Proper planting of a lawn with your own hands. Grass sowing time. Wrong choice of grass mixture

A beautiful, well-kept lawn can be a real highlight. suburban area. Breaking it yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, the final result will depend primarily on the right choice grass varieties, as well as compliance with all necessary planting technologies. Among other things, the lawn will subsequently require some care.


The decision about what kind of lawn grass to plant is made taking into account the type of lawn. On a suburban area you can lay out a sports or decorative lawn. In addition, special lawns are installed along roadsides, at airfields, railways, quarries, etc.

Basic distinctive feature sports options are very high resistance to loads - various kinds of ruptures and mechanical damage. Decorative lawn is divided into three main varieties - parterre, family lawn and "Moorish" lawn. The first type is sown with the most beautiful herbs that require complex care. You can't walk on it. Less demanding vegetation that can withstand fairly heavy loads is planted on the family lawn. It is quite possible to spend Sunday family picnics here. The “Moorish” lawn is not a grass lawn, but a flower lawn. Seeds of wildflowers mixed with cereals are planted on it.

Nowadays you can buy ready-made roll version. Of course, in this case the question of how to plant lawn grass on the site will not arise at all. The rolled green “carpet” will simply need to be rolled out in the place chosen for it. However, such a lawn is very expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, most owners of suburban areas still prefer to plant grass themselves.

How to choose the shape of the lawn and its location

We will find out how to plant lawn grass a little later. First, let's figure out where it is best to place the lawn and what shape it should be. Take a piece of paper and draw a diagram of the area on it. This will make it much easier to determine the location of the lawn. It is best to arrange a lawn where it will not be shaded by buildings, trees or shrubs. Although for a fairly unpretentious grass this is not a fundamental question. It will not grow particularly well only if you lay out a lawn right next to the wall of the house on the north side.

Grass lawns can have different shapes. The simplest ones are square, rectangle, circle and oval. However, lawns with a complex, curved configuration look most impressive. You can, of course, choose this option. However, you should avoid too sharp bends and broken lines. Otherwise it will be very difficult to mow.

How to choose lawn grass

Before we start figuring out how to plant lawn grass, let's discuss how to choose the right grass. There are several different varieties such vegetation. Each of them has its own merits. All varieties of lawn grasses (of which there are about 15) are usually evaluated using a 100-point system. This makes it possible to immediately determine the economic and decorative qualities of a particular type. So, when using grass for 80-100 points, you can get extraordinary beautiful lawn himself High Quality. This category includes varieties such as meadow bluegrass, some types of fescue, perennial ryegrass, and thin bentgrass. These grasses are used to create prestigious parterre lawns, as well as sports fields. At 70-80 points, the grass stand can be considered satisfactory. Those grasses that are rated below 70 points are used extremely rarely for lawns. If they are unpretentious, they are planted in the far corners of the garden in order to occupy areas free from flower beds and shrubs with small green pieces.

Most often, in suburban areas, lawns are laid out with grasses such as clover or meadow bluegrass. The last option is an excellent answer to the question of what kind of lawn grass to plant for a parterre lawn. For a family lawn, you can choose coarser fescue, bentgrass, or a mixture of both. Ryegrass is recommended for use in sports turf.

Site preparation

So, how to plant lawn grass correctly? Of course, you need to start by preparing the soil in the selected area. Dig up the soil with a shovel or plowman. Loosen it thoroughly. Remove the roots of all weeds. The last step is extremely important. Weeds in the spring will germinate much faster than weak young grass. It will be impossible to remove them later without damaging the “carpet.” As a result, the lawn will turn out sloppy and ugly. So try to remove every last root. You can use special preparations to remove weeds. For example, Reglon or Roundup products are suitable. The soil should be treated with them two weeks before planting the grass.

Be sure to fertilize the selected area with humus or manure and level it thoroughly. To get the perfect lawn, you can even use a water level or level. Sometimes a drainage layer of broken crushed stone is installed under the lawn. However, this step is not mandatory. At the last stage, the earth is rolled with a hand roller. If you leave the soil loose, small but detrimental bumps and holes may subsequently form on the surface of the lawn. The compacted soil should be lightly loosened on top with a rake.

Where can I get the seeds?

After you decide which lawn grass is best to plant, and also prepare the area, proceed to the actual sowing. You can buy seeds either in a specialized store or in the market, by weight. In the latter case, they will cost less, but there is no guarantee that weeds will not sprout on the lawn at the same time as the grass.

How to plant grass

Let's see how to plant lawn grass correctly. This procedure can be performed in two ways - manually and using a seeder. The second option is used if the lawn area exceeds 10 m2. Small lawns are seeded by hand. In this case, the seeds are carefully scattered in four directions (away from you/toward you and to the right/left). Planting material lightly sprinkle with earth. Its layer should not be too thick (about 0.7 cm). You can also simply work the seeds into the soil with a rake. Next, the lawn is rolled again with a roller.

Seed consumption is about 40 g per 1 m2. It is best to start sowing in the spring, after the soil has dried and warmed up a little. However, you can plant grass throughout the summer, right up to the autumn frosts.

Care in the first days

Now you know how to plant lawn grass. To obtain the desired result, in the first days after sowing, the lawn must be given maximum attention. After the seeds are sprinkled with soil, the entire surface of the lawn should be covered with burlap. Next, the lawn is thoroughly watered. The pressure from the hose should not be very strong, otherwise the seeds can simply be washed out. During the week, you should ensure that the burlap does not dry out. After seven days it is removed. The grass of most varieties should have hatched by this time. If this does not happen in some places, reseeding is carried out. Some varieties take a very long time to germinate - up to 20 days. The germination period is usually indicated on the packaging. If you buy seeds at the market, ask the seller when the grass will sprout. You need to water the lawn daily until the vegetation covers the area with a continuous carpet.

Caring for grown grass

According to the rules, the grass on the ground lawn should be mowed approximately once every five days. However, most owners of suburban areas do this once a week. The family lawn is mowed every 1-2 weeks. In most cases this is quite enough. The frequency of watering depends on the type of grass. For example, tender bluegrass is best watered daily in the morning. Of course, any weeds that sprout should be removed immediately. This is especially true for dandelions, which give lawn owners the most trouble.

How to plant lawn grass at home

Lawn grass that does not require special care, can become a decoration not only for a suburban area, but also for a city apartment. If desired, it can be planted in a pot. Place some fine gravel on the bottom. Place a piece of moisture-permeable Dornit on top. Cover everything with garden soil mixed with a small amount of humus. Compact the soil. Sprinkle the seeds. Cover them with a layer of loose soil. Lightly compact it. Water everything carefully. You can cover the soil with a wet cloth. Water the grass daily until it is fully established.

As you can see, the question of how to plant lawn grass in a pot is not at all complicated. The procedure will take no more than half an hour. At home you can plant bluegrass, bent grass, and oats. Just remember that cats love to chew on green grass. So protect your “lawn” from your pet. Of course, if you did not plant the grass specifically for it. If desired, the home “lawn” can be trimmed with sharp scissors. Try to do this carefully so that the mat is even.

Technologically, planting a grass lawn is very simple. Any gardener can cope with this task. Take a little time to arrange a lawn or home “lawn”, and you will get a wonderful decoration for your site or apartment.

This weed grows well on its own, but to grow high-quality lawn with your own hands, you will have to work hard and take into account many factors: what seeds to choose, when to sow lawn grass, how to prepare the soil for sowing, how to sow and how to care for it. Let’s figure out how to get a green cover at your dacha with your own hands, avoiding annoying mistakes in the form of “bald patches” and “bald spots.”

Sowing the lawn: choosing the time

There is no clear and unambiguous rule when it is best to sow lawn grass. Sowing a lawn at a dacha can be done from the beginning of spring, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently, until the autumn frosts. Each landing time has its own advantages:

  • in spring - very favorable time, because fast and friendly shoots are best achieved when there is no heat and the soil is moist. But along with the lawn, overwintered weeds will also sprout abundantly.
  • Planting a lawn in the fall can be done in two ways. The first, in early September, so that in the time remaining before the frost the plants sprout, take root well and have enough time left for processing them before winter. The sowing time is determined based on the fact that it will take 4-6 weeks to complete all the work. The second method is planting before winter, introducing seeds into already frozen ground, but before the formation of a stable snow cover. Over the winter, the sown seeds will go through the process of stratification, become more resistant to diseases, and with the onset of warm weather, in sufficiently moist soil, they will hatch together.
  • When planting in summer, the soil is well warmed up, weeds appear much less frequently, and the lawn will be well rooted before frost begins. The disadvantage of such planting is that at temperatures above +25° almost all seeds lose their viability. So before planting, carefully study the forecast - there’s no better time than a warm, rainy week.

How to plant a lawn: step-by-step instructions

It is not easy to grow a beautiful lawn at your dacha with your own hands; you must strictly adhere to a certain sequence.

Site preparation

A carefully prepared and leveled area before sowing lawn grass will save you from many problems when further care behind the lawn. Work begins with marking the future lawn, based on the general plan of the site and landscape design style in the country. After this, they move directly to land work:

  • treating the area with a herbicide - young May vegetation is most susceptible to the effects of herbicides. Some areas heavily overgrown with weeds, whose seeds have increased germination, will have to be treated several times, the interval between spraying is two weeks
  • cleaning the area - after the herbicide-treated vegetation withers and dries out, the area must be cleared of debris, old stumps, shrub roots, and dried grass

Advice! If the soil is poor and you need to add (import) a large volume of fertile soil, you can radically solve the weed problem. Having made a depression of about 20-30 cm, the entire area is covered with geotextile - it will block the growth of weeds, whose seeds will remain in the ground.

Soil preparation and fertilization

Carrying out this stage carefully creates favorable conditions not only for the friendly and rapid germination and emergence of seeds, but also for the further development of the lawn. The optimal soil for a lawn is loose, fertile, well-drained, but at the same time capable of holding enough moisture and having an adequate supply mineral elements which will provide fast growth and sustainable plant development:

  • added to acidic soil slaked lime or chalk
  • to loosen clay areas, with heavy and dense soil, it is better to use humus or vermicompost
  • if the soil is fertile, then there is no need to dig it up deeply - it will be enough to simply dig up the top layer to clear it of weeds. This will give less sediment and allow for better leveling of the site
  • the application of mineral fertilizers depends on the recommendations indicated on the seed packaging - it is individual for each seed set. Moreover, the composition of fertilizers also depends on the time of sowing. In spring they contribute more nitrogen fertilizers, which cause abundant grass growth, in the fall - more potassium and phosphorus, which will make wintering better for the seeds
  • additives and soil are evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the site, the soil is additionally loosened and moistened

Advice! An indicator of well-prepared soil is that it is crumbly and does not stick to tools.

  • After leveling, the area is compacted with a special heavy (up to 100 kg) roller, and any unevenness that appears (pits, bumps) is leveled
  • After completing the preparation, you need to give the area a few weeks to “rest”. On the one hand, the earth will shrink and become compacted, on the other hand, remaining weeds will sprout and need to be removed

Sowing lawn grass

You can sow a small area with your own hands; using a seeder will allow you to sow on large area more evenly, while saving planting material. And a few more recommendations:

  • It is advisable to sow on a windless day, especially if you sow with your own hands
  • when sowing by hand, the lawn mixture is mixed with a similar volume of sand - this will ensure a more uniform distribution,
  • to achieve uniform distribution, seeds are sown in two directions - first along and then across the plot
  • before planting the lawn, if the soil is dry, water it by putting a nozzle on the hose for fine spraying of water, allowing time for the water to be well absorbed
  • After sowing, the soil is loosened using a French rake and rolled. To prevent the seeds from being blown away by the wind, you can additionally pour 1 cm of peat on top and repeat rolling.
  • After finishing the work, water the area a little again using a fine sprayer.

Seeding rate

Very important point, especially for those who sow the lawn with their own hands, because it depends on exactly how many seeds you need to buy. Each package of seeds must indicate the recommended consumption per 1 m2, but you should take into account:

  • when using a seeder average consumption is 25-30 g per square meter
  • with manual sowing, the “norm” is about 50 g/m
  • It is worth following the recommendations on the packaging when autumn planting or before winter
  • in spring and summer, the sowing density is increased by at least half. In spring, many seeds can simply be washed away with water; in summer, they lose their viability due to high temperatures
  • The sowing density depends on the location and terrain features. Twice more seeds sown along the border and tracks. Sow more densely on uneven surfaces and slopes, especially at the highest points, from where the seeds can be carried away by the flow of water.

Advice! When buying lawn mixture, you should always take it with a reserve - if suddenly forwinteror bald spots form due to the heat, you will have to sow, but it’s not always possible to buy a similar mixture. If you use a different mixture, the lawn may differ dramatically in color.

For very uneven surfaces, choose thick low-growing varieties grass that does not require frequent cutting

Any person enjoys not only looking at the soft green lawn, but also sitting on it. Children especially love to run on green grass. A lawn that is planted and grown correctly can last a very long time.

Selecting Lawn Grass Seeds

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to select the appropriate seed material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of already ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it could be a sports lawn or a lawn for family recreation. When deciding how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. Seeds must be adapted to the local climate.

An alternative to a lawn, a low flowering mat covers the soil with thin creeping stems that take root in “tendrils” up to 70 cm long. Yellow flowers open in May - August: a lawn with cinquefoil looks beautiful and bright. Please note that the plant needs to be limited.

Large-rhizome ground cover geranium is unpretentious and drought-resistant. It forms a dense, closed thicket up to 30 cm high with bright purple or reddish flowers (June-July).

A carpet made of soft cuff has a height of up to 40 cm in the sun and in partial shade, blooms luxuriantly with yellow inflorescences (June-August). Grows well on rocky and peaty soil, but can clog the area.

What is the best time to plant grass?


Any lawn grass develops quite intensively. Having planted it in the spring, the summer resident will receive a full-fledged “green carpet” on the site already in the same season.

It becomes possible to “adjust” the lawn, promptly identify and eliminate mistakes made during its formation. All shortcomings (for example, uneven planting of seeds) will immediately be visually noticeable as soon as the first shoots hatch.


Many gardeners claim that lawn grass sown in the fall grows more lush and friendly.

IN autumn period There are two ways to sow seeds:

In early September. When you sow grass in the early fall, you need to wait for it to emerge and then treat it before the upcoming winter.

Late autumn/first November days. In this case, the seeds are sown in already frozen ground, and thus, having overwintered in the ground, they undergo natural stratification and receive immunity from most diseases. There is no point in planting a lawn in October, because before the frost the grass will have time to sprout, but the roots will not yet be strengthened, because of this they will have little chance of a successful winter.


Lawn grass in the summer, then the ideal time is late summer. During this period, several factors coincide quite successfully that guarantee good results. This is an excellent degree of warming of the earth and its optimal humidity. In addition, at this time the weeds are no longer as active as at the beginning of the season. And the grass will have time to hatch and get stronger before the onset of frost. As you can see, sowing lawn grass in the summer is a good idea.

How to calculate the number of lawn grass seeds

When planting a lawn, one type of seed or a grass mixture can be used. What type of seeds or their combination is used determines the density of planting of lawn grass. On average, this is 30-50 g per m2. For one hundred square meters this is 5 kilograms of seeds or grass mixture. At the same time, it was taken into account that sowing may not be carried out perfectly.

If you plan to sow manually, without a seeder, then it is still better to add 10 percent of the total seeds to the sowing rate. If you skimp and take less seed material, then seedlings will be rare and there is a danger that weeds will clog the grass. It is also advisable to take some seeding material for repairing and reseeding the lawn in the future.

Choosing a place for lawn grass

Choosing a location for a lawn requires certain knowledge of certain plant properties. In particular, one should take into account the biological and chemical processes occurring in the root system of the predecessors of future lawn grass.

Before you start sowing lawn grass, you need to decide on the location where the lawn will be placed. This place should, first of all, be accessible for mowing. There should be no inconvenience when caring for the grass; the lawn mower should easily reach all areas of the lawn. For these reasons, it is recommended to place the lawn where there are few or no trees and shrubs.

Preparing the site before planting lawn grass

Before proceeding with soil preparation, vertical leveling should be carried out and all work related to laying should be completed. utility networks, planting large trees and installing drainage. When planting plants, please note that the root collar is deepened to the grass stand level you intend for the future lawn.

Drainage work cannot be avoided if water stagnates on the site in the spring, when the snow melts, or after heavy rains. The drains are cleared of fertile soil, 10–15 cm of broken bricks or gravel are filled in, compacting this layer, then a layer of sand about 10 cm thick is laid and compacted. Up to 15 cm of fertile soil is poured on top of the sand and rolled with a roller.

Immediately before sowing the seeds, the soil must be compacted with a hand roller (weighing 100-150 kg). The soil can also be compacted with its own weight, replacing the roller with a large board: lay it over the entire area of ​​​​the site and, often stepping over it, walk along it from one end to the other.

Advice: compact the area under the lawn only in dry weather on dry soil.

You cannot walk on compacted soil. If you need to walk across the area, tie small planks (like short skis) to your feet.

In dry weather, the area must be watered 2-3 days before sowing.

Preparing the soil for lawn grass

The soil for the lawn is prepared after the drainage is constructed; work can begin in the fall. The ground is carefully leveled with a rake and trampled down. To do this, tie scraps of a wide board or tile to your boots and walk over the entire surface, placing your feet close to one another, completely transferring your body weight at each step. A trampled lawn will not collapse or sag underfoot.

Lime and mineral fertilizers can be applied immediately before sowing grass.

Lawns are sown mainly in spring, less often in early autumn. Sometimes winter sowing is used - in such a way that the seeds germinate in early spring. With proper watering, you can seed your lawn in the summer. However, spring sowing is preferable to all others.

Digging up soil for lawn grass

This is one of the labor-intensive stages on the way to creating a beautiful green lawn and necessary procedure is digging up the soil. The depth of the dug soil should be approximately 20-25 cm, and if there is a small fertile layer, attention should be paid to adding nutritious soil.

Fertilizing lawn grass

While digging the soil under the lawn, care should also be taken to apply a complex of mineral fertilizers at the rate of 25-30 grams per square meter. It is better to give preference to compost, but in no case is it recommended to add fresh manure to the soil, which in the future can become the main cause intensive growth weeds.

Lawn care

Lawn care includes watering, cutting the grass, edging, aerating, leveling the surface, controlling weeds, moss and grass pests. Our article on lawn care and photographs (they are enlarged) will help you achieve the desired healthy and well-groomed look of your green lawn.

- regular watering to maintain soil moisture and structure;

— fertilizing to enrich the soil with nutritional compounds, activate regrowth processes and prevent depletion of the grass stand after mowing;

- cutting lawn grass set height to give the lawn an attractive appearance;

— cleaning up falling leaves and carrion (if there are trees on the lawn).

Features of watering lawn grass

Proper watering of the lawn is one of the main important conditions for creating and maintaining the grass thick, green and lush. Rain and groundwater are not able to sufficiently provide the lawn and other green spaces with water during the hot season, so it must be provided with adequate irrigation.

When to water? Experts recommend starting watering lawns when the soil has dried to a depth of 10 cm. However, in practice it is difficult to follow this advice - after all, you won’t really dig up the soil in the lawn every time to determine the depth of its drying! Therefore, the main guideline here is appearance herbs. If the grass on the lawn begins to fade, acquires a grayish tint and loses its elasticity, you need to start watering.

How much to water? Depending on the degree of drying of the soil and its mechanical composition, when watering, it is recommended to pour from 10 to 20 liters of water onto each square meter of lawn.

How often to water your lawn should be determined by the weather in summer period. During dry and hot summers, watering is done up to four times a week. If the season turns out to be rainy, then once is enough.

Lawn mowing

When choosing best moment When mowing the lawn, you should pay attention to the weather and time of day. On a hot, dry day, mowing should not be done, as leaf sections in the sun will quickly turn yellow and dry out, which will worsen the appearance.

The very first mowing of a young lawn is carried out when the height of the young grasses reaches 11-12 cm; only the tops are cut off - no more than 1.5-2 cm.

Deciding how often to mow your lawn depends on factors such as: climatic features and specific weather conditions, functional requirements. Mowing is done every 7-10 days, sometimes once every two weeks, as soon as the grass exceeds the desired height by 2-4 cm.

During periods of drought, plants grow less actively, so cutting is done less frequently. During active growing season (summer) with favorable conditions You will have to cut the grass twice a week.

Greetings dear blog readers. In today’s article I’ll tell you how to plant lawn grass with seeds. I had an unsightly piece of land at my dacha that I wanted to improve, and I decided to make a beautiful lawn. I’ll tell you about the difficulties I encountered and how I overcame them. I suggest reading the article and becoming familiar with the sequential steps of creating a lawn. At the end you can watch a video on this topic.

In search of suitable seeds my head was spinning. The name of the packages indicates the purpose of the future lawn. A friend of mine bought a packet of seeds last year for an all-purpose lawn, and in the winter the grass froze. I asked what the reason was and found out fun fact. Planting material is brought to us from Western Europe; winters there are mild, and grass mixtures often contain non-frost-resistant varieties. I started to read the composition and chose what I needed.

A grass mixture of fescue and bluegrass is ideal for our climate. Herbs are perennial, frost-resistant, grow rapidly, creating a beautiful bright green carpet. Fescue is unpretentious and grows quickly. Bluegrass grows more slowly, but more beautifully.

Buy seeds with a reserve. Some areas will have to be replanted; you are unlikely to buy such seeds. Places sown with other seeds will be highlighted in color.

Choosing a season to start work

Everyone faces the question: when is the best time to sow grass on the lawn? Sowing can be done from the end of April to September inclusive. To create a lawn in spring or summer, use half the recommended amount of grass. Until autumn, the strongest will survive in the struggle for a place in the sun. The lawn will survive the winter painlessly and begin to grow in early spring.

When planting in the fall, it is necessary to calculate the time so that the roots of the grass have time to get stronger and survive the winter. Do not increase the seeding rate: in thickened seedlings, a struggle for survival will begin. No one will have time to win, the plants will leave for the winter weakened and will not survive the frosts well.

The seeds germinate quickly in moist soil and when there is no heat. In spring and autumn, cool weather is common, but in summer months sometimes you have to wait a long time. If you want to sow your lawn in the summer, proceed as follows.

In the evening after 19.00, wet the ground with water up to 40 cm deep. After 2 hours, when the water has been absorbed, scatter the seeds, loosen the soil, then roll. Mulch the area and water it again in the morning.

We conclude: spring planting the most favorable, gives confidence in the formation of dense turf.

Weed control

A plot of land for a lawn must be cleared of weeds. There are many ways to remove them yourself. You can pull out the weeds or dig the soil deep with a shovel. Cultivation or milling gives good results when there is room to turn around.

I preferred chemical method struggle. I bought a continuous action herbicide and sprayed the weeds. A little more than two weeks have passed, and all that remains is to rake the dry remains of the weeds.

Preparing the site for sowing

I saved time and effort in fighting weeds with herbicide, but I still had to pick up a shovel. I began to dig deep, along the entire blade, breaking up the lumps with a shovel. There were stones, bricks, and tree roots. But not a trace of the weeds remained. All debris from the ground was removed off site.

You've come across a piece of good soil, don't dig too deep. The soil will not shrink, it will be easier to level the surface.

After digging, I began to level the area with a shovel. Where necessary, he added earth and dug out mounds. The result is a smooth surface.

The soil in our area is not very fertile, so I thought about fertilizing. I know that organic is best: peat, compost, but I had to make do with complex mineral fertilizer. I scattered it over the surface with my own hands and covered it with earth using the same irreplaceable rake.

Then he took an empty liquefied gas cylinder and began to roll the ground. There may not be a cylinder, then take a barrel of water, a pipe, a special roller, finally. Roll until the ground stops sinking under your weight.

The most crucial moment is sowing

What goes around comes around. I remembered this proverb in a slightly different way at work: as you sow, so shall you reap.

First, shallow, one-centimeter furrows are made with a rake. We know the seeding rate, now the grass needs to be scattered evenly. It’s not easy to make: the seeds are small. A seeder would help, but there is none. Let's resort to the old-fashioned method.

Mix the measured amount of grass mixture with the same amount of dry fine sand. For the first time, they pass, evenly scattering, along the site. The second time, go across. Now take a rake and hide the seeds under the soil. Then the earth is carefully rolled.

Watering for the first time

Immediately after sowing, we begin watering. Do the first watering and subsequent waterings manually during the first week. A garden watering can with a sprayer will do. When the area is large, it is not easy to water it yourself. An irrigation sprayer mounted on a water hose will help out.

Do not water the newly seeded area with a hose without a nozzle. A strong stream will wash the seeds out of the soil and carry them away. After this method of watering, puddles form on the ground, then crust in hot weather. Watering after sowing in the fall is not necessary.

We care for it like a baby

In two weeks the first shoots will appear. Seeds from the grass mixture do not germinate at the same time; only after a month will you see an objective picture. Water daily in dry weather. Young shoots especially require moisture; they die at the slightest drought.

And now the grass has grown to 10 cm. Now we carefully mow the tips of the leaves, only 2 cm. In a week you won’t recognize the lawn. Mowing stimulated the formation of fresh buds, and new shoots grow quickly. A dense cover of grass begins to cover the ground.

Further lawn care involves timely mowing the grass once a week. However, it all depends on the weather and time of year. In early spring and late autumn you will mow less often: grass growth is slow.

Don't expect glorious results quickly. Recognized masters in this matter, the British, claim: in 5 years good care, watering and fertilizing will create perfect lawn, made with your own hands.


Let's try to figure out when is the best time to sow lawn grass so that your efforts are not in vain and the plants take root well? What time of year is considered the most optimal for this, and what does germination depend on?

When to plant a lawn: spring, summer or fall?

In pictures on the Internet, fresh and evenly trimmed greenery looks perfect - smooth, uniform, rich color, without bald spots and ubiquitous weeds. However, those who have had to deal with creating a lawn with their own hands know personal experience, what the beautiful picture hard work is hidden. To grow an impeccable lawn, you will need not only physical strength, but also certain knowledge: what grass mixture to choose, when to plant the grass, and then how to care for it throughout the season.

To grow a flawless lawn, you will need not only physical strength, but also certain knowledge.

In general, sowing can be done at any time, from spring, as soon as the earth warms up, until autumn frosts. The main thing is not to wait until the snow falls, when it will be too late to plant anything. Unanimous opinion on best timing No. Some believe that grass planted during the May holidays germinates best, others believe that summer sowing gives results faster, and still others prefer to sow the grass mixture in the autumn months in order to obtain a thick green cover for the next season.

Video about proper planting of lawn grass

In some cases, there is simply no choice when to create a lawn - construction works are delayed, the site has not yet been prepared, but after clearing, digging and leveling the area, you need to let the soil lie fallow for at least another month before you start sowing the grass mixture. All this sometimes takes a lot of time, and you no longer have to think about when it is better to plant what is prepared. There are two options left: sow the seeds in the fall or wait until next year.

Despite the popularity of spring sowing, experienced experts are inclined to believe that the end of summer is the most best option

Is it possible to sow a lawn in the fall? Of course you can, and many gardeners even like autumn sowing more than spring sowing: it’s so nice to watch the greenery appear from under the snow in the spring. But here it is very important to choose the right time: either sow the grass mixture at the beginning of September, so that the plants sprout before the frosts, and you have time to process them before wintering, or plant the grass already in the frozen ground before the snow cover is stable - then over the winter the seeds will undergo stratification and become resistant before diseases and in the spring they will hatch together.

Despite the popularity of spring sowing, experienced experts are inclined to believe that late summer is the best option. The soil at this time is well warmed up and moistened, weeds appear much less frequently than in the spring, the seeds will have time to germinate and take root well before the onset of frost. Although spring sowing produces a beautiful lawn, it is more difficult to care for due to the need for regular watering and weed removal.

Video about harvesting strawberry seeds

Define optimal timing When to plant a lawn is only half the battle. To get uniform, dense shoots, you must consider the following rules:

  • the site must be fully prepared a month and a half before sowing;
  • make sure that there is enough soil in the surface layer nutrients(when leveling the area, do not cut off too much of the top layer; peat can be added to light soil);
  • the day before sowing, apply fertilizer to the soil;
  • in spring and summer, fertilizers rich in nitrogen should be applied, which promotes plant growth, and in the fall, the lawn should be fertilized with fertilizers high in potassium and phosphorus, but low in nitrogen, in order to increase the frost resistance of plants and strengthen the root system;
  • Having chosen the most successful time for planting, divide the area into squares, distributing the seeds equally between all squares, and sow each square first lengthwise, then across - this way you will achieve uniform seedlings;
  • on dry days, the sown lawn should be watered with a watering can with small holes, keeping the soil moist until the plants grow to 6 cm, then provide abundant watering with a sprinkler, thanks to which moisture penetrates to the roots;
  • on active growth Herbs are positively affected by timely cuttings, especially the first one, when the plants grow up to 6 cm.

The area for the lawn should be fully prepared a month and a half before sowing

Of course, it would be much easier if there were certain deadlines when you need to sow grass, but too much various factors influences the results of crops. Even experienced specialists cannot give you a 100% guarantee that the lawn will grow perfectly, no matter when it is planted. Therefore, everyone who dreams of having a green lawn in front of their house has to independently decide on the time of planting and make every effort to ensure that the grass is well established.