Construction of frame houses using Finnish technology. Construction of Finnish frame houses

Construction frame houses in Europe began in the century before last. The idea is simple - a frame is created from beams, which is then sealed with multi-profile boards. Nowadays, “Finnish” houses have become very popular.

The Finnish technology for building frame houses implies approximately the same thing, but it uses ready-made blocks and wet building materials. In this regard, it is possible to build a frame house all year round. Usually, already processed boards are used, so often finishing the facade is not required. Finnish technology, in comparison with Canadian technology, is distinguished by more advanced construction techniques.

Finnish frame houses in Russia began to “grow up” during perestroika. This word means a panel structure made of wood, which is assembled by fastening ready-made panels.

Why us?

We have own production, we employ talented design engineers and architects who will quickly calculate the amount of material for your project or help you design a frame house from scratch. All you have to do is, using our technology for constructing Finnish prefabricated frame houses, to assemble a housing constructor with your own hands.

Advantages of ordering Finnish house kits from our company:

  • high quality of building materials and their proper storage in our warehouses;
  • fast delivery of the house kit to the site of future construction of the house;
  • professional advice on the construction of buildings from our materials.

Finnish frame houses – great alternative any other construction, since their construction takes a minimum of time.

Construction of Finnish frame houses

Frame houses Finnish technology very easy to assemble. So, let's say you have already bought our house kit. What to do next?

  1. At the construction site, assemble all the wall partitions and install ceilings. Just pick it up Wall panels and fasten them together. We will provide you with a house construction diagram.
  2. Make a good strip foundation. This will be followed by the installation of a frame made of timber and the assembly of the lower floor, OSB panels, and the subfloor will be laid.
  3. Proceed to attaching key components. They are connected to each other using metal brackets.
  4. Next, install the beams - erect an interfloor ceiling, raise the wall panels of all floors, depending on the number of storeys of the building.
  5. After this, you have very little left to do: install the roof rafters, waterproof the house and finish the inside of the house.

Finnish prefabricated frame houses are distinguished by the presence of factory-made elements. Assembly of the frame and panels is very simple work, which you will certainly cope with.

If, after reading our material on Finnish frame houses, you have any questions, contact us by phone listed on the website and get a free consultation.

Finnish wooden houses characterized by high thermal insulation, affordable cost and optimal time construction.

Before we consider the stages of building frame houses using Finnish technology, we will pay attention to the features of the material from which such structures are assembled.

Finnish technology for building frame houses - material features

Insulation for walls of a frame house

Multilayer sandwich panels used in the construction of houses using Finnish technology contain environmentally friendly mineral wool insulation. Since it does not decompose, the service life of the building increases by 3-4 times compared to houses built using Canadian technology.

Expanded polystyrene, from which organic insulation is made, decomposes over time. When it decomposes, polymer compounds are formed, which are released into environment harmful substances.
Sandwich panels containing insulation of organic origin must be replaced every 25 years of operation. There is no polystyrene foam in houses built using Finnish technology.

Finnish laminated timber

If the manufacturing technology of laminated veneer lumber has been followed, the result is an excellent building material, which is part of all load-bearing frame structures. Thanks to special treatment, the service life of laminated timber can reach several centuries. Since the technology is new, there is no actual proof of this claim yet. However, judging by the houses that have already stood for 50 years and no changes have been observed, then for a hundred years, this will at least last.

The advantages of laminated veneer lumber are obvious:

  • there are no cracks, as well as other disadvantages of ordinary wood;
  • the timber has sufficiently high strength;
  • has exceptional heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • does not deform during the drying process (shrinkage up to 1%);
  • waterproof;
  • protected from rodents, insects and fungus;
  • fire resistant;
  • environmentally friendly and therefore safe for the human body;
  • practically no additional finishing is required.

Construction of frame houses using Finnish technology

Foundation for a frame house

Based on the fact that all the components in the design of houses built using Finnish technology are very light, there is no need to lay a deep and powerful foundation. The exception is unstable soils. In this case, a strip foundation is laid, but not deep or, alternatively, a columnar one. At the same time, the savings in building materials are quite noticeable. When laying a strip foundation, concrete or cinder concrete solutions are used; for a columnar foundation, red solid brick or rubble concrete (rubbed concrete foundation) are suitable. Simultaneously with the pouring of the foundation, embedded parts are installed for further lining of the wall frame.

Construction of the first floor of a house using Finnish technology

1. Overlapping device

When the foundation work is completed, the first floor slab is installed. The so-called subfloor is laid on top of the interfloor ceiling. The construction of which begins with a frame, installation is carried out by beams with a section of 245x100 mm. The width of the inter-beam step is no more than 40 cm. The subfloor is covered with plywood having a thickness of 18 mm. Now you can start building the wall frame.

Frame house construction quite popular nowadays. Frame houses are built using Finnish technology quickly and with minimal financial costs. At the same time, cost savings do not in any way affect the quality of the structure itself.

Experts note that build Finnish house with your own hands you can within summer season. Even several people involved in building a house can cope with the task.

The main advantages of a Finnish house

Finnish houses are distinguished by whole line advantages:

  • Aesthetic appeal of the building. The main material used to build a Finnish house with your own hands is wood. Wood is easy to process and install. Houses built from wood are capable of conveying the most interesting design ideas. Solid wood with an original natural pattern will decorate any interior.
  • Safety. Wood is the safest material for human health today. Wood, thanks to its natural energy, creates a favorable climate and atmosphere in the house.
  • Reliability. A do-it-yourself Finnish frame house, built in accordance with technological requirements, is not afraid of temperature changes, wind, or moisture.
  • Environmental friendliness. At its core, a Finnish house is a house made of wood. Wood is an environmentally friendly, breathable material that does not cause allergic reactions and does not evaporate.
  • Ease of construction. Lightweight frame structures can be easily erected with your own hands. To build a Finnish house with your own hands, you do not need to rent heavy special equipment. Construction of a Finnish house does not take much time; construction is often carried out during the season.
  • Economical. The economic benefits of frame houses using Finnish technology are determined by their high heat-saving properties. Wooden structures accumulate heat, and good quality and the absence of cracks makes it possible to retain heat.

All these positive aspects make frame houses so popular and affordable.

The process of building a house using Finnish technology with your own hands can be divided into three stages:

  1. The preparatory stage, which includes the design and calculation of the future structure.
  2. The actual stage of building a house.
  3. External and internal finishing.

We make calculations for the construction of a Finnish house

A rational approach and correct calculation will help, money and nerves. In addition, correct design will avoid errors and technology violations. And building a Finnish house with your own hands will be a real pleasure for you. Read how to make a house project with your own hands on our website.

Foundation for a Finnish frame house

A Finnish frame house is a relatively lightweight structure that can be supported even by not the most powerful foundation. This statement is true and does not give rise to objections, however, if you decide to build a Finnish frame house with your own hands from two or more floors, you should take care of a reliable foundation, because this is the support for the entire house.

Not only reliability, strength and appearance home, but also safety for people to live in. building a house using Finnish technology with your own hands can be done on a bored pile foundation, a foundation made of asbestos cement columns filled with concrete, or a shallow foundation strip foundation.

The most popular choice when building a Finnish house by private developers is and.

The main stages of building a Finnish house

Do-it-yourself houses using Finnish technology begin with the construction of a foundation.

Frame of a Finnish house. Boards or timber?

Starting to build a house using Finnish technology with your own hands. The frame is made of thick boards or (timber is more durable). The racks are fastened using a system of grooves, which is the most reliable. The elements are also additionally fastened using metal elements, such as nails or screws. The finished wall is lifted and installed in the groove of the base, securing it with supports. To raise the wall, you can install guides and use a winch or rope. All the walls of the house are assembled and installed in a similar way.

Upon completion of the construction of the first floor, interfloor (or ceiling, if the house is one-story) floors are installed; for this, beams with a section of 245x50 mm are most often used. For reliability, the step between the beams is made no more than 35 cm. A thick layer is laid on top of the beams. This creates a ceiling for the first floor of the building and for the second.

Second floor of the house

The construction of the second floor, if provided for in the project, is carried out in a similar way. The roof rafters are made of, their upper part is sheathed.

After the walls and roof are erected, you get a building that is not yet insulated or sheathed. It's time to think about communications. At this stage, there is no need to rush, because fixing something after finishing the building will be quite problematic.

Work on insulating the house begins after the entire structure has been assembled. First of all, they organize protection of the outer walls from blowing, covering the entire frame of the building with wind protection. You can use film or windproof boards. The use of slabs is preferable; due to their flexible properties, they fit quite tightly to the wall posts and do not leave cracks or gaps, which completely eliminates drafts. In addition, the slabs, having a porous structure, are resistant to temperature changes and moisture.

Construction of frame houses is an inexpensive and high-quality analogue to construction from logs or stone. What type of frame house to choose and what is so remarkable about building a frame house using Finnish technology.

Features of construction using Finnish technology

Why do many who decide to build a house choose? Frame houses using Finnish technology are simple - the frame can be assembled in a couple of weeks, and the construction itself can actually be completed in a couple of months.

In addition, Finnish-type frame houses are built from 245x100 mm timber or 150x50 mm boards that make up the frame, and mineral slabs that retain heat. It is precisely because of the frame material and the ease of erecting a frame house that such construction has developed. In addition, experts and builders note the following positive features that make Finnish technology so popular.

Construction of Finnish frame houses

According to Finnish technology on a pile foundation.
  • The lightweight design does not require “extra” hands to install the boards.
  • Construction of a house is possible at any time of the year.
  • All equipment used for construction is quite accessible, there is no need to call special equipment for installation of house parts.
  • At home frame type, built using Finnish technology, have high thermal insulation.
  • Short construction time.
  • Low cost of materials and all construction.
  • High environmental friendliness of materials – wooden frame and mineral insulation.
  • Long service life of the house itself; even the internal insulation has a shelf life of up to 25 years, unlike Canadian houses.
  • Excellent quality of the base material – or board.
  • Simplicity and ease of finishing a Finnish frame house.

Construction stages

Foundation installation

Strip foundation using Finnish technology.

In this regard, frame houses involve the construction of a fairly light structure; there is no need to make a massive and expensive foundation. A strip or column foundation is ideal.

On a note

You can save on a strip foundation by choosing slag concrete and concrete, on a columnar foundation - by using solid red brick or by building a rubble concrete foundation. The depth of the foundation and the frequency of placing supports depends on the number of storeys and the future load on it.

Installation of beds and logs

Beams are installed along the perimeter of the installed foundation, which are attached to the foundation with special anchors. Before fixing the beds, you need to check all the dimensions and correspondence of the diagonals. Next, a strapping board is placed on the end, to which logs are attached from boards placed on edge.

Installation of logs for Finnish houses occurs in increments of 300-350 mm. Construction is characterized by the absence of foam plastic as insulation, so treated ecowool can be used for the floor.

Assembly of frame walls

The walls of the future Scandinavian frame house can be of two types - assembled by hand on the ground and installed entirely on the construction site, or ready-made high-tech panels with built-in communications.

Pie wall using Finnish technology

What does it include the right pie Finnish frame house:

  • Vapor barrier membrane.
  • Internal sheathing - slats are installed crosswise to create space between them for laying future communications.
  • Finishing under finishing work, plasterboard is most often used.

How Finnish frame houses are built - examples of work in the photo.

By Scandinavian technology construction.

Sheathing the house frame

The finished wall frame is sheathed with Isoplat windproof sheets. These sheets will not only protect the walls from external influence, but will also add strength to the structure. After this, CSP sheets (cement-bonded particle board) are installed through the ventilated gap of the sheathing.

Installation of ceiling and roof in a Finnish house

If the construction is multi-story, the ceiling of the second floor with beams with a section of 245x50 mm is mounted on the walls of the first floor of the frame. If after the first floor there is an attic or roof, 150x50mm boards and OSB sheets for the rough ceiling are selected for the rafters. Typically, the roof of Finnish houses is mounted on a simple, gable roof, also with a small rafter pitch.

Attic floor using Finnish technology.

Finishing work in frames using Scandinavian technology, as well as the choice of roof covering is carried out in accordance with individual wishes and the availability of funds.

Installation of ventilation systems

During construction, special attention must be paid to creating ventilation in frame house. This issue is relevant for construction using high-tech finished walls, with already installed windows and communication systems.

Ventilation system.

Many builders neglect installation ventilation systems, recommending simply in ventilation mode. But in this case, not only are additional funds spent on heating or cooling the house, but the insulation along with the materials that are essential for construction also deteriorate.

If it is being built seasonal house- a dacha and there are not many rooms in the room, it can be done self-installation hoods in a frame house. Installation of natural ventilation with supply valves will pass without difficulties and will not bring additional costs. When building a year-round house, supply ventilation should be installed at least in the bathrooms and kitchen.

Tools for creating ventilation in a frame house

  • Spanners.
  • Hammer and drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Marker.
  • Clamp.
  • Ratchet wrench.

On a note

If during construction the question arose of how to make a hood in a frame house at the lowest cost, you can install a natural supply ventilation, which does not require any electrical equipment, which does not entail additional costs.

Natural supply ventilation

  1. It is best to carry out installation before finishing the premises, right during construction. If the valve is located behind the heating radiator, it must be temporarily removed and the location of future ventilation must be marked with a marker.
  2. A hole is made for the ventilation duct.
  3. A ventilation pipe with insulation is installed into the resulting channel.
  4. The valve body should not touch the pipe, so it can be attached using polyurethane foam. The body, like the pipe, can be insulated or a sound absorber can be put on.
  5. WITH outside ventilation pipe a protective grille is put on, with a special cover on the inside.

If, when choosing a project for your future home, you chose Finnish houses frames, the construction will be strong and reliable, and with the right choice of materials it will save a significant part of the budget.

Before building a house, it is necessary to evaluate all the features of the future home, its cost and nuances construction work. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages, materials for making the frame and parameters for home improvement using Finnish technology.

Typically, a developer chooses a project, paying attention primarily to the price, volume and complexity of the construction process, and the cost of building materials. Houses using Finnish technology are superior in this regard to other construction options for all stated requirements.

An undeniable plus frame structure– simple installation of all elements of the house. First from wooden beams they construct the frame of the future building, after installation work the surfaces are finished wooden slabs. During the process, it is necessary to comply with all generally accepted construction standards and requirements.
The frame is assembled from beams with a section of 24.5x10 cm and a pitch of 40 cm between them. (These dimensions are increased in seismically hazardous areas and in areas with moving soils).

The technology of covering walls with slabs is one of the most important criteria for the quality of a future home. After all, it is this that ensures the preservation of heat in the room and the cost of heating the home. According to this parameter, houses using Finnish technology are leaders frame construction. The features of the cladding will be discussed in more detail below.

In general, we can highlight the following advantages of houses using Finnish technology:

  • The light weight of the building ensures minimal costs for arranging the foundation;
  • Minimum labor costs;
  • Moderate overall cost of the house - this is one of the cheapest projects;
  • Rapid production of all elements of a frame house using Finnish technology;
  • The installation technology allows construction at any time of the year (since practically no concrete is used, construction does not stop even in winter);
  • The design can withstand small earthquakes and ground movement;
  • No expensive machinery or equipment is required.

The disadvantages of frame houses using Finnish technology include poor sound insulation and fragility of sheathing slabs. Although, with the use of additional building materials, these problems can be solved. But as a result, the cost of construction will increase.

Materials needed for houses using Finnish technology

To construct the building you will need the following building materials:

  • Wooden beams (bars) with a section of 245x100 mm;
  • Plates for covering the frame;
  • Decoration Materials;
  • Building materials for roofing and foundation construction.

Finnish home improvement technology

If desired, the developer can choose regular, profiled or laminated timber. The original type of profiled timber allows you to do without additional exterior finishing walls

Glued laminated timber is distinguished by high thermal insulation and sound insulation, as well as structural strength, which allows you to build houses using Finnish technology for living all year round. But that doesn't stop there beneficial features. The material, compared to others, is less susceptible to deformation, exposure to microorganisms, mold and dampness. An undoubted advantage is increased fire safety.

From wooden beams the frame of the building is being built - external walls, internal partitions, ceilings and flooring. Then it is sheathed with slabs on the outside and inside.

The design of the plates provides increased thermal insulation properties. The interior of the house is covered with OSB boards, consisting of several layers of chips glued together with wax and resin. The outside of the house is sheathed with fiberboard slabs, coated with a layer of wax to protect against moisture. The internal space between the plates is filled mineral wool, which provides additional thermal protection of the walls.

As for the choice of roofing and interior cosmetic finishing of rooms, these materials are selected by the developer independently, based on his aesthetic taste.

Construction of the frame of a Finnish house

The corner (vertical) beams of the future house are installed first. The builder’s task at this stage is to fix the posts as evenly as possible so that the corners of the house are on parallel lines.

Advice: if you do not have the necessary experience in construction and the necessary tool, then it is better to immediately turn to specialists for help, this way you will save time and money.

At the junction of the vertical posts and cross beams cut the grooves. At the same time, openings are left for windows and doors where necessary. Contours of door and window openings outlined using short sections of beams around the perimeter of the hole.
Along the diagonal walls of the house, it is necessary to make lintels that strengthen the structure, protecting the building from skewing.

After the construction of the load-bearing walls, they proceed to the construction of internal partitions. The basic rules here are as follows. Partitions running from one wall to the other of the house are made of transverse beams attached to opposite walls. Beams must be fastened to the vertical posts of load-bearing walls. If the partition does not reach the opposite wall, then a vertical post is placed inside the house to secure the free end of the cross beams.

Construction doorways in internal partition produced in the manner described above.

Foundation for a house using Finnish technology

Since the entire frame structure is quite light, the house does not need a reinforced foundation. It will be enough to lay a shallow strip foundation.

To do this, a trench 0.5 meters deep should be dug along the perimeter of the house using Finnish technology. Lay the walls of the trench with boards 5 cm thick. For additional structural strength, the opposite walls of the formwork are fastened from above with transverse planks. The bottom of the trench is covered with reinforced mesh with a cross section of 3-5 mm.

When the formwork is prepared, a concrete solution is poured into it. It must be grade 300 and above. After the foundation has hardened, the formwork is dismantled and the surface is leveled with cement mortar.

Another option for a house foundation using Finnish technology is a foundation made of bored piles. Its advantages are the cost-effectiveness of construction compared to concrete base and the ability to raise the level of the base of the house above the ground. Thus, the wood from which frame houses are made using Finnish technology will be additionally protected from dampness coming from the ground.

To construct such a foundation, it is necessary to dig wells around the perimeter of the building. The depth of the well is calculated based on the wishes for the height of the foundation - the underground part must be at least a third of the total height of the pile. The bottom of the well is filled with sand, forming air cushion under the piles and then with fine crushed stone. Reinforcement is laid along the walls of the well to the entire height of the pile (underground and above-ground parts), and after that the well is filled with concrete grade 300-400.

Next, you need to build a grillage on which to rest load-bearing walls Houses. To do this, wooden formwork is constructed or pieces of reinforcement are laid out with support on the top of the piles. Concrete is poured into the prepared container. The technology is no different from the process of constructing a strip foundation.

Roof installation

The first stage is the installation of roof trusses. This is the frame of the future roof of the house. The beams form a triangular structure, the rigidity of which is fixed by a transverse beam.

Placed on the frame waterproofing materials, as a rule, roofing felt or other moisture-proof coatings. The coating chosen by the developer (composite or metal tiles, corrugated sheets, ondulin, etc.) is attached on top of the waterproofing.

The advantage of the Finnish technology for building frame houses is the simple and quick process of assembling a house, which you can do yourself without involving a contractor.

The main condition is not to violate the proven technology and select suitable materials.

Horizontal floors of the house Finnish houses are characterized by the use of wood as the main building material

. Therefore, floors are usually made of wood. This helps keep the house warm. It is possible to make a floor using concrete screed technology, but thermal insulation characteristics

it will be much worse. So, to make a wooden floor you will need logs that are laid on brick support . Lined on top of the logs. wooden boards Optimal thickness

boards – 5 cm. Interfloor ceilings rest on building frame. First, horizontal beams are attached to the racks, creating the floor frame. To increase the strength of the floors, they are fixed with parallel bars. Wooden floor boards are laid on this base. The ceiling of the lower floor is being finished from below.