunity, treat ulcers and gastritis, sinusitis and runny nose.

– has similar properties. It restores tissue, treats wounds and burns, tonsillitis and periodontal disease, helps with the runny nose and gynecological diseases.

- is considered one of the most powerful talismans that brings material well-being and prosperity. Especially if you bury a coin in her flowerpot. At correct pruning resembles a miniature bonsai tree.

– suitable for those who want to attract not just money, but dollars into the house. His magical “money” abilities were discovered in America.

- is also considered a plant that has the properties of attracting money into the house.

– a plant with powerful energy, and it is one of the “money” plants. Therefore, if you want to prevent money from being transferred in your home, choose one of these colors.

– will bring prosperity and prosperity to your home. In fact, it is Dracaena sandera, and it only looks like bamboo. This plant loves water so much that it can even grow in a glass of water, without soil.

– is one of the plants that give success and good luck in all matters and helps to establish good, friendly relationships.

- Very beautiful plant and it helps creative people, gives inspiration.

- decorating homes at Christmas, also refers to plants that help creative people and give inspiration and success in business.

If you want to improve your health, then rejuvenating, calamus, pachyphytum, agave and fuchsia can help you with this. For creativity and talent development, install balsam, arrowroot, cross or coleus in your home. Chinese rose, Saintpaulia, flagolist or spathiphyllum, anthurium and aichrizon will help you return love, strengthen your family and find your other half.

The list of plants that can become your home doctors is actually very large, and all of them can be grown not only outside, but also at home. At the same time, they are very interesting in their leaf shape, their colors and can delight with beautiful flowers.

The plants we place in our home not only give us happiness in love or heal wounds. They humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen, and create a healthier microclimate in the room, lifting our spirits. A house decorated with flowers looks more comfortable and becomes a real “home”, where it is so nice to relax after a working day. The main thing is to choose not just “useful plants” for your home, but those that suit and like you.