Garden hibiscus: care and propagation, planting and replanting Chinese roses, tree and herbaceous hibiscus: cultivation and how it overwinters, photos and videos. Herbaceous handsome hibiscus: how to grow it in your garden

Having a wonderful smell, garden hibiscus flowers not only delight the eye in the garden or on the windowsill in an apartment - they are also used for brewing healthy and fragrant tea. This drink is known to many under the name “hibiscus tea”. In addition, garden hibiscus is easy to care for and highly decorative.

Garden hibiscus: photo and description

The flower of love or the flower of beautiful women is also the name of the tree hibiscus, popular in Hawaii. Dazzlingly beautiful and bright colors Local girls decorate their hair with this plant on holidays. The wide range of colors of the plant perfectly emphasizes the beauty of hair.

Growing a plant in a garden plot does not cause much trouble, and its splendor evokes a feeling of serenity and tranquility, transporting you into the unique world of pristine nature.

A beautiful flowering plant that can be grown both in apartments and outdoors. summer cottage. Garden hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae group. IN natural environment occurs around 250 different varieties of this plant - they differ in shape and size, as well as the color of the flower and its size.

According to the shape of hibiscus, they are distinguished:

  • Subshrubs;
  • Shrubs;
  • Herbaceous varieties;
  • Decorative trees.

The flowers of many varieties of garden hibiscus are brightly colored, large, graceful. Some varieties differ significantly from each other. Different colors and shapes, sizes of the flower and the plant itself.

Frost-resistant garden and herbaceous varieties are very popular, since they are not very picky in their care. Numerous types of garden tree hibiscus with funnel-shaped double and simple flowers are quite exotic and attractive. The color variety of plants is very large: you can see flowers ranging from yellow, white to deep red, bright lilac, crimson, violet and purple. There are also two-color varieties.

The location of the hibiscus in the garden will depend on the variety of hibiscus you choose. Low growing plants look great in mixed borders. Herbaceous hibiscus looks harmonious with ground cover roses and decorative foliage plants. But the tree hibiscus can be well played up by planting several plants with various flowers in a soliter standard planting.

  • Hibiscus can tolerate frost down to -20C.
  • Flowering is quite long - from late June to early October.

Garden hibiscus: care and propagation

Growing this plant will not be a hassle. For normal flowering and growth, it is advisable to choose sunny place where there is no wind. When planting hibiscus, you need to use humus-rich, loose and fertile soil. Watering must be frequent and regular. The main thing is not to flood the plant, but it is important that the soil around the flower is constantly moist. If the plant is properly cared for, the lifespan of hibiscus can be more than 15 years.

Young bushes need to be replanted several times. As a rule, transplantation is done in the spring. Already 2 months after rooting, the plant can be transplanted into a larger pot. For planting, use a mixture of soil from leaf, turf soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 3: 4: 1: 1. Every year, after transplanting, you need to add soil to the pot.

Equally important proper care after planting young bushes, especially in winter. The plant should overwinter in a shelter, as it may not tolerate frost.. If planting bushes is planned for autumn, then before the arrival of the winter season you need to mulch the ground around the flower.

Fertilizers for hibiscus must contain an increased amount of phosphorus. Before winter, it is advisable to feed the bush potassium fertilizer. This will make it easier for the plant to winter.

Syrian hibiscus: photo and description

The Syrian hibiscus variety is characterized by unusually lush flowers.

Lavender chiffon

A relatively new English variety with semi-double and double flowers. The color is blue-pink with a deep red center.

A small tree or deciduous bush of medium size up to 3 meters and a crown with a circumference of 1.7 m. Grows well in a sunny area, but also tolerates light shading.

It has various applications: this is possible as a tapeworm against the background of a lawn, you can plant the plant in the background in flower beds or to decorate fences, it all depends on where the sun's rays fall most.

Duke de Brabant

A small tree or deciduous shrub with an average height of approximately 2-3 m and a crown circumference of 1.7 meters. The inflorescences are large and quite attractive, purple-red with burgundy-red or dark red splashes in the center, double, 10-12 cm in size. Grows well in a sunny area, but can tolerate light shading.

Garden hibiscus tree: photo and description

The tree-like garden hibiscus is a deciduous shrub that blooms for 6 months, but one flower lasts only a day. The wilted petals are immediately replaced by new inflorescences. Hibiscus blooms at the end of June and renews its flowers until October.

In temperate climates, plant height is no more than 2.5 m, although in their natural environment tree-like varieties reach a size of up to 6 m. Big leaves ovoid or oval in appearance and have a rich green color. The inflorescences are solitary, quite large, reaching up to 28-31 cm in circumference.

Planting occurs in the spring. Make sure that the tree you grow in your garden is protected from drafts. When caring for and growing hibiscus, do not forget that the plant is heat-loving and demanding of lighting. If you plant it in a shaded area, it will grow slowly and bloom weakly.

If your garden area is located in an area with a cool climate, then plant non-double species - they are the most hardy. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, it needs a little pruning every two years.. Supplement hibiscus with lavender bushes - they will protect the hibiscus from aphids.

Hibiscus requires fertile soil with normal water permeability. This flower does not require heavy watering - it is necessary to moisten the soil only after it dries out. Abundant flowering will be ensured if you do not forget about constant phosphorus bait. Potassium supplements are also necessary - with their help, wintering the flower will be easier.

Suitable for growing in pots. The plant must choose an ideal place, in the literal sense of the word - otherwise, when turning or moving flowering bush there is a high risk of breaking weak peduncles. Choose a warm and sunny area, protected from drafts. In a pot, the bush should be trimmed periodically - this can help preserve decorative form.

Herbaceous hibiscus: photo and description

A distinctive feature is the long flowering time, and its peduncles are 2-3 times larger in size, unlike tree varieties. Another advantage of the herbaceous variety is its high frost resistance.

The bush has many erect shoots that sprout every year. The flowers of this plant are cherry-raspberry in color.. It is advisable to plant the flower in the central part of the garden or in the background, due to its rather large size - about 3 meters.

When caring for this hibiscus, you need to take into account that the roots of the bush look like potatoes; damage to them leads to the death of the plant. Therefore, in winter, after the bush dies, it is advisable to place a sign at the place where the hibiscus grows, which indicates its location and will protect the bush from digging up.

Bright and large flowers of herbaceous hibiscus are in perfect harmony with different plants, so be sure to plant it in your garden.

As a rule, herbaceous species are grown in large group plantings or in the formation of borders. These plants can decorate the shore area of ​​your home pond. But cultivation must be carried out in sunny places, protected from drafts.

The plant has no special soil requirements. It grows better on loam and does not tolerate calcareous soil. Drainage at the planting site and periodic loosening play an important role in caring for hibiscus, since waterlogging and waterlogging of the soil can cause the death of the bush.

In the spring, you need to build greenhouses from film, since the flower loves warmth and moisture. Under these conditions, the plant will develop much faster. With the arrival of summer, greenhouses are removed. The herbaceous variety loves constant watering, especially in initial stage growing. At the end of flowering, watering should be reduced slightly.

Garden hibiscus: photo

Pruning garden hibiscus

Periodic pruning is necessary for hibiscus; pruning shoots is beneficial for the plant. The bush forms flower buds on young shoots. In addition, pruning is required for the plant to give it a decorative shape.

In the spring, the growth of last year's hibiscus is shortened by 1/3. This significantly increases the number of new kidneys. As the plant becomes bushier over time, it requires light, periodic thinning.

How to prune hibiscus?

  • After disembarkation young plant remove all damaged and weak shoots. For uniform growth of a lush plant, and in the future, it requires drastic pruning. If you want to form a standard tree, then you need to be patient, since it takes more than one year to grow a standard tree.
  • Trim branched shoots to just a few buds. The main trunk is not pruned. The next season, from February, again trim the branched side shoots to one bud, and the main trunk to 6-7 buds. When the bush reaches the size you need, form a crown from the strongest shoots, making it shorter by several buds, cutting off the top of the trunk and removing all the lower lateral shoots.
  • When you have achieved the desired crown shape, then in the future cut only dry and weak shoots. Cut thin branches down to several buds. If over time the plant becomes one-sided, then remove unwanted branches to the base or cut them down to the lateral young shoots.

Hibiscus propagation

When caring for hibiscus, propagation is carried out by cuttings, dividing the bush, and also by seeds. If you decide to grow a plant from seeds, then do not forget that this process can only be done after stratification.

The planting material is covered with a small layer of soil, a little moistening is done, for example, with a sprayer, and placed in the refrigerator for a month. After propagating hibiscus by seeds, sow it into the prepared substrate, mixed from sand and peat. The container should be covered with polyethylene or glass and left at a temperature of 25–27 degrees. Carry out periodic ventilation and spraying of the container. Then, when the seeds germinate, you need to wait for them to form several leaves. These seedlings are planted in different pots. Flowering of a hibiscus flower bed grown from seeds occurs only in the third year.

If hibiscus propagation is done by cuttings, then the best time for this is spring. From new shoots it is necessary to cut off the upper cuttings, which have several internodes. Pruning is done 5 cm below the node. Then the top of the stem above the node is cut off and a cut is made on the resulting cutting. From the bottom of the segment, it is necessary to remove a segment of the stem and leaves. The few remaining leaves are cut in half.

To speed up development processes, the cuttings are treated with growth stimulants, and then buried in the ground to the nodes. The planting is covered with film and kept at a temperature of 18–20 degrees. After a month, the bush will take root and can be transplanted to permanent place. This plant will begin to bloom a year after planting.

Fruitful and hardy hibiscus does not require much attention, but always decorates any garden plot beautiful flowers. All you need to do is plant additional plants to compensate for the fruitless time of one plant with another. But in any case, hibiscus is universal plant. Beautiful flowers and ease of care have made it one of the most popular shrubs that are grown in the garden or apartment.

Hello my dear friends, regular readers and random guests!

Has it ever happened to you when you saw in someone's garden amazing flower, you definitely wanted to buy it, but there is no way? Either the owner of the site is greedy, or the flower is in one copy, not on the market or in stores, and cannot be ordered via the Internet.

That's how it happened with me. When I first saw hybrid hibiscus, I was shocked. So big and bright flowers, the whole bush is strewn, you can see it from afar, I couldn’t stop admiring it. It was a long time ago and there was absolutely nowhere to buy it. It was not possible to come to an agreement with the owner. Firstly, it was summer, not the right time, she had no seeds. In general, I went home, but the flower did not give me peace and I was looking for it all the time.

And then the next year, closer to autumn, when we went to a private nursery, I saw HIM. My joy knew no bounds. But I managed to get the coveted plant only the following year in the spring, in the nursery where I am a regular customer, a special order was made for me. This is such an epic, it ended happily. I became the owner of a real treasure.

So, today on the agenda is a hybrid hibiscus from the genus of herbaceous perennials from the mallow family with very large, bright, showy flowers

What is so special about hybrid hibiscus?

The amazing size of the flowers is remarkable; they sometimes reach 25 centimeters or even more. Can you imagine such saucers growing in a flower bed? And it blooms almost the whole summer. The look is captivating, and you want to come closer and make sure that this is not an optical illusion. In addition, hybrids are not so common in our country, so by acquiring at least one specimen, you will become the center of attention of friends and acquaintances, flower growers and summer residents.

It grows very quickly, literally in the second year you will have lush bush with many huge flowers.

For me, the most interesting are the low-growing varieties. I only have them. They have large flowers, and the bush immediately begins to grow lateral shoots, of which there may be 7-9 in the first year.

The color is quite varied: from white to dark cherry.

These hybrids were created by three American brothers named Fleming, who devoted more than a dozen years to growing winter-hardy varieties with a huge flower that resembles the shape of a disk, and the petals extend behind the petals. It is the overlap of the petals by a third, or even half, that is a particularly valuable find.

A real miracle.

How to grow?

Loves places. Although I planted it in partial shade, (in the top photo it’s just in partial shade) half a day of sun and nothing, the bush developed normally, but in a sunny place the flowers are much larger.

Grows on any soil. But, of course, it is better if it is fertile, slightly acidified or ordinary, not limed. It is advisable that there is no stagnation of water, the roots will rot.

How to care?

It grows very well and quickly. Already at the beginning of summer it will delight you with its size. The short one is lush and thick, while the tall one will already be taller than you are.

Loves feeding and responds well. Therefore, feed once every two weeks, until it blooms, with ordinary complex nitrogen mineral fertilizers. And only then add phosphorus, potassium and microelements. I usually don't bother with names, I just take complex fertilizer for blooming ones. You can also use organic matter, but that’s in the spring.

In the summer heat, water regularly and be sure; the leaves immediately droop when there is not enough water. When watering, it is necessary to soak the entire earthen lump with a reserve so that the root finds moisture in a deeper layer.

Try to mulch. The roots are close to the soil surface, and hibiscus needs loose soil. When watering, the top layer becomes washed out and the roots have nothing to breathe, the decorative effect decreases. It is necessary to loosen, and this can damage the roots. And they won’t overheat too much in hot weather..

I mulch two-year-old specimens. But for small seedlings current year Such mulch is undesirable; they will not grow.

The stems die off in winter. They will need to be cut, but not right away, let them dry thoroughly. Before wintering, they should be watered, and after a couple of days, hill up to 15-22 cm, like roses. Every centimeter of hilling with garden soil increases the temperature in the root zone by almost 1 degree. This is enough for the south. Yes, we are also closing a little in the south. Just in case. We also sometimes have severe frosts.

That's all the care . The plant is actually unpretentious and you shouldn’t be afraid if you haven’t covered it somewhere or fertilized it somewhere. Sometimes there is no time, sometimes they forget. It grows and blooms all summer long.

Yes, there is still one nuance, as, indeed, with many flowers. When many seed pods are formed, and this happens, the flowers may become smaller. If you want large ones, feed them and remove excess seed pods.

How to propagate hybrid hibiscus?

Reproduction by dividing the bush

In the spring, when the first shoots appear from the ground and it becomes clear that our plant has survived, we need to dig up the entire root ball and carefully divide it with a sharp knife so that green shoots remain on each piece. It is not worth dividing into many parts if this is not necessary. Then the bush will be quite lush in the first year.

The cut areas must be sprinkled with ash and planted. Do not deepen the root collar too much.

Do everything very carefully. Doesn't really like transplantation. Several of us died this way. Everything must be done in optimal timing and follow all landing rules. If the shoots have already begun to stretch upward, then there is a danger of losing divisions. Don't miss deadlines.

Despite some concerns, this method turned out to be the most convenient and easiest for me.

It is advisable to divide the bushes already in 3-4 years, then they grow greatly, this affects their decorative effect.

Propagation by seeds

It is difficult to collect the seeds yourself. Some hybrids do not produce them at all. And even if you are lucky and still collect it, it is not a fact that the same variety will grow. Expect surprises in a wide variety of colors of both flowers and leaves. But that's what's interesting. You can feel like a breeder.

It is best to buy seeds in specialized stores. Then there is hope that what is shown on the packaging will grow.

In March - April you can sow. So, before sowing, be sure to soak it in epin or zircon, or, perhaps, in “Kornevin”. I usually put the seeds in a saucer on cheesecloth or napkins and moisten them. They should hatch in about three days. I put the ones that didn’t hatch in the refrigerator for stratification for 10 days.

I immediately plant the sprouted ones in small pots one at a time, I use sterile loose peat, otherwise fungus, black leg, in a word, may appear.

I only water warm water or with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, if it is not available, then I weakly dilute the foundation. Be afraid of blackleg, follow the advice!

From time to time I open the film and air it out. Then I also harden it, there’s a lot of hassle.

First, just for a little while in the shade. Then gradually into the sun. Hardening lasts 10-15 days.

When they grow to 10 -15 cm, you can plant them in a permanent place immediately or in beds, but wait until it gets warm so that there is no threat of frost.

Fleming's tall hybrids have a strong and branched root system. This must be taken into account. In the year of sowing, if the area allows, the plants will feel comfortable at a distance of 60 centimeters or more. Short people can have less.

The seedlings grow well and almost all bloom by the end of summer, and you can immediately see what colors they will have.

Reproduction by cuttings

At the beginning of summer or at the end of spring, depending on your climate, before the buds appear, cut cuttings from the tops, 2-3 internodes on each, dust with root. You can root both in water and soil, always under a bag for sufficient moisture. After about a month, roots appear and you can plant them in a permanent place in the garden. This is in our south, but in more northern regions It’s better to plant them in pots and store them for the winter in the same place as dahlias, i.e. in a cellar or basement with above-zero temperatures. And plant them next year.

They will bloom in the second year. With this method of propagation, all varietal characteristics are preserved; if this is important to you, then this method is yours.

What can you get sick with?

Young shoots are very fond of caterpillars. Oh, what a misfortune! I once had all the tops eaten in two days. I didn't notice it in time. They also love flowers, they eat the pistils and stamens, then they begin to gnaw the petals. If there are few caterpillars, then first of all you should try to remove them by hand, so that without chemicals, but this does not always help.

I try to use biological products - lepidocide, bitoxibacillin, dendrobacillin. Or stronger chemistry - akarin (agravertine), arrivo, karate.

Even in the heat, spider mites attack. This one does not like moisture, so for prevention you need to spray the plant with warm water in the evening. Preferably every evening, but we did this when watering, once every three days.

Well, if it didn’t work out, and the tick got in, then chemistry - Actara, Fitoverm, Actellik, Talstar or biological products - bitoxybacillin, gaupsin.

How do you know if yours will grow?

Withstands frosts down to minus 20 degrees. But, according to my information, it grows only south of the latitude of Moscow. Anything further north is already problematic.

But if you have experience growing in more northern areas, please write in the comments.

Where can I buy?

Now you can order in online stores.. Search only

For residents of the Krasnodar Territory, I can recommend a good nursery where you can order low-growing hybrid hibiscus.

Abinsk, Spinova street, 208, owner Tatyana, +7 918 324 27 99

- this is always the pride of the owners. A gorgeous hybrid hibiscus bush needs the best and sunny place so that it can be admired from everywhere.

Do you have such hibiscus? Write in the comments about your success in growing hybrid hibiscus. Where did you buy it, what varieties do you have?

Hibiscus herbaceousperennial from the Malvaceae family. There are many varieties of it. It differs significantly from tree hibiscus in its longer flowering period and larger flower size, the color of which is quite varied: from white to dark cherry. Its bright, beautiful flowers and shiny green foliage will brighten up any flower bed or lawn.

The plant is unpretentious and, if planted, will grow on any personal plot.
Easily tolerates winter. With the onset of frost it aboveground part dies, and in the spring, with the onset of warmth, many new shoots appear from the root.

Planting and care

For planting, choose a sunny place, but mulch the soil under the plant with straw to protect the roots from overheating and lack of moisture. Mulching eliminates the need for loosening the soil after watering, which is very important for hibiscus. After all, its root system is located in the top layer of soil and it is better not to injure it.

It is not picky about soil, but grows best in light, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic soil solution. Does not grow well on calcareous soils.

Water should not stagnate at the planting site, because this leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.


Hibiscus is propagated by dividing bushes, cuttings and seeds.

At seed propagation new forms with a wide variety of flower colors are obtained. This allows you to expand your range or your own collection of hibiscus.

Seeds are soaked in early April in any growth stimulant (epin, zircon, succinic acid and so on.). You can add aloe juice or a little honey to the water. Keep them warm and damp for three days. During this time they swell well and peck.

They are sown on a prepared bed, lightly sprinkled with leafy soil, watered from above from a watering can and covered with agrofibre or other covering material.
After a week, the seeds germinate. The agrofibre is removed when the threat of return frosts has passed, and the plants are hardened off.

Grown seedlings 10-15 cm high are planted in a permanent place in early May. If the plants are allowed to grow and planted at the age of two months, they become stronger and take root faster.

In the first year, the plants form one, slightly branched shoot. The strongest of them bloom by autumn. The color of flowers can be the most unexpected. This makes it possible to determine which plants need to be left for further growth.

Cuttings are carried out in early summer. Cuttings are taken from the tops of young shoots. In this case, each cutting should have 2-3 internodes. They are rooted in water or in soil mixture at a temperature of 20-25°C. When the roots appear, after about a month, the cuttings are planted in a permanent place. By autumn they take root well and easily survive the winter if they are covered. Plants from cuttings bloom the next year, retaining all the characteristics of the mother bush.

Divide the mother bushes of herbaceous hibiscus in early spring.


During the growth process, the bushes are regularly watered by adding to the water. organic fertilizers(liquid from fermented grass), and during budding - mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

Hibiscus blooms in August. Each flower lives only for a day, but the many buds that form ensure the continuous and long flowering of the bush. After flowering, seed boxes remain. They are allowed to ripen and harvested for sowing next year.

In autumn, all branches on the plant are cut off at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground, mulched around with straw and left until spring.

Knots for memory

  • The seeds of herbaceous hibiscus are quite large and remain viable for 5-6 years.
  • In spring, young shoots are slightly shortened by pinching their tops. This leads to branching of shoots. A lush bush is formed that blooms profusely.
  • The largest flowers form on two- and three-year-old bushes. They can reach
    up to 30cm in diameter. For all their beauty, they have no smell.

Hibiscus is a fairly popular flower that can be grown not only in an apartment or office, but also open ground. Some of the species, if properly cared for, can withstand minor frosts.

Flower characteristics and description

These unusual garden flowers (lat. Hibiscus) serve original decoration any backyard area.

Also, with the direct participation of the petals, you can brew a fragrant and very healthy tea. Many people have tried a delicious drink called hibiscus, which is created from hibiscus flowers. In addition, the plant is not whimsical and does not require special care, while possessing high decorative qualities.

In Hawaii, a common species of tree hibiscus is local residents called a flower of love or a flower of lovely women. During the holidays, local beauties use unforgettable hibiscus flowers to decorate their hair, because the wide palette of its colors can further emphasize their natural beauty.

Hibiscus first appeared in India and China. Thanks to their climate, this bush can develop well, even despite periodically occurring hot periods. The only thing needed is proper watering, because the flower really loves soil moisture. Also, there are no severe winters in these countries, which allows the bush to preserve its shoots and roots. In order for the plant to survive on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus and Siberia, it is necessary to cover it with leaves or spruce branches. In the southern part of Ukraine the temperature is winter period does not fall below -10 °C, so it is able to endure the winter without any shelter.

Varieties and varieties

Hibiscus is a plant that blooms with unusual and mesmerizing flowers with its graceful charm. It can grow not only on the windowsill in the apartment, but also in the garden. The specimen grown in the garden belongs to the Malvacea group. About 250 varieties can be found in nature of this plant. All of them have a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and flower sizes.

Depending on the form, we can distinguish:

  • Subshrub.
  • Shrub species.
  • Herbaceous varieties.
  • Decorative trees.

Syrian hibiscus

It is also called Syrian (Chinese) rose, ketmia or garden hibiscus. This is the only type of plant that takes root well in the garden. The bushes have a rich green tint, as well as inflorescences of a wide variety of flowers. After landing this type will grow slowly, and will begin to bloom only 3-4 years after planting.

Tree garden hibiscus cultivation and care

It will delight gardeners with its flowers for six months, but the bloom of each flower lasts no more than one day. After some flowers have withered and fallen off, new ones bloom in their place.. It begins to bloom in mid-summer and continues to produce new inflorescences until October.

Hibiscus tree

This specimen is a large bush (about 2 meters), completely covered with with the most beautiful flowers. The inflorescences are somewhat reminiscent of mallow flowers, the diameter of which can vary from 10 to 25 cm. By the size of the flower you can determine whether the plant is a hybrid or not. The average size of a garden flower is considered to be approximately 10-15 cm in diameter.

In countries with temperate climate reaches up to 2.5 meters, while in natural conditions In life, the height of a tree-like specimen can reach up to 6 meters. And we get a hibiscus tree.

To reach abundant flowering The bush will need to be pruned, this is done once every 2 years. In order to protect the plant from aphid attack, it’s worth planting lavender next to it.

This variety suitable for growing in pots, but for this it is necessary to take into account some factors. The place chosen for the plant should be ideal for it, since if you decide to rotate it or place it in another area of ​​the garden, you can damage the fragile flower stalks. The chosen location should be well protected from drafts, as well as fairly warm and well lit by sunlight. In order to maintain the decorative shape of hibiscus grown in a pot, it must be trimmed occasionally.

The most common varieties of the species:

  • Hibiscus Syrian Duc de Brabant

White hibiscus

Is it a shrub or small tree, a height not exceeding 2-3 meters, and a circumference of the entire plant no more than 1.7 m. It has large double flowers of a violet-red hue with red-burgundy or dark red petals in the center. The inflorescences do not exceed 10-12 cm. Sunny areas are suitable for growing this species, but cultivation is also possible in slightly shaded areas.

  • Hibiscus Lavender Chiffon

An English plant variety called Lavender Chiffon has recently been developed. It can be distinguished from other species by its semi-double or double inflorescences of a blue-pink hue with a bright red central part.

This is a small deciduous bush or tree of medium size, which does not exceed 3 meters. The circumference of the entire bush is about 1.7 m. It can grow in both sunny and slightly shaded areas.

  • Diana

Pink hibiscus

A shrub plant whose height is about 2 m. It is characterized by 12 cm white flowers slightly wavy at the edges.

  • Vayelit Ilar Double

A powerful plant with straight shoots, having double or semi-double violet-blue flowers with small red spots in the middle.

  • Pink Giant

A bush with single pink flowers endowed with purple spots at the base of the petals.

  • Corneus Plenus

Shrub with flexible trunks. Has terry fawn - pink flowers, the central part of which is endowed with a purple spot.


The height of this species reaches almost 1 meter. It has lush petiolate leaves and medium-sized flowers of a light yellow hue. Flowering lasts quite a long time and lasts for 30 days. Are blooming just a few hours a day.


This species begins to bloom its beautiful flowers at the end of spring and continues to delight the gardener until late autumn.

Its flowers are colored in rich red or orange shades. The size of the flowers is average, and the petals are slightly curled due to strong dissection. A very unusual and exotic type of blooming hibiscus that attracts everyone's attention.

The most famous variety is the Drummond hibiscus. It is characterized by a straight, highly branched stem, endowed with leaves with a dissected edge, reaching 5 cm. The flowers have 5 pink petals with a black central part.

Herbaceous hibiscus planting and care

It has many straight trunks, the number of which increases every year. The foliage of this species resembles sunflower leaves. As a rule, the inflorescences are white, raspberry or pink. Does not like shadows, preferring well-lit areas.

Red hibiscus

This species differs from the others in that it blooms for quite a long time, from early August to September. They have inflorescences that are several times larger than those of the tree-like variety. Another significant advantage of this plant is its frost resistance.

The size reaches approximately 3 m, so it should be planted in the center of the garden property or on its remote rear section.

This variety requires regular watering, especially at the time of planting and initial cultivation. When flowering comes to an end, watering the plant should be slightly reduced. Every year, namely in the fall, the bushes must be completely trimmed to the ground.

When caring for a herbaceous variety, do not forget to take into account that the root system consists of potatoes, damage to which will kill the plant. This is the reason why in winter the place where the hibiscus grew should be marked with a sign, which will avoid digging and damage to the root system.


Terry hibiscus

The homeland of the double or variable hibiscus is China.

It's deciduous shrubby plant, whose height is approximately 3 m. It has a straight trunk with a slightly sharp end.

It has light flowers, which can sometimes be a little pinkish or violet-lilac. There are both double and ordinary inflorescences approximately 10 cm in diameter. The number of elegant flowers can sometimes exceed the number of leaves on the branches and almost completely cover the bush.

Trim this variety This is only necessary if dry branches appear on the bush.

Swamp or perennial

This variety can be grown both in the garden and at home. It has bright unusual flowering, which surpasses even in its beauty. Produces large pink inflorescences, gradually turning into red, covered with black dots at the base. Endowed with olive smooth leaves. Able to withstand frosts down to -30°C.

Outdoor hibiscus, which one to choose?

The most popular are garden frost-resistant and herbaceous varieties hibiscus. The fact is that they practically do not require any special care. Tree hibiscus includes many species of plants with funnel-shaped double or ordinary inflorescences that look not only original and unusual, but also exotically promising.

Before choosing one of the many species, it is worth considering that your choice will determine the location of the plant in your garden plot. If you decide to stop at low-growing variety, then it will look great in mixed borders. The most suitable places for herbaceous plants are those next to which there are other decorative foliage plants.

How to properly care for and propagate garden hibiscus

Caring for the plant is simple and the only rule that must be followed is the timely implementation of all necessary procedures, which will be discussed now.

Hibiscus should be planted in the spring. Do not worry or be upset if you purchased a plant in the fall. In order for it to survive mild frosts, it must be well covered. To begin with, you should mulch it thoroughly and cover it with leaves.

Be sure to tie the bushes with spruce branches and burlap in at least three layers. Also, to save the plant from frost, an air-dry shelter, used to cover clematis or roses, is suitable.


All varieties of the flower of love are very fond of the sun, so in regions where harsh winters prevail, they will need good lighting. The plant must be planted in well-lit, sunny areas where there is no wind or draft that could harm it in early spring. If you are growing hibiscus in pots, you must remember to that during flowering they should not be moved. Even small turns can harm a flowering bush.

Planting bushes in open ground

The only thing worth considering when choosing a planting area is that Hibiscus prefers soft, nutritious soil that can drain moisture to the depth the plant needs.

It is necessary to plant the plant in the ground in the spring, when the earth is sufficiently warmed up. For tree-like varieties, you need to prepare a hole in advance, the size of which is 2 times larger root system plants.

The hole should consist of

  1. drainage layer, including broken brick laid 15 cm thick,
  2. 10 cm layer of sand,
  3. compost layer corresponding to drainage
  4. 15 cm sand layer.
Garden hibiscus video description of varieties:


Never forget to water your hibiscus, as it likes regularity. But you should not overdo it, since if you overwater the plant, this will lead to rotting of the root system, and subsequently to possible death.

Methods for organizing proper watering:

  • To be sure that the bush needs watering, check whether the soil around it is dry.
  • Typically, the plant requires watering about 2-3 times a week.
  • In countries with arid climates and hot summers, hibiscus should be watered once a day.
  • Loosening the top soil layer around the bush is a mandatory procedure.
  • Thin out the bushes periodically, as the clustering of the plant can cause minor harm to it.
  • In summer, on particularly hot days, it is allowed to spray the plant, carrying out this procedure in the morning or in the evening. Do not spray at lunchtime, when the sun is too hot, as this will burn the leaves and inflorescences.

Pruning garden hibiscus

It is not necessary to prune the tree hibiscus, but if you want to give it a certain shape, then you will have to carry out this procedure. Also, pruning allows you to give the plant a well-groomed appearance, but it will take a lot of patience and effort from the gardener. In young bushes, as a rule, the branches are shortened to 2-3 buds, but you should not touch its trunk. In subsequent years, the plant should be pruned in winter. At the end of February, it is necessary to trim the side branches to several buds, the trunk to 5-6.

Once you have achieved the desired shape of the bush, you should remove only dried or weak branches from it. Be sure to cut off those shoots that are very thin to 2 buds. If after some time the hibiscus has become one-sided, it is necessary to cut off excess branches from it to the very base or side branches.

The herbaceous type of plant must be pruned autumn period.

What to feed and fertilize

During the active growing season, which takes place in the summer and lasts until September, it is imperative to feed the plant with phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, carrying out the procedure once every 10-14 days. To prepare a bush for wintering you need diversify phosphate fertilizer potash fertilizer.

Basically, hibiscus blooms only for one day, but if you care for it correctly, a new one will appear instead of a wilted flower.

Reproduction of hibiscus at home

There are three types of plant propagation:

  • Cuttings

To use this method you must wait until spring arrives. New shoots are used to cut off their upper cuttings, which have a pair of internodes.

First, cut the shoot 5 cm below the node. Then you need to trim the top of the shoot above the node.

Now you have a cutting on which you need to make a cut. At the bottom, remove the leaves and a piece of shoot. The remaining foliage is cut in half.

  • Dividing the bush

The divided bush must be covered with film and kept at a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. After a month, the Hibiscus will take root and can be planted in its growing area where it will continue to grow. A plant propagated in this way blooms after a year.

  • Seeds

When using this method, do not forget to take into account that this can only be done if you stratify the seeds in specially prepared soil, based on peat and sand.

Tree hibiscus and herbaceous hibiscus, as it overwinters in the garden

If you want your hibiscus to please you for a long time, then you need to find out how to properly save it from the oncoming cold, especially for regions middle zone, for example the Moscow region. As a rule, the process of preparing for frost begins in November.

  • To cover tree and bush species, you will need fallen leaves, straw or spruce branches. The latter is the best and safest for wintering hibiscus, as it perfectly maintains the temperature and does not contribute to rotting of the root system. Serves as a kind of ventilation that does not allow cold air to penetrate the plant.
  • When using straw or leaves, be prepared for the fact that over time they will shrink a little and the plant will be less protected from frost. In addition, the leaves can cause the roots of the plant to rot or mold to appear on them.
  • Herbaceous plants need to be prepared a little differently. First you need to trim the shoots, leaving about 10-15 cm above the ground. After this, they should be covered with foliage to the entire height of the shoot and mulched with soil. This insulation will be enough for the plant to survive the winter.

Growing problems: diseases and pests

Very often the plant suffers from chlorosis, which leads to the loss of healthy leaves located below, in their place dull and yellow ones appear. If this happened to your bush, there could be two reasons:

  1. he lacks nitrogen
  2. he lacks iron.

Nitrogen fertilizers added to the soil in spring, as well as watering the bush with water and iron, will help cure hibiscus.

What to do if the bush begins to turn yellow.

This problem can arise both due to chlorosis and in case of damage to the root system, often caused by replanting the bush. If the roots are the cause of the yellowness, then you should add Zircon or Kornevin to the water before watering the plant. To spray the leaves, these preparations are used in a ratio of 3 drops per liter of water. Also, the cause of yellow leaves can be a lack of water in too hot weather.

Hibiscus doesn't bloom.

If the place chosen for planting has all the necessary qualities, all the necessary procedures with the bush are carried out in a timely manner, but it still does not produce inflorescences, then:

Surely he lacks phosphorus and boron.

Also pay attention to the rate of shoot growth, as it may be too slow, which means the plant is not getting enough nitrogen.

In order for the hibiscus to finally produce flowers, it is necessary to feed it with the necessary fertilizers at certain times of the year.

The bush sheds its leaves.

Losing leaves in autumn is normal. a natural phenomenon for hibiscus. If it begins to lose leaves ahead of schedule, then focus your attention on the soil moisture around it ( the reason may be hidden in excessive or insufficient watering ), and root damage may also be the cause.

Application in landscape design

Various flowering hibiscus can be used for planting, both as a single specimen and for group plantings. Often the height of the bush does not exceed 1.5 m, which allows it to be used in a shrub or mixed border.

Hibiscus: flower of death, why?

There are superstitions that the flowering of hibiscus can bring grief and impending death to the owner. But few people know that we are talking about Chinese indoor hibiscus.

ABOUT garden species no plants no superstitions, so don’t be afraid to grow such a chic and unpretentious flower on your own plot.

Hibiscus Syrian (garden) pruning and shelter for the winter video review:

The herbaceous hibiscus, the care and cultivation of which we are now considering, is considered quite unpretentious plant, capable of effectively decorating your garden plot. It will delight you with beautiful bright flowers and green foliage. A distinctive characteristic of this plant is its long flowering period, while its flower stalks are two to three times larger than those of tree varieties. Another significant advantage of herbaceous hibiscus is its high frost resistance - it easily tolerates winter in the territories of our country.

The plant has many erect shoots that germinate annually. Its flowers are raspberry-cherry in color. Herbaceous hibiscus is best placed in the central part garden plot or at a more distant level, due to its fairly large size - up to three meters. It is worth considering that the roots of the plant look like modified elongated potatoes; damage to them can lead to the death of the entire bush. Therefore, in the cold season, after the above-ground part has died, it is worth installing a sign at the place where the hibiscus sprouts, indicating its location and protecting it from digging.
Large and bright flowers This representative of the flora harmonizes wonderfully with various plants, so be sure to grow it in your garden.

Landing place

Herbaceous varieties are usually grown in large group plantings, as well as in border formations. They can be used to decorate the shore garden pond. However, this plant should be grown in sunny areas protected from winds.

Hibiscus has no special requirements for soil characteristics. It grows better on loam and does not like calcareous soil. Good drainage at the planting site and regular loosening play an important role, since waterlogging and waterlogging of the soil can even cause the death of the plant.


Herbaceous varieties of hibiscus are usually propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, and also by cuttings. If you want to grow a bush from seeds, remember that this process is possible only after stratification. Planting material cover with a thin layer of soil, lightly moisten it, for example, with a sprayer, and put it in the refrigerator for a month. Then they are sown in a prepared substrate mixed with peat and sand. The container must be covered with glass or polyethylene and left at a temperature of twenty-five to twenty-seven degrees. Periodically spray and ventilate the container. After the seeds germinate, you need to wait for a couple of leaves to appear. Such seedlings are planted in separate pots. Hibiscus grown from seeds blooms only in the third year of its life.

If you propagate herbaceous varieties by cuttings, then best time for this it is spring. New shoots need to be cut off apical cuttings, having a couple of internodes. The cut is made five centimeters below the node. Then cut off the top of the stem immediately above the node and make an oblique cut on the resulting cutting. From the bottom of the segment you need to remove the leaves and a piece of the stem. The remaining couple of sheets are cut in half. To speed up the rooting process, you can treat the cutting with growth stimulants, and then bury it in the soil to the nodes. The planting is covered with polyethylene and kept in temperature conditions from eighteen to twenty degrees. After a month, the plant will take root and can be planted in a permanent growing location. This hibiscus will begin to bloom a year after planting.


These plants are heat-loving and moisture-loving, so in the spring it is advisable to build polyethylene greenhouses for them. In such conditions, the bushes will develop much faster. At the beginning of summer, the greenhouses are removed. Herbaceous hibiscus especially loves regular watering; good moisture is necessary at the initial stage of cultivation.

In the spring, carefully inspect the plant and remove weak young growth. Strong shoots should be trimmed a little, this will promote good tillering. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and add organic matter to it or mineral compounds– saltpeter, superphosphate.

The plant should be replanted to another location every three to four years. To avoid this, you can simply add fresh fertile soil under the bushes.
At the end of the flowering period, it is necessary to slightly reduce watering.


As mentioned above, herbaceous hibiscus differs in frost resistance. Some of its varieties tolerate frosts down to minus thirty degrees. After the above-ground part of the plant dies, it is necessary to cut off the shoots onto the stump, hill them up a little and sprinkle them with dried leaves or sawdust.

Diseases, pests

If the lower leaves of a plant fall off, most likely this indicates the development of chlorosis, namely an increased content of calcium chlorine in the water for irrigation. The liquid usually lacks iron and nitrogen. With a lush green mass and a lack of flowers, you should think about the fact that you have overfed the hibiscus with nitrogen fertilizers. A lack of moisture causes the leaves on the plant to become drooping and limp.

This crop may suffer from attacks by aphids, thrips, whiteflies and spider mite. To prevent such attacks, it is worth treating the bushes with systemic insecticides, for example, Actellik.