Acrylic bathtubs from the company. Acrylic bathtubs from the best manufacturers in Russia

Purchasing an acrylic bathtub is, frankly speaking, not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, if you are going to buy this piece of plumbing, the product should best meet all your requirements and requests. To select high-quality plumbing equipment, you need to know who makes it. It is for this purpose that a wide variety of rating lists of manufacturers are compiled. The Russian market of sanitary equipment is simply overflowing with bathtubs of both European and domestic production.

When choosing a bathtub, you should focus primarily on the manufacturer, since the cost of sanitary ware does not yet indicate its high quality, practicality, reliability and durability.

And now we will look at European manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs.

TM Riho

The production technology is based on the use of thick acrylic sheets, their thickness reaches 8 mm. But, despite its “fatness,” the acrylic bathtub weighs a little. It is quite difficult to say which manufacturer takes better care of the environmental friendliness of its products. All sanitary furniture items from this European company are absolutely environmentally friendly and do not have any negative impact on human health. Moreover, the product is coated with a special protective layer that prevents the appearance of mold, mildew and bactericidal microorganisms.

TM Ravak

The Ravak company takes second place in the ranking and produces high-quality acrylic bathtubs. The best in Europe has won the highest consumer ratings, since the Ravak equipment embodies in an optimal ratio many years of experience company, compliance with international quality standards and premium materials. "Ravak" bathtubs are heavy-duty sanitary equipment, the production of which used innovative technologies.

One of these technologies and a means of achieving first-class products is the differentiation of heating of a sheet of special sanitary acrylic in order to create a bathtub with the same thickness of all its wall surfaces, which have increased thermal insulation.

Acrylic bathtubs are characterized by a 5-6 mm coating. The best manufacturer fills the backing of the plumbing element with specially treated fiberglass. This gives special strength and rigidity to the structure as a whole. It is thanks to the above-mentioned production technology that the amazing durability results of the Ravak acrylic bathtub are achieved.

The assortment of bathtubs from the Czech manufacturer is wide and multifaceted - you can find a wide variety of models both in terms of design features, design method and price parameters. Among the shortcomings, it is noted that budget models are not equipped with accessories, but this problem can be quickly solved, isn’t it?

TM Cersanit

Cersanit is the best manufacturer of sanitary equipment in Poland both in terms of quality characteristics and price. These Polish bathtubs are characterized by an increased level of comfort and delightful classic shapes, impeccable soft lines and excellent spaciousness. The collection of acrylic bathtubs "Cersanite" is systematically updated, this indicates that the company keeps up with the times and uses only the latest technologies and techniques in the production of sanitary equipment. Absolutely all products of TM Cersanit are certified, have quality marks and a 7-year warranty period of impeccable service. They have and The best manufacturer uses ultra-thin antibacterial acrylic sheets, which does not allow the installation of a hydromassage.

TM Kolo

Kolo is a leader among manufacturers of sanitary equipment in terms of cost and design, which takes into account the latest interior design trends. All Kolo products, in particular acrylic bathtubs, demonstrate German and Dutch quality standards. The best manufacturer confirms the quality of its products with certificates of compliance with ISO 9002. Pros are pros, but there are also cons, and one of these is the insufficient level of rigidity of the wall surfaces of the bathtub for the installation of hydromassage equipment.

TM Pool Spa

If you are used to always getting only the best of the best, then Pool Spa - acrylic bathtubs - are created just for you. The best European manufacturers from other positions in the ranking consider this Spanish company to be their strongest competitor. In fact, the Pool Spa bathtub is the epitome of perfect comfort.

The design features of the bathroom require the installation of hydromassage equipment, additional lighting systems and other auxiliary innovative details. These products are characterized by increased strength, which is achieved through the use of a special Lucit acrylic coating, and ensures safety and durability. All models of the brand’s bathtubs are made taking into account the latest style innovations, and are “stuffed” with all kinds of accessories. The presence of certain accessories is determined by the specific bath model.

The set of the Pool Spa bathtubs is inspiring. As a rule, the standard set includes chrome handles, headrests, and shower curtains. “Pool Spa” is an ultra-modern, most sophisticated and most expensive acrylic bathtub. Which manufacturer is better at “stuffing” and designing its products, and at the same time asking for the highest possible price? The latter, by the way, is the only thing that can be attributed to the shortcomings of the Pool Spa plumbing equipment. Well, you yourself understand that not everyone will notice this minus, so its objectivity is in great doubt.

We have described acrylic bathtubs, the best manufacturers of which are included in the world-class rating list. Products of the Riho, Ravak, Cersanit, Kolo, Pool Spa brands are manufactured in accordance with international quality standards, have appropriate certificates, as well as numerous medals and awards. A European manufacturer is the key to product quality and long service life.

The best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in Russia

Acrylic bathtubs are in great demand not only abroad, but also among domestic consumers. They are compact, easy to transport, easy to install, place minimal load on the floor, retain heat excellently for a fairly long period of time, and are shock-resistant. All of the above contributed to obtaining “popular approval” in Russia.

If we consider domestically produced sanitary equipment, then Bas, Triton, Aquatek, Aquanet, Alpen are the best manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs. The rating of the most famous Russian brands, under which thousands of pieces of sanitary furniture are released, includes these very brands. The quality characteristics of domestic products are no worse than those of European companies, but the prices are definitely more acceptable. This is explained by the fact that the price of the goods does not include customs duties, duties, etc. Plus, the federal program to support domestic producers helps reduce prices.

The best Russian manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs: rating

It's time to find out which bathtub manufacturers occupy places from 1st to 5th in the product quality ranking.

1. TM Bas

Bas is the best manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs in the Russian Federation. High quality characteristics of the product and its durability are ensured by excellent technical indicators, which were achieved through the use of equipment of Italian and American origin in the production process. Let us emphasize that Bas bathtubs are manufactured using two technologies. The first is to reinforce the bathtubs with glass fiber and the second is to reinforce them with two-component polyurethane foam, which is absolutely safe from an environmental point of view. Thanks to the latest technology, the strength and lightness of the structure as a whole is achieved.

2. TM "Aquatek"

Aquatek is another best Russian manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs. They are made from 5mm cast acrylic, which is the key to strength and increased wear resistance of the bathroom. The coating of the product is easy to clean and does not lose its presentable appearance for a long time. Almost all representatives model range They have a metal frame as standard and can act as “hydromassage monsters” when connecting the appropriate accessories. Aquatek baths are ideal value for money.

3. TM Triton

These are the so-called “bronze” acrylic bathtubs. Rating Russian manufacturers in third place he placed Triton products, which are known for having a fairly good reputation in the country’s domestic plumbing market. In the production of bathtubs, materials of imported origin are used. The production process is based on the technology of reinforcing products with glass fiber and polyester resin.

4. TM Aquanet

Aquanet acrylic bathtubs have a stunning assortment, among which you can find products from the most different forms and sizes. The highlight of this brand's products is maximum comfort when taking a bath. Most models are characterized by anatomical curves and the ability to connect hydromassage equipment. Bathtubs are made from acrylic sheets 5 mm thick.

5. TM Alpen

TM Alpen is included in the list of “Best Manufacturers of Acrylic Bathtubs”, the reviews of which are the most positive. And this despite the fact that the company is still young in the domestic plumbing market. Consumers note the high quality of the products, as well as the presence of heat-insulating and noise-insulating properties, which are stated in the technical characteristics of the products by the manufacturer. The company has made every effort to combine in these products all the best that other manufacturers offer. And it should be noted that this goal was achieved almost in full.

The list of companies that specialize in producing high-quality acrylic bathtubs goes on and on. Thus, bathtubs from TM Vagnerplast, “1Marka”, Bellrado are quite popular. The choice is yours. Enjoy the shopping!

Acrylic is a polymer that has stable characteristics due to exposure to various chemical compounds, namely solvents, acids, and alkalis. The undoubted advantage of acrylic is based on the principle of the absence of the formation factor of harmful bacteria and microbes on its surface, which, naturally, elevates this material to a leading position in the plumbing segment. In its structure, acrylic has certain similarities with organic glass, but it looks more aesthetically pleasing than glass.

Any entrepreneur can build a business in the production of acrylic tanks (bathtubs), the main thing here is to adhere to established recommendations and some special rules.

Today, the market for acrylic bathtubs is dominated by containers made of two types of polymer materials:

  • 100% cast acrylic;
  • Combination of acrylic-butadiene styrene and polymethyl methacrylate (ABS/PMMA).

The second type has an advantage in the execution of ABS - a polymer that is not characterized high wear resistance, strength and density. The thickness of the acrylic coating of the tank reaches only about 5-10 percent. Because of this, with active use of such a container, cracks and small chips form, and therefore the acrylic bathtub is cheap. The operational life of the product is approximately three years.

Bathtubs made of cast acrylic have high wear resistance and are characterized by increased strength. The production process includes several stages. An acrylic sheet 4-6 mm thick is heated to 130-165°C, after which, using a mold, the desired design is created and cooled. Devices such as vacuum extraction or thermopneumatic molding help create the volume of the desired format. The next stage of production is the reinforcement of the outer plane of the bath, which involves the application of epoxy resin and fiberglass. After the outside is coated, a heat oven is used to dry. The next step is to trim the edges of the product and create borders. It is worth saying that the more layers of reinforcement, the stronger the product will be. After the stabilization period has been completed, hydromassage and drain holes are formed in the acrylic tank. The final stage of bathtub production involves diagnosing the product for the absence of defects and the state of tightness, after which the metal frame is mounted. On average, the technology for creating an acrylic container takes 24 hours.

In order to create a product original design it is necessary to use more plastic acrylic, but this will affect the strength of the resource, because rigid material is difficult to shape. That is why tanks made of hard acrylic are characterized by the highest reliability. In this case, the thickness of the acrylic layer on the sides and bottom of the container is 20-25 mm, in other places 7-10 mm.

The nominal process for producing acrylic bathtubs is an extremely attractive business idea, since these products are especially popular among various segments of the population. So, if you are planning to build a successful business, then you need to include in the development of the optimal strategic direction of production management technology. In this context, a business plan acts as a necessary mandatory element building a profitable production organization. Among other things, a business plan facilitates competent monitoring of supply and demand and will help draw up a step-by-step model strategy for the development of a business project.

In recent years, Russia has become one of the leading countries in the production of plumbing fixtures. In addition, our designers have successfully proven to their foreign colleagues that they are able to successfully implement their personal ideas, combining creativity and a sense of style. Their developments in the field of sanitary equipment occupy leading positions at international exhibitions. They are also highly valued by renowned manufacturers. Today, Russian baths can easily compete with well-known leaders.

In addition to high quality and decent design, our baths are cheaper than foreign ones. This is due to the absence of considerable transportation costs and customs duties. Russian plumbing not only keeps pace with foreign analogues, but also has a sufficient number of advantages over them. Let's focus on them now.

Modern bathtub production is extremely responsible for its work, so there is no reason to doubt the high quality and reliability of the products. In addition, modern technologies are rapidly developing, allowing us not to deviate one step in quality and other important characteristics from global manufacturers. The finished products not only meet all quality marks, but also have modern style solutions.

Domestic bathtubs are highly resistant to factors that can negatively affect the acrylic surface (sudden temperature changes, mechanical loads, etc.).

That is why we should get rid of such misconceptions, because domestic products are worse than foreign ones. Russian manufacturers productively cooperate with their foreign partners and share their experience. Our bathtubs meet all European requirements in terms of quality.

Domestic products have a lower cost, and their range is not inferior to foreign analogues.

Acrylic bathtubs made in Russia: rating

Among Russian manufacturers there are leading companies. So among cast iron bathtubs There are two factories for their production:

  1. Kirovsky;
  2. "Universal" from Novokuznetsk.

They provide a wide range of products to the market. Such baths have a long service life, high specifications And modern design, thanks to which they will harmoniously combine with any interior.

Among the manufacturing plants that specialize in the production of acrylic bathtubs, “Bas”, “1Marka”, “Triton” and others stand out. These brands are known not only in the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring countries and the EU. High-quality products have a modern design and a wide selection. Such characteristics allow us to compete with global brands.

The best 8 manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs in Russia

  1. Akrilan
  2. Aquanet
  3. Aquatek
  4. Radomir
  5. Kirov plant

Below is suggested short description products of these companies.


This sanitary ware manufacturer guarantees the use of 100% acrylic for the manufacture of bathtubs. Moreover, the thickness of the material itself ranges from 4 to 6 mm, which meets international standards.

Manufacturers wishing to save on production typically use acrylic sheets that are thinner and of lower quality. Finished products wear out quickly, and their surface is deformed at the slightest mechanical damage. As a result, the plumbing loses its original appearance and in most cases cannot be restored.

With the 1Marka company this is completely excluded. The manufacturer works, first of all, on high quality and reliability, which ensures its high popularity among customers. In addition, he does not miss such little things:

  • All structural elements are zinc coated.
  • Eat additional elements fastenings to give the structure greatest strength and sustainability.
  • The depth of the bathtub meets all the requirements for consumer convenience.

The bathtubs of this company are simply created to provide pleasure during the bathing process. water procedures. At the request of the customer, the company can additionally install in any model: a lighting system, aromatherapy, aero- and hydromassage, and other functions that improve the level of comfort.

This company also specializes in the production of shower cabins and other sanitary equipment. All materials for production of products are purchased in European countries.


Russian companies produce acrylic bathtubs that people with different income levels can afford. The Bas company is designed for the middle class. Its products meet the most stringent standards and parameters. For 15 years, we have been producing high-quality products that have won the trust and respect of customers.

The range of sanitary products includes models equipped with air and hydromassage systems. The production itself takes place on modern Italian equipment under the guidance of experienced specialists. When creating baths, only high-quality acrylic and multilayer polymer plastic are used. This combination was developed by a company from Austria to achieve high strength and reliability.

Polymer plastic can not only withstand high loads, but also provide the structure with antibacterial protection. Thus, there is no need for daily cleaning of its internal surface. Bathtubs from this company have a reinforced bottom and a reinforced frame with plugs, this makes it possible to withstand heavy loads. And an equally important fact is the release of compact models that will harmoniously fit into a small bathroom.


Almost from the very moment of its appearance, this company has gained a leading position in the Russian market. Production capacity is regularly increased, as well as product expansion and improvement. Akrilan produces mainly shower cabins and bathtubs made of acrylic.

The company uses both European and its own developments. Their adaptation to own production is very successful, resulting in high-quality products. This is evidenced not only a large number of reviews from grateful customers, but also the award of a gold quality certificate from ROSTEST.

Thus, we can conclude that this company regularly studies the plumbing equipment market, successfully introduces modern technologies and provides the Russian market with high-quality and durable products.


This manufacturing company specializes in the production of bathtubs, bathroom furniture, and shower cabins. The wide range includes many models, differing not only appearance, but also in size, equipment, and cost. The products are designed for different categories of buyers.

To produce furniture intended for the bathroom, the company uses Finnish moisture-resistant chipboard materials and MDF. As additional protection against high humidity a layer of primer appears, which also makes the surface of the furniture even and smooth.

The main criterion in the production process is high quality products. Therefore, painting takes place taking into account all European requirements and standards. For this purpose, modern French equipment and paint from Italy are used.


The company was founded in 2001 and since then has proven itself to be excellent. At the moment, its active development is taking place with the condition of all modern technologies. Its main directions are the production of acrylic bathtubs and shower cabins; some models may include a hydromassage system.

The company also takes care of its specialists. That is why they regularly improve their skills, gaining additional knowledge and experience. In the production process of Aquatek products, materials and equipment from leading European manufacturers are used. Thanks to this, as well as a multi-level quality control system, the output is reliable and high-quality products.

During the manufacturing process of bathtubs and other sanitary ware elements, the necessary safety requirements are observed. In addition, the company has certificates confirming high quality and compliance with European requirements.


The Radomir company specializes in the production hydromassage baths, shower cabins, as well as acrylic bathtubs. The company has been on the market for more than 15 years and has successfully gained a foothold thanks to the exemplary quality of its products. This is evidenced not only by its great popularity among consumers, but also by numerous certificates and diplomas.

According to the manufacturer, its products can be used for at least 20 years, which indicates their high durability. In addition, its production uses time-tested components and innovative technologies that have proven themselves in European countries.

Bathtubs with hydromassage from this company are characterized by minimal noise and vibration. They also have extremely stable legs, which ensure complete stability of the structure even on uneven surfaces. To ensure high quality, the company tests its products at all stages of their production.

Kirov plant

This brand of plumbing equipment is widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. And all thanks to the high quality of cast iron bathtubs produced. This company has been known since 1945, during which time it has slightly changed its field of activity, but its main principles have remained unchanged.

In 2006 the plant carried out complete replacement all your equipment. Now he uses modern German equipment and components.

Specialists from the Kirov plant invented and patented a technology that involves the production of enamel with silver ions. With its use, the hygienic characteristics of plumbing equipment are significantly improved. The plant's products have a fairly wide range, differing in shapes, parameters and accessories.


The brand has been known since 2002. From the beginning of its foundation, products using the highest technologies began to be produced. That is why the manufacturing company is equipped with the latest high-quality equipment and produces plumbing equipment at a high level.

In the production process of acrylic bathtubs, sheets of this material are used from the best suppliers. The manufacturing process itself goes through more than one cycle in order to obtain an ideal product without any defects. The Triton company has exclusive equipment that is used to apply the reinforcing layer. This fact improves its competitiveness, and at the same time the products are produced in different price segments.

What materials and sizes do domestic manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs use?

The most popular materials for the production of bathtubs among domestic manufacturers are:

  1. Bathtub made of cast iron. This material is good because it can long time retain heat and are not subject to corrosion. The product is heavy, but it is easy to install and eliminates vibration. Another advantage of the material is its long service life; such products can be used for more than 25 years. And modern equipment allows you to create models of various shapes and sizes.
  2. Acrylic bathtub. Such products have a long service life and minimal maintenance required. The material is able to retain heat for a long time and has a pleasant-to-touch surface. The bathtubs are lightweight, which allows them to be installed independently. Another feature of the material is its ease of care; it can be easily cleaned without foreign detergents. The only negative is its instability to scratches and mechanical damage.
  3. Bath made of steel. It is characterized by high hygiene and fast heating. Its low weight greatly simplifies its installation and allows you to do it yourself. The plasticity of steel provides a variety of shapes and models of products, allowing you to choose the most best option for a specific case. Among the disadvantages: heat retention does not last long enough and the noise from the water is more noticeable.

In terms of size, the most popular parameters in Russia are the following parameters:

  • 150*70 cm;
  • 170*70 cm;
  • 170*75 cm;
  • 170*80 cm.

The range of bathtubs also comes in other sizes. Thus, you can choose the best option even for a small bathroom.

Additional functions of Russian baths

Most manufacturers install a hydromassage system as an additional function. Most often it is found in acrylic bathtubs. In addition to hydro, there are models with air massage. Additional equipment is designed by companies independently and installed in bathtubs at the request of the buyer.

About joint ventures

Russian manufacturers can share their experience with foreign companies, so some companies produce and distribute their products not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Thus, there is a joint production of bathtubs, shower cabins and other goods. There are also foreign companies who cooperate with domestic companies using our equipment and technologies.

An example is the company “1Marka”. In the bathtubs she produces, she uses hydromassage equipment from an Italian company. Other Soviet bath manufacturers, including DoctorJet, also cooperate with Italy.

The Victoria company has its own production in China, which allows us to produce and supply a large amount of plumbing equipment.

Acrylic bathtubs: the most popular among Russians

The following companies are the honored leaders in the production of Russian sanitary ware made of acrylic:

  • "1Marka";
  • "Bas"
  • "Triton";
  • "Radomir".

These companies have proven themselves well in the Russian Federation. And to maintain their leading position, they regularly improve their technologies and improve the quality of their products. Among the companies that specialize in the production of cast iron bathtubs, it is worth mentioning the Kirov Plant. It has maintained its traditions for many decades. Special attention deserves “Universal” too. This plant is located in Novokuznetsk.

The appearance of acrylic bathtubs on the construction market has become a boom in this industry. Today, a huge number of models and manufacturers have appeared, but when buying a bathtub, almost no one is interested in how acrylic bathtubs are produced, but the quality and durability of the product directly depends on the choice of manufacturing material.

In this article we will tell you what acrylic bathtubs are, look at production technology and tell you how to make the right choice.

What types of acrylic bathtubs are there?

Acrylic cast acrylic product

Before you choose acrylic bath, in addition to the installation method and proper care, you need to understand the manufacturing technology.

Today, two types of materials are used for the production of bathtubs:

  • cast acrylic sheet;
  • extruded acrylic.

Important! Although the materials have almost the same chemical composition, but cast acrylic is more durable and of higher quality.

The production technology for acrylic bathtubs looks like this:

  • Sheet acrylic of the required size is heated to a high temperature, at which the material becomes elastic (approximately 13-160 degrees), after which it is placed on a special form and the air is pumped out using a vacuum;
  • After the acrylic has acquired the desired shape and completely cooled, its outer part is covered with a reinforcing composition of fiberglass and epoxy resins;
  • The final stage of production is removing all excess, trimming edges, etc.

You can watch the entire production process in the video.

Extruded acrylic model

If extruded acrylic was used during the production of the bathtub, then the mechanical strength will be low and over time the surface of such products may spontaneously crack. Cast acrylic is another matter - it is much stronger and more durable, and also withstands significant mechanical stress.

When choosing a bathtub made of extruded acrylic, you should know that such products are best suited for country houses or rooms where in addition to the bath there is a shower. Why exactly in these places? Yes, it’s very simple, such baths will last a long time only in conditions where they will be rarely used. Otherwise, the service life of the bath will be about 3-5 years.

For private houses and apartments, only products made from cast acrylic will be a suitable option, because this material is much stronger and more durable. The service life of such bathtubs is 20 years or more, it all depends on proper care of the product and frequency of use. Bathtubs made from cast acrylic are much more expensive, but it pays off with interest over the entire period of operation.

Important! All famous manufacturers (Ravak, Cersanit, etc.), as well as those who care about their reputation, use only injection molding material for the production of acrylic bathtubs.

The main advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

The advantage of acrylic is heat retention

Now we have figured out how a factory for the production of acrylic bathtubs produces these products, we have understood the technology, now we need to understand the main properties of the materials, their positive and negative sides.

Let's start with the positive qualities:

  • The main difference between acrylic bathtubs is excellent heat retention. That is, typed into it hot water, will take a very long time to cool, especially when compared with a cast iron or steel bathtub;
  • The surface of acrylic bathtubs has antibacterial properties and is easy to clean. To remove contaminants from the surface, it is enough running water, and for complex deposits, special products for acrylic or mild detergent compositions without aggressive chemicals are used;
  • The acrylic coating is quite durable and something falling into it will not damage the coating (of course, if it is not a heavy weight). And in case of damage, it is easy to find a repair kit matched to the color of the coating with detailed instructions for doing the repair yourself;
  • Thanks to the excellent plasticity of the material, the manufacturing technology of acrylic bathtubs allows you to realize any design solutions. These can be both standard solutions and the most unusual products with intricate shapes. Also, hydromassage systems can be installed on acrylic bathtubs, and plumbing fixtures can be embedded directly into the side;
  • And the most important feature of acrylic bathtubs is their durability. So, the warranty period is 10 years, but this is not the limit, they can last 20-25 years or more.

Important! The latter is relevant only for high-quality devices made of cast acrylic from reputable manufacturers. But an overgrown Chinese basin, even if it retains its integrity after 3-5 years, attractive appearance guaranteed to be lost.

Spraying fiberglass onto the inside of the bathtub

A small fly in the ointment for acrylic bathtubs:

  • The surface of acrylic bathtubs is quite soft and prone to scratches, so you need to carefully care for the surface and under no circumstances use abrasive cleaners for cleaning. detergents. In addition, the acrylic surface is afraid of various aggressive substances such as solvent or gasoline;
  • Acrylic bathtubs do not withstand static loads well. If you fill acrylic, cast iron or steel bath to the brim with water, then the indicators for “holding the shape” of acrylic will be the worst;

Advice! The best option To install a bathtub, you need to install a special supporting frame, which is often produced by an acrylic bathtub factory directly for each model. A pedestal made of brick or foam block also performs well.

In special cases, bathtubs made from cast acrylic can be used without a frame, but for products made from extruded material, a supporting structure is mandatory;

  • Under influence high temperatures acrylic can soften, so you should not pour pure boiling water into an acrylic bathtub.

If we compare all the pros and cons, then the positive qualities of acrylic bathtubs, of course, outweigh and significantly.

Let's start choosing an acrylic bathtub

First of all, check the thickness of the sheet and the presence of small cracks

When you have finally decided to buy an acrylic bathtub, but do not know which model to choose from all the variety available on the construction market, you should consider the following recommendations:

  • The first step is to choose a factory for the production of acrylic bathtubs. It is better to avoid unknown manufacturers with a dubious reputation;
  • The next step will be a thorough inspection of the entire surface. It should be perfectly even and smooth, without roughness, pits, bumps, “waves” and especially chips - these are 100% defective products;
  • The next step of checking is to examine the color of the acrylic; if it is uniform, then everything is in order. Otherwise, darkened or yellowed areas will indicate possible surface defects;
  • Another important factor affecting the quality of the product is the thickness of the acrylic. The thicker the material, the better. To check the thickness of acrylic, you can look at the side of the bathtub, where the coatings will be in the form of layers;

Interesting to know: An alternative way to check the thickness of acrylic is to illuminate it from the inside with a flashlight. If gaps are visible from the outside, this indicates the thinness of the acrylic layer; such baths will not last long.

  • The last test will be to check the bathtub for odor. A high-quality product should not have any foreign odors, especially harsh chemical ones.

Let's sum it up

In conclusion, I would like to say that an acrylic bathtub is a reliable and durable product that will last (subject to careful use) for decades. The main condition for its durability is washing by special means for acrylic, do not fill the bath with boiling water, solvents or gasoline.

In other cases, the bath will pleasantly surprise you, because lying down in a surface that is warm and pleasant to the touch, what could be more pleasant? And for those who like long water procedures, an acrylic bathtub will be an indispensable assistant, since the collected water will not cool down for a very long time.

When designing a bathroom, trying to take into account everything in the interior that will make it comfortable, aesthetically designed, cozy, they carefully choose tiles and furniture, but the main emphasis is on plumbing. And this is understandable: bathroom plumbing is the most important element, combining design solutions, functionality and convenience.

In this article we will analyze information about the production of acrylic bathtubs, equipment for it and manufacturing technology.

Plumbing includes a sink, toilet, bidet and, of course, a bathtub. She is given a central place. Recently, of all varieties, buyers have given preference to acrylic bathtubs. The price of acrylic bathtubs varies. There are quite affordable affordable options. The low price of acrylic bathtubs does not mean their low quality. There is no doubt about it. Cheapness has a completely different explanation: well-known manufacturers of this type of product make their products quite affordable, and the quality does not suffer, and the performance properties do not become worse. So the thesis “the more expensive the better” does not work in this case.

Equipment for the production of

The most important equipment for the manufacture of acrylic bathtubs is a vacuum forming machine (thermoforming).

The cost of such a machine for making bathtubs will start from approximately 2,500,000 rubles.

They are also cheaper, but, unfortunately, due to the smaller molding area, such machines are not suitable. This production requires a machine with a molding area of ​​approximately 2000x2000 mm.

Manufacturing technology

The very name “acrylic bathtubs” speaks about the material from which they are made - acrylic, or acrylan, or, more scientifically, methacrylic. Its distinctive characteristics are extraordinary lightness, combined with reliability and durability. Acrylic comes in two varieties: industrial and technical. In the production of technical acrylic, special additives are used to reduce the ability of various harmful microorganisms and bacteria to reproduce on its surface. It is this type of acrylic that is used to make bathtubs, making them more hygienic and safe.

Acrylic bathtubs using casting technology

Acrylic bathtubs, different high quality and reliability, manufactured using injection molding technology. In this method, the acrylic sheet is heated until it becomes plastic. Once molten, it is placed into a bathtub mold into which the acrylic sheet is literally pressed using a vacuum. Strength, reliability and durability are achieved by applying several layers of fiberglass. Number of layers increases strength and durability sanitary product. Acrylic bathtubs produced in this way will have increased quality characteristics. They will retain their visual appeal for the entire period of operation and will not create any problems for their owners.

ABS acrylic bathtubs

ABS acrylic bathtubs are another type of bathtub. In their manufacture, the method of combining polymethyl methacrylate with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene was used. In the manufacture of this type of plumbing fixtures, the surface of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene is covered with a layer of molten polymethyl methacrylate. Bathtubs made in this way can only be called acrylic bathtubs conditionally. This type of plumbing is very short-lived - you should keep this in mind. Having a very thin inner layer, they are quite vulnerable to mechanical stress. Their service life is 3-4 years, after which they must be replaced.