A semicircle of plasterboard on the wall. How to make a rounded plasterboard wall? How to round drywall

Gone are the days when people simply liked well-finished smooth walls and ceilings. Now the tastes of customers have changed. I want something special, interesting and not like everyone else. This is where designers come to the rescue, coming up with an exclusive interior and finding technological solutions to create it. When the question arises of what to make a beautiful multi-level ceiling with curves and round shapes from, the first thing that comes to mind is plasterboard. Making structures from this material is a process that requires a certain amount of imagination, and not everyone knows how to make a semicircle of plasterboard on the ceiling.

Materials and tools

To work you will need the following tool.


  • Hammer for profile installation
  • Small grinder - for cutting profiles
  • Screwdriver for assembling the structure
  • Jigsaw - for cutting arc shapes from plasterboard sheets
  • Metal scissors
  • Pliers
  • Hammer
  • Painting knife with replaceable blades
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Chop cord
  • Two meter rule
  • Spatulas
  • Brushes
  • Rollers

The list of basic materials includes:

  • Guide profile PN, size 27*28*3000 mm
  • Ceiling profile PP, size 60*27*3000 mm
  • Gypsum plasterboard sheet, standard size 9.5*1200*2500 mm. Sheets gray used in rooms with relatively dry air: rooms, hallways. Or a moisture-resistant plasterboard sheet of gypsum board of the same size, it differs from gypsum board green, and it can be used in places with high humidity air: kitchen, bathroom, toilet
  • Materials for painting work: plastering and putty mixture, primer, painting mesh, arched corner, paint
  • The rest are small Consumables and accessories: straight hangers, single-level profile connectors, wedge anchor, self-tapping screws with a press washer for assembling a metal frame, self-tapping screws for attaching drywall to the frame, etc.

This list of tools and materials includes the main items and in practice will be an order of magnitude larger, since it directly depends on the capabilities of the customer and the professionalism of the work performer.

A little advice to buyers of the material: when loading a car, plasterboard sheets are loaded first, profiles second, and everything else at the end.

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The working process

Creating a semicircle on the ceiling is divided into several stages:

  1. Rough surface finishing and marking for the future semicircular structure;
  2. Installation of a frame with a complex arc;
  3. Sheathing flat frame elements with even sheets of plasterboard;
  4. Bending drywall;
  5. Finishing ( Painting works).

Ceiling preparation and marking

The work process begins with leveling the ceiling and walls for the future structure. The surface is primed and fixed metal mesh and plastered according to the level.

After the plaster has dried, the ceiling and walls are marked according to the drawing. Drawing straight lines is not difficult. For convenience, a chop cord and a laser level are used.

The main emphasis should be on the curved part, that is, the normal application of the arc. To do this, make a homemade compass, consisting of a profile and two self-tapping screws screwed into the base of the profile at a distance from each other equal to the radius of the semicircle. Accordingly, the first self-tapping screw is installed in the pre-marked center of the structure, and with the second we draw a circle. As a result of the manipulations performed, we obtain the border of the product.

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Frame installation

The next stage is the most difficult and time-consuming, as it requires maximum attention and concentration from specialists - installation of a metal frame. An incorrectly assembled frame leads to disastrous consequences in the form of additional work, excessive consumption of material and increased cracking during operation.

The first to install the guide profiles is on the ceiling using an anchor wedge, and when attaching to the wall, you can use a dowel-nail. Then they begin to manufacture curved profiles.

Most experts advise bending metal by cutting the sides of the workpiece with metal scissors. But this method has significant drawback: The side edges become excessively curved. Therefore, the cutting method with a small grinder with a thin disk (diameter 125 mm) is gaining increasing popularity. A correctly marked profile will not become lopsided. The profile must be bent evenly. The resulting part is as close as possible to the factory one.

Using levels and cords, finish the semicircular frame for the drywall. A beautiful, visually even arc indicates the correct assembly of the metal structure. Do not forget about installing single-level connectors; all 8 holes for self-tapping screws must be used during the work.

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Drywall installation

Now comes the turn of covering the “skeleton” with plasterboard.

Each sheet has a front side that is easy to recognize thanks to factory chamfers. The sheet is attached to the frame “face” outward, and for ceiling structures one layer of plasterboard is sufficient.

During installation, the screws must be buried half a millimeter relative to the plane of the sheet. Otherwise, during puttying there is a possibility of removing the protective layer from the self-tapping screw, which in turn leads to rust on the painted surface.

First of all, the lower part of the frame is sewn up, and the attached sheet should protrude beyond the boundaries of the structure by 5-7 centimeters. When the entire straight side of the semicircle is covered with sheets, the protruding remainder of the drywall is carefully cut off with a jigsaw. The result is a semicircular side edge, ready for sheathing with bent plasterboard.

There are 2 ways to bend a sheet: dry and wet. The dry method consists of cutting the cardboard from the desired side of the sheet into equal strips 2 to 5 centimeters wide and further breaking the gypsum core to obtain a curved blank of the required radius.

The wet method consists of several step-by-step actions, which allow you to bend a sheet of any size:

  1. Using a needle roller, pierce the cardboard on both sides of the sheet;
  2. Wet the drywall generously with water several times until the plaster is soaked;
  3. While the sheet is wet, prepare a template from profiles with the same radius as the main structure;
  4. Carefully, avoiding breaking the sheet, the plaster is placed on the template and gradually begins to bend;
  5. After bending completely, let it dry. The finished curved part is mounted on the frame.

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Painting works complete the work process. The surface of the semicircle is primed. Using a stapler or tape, fix the arched curved corner (the corner must be bent carefully to avoid breakage) on the structure with plaster mortar.

The seams are sealed using a painting mesh. Putty the plasterboard product in several layers until completely leveled and apply 2 layers of finishing putty.

Important: priming is done before each layer of putty and must be allowed to dry. Paint the surface with a roller and brush in 2-3 layers last.

Remember: to ensure the highest quality, follow the manufacturers’ recommendations and the result will please you for many years.

And finally. Try to do well, but bad things will happen on their own.

Novice craftsmen do not always know how to correctly bend a slab without violating the integrity of the gypsum filler, which is subsequently used for lining arched openings and columns, manufacturing decorative elements and rounded interior partitions.

In order to do semicircular wall, a decorative element on the ceiling or another segment, there are two correct ways.

The process begins with rolling the surface of the plasterboard sheet with a special tool - a needle roller. This must be done strictly according to the bend markings, across the sheet, penetrating only through the cardboard layer and half of the gypsum core. If the above tool is not available, use an ordinary awl, which will significantly slow down the sheet processing process.

Before bending the drywall, the surface area that will be concave is perforated.

Then the perforated side of the drywall should be wetted, this should be done as carefully as possible. There should be just enough water so that it is absorbed into the core, but does not wet the other side of the plaster.

When the gypsum board is saturated with water, it must be carefully bent, giving the required bending radius or laid on a pre-prepared frame. In this position, the drywall can already be fixed with fasteners.

The main advantage of this method of bending drywall is considered to be maximum ease of operation. But in in this case You may not be able to guess the amount of moisture, and therefore, if you have never encountered such a process, try your hand at a small piece of gypsum board to fully become familiar with the technology.

Dry bend

In order to bend drywall using a dry method, you should adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  • First of all, the marking of the slab is realized. Marks are made with a pencil or shallow cuts are made with a sharp object.
  • The greatest labor costs in this case come from making cuts parallel to each other, made from edge to edge. To do this, use a construction knife and a rule or a two-meter level. The depth of penetration of the cutting tool, as well as the distance between the grooves, directly depends on the required radius of the skin.

After a piece of gypsum board is prepared for installation on a semicircular base, it is fixed, cleared of pieces of the slab, primed and puttied. It is worth noting that when creating designs in a semicircle, the visual perception of the finished round or semicircular product will directly depend on the quality of its finishing.

For the arch

It is used to give gypsum boards a very gentle bend. The thickness of the slab should not exceed 9 mm.

We bend the drywall for the arch in a semicircle:

  • The required number of screws and working tools are prepared (they should be located near the master)
  • The slab cut is fixed at one edge with fasteners
  • At the next stage, the sheet is gradually very carefully bent and secured with the next pair of screws
  • An arched opening is gradually formed, with progressive fastening of drywall to the frame

Professional craftsmen do not recommend using the method of sequential tensioning on a semicircular frame wall for beginners who can very easily break the material and increase their own costs. If you want to try your hand, use special arched drywall.

Anyone who plans to install a round plasterboard ceiling needs to know about the main requirement for the work - the height of the main ceiling is at least 2.5 meters. Otherwise, a design that “steals” centimeters will visually make the room too cramped, dark and overloaded.

The fact is that the minimum depth of a round ceiling is 70 mm, which means that owners standard apartments in the “Khrushchev” buildings the idea of ​​tiers, a circle or a semicircle will have to be abandoned. For the lucky owners of spacious apartments and houses, elegant, original and functional round ceilings are available in any configuration. Moreover, it is not difficult to install them yourself.

Surface marking is a critical step

Making a circle of plasterboard on the ceiling yourself, especially when you have no experience working with rounded elements of ceiling structures, can only be done after making the correct markings.

They start with an analysis of the room. If the ceiling and wall meet with a small curve that imitates a cornice, it is removed with a hammer drill.

Only in this case will it be possible to fix the UD profile as close to the ceiling surface as possible.

At the next stage, the contours of the frame of the first level of the structure are outlined. This must be done, taking into account that a circle or semicircle of plasterboard will be attached at the second level. Start from marking the lowest point of the ceiling covering. Having dropped 25 mm from it, place a mark on the surface of the wall, repeating the steps in each corner of the room (you will need a level to control the measurements).

The marked points are connected by a line (chockline). They are guided by it when attaching the UD profile.

The next stage is marking directly ceiling surface. Considering the installation direction plasterboard sheets, marks are placed on opposite walls in increments of 50 cm. Lines are drawn between the marks on the ceiling using a chockline.

First tier frame - assembly

The finished marking will be a signal to move on to the next stage of work. The lines marked on the wall surface are used as a guide for installing the UD profile, fixing it with the lower edge. It is more convenient at this stage to use a profile with ready-made holes. If they are not there, use a drill, keeping a step of 40-50 cm, to take over the device.

For fastening, dowels with a diameter of 6 mm and screws with a slightly smaller diameter are suitable for reliable fixation.

The preparatory stage for installing the CD profile according to the markings on the ceiling should be U-shaped hangers. They are fastened at a distance of no more than 60 cm from each other, using flared dowels, most suitable for working in rooms with concrete floors.

As soon as the hangers are screwed, cut the CD profiles and fix them in the previously mounted UD profile. The length of the profile should be 5 mm less than the distance between the walls. To achieve a perfectly flat surface of the future round ceiling, a leveling thread is pulled under the frame, tightening the CD profiles with the help of hangers bent under them.

Using a thread as a guide, the profiles are aligned (each individually), fixed on hangers, adding self-tapping screws on the sides to prevent the formation of backlash. The joints of the profiles are also reinforced with self-tapping screws - this is the final step towards creating the first level frame.

Construction of the circle and second level: stages

In order for a three-dimensional circle to appear on the ceiling, you need to draw it. A simple wire screwed into the surface of the drywall with a screw with a pencil at the end will help. An improvised compass will allow you to carefully draw a circle of the desired diameter. If the final goal is not a circle, but an oval on the surface, then to obtain it it will be enough to connect two circles with an intersection equal to the width of the oval.

To install the UD profile along the contours of a circle, small notches are made on it every 5-7 cm, thus increasing flexibility. The notched profile easily bends in the desired direction. In this position, it is attached to the frame of the upper tier, screwing screws directly into the surface of the sheet.

You can work using this algorithm not only with the UD profile, but also with the UW profile, the width of which ranges from 50 to 100 mm, which means it allows you to fix the second level with greater depth.

The next step is a line on the wall level with the circle. The UD profile is attached to it. Connect the circle to the wall profile using CD elements and self-tapping screws if the circle was assembled on the basis of UD, hangers if UW was involved in the process.

Both round and oval ceilings are sheathed with plasterboard sheets, similar to conventional multi-tiered structures. Be sure to take into account that the vertical plane of the sheets will be deformable, so they are cut into strips of optimal width and trimmed in increments of 5-7 cm on the convex side of the bend. The blanks are filled into the cavity of the circle, removing excess material with a mounting knife. This option allows you to make a semicircle or circle with a large radius using the dry method.

The wet method involves generously wetting the drywall sheets with a roller or brush and making small holes in the top layer of the coating (use an awl). Wetted sheets become more flexible and do not break during installation of curved figures.

The finished structure is sheathed with gypsum board, the joints are treated, primed, puttied and painted, according to the design project.

Wave on a plasterboard ceiling - how to make it

A variation on the theme of a circle, oval or semicircle is a wave made of plasterboard, most often playing the role of a transitional element between levels. You can make it yourself on a two- or multi-level ceiling with a distance between tiers of 10 to 15 cm. The greater the height of the wave, the deeper the structure will appear.

Mount the figure on the second or even third level of the ceiling, assembled according to frame technology described above. It is important to take into account here that the frame of the first tier will require reinforcement with suspensions.

Attach the wave to a frame made of metal profiles, arranged according to the markings corresponding to the contours of the figure. The flexibility of the frame elements is increased in the above-mentioned way by making cuts on the surface. The structure is sheathed with pre-prepared drywall elements in accordance with the sketch of the finished figure, finishing the edges with a plane. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening. The joints are treated with serpyanka, followed by puttying the surface.

Both a circle and a wave and other variants of curved shapes on the surface of plasterboard ceilings look more harmonious with lighting based on spotlights and LEDs. Even the simplest figures of this type will significantly transform the room, refresh and modernize the interior.

You can simply glean interesting ready-made ideas and inspiration for developing unique original designs for ceiling structures with and without lighting, decorated with circles and waves, from the photos below, which clearly demonstrate the benefits of such solutions.

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How to bend drywall in a fit of courage design solutions: 3 levels of coolness

Have you ever wondered: how to bend drywall at home? Personally, I was interested in the answer to it from the very first acquaintance with such interesting material. After all, in this way you can get away from the dull and boring rectangular shapes, enlivening the interior with smooth lines that are more pleasing to the eye. And I found several solutions to this problem at once, which differ in complexity and level of steepness of the bend being made. They will be discussed further.

Let's get started

A plasterboard sheet is a gypsum board covered on both sides with cardboard sheets. Cardboard in any condition has high elasticity, but for gypsum it varies depending on its level of humidity. That is, gypsum board can be bent, despite its apparent strength, but this must be done correctly to avoid breaking.

But, if you don’t ruin the drywall with your own hands, you can safely count on the appearance of arches, curly columns, columns and other similar masterpieces of design art in your apartment or private house.

Before bending drywall, it is necessary to determine the steepness of the bend being created, since the choice of technology for implementing the plan will depend on this.

Coolness level No. 1: bending radius – 1000-2750 mm

How to bend drywall into a semicircle whose radius exceeds one meter? Very simple: use the so-called “dry” method, which is the easiest to implement and looks like this:

  1. First thing selecting the thickness of the plasterboard sheet, since it is possible to bend drywall, which has an impressive thickness, using the described method only to a certain limit:

If you do not have time to use more complex technologies for bending plasterboard sheets, but you can afford to spend a few a large amount on the material itself, then opt for arched samples. Their price is slightly higher, but the thickness is only 6.5 mm, and inside the gypsum core itself there is a reinforcing mesh that prevents fractures.

  1. Next, the instructions branch again and offer two options, I tested both:
  • The first one is for the completely lazy, and it lies in the fact that the section is simply slowly and carefully attached with self-tapping screws to a pre-bent and installed profile. The spacing between fasteners must be no more than 50 mm;

Under no circumstances try to bend the gypsum board across, rather than lengthwise, as you will simply break it by doing this.

  • The second one will require more preparatory work, consisting in making a special template. But the bending process itself is then easier and safer for the material. You can familiarize yourself with the intricacies of creating such a device in the following diagram. Let me just note that the radius of the structure should be less than the radius of the future semicircle, and the width should be less than the sheet being bent:

But how to bend drywall in a semicircle using a ready-made template? It is enough to carefully bend it through the device and secure it in this position until the sheet takes the desired shape.

Coolness level No. 2: bending radius – 500-1000 mm

Now let's figure out how to bend drywall for an arch with a radius of less than one meter, using the so-called “wet” method. I like it the most, as it allows you to create stunning figures without damaging the sheet itself with “fanatics,” which I will talk about in the description of the next more radical method.

So let's get started:

  1. We prepare everything you need:

The roller must be selected in such a way that its needles are not longer than half the thickness of the sheet you are bending and not shorter than one third. In the first case, you can simply destroy the entire product, and in the second, you may not get the desired effect.

  1. Process with a needle roller the side of the drywall section that will subsequently shrink. In this case, needles perform two functions at once:
  • Weaken the strength of the cardboard “wrapper”;
  • Create access for water to the plasterboard core;

Instead of such a specific tool, you can use an awl, making holes every 10-15 mm. This will take more time and you will have to control the depth of penetration yourself, but it will save a little on the family budget.

  1. Now using a brush, roller or sponge moisten the pierced area with water within 10-15 minutes. Depending on the thickness of the sheet, the process may have to be repeated several times. Just be sure to make sure that liquid does not get on the other side, as this will lead to destruction of the sample.

What happens? Why such difficulties? The fact is that gypsum tends to become elastic and pliable when moistened, which absolutely does not prevent it from completely restoring all its previous properties. specifications after drying;

  1. Carefully bend the object and secure it to the prepared place using self-tapping screws. You can also use a special template as in the previous case;

  1. After about a day, the plasterboard sheet becomes dry and strong again, but in a new form.

It is noteworthy that the described procedure is also the answer to the question: “How to straighten drywall?” Here you can also accurately perforate the convex side this time, moisten it and carefully give the sheet its original outline.

Coolness level No. 3: bending radius – 150-500 mm

How to bend drywall into a completely indecent squiggle, the radius of which will not exceed half a meter, or even decrease to 15 cm? A very radical approach will help here, involving evisceration of the object:

  1. We take a sharp knife and from the back side of the sheet We make transverse cuts with a depth up to the face cardboard every 30-50 mm. The smaller the radius of the future arch, the shorter the step. As a result, you end up with an “unfortunate victim” on your hands, which somehow forms another whole only thanks to the remaining cardboard layer;

Be extremely careful when making cuts so as not to damage the front part of the gypsum board, since if you do this, you can already throw it away and take on a new “victim”.

  1. Now carefully, so as not to completely destroy the plasterboard sheet, fasten it to the prepared place with self-tapping screws, starting from the middle and gradually moving towards the edges. In this case, fasteners must hold each trimmed fragment, which leads to a large consumption of screws;

  1. Thoroughly putty all the cracks and slits.

A template can also be used here, and quite justifiably. The fact is that if you immediately fasten the cut sheet to the frame, you will no longer be able to fully seal the recesses created in it with high quality. But if you first lay it on a device made in advance, then all the damage can be repaired, for example, with the well-proven Knauf Uniflot putty, which, when frozen, will turn the object back into a solid product.


Now you know how to bend drywall into an arch or a ram’s horn. The most important thing in all the methods I described is careful handling of the plasterboard sheet itself, since it can be broken and bent during “dry” perforation, and damaged during “wet” perforation, and completely destroyed with a radical approach involving the creation of cuts.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information. If you have any questions about the above topic, ask them in the comments.

October 1, 2016

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Drywall is the most common option used for finishing residential apartments. It is easy to install and flexible enough that you can create absolutely any design from it. It is possible to decorate a ceiling with plasterboard without the help of a professional craftsman, however Special attention need to pay attention to the corners. This part of the ceiling space requires special care and concentration when installing plasterboard structures. How to properly install and finish gypsum boards in corners - read on.

The first stage of installing plasterboard on the ceiling is assembling the frame; it is thanks to this that gypsum plasterboard structures are so durable. The base for drywall can consist of metal profiles or wooden beams.

The guide profiles for the frame under the plasterboard are cut strictly at a right angle and mounted end-to-end.

There is nothing complicated about the frame and the sheathing of right angles on the ceiling. You could even say that this part of the ceiling does not need to be given special attention. The only difficulty may be joining the guide profiles at the corners, but if they are cut correctly, then such a problem will not arise.

If you want the corners on the plasterboard ceiling to have a rounded shape, then here you will still have to do some additional work, namely, make a rounded frame. To do this, use profiles with transverse slots, which are easy to bend into the desired shape. Drywall sheets are mounted on the frame. They are cut at right angles or in the form of a semicircle to the right size and are attached using self-tapping screws.

Processing corners on plasterboard ceilings

When plasterboard sheets are installed on the ceiling, before you putty them, you need to strengthen the corners between the ceiling space and the walls. This is necessary in order to increase the service life of the structure, and so that the plaster does not begin to crumble at the most inopportune moment. The corners of plasterboard ceilings are strengthened using metal tape and gypsum putty. The process itself is simple and quite possible to handle on your own.

Strengthening the corners of a plasterboard ceiling:

  1. Cut the metal strip according to the dimensions of the walls. It is better to prepare all the elements in advance rather than cutting them off as needed.
  2. Fold the tape in half lengthwise to create an even angle.
  3. Mix the solution. It should not be too thick or very runny.
  4. Apply the mixture to the corner between the ceiling and the wall. The solution should extend 2 cm onto the wall and 2 cm onto the ceiling. The layer of solution should be thick enough.
  5. Press the corner into the corner between the ceiling and the wall, and spread the excess mortar onto the ceiling.
  6. Putty the entire ceiling and wall space.

When attaching the corner to the corner, do not use thickened putty, otherwise it may create unevenness under the metal tape after drying. Such a mistake is quite difficult to correct; you will have to remove the entire tape and clean off the frozen solution.

How to finish a corner of a plasterboard ceiling

After the corners have been strengthened, you can proceed directly to finishing them with putty and other decorative materials. You need to putty the plasterboard ceiling two or three times.

Stages of designing plasterboard corners on the ceiling:

  1. At the first stage, you need to clean out all the irregularities formed after strengthening the corners with tape. To do this, you need to clean off the excess plaster putty.
  2. If the entire ceiling is already covered with one putty, then you can start applying a layer of white finish. It is more convenient to apply this composition in the corners with a narrow spatula, and then carefully pull it onto the wall and onto the ceiling with a wide spatula.
  3. Last layer finishing putty applied after the previous one has dried. This is done using the same technology as the second layer, but everything must be done with the utmost care. You may have trouble aligning the plaster in the corner between the two sides of the ceiling and wall. In this place it is better to work with putty while it is completely fresh, and correct minor defects when the applied layer thickens a little.
  4. After the last layer of finishing putty has dried, it needs to be thoroughly sanded and primed, paying special attention to the corners. After this, you can decorate the corners and the rest of the ceiling with wallpaper or paint. You can also decorate the corners between the ceiling and walls with special skirting boards.

As you can see, the corners are the most difficult part of the ceiling. However, if you approach their finishing with care and precision, you can handle them yourself.

Rounded corner of a plasterboard ceiling: subtleties of design

The rounded corner on the ceiling looks very impressive. Such designs are becoming increasingly popular. With their help you can make the architecture of the room softer.

Unfortunately, the process of creating rounded corners is quite complex, so it will be difficult for a beginner who does not have a mathematical mind and a good construction background to cope with it. For such structures it is necessary to compose good project, otherwise, the rounded corners of the plasterboard will soon collapse. The frame plays an important role in such buildings. It should consist of carefully measured and well-fixed metal profiles and hangers.

Before cutting out the required figure from drywall, it is better to make a stencil from whatman paper.

After the frame is assembled, it is necessary to cut out the necessary shapes from sheets of drywall. Not everyone can cope with such a task.

Making plasterboard corners on the ceiling (video)

When installing plasterboard ceilings, pay special attention to the corners. Despite the fact that when installing the frame, the corners do not require any additional load-bearing elements, they need to be strengthened after installing the drywall. Remember that how neat your apartment will look depends on the finishing of the corners of the ceiling.

Design of plasterboard ceiling corners (photo examples)