Abstract: The use of phytoncidal plants to improve indoor air quality. Plant phytoncides

Everyone knows that forest air is very good for health, and one of the most important reasons for this is the presence of phytoncides in it, which kill or suppress pathogenic organisms and have a healing effect. You should not think that by releasing phytoncides, plants take care of our well-being - they protect themselves first of all.

Professor Tokin's discovery

Phytoncides- these are substances plant origin, having the property of killing or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Name "phytoncide" comes from the merger of Greek "phyton" ("plant") and Latin "caedo" ("I kill"). Distinguish volatile And non-volatile phytoncides of tissue juices. Non-volatile phytoncides are found in all plants.

The phytoncidal properties of plants were discovered in 1929 by a prominent Soviet researcher, Professor B.P. Tokin. Scientist crushed fresh leaves various trees, grated horseradish or radish, onion or garlic, mixed them with water and observed under a microscope how bacteria and protozoa living in this water behave. Before our eyes, they changed the nature of their movement, the shape of their bodies, and finally died. This is how the effect of plant phytoncides was discovered. Subsequently, it turned out that phytoncides have not only a destructive effect on bacteria and protozoa, but also a number of other functions. They play an important role in the creation.

Boris Petrovich Tokin (1900–1984) – Soviet biologist, doctor biological sciences, founder of the Department of Embryology of Leningradsky state university, creator of the doctrine of phytoncides.

Based on numerous studies conducted by the laboratory of Professor B.P. Tokin, the time of death of protozoa after non-contact exposure was established phytoncidal trees:

  • English oak – 5 minutes,
  • pyramidal cypress – 6 minutes,
  • yew berry – 6 minutes,
  • Cossack juniper – 7 minutes,
  • Scots pine – 10 minutes,
  • warty birch – 20 minutes,
  • silver poplar – 9 minutes.

What affects activity

In nature, the phenomenon of phytoncides is universal. However, there are differences in phytoncidal activity between different types. Moreover, phytoncides from tree leaves differ in their antimicrobial action from fruits, etc.

  • The phytoncidal activity of a plant can vary depending on the time of year, the weather, the time of day (in the morning before 8 o’clock and in the evening after 19 o’clock the amount of phytoncides produced by plants is several times less than during the day).
  • Trees in the shade emit less phytoncides.
  • In birch and pine forests more light and more phytoncides than, for example, mixed.
  • The amount of volatile substances produced can also be affected by air temperature and humidity: in hot weather, the concentration of phytoncides increases significantly (1.5–1.8 times), and when air humidity increases, it decreases.

They are all different

Some phytoncides have a detrimental effect on microbes, while others only inhibit their growth.

Phytoncides of some plants tend to influence various classes of microorganisms (bacteria, protozoan unicellular animals, microscopic fungi, etc.), while others selectively suppress only certain types of microbes. Thus, phytoncides create immunity and support the natural immunity of plants to various types of diseases.

Plant phytoncides have different chemical natures. As a rule, this is a complex of compounds - glycosides, terpenoids, tannins and other substances that do not belong to the three main classes of natural compounds - proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Bird cherry

Volatile fractions of the kidneys bird cherry contain hydrocyanic acid; cyanide-containing glycosides were found on bird cherry leaves.

In plants such as larch, warty birch, elm, small-leaved linden, Norway maple, common ash, phenolic compounds and organic acids were detected. Condensation from crushed leaves birch, oak And bird cherry contains organic acids and aldehydes, i.e. substances formed during the oxidation of alcohols, and quinones resulting from the oxidation of aniline were found in volatile substances.

70% of plants that have a phytoncidal effect contain alkaloids of plant origin - organonitrogen substances. Plant phytoncides include essential oils, dyes (pigments), etc.

Capable of much

In total, there are about 500 species of trees that have phytoncidal properties. Scientists have calculated that the Earth's plants annually release about 490 million tons of phytoncides into the atmosphere.

Among the pronounced phytoncidal trees and shrubs middle zone Russia includes juniper, pine, spruce, birch, oak, poplar, bird cherry, rowan, and lilac.

Coniferous plants are truly record holders for the release of phytoncides. Yes, 1 ha juniper releases 30 kg of volatile substances per day; about 20 kg are released pine And spruce. Among the southerners they are famous for their phytoncidal activity cypress trees, thuja occidentalis, yew berry. Thanks to the ability of plants to release phytoncides, the air in parks contains 200 times less bacteria than the air in the streets.

Some plants produce highly volatile phytoncides, others - low-volatile.

It turned out that it is not at all necessary that plant substances that have an odor emit volatile phytoncides. They can also be produced by plants that do not contain essential oils. Thus, they have excellent phytoncidal properties freshly chopped oak leaves.

At the same time, some essential oil plants (i.e., those that secrete volatile essential oils) have a rather weak effect on bacteria (for example, phytoncides secreted by geranium leaves kill single-celled organisms only after a few hours). Some plants lose their phytoncidal properties when they die, while others can retain them for quite a long time. It is assumed, for example, that the ability of larch wood to survive for hundreds and even thousands of years is associated with its phytoncidal properties.

Impact on humans

Volatile phytoncides are able to penetrate through the lungs and skin into the human body. They inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms and protect against infectious diseases. Phytoncides normalize heart rate and blood pressure, participate in metabolism, reduce blood sugar levels, have a beneficial effect on the blood circulation in the brain, liver condition, bactericidal activity of the skin, as well as on the immune and nervous system.

When inhaling volatile phytoncides coniferous trees The resistance of red blood cells to oxygen deficiency increases, their lifespan almost doubles, and they have a positive effect on the function of the entire circulatory system. It is no coincidence that people living in forested areas are much less susceptible to upper respiratory tract diseases compared to city dwellers.

Volatile phytoncides affect the physical chemical composition and air. They help increase the concentration of negative ions in the air and reduce the number of positive ones. Phytoncides ionize oxygen in the air, thereby stimulating its biological activity. In addition, they improve the efficiency and economy of cell energy and promote the settling of dust particles.


Strong, somewhat intoxicating aroma of flowers and leaves bird cherry cleans the air of germs. Its leaves, flowers, bark and fresh fruits have phytoncidal properties. Bird cherry produces the most powerful phytoncides containing hydrocyanic acid. Protozoa die under the influence of its phytoncides after 5 minutes, ticks - after 15 minutes. Especially a lot of phytoncides are released by young leaves in spring and summer; in the fall they are released much less.

Bird cherry phytoncides have antimicrobial and insecticidal properties; they are destructive to fungi. Collars made from steamed bird cherry branches and a decoction of the bark rid animals of lice. Previously, peasants soaked seeds in a decoction of branches before sowing to combat plant pests. Cases of mild poisoning from bird cherry flowers have been described when bouquets were left overnight in a bedroom or other enclosed space. In experiments on animals, it was found that bird cherry phytoncides (crushed leaves under a cap) depress their nervous system and reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Oak phytoncides reduce blood pressure in patients with hypertension

Experience of phytoncidotherapy with leaves oak shows that after several sessions the pressure in patients with hypertension at all stages of the disease decreases significantly. And the folk custom of going to the bathhouse with an oak or birch broom is also a way of using volatile phytoncides released by plant leaves.

In contrast to volatile oak phytoncides, lilac, pyramidal poplar, hawthorn They, by constricting blood vessels, increase blood pressure and stimulate the cardiovascular system.

Scientific research in recent years proves that phytoncides birch trees And linden trees dilate the bronchi, stimulate the respiratory system. Phytoncides secreted by young leaves birch trees, relieve overstrain of the central nervous system. Birch sap also has excellent phytoncidal properties. Phytoncides linden trees have a good anti-cold and antipyretic effect, relieve headaches.

Birch phytoncides relieve overstrain of the central nervous system


Pleasant aroma coniferous forest is created by volatile fractions of resin evaporating through small wounds and young needles - aromatic terpene compounds and essential oils. On a hot day they evaporate more intensely. Some people with cardiovascular diseases may feel worse in a coniferous forest. Persons with heart disease find it difficult to breathe and feel stuffy. But if it is windy and the forest is sparse, staying in it is very useful.

Coniferous phytoncides increase the resistance of red blood cells to oxygen deficiency

Phytoncides fir, Siberian cedar And Siberian spruce have a stimulating effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and other systems, which is especially evident during physical activity. They also have a positive effect on the dynamics of cerebral circulation, the condition of the liver, the bactericidal activity of the skin and the immune system in general.Phytoncides of fir, cedar and spruce have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, stimulate metabolic processes.

It has been proven that thuja And fir reduce the number of microbes in the air, including the causative agents of diphtheria and whooping cough. Thus, scientists have proven that inhaling volatile substances from fir stimulates some forms of natural immunity. In cosmetology, juniper phytoncides are used to disinfect the skin and heal wounds and cracks.

Tamed phytoncides

It is more difficult for pathogenic microbes to adapt to the action of phytoncides higher plants than to antibiotics derived from lower plantsmicroscopic fungi. This is an important fact indicating the prospects of using phytoncidal preparations for the prevention and treatment of diseases.

If you do not have the opportunity to often travel to the forest or nature, then essential oils coniferous plants will allow you to enjoy healing scents without leaving your home. They will create a favorable microclimate that will allow both treatment and relaxation. By conducting a course of aromatherapy, you will satisfy your “phytoncidal hunger”. Using individual parts of plants: needles, buds, branches, bark, cones, you can carry out healing procedures at home. From the prepared raw materials it is not at all difficult to make infusions, tinctures, decoctions, teas, ointments, powders, inhalation mixtures and extracts for healing baths. A tree can live for a very long time. The power accumulated over the years, the majestic beauty, the history of his life, which has developed over many human generations, evoke delight and admiration. But, unfortunately, such a happy fate is rare. Throughout their life, trees are exposed to many factors that weaken their vitality and shorten their lifespan.


The beneficial effects of natural factors have been used in medicine since ancient times for the healing and treatment of humans. The effect of walks and hikes carried out in the forest area, along the banks of rivers and seas is especially beneficial. In such places the air is the cleanest, it is refreshing and has a healing effect. Thus, in forest air there is many times (compared to city air) hundreds of times less dust and harmful industrial impurities, bacteria, and more oxygen (green spaces very intensively absorb carbon dioxide from the air). In addition, there are many phytoncides in the forest air.

All plants produce phytoncides- “phyto” means plant, “zedere” means to kill. These substances have a detrimental effect on bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan single-celled animals. Phytoncides are one of the plant immunity factors. They are secreted by them in the form of volatile substances and are contained in tissue juices. Phytoncides provide protection to plants from microorganisms harmful to them, while also protecting them from pathogenic microbes of humans and animals. Being physiologically active substances for the latter, phytoncides play an important role in the metabolism of their body, in stimulating it protective forces. Thus, it is obvious how great the importance of phytoncides is for the flora and fauna.

Phytoncidal properties of plants

The phytoncidal properties of plants were discovered back in 1929 by Soviet scientist V.P. Tokin. Since then, the doctrine of phytoncides has been constantly evolving.

All plants contain non-volatile substances with phytoncidal properties. They are formed in the protoplasm of plant cells and in tissue juices. Some plants also emit volatile phytoncides (for example, mint, oregano, chamomile, sage and many others). If in the summer we go out into the garden, field or forest, we will find ourselves in the world of phytoncides. They surround us, purifying the air from the microorganisms it contains, some of which may be pathogenic for humans. Yes, in one cubic meter Forest air has 150-200 times fewer microbes than the same volume of urban air. Thus, plant phytoncides, helping to purify the air from bacteria, thereby contribute to the prevention of diseases. However, the disinfecting properties of phytoncides are manifested not only in this. Volatile substances of phytoncides of some plants (for example, herbaceous elderberry, tansy, bird cherry) repel rodents and insects, which, as is well known, can be carriers of pathogenic microorganisms.

phytoncides reliably protect plants from a variety of attacking bacteria, fungi and viruses and, therefore, from the diseases that they can cause. As a result bacterial diseases are less common in plants.

Phytoncides are released from flowers, leaves, and roots of the plant. A unique chemical environment is created around it that serves the plant. reliable protection from pathogenic microbes, in addition, it affects the development of neighboring plants (inhibits or stimulates their development). It is well known that not all plants get along with each other. Grapes, for example, do not tolerate the close proximity of radish, cabbage, and laurel. If you place a bouquet of tulips and forget-me-nots next to each other, the flowers quickly wither, as they have a depressing effect on each other. Conversely, plants can speed up the growth of their neighbors, for example, beans speed up the growth of corn. Rowan and linden, birch and pine grow well nearby.

Effect of phytoncides

Various plants produce unequal amounts of volatile substances, their effect will be different. There are 2.5 times more phytoncides in a coniferous forest than in a deciduous forest. There are especially many of them in the juniper forest. The air in a coniferous forest (especially in a juniper forest) is practically sterile, and it is especially useful for patients with tuberculosis and other pulmonary diseases. For those suffering from hypertension, staying in an oak grove will be very beneficial. This is largely due to the fact that volatile oak phytoncides have a hypotensive effect. This allows you to improve the condition of patients, their sleep and, in general, increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Persons with reduced blood pressure It will be useful to inhale phytoncides of pyramidal poplar and lilac. Volatile substances of oregano, lemon balm and pine needles have a calming effect; inhaling them helps relieve stress and is very useful in the treatment of mental illnesses. It is known that among mountain residents, overstrain of the nervous system is much less common. This fact is apparently associated with the calming beneficial effect of volatile phytoncides, the inhalation of which prevents overstrain of the nervous system, as a result it wears out less, and this greatly contributes to longevity, since metabolic processes, the state of immunity, and all other functions of the body. Peppermint phytoncides also have their own characteristics - they have a vasodilating effect and, thanks to this, help relieve headaches caused by the spastic state of blood vessels.

Phytoncides of some plants kill microbes (that is, they have bactericidal properties), while others only inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms. Almost all plants exhibit antimicrobial activity, the differences will only be in the degree of its severity. It is more difficult for beneficial microbes to adapt to the action of phytoncides from higher plants than to antibiotics obtained from lower plants - microscopic fungi. This is an important fact, indicating the prospects of using phytoncidal preparations for the prevention and treatment of diseases. Special experiments have convincingly demonstrated the bactericidal effectiveness of onions, garlic, eucalyptus, fir, pine and many other plants. Phytoncides of onion and garlic kill almost all types of pathogenic microbes. No antibiotic can compare with them in the breadth of its effects. Inhalation of freshly prepared onion or garlic gruel (after 10-15 minutes it loses its properties) is used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, acute and chronic pneumonia. It can be applied to difficult-to-heal ulcers and wounds, while the phytoncides of onion and garlic help cleanse tissues and promote rapid healing. Horseradish phytoncides also have pronounced bactericidal effectiveness. However, it should be noted that when these vegetables are consumed internally, their phytoncidal activity is largely lost.

Phytoncides of fruits and vegetables

When studying other food plants, it turned out that many of them also have pronounced antimicrobial properties. Thus, under the influence of non-volatile phytoncides contained in the fresh juice of strawberries, blueberries, grapes, currants, plums, apples, parsley, cabbage, other berries, fruits and vegetables, pathogenic microorganisms and protozoa quickly die. The antimicrobial effect of spices (cinnamon, pepper, cloves, hops, coriander, etc.) is quite pronounced, and therefore they are widely used in food preservation.

Interesting studies were conducted by scientists in children's institutions. Their air was saturated with volatile substances released by fir, thuja and wild rosemary, which caused the death of pathogenic microbes. Ultimately, this led to a significant reduction in childhood morbidity. Thus, it is obvious that phytoncides are effective biological antiseptics. This property was widely used during the Great Patriotic War for the treatment of wounds. Some natural balms (fir, Peruvian, etc.) containing essential oils, resins and aromatic compounds have a good wound-healing effect. They have analgesic, deodorizing (destroy bad odors), antimicrobial and wound-healing effects. Juniper, sea buckthorn, fir and St. John's wort oils, as well as rosehip oil, have a good effect on the healing of wounds and ulcers. Eucalyptus decoction, calendula tincture, and onion and garlic phytoncides also speed up the healing time of open injuries.

Phytoncides for immunity

For colds, inhaling the vapors of steamed sage, potato peels or oat husks has a beneficial effect.

Phytoncides help enhance the body's immunological reactions and enhance restoration processes in tissues. Thus, at one time, scientists showed that inhaling volatile substances from fir stimulates some forms of natural immunity. The phytoncides of St. John's wort, garlic, onion, sandy immortelle and many other plants also stimulate the body's defenses.

Various preparations obtained from plants (decoctions, infusions, tinctures, extracts, etc.), thanks to phytoncides, have an antimicrobial effect, affect metabolism, and enhance the body's immune responses.

Forest phytoncides

In the early morning (before 8 o'clock) and in the evening (after 19-20 o'clock) the amount of phytoncides secreted by plants is several times less than during the day. There are especially many of them at 13:00. Plants in the shade emit less phytoncides (2 or more times). In birch and pine forests there is more light and more phytoncides than, for example, in a mixed forest. The amount of volatile substances produced can also be affected by air temperature and humidity - in hot weather the concentration of phytoncides increases significantly (1.5-1.8 times), and with increasing air humidity it decreases. This should be kept in mind and for walks in nature, choose those days and times when there should be more useful volatile substances in the air.

IN summer time Deciduous trees clean the air well from microorganisms and dust, while coniferous trees (pine, spruce) exhibit this effect both in summer and winter. Under the influence of plant phytoncides, ozonation of the air occurs; they also contribute to the formation of air ions (mostly negative) and a decrease in the electrical indicator of air pollution.

Aeroions are tiny particles that are positively or negatively charged. The effect of negative (light) air ions is especially beneficial. They are rightly called air vitamins. There are many aerions near the sea, lakes and rivers, in the mountains, as well as in forests (especially coniferous ones). Negative air ions, interacting with biological membranes, can change their electrical potential and thereby affect different kinds biological oxidation occurring in the body.

Essential oils – volatile fractions of phytoncides

The pleasant aroma emanating from essential oil plants (that is, releasing volatile essential oils, filling the air with tiny particles - aerosols; which, when rubbed against the air, receive an electrical discharge and, thus, saturate it with air ions) has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Special studies have shown that when stressful situations(that is, when the human body is in difficult conditions that require the tension of its protective forces), an acceleration of energy production is observed in tissue cells, which is accompanied by hypoxia (lack of oxygen). This leads to disruption of the normal functioning of cells. Negative air ions help restore their normal state.

Essential oils of plants are classified as volatile fractions of phytoncides. Many of the essential oils have bactericidal properties. They are expressed in different plants to varying degrees.

Plants are of great help in improving the microclimate of indoor spaces. They release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, purify the air from germs and dust. In addition, the aroma is invigorating; emitted by essential oil plants that secrete a large number of volatile phytoncides, can improve our well-being, increase the functional state of the body, stimulate its performance and protective forces.

Phytoncides in the apartment

Plants, by evaporating moisture from the surface of their leaves, also moisten the excessively dry air in apartments. All this ultimately helps to increase the body's resistance to infection and, therefore, has important health benefits. The most pronounced antimicrobial effect of phytoncides of white-spotted begonia, fragrant pelargonium, white oleander, spring primrose, elastic ficus and other indoor plants. It should be noted that the human body better tolerates phytoncides from those plants to which it has long been accustomed.

Rice. 1. American Agave - Agave americana L. (Agave - Agavaceae Endl.).

Agave americana - A gave americana L. (Agave - Agavaceae Endl.). (Fig. 1). Agaves are representatives of the flora of the southern United States, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. Large perennial rosette leaf succulents, monocarpics. Leaves are up to 1-2 m long and 20-25 cm wide, grayish-green, powerful, hard, fleshy, lanceolate, wide, with strong spines along the edges. Toward the top, the leaf narrows, turning into a sharp, large spine. After flowering (once in a lifetime - in our latitudes up to 70 years) and seed ripening in the inflorescence (in the axils of the peduncles), bulbs appear, developing into small plants with leaves and roots. As they fall, they take root. A large number of shoots appear at the base of the stem - daughter rosettes, which separate and take root. It has phytoncidal properties and purifies the indoor air from microbes. Agave leaves contain saponins that are active against Walker's carcinosarcoma, and an agavoside that has the ability to inhibit the growth of malignant tumors, so agave has found wide use in medical practice.

Aloe tree-like - Aloe arborescens Mill . (Asphodelaceae Juss.). (Fig. 2). Agave, early bird. Homeland - South Africa. Evergreen succulent tree plant

1-4 m height. The stems are erect, branching, with numerous traces of leaves in the lower part. The leaves are arranged alternately, juicy, fleshy, bluish-green, close together in the upper part of the stem in the form of a rosette, stem-embracing, xiphoid, bordered with soft spines. The flowers are orange, drooping, on thin stalks; collected in an inflorescence - a thick brush that appears from the axils of the upper leaves.

Other types of aloe also have phytoncidal properties: A. real (A. vera L.), A. prickly (A. ferox Mill.), A. Sokotri (A. succotriana Lam.), A. folded (A. plicatilis (L .) Mill.), A. soapwort (A. saponaria (Aitt.) Haw.), etc. All of the listed species are widespread. Indoor culture improves the health of indoor air. Aloe is a Muslim symbol. Pilgrims returning from Mecca bring with them a sprig of the plant and hang it with the top towards Mecca over the threshold of the home, into which evil spirits cannot then penetrate. Chemical composition: aloe contains glycosides of heconin, a steroid compound. Leaves and fresh juice are used for external use (for wounds and abscesses) and for oral administration (for diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs).

The drugs have disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, and expectorant effects.

Rice. 3. Hylotelephium caucasica (L.) (Grossh.) H.Ohba Hylotelephium caucasica (L.) ( .) Grossh . H Ohba

(Crassulaceae DC.) (Fig. 3). Hare cabbage. Homeland - Caucasus: all regions. Herbaceous succulent plant with erect stems. The leaves are arranged alternately, ovate-oblong, dark green. The inflorescence is dense, corymbose, the flowers are small, purple. The fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet. The plant contains organic acids, alkaloids, coumarins, tannins, and flavonoids. Infusions of the roots stimulate the central nervous system. In Georgia, the plant is used to treat skin diseases and inflammatory processes. Leaves – wound-healing, antiscorbutic, fungicidal, hemostatic agent; also used for impotence, epidermophytosis. The juice has antistocidal properties.

Rice. 4. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Peresson Kalanchoe pinnate Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Peresson (Crassulaceae DC.) (Fig. 4). Homeland - South and tropical Africa and about. Madagascar. Distributed in the tropics of the New World, tropical Asia, Australia, South and Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean islands, and Hawaii. Perennial up to 1 m or more in height. The leaves are fleshy, juicy, whole in the lower part of the stem, ovate, large, pinnate in the upper part, with 3-5 lobes, most oblong-ovate, the edges of the leaves are serrated, on which “babies” - young plants - develop in large numbers. The flowers are greenish-white-pink, with a corolla tube up to 3.5 cm, collected in apical paniculate inflorescences. Blooms profusely from January to late May. The aerial part contains flavonoids, tannins, polysaccharides, organic acids, micro- and macroelements (Al, Mg, Ca, Cu, Si, Mn). Kalanchoe juice acts like aloe juice, providing an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid cleansing and healing of wounds and ulcers, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and is low-toxic. It is used as an external remedy for necrotic processes, during skin grafting to prepare wounds for the application of secondary sutures. Used in complex therapy for purulent wounds, after opening abscesses, felons, boils. Used in the complex treatment of patients with erysipelas. In ophthalmology, juice is used in the treatment of burns, injuries, keratitis, corneal erosion, dystrophic damage to eye elements, retinal pigmentary degeneration, and herpetic keratitis. Used in dental practice for gum inflammation; in obstetrics and gynecology practice.

Noble laurel L aurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae - Lauraceae Juss.) (Fig. 5). Homeland - Mediterranean. Evergreen dioecious tree up to 4-6 m in height or shrub. The leaves are medium-sized, lanceolate, smooth, leathery, bright green, slightly wavy, with veins protruding from below. The flowers are small, white, inconspicuous, the inflorescence is an umbrella, located in the axils of the leaves.


Noble laurel - Laurus nobilis L.

The fruit is a small, oval, black-brown or blue drupe. The leaves of the plant contain an oil of complex composition. The roots contain sesquiterpene lactones, catechins, flavonoids, anthocyanins; in bark and wood - alkaloids. Essential oil is found in the fruits. In the Caucasus, leaf preparations are used for rheumatism, paralysis, dislocations, deafness, cough, and scabies. An infusion of dry leaves in vegetable oil is rubbed in for arthritis, myositis, and neuralgia. The decoction is drunk for dermatoses and malaria. Common lemon C itrus lemon (Rutaceae - Rutaceae lindl.) (Fig. 6). Unknown in the wild. Homeland - Southeast Asia. Cultivated on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Evergreen tree up to 3-5(7) m high. Shoots with thorns. The leaves are leathery, oblong-ovate, with winged petioles. The flowers are white with a pink tint, axillary, solitary or in few-flowered racemes, with a delicate delicate aroma. The fruit is a light yellow orange with a hard-to-peel rind. The pulp of the fruit contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, citric and malic acids, pectin (gelling) substances, fiber, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP.

Rice. 6. Common lemon - Citrus limon Burm.

The leaves contain essential oil and vitamin C. Lemon fruits are an effective capillary-strengthening agent that is prescribed for scurvy, anemia, radiculitis, acute articular rheumatism, gout, bile and urolithiasis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, jaundice, dropsy, tuberculosis, edema of cardiac origin, infectious and viral diseases. Lemon juice or pulp is indicated for thirst in febrile patients, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (low acidity, for example, with hypocidal gastritis), and disorders of mineral metabolism. Diluted juice is used for rinsing for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx, tonsillitis, diphtheria, and pharyngitis. Externally – for fungal diseases and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis, for atherosclerosis. Lemons are used to remove freckles, age spots, for fungal diseases, to soothe itching in eczema, for oily seborrhea of ​​the face (lemon juice and cologne (I:I). Lemon bark, boiled in sugar, is used to improve digestion. Freshly cut lemon is applied to epigastric region in the form of mustard plaster for toxicosis in pregnant women as a distraction.

Common myrtle Myrtus communis L . (Myrtleaceae – Myrtaceae R.Br.). (Fig. 7). Homeland - Mediterranean. An evergreen densely leafed shrub up to 1 m in height with tetrahedral finely hairy shoots, the leaves are dark green, small, leathery, lanceolate or oval, pointed, with numerous glands containing essential oils, which provides a pleasant aroma. The flowers are white, with a yellowish or pink tint, up to 2 cm in diameter, solitary, axillary, very fragrant. The fruit is a dark blue berry. Myrtle contains a large amount of essential oil, antibiotics, and phytoncides. Used in the perfume industry and medicine. In the room where it is grown, it plays the role of a nurse due to its pronounced phytoncidal properties. An antibacterial drug (myrtle tincture) is active against spore-bearing and acid-resistant bacteria. Possesses

Rice. 7. Common myrtle - Myrtus communis L.

tonic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect and antibacterial properties. With a positive effect, the tincture is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, kidney tuberculosis, exacerbation of chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis, and a number of other diseases. Myrtle in the form of a wreath heals tumors. An extract from it, inhaled in the form of vapor, cures migraines. Flowers infused with water, according to the ancients, restore lost beauty. An infusion of the leaves in the form of a compress on the forehead, temples and legs gives restorative sleep to patients exhausted by fever. From the juice of crushed fruits with alcohol, an oily liquid is obtained, which is considered a means of smoothing wrinkles and restoring the freshness of the skin.

The wine infusion of the fruit is considered an elixir of vitality and health; it was used for treatment in the hope of restoring strength and returning to health. Young

unopened fragrant buds were used as a stomach strengthening agent.

Rice. 8. Sedum reflexum L.

Sedum bent Se dum reflexum L. (Crassulaceae DC.). (Fig. 8). Homeland - Europe, found in Ukraine, in the Ciscaucasia. Herbaceous evergreen perennial. The stems are creeping and form cushion-shaped thickets. The leaves are bluish, subulate. The flowers are yellow, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. The fruit is a multi-seeded, multi-leafed plant. Blooms in June-July. Contains carbohydrates, organic acids: oxalic, citric, malic; tannins, flavonoids. The extract's biological activity exceeds aloe extract. It has phytoncidal antibacterial properties.

Rice. 9. Pelargonium pink – Pelargonium roseum Willd.

Pelargonium pink Pe largonium roseum Willd. (Geraniaceae – Geraniaceae Juss.) (Fig. 9). pink geranium, scented geranium. The plant is of hybrid origin. It is believed that a number of pelargonium species took part in its formation, including P.radula L"Her., P.capitatum Ait., P.qravieolens L"Her. (from the Cape of Good Hope). Evergreen shrub up to 1.5-2 m in height. The above-ground parts of the plant are softly pubescent, with capitate (glandular) hairs located between simple, thin, long hairs, and have a strong, pleasant odor. The stem is erect, slightly woody at the base. Leaves on long petioles are deeply five- or seven-fingered. The flowers are pink, collected in a simple umbrella. Insecticide (dry leaves – anti-moth). It has significant phytoncidal properties and improves the health of indoor air. In freshly collected raw materials, the content of essential oil is 0.1-0.2%, in dry raw materials - 1-3%. Contains citronellol, geraniol and other alcohols. Decorative, medicinal. Widely used in indoor culture. The essential oil contained in the capitate hairs is used to flavor medicines. In medicine, pelargonium essential oil is used in a similar way to rose oil. It has an anti-inflammatory effect for sore throats, for gargling and lubricating gums. Pelargonium – good remedy for inhalation for headaches.

Fig. 10. Rosemary officinalis - Rosmarinus officinalis L.

Rosemary officinalis Rosmarinus officinalis L . (Lamiaceae Lindl.) (Fig. 10). Homeland - Mediterranean, Alps. Evergreen shrub 0.5-1.5 (2) m in height. The green parts of the plant have a characteristic odor. The leaves are arranged oppositely, oblong-linear, dark green above, white-tomentose below with a sharply protruding midrib, with essential oil glands. The flowers are pale violet-blue, almost sessile, collected in groups of 5-10 in racemose inflorescences at the ends of the branches. Blooms from February to May. The leaves and apical shoots contain essential oil, alkaloids, ursolic and rosmarinic acids, and tannins.

In the Mediterranean countries and Europe in the Middle Ages, there was a belief that the presence of rosemary in the house was effective against old age, plague and witches. Nowadays, it has been proven that, having strong phytoncidal properties, it purifies the room air from microbes. According to the legends of the peoples of Europe, blooming rosemary brings peace and happiness to the house. It is used as an antiseptic in the treatment of wounds and rashes, and when fumigating rooms in which there were sick people or animals. The leaves are used to improve appetite and digestion. As water infusion and essential oil - as a carminative, tonic and sedative for cardiac neuroses, nervous disorders, and loss of strength. In gynecological practice - for menstrual disorders, circulatory disorders, bleeding. In the form of an ointment, essential oil is prescribed for radiculitis, neuritis, other colds, and scabies. Leaves applied externally - for baths for rheumatism.

Fig. 11.

Eucalyptus globulus - Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Eucalyptus globulus E ucalyptus globulus . (Myrtaceae – Myrtaceae R. Br.) (Fig. 11). Homeland - Australia and adjacent islands. Evergreen fast-growing tree. The bark of the trunk is smooth, whitish-gray. Plants have well-expressed heterophyly (varieties of leaves). The leaves of young plants are sessile, located opposite, ovate, old ones are dark green, with alternate leaf arrangement, short-petiolate, ovate or lanceolate, sickle-shaped or obliquely pointed. The flowers are solitary, axillary, sessile or located on a short stalk.

Fresh leaves contain essential oil, the main component of which is cineole, as well as myrtenol, globulon, and aldehydes. The leaves contain tannins and resins. Tinctures of leaves are used as a repellent for mosquitoes, mosquitoes, ants, and other insects. Due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, it is used for inhalation for diseases of the respiratory tract, laryngitis, tracheitis, catarrhal and putrefactive bronchitis, and pulmonary gangrene. Used as a local anesthetic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory agent for bronchitis and bronchial asthma, to lubricate the nasal passages for influenza and colds; in eye practice, sometimes for blepharitis; in the skin - for pustular skin diseases, for washing infected wounds, fistulas, ulcers. Eucalyptus oil has found application in osteomyelitis, carbuncles, phlegmon, and other purulent diseases. In gynecological practice for erosions and ulcers of the cervix. Together with water or in an alcohol solution as a deodorizing agent. Externally it is prescribed as an analgesic for neuralgia, radiculitis, lumbago.

The chemical composition and medicinal use of the following plants, which have a pronounced phytoncidal effect, are currently not yet known.

Rice. 12. Acalypha Wilkes - Acalypha wilcensiana Muell.

Rice. 13. Common ivy – Нedera Helix Akalifa Wilkes A calypha wilcensiana . Muell

(Euphorbiaceae - Euphorbiaceae) (Fig. 12). Homeland: Pacific Islands, India, South America. The leaves are opposite, ovate, pointed at the ends, of an original color: copper-red spots are scattered on a bronze-greenish background, in some other species they are bordered with a yellow, white, burgundy border. Flowers in spicate inflorescences, inconspicuous. Ivy Not dera (Araliaceae – Araliaceae) (Fig. 13). Homeland: Europe, Asia, North Africa. The stems are long and drooping. The stems have aerial sucker roots, with the help of which the plant climbs walls. The leaves of plants of different varieties range from trifoliate to palmate in shape, with varying degrees of dissection of the leaf blade. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescences - panicles.

Rice. 14. Chlorophytum crested – Clorophitum comosum L.

Chlorophytum crested Clorophitum comosum L . (Liliaceae – Liliaceae Juss.) (Fig. 14). Homeland - South Africa. An ampelous plant with linear or sword-shaped leaves collected in basal rosettes. Long drooping peduncles grow near the root collar, on which, after flowering, “babies” (small rosettes of leaves with aerial roots) appear, which are then used for vegetative propagation. The flowers are small, white, located at the ends of the stems. Undemanding to watering and maintenance conditions. It has significant phytoncidal properties.

Control questions

    What are biotic environmental factors?

    What biotic components that affect human health do you know?

    What diseases can be caused by poisonous plants? Give an example.

    What diseases are caused by viruses? Give brief description one of the diseases.

    Define the concept of “biogeochemical endemic”.

    Ecological aspects of infectious diseases.

    What are phytoncides?

    What mechanism underlies the formation of phytoncides in natural plant communities?

    What plant substances can determine their phytoncidal properties?

    Name plants that have phytoncidal properties.

    For what purposes can plants that synthesize phytoncides be used?

We use this substance every day without even knowing it. Phytoncide is an invaluable gift to a person from the plants around him, which has the most beneficial effect on our entire body.


In simple terms, phytoncide is a biologically active substance that destroys harmful microbes that lead to the development of serious pathologies (tuberculosis, typhoid fever, dysentery and other infectious diseases). Such medicinal substances are formed by the following plant species:

  • deciduous - acacia, oak, poplar, birch, bird cherry;
  • conifers - spruce, fir, pine, juniper;
  • exotic - boxwood, citrus fruits, cypress;
  • medicinal plant species - chamomile, aloe, yarrow, sage, nettle, coltsfoot and others.

But especially destructive to microbes are those plants that we are accustomed to using in our dishes as seasonings. These are the well-known onions, garlic, red pepper, mustard, horseradish. Tomatoes, beets, carrots, parsley and celery are good at dealing with harmful organisms. But these are not all the positive qualities of phytoncides. These substances are able to activate most processes in our body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, and normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora.

Invisible weapon

Phytoncide is a substance that a plant secretes for self-defense. With its help, it copes with the harmful effects of insects, fungi and bacteria. Phytoncides are a complex of antimicrobial substances consisting of powerful chemical compounds (aldehydes, ethers, alcohols) that can suppress the development of microorganisms or completely destroy them.

Antibiotic of natural origin

Phytoncide is a substance that provides natural immunity to every tree, flower, and bush. We can say for sure that absolutely all plants secrete this substance, it’s just that in some cases it remains useful only for themselves, and in others it brings invaluable benefits to human health.

The spectrum of influence of these biologically active substances is unusually wide. Some plants secrete phytoncides in large quantities and thereby provide good growth their weak brothers. Thus, in a coniferous forest the air can be called almost sterile. It has a strong healing effect on the human body. That is why doctors recommend walking more often in the open air and in park areas, and keeping a sufficient number of indoor plants at home to help clean the air from harmful bacteria.

The power of phytoncides

A number of studies have been carried out, as a result of which it turned out that phytoncides of some plants (onions, garlic) are capable of killing mobile bacteria and even the tuberculosis bacillus. For example, manna (a cereal plant) is capable of literally destroying a number of multicellular organisms - horseflies and flies - in literally seconds.

The fragrant blooming bird cherry is sung in songs and delights others with its fragrant appearance, but not everyone knows that it deals with the most mercilessly small insects. Having flown up to the tree at the moment it lush flowering, they will not live even a few seconds. The most tenacious creatures on earth - rats - cannot stay near bird cherry for more than a few minutes, and, having inhaled its phytoncides, they die literally within half an hour.

Mechanism of action

How do these "chemical weapons" work? The effect of phytoncides was studied back in the thirties of the last century by scientist Tokin. He conducted simple, but most visual experiments, in which a small piece of soil from the forest was used. It was dissolved in water and a few drops of this mixture were applied to the glass. The juice was squeezed out of the plant, also brought from the forest area, and dripped into the center of the earthen solution. Observations through a microscope showed that after just a quarter of an hour, most of the living microorganisms in the soil died. In the same way, phytoncides deal with all the simplest microorganisms (bacillus subtilis, ciliates, amoeba).

Meaning for humans

The properties of phytoncides are very valuable for our health. Sometimes they are a good alternative to stronger, synthetic antibiotics. Their action is soft and gentle, but the effect is very lasting. Which plants are considered the most beneficial?

  1. Mint - its phytoncides help to relax, relieve headaches, and lower blood pressure.
  2. Fragrant plants (oregano, lemon balm, pine needles) - their phytoncides relieve stress and calm the nervous system.
  3. Lilac - its phytoncides can quickly increase blood pressure.
  4. Red pepper, onion, garlic, horseradish - their phytoncides are destructive to pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
  5. Poplar - phytoncides suppress the activity and reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus and increase blood pressure.
  6. Oak - its phytoncides, on the contrary, reduce blood pressure well.
  7. Coniferous trees - their phytoncides significantly increase the body's resistance to physical stress, destroy Koch's bacillus, which provokes the development of tuberculosis, and also perfectly improve immunity.
  8. Decoctions of medicinal herbs have a powerful healing effect on the entire body.
  9. Essential oils are good at disinfecting, healing, disinfecting and accelerating healing.


Plants that secrete phytoncides are found everywhere, and onions are one of the brightest representatives. It was used as a powerful healing agent by our ancestors and today does not lose its position. Onions are widely used in folk medicine, and almost everyone knows about its excellent bactericidal properties. In addition to phytoncides, the composition contains many essential oils, minerals, organic acids and vitamins that bring undoubted benefits to our body. Thus, compresses made from onion pulp are used to quickly heal wounds. Its phytoncides easily deal with the pathogens of dysentery, tuberculosis and cholera.


Its chemical composition includes allicin, also a phytoncide. This substance has a sharp, specific odor and has a detrimental effect on various types of fungi and bacteria. Garlic has been used since ancient times as a powerful protective agent. With its help they protected the house from evil spirits and treated various kinds ailments. Now it is used to normalize intestinal microflora, and alcohol solutions based on it successfully cope with Koch's bacillus, typhoid and cholera pathogens. In a harmonious combination, plant phytoncides (onion and garlic) can significantly improve human health and protect him from various types of viral infections and clean the air in the room well.

Green healers

Scientists have calculated that all plants on our planet annually replenish the atmosphere with 490 million tons of phytoncides. A person, inhaling them, disinfects the lungs and the entire body as a whole. Green spaces play a very important role in our lives; they create a kind of protection against bacteria and viruses. In addition, they contain bactericidal juice, which promotes rapid wound healing and overall health. This is why it is so important to plant landscaping in your yards and spaces.

The influence of phytoncides on our body can be shown in reality. simple example. It is enough to leave a bouquet with fragrant bird cherry, lilies of the valley or lilies at the head of your bed. In the evening, their aroma will seem magical, but the very next day a person who inhales it all night will wake up with a painful headache. This indicates the powerful effect of these substances on the body and their strong concentration in a fairly small plant.

Common indoor flowers, such as geranium, chrysanthemum or begonia, can reduce the concentration of harmful microorganisms in the air by fifty percent or more. Now it has become fashionable to replace them with exotic species. Here it is better to opt for myrtle or eucalyptus, which perfectly clear the room of flies and mosquitoes.

Each hectare of forest releases a certain amount of phytoncides per year:

  • deciduous - two kilograms;
  • coniferous - five kilograms;
  • juniper - up to thirty kilograms.

This amount will be enough to completely clear a medium-sized city of germs. Thus, in a birch forest there are up to 450 microbes per square meter, and in an ordinary modern operating room acceptable standards There are five hundred non-pathogenic microorganisms per square meter. The air in the forests is clean and healing. It is not for nothing that famous sanatoriums are built in pine forests. Such an environment filled with useful substances has a positive effect on our health, and children who have lived near pine forests for at least several years can subsequently boast of strong immunity.

Almost every person has some kind of houseplants. We have long been accustomed to them and hardly notice them. And we certainly don’t think about whether our proximity to plants brings us benefit or harm? Of course have . But there are few of them and, in general, they are not capable of causing significant harm. There are many more domestic plants that bring invaluable benefits to humans. For example, indoor plants decorate the interior, many of them are medicinal, some can repel harmful insects. But one of the most interesting properties some house plants - purify indoor air and improve the microclimate.

Such plants are called a long word phytoncidoactive .

[!] Phytoncides are volatile active substances (organic and amino acids, essential oils, alkaloids) secreted by plants.

Phytoncides were first discovered by Russian biologist Boris Petrovich Tokin. The scientist noted that ready-made food sold in oriental bazaars and prepared in unsanitary conditions does not cause mass poisoning. It was concluded that oriental spices contained in food disinfect it. Based on this fact, the scientist suggested the presence in plants of special volatile substances called phytoncides. Subsequently, other botanists, both Russian and foreign, joined the study of phytoncides.

Each plant secretes phytoncides and they can have a variety of properties, antibactericidal, antifugal (antifungal), protistocidal (active against unicellular protozoa). Some phytoncides have been fully studied and isolated artificially, while others still remain a mystery to humans. And yet, no amount of chemistry can replace plants, this natural source of health.

Houseplants with a high content of phytoncides

Scientific experiments conducted with houseplants have revealed the most active absorber of harmful substances indoors. It turned out to be. Several plants can almost completely clean a room in 20 square meters within 24 hours. Chlorophytum can absorb substances such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde (a substance released new furniture from chipboard), ammonia, nicotine, acetone. Various pathogenic bacteria and microbes living in the air space of the apartment are also afraid of chlorophytum. To enhance the cleansing properties of chlorophytum, it is recommended to put activated carbon in a bowl with the plant.


Another popular one home plant actively participating in the improvement of indoor air space - or pelargonium. The most active phytoncides secreted by geraniums fight anaerobic bacteria, such as staphylococci and streptococci. These bacteria cause many diseases: various respiratory tract infections, infections of the skin, digestive tract, muscles and bones. Therefore, it is very important to clean the indoor microclimate, including with the help of pelargonium. In addition, geranium essential oils help relieve fatigue and headaches, and increase a person’s mental and physical activity.


Dieffenbachia- a plant whose juice contains. But at the same time, Dieffenbachia can bring tangible benefits. The point is that this spectacular plant perfectly purifies indoor air. Dieffenbachia copes especially well with exhaust fumes, so it is best to place the plant in a room whose windows overlook a busy highway. Other toxic substances - benzene, formaldehyde, xylene are also neutralized by dieffenbachia phytoncides.


Like Dieffenbachia, it is enough poisonous plant, which is not surprising, because these plants belong to the same family. But, at the same time, aglaonema successfully copes with household air pollutants - trichlorethylene, formaldehyde, benzene - and makes the air in the apartment much cleaner. Just like geranium, aglaonema can cope with streptococcal bacteria.


A separate group of plants with high phytoncidal properties - cacti. Cacti successfully cope with many types of harmful bacteria and microorganisms. There is an opinion that cacti are able to fight harmful radiation computer monitors, but there is no scientific evidence to support this theory.

Ivy- spectacular hanging plant, often found in our apartments. Not everyone knows that ivy is one of the most powerful phytoncidal plants. It purifies the air and successfully fights mold spores, thereby saving us from allergies. Ivy is also recommended to be placed in smoking rooms, as the plant perfectly absorbs and neutralizes tobacco smoke.


Sansevieria or "pike tail" is a very common houseplant. And no wonder: this is one of the most. Sansevieria also perfectly purifies the air in the room in which it is located. The plant copes especially well with tobacco smoke and harmful bacteria.


A plant that has recently become fashionable is. Probably everyone will agree that the beauty of dracaena is undeniable. But, at the same time, dracaena has the ability to cleanse the indoor microclimate, successfully neutralizing harmful substances such as toluene, benzene, formaldehyde and many others.


So, as you can see, house plants can not only decorate our premises and give aesthetic pleasure, but also improve the health of the air space and destroy many harmful substances. Caring for plants is generally not difficult, but how much benefit and beauty these pieces of nature bring to our homes!

In conclusion, table of basic houseplants that purify the air

Dangerous substance Industrial sources Indoor sources Effect on the human body Neutralizing plants
Ammonia Lightweight
(soda production,
sugar, organic dyes),
mucous membranes
person and
In big
cause pulmonary edema and
Acetone Pharmaceutical
varnishes, paints,
central nervous
Benzene Chemical
Varnishes, paints,
tobacco, carpet
printers and
nervous system.
shortness of breath,
Sansevieria Spathiphyllum
Toluene Paint and varnish
Remove stains
whether, means
for the cleaning
other household chemicals,
glues, paints,
Sansevieria Spathiphyllum
Trichlorethylene Paint and varnish
Remove stains
whether, means
for the cleaning
other household chemicals,
glues, paints,
Sansevieria Spathiphyllum
Formal dehyde Enterprises by
household waste,
traffic fumes
Tobacco smoke, adhesives, varnishes,
furniture made of chipboard and fibreboard,