The size of the pool table and room for playing billiards. Choosing a billiard table: dimensions, weight and room

Size pool table depends on the game for which it is intended. Sports billiards is divided into two main varieties - Russian and American, each of which requires special billiard tables. But Russian and American billiards are distinguished not so much by billiard tables as by the philosophy of the game itself. If we use card games as a comparison, then Russian billiards is more like preference, and American billiards is more like poker.

For Russian billiards, tables with a playing field size from 8 to 12 feet are designed; billiard tables with a playing field of 7-9 feet are required. Having chosen a quality billiard table, it is also important to correctly calculate its size so that it fits into the room for which it is intended.

Before purchasing a billiard table, you need to determine which table is right for you. First of all, you need to determine the room where the table will be installed and select the optimal size table from the table:

Billiard room size

The size of the billiard room can be comfortable or minimal.

Comfortable size billiard room is calculated as follows: the size of the billiard table + the length of the cue (for a pyramid - 160 cm, for an American pool - 150 cm) + the distance that you need to swing. Usually this distance is 25-40 cm. With this arrangement of the billiards, nothing should interfere with your play.

The situation with the minimum size of a billiard room is somewhat more complicated. Usually the minimum size is calculated using the formula: “size of the playing field + length of the cue.” Here the size of the playing field is taken into account, and not the size of the billiards. In this case, it will be inconvenient to hit from the board along a perpendicular trajectory, but you can afford to buy a larger table.

Minimum size The premises of the billiard room are given without taking into account the furniture. Sometimes some elements included in the design of a house or billiard room (columns, corners, railings, etc.) create inconvenience when playing. In this case, you can resort to shortened cues, which are used in the “dead” zones where you cannot play with a regular size cue.

Formula for calculating the size of Russian billiards:

cue length + pool table length + cue length.

Cue lengths for calculation:

  • Russian billiards - 160 cm,
  • American pool - 150 cm,
  • Snooker - 147 cm.

Billiards is a game that was glorified by the classics and has captivated politicians and owners of large companies. A game in which generals were always proud of their victories no less than their successes in military operations. Its popularity has been growing steadily since the time of Peter 1.

In general, billiards is not just a game. But its true value can only be appreciated if the table has been chosen correctly. It is this component that determines whether you will feel the excitement or experience discomfort from the game. The table should be a purchase that will delight its owner for a long period of time. So how do you choose the right pool table?

Advantages and disadvantages

Billiard table in own home allows you to play whenever you want

Owning a personal pool table has many benefits. These include points such as:

  • The ability to play any time you want;
  • You don't have to pay to play.

The disadvantages of these tables include the following:

  • A billiard table takes up too much space, so it cannot be placed in a small apartment or a crowded house;
  • To buy a table you will have to shell out a round sum;
  • An incorrectly selected table cannot guarantee high gaming quality.

Table components

When choosing a table, be sure to pay attention to compliance with the technical specifications

  • Bed, i.e. frame. The main requirement for the frame is the rigidity of the structure, which allows it to withstand heavy loads of the playing field slabs. The table should not wobble during operation.
  • Side rubber. The sides of the table must be edged with special rubber, which has a certain configuration and uniform composition. There is only one requirement for rubber - the presence of elasticity. A high-quality element will give an equally strong rebound in any part of it.
  • Additional elements perform a decorative function. However, for many it is appearance is the determining criterion for choosing a table. The best, of course, are tables made from valuable wood. If we talk about saving, it is better to choose tables whose design combines various materials. Sometimes manufacturers make the legs and frame from MDF, and the sides and other elements from mahogany. All components are painted the same color, so it is impossible to see any difference.
  • The base of the playing field. At the base of the table there are plates that are made of hard material with a smooth surface. The main requirements for the slabs are: high strength, ease of processing (the smoothness of the surface depends on this parameter). Budget option a field made of laminated chipboard is considered. The advantages of such a coating include minimal cost, as well as low weight. However, it is important to take into account that such plates cannot provide you with high gaming parameters. In addition, they begin to deform even with minor changes in temperature or humidity.
  • Cloth is a covering that is applied to slabs. It must have a whole set of properties, for example, elasticity and strength. In addition, when choosing, it is also important to inspect the cloth for the presence of puffs or knots.
  • Pockets. The main criterion for assessing quality is the geometry of the pocket.

Influence of room size

If the room does not allow you to allocate free space measuring 4x5 m, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​installing a table at home. If you have free space of more than 5x7 m, then the table can be placed in any corner of this space.

Features of choosing a table for playing Russian billiards and pool

The standard size of a table for Russian billiards is 370x190 cm

When choosing a table for playing Russian billiards, it is important to consider its size. Manufacturers adhere to the following line: 7.8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 feet.

They have the following dimensions:

  • 12 feet is the table size 370x190 cm;
  • 11 feet - 340×170 cm;
  • 10 feet - 310×160;
  • 9 feet - 280 x145 cm;
  • 8 feet - 250 x130 cm;
  • 7 feet - 220×115 cm.

A 12-foot table is the standard for playing Russian billiards. Such tables are often called tournament tables, since all championships are held on them. Other types are produced for those whose premises do not allow placing too large tables.

A pool table will take up much less space in the room

To play pool, tables of 6, 7, 8, 9 feet are used.

Is there a difference between accommodation in an apartment, house and country house?

The area of ​​many dachas allows you to place a billiard table, but everything can come down to the issue of heating

Of course there is a difference. The apartment does not always allow us to place the table we want. That is why you have to buy a small table so that it does not interfere with the room. There are usually no problems with this item in homes.

As for the dacha, do not forget that this is an unheated room. Temperature changes can cause your table to move. Manufacturers advise placing the table in a room where the temperature ranges from 5 to 15 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

Now you know what criteria you should pay attention to when choosing a table for playing billiards. But in order for it to please you for more than one year, it is also important to follow the basic rules of operation - for example, do not forget to put on a cover, change the cloth every six months, and also observe temperature regime and monitor humidity.

It is important for beginners to know that when playing Russian Pyramid, a professional or “full” table size is considered to be 12 feet diagonally or 3.55 m (length) by 1.77 m (width). If you are planning to buy a Russian billiards table not only for spending time with friends and family, but also for training for a sports competition, then try to make it exactly like this.

Of course, not everyone has one in their apartment. a large room, but at the dacha it is quite possible to put a similar table. Some fans of Russian billiards even build a special room for the game. And they can be understood, Russian billiards is a very exciting game.

In addition to such a large table, in stores you will see fields that have standard smaller sizes: 8 and 9 or 10 and 11 feet. Of course, it is best to train right away on a classic large field, but even on such fields you will practice your shots perfectly and master special techniques. It is best if an experienced player shows and tells everything to a beginner.

Determining the dimensions

When you purchase a billiard table to suit the size of your room, do not forget that the size should be such that the approach from all sides is no less than 1.64 m. After all, for a high-quality shot you need to swing the cue normally. Otherwise, you won't be able to play normally.

If the size of the table is such that it fits into the room, this does not mean that it will be convenient for you to hit the balls with a cue from all sides. Requires a room 6 to 15 times larger than the playing field. Approach the purchase issue responsibly, because billiard tables are expensive.

How to calculate which table will optimally fit into your room? It's simple. A lot of space is required when the player makes shots directly from the side at a right angle. If there is space from the side of the table plus the size of the cue, then you will be able to make such shots normally. You can buy a Russian billiards table just like this one. Don’t forget that you need another 10 cm to swing, and so on around the table.

When calculating the minimum size of a room, furniture is not taken into account. And if there is one, you also need to retreat from it by the length of the cue. Do not forget.

There are interesting rooms with columns, railings, protruding bas-reliefs, etc. Such a room layout can create inconvenience. For example, from one or more places you will not be able to make a normal shot with a large cue. For such cases, shortened ones are provided. They are used in such “dead” zones.

What are the standard gaming tables?

Let's look at the standard sizes of billiard tables:
  1. With the parameters of a table for Russian billiards being 12 feet, its length will be 3.55 m and width 1.77 m. The space for playing will remain 6.83 m (length) and 5.05 m (width).
  2. The diagonal of the Russian billiards table is 11 feet. The length is 3.2 m and the width is 1.6 m. 6.48 m (length) and 4.88 m (width) remain for games.
  3. A table for playing Russian billiards of 10 feet assumes a playing floor length of 2.94 m and a width of 1.47 m. Free space of 6.22 m (length), 4.75 m (width).
  4. For Russian billiards you purchased a 9 ft. table. It turns out that the playing field is 2.54 m long and 1.27 m wide. The playing space is 5.82 m (length), 4.55 m (width). The smallest 8 ft pool table is 2.24 m long and 1.12 m wide. The playing space is 5.52 m (length) and 4.55 m (width).

When choosing the best billiard table for your premises, remember that the larger it is, the more interesting and intense the game. Experts recommend purchasing the largest table that will fit into your room. The main thing is that every player from any position feels comfortable playing behind him.

If, in addition to the table, you want to place other furniture in the room, then calculate everything in advance so that it fits perfectly.

fit in. Furniture that is lower than the gaming table can be placed closer. If it is taller, let it stand against the walls. The main thing is that there is at least 1.2 m left to the coffee table or comfortable armchairs with a sofa. Then it will be convenient to play billiards.

If the furniture is placed closer, it will get in the way; choose the most comfortable position to make a blow from the side. And furniture that is higher, for example, a wardrobe, chest of drawers, sideboard, etc. should be located even further behind the space for playing billiards (see recommendations above).

There are no similar posts.

It's no secret that the parameters of the playing field often differ between tables of the same size different manufacturers. Such differences constantly raise questions and even disputes: which manufacturer’s tables are “approved” more, and which ones are “approved” by the less domestic Federation of Billiard Sports (hereinafter - FBSR). Which ones meet accepted standards and which ones don’t. Which ones can host competitions and which ones can’t. In general, the issue requires clarification.
The setter of standards for billiard equipment in Russia is the Russian Billiard Sports Federation. At the same time, de facto, a clear standard does not exist even for sports tables of official competitions held by the Federation. If we turn to the official website of the Federation, we will see that tables with the following geometric characteristics are allowed for Pyramid competitions (hereinafter referred to as quotes from the website Federation of Billiard Sports of Russia)

Playing table surface 3.55 x 1.77m

The height of the playing surface of the table above the floor level is 820 mm

Pocket size (width):

Angular 72 - 73 mm

Average 82 - 83 mm

Limit inclination of the playing surface table relative to the horizontal plane:

Longitudinal 0.5 mm

Transverse 0.25 mm"

and cues:

" Length 150 - 160 cm

Weight 650 - 700 g

The diameter of the horizontal bar base is 28 - 30 mm

Sticker diameter 12 - 14 mm"

But these already vague numbers are followed by a very lengthy note, which leaves manufacturers room to let their already limitless fantasies fly:

"....At competitions in regional billiard sports federations, tables, balls, cues and billiard room equipment that differs from the declared standards. This is due to the search for new solutions in the sport of billiards and the lack of opportunities to purchase equipment from leading manufacturing companies, which the FBI focuses on.

Anyway, installed and used billiard room equipment and fixtures must not cause damage to the halls, tables, participants and guests of the competition and, if possible, meet the standards."

It would seem that some kind of discount is being declared here specifically for regional federations that do not have the budgets to purchase equipment that meets federal standards. But further, the site says that

"....Billiard tables and room dimensions may differ within 5-10 cm from the basic dimensions."

Plus or minus five, or even all ten centimeters! Draw your own conclusions...

And here are at least some of them:

All tables from more or less well-known manufacturers today can be considered standard. For example, despite the fact that “tens” on 38 mm slate and twelve-foot tables on 45 mm slate from the market leaders - RUPTUR and START - differ in the size of the playing field (295x147 and 284x142; 355x177 and 350x175, respectively), All these tables are officially considered "standard" and "everywhere accepted". We know nothing about tables with an even greater deviation from the “federal” tolerances.
Of these, all 12-foot ones (even on “thin” slate) can a priori be considered eligible for any official competition.
When trying to fit a particular table size into a room, it is vital to consider different size slabs used by manufacturers. You cannot approach the issue of the required dimensions of a billiard room head-on, because in the end everything will depend on the length of the cue that is comfortable for the player.

Here we come to the most important thing.

Billiard sellers almost always declare required dimensions premises without even bothering to mention that “official” standard size The cue at least has tolerances - from 150 to 160 cm, but in fact, a cue with a length of 170-175 cm may be comfortable for a tall person. At the same time, for players of short stature, say, ladies, it is much more convenient to play with a cue with a length 150 cm, rather than the “stock” 160 cm that is always present in Kievnitsa stores.

Therefore, selection correct size table into an existing room ceases to be a trivial task, clearly requiring the use individual approach to calculations.

The swing parameter must be included in these calculations. When hitting a ball standing at the side, perpendicular to the board, the player (as a rule) pulls the cue by 5-10 cm. Even if we take into account the angle of elevation of the cue's turnik, this parameter decreases only slightly. Thus, in order to play comfortably with such a disposition, it is necessary to add these 5-10 cm to the formula.

Also, when boundary conditions are considered and the desired table fits into the room only at a stretch, some compromise must be considered between the size of the table and the cue. Here you have to take into account such a parameter as the player’s level. If the player is a beginner, playing with an “extra” cue, slightly shorter than the rest of the set, is unlikely to cause displeasure. In such cases, it is the length of one of the cues that can be sacrificed, and not the size of the table. Another thing is when a player is accustomed to his cue, which he has been playing with for many years, and on which the entire performance of his game depends - then the situation becomes extremely complicated, and perhaps then it is worth thinking about a smaller table size.

So the tables of the minimum sizes of billiard rooms must be approached extremely carefully and carefully, paying attention to all the above factors and parameters, and based on the parameters of the playing field of a particular model. You should always remember that the price of such an annoying mistake as incorrect choice the size of a billiard - playing on it is far beyond comfort.

Below, we offer you two tables of minimum sizes recommended by two major table manufacturers - START and RUPTUR Factories.


Table size

Playing field size, m

Min. room size, m

5 feet

1.64 x 0.82

4.65 x 3.85

6 feet

1.80 x 0.90

4.80 x 3.90

7 feet

1.99 x 0.99

5.00 x 4.00

8 feet

2.24 x 1.12

5.25 x 4.15

9 feet (pool)

2.54 x 1.27

5.55 x 4.30

9 feet

2.54 x 1.27

5.95 x 4.70

10 feet (economy class)

2.86 x 1.43

6.25 x 4.80

10 foot

2.94 x 1.47

6.35 x 4.90

12 feet

3.55 x 1.77

6.95 x 5.20


Table size

Playing field size, m

Min. room size, m

6 feet

1.80 x 0.90

4.80 x 3.90

7 feet

1.90 x 0.95

5,90x 3.95

8 feet

2.24 x 1.12

5.25 x 4.15

9 feet (pool)

2.54 x 1.27

5.55 x 4.30

9 feet

2.54 x 1.27

5.95 x 4.70

10 foot

2.84 x 1.42

6.23 x 4.79

12 feet

3.50 x 1.75

6.90 x 5.17

The room size calculations include the swing, a 160 cm cue for the Pyramid (9-12 ft), a 145 cm cue for the Pool (8 ft Pyramid/Pool and 9 ft for the Pool)

Measurement of the pool room (American)

Measuring the snooker room

If your billiard room is smaller the right size by 5-10 cm, you can use a shortened cue to hit from the edge of the board and a standard cue if the ball is at some distance from it in the playing field. This does not create any difficulties, since according to statistics, such “inconvenient” positions of the ball occur no more than 5% per game.

You can also take measurements of the room yourself using our tips.

The main parameter of a billiard table is the size of the playing field. The size of the playing field is usually considered to be the distance between two opposite sides of the table, and this distance is measured from the rubber side edges.

Currently there are basic billiard games: American pool, Russian pyramid and snooker. For a Russian pyramid, the size of the playing field should be from 6 to 12 English feet, and the cue length should be 160 cm. American pool is played on a field from 7 to 9 feet with a cue 145 cm long. The same cue size should be for playing snooker. When choosing a billiard table model, you must take into account that the overall dimensions of billiard tables are slightly larger than the size of the playing field. Therefore, when arranging a room for billiards, the dimensions of the game room must be calculated using the formula.

Billiard room size must be at least the sum of two cue lengths, the size of the playing field and a few centimeters for the swing.

1. Room length = two cue lengths + pool table length.

2. The width of the room = two lengths of the cue + the width of the pool table.

10 cm is added to the obtained values ​​to provide some margin.

In addition, there is also a distinction between the minimum size of a game room and the comfortable size of a game room. When calculating minimum size they take into account only the sum of the size of the playing field and the length of the cue, and when calculating a comfortable size, take the sum of the size of the billiard table and the length of the cue, and add 25 -40 cm to it. Additional centimeters are required so that a free swing is possible when playing.

If we are talking about billiard clubs or cafes in which There should be several billiard tables in one room, then it is recommended to arrange the tables so that there is a distance between them no less than the length of the cue. Very often, in billiard rooms, in addition to the billiard tables themselves, some other furniture is placed. The above formulas do not take this into account, so additional area should be provided for these purposes. Zones that cannot accommodate a regular-sized cue are called “dead zones.” A way out of the situation may be to use cues in these zones, the sizes of which are smaller than the standard ones.