Types of putty for walls. Features of their selection, application order. What types of putty mixtures are there?

And it is impossible to prepare them for decorative finishing without putties. They may differ in composition, form of implementation, grain size and some other parameters. Such a variety of putties was created by manufacturers so that in each specific case we can select the most suitable material: it’s easy to guess that for internal and external works will be needed different composition. It is imperative to take into account the type and material of the surface to be leveled. We suggest dotting all the i’s and figuring out which putty to choose for walls, ceilings and floors, and which one to choose for drywall and wood.

No. 1. Putty and putty - is there a difference?

New to the field construction work It may be confusing that there are two similar words – “putty” and “putty”. Manufacturers add fuel to the fire and use both concepts. In fact, putty and putty are the same thing, just the origin of the words is slightly different.

Word "putty" came to us from German language, more precisely from the word “spatel”, which means a small construction spatula, which is used to apply leveling mixtures. Another name for the material "putty", comes from the word “putty,” which, in turn, means the process of applying the mixture using a spatula. Dictionaries allow the equivalent use of both words, but it just so happens that in professional vocabulary they often say “putty”, and in colloquial vocabulary they say “putty”.

No. 2. Types of putties by purpose

According to their purpose, putty is usually divided into the following types:

  • starting (leveling);
  • finishing (decorative);
  • universal.

The main difference is the grain size of the material.

Starting putties have high granularity, excellent strength and adhesion. They are intended for leveling walls with visible defects and a difference of up to 10-15 mm, can be applied layer from 3 mm to 2 cm. Such compositions can be used as an independent leveling agent or used after. For achievement best result It is better to apply the starting putty in a couple of layers. You can work with two spatulas: one slightly larger - for applying the mixture to the wall, the second - for taking the mixture from the container. If the surface of the wall contains not just defects in the form of pits, but has vertical deviations, then you will have to take a long construction rule.

Finishing putty applied on top of the starting material, intended for final cladding of walls before decorative finishing( , ). Such compositions have a smaller grain size, so they allow you to create a perfectly flat and smooth surface. By strength finishing putty inferior to the starting one, can be applied layer of maximum 5 mm, easy to process. As in the case of the starting composition, it is better to apply the finishing composition in two layers. For subsequent painting, choose a fine-grained putty (100 microns).

Universal formulations Suitable for both leveling and finishing. It makes sense to use them when the surface has minimal unevenness and differences. Such putties are more expensive than starter and decorative putties, but are inferior in quality. If there are serious flaws, it is more advisable to take two separate compositions - you will win in terms of money and results.

No. 3. Types of putties according to degree of readiness

There are few options here - putty can be sold in two versions:

  • a dry mixture that requires dilution with water in strictly defined proportions;
  • ready putty.

Dry mixes They are sold most actively, as they are inexpensive and have a longer shelf life. Such putties are sold in bags weighing from 5 to 25 kg; they are easy to transport and store. To obtain the necessary paste-like putty from dry powder, it is enough to mix the composition with water in a certain amount. It takes a little time to mix and mix, but the putty obtained in this way sets quickly, so you need to work quickly, and mixing the material in large batches will not work. To obtain a solution with clearly specified parameters specified by the manufacturer, you must act strictly according to the instructions. Some also consider the need to spend time preparing the solution as a disadvantage, but, to be honest, this is not a very large time investment. Another disadvantage is the presence of dust during mixing.

Ready-made formulations sold in buckets or large tanks. It is not difficult to guess that they can be used immediately, which saves time and eliminates the risk of disturbing the proportions and getting putty of a completely different quality. Additional tools and containers are also not needed. The shelf life of the finished composition is less than that of dry putty, but much longer than that of dry putty diluted from powder. They're standing ready-made compositions more expensive than dry ones.

No. 4. Types of putties by composition

Depending on what materials are included in the composition, putties are:

  • cement-based;
  • gypsum based;
  • polymer putties (this includes acrylic, latex and polymer-cement compositions).

Less commonly, but used, are oil-glue, adhesive and oil putty, as well as putty.

Cement putty

Inexpensive and durable cement putties prepared on the basis of cement, sand and water. The cement usually taken is fine, river cement, with a minimum amount of impurities. Such compositions are sold in the form of dry mixtures, but some craftsmen prepare it themselves by mixing 1 part cement with 3-4 parts sand and mixing the solution with water until it sets. It should not be too thick and not too runny. To prepare correct solution, you need to have solid experience in performing putty work, so it’s much easier to take a dry mixture and dilute it with water.

Advantages of cement putties:

  • high strength; the compositions have no analogues for this parameter. The only way to destroy a layer of cement putty is by hitting it;
  • moisture resistance, therefore the composition used in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen, swimming pool) and for facade work;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • low price.


Gypsum putty

White and plastic gypsum plaster Great for preparing walls for painting. It makes it easy to get perfectly flat surface. Gypsum is capable of taking excess moisture from the air, and then give it back when the air becomes too dry.

Main advantages:

  • the ability to create a perfectly smooth surface without roughness, perfect for further painting or other cladding;
  • no shrinkage;
  • gypsum putty lends itself well to leveling;
  • the composition dries quickly;
  • high degree of fire resistance;
  • gypsum allows air to pass through, is not susceptible to formation, and is safe for health;
  • improves the thermal insulation of the room;
  • low price.


Polymer putty

As the name of the composition suggests, it is based on polymers. Such putties provide an ideal result, but are expensive. Depending on what polymer was used, the following compositions are distinguished:

  • acrylic putty- This is a kind of universal composition. It can be used for leveling , wooden floors, cement surfaces, and metal, as well as for finishing works . With this composition you can get a perfectly smooth, almost mirror-like surface, which is why this putty is often used for ceilings. The composition can be applied either in a thin layer of 1 mm or in a thicker one. Acrylic putty is suitable for interior and exterior works(there is a special composition for), can be used in wet areas, has excellent adhesion to various surfaces, is odorless, and forms a durable layer. It is easy to work with, and hands and tools can be washed with plain water. The material is not afraid of moisture and allows you to protect walls or ceilings from moisture, is easy to sand, does not shrink, but is not cheap. Available on store shelves a large number of counterfeits and low-quality goods that contain foreign impurities. They may leave scratches on the surface;
  • latex putty It is prepared on the basis of acrylate latex, excellent for creating a finishing layer. With its help you can get a perfectly smooth surface, however, it is undesirable to apply a layer of more than 3 mm - the material may crack. The composition is excellent for working with drywall, can also be used for leveling wooden, brick and concrete surfaces . Scope of use is limited internal works;
  • polymer cement putty- this is actually the same cement, but due to the introduction of polymer components into the composition it has become more plastic. Used for leveling concrete and brick surfaces, can be applied in a layer of up to 2 cm.

Other types of putties

Much less frequently, but still used, are the following types of putties:

No. 5. Which putty should I choose?

As is clear from the existing assortment, putty is chosen depending on what material will be leveled, taking into account the characteristics of the temperature and humidity conditions in the room:

No. 6. DIY wall putty

Putty can be used to level surfaces with minor unevenness and level differences, otherwise plaster or even installation of drywall sheets will be required. Puttying walls and ceilings is easy to do with your own hands:

No. 7. Large putty manufacturers

The putty market today is oversaturated - you can find a mixture of any composition, for any type of surface and, most interestingly, at almost any price. We all love to save money, especially when it seems that there is no difference at all between two similar products. When it comes to putties, saving money doesn’t seem like such a reasonable thing, because it’s unlikely that anyone would want the putty layer to crack and fall off along with the paint after a few months. It's better to trust products from major manufacturers:

  • Knauf is a large German company whose factories are today located all over the world, incl. in Russia, which allows us to buy quality products at more affordable prices. Knauf putties are presented in cement, gypsum and polymer compositions, sold in dry and ready-made form. There are solutions for all areas of use. The company’s special solution is gypsum putty with components that protect against X-ray radiation;
  • Ceresit- products of a large concern, which are very popular all over the world. Cement and polymer putties are sold under the Ceresit brand;
  • Tikkurila is another well-known concern that, among other things, produces putties. The company offers acrylic moisture-resistant and gypsum compositions. The range also includes Euro Filler Light putty, which is easy to apply and eliminates the need for sanding - the surface itself becomes smooth. The color of the composition can be chosen from 15 proposed. The company also offers Spakkeli wood putty, which is suitable for treating doors, furniture and other wooden surfaces indoors;
  • offers polymer, cement compositions and putties with an organic binder. There is a composition that will not only smooth out seams on drywall, old painted surfaces and wallpaper, but will also create a textured decorative surface;
  • Kreisel is a German company that has factories in 20 countries, incl. in Russia. Putties are represented by cement and gypsum compositions;
  • "Prospectors"— domestically produced putties. The quality is good, prices are affordable. The range is represented by gypsum, cement, polymer-cement and polymer compositions, which are suitable for starting and finishing work in dry and wet rooms, as well as for outdoor work;
  • "Volma"- another domestic manufacturer that has proven itself well. The range of compositions is very wide. There are gypsum and polymer putties with different sizes particles. There are solutions for any situation.

You can also recommend the products of Ural Construction Mixes, ARMstrong and Eurogypsum.

Today in any hardware store you can find numerous types of putties, which, at first glance, are quite difficult to understand. However, if you stock up on a little preliminary knowledge, it turns out that there is nothing difficult in choosing the required type. We will tell you how the types of wall putty differ and what their purpose is.

Types of putties

Main groups

All types of wall putty can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Compositions for interior work. This group includes mixtures, the use of which is possible only in indoor conditions, since they do not have sufficient external use characteristics such as water resistance and frost resistance, strength, etc.;
  2. Compositions for exterior and facade works. These materials are able to withstand temperature changes, frost, high humidity and contact with water, direct sunlight and others weathering, while maintaining its structure, color and surface integrity;
  3. Special formulations. Here are collected materials intended for a narrow area of ​​application, for example, for puttying cracks, joints, floors, window sills, as well as for repairing cracks and potholes, defects in plaster or other coatings. This also includes mixtures for non-standard conditions - high temperatures, water, aggressive environments, etc.

Important! Exterior putties can be used indoors, although this is not advisable (except in damp or unheated areas). The use of mixtures for interior work is strictly prohibited.


In addition, putty compositions can be divided into three subgroups according to their main purpose:

  1. Mixtures for leveling surfaces. These materials are often called starting putties, since they are applied first to level the wall. This subgroup is distinguished by a larger filler fraction, excellent adhesion, the ability to apply thick layers and low quality of the resulting surface;
  2. Mixtures for final finishing, or . Designed for final finishing of walls and ceilings before painting and are characterized by a fine filler fraction, a thin layer of application and increased strength. These compositions can also be distinguished by their pure white tint and high quality the resulting surface;
  3. Universal mixtures. As the name suggests, these materials combine the qualities of the previous subgroups and can be used in one layer or together with a finish/start. The convenience of this variety is obvious: you don’t have to rack your brains and think about which putty to use in each specific case.

Finally, classification can be carried out according to differences in mixture compositions and main ingredients.

As a rule, this classification is carried out according to the main astringent ingredient, and here again we see three subgroups:

  1. Gypsum mixtures. They are characterized by very low shrinkage and the ability to have a high degree of leveling, which allows them to create even, smooth surfaces. Due to poor resistance to moisture, the scope of application of these compounds is limited to interior work in dry rooms;
  2. . They have good moisture resistance, high strength and are suitable for outdoor use, but they exhibit noticeable shrinkage. These mixtures are also distinguished by their relatively low price;
  3. Polymer compositions are considered the highest quality, strongest and most durable, but they are expensive and require certain application skills. Often sold ready-made.

Important! If you have difficulty identifying a particular type of material, you can read the recommendations for its use and composition on the label.


All types of wall putty are different in a simple way application and styling. The work is done entirely with your own hands without the use of complex mechanisms or power tools.

For installation you will need a bucket, a narrow spatula to remove the mixture from the bucket and apply it to a working tool, which can be a wide spatula with a metal blade, a trowel, a rule or a plaster float.

About a third of the water is poured into a bucket, into which the dry mixture for puttying walls is poured and the solution is thoroughly mixed with a drill at low speed until the consistency of liquid mashed potatoes or thick sour cream.

Then wait about five minutes and mix the solution again. After this, the mixture is applied to the blade of the working tool and applied to the wall in a thin layer, which is immediately smoothed in a vertical or horizontal direction. When applying the next layer, the direction is changed.

The strokes are usually made wide; it is not necessary to maintain a strictly horizontal or vertical direction; you can smooth the layer with zigzags and arcs, perform turns, etc. Here, each finisher decides for himself how it is more convenient for him to work and which method of his execution gives the best result.

Treatment of cracks and joints, as well as repair of cracks, is usually carried out with a narrow spatula or a medium-sized tool, ensuring that the layer above the crack does not deviate from the level of the general surface. An exception is the sealing of numerous cracks, for example, when treating floors.

When working with corners where walls meet the ceiling or join adjacent walls, it is convenient to use special spatulas that are designed to form right angles.

Important! Before applying any putty, be sure to prime the base with a compound for deep penetration, even when applying putty on putty.


Choosing the type of putty is complicated by the wide range and variety of its subtypes, but a set of minimal knowledge will make this task quite simple for the average person. The manufacturer’s instructions will also help you choose, and our guide and video in this article will help you apply the material to the wall.

The mixture for wall putty makes the surface perfectly uniform and smooth, which improves further painting or wallpapering. The composition includes components that promote setting and hardening, making it elastic. The article will tell you what modern materials can be used for wall putty and how to apply them to the surface.

Putty is an elastic, fine-grained mixture. Intended for cosmetic finishing of surface roughness and irregularities.

The putty goes on sale:

  • Dry. This is a special mixture consisting of the required components in certain proportions and prepared immediately before coating the surface. It is the most popular type of putty. Available in bags or bags. Before use, the dry mixture is diluted and thoroughly mixed with clean water, according to the operating instructions (see). Advantages of dry putty:
  1. low price;
  2. long-term storage in dry form, at any air temperature;
  3. ease of transportation and storage.

The disadvantages of the material include the short shelf life of the already prepared mixture.

  • Ready to use. This solution is made on the basis of latex (see) or acrylic. Sold in cans, buckets or tanks. The material is easy to use, does not require time for dilution, and is always ready for use. Ready solution can be stored indefinitely. During a break from working with the finished putty, the container is tightly closed, which does not reduce its quality. The disadvantage of the material is its higher cost than dry.

The composition of putty for walls can be:

  • Gypsum (see). Made from gypsum, it adheres well to any surface. Gypsum is hygroscopic, which leads to moisture accumulation. This material is only suitable for interior work. The mixture dries quickly and has an affordable price.
  • Cement. This group of compounds is widely used for external finishing works. Having high performance properties, cement-based putty is used for finishing the facades of buildings and rooms with increased humidity. Advantages of the material:
  1. stable under changes in temperature and humidity;
  2. high strength after drying;
  3. prevents the appearance of cracks on the surface;
  4. made of gray or yellowish cement, which is easily painted over.

The only drawback is the presence of grain.

  • Polymer. IN modern world Leveling mixture based on a polymer component is gaining popularity. Acrylic or latex is used for this. The acrylic composition is easy to work with and versatile. It can be applied outside and inside the building. After drying the polymer:
  1. does not deform;
  2. does not shrink;
  3. does not crack.

Putty with a latex additive is used for interior walls. Main features of the mixture:

  1. very elastic and easy to apply in a thin layer, filling the smallest cavities on the surface:
  2. the resulting good film is strong and does not crack after drying;
  3. wide range of colors;
  4. Sold ready for use.

Advice: When purchasing polymer putty, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture and storage conditions - it is afraid of freezing.

The most unpleasant drawback is the very high cost.

Purpose of putty depending on the type

According to the method of application, putty is divided into four groups:

  • Starting. The coarse-grained structure of the initial layer is intended for preliminary leveling of walls, ceiling surfaces, door openings, and slopes. The mixture is selected depending on the base material and operating conditions. It has good adhesion to work surface, high strength and durability, as well as the ability to apply a layer from 0 to 25 mm without cracks or peeling.
  • Finish. The finishing layer putty has a finer fraction and is applied to the surface before the final finishing, which can be:
  1. dye;
  2. flock coating;
  3. textile wallpaper.

Apply to the starting putty or to the base itself. It evens out the smallest flaws and scratches, forming a layer up to 1 mm thick. The finish is puttied in several steps, with a thickness of 0.1 - 0.2 mm at a time. After drying, a polished, dense and white surface is formed.

  • Specialized. This best putty with a special additive, serves to solve a specific problem. This composition is used for:
  1. sealing joints of gypsum panels (see) and concrete slabs, without the use of reinforcing mesh;
  2. for “breathing” cracks;
  3. for emergency repairs.

The material has higher elasticity and strength. It's very easy to choose. Recommendations and methods of using specialized putty are indicated on the packaging.

  • Universal. It combines all of the above functions and is used in a range of combinations of any surface base. It is convenient not only for professionals, but is inferior in quality to specialized putty. At the same time, it is not inexpensive.

How to calculate putty consumption

How to calculate putty for walls? The calculator helps to calculate the area of ​​the walls, and then the required amount of material, which depends not only on the size of the room, but also on the condition of the walls, the thickness of the applied layer and the type of putty.

When calculating material consumption, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • When using gypsum or decorative putty, the consumption is 9 kg/m2 with a coating layer of 10 millimeters.
  • The cement mixture will need up to 17 kilograms per square meter.
  • Polymer, in finished form, consumption with a layer thickness of one millimeter is up to 0.5 kg/m 2.

Instructions for calculating the volume of putty:

  • The surface is cleaned.
  • IN in the right places Key points are determined, special beacons are set and deviations from the plane are measured.
  • The deviations are summed up and further divided by the number of measured points. For example, deviations at three points are: 1, 2, 6 centimeters. In this case:
  1. are summed together: 1+2+6=9 (centimeters);
  2. the sum is divided by the number of points: 9:3 = 3 (centimeters).

The average uniform coating layer is three centimeters.

  • Attention is drawn to the manufacturer's recommendation. Using dry gypsum as an example, it will take approximately 8.5 kilograms to finish one square meter with a layer of 10 millimeters.
  • The mixture consumption per square meter is calculated for a layer three centimeters thick: 8.5 x 3 = 25.5 (kilogram).

With a surface area of ​​10 square meters you will need: 10 x 25.5 = 255 kilograms of putty.

The number of 30 kilogram bags will be: 255:30=8.5 (bags). Rounding the resulting value, you will need 9 bags of dry mixture. After this, you can calculate how much wall putty costs.

What set of tools will you need for puttying?

Available for purchase necessary tool for puttying walls.

To work you will need:

  • Mixer or drill with a special attachment.
  • Container for stirring putty.
  • Set of spatulas. At least three sizes, from the smallest to 50 centimeters wide. Use a narrow tool to putty in hard-to-reach places.
  • Brush and roller for priming. The roller is used for quick and accurate priming. Use a brush to prime problem areas.
  • Rule. Only starting putty will be needed to level a thick layer.
  • Spirit level or plumb line. Useful for installing beacons when performing starting putty.
  • Sanding machine for preparing walls.
  • Hand grouting with a set of mesh or sandpaper.

Tip: The putty should be rubbed in by hand. This will give the surface better quality.

How to prepare a wall for putty

Preparing the wall for puttying is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The surface is thoroughly cleaned from old paint, putty, wallpaper and other contaminants. A grinding machine fitted with a wire brush will speed up this process.
  • A primer is applied to the wall (see), which penetrates deeply into the surface to be treated. Wherein:
  1. the base is strengthened using polymer components such as PVA glue or acrylic. The water-based primer is quickly absorbed into the surface, filling all microcracks;
  2. all pores are clogged and a durable film is created. It is necessary for gypsum putties, which quickly lose moisture;
  3. adhesion increases;
  4. The appearance of fungal mold is prevented due to antiseptic properties.
  • The walls remain until the coating is completely dry.

Tip: For proper drying of the putty, you need to create a certain temperature regime from (+10°C) to (+ 20°C) and humidity within 30 - 40%. If necessary, these conditions must be created using heating devices.

How to putty walls

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine why the walls are being puttied. Usually, this is necessary before painting or gluing wallpaper, and the video in this article will show you how to do it correctly. If you follow certain rules, it is not difficult to putty walls with your own hands.

Work order:

  • Primary. In this case:
  1. large bends, “sinks” and potholes are filled;
  2. The walls are plastered in one step, that is, work begins and ends on one section of the wall in one day. If the work is postponed to another time, then the dried joints are generously moistened with water;
  3. “beacons” are placed on very crooked walls;
  4. the putty is distributed using a rule or a wide spatula; the mixture can also be applied along the guides in a thick layer;
  5. puttying the walls starts from the far corner, the direction of movement of the spatula with the solution is from top to bottom or from the corner to the side;
  6. in the corners the putty is smoothed out with a special spatula or perforated sheets are applied to the putty metal corners, which are closed with a solution.
  • Finishing with a special mixture, which makes the surface perfectly smooth. For this:
  1. finishing work is performed with a large and small spatula. Putty is applied in small portions onto a wide spatula using a smaller spatula;
  2. Then the finishing putty is quickly and evenly applied to the surface, as shown in the photo.

The layer thickness should be no more than 1.5 millimeters. The final coating is applied in two layers after the previous one has dried and processed with a sanding mesh.

Tip: Before applying each subsequent layer of putty, the previous one must be primed.

A carefully executed process of wall putty facilitates subsequent repairs of the premises.

Surely many people, thinking about renovating a house, have no idea that the first difficulties arise at the selection stage building materials. And it doesn’t always depend on taste preferences or budgetary capabilities; some materials, having the same name, are used in different situations.

In this article, we would like to talk about the types of putties for walls, and we hope that this will help someone understand the diversity of this material.

So, why is it needed? In essence, it is a mixture for filling uneven walls and errors made during construction.

Four types of putty can be used in repairs, depending on the further finishing of the walls:

It would seem that what else can be said about this material. But no, the types of wall putty are not limited to the above list.

How do putties differ?

Often one of the most important aspects repair becomes its final cost. Of course, you can not count money and use only the most expensive, but this is not always an indicator of quality. This also applies to putties - the mixture used for facades (see), is not suitable for interior work, and, despite the fact that its price is higher.

This is why it is so important to understand what types of wall putty there are and where to use which one.

Ready to use

According to the degree of readiness for use, plasters are divided into:

  • Dry mixes, requiring DIY preparation (see).
  • Ready-made mixtures in sealed containers. They do not require preparation and are ready to use.

Among builders, the first option is considered more preferable, since it is possible to prepare a solution of the required consistency and in the required quantities. The second option costs a little more, but it should be chosen if you do not have repair skills or the area being repaired is small.

By and large, it does not matter what condition the selected putty is in - the types of putty may also differ in composition, and this is much more important.

Putty composition

The main component of the putty is its binding component; the durability of the coating depends on it. In addition, some types cannot be used in rooms with an aggressive environment, such as a bathroom or kitchen. But first things first.


One of the most popular options among specialists.

Despite the relatively low cost, it has whole line positive qualities.

  • Does not shrink after drying.
  • Easy to level.
  • Has high adhesion to any surfaces.

Unfortunately, there are several disadvantages that significantly limit the use of this type of putty:

  • A high degree of moisture absorption, so it cannot be used for outdoor work and in rooms with constant dampness.
  • Fast hardening. A factor that must be taken into account when diluting the mixture.


Has predominantly grey colour as shown in the photo above, but more wide range use, as it has a high degree of moisture resistance and practically does not collapse in an aggressive environment. It can be used both for interior work and for façade finishing.

Important! At facade works often a reinforcing mesh is used, which must be resistant to alkalis, which are present in all cement-based materials.

There are also several disadvantages:

  • Surface roughness even after careful leveling.
  • Shrinkage and cracking may occur during drying.

Active polymer

  • The most expensive and at the same time versatile material with a huge range of positive qualities. The polymer in this plaster interacts well with any type of coating and is completely neutral to moisture and temperature changes.
  • Polymer plaster can be used for both external and internal work, regardless of the purpose of the room. In addition, it has high ductility and can be sanded for painting or thin wallpaper.

Important! When buying polymer plaster, you should always ask the seller for quality certificates, since due to its fairly high cost and popularity among consumers, it is most often counterfeited.

In order to understand the parameters and areas of application of putty types, we present several tables with characteristics.

Binding componentTypes of finishingWall materialComplexity of the roomSubsequent finishing
externalinternalbrickconcretefoam concreteOld plasterdrywetNo heatingDecorative plasterWallpaperpainting
Gypsum- + + + + - + - - + + +
Cement+ + + + + - + + + + undesirableundesirable
Polymer+ + + + + + + + + + + +


ColorwhitewhitegreyWhite graywhite
Layer thickness, mm0.3-8 0.3-3 0.8-10 0.8-5 0.1-3
DryingUp to 2 daysUp to 24 hours2-5 days2-3 days4-7 hours
Moisture resistanceNoFully resistantYes
Frost resistanceNoAt least 35 cyclesYes
Consumption per m2*1-1.2 1-1.2 1.6-1.8 1.2-1.4 1.2-1.5

*consumption is indicated in kilograms of the finished mixture, taking into account the layer thickness of 1 mm.

And in order to clearly understand how to work with ready-made mixtures, you can watch the video in this article.


And finally, let’s highlight a few important advice, which will greatly facilitate the work and extend the life of the finished surface:

  • Each package contains instructions for use. There is no need to experiment and it is better to get acquainted with it right away.
  • If the putty is applied in several layers, you need to choose all components from the same manufacturer. Otherwise, adhesion is not guaranteed.
  • Always ask for quality certificates before purchasing.
  • The high cost of a material is not yet an indicator of its quality.

Now you will choose your putty more carefully and prepare it correctly. This is especially important when finishing. After all, here the plane must be made ideal.

Finishing work is an interesting and exciting activity. Especially if everything is done.

Wall decoration is one of the most significant steps in renovation. The appearance of the room will depend on the quality of the work and the imagination of the owner.

Putty is an ideal tool for finishing surfaces. What types of wall putties are there, what to choose and how to apply – all the answers will be found in this master’s guide.

Putty is usually divided into types and types depending on the composition and purpose. The components of the mixture, in turn, are also grouped; three main components of the putty are distinguished:

  • Binder
  • Filler (usually sand)
  • Solvent (water)

The putty material is selected based on the first substance. Pay attention to the most important characteristics of the finishing material: strength, wear resistance, water resistance, viscosity. In the construction market, the consumer is faced with a huge choice, but all types of putty, one way or another, are divided into three large groups.


Finishing material based on sand is the most durable and reliable.

Cement putty has been used for dozens of years by both professionals and those who do repairs themselves.

It is suitable for application to indoor surfaces and exterior facades.

The mixture is made in dry form or ready-made, diluted, but less often.

The material differs from plaster in that it has a finer fraction.

The cement composition has many advantages, the main ones being:

  • High strength finished
  • Resistance to temperature changes
  • Waterproof
  • Democratic pricing policy

This type of putty is characterized by a lack of elasticity. That is, when drying, the composition may crack. To prevent this from happening, craftsmen use a special mesh, which serves as a uniform distribution of the mixture along the wall.

However, this method is only suitable in the case of a thick layer of application.

The cement composition takes a long time to dry - a month. If repairs need to be done quickly, you will have to abandon this type and resort to, for example, plaster or. The putty is easy to use.

Using a wide spatula, spread a thin layer of the composition over the wall in small areas. To level the walls, apply several layers of putty, each of which must dry.

Failure to follow this rule will result in the coating starting to peel off - all the work will go down the drain. The dried compound is difficult to sand. If you need to do this, it is better to start sanding on a slightly damp layer.

Cement composition is often used for finishing external facades and interior spaces - bathrooms or toilets. If you use cement putty in small areas, then there will be no surprises.


Types of putties for walls under wallpaper require the content of finely dispersed components, elastic and, preferably, quick-drying. Why?

The surface of the wall must be perfectly flat and smooth, especially when it comes to silk-screen printing. Gypsum putty meets these requirements.

Gypsum is an elastic material, with its help you can achieve a perfectly flat surface. The composition dries quickly and does not crack.

This type of putty is applied to plasterboard sheets, concrete plates, brick and other surfaces. However, along with the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • Does not have a high degree of strength
  • Not resistant to moisture
  • Do not expose to large temperature changes

Gypsum putty is not used for finishing external facades, only for internal premises. Moreover, the room should have normal level humidity.

It is not recommended to use gypsum putty in a bathroom or toilet. There is a risk of dampness and swelling of the layers.

The principle of applying putty is the same as in the case of a cement composition. All layers must dry well.

Do not forget that the gypsum composition dries quickly; dilute small quantities so that it does not have time to set in the container. Otherwise, the coating will not stick to the wall and will begin to curl up. The dried composition can be sanded.


This perfect option putty material.

Polymers act as binders here.

They are moderately elastic, have a high degree of strength and are resistant to temperature changes and moisture.

This type of material is suitable for both facades and interior spaces.

Polymer putty can be safely used for walls under or painting.

The composition adheres well and is able to level out surface imperfections at a high level.

It dries quickly and is easy to work with even for a beginner. The polymer mixture is modern material, it incorporates all the advantages of cement and gypsum compositions and eliminates their disadvantages.

High quality finishing materials generate corresponding costs. The pricing policy is high.

Typically, this type of composition is used as a putty - masking cracks, holes, leveling small areas. Local application is again explained by the high cost of the material. Otherwise, the composition has no disadvantages.


Types of wall putties for painting have great elasticity. The acrylic composition has this quality. It is well suited for painting or silk-screen printing.

The layers are super thin, the surface is smooth, without a single flaw. Sometimes acrylic composition used for finishing coating, that is, the walls are brought to zero using the composition, the surface looks mirror-like and perfectly smooth.

The composition is used only when the wall has already been plastered to the required level, all large irregularities and differences are masked, and the surface is sanded.

The composition applies in thin layers, dries quickly, and has good elasticity. Can be sanded dry. The pricing policy is average and depends largely on the manufacturer.

What to choose?

In order to do right choice When using putty, you must initially decide on the purpose of the material; the composition of the putty will depend on this.

If the work is supposed to be done outside the building, on the facade of the building, then you will have to choose only from waterproof, durable materials that are resistant to temperature changes. In this case, gypsum putty will not work; you should pay attention to cement putty.

You can watch the video on how to apply a textured “fur coat” to the facade:

If you want to do redecorating Without collapsing or erecting walls, you can get by with a universal type of putty, from which you can make a beautiful, decorative wall.

If the room is at the final stage of construction, then we will talk about high-quality and durable finishing using starting and finishing putty.

Sometimes the owner prefers to simply have putty material just in case. In this case, a simple type of cement putty or acrylic putty is selected for local repair of cracks and chips.

There are many types of putty, but they are all grouped into categories, about which all the details were discussed in this material. Buy now finishing material according to the purpose and composition, from a trusted manufacturer. In this case, the result will be exactly as it was planned.