Bottle tree - brachychiton (grows in Australia): description in the wild, photo, caring for a houseplant at home. bottle tree

Bocarnea - indoor plant with original form. The characteristic trunk of this plant swells at the base, accumulating moisture, and long narrow leaves grow in a bunch from the top of the trunk. Bokarneya is popularly called differently; for its unusual trunk it is called “elephant’s foot” or “bottle tree”. The trunk, widened towards the bottom, covered with grayish-rough bark, really resembles the leg of a giant animal. Because of the long, narrow leaves that grow in a lush tuft, this plant is called “ponytail.”

Plants from the genus Beaucarney(Beaucarnea) belong to the Agave family. Beaucarney grows throughout South America. In nature it is large plants they can reach up to 9 meters in height, while the trunk diameter can be 1-1.5 meters. IN room conditions bocarneya grows slowly over time

This long-lived plant can grow up to 1.5 meters in height indoors.

Several types of bocarnea are grown indoors:

Bocarnea protruding(B. stricta) is distinguished by long, narrow, rigid, arched leaves that grow in a tuft from the top of the trunk.

Beaucarnea longifolia(B. longfolia) with a trunk thickened towards the bottom, at the top of which long drooping leaves grow.

Beaucarnea reflexum(B. recurvata) is more often found on sale. Young bocarnea plants have a swollen base, like a bulb; over time, the trunk becomes elongated and takes on an unusual shape. During growth, new young leaves appear from the top of the plant, old leaves die off over time, and traces of fallen leaves can be seen on the bark of the bare trunk.

Bocarnea blooms very rarely indoors. In nature, long spike-shaped inflorescences appear from a bunch of leaves at the top.

Beaucarney houseplant brings many benefits, it has the ability to purify the air from harmful gases, saturating it with oxygen and ozone. A “bottle tree” in the room will improve the health of the air and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.

Bokarneya looks great alone, this plant will surprise with its “figure”, so it does not need company for beauty.

Beaucarney houseplant Although it looks exotic, it is at the same time unpretentious; it can be purchased by busy and inattentive people, since this plant is adapted to rare and irregular watering, is not at all capricious and requires minimal care.

Lighting for a “bottle tree” it should be bright, you can place it on southern windows, sunlight will not harm this plant. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant trunk will stretch out rather than thicken.

Temperature For growing bocarnea, moderate temperatures are favorable, in summer about +20 0 C, in winter it is better to move the plant to a cool place with a temperature of +10...+15 0 C.

Watering. « bottle tree“It’s designed in such a way that this plant stores water in the thickening of the trunk, so short-term periods of drought are not dangerous, but rather useful. With abundant and frequent watering, the plant trunk will not thicken, and if there is excess moisture in the ground, the roots and trunk may rot, so water the bocarney moderately. In summer, water after the soil in the pot dries out; in winter, when the contents are cool, watering should be rare - once a month.

Feed This plant is needed only during the growth period from late spring to early autumn. Liquid complex fertilizer add to water for irrigation no more than once a month and the concentration of fertilizer should be half the norm.

Bocarnea tolerates dry air well and does not require frequent spraying, but of course, after spraying, the plant’s green hair looks more luxurious.

Transfer. The "bottle tree" often should not be replanted, after 2-3 years or only as it outgrows the pot. It is better to choose a container for planting bocarnea that is wide and not deep, since the roots of the plant grow in breadth and not in depth.

When transplanting bocarnea, the plant trunk should not be buried. Be sure to add expanded clay or other drainage material to the bottom of the pot. The soil for planting bocarnea should consist of turf soil, humus, peat and coarse sand in equal parts.

Beaucarney can be grown from seeds, but you will have to be patient, as this plant grows very slowly and it will take several years to grow a large ornamental tree of the original shape. Bocarnea seeds germinate well in a mini-greenhouse at a temperature of +20 0.

After a decade of catalog dominance by original variegated and colorful tulip varieties, trends began to change. At exhibitions, the best designers in the world offer to remember the classics and pay tribute to charming white tulips. Sparkling under the warm rays of the spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Welcoming spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, while others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready seedlings at the market or with friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

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Nolina, or bocarnea, is an ornamental deciduous plant of the family. Scientists have not yet come to a common opinion and sometimes attribute it to. His homeland is the southern part North America. In nature it can reach ten meters in height.

Did you know? The succulent received its name in honor of the French breeder P. Nolin, who described this genus in 1803.

It usually has a thickened trunk at the bottom, in which moisture accumulates, and thin long leaves growing from one point.

Popular types of nolina

There are approximately 30 varieties of nolina in nature. The most famous of them:

Did you know? Thanks to appearance Nolina is popularly called “bottle tree”, “elephant’s foot” and “horse’s tail”.

What conditions should be created in the house for a “bottle tree”

It is better to give preference to a ceramic pot, as evaporation excess moisture will also occur through the side walls. Be sure to lay a layer of expanded clay at the bottom, add half the substrate, lay the plant, carefully spreading the roots over the surface of the ground, and add soil.

Important! When transplanting nolina, make sure that the roots are located strictly in a horizontal plane, and do not bury the base of the trunk.

The soil for bocarnea needs loose soil. Two substrate options are suitable: sand, leaf soil (1:2:1); Leaf soil, humus, peat, turf soil (1:1:1:1)

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of nolina at home is quite a troublesome task. The main method is sowing seeds; propagation by lateral shoots is less commonly used.


Seeds are sown in late winter - early spring. Before this, they are soaked in water for 48 hours. Floating seeds are unsuitable for further use. Next, the seeds are planted in small containers filled with a substrate of sand and peat, which are then covered with glass and put away in a bright, warm place.

Seeds germinate within 2-3 weeks. As soon as the first leaves hatch, the glass is removed. Rooted and strengthened sprouts are transplanted into soil for nolina. Growing nolina from seeds is a very long process; the young succulent grows extremely slowly.

Lateral processes

Occasionally, nolina produces lateral shoots. Such a shoot should be cut as close to the base as possible, sprinkle the cut with cinnamon or activated carbon and let dry for 5 hours. Then the shoot is planted in the ground and covered with a jar.

The pot is placed in a warm place, ventilating the plant from time to time. Before planting, the shoot can be soaked in a phytohormone solution - this will speed up the formation of roots.

Possible problems during cultivation

Despite the fact that nolina is considered a very unpretentious plant, a number of difficulties and questions may arise when caring for it. For example, why do the tips of nolina leaves dry out? Let's take a closer look at the possible problems.

  • Limp, darkened leaves are a sign of insufficient lighting. In this case, the bocarney needs to be placed on a more illuminated window or additional lighting should be provided.
  • Brown, dry leaf tips are normal for mature plants. If you want to avoid this, the plant needs to be sprayed.
  • A soft stem indicates rotting of the plant due to excess moisture. It is extremely difficult to save such a plant.
  • The leaves turn pale, and new ones grow smaller - nolina needs a more spacious pot. It may also indicate insufficient lighting or increased temperature.
  • The trunk wrinkles and dries out - this means that the plant has exhausted its moisture reserves and requires watering.
  • Dry up and fall off lower leaves– if this happens gradually, then the process is natural. Completely dried leaves should be removed.

The nolina flower (other names are bottle or elephant tree, bocarnea, elephant's foot, nelin) belongs to the Agave family. The homeland of the plant is the USA and Mexico. In temperate continental climates, the crop is grown mainly as a houseplant. Particularly prized for its long stems, tiny white inflorescences and pointed leaves. Despite its relatively slow development, the flower is especially popular. The bottle tree is extremely resistant to prolonged drought. Beaucarnea is often referred to as the nolina plant. There is actually a slight difference. The genus bocarnea includes small blooming trees, and the Nelin culture belongs to the decorative succulents. The unusual shape of the trunk serves as a reservoir for accumulating liquid. In this way, the flower adapts to conditions of prolonged drought.

Nolina prefers brightly lit rooms.

Ideal place

For growing, you should choose a window on the south side of the building. The plant prefers direct sunlight and prolonged heat.

It must be remembered that after a long winter absence solar lighting A sudden change of location on a sunny windowsill can cause sunburn. Therefore, throughout the winter season it is necessary to provide additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.


The bottle tree can be taken out into the open air in the summer. A terrace or balcony, protected from wind and drafts, is ideal. In addition, you should protect the flower from precipitation. Optimal conditions in the hot season - from + 20 to +25 degrees.

Before the temperature drops, in early autumn, it is necessary to prepare the indoor plant for the onset of the dormant period. The microclimatic conditions of the environment should be gradually changed to + 10 degrees.

Optimal watering

Excessive soil moisture is the weakest point of bottle plants. Tests have proven that an adult cultural representative can cope perfectly well without additional watering during a year. All this time, the plant uses the accumulated moisture from the stem.

Nolina needs to be watered in spring and summer. The frequency of moistening depends on the drying of the top layer of soil. After the first cold snap, you can stop watering provided it is kept at the optimal temperature.

If the pot is in a heated room and the plant has not entered the dormant phase, you should continue watering according to the summer schedule.

In winter, in a heated room, watering should continue according to the summer scheme.

Air humidity

Bokarneya grows well indoors with low level relative humidity. It is enough to wipe the foliage with a damp towel as needed.

How to replant a crop

The optimal time for replanting is in early spring. Young representatives need an annual change of soil and container. An adult nolina needs to be replanted as the roots entwine the soil.

Nolina trimming

The plant does not require regular cleaning and removal of shoots. When grown, the natural appearance of the crop can be preserved. If a flower has dry ends, it is necessary for aesthetic reasons to trim the damaged areas diagonally.

The culture can be used for bonsai techniques. In this case, it is not recommended to frequently replant the nolina. You will need to regularly shape it using garden shears and wire.

Features of caring for bokarneya “Bent” can be learned from the video:

Nolina in the open ground

Bocarneya, planted in a garden planter, looks great on a veranda, greenhouse or outdoor garden. For the composition, you can place the container in a well-lit gazebo or around the pool.

Grow a flower in open ground Not recommended. Excessive rain, gusts of wind or hail can destroy the plant. Outdoors, the plant develops well in tropical countries where the temperature does not drop below -5 °C.

IN summer season the culture can be used to decorate the site.

Features of growing in a container

The soil

Bottle plants develop well in light and loose soil. You can prepare your own substrate. To do this, you should purchase turf and leaf soil. Then mix with crushed peat. Nolina reacts well to medium-grained sand, clay and brick crumbs. The top layer of soil should be covered with gravel.


The crop needs to be fed twice a month. Organic and mineral components should be used. Beaucarnea is very sensitive to chemical elements. Therefore, it is advisable to divide the dose prescribed by the instructions.

Capacity type

Features of the stem structure require careful selection of containers for the flower. Root system grows in width. Therefore, you should not choose a deep container. A shallow pot in the style of bonsai technique is ideal.

Typical plant problems and diseases

The most dangerous insects for nolina - scale insect, spider mite, thrips and mealybugs. Pests are located on the leaves of the crop and suck out the juices of the plant. As a result, the damaged areas expand. The leaves turn yellow and brown. All parts of the plant become deformed, wrinkled and die.

Improper care leads to bakaryna damage various diseases. It's easy to recognize the symptoms:

The effect of nolina on the body

Beaucarnea is not a poisonous representative of the flora. Therefore, the culture does not cause allergic reactions. The leaves of the plant often attract pets. Eating parts of bocarnea does not affect the health of animals.

Reproduction methods

Breeding bottled ones is quite difficult. Nolina can be propagated using seeds and lateral shoots.

Nolina from seeds

Beaucarney seeds ripen unevenly. Before sowing, it should be properly sorted and inspected. planting material.

You can check seeds for germination using simple method. The seeds should be treated in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure should last at least a day. Seeds suitable for growing will settle to the bottom of the container. Poor quality planting material will float to the surface.

Before propagation, planting material should be checked for germination.

For sowing you should prepare:

  1. A substrate containing equal parts peat and coarse sand.
  2. The filled container must be sterilized by steam. It is not recommended to process for more than 40 minutes. During disinfection, the larvae and eggs of various pests - thrips, mites, aphids - are destroyed.
  3. The conditions for moistening the soil with seeds are similar to the requirements for watering bottles. Excessive moisture is fraught with rotting of immature shoots. Therefore, to protect and prevent soaking, you should add perlite or vermiculite to the mixture.
  4. The seedling container must contain drainage holes.
  5. The number of hours with intense lighting should not be less than twelve. The ideal time of exposure to diffuse sunlight is 14-16 hours.
  6. To save money on artificial lighting It is better to carry out the breeding procedure during the period of increase daylight hours- at the end of February or beginning of March.
  7. Fluorescent lamps are not suitable for seedlings. It is advisable to purchase herbal equipment. The radiation from the mechanisms is more similar to the sun's rays.
  8. Seeds should be sown using the surface method. Covering with additional soil is not recommended. The grooves should be sealed with a flat wooden object.
  9. For the greenhouse effect it is necessary to use organic glass or plastic bag. It is not advisable to use silicates. The chemical compound does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.
  10. When the first shoots appear, the cover must be removed.
  11. IN ideal conditions- temperature ranges from + 22 to + 27 degrees, seeds will germinate in 2.5 weeks.
  12. After the development of three full-fledged leaves, you can plant the seedlings in separate containers.
  13. Leaf humus, turf soil, sand, and softened peat should be used as filler.
  14. Flowerpots for bottles should be shallow. Drainage holes must be provided.

Reproduction by branches

Cuttings should be separated in early spring.

Awakening bocarnea buds.

Periodically, buds awaken under the bark of the culture. Future lateral stems will emerge from the primordium. The shoot must be cut with a sterile knife.

To stimulate the development of the root system, the cuttings should be treated with a hormonal preparation for representatives of the flora. It is necessary to plant the shoot into the prepared container at a slight angle.

To maintain the proper microclimate, you need to cover the container with a plastic cap. Air circulation should be provided to the plant periodically. It is imperative to keep the shoot in a warm and well-lit room.

After the first roots and foliage appear, it is necessary to gradually remove the protection for several hours a day. In this way, you can accustom the flower to a new environment.

Why doesn't bocarneya bloom?

In room conditions, nolina blooms buds very rarely. As a rule, only very overgrown, large representatives of bottle plants bloom.

Amazing bloom of nolina.

If the subspecies produces short shoots, large paniculate inflorescences will appear under the stems. The bulky palms produce small, fragrant flowers in clusters.

How and where to buy nolina

Nolina "Rekurvata" is sold en masse by garden nurseries and online representatives. The remaining subspecies can be found in the greenhouse and at exhibitions.

You can buy bokarna in a container with a total height of 65 cm for 3,200 rubles. A package of nolina seeds “Stambovoy” is sold for an average of 56.50 rubles.

An elegant beauty, called nolina, attracting attention and decorating any room - this is the dream of many gardeners.

Nolina and its types

Nolina or bocarnea in Latin it is called Nolina or Beaucarnea and belongs to the agave family. Also called "bottle tree" nolina grows naturally in the southern United States and northern Mexico.

The trunk, reminiscent of a bottle, makes the nolina particularly impressive and decorative. called caudex, and leaves collected in a rosette at its top.

It is in the caudex that nolina accumulates water and nutrients that can nourish it for a long time in case of drought. Thanks to this structure and unpretentiousness, nolina is able to withstand lack of moisture, dry air and temperature changes without loss.

At least 30 species of nolina are common in nature. The most popular of them are:

  • Beaucarnea reflexum, which in Latin is called Beaucarnea recurvata- a widespread species. It has a classic shape and very durable leaves, from which hats are woven in Mexico.
  • Nolina compressed, which is also called Beaucarnea stricta- the second most popular type. This is a plant with lush “hair” and a spectacular appearance.
  • Nolin Nelson or Nolina nelsoni- a species with bluish leaves and a practically undefined trunk.
  • Nolina Lindemeira, called Nolina lindheimeriana- This is a low-growing plant with strong and dry leaves.

Features of care

Fortunately, caring for this unpretentious plant does not require unnecessary hassle or much experience. You just have to provide nolina suitable conditions and minimally care for it - and it will decorate your home for many years.

Choosing a location and lighting

The unpretentiousness of nolina allows it to be placed both on a sunny windowsill and in partial shade. However should be remembered that the plant needs as much light as possible to grow lush foliage.

Nolina can feel great even on a south window in direct sunlight. IN winter time it is highly advisable to provide bokarnye additional lighting.

In summer, nolina can be in conditions room temperature, in a hot room or outdoors. In winter, it is very advisable to gradually reduce the temperature to 10 °C, which will provide the plant with the best conditions for peace.

The main condition for nolina- absence of drafts that can destroy the plant.

Watering and humidity

IN summer time It is very important to fully water the nolina, but without waterlogging. The soil in the pot must dry thoroughly between waterings, otherwise the plant will to feel yourself bad.

Ideal option is bottom watering with immersing the container with the plant in water, after which unnecessary moisture drains off.

It is important to remember that a lack of water does not frighten Nolina, but an excess does. can ruin. In winter, when the conditions are cool, watering should be reduced or eliminated altogether.

Beaucarney does not need spraying- its durable leaves only require regular wiping with a damp cloth.


Transplant young plant It is necessary when the roots completely fill the pot, that is, once a year, and for adults - once every 3 years.

However for more rapid growth You can transfer nolina every spring into a new pot 2 or 3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Soil for nolina must be nutritious and allow moisture to pass through well. Land can be purchased at the store, and experienced flower growers can make the following mixture:

  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part river sand;
  • 2 parts greenhouse humus;
  • 2 parts leaf humus.

Nolina pot should not be very deep, but wide, because its roots grow in breadth. To protect the roots from stagnant moisture and rotting, it is necessary to provide the plant with good drainage with a layer one-third the height of the pot.

When transplanting nolina it is very important do not bury the caudex.

Watch the video for a master class on replanting bocarnea (nolina):

Top dressing

In summer you can fertilize nolina twice a month. For this perfect fit mineral or organic fertilizers. It is very important to reduce the dose by half compared to that indicated in the instructions.


Nolina can reproduce:

  • Seeds. For successful results, you should soak the seeds in warm water or Epin solution for 1 or 2 days, then spread them on moist soil of sand and peat and sprinkle on top with a layer of this mixture equal to the thickness of the seeds. In the light, at constant humidity and a temperature of about 20 °C, seedlings germinate in about a month. The strengthened sprouts need to be planted in separate pots with ready-made soil for nolina.
  • Lateral processes. The shoots that appear on the trunk of an adult plant can be separated and rooted in a pot with sand, peat and vermiculite. It is advisable to cover the shoot with a transparent bag on top and place it in a warm and bright place. If the shoot is regularly sprayed, ventilated and kept at a temperature of 21 to 25 ° C, it will soon take root, which will mark the appearance of new leaves. After this, the plant is cared for as an adult bocarney.

Watch the video for a master class on growing nolina (bocarnea) from seeds:

Common problems and pests

At improper care The following problems may arise with a bottle tree at home:

  • The barrel of the nolina stretches out, A caudex does not grow- excessive watering and lack of light. The solution is more light and regular but short periods of drought.
  • The lower leaves dry out and fall off- this is a natural process. The solution is to cut off the dried leaves using scissors.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out- indoor air is too dry. The solution is to spray with soft water at least once a day.
  • The trunk shrinks and dries out- natural loss of shape after a long winter. The solution is regular care from spring to autumn, when the plant can again accumulate more moisture in the trunk.

See the video below for the secrets of growing and common problems when caring for nolina:

Nolina's enemies are, and. These pests cause deformation, yellowing and death of leaves. In case of infection, it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a soap solution and then treat them with karbofos.

Pest prevention nolins are rubbing the leaves, as well as keeping the plant in the light and warm.

Useful properties of nolina

Nolina is beautiful and unpretentious plant, which also has health benefits:

  • Nolina improves the air indoors, enriching it with oxygen, ozone and air ions.
  • The plant helps the household strengthen immunity and get sick less.
  • Nolina creates psychological comfort in the room and calms the nervous system people living in it.

Professionals will tell you about the features of caring for nolina (bokarneya) at home in the video:

As you can see, nolina is very beautiful and useful plant, which is not at all whimsical to care for. Even a beginner in floriculture can grow and maintain nolina. It's only worth donate to the bottle tree a little care and love - and it will answer you with a luxurious fireworks of green leaves and a spectacular appearance of caudex.