Air ionizer: beneficial properties and nature of the effect. Air ionizer – health benefits with tangible results. Air ionizer: benefits and harm to human health

Unfortunately, modern life, work routine, and city bustle do not allow us to often get out into nature, where you can enjoy clean air, natural aromas, pine forests, the sea, or the smells of lakes and rivers. In big cities, air pollution is a real disaster, which is why air ionizers can become great solution for many people.

Ionizers are bipolar, releasing both negatively and positively charged particles into the air, in a “healthy” proportion of 3:2, and unipolar, emitting only negative ions.

Who needs an ionizer

An air ionizer can be useful for children, elderly people, weakened and sick people, as well as all those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. During periods of exacerbation of influenza, as well as other viral infections, air ionizers will come in handy more than ever.

Before purchasing an air ionizer for your home, you should pay attention to the technical data sheet of the device, because the ionizer must be safe. A technical passport can become a certain guarantor of quality; you should not pay attention to devices without it, or those that look dubious.

It is very important to evaluate the power of the device, because the principle “more powerful means better” does not work here. Only moderate ionization of the air can have a beneficial effect. The benefits of the ionizer are obvious: it kills harmful microbes and viruses, neutralizes positively charged ions and cleans the air of dust and impurities. With such a device, the air in the room will always be clean and healthy.

Size matters

If you spend a lot of time at the computer or near the TV, an excellent solution may be to purchase a compact, local ionizer that can be placed near you. When you lead an active lifestyle or the room where the ionizer will be located is very large, it is best to purchase more powerful models.

Many models of ionizers can have a number of additional functions that make the atmosphere in your home harmonious and favorable. Additional functions include air purification, aromatization, and lighting.

With the help of an ionizer, the air can be completely cleaned of dust that has negative charges. Dust settles on the floor, furniture, and walls. When using an air ionizer, it will be necessary to remove dust more often by wet cleaning in order to reduce the risk of inhaling dust.

If in an apartment low humidity, the ionizer must work in tandem with a humidifier, otherwise it can cause harm due to increased electrification.

Ionizers have contraindications and can even cause harm. For example, this device should not be used by people who suffer from cancer; the ionizer may contribute to tumor growth. Therefore, consult your doctor in advance.

An air ionizer is a modern household appliance. It is intended for use indoors to make the air cleaner and reduce the spread of viruses. The device is necessary for the prevention of many diseases.


An air ionizer is an indispensable device in a home where children, the elderly and those who suffer from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems live. The device is necessary during periods of influenza and acute respiratory infections. It is recommended to purchase an air ionizer for people who work long hours at a computer, as the device neutralizes positive ions that accumulate around the TV and monitors.

It is no secret that the air in mountainous and coastal areas is different from the city. The difference is the negative oxygen ions. In enclosed spaces, the number of these ions is 10-15 times less, which causes aeroion deficiency. This situation in the apartment arises due to the inclusion electrical appliances, functioning of the heating system, poor ecology. The consequence is the emergence of chronic diseases, decreased immunity, premature aging and early death. It helps to correct a deplorable situation. It enriches the air in the apartment, making it easier to breathe.

People with allergic reactions should consider purchasing an ionizer. After turning on the device, the dust is charged negatively, settles on the floor and walls, and does not fly in the air. Harmful microbes and viruses do not enter the human lungs. When using an ionizer, you should frequently wipe the floor, walls and the device itself with a damp cloth to remove settled dust.

The air of megacities is air saturated with positively charged air ions. It's hard to breathe in such air. However, we get used to this and only notice it when we go out into nature. For example, to waterfalls or to mountainous areas... Dust, automobile and industrial impurities in the air of cities only lead to allergies and asthma. However, we can fight this both at home and in the workplace with the help of wonderful devices - air ionizers. However, recently there has been a lot of negative talk about them. Does an air ionizer actually give us harm or benefit? Where did such conversations come from?!

The problem of lack of negative air ions in the air

The problem of a deficiency of negative air ions in the air was predicted by biophysicist A. L. Chizhevsky back in the 30s of the 20th century. He also proposed a solution, creating his own device that saturates the air and blood with negative air ions. The device was in the shape of a chandelier and hung from the ceiling, which is why it received the well-known name “Chizhevsky’s chandelier.”

What is an air ionizer valued for? The benefits of Chizhevsky's chandelier

Chizhevsky’s metal structure can saturate the air in a room with healing negative air ions in ten minutes, bringing them to a natural concentration of 20,000 per cm3! What does this give? Ionized air has a beneficial effect on health and the nervous system. When a person inhales ionized air, his performance significantly increases, his mood and overall well-being improve. Thanks to charged air, the risk of insomnia and depression is reduced. Negatively charged air ions activate the work of red blood cells, so gas exchange in the lungs increases. Where did these conclusions come from? Based on observations of people by Chizhevsky himself and scientists who later rechecked his work.

In addition, air ions also extend life expectancy. There are also several indirect evidence for this conjecture of scientists. The fact is that since the time of Chizhevsky it has been known that the air in mountainous areas is oversaturated with negative ions... And where are the most long-lived people? Just in the mountainous areas! If this is not enough proof for you, then there is one more. Thus, quite recently, scientists from the Pushchino Institute of Biophysics revealed that under the influence of negative air ions, the life of their test rats extended from 3 to 4.5 years!

Is it worth purchasing a Chizhevsky chandelier for home use?

So, one of the most famous ionizers of the 20th century is the Chizhevsky chandelier. This device is unipolar, that is, it produces only negative air ions. So, despite its popularity, you do not need to choose this model as a home ionizer. It’s better to buy a modern household ionizer! Ask why? The fact is that Chizhevsky’s chandelier is a real medical device, model number 1, in the sense that it is the very first development. It cannot be turned on for constant operation, as it stains the walls and ceiling with charged dust, since it was not designed for home use. Its direct purpose is only treatment, but not bringing the air back to normal. We do not need such doses of air ions every day and all the time. Therefore, you need to use it in doses over time. The place for this device is in a sanatorium. In addition, the emission of ozone in this device is higher than the maximum permissible concentration limit, so this can cause serious harm if the “chandelier” is used uncontrolled. So the Chizhevsky chandelier is a truly therapeutic ionizer and is not suitable for constant use at home and at work.

The principle of operation of a modern ionizer

This device, like the Chizhevsky chandelier, also produces negative ions of oxygen and nitrogen. Thus, the device emits pure and light air, which does not have a specific aroma. The power of modern devices is significantly less than Chizhevsky’s chandelier, and therefore their ozone production is within the limits of maximum permissible concentrations and even lower. As a rule, such devices are certified for round-the-clock operation and cannot harm a person.
In addition, their work has a second benefit. During operation of the device, an ionic wind is created in the room, which sets the air and dust particles in it into motion. Passing near the spark gap, they are charged negatively and, moving further, are deposited on the positively charged filter of the device. That is, the scattering of dust into modern device Unlike the chandelier, Chizhevsky no longer exists. The filter is not a hindrance to the air, and therefore the ionized and purified air then moves inside the room... where we breathe it.

Modern ionizers saturate the air with negative air ions and remove dust and smoke particles from the air. That is this device works the same as the Chizhevsky chandelier, but adapted to home conditions.

Main types of ionizers

There are two types of ionizers on sale, the first is unipolar, the second is biopolar. Unipolar devices produce ions that are negatively charged. However, there is an opinion that it will not be possible to saturate the body with negative ions alone, so it is recommended to buy a biopolar ionizer, which has more advantages over the first one and produces ions of both signs.

But which ionizer should you really choose?

I can say that there is no need for expensive bipolar ionization. Some developers believe that for the harmony of life, the production of ions of both signs should occur as in nature, that is, in a ratio of 2:3 (positive: negative). However, it is worth remembering that the reason that encourages people to purchase an ionizer lies precisely in the fact that in any room, due to televisions and computers, the penetration of tobacco smoke into it, an excess of positive ions is formed, which “poison” every day. person. So is it necessary for the ionizer to add a few more positive ions to the air?! The question is rhetorical and the answer to it is obvious to everyone. No!

It’s another matter if we are talking about a room where there is no equipment, for example, a bedroom or a children’s room. You can buy a bipolar ionizer for such a room. For a living room with a computer and TV and other devices, it will be enough to purchase a unipolar ionizer (which emits only negative ions). By neutralizing the positive ions present in the room, it will automatically bring the air in the room to natural air. However, regarding the purchase of a bipolar ionizer, doubts arise here, because a certain amount of tobacco smoke and exhaust also penetrates into the nursery and bedroom... So they hardly need extra positive air ions... But decide for yourself!

As for ozone production, in new models of home appliances it is minimal and comparable to natural concentration. However, the devices may or may not produce “a lot” of ozone. It depends on the program. So, in order to constantly combat tobacco smoke, the device must operate in maximum mode, releasing a large amount of ozone, but within the permitted standards! In rooms where there is no smoke, this is not necessary and it operates at a minimum, producing even less ozone. Which is not dangerous at all. However, you are free to double-check this statement and read the characteristics of the device in the instructions to make sure of the quality. Certifications should also be considered. Ask the seller to provide technical and hygiene certificates. The ozone emission rate must be below the maximum permissible concentration (maximum permissible concentration standard - 0.16 mg per cubic meter).

If you are planning to purchase a unipolar air ionizer for your apartment, turn your attention to the Super-plus eco-s device. We wrote about it in detail on the pages of the site, so we won’t repeat it now.

When choosing a bipolar device, if you decide to buy one, you should definitely take into account the size of the room. Choose a device with the correct range. In order to clean the air in standard apartment, 400 ions/cube are required. cm positive charge and 600 ions/cc. cm with negative. Ionizer models are active and passive. It is better to give preference to active systems that have a built-in fan; as a rule, they increase diffusion properties.

Let's remember how “tasty” and easy it is to breathe after a thunderstorm in the summer. What is the reason for this phenomenon? The fact is that after a thunderstorm, the air is saturated with negatively charged ions.

Negative ions have a beneficial effect on us through the respiratory system, the body is saturated with oxygen, serotonin levels increase, and we feel good, light, joyful.

These particles are very useful for our body and are a kind of natural vitamins.

That’s why it’s so important to regularly walk outside for both adults and children, because indoor air contains mostly positive ions. And their predominance negatively affects our nervous and hormonal systems of the body. We begin to get sick often, experience stress and irritation.

Today, the correct ratio of differently charged ions can only be found in clean areas in nature. The positive effect is enhanced when you are near the sea, a waterfall, or in the forest. But what if we are too busy in everyday life and have to spend most of our time in a closed space? Let's look at a solution to this issue below.

Sections of the article

What is ionization?

To answer this question, let's first understand what ions are. And these are the smallest particles that are contained in the air and have their own charge - there are positive and negative ions. From here it is clear that ionization is the process of formation of ions.

To feel good, a person must breathe air saturated with light ions, preferably negative. Otherwise, performance will decrease, frequent headaches will be tormented, the person will be lethargic, get tired quickly and get colds more often.

Nature made sure that the air was saturated with just such ions in the right quantities. However, this effect is negated by some unfavourable conditions. Thus, ion starvation in humans is facilitated by transport, the operation of factories, and the presence of electrical household appliances.

Each of us has noticed: after a day of work in an office where equipment is constantly working, we feel tired and often complain of a “swollen” head - this is precisely one of the most popular signs of ion starvation. There is nothing surprising here, because in enclosed spaces the level of ions is lower than necessary, almost 15 times!

Even sitting for a long time in front of a computer or TV at home can cause a similar effect!

And also - staying in a room where they are turned on (again for a long time), even if you yourself are not directly looking at the monitor or screen.

And vice versa: have you noticed how easy it is to breathe in the forest, by the sea or just in the village? It's all about them again - negatively charged ions. In places where the influence of exhaust gases and radiation household appliances reduced to a minimum, our body is saturated with the necessary particles.

By the way, children, as well as adults with reduced immunity, are most susceptible to ion starvation.

What is it for?

We have already said that sufficient saturation of the human body with negatively charged ions is very useful - and if this is not possible in natural conditions, then it’s good to get air ionizer. Now let's find out what exactly it affects:

  • Strengthens protective functions.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Normalizes sleep.
  • Activates the brain.
  • Reduces fatigue.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Helps those suffering from respiratory diseases.
  • Reduces the likelihood of acute respiratory infections.
  • Is prophylactic for the appearance of malignant tumors.
  • Resists the occurrence of allergies.
  • Significantly reduces the level of harmful effects of radiation from switched on electrical appliances, especially TV and computer.


Does it cause harm?

The function of air ionization is the creation of air ions in the air. In nature, the number of air ions, on average, 10-15 times more than in city air polluted by exhaust gases and emissions from industrial enterprises. In the home, air quality is also affected by evaporation from equipment and electromagnetic radiation from televisions and computers. Perhaps this is where the hard facts about ionization are completed.

According to open sources, air ions, or more precisely, air saturated with them, have their advantages. First of all, they activate the work of red blood cells, increasing gas exchange in the lungs by 10%.

However, these properties of air ions also have a downside. If there is ionization of air in an apartment, whether it has a beneficial or harmful effect on its residents largely depends on them and their health status. So, harmful properties air ions:

  • If during ionization there is a person in the room with viral disease or there are simply molecules of a virus transmitted by airborne droplets, then the probability of infection will increase exponentially, since in ionized air the infection spreads very quickly.
  • Ionized air is contraindicated for patients with high temperature. Accelerating metabolism only warms up the body even more.
  • The acceleration of metabolism, which is stimulated by air ions, is harmful for a number of chronic and sluggish diseases, as it can accelerate them.
  • Ionization is contraindicated in oncology.
  • Also, air with air ions complicates the course of bronchial asthma, additionally loading the respiratory system.
  • There are individual intolerances and increased sensitivity to air ions, so before purchasing an ionizer, you should definitely check how comfortable it is for you to breathe such air.
  • Children under one year old and patients during the recovery period after operations also need calm, clean air, not loaded with air ions.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning about patients with possible circulatory disorders, especially cerebral ones; in this case, ionization can cause hemorrhage.

In addition, electrified particles are attracted to surfaces, including human mucous membranes, much more strongly than neutral ones. Therefore, it is better not to be in the room during ionization.

All ionizers create ozone, a natural oxidizing agent that harmful to both humans and technology. The concentration of ozone, as a rule, is not controlled, and in the absence of ventilation it can exceed all permissible levels and reach alarming proportions.

All positive effects from ionization appear after months or even years of exposure; there will be no immediate effect from it.

In addition, circles of dust may form around the ionizer; the room with the ionizer needs in constant wet cleaning, including walls.

Ionization technology

Today there are many devices for air ionization; technology can perform only this function, or can combine it with others.
When using it, you need to remember 2 conditions:

  1. The ionizer should not work constantly; you should adhere to the operating time from the instructions.
  2. If the operating room is not kept clean in the house, then it is better not to be in the room during ionization.

All ionizers can be divided into unipolar and bipolar. The former produce only negatively charged air ions and can emit large amounts of ozone harmful to humans during their operation.

The latter produce air ions of both charges, which avoids the appearance of an electrostatic field and reduces ozone production. When choosing an ionizer or device with this function, be sure to pay attention to presence of a hygiene certificate, which confirms the very presence of ionization and the safety of the device for humans.

In addition, if the number of declared aerons exceeds 50,000, the device must also have a medical certificate.

Chizhevsky chandelier

An electroeffluvial ionizer that is attached to the ceiling and really resembles a chandelier. It ionizes the air with electric current, the design of the device allows you to control the voltage and the amount of air ions received.

At the same time, Chizhevsky’s chandelier is unipolar, it creates more ozone than acceptable, and is therefore rarely recommended for home use and is considered obsolete.


A device that performs only the ionization function. Exist different models and manufacturers, however, when choosing such a device, in addition to its type, you should pay attention to:

  • for the radius of work,
  • the presence of a fan that will speed up the process of spreading air ions throughout the room,
  • the number of ions produced and the ratio of negative to positive.

An excess in favor of negative ions is considered optimal by about a third.

Air purifier with ionization

Ionization in this case acts as a separate function.

It is necessary that the production of air ions be regulated separately, since it is better for the purifier to work non-stop.

Pay attention to the filtration system: given the characteristics of air ions, it is best for the purifier to have high cleaning class, capable of trapping even the smallest dust particles, as well as the possibility of disinfection.

Remember, everything that such a device cannot clean, and everything that accumulates on its filters, will get charged and spread throughout the room, and then end up in the lungs.

Humidifier with ionization

The most controversial decision, in my opinion. In most cases, a humidifier creates nutrient medium for all microorganisms, and the ionizer, in turn, promotes their distribution. In this case, you should Special attention pay attention to air disinfection.

Considering all the specifics of ionization and the rather controversial effects of its influence, it seems most reasonable not to mix this function with others, and use it extremely carefully, since it will definitely only benefit healthy person, but can inflict on a patient significant harm. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor before using the ionizer.


How to choose the best air ionizer?

Air ionizers are gradually becoming as necessary as washing machines and teapots. And how could it be otherwise, when in the summer smog flies out of the window, and in the winter we are suffocating from the stuffiness with the plastic windows tightly closed?

Artificial ionization of air is not a whim or a whim, but necessary condition preserving the most important thing that each of us has - health. That is why you need to approach the choice of an air ionizer very seriously.

To make your choice easier, here are our tips.

Decide what you need the device for?

When choosing an air ionizer, many are afraid of the ozone generated during the ionization process. We would like to immediately dispel your doubts. Ozone is released only from one type of ionizer - working based on the principle of “ionic wind”, i.e. those that operate without a fan, or those that have a combination of a washable electrostatic precipitator and ionizing pins (these are easy to spot if you take out the electrostatic precipitator and look inside the device).

In all other ionizers, there is no need to be afraid of ozone; it is released so little that it is impossible to feel it, despite the fact that the sensitivity threshold of the human sense of smell is much lower than those concentrations that are already harmful.

That is why you first need to decide for what purpose you have decided to choose an air ionizer:

Do you need a bipolar version of the device?

The question of the need for bipolar ionization is quite controversial. Some experts believe that for complete harmony, the production of positive and negative ions must occur in a strict ratio of 2:3, as in nature.

However, in any home or office there are now so many household appliances, from which a huge amount of positive ions emanate, which simply poison a person. Therefore, is it necessary for the ionizer to also produce them?

Let’s say it makes sense to choose a bipolar air ionizer for a bedroom or children’s room, where there is a minimum of equipment. But for a living room with a TV, computer and other devices, you can easily buy a unipolar ionizer (producing only negative ions); it will neutralize a large number of already existing positive ions. As a result the required balance will be created automatically.

Bipolar ionizers (generating both positive and negative ions) are quite expensive. Unipolar ionizers are much more affordable; you can choose them among all other ionizer models.

Decide how important noise level is to you

When choosing an air ionizer, you should know that there are models that work on the principle of “ionic wind” - causing air circulation due to a high electrical charge, and there are ionizers with a fan. The big advantage of the former is almost silent operation and low cost.

But for some, their disadvantage may be a fairly large ozone output. Let us say right away that the amount of ozone released by such ionizers does not exceed sanitary standards, but may cause discomfort in sensitive people.

Therefore, when choosing an air ionizer and trying to choose the quietest one, think about how often you are oppressed by certain odors? If there is such a problem, it is better to choose a purifier with a Hepa filter, carbon and photocatalytic filters and a fan. Among them there are also devices that operate very quietly, of course, only at minimum speeds.

All air purifiers-ionizers of the upper price segment costing from 10 thousand rubles. have a very quiet fan, so you can safely choose such an ionizer. Among the inexpensive ionizer models, the quietest are Atmos-Vent-1501 and AIC GH-2173.

Consider how dry the air is in your room

It is very rare, but there are still cases that after purchasing an ionizer, people begin to feel worse; the reason for this is most often very dry air. In such houses, everything is electrified, people get electrocuted, and the ionizer is not always able to cope with this.

If you have very dry air, you should choose not just an air ionizer, but an air humidifier with an ionizer.

If you can use filtered water, you can choose ultrasonic humidifier with ionizer. If you plan to fill with regular tap water and the room is small (up to 15 sq.m.), then choose traditional humidifier with ionizer.

If there is no filtered water, the room is large and there is serious contamination in the form of dust or unpleasant odors, You better choose as an ionizer humidifier climate complex. It will perform three functions at once - ionize, purify and humidify the air.

Where will you use the ionizer: at home or in the office?

If you choose an ionizer for your home with an electrostatic filter, then it is enough that the area stated in its characteristics is slightly less than or equal to the area of ​​your room. If with a Nera filter, then the area in the passport is correspondingly or slightly larger than your room.

If you need an air ionizer for a densely populated office, where ions are instantly absorbed by people and computers, it will be much better if you choose a device designed for a room slightly larger than yours, in which case its effectiveness will be much more noticeable.

Read the technical specifications carefully

The concentration of negative ions created by the device must be within the doctor-recommended norm of 600-50,000 ions/cc.

If this indicator is higher, you should not leave the ionization function turned on around the clock, unless, of course, we are talking about a densely populated office, which we talked about above, where it will be difficult to neutralize positive ions even with increased concentrations of negative ones.

In addition, do not forget that you should not place the air ionizer closer than one meter from a person. This rule applies to all electrical appliances, including ionizers.

Make sure it has a filter

This requirement does not apply to ionizing humidifiers and salt lamps, because ionization in them is weak. When choosing any other type of air ionizer, remember that not only the air is charged, but also all the microparticles in it, so the area around the ionizer may a dirty dust spot will form.

To prevent this from happening, most modern ionizers have an electrostatic or Hepa filter inside the body, which attracts all charged dust, thus purifying the air.

You should not choose the traditional Chizhevsky Chandelier as an ionizer; it is better to buy a regular household ionizer.

Why? Because Chizhevsky’s chandelier is a serious medical device that can be used strictly in doses, which stains the walls with charged dust, because not intended for use in living conditions . Its purpose is treatment, not air purification. The place for such an ionizer is in a hospital or sanatorium, and not in your home.


Operating principle of an air ionizer

The principle of operation of the ionizer fully corresponds to the principle of operation of the Chizhevsky electroeffluvial chandelier.

A high voltage current is supplied to the ionizing electrodes. Under its influence, a discharge is formed on the electrodes, and electrons begin to “drain” from them. When electrons interact with oxygen atoms and molecules in the immediate vicinity of the electrode, light negative oxygen ions are formed, which move in an expanding cone from the ionizer needles at a distance of 3-4 meters.

When electrons “flow” from the electrodes of the ionizer, they “stick” to oxygen molecules, forming a stream of charged particles, which is sometimes called aeroionic wind. Because electrons and negative ions collide and capture neutral molecules and positive ions with them, the strength of the flow does not always indicate the level of ionization.

Sometimes, with a strong flow, the level of ionization may be low and vice versa. The level of ionization can be accurately determined only with a special device - an ionometer. The air ionizer has very high efficiency and purifies the air throughout the room.

Smoke is almost completely removed from the air in 6-7 minutes, and pathogens (bacteria) - in 2-3 hours.

A fundamentally new type of ionizer, which has small dimensions, local focus, and high efficiency in creating healing negative air ions in the user area - an ion generator. This design provides a wide flow of light negative air ions in a given direction.

An air ion generator operating on the principle of the “Chizhevsky Chandelier” is intended for health prevention in combination with other therapeutic measures as a means of improving metabolism and increasing the physical and mental performance of a person.

The generator allows you to completely neutralize harmful radiation from computers, televisions and other video equipment, clean the air from dust, allergens and microbes, thereby ensuring the requirements of sanitary standards for air composition in accordance with Sanitary Rules and Regulations

The use of the generator is possible both in domestic and office environments without age restrictions for the purpose of general health promotion.

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Even with painstaking cleaning, there will be no perfect cleanliness. Musty air, dust and unpleasant odors will remain. To keep the microclimate normal, an electronic air ionizer is used, but what harm does it do, or are there any health benefits? To find out, you need to understand the design and operating features of the device.

Air ionizers: purpose and principle of operation

Why do you need an interesting and unusual device - an air ionizer? Why is it in an apartment or at home? The device feeds environment negatively charged, or positive and negative elements at the same time.

The ionizer artificially saturates the air with ions

Use climate control equipment possible in living and working spaces. The functionality of the device includes the option of accelerating the breakdown of harmful elements and eliminating pathogenic bacteria.

Interesting to know! Ionization has a beneficial effect on human well-being and can imitate the climate of a clean forest, mountains and sea, and the aroma of air after rain.

Functional features

The device works on the principle of a Chizhevsky chandelier:

  • in the middle of the device there are electrodes that perform ionization (positive H+ and negative O2);
  • electricity is supplied to the electrodes to produce a discharge;
  • As a result, air ions are formed - charged particles, which are subsequently mixed with oxygen molecules.
Interesting to know! The classic version of the Chizhevsky chandelier is practiced in medical institutions in the treatment of diseases. It is not used in everyday life because it has high power.

What is ionization?

Ionization is a physical process during which an electron is removed from a gas molecule or atom. As a result, two particles are formed, negatively and positively charged.

The main task of the ionizer is to increase the volume of living air in the room

In nature, oxygen saturation with ions occurs naturally during cosmic radiation or a lightning strike, when ozone and oxygen undergo the process. Ionization is most noticeable in mountains, forests and the sea. In a residential building, air saturation does not occur naturally. Is artificial ionization of stagnant air in a house or apartment beneficial or harmful? Doctors note several points.

Benefits and indications of an air ionizer

An air ionizer releases air ions with positive and negative charges, so the body receives tangible benefits:

  • there is an improvement in general well-being;
  • immunity increases;
  • morbidity decreases;
  • performance increases;
  • the depressive state goes away;
  • normalizes appearance skin;
  • sleep improves;
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • allergic symptoms are eliminated.
Important! Using an ionizer allows you to neutralize the harmful effects of radiation from a TV, computer and other gadgets.

Indications for use

  1. The optimal place for the ionizer is near the bed, computer or desktop.
  2. After turning off the equipment, you need to wipe it down and wet clean the room.
  3. The device does not produce oxygen, but only saturates it - the room must be regularly ventilated.
  4. It is not advisable to be with a working device. Before turning on, the windows are closed and the room is vacated for 20-30 minutes. Then the device turns off.
  5. Use a purifier together with an ionizer or buy combined climate control equipment with an ionization option.
  6. After the first turn on, your head will start to spin. The device must be turned off and restarted after a few days. The body must get used to the shock wave of fresh air.
  7. Do not smoke near the ionizer, so as not to provoke respiratory tract pathologies.
  8. Dust remains on the surface of the device; it must be wiped with a damp and dry cloth regularly.

Watch a video about air ionizers

Thank you

Air ionizer is a device that enriches the surrounding air with charged ions. Depending on the type, ionizers can enrich the air either only with negatively charged ions, or with negative and positive ions at the same time. The devices can be used in residential and work areas such as offices to saturate the air with negative ions, which have a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being, simulating the atmosphere of mountain and sea resorts or a clean forest. Additionally, ionizers accelerate the breakdown of harmful substances (tobacco smoke, dust, etc.) and destroy pathogenic microorganisms contained in the air.

The very first and widely known air ionizer is chandelier (lamp) Chizhevsky, which got its name in honor of the scientist who designed and applied it. Currently, the Chizhevsky chandelier in its classic version is not used in everyday life, but is used only in medical institutions as part of complex therapy various diseases because it has too much power. For domestic needs they are used modern modifications Chizhevsky chandeliers, which have much lower power compared to medical devices (about 5 W versus 30 - 40 W).

The role and influence of air ions produced by ionizers on the human body

Currently, most people live in megalopolises and large cities, where the problem of environmental pollution and overcrowding is acute. Poor environmental conditions in cities lead to deterioration in people's health and increased morbidity rates.

Among a wide range of issues related to environmental pollution, the problem of clean and high-quality air is very relevant. After all, every person breathes and often, unlike water and food, cannot choose the air that they want to inhale, because it cannot be poured and sealed in containers for further use. And poor quality air leads to a deterioration in health, an increase in the overall level of morbidity and, accordingly, a shortening of life expectancy. Therefore, the problem of creating high-quality breathing air in urban conditions is quite acute and cannot be underestimated.

To understand how to make the air good and breathable, you need to clearly know what quality air is. Since ancient times, people have noticed that the air on the sea coast, in the mountains, in the forest, and in general in nature is much more pleasant and better than indoors. Therefore, in open natural spaces a person can breathe easier, there is a feeling of a surge of strength, well-being improves, etc. This means that it is the air of open spaces that is of the highest quality and optimal for humans.

Thanks to numerous studies, scientists have been able to find out why the air in nature is much better than in cities and indoors (apartments, offices, industrial premises, etc.). It turned out that in the air of natural landscapes there is a large amount of negatively charged oxygen ions, and in the air of rooms there are very few of them. Moreover, we are talking specifically about oxygen ions, and not about its quantity, since the oxygen content in indoor air can often be higher than in nature. But indoors, oxygen is not contained in the form of negatively charged ions, but in the form of neutral elements, the benefits of which for the human body are very low compared to the ionic form.

The fact is that negatively charged ions in the air, which are called air ions, are necessary for a person to maintain normal life functions, since they ensure optimal activity of the immune system, and, consequently, health and high quality, and life expectancy. For the first time, the positive effect of air ions on the human body was discovered by A.L. Chizhevsky, who believed that without negative ions, air is like food without vitamins or water without salts. That is, negative ions are a kind of “vitamins” of the air, thanks to which it acquires beneficial features. Thus, we can conclude that high-quality air is air containing a sufficient amount of air ions. And air with a small amount of air ions is a low-quality substance that does not meet the needs of the human body, and therefore leads to frequent illnesses and a reduction in life expectancy.

Thus, in order to breathe clean and beneficial air, you need to either be in nature (in the countryside) or saturate the indoor atmosphere with air ions. Negative air ions in indoor air can be obtained artificially using special devices - ionizers. Such artificial air ions are completely identical in their properties to natural ones, and therefore the actual effect of ionizers on the human body is very powerful and pronounced, comparable to the effect of the air of a clean mountain or seaside resort. Since the basis for the positive effect of ionizers on humans is the creation of a special air environment containing air ions, the mechanism of action of these devices is provided precisely by negatively charged oxygen ions. To understand the effect of ionizers on the human body, let’s consider the positive effect of air ions in more detail.

Negatively charged oxygen ions from the air penetrate the human body in two main ways - through the skin and the respiratory tract.

Flows of air ions literally bombard the skin, increasing the amount of oxygen entering through the skin into the deep layers of organs, which significantly improves tissue respiration, leading to an intensification of metabolic processes at the cellular level. That is, through the skin, air ions penetrate into those areas of tissue that often suffer from hypoxia due to the fact that little oxygen can be delivered to them with blood due to various disorders of microcirculation and the properties of red blood cells. In addition, air ions reduce the pain sensitivity of the skin, dilate its capillaries, increase hair growth on the head and enhance the effectiveness of drug therapy for eczema, acne, neurodermatitis and psoriasis. Therefore, the effect of air ions on the skin can be used in the complex treatment of baldness and a number of skin diseases.

However, the main way of positive effects of air ions on the human body is through their inhalation into the lungs. The fact is that about 80% of inhaled air ions enter the lungs and reach the alveoli, where gas exchange occurs between the blood and the environment, during which red blood cells detach carbon dioxide and add oxygen. Thanks to air ions, the walls of the alveoli are negatively charged, which facilitates recoil carbon dioxide and the addition of oxygen to red blood cells. Due to the fact that red blood cells bind more oxygen and can supply tissues with it longer, a person’s breathing in air rich in air ions becomes deeper and rarer.

In addition, air ions from the alveoli penetrate into the bloodstream, maintaining the normal negative charge of blood, cells, intercellular fluid and lymph, thanks to which all of these structures function normally. Also, air ions impart a negative charge to red blood cells, due to which they repel each other and move in ordered columns, penetrating well even into the smallest vessels. If red blood cells lose their negative charge, they move chaotically, forming turbulence, which contributes to the formation of blood clots and a significant deterioration in blood circulation in small vessels. Thus, blood containing negative ions reaches all cells of the body, maintaining optimal speed metabolism. This means that delivery nutrients and oxygen is carried by the blood in the required volume, due to which all organs and tissues function normally, without any disturbances, which is an excellent prevention of diseases.

The most susceptible to the positive effects of negative air ions are organs that consume large amounts of oxygen, such as the brain, liver and kidneys. Accordingly, being in an atmosphere with a large number of air ions, first of all, significantly improves the condition and functioning of the brain, liver and kidneys, which increases the effectiveness of treatment for diseases of these organs and prevents their pathologies. Air ions also help normalize blood pressure, tissue respiration, metabolism, hematopoiesis and blood glucose levels.

In general, we can say that the basis for the positive effect of air ions on cells is their ability to act as a biological catalyst that normalizes metabolism by activating enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other bioactive substances.

According to research by Soviet scientists, air ions not only come from outside, but are also normally synthesized in the human body, but in quantities insufficient to fully meet the needs of all cells and tissues. Therefore, we can say that air ions are also “vitamins” necessary to the human body for optimal functioning and prevention of various diseases. After all, a deficiency of vitamins, as is known, leads to disruptions in the functioning of various organs and systems with the development of serious diseases and a reduction in life expectancy. Accordingly, air poor in air ions does not meet the needs of cells, which leads to a deterioration in the quality and duration of life, early aging, loss of strength and numerous diseases that plague the modern population of cities and which, in most cases, are absent in people living in rural areas. areas where the atmosphere is rich in negative ions.

Therefore, it is obvious that in order to improve the quality and length of life, as well as prevent and get rid of diseases, it is necessary to saturate the air in our rooms with negative air ions. Today, this is a completely solvable problem thanks to the mass production of special climatic devices - air ionizers, which increase the amount of air ions in the indoor atmosphere, making the air similar to sea, mountain or forest air, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Air ionizer - characteristics, operating principle and types of device

The concept of an air ionizer

To obtain high-quality air, it is necessary to saturate it with negative air ions and breathe such a “vitaminized” gas mixture every day. Currently, special devices are used to obtain air ions - air ionizers, which can be used both in everyday life and in industrial premises. Ionizers allow you to saturate the air with negative ions and give it the atmosphere of mountain and sea resorts.

In modern air ionizers, the production of air ions occurs due to the ionization process, which is carried out through various following mechanisms:

  • Hydroionization– the formation of a negatively charged oxygen ion occurs due to the transition of water molecules from a liquid to a gaseous state of aggregation, during which H 2 O breaks down into positive and negative hydroions;
  • Collisional ionization– the formation of a negatively charged oxygen ion occurs when a neutral oxygen molecule collides with electrons, atoms and other ions;
  • Photoionization– the formation of a negative oxygen ion occurs when a neutral atom collides with a photon of light;
  • Thermal ionization– the formation of negative ions occurs due to numerous collisions of moving elementary particles provoked by high temperature.
Any oxygen ionization mechanism is suitable for producing and enriching air with air ions. Moreover, artificial ionization makes it possible to obtain air that is close in composition to natural air.

Types of devices

Depending on the mechanism of action, ionizers are divided into the following types:

  • Hydroionizer– the device produces ozone, which, when colliding with water, forms hydroperoxide and a negatively charged oxygen molecule (aeroion);
  • Corona discharge ionizer– the device produces powerful discharges of electricity, similar to lightning, as a result of which a large number of free electrons are released into the environment. These electrons combine with oxygen molecules to form negative air ions;
  • Plasma ionizer– the device ensures the combustion of alcohol in a metal vessel to which a voltage source is connected. During combustion, oxygen is formed, and the voltage source produces electrons that attach to the O 2 molecule, making it a negatively charged air ion;
  • Thermal ionizer– the device glows the wire, causing the emission of free electrons, which combine with oxygen in the air, forming air ions;
  • Ionizer using radioactive and ultraviolet radiation– the device produces a stream of active particles, which, colliding with air oxygen, give it electrons and make the molecule a negatively charged air ion;
  • Electroeffluvial ionizer (Chizhevsky chandelier)– the device has sharp needles onto which high voltage, as a result of which free electrons literally flow from the tips of the needles. These electrons combine with oxygen molecules and form negatively charged air ions.
Electroeffluvial ionizers are best suited for artificially saturating indoor air with negative air ions, since they are safe and do not emit ozone, hydroperoxide, radioactive particles, etc., which are harmful to humans. Corona ionizers are also quite good for use in everyday life and in enterprises, but they should be used with caution, since large amounts of ozone can be formed in these devices. Other types of ionizers are unsuitable for use in apartments, houses, offices and industrial premises where people are located, since in addition to useful air ions they produce a large number of other extremely harmful substances. That is why thermal, plasma, ultraviolet, radioactive and other types of ionizers have found application exclusively in industry (for example, for curing resins, etc.).

In addition, ionizers are divided into the following two types, depending on what types of air ions they are capable of generating:

  • Unipolar ionizers– produce only negatively charged air ions;
  • Bipolar ionizers– produce both negatively and positively charged air ions.
Unipolar and bipolar ionizers have different areas of application. So, normally there should be both positively and negatively charged ions in the air, but in modern rooms, as a rule, there is a sharp excess of positive ones and a deficiency of negative ones. This situation arises due to the widespread use of electrical appliances (TVs, computers, refrigerators, hair dryers, irons, Cell phones etc.), which saturate the air with positive ions. Therefore, unipolar ionizers are recommended for use in rooms where any electrical equipment operates in order to saturate the air with negative air ions and thereby balance the production of positive ions. Bipolar ionizers are recommended for use in bedrooms, where there is little electrical equipment and you just need to saturate the air with both negative and positive ions.

Principle of operation

Despite the difference in the mechanisms of air oxygen ionization, the operating principles of ionizers different types are identical and boil down to the following: the active part of the device produces free electrons and releases them into the atmosphere. Further in the atmosphere, electrons literally “grab” oxygen molecules and bond with them, forming negatively charged ions. Since electric current is always needed to produce free electrons, all types of ionizers use powerful sources voltages supplying discharges or supporting D.C. in active elements from which electrons are knocked out.

Air ionizers - scope of application, mechanism of action. Types of ionizers: active and passive, unipolar and bipolar, humidifiers and air purifiers, Chizhevsky chandelier - video

Air ionizer components

Despite the differences in mechanisms and operating principles, basic device all ionizers are similar. Let's look at the common main components of air ionizers of various types.

Main components

Any air ionizer has an electric current rectifier and a filter necessary to convert the alternating current available in a standard network (socket) into direct current. Next, there is a control system (diode or other) that sets and maintains the required voltage and current that are suitable for the emitting device. The emitting device is thin metal needles from which a powerful current pulse knocks out free electrons into the surrounding space. These needles are usually visible inside the ionizer and look like a hair comb.

In addition to the indicated mandatory components of the ionizer itself, the devices can additionally be equipped with an ultraviolet lamp or LEDs designed to indicate the operating status of the installation. In addition, modern ionizers have fans or other blowing systems that create the effect of “ionic wind”, blowing negative air ions into the air and promoting their uniform distribution throughout the entire volume of the room. Such ionizers with air blowers are much better than devices without this function, since the latter create an uneven concentration of air ions in the room, which, accordingly, are most concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the device.

Also, modern ionizers, which have an additional cleaning function, have filters that retain various harmful impurities, such as tobacco smoke, dust, smog, pollen particles, etc. However, it is still correct to call such devices with filters air purifiers with an ionization function, and not ionizers, since their primary and main task is to clean the air from harmful suspended particles.

Device diagram

The schematic diagram of the air ionizer is as follows:

In this diagram, the letter B means an electric current rectifier, F is a filter, FI is a shaper of rectangular current pulses, SU is a control system that supplies current to the emitter with the required parameters, I is an emitter.

Air ionizer filters

Filters are not found in “clean” air ionizers, but in climate control devices that combine several functions, one of which is air purification. Such devices have filters for air purification and at the same time a built-in ionizer, thanks to which the device simultaneously eliminates harmful suspended substances and ionizes the atmosphere of the room. As a rule, such devices with the function of air purification and ionization are called purifier-ionizer.

Modern ionizer cleaners use five types of filters:

  • Electrostatic filtersmetal grill, charged positively and negatively. Dust passing through the grate becomes positively charged and settles on an element with a negative charge. This filter is durable and does not require replacement. To maintain normal functioning, it must be periodically washed with water. An electrostatic filter effectively cleans the room from tobacco smoke, so it is rational to use devices with this type of filter in places where there is a lot of smoking. In rooms where there is no smoking, it is not recommended to use devices with an electrostatic filter, since during operation it emits ozone, which is harmful to humans, and is neutralized by tobacco smoke.
  • HEPA filters– perfectly purify the air from various suspended particles and allergens, being the most effective and safe types of filters. However, HEPA filters must be replaced with new ones every 3 to 6 months.
  • Photocatalytic filters- the most effective and expensive filters that purify the air due to the effect of ultraviolet radiation on particles suspended in it. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, harmful particles in the air disintegrate and settle on the filter. Photocatalytic filters need to be replaced once every 2 to 5 years, depending on the degree of contamination of the room.
  • Carbon filters– they eliminate unpleasant odors well, effectively trap large particles suspended in the air, but very poorly capture light compounds. Therefore, the carbon filter is ineffective, and it also needs to be replaced every 3 to 9 months.
  • Strainer– is a fine mesh and is designed to clean the air from large particles such as wool, sand, etc. The mesh filter has the lowest efficiency, but it does not need to be replaced, but should simply be washed periodically with water.

Good ionizer purifiers, as a rule, are equipped with several types of filters installed in series, which allows you to capture almost all harmful substances contained in the air. To purify and ionize air in regions with a high degree of pollution, it is recommended to choose devices equipped with electrostatic and carbon filters. For rooms with medium and low levels of pollution, devices with HEPA filters are optimal. If it is necessary to achieve a certain level of sterility in a room, eliminating not only harmful impurities from the air, but also destroying bacteria and viruses, then devices with photocatalytic filters should be used.

Devices equipped only with carbon or mesh filters can act solely as additional, and not primary, due to their low efficiency.

The benefits and harms of an air ionizer

The benefits of air ionizers are undoubted, since the air ions they produce give the surrounding atmosphere of the room properties similar to the air of a mountain or seaside resort. That is, thanks to the ionizer, a person can breathe every day better air without going to the mountains, the sea, the forest or just the countryside.

A modern air ionizer has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Improves overall well-being;
  • Increases the body's resistance to various diseases;
  • Reduces overall morbidity;
  • Eliminates fatigue;
  • Increases performance and concentration;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Eliminates insomnia;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood microcirculation;
  • Improves mood;
  • Eliminates hypoxia;
  • Improves the condition and enhances the effectiveness of treatment in people suffering from allergies, mild pneumonia, mild asthma or bronchitis, as well as inactive tuberculosis;
  • Increases the amount of oxygen delivered to tissues;
  • Accelerates and normalizes metabolism;
  • Prevents malignant neoplasms;
  • Neutralizes the negative impact of electrical appliances (TV, computer, etc.).
In addition, the ionizer cleans the air from tobacco smoke, dust, unpleasant odors, resins, pollen, wool, fungal spores, and also destroys viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Air purification by an ionizer from the above impurities occurs due to the fact that part of the free electrons emitted by the device captures not oxygen molecules, but particles suspended in the air, depositing them on any surfaces in the room. However, such purification of indoor air from impurities, in addition to its benefits, creates an additional condition for using the device - mandatory wet cleaning 1 - 2 hours after the ionizer has finished operating. It is imperative to do wet cleaning to remove dust with pathogenic microbes that has settled on the walls, furniture and ceiling. Some people prefer to do wet cleaning before turning on the device, which is also possible.

Unfortunately, In addition to their undoubted beneficial properties, air ionizers can also cause harm. Thus, with frequent and prolonged use of ionizers in a room, the level of static electricity, as a result of which touching any surface will cause an electric shock (the same as when touching a refrigerator that “breaks through”). In addition, a large amount of dust from the air settles in the room, which will have to be constantly washed out, otherwise after a few months of using the ionizer, the ceiling, walls and furniture within a radius of 1 - 2 m from the device will acquire a dirty, black color that will be very difficult to wash.

The ionizer can also cause harm if there are people in very dusty rooms while it is operating. In this case, dust along with air ions will be inhaled by a person and penetrate deep into the lungs. However, this harmful effect of the ionizer can be easily eliminated by simply leaving the dusty room while the device is operating. It is very harmful to smoke in a room where the air ionizer is working, since this will lead to the accumulation of all the harmful tars of tobacco directly in the throat, which will cause an inflammatory process such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. Therefore, if a person smokes, he should do this with the ionizer turned off, and turn on the device after smoking a cigarette to quickly eliminate the unpleasant odor.

An air ionizer can be harmful to people who are sick and have a high body temperature. In such situations, the device can provoke an even stronger increase in temperature and short-term deterioration of the condition, but in the end the person will recover faster than usual. That is, this negative effect of the device can also be completely neutralized if you simply do not turn on the ionizer during the period of illness.

An air ionizer is also certainly harmful for people who have recently suffered a heart attack, suffer from depression, chronic diseases of the central nervous system (migraines, cerebrovascular accidents), severe pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma with frequent attacks, rheumatoid arthritis or malignant neoplasms. For all of these diseases, the ionizer is harmful because it can accelerate metabolism, which will lead to aggravation of the pathology.

Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate that the ionizer can be used for children from one month. However, doctors are not so optimistic on this issue and recommend not using the device for children under 3 years of age.

Air ionizers: health hazards (unipolar and bipolar) - video

Useful and harmful air ionizers - video

Recommendations and contraindications for the use of air ionizers

  • Acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • Silicosis and anthracosis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers and burns;
  • Functional disorders of the nervous system;
  • "Display" disease;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Postpartum and post-abortion endometritis;
  • Gynecological diseases.
However, the use of ionizers in the treatment of the above diseases should be under the supervision of a physiotherapist or rehabilitation specialist, who will prescribe sessions of inhalation of air ions of the required duration, concentration and frequency. Independent use of devices for these diseases may not only not improve the course of the disease, but may also worsen it.

The use of air ionizers is contraindicated for people who suffer from the following diseases or conditions:

  • Bronchial asthma with frequent attacks;
  • The simultaneous presence of hypertension, as well as pathologies of the kidneys and heart;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Sclerosis of the blood vessels of the brain or heart;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Pneumonia with complications;
  • Severe emphysema;
  • Severe exhaustion of the body;
  • Recent myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • Chronic diseases of the central nervous system (migraines, cerebrovascular accidents, etc.);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Individual intolerance to ionized air;
  • Postoperative period;
  • The presence of people in the room suffering from respiratory diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

Operating parameters of air ionizers

In order to have a good understanding of the types of air ionizers and choose the optimal device for use, you need to know the basic parameters that reflect the operation of the device.

Negative ion concentration. This parameter reflects the number of air ions produced by the device per unit volume of air and is given in the form of ions/cm 3 . The passports for devices always indicate the concentration of ions at a distance of 1 m from the ionizer. That is, the figure given in the instructions means that at a distance of 1 m from the device in 1 cubic centimeter of air there are so many negative air ions. The minimum permissible concentration of ions produced by the ionizer must be no less than 1000 ions/cm 3 and no more than 50,000 ions/cm 3 . If the device’s passport indicates an ion concentration of less than 1000 ions/cm 3, then you should not buy it - it is a low-quality, useless product. If the ion concentration is more than 50,000 ions/cm 3, then this device is not for household preventive use, but for medicinal use in a medical facility.

Ionizers with an ion concentration of 15,000/cm 3 are optimally suited for household and office use, since this number of particles allows one to achieve the best effect. However, most modern ionizers produce an ion concentration of 5000 ions/cm 3 at a distance of 1 m from the device, which is also not bad.

Voltage at the ionizer emitter. This parameter is measured in kV (kiloVolt). Devices for household and office use must have a voltage at the ionizer emitter within the range of 20 - 30 kV. If the device emitter is supplied with a voltage below 20 kV or this parameter is not indicated at all in the ionizer’s passport, then it is completely useless and is not worth purchasing. The fact is that the constant and stable formation of negatively charged oxygen ions occurs at a minimum voltage of 10 - 16 kV, but for reliable operation of the device this parameter must be at least 20 kV.

If the device passport indicates a voltage at the emitter of more than 30 kV, then it is better to refrain from purchasing such an ionizer, since it will produce too many air ions, which can negatively affect a person’s well-being.

Ionization area. This parameter is measured in square meters and reflects the area of ​​the room that can be filled with a sufficient number of air ions. This parameter is very conditional and ambiguous, as it reflects largest area, which the device can fill with air ions. But the concentration of negative ions at different points in such a room will be different. Thus, the maximum concentration of ions will be at a distance of 1 m from the device, and the minimum will be at the opposite wall. Since there is such an uneven distribution of air ions throughout the room, the instructions for high-quality devices must necessarily contain a graph of the dependence of the concentration of negative ions on the distance from the device.

Effective ionization area. This parameter is necessary for the therapeutic use of air ionization. It reflects the area of ​​the room in which a concentration of negative ions of 20,000 ions/cm 3 is created.

Ionizer operating modes. These parameters reflect the time during which the device can operate without interruption, as well as various options for setting up the ionizer. For example, in many modern ionizers you can select continuous or pulsed operation modes of the device. In the first case, the ionizer will work constantly, and in the second, it will turn off at certain intervals, then turn on again, etc. In addition, the blower system can operate at different intensities, which will ensure faster or slower distribution of negative ions throughout the room.

There are also adjustable and unregulated ionizers. For adjustable ones, you can change the voltage on the emitter and thereby increase or decrease the concentration of negative ions in the air created by the device. In unregulated ionizers, the ion concentration cannot be changed.

Ionizer size. This is a very important parameter, since the distance from the emitter to the output of the network cable must be at least 20 centimeters. If this distance is less, then the voltage at the emitter is usually too low to effectively produce negative ions and, accordingly, the entire device is useless. In more rare cases, when the distance from the emitter to the output of the power cable is less than 20 cm, the required voltage is supplied to the electrodes, but in this case the device produces not only useful air ions, but also chemical compounds that are very harmful to humans, such as ozone, hydroperoxide, etc. d. Thus, it is obvious that the size of the ionizer cannot be less than 30 - 35 cm.

Instructions for using an air ionizer (general provisions)

Before using any device, you should carefully study the instructions in order to know all the possible nuances and rules for using the ionizer. IN general view The rules for operating the ionizer are simple: after turning on the device, go to another room for 10–15 minutes, then return and breathe air filled with air ions for 20–50 minutes. During the period of active inhalation of ions, you should not open the window, since they are easily carried away by a draft.

In addition, despite differences in nuances, all ionizers have similar operating rules that must be followed:

  • After each session of turning on the device, wet cleaning should be done;
  • Smoking is prohibited in the room where the ionizer is working;
  • Do not use the device at a relative air humidity of more than 80%;
  • The filters of the device should be washed or replaced with new ones in a timely manner;
  • Ionizers should be protected from moisture, shocks and falls;
  • Do not place flammable or explosive objects near the ionizer;
  • Do not place paper napkins, clothing or other similar things on the ionizer body;
  • People who are hypersensitive to ozone should not be in the room while the ionizer is operating;
  • During operation of the device, you should be at a distance of at least 1 - 1.5 m from it;
  • The ionizer should not be left in operation for a period exceeding the recommended operating time;
  • It is optimal to turn on the device every day for 20 - 50 minutes, inhaling air ions, then turn off the device until the next session;
  • In rooms with insufficient ventilation, the device should be turned on several times a day for short periods of time (no more than 20 minutes);
  • It is not recommended to leave the ionizer on all night;
  • The air ionizer should not be used in rooms where children under 1 month are located;
  • Do not leave the device turned on for a long time;
  • Turn off the device if you feel unwell, as this may be a symptom of an excess of air ions;
  • Regularly ventilate the premises well.

Air ionizer for an apartment (selection rules)

To saturate the air of an apartment with aeroions, electroeffluvial (for example, Elion 132Sh, Elion 132, Elion Retro, Elion 132S, Aeroion 25, Effluvion-02, Istion-M, ION25, Snezhinka, etc.) and corona-discharge ionizers (devices from Maxion, Neo- Tec Vitek, Boneco, Air Comfort (AIC), Chung Pung, ATMOS, SuperPlus and Yantar), so you should choose one of these types of devices. When choosing between these two types of devices, it is recommended to use a simple criterion - Will there be smoking in the room where the ionizer is planned to be used? If you will be smoking indoors, it is better to purchase a corona discharge ionizer - in addition to oxygen air ions, it produces ozone, which quickly and effectively neutralizes tobacco smoke, eliminating and bad smell, and harmful particles from the air. If you do not plan to smoke indoors, then it is better to choose an electroeffluvial type ionizer, which is safer than corona discharge ones, since it does not emit ozone. If it is not possible to select an electroeffluvial ionizer with the desired other characteristics, then you can replace it with a corona discharge ionizer with a HEPA filter (for example, Neo Tec XJ-2200, Neo Tec XJ-3000C, Smower - Multi Action, AIC KJF-20B06, AIC XJ -3000C, AIC XJ-3500, AIC XJ-2200, Maxion DL-135, Maxion DL-132, Atmos Maxi 200, Atmos Maxi 112, Boneco Air-O-Swiss 2071, Boneco P2261, etc.) - such a filter traps harmful ozone and prevents it from entering the indoor air.

In addition, when using a corona ionizer in rooms where people smoke, safety precautions must be observed to avoid increasing the negative effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory tract. So, directly while smoking, you need to keep the device turned off so that all the harmful tars of tobacco are not deposited on the mucous membrane of the throat along with air ions. To remove the smell of cigarettes and harmful particles of tobacco smoke, you need to turn on the device for literally 7 - 10 minutes, after leaving the room. Being in a room filled with tobacco smoke with a corona discharge ionizer turned on will cause all the harmful substances of tobacco to settle on the mucous membrane of the throat. That is why, in order to avoid the deposition of large amounts of tobacco tar on the mucous membrane of the throat, you need to turn on the ionizer to purify the air when there are no people in the room. The ionizer cleans the air of tobacco smoke very quickly - literally in 7 - 10 minutes; leaving the room for such a short period of time will not be difficult.

Having chosen the type of ionizer - electroeffluvial or corona discharge, you should proceed to selecting a device based on other characteristics that best suit your needs. So, next, to select an ionizer, you should first think about Is there a lot of electrical equipment in the room where you plan to use the device? If there are more than two electrical appliances in the room, then you should choose among unipolar ionizers (almost all devices available on the market, with the exception of Yantar ionizers), which emit a large number of only negative ions that can effectively neutralize and balance the positive ions abundantly emitted by any operating equipment ( computer, TV, iron, etc.). If there are few electrical appliances in the room (less than 2), then bipolar ionizers (products from NPF Yantar), which simultaneously produce both positive and negative ions, will be optimal for such a room, as a result of which there will be a balance of air ions of both charges in the air. Thus, bipolar ionizers are better suited for bedrooms and children’s rooms, and unipolar type devices are optimal for the living room and kitchen.

The next parameter that must be taken into account when choosing an air ionizer is area of ​​the room for which the device is designed. If we are talking about electroeffluvial ionizers, then it is recommended to choose devices that are designed for an area corresponding to the area of ​​the room or slightly exceeding it (no more than 5 m2). If a corona discharge ionizer is selected, it is recommended to choose devices designed for a slightly smaller area compared to the actual area of ​​the room.

The third very important parameter that also needs to be taken into account when choosing an ionizer is active or passive type of air ion propagation. In ionizers with a passive type of ion propagation (all electroeffluvial ionizers and some corona discharge ionizers) there are no blowers or fans that help distribute air ions throughout the room, creating a more or less uniform concentration in different parts of the room. Accordingly, when using passive ionizers, the majority of useful ions accumulate at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from the device, where you should stand in order to inhale enriched and high-quality air. But passive type ionizers have a very big advantage - they operate completely silently. Therefore, if it is very important that the device operates silently, then you should opt for passive ionizers.

Active ionizers are devices equipped with blowers or fans, thanks to which the generated air ions are distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the room, rather than accumulating near the ionizer. Such ionizers are generally better than passive ones, since they allow all people in the room to inhale beneficial air ions, regardless of how far they are from the device. However, all active ionizers operate with some degree of noise generated by the blower or built-in fan.

The fourth parameter that is important when choosing an ionizer is concentration of ions produced. For household use For health and preventive purposes, ionizers producing 10,000 - 20,000 ions/cm 3 are optimal. Devices that produce less than 5000 ions/cm 3 are not worth purchasing, as they are useless and ineffective. Devices producing more than 50,000 ions/cm 3 have a therapeutic effect, they are recommended to be used only under the supervision and according to the recommendations of a doctor, and not at home for health-improving and preventive procedures.

Also, when choosing a device, you should pay attention to duration of continuous operation and voltage at the emitter, since these parameters will help weed out low-quality ionizers. Thus, for high-quality ionizers, the continuous operation time should be long (several hours), and the voltage at the emitter should be 20 - 30 kV. If the continuous operating time is short and the voltage at the emitter is less than 18 kV or more than 32 kV, then such devices are of poor quality, and, therefore, useless and ineffective.

If a person wants to purchase not just an ionizer, but an ionizer- cleaner, then you should pay attention to types of filters that the device is equipped with. The best are devices with photocatalytic filters (for example, Atmos-Maxi Ice, Atmos Maxi 111, AIC AIRCOMFORT GH-2152, AIC GH-2130, AIC XJ-2200), but, at the same time, ionizer-purifiers with such filters are also the most expensive. HEPA type filters are somewhat inferior to photocatalytic filters, but they are significantly cheaper. Therefore, air ionizers with HEPA type filters (for example, Neo Tec XJ-2200, Neo Tec XJ-3000C, Smower - Multi Action, AIC KJF-20B06, AIC XJ-3000C, AIC XJ-3500, AIC XJ-2200, Maxion DL- 135, Maxion DL-132, Atmos Maxi 200, Atmos Maxi 112, Boneco Air-O-Swiss 2071, Boneco P2261, etc.) are rightfully considered optimal in terms of price/quality ratio, because they provide excellent air purification and are quite affordable by price.

Economy-class ionizer-purifiers are equipped with electrostatic filters, which are relatively cheap, but at the same time quite effective. Of course, their efficiency is lower than that of HEPA and photocatalytic filters, but at the same time it is quite sufficient to effectively clean the air from harmful impurities in residential and work areas. In addition, electrostatic filters do not need to be replaced; simply wash them with water as needed and they will work perfectly again. Due to these features, ionizer-purifiers with electrostatic filters are the most popular and affordable devices. Currently, most economy-class ionizer-purifiers from various companies are equipped with electrostatic filters, for example, Super-Plus-Eco C, Super-Plus Turbo, Super-Plus Bio, Atmos-Life, Atmos Pro, Neo Tec XJ-2100, Boneco Air-O-Swiss 2055D, AIC XJ-2000, AIC XJ-201, AIC XJ-1100, AIC XJ-110, AIC AIRCOMFORT XJ-205, AIC XJ-2100, Maxion LTK-288, Maxion DL-140, Maxion DL -130, Maxion DL-139, Maxion DL-133, Maxion DL-105, etc.

It should be taken into account that the passports for all corona discharge type ionizers must indicate amount of ozone released, which should not be higher than 0.01 ppm or 0.1 mg/m3. If this indicator is not indicated or is more than 0.01 ppm, then the device should not be purchased, since it will emit too much ozone, which will poison the human body.

Air ionizer for a car (selection rules and types)

Air ionizers for cars in their fundamental characteristics are no different from ordinary household ones intended for apartments, offices and other premises. However, car ionizers are smaller and are usually powered from the cigarette lighter.

Today, the most popular and high-quality car ionizers are devices from Maxion, such as Maxion CP-338, Maxion Airvita CarVita-2S, etc. Ionizers with a built-in fan that distributes ions throughout the cabin are optimal for a car.

The best air ionizers

Unfortunately, it is impossible to choose just a few of the best ionizers without reference to where they work, for what purposes they are used, and other circumstances. Therefore, we will look at which ionizers are the best in relation to certain purposes of their application and operating features.

So, if the air ionizer is purchased for the office, then the best devices will be those that produce a very large number of ions (approximately 100,000 ions/cm 3), do not require constant replacement of components (that is, with electrostatic filters that just need to be washed with water), equipped with blowers or fans and ultraviolet lamps. Ionizer-cleaners with HEPA or photocatalytic filters are not needed for the office, since they are used for daily wet cleaning and there is no need to capture fine dust. Thus, taking into account the above, the best ionizers for offices are the following devices - Atmos Pro, Neo Tec XJ-2100, Neo Tec XJ-2200, Boneco Air-O-Swiss 2055D, AIC XJ-1100, AIC AIRCOMFORT GH-2152, AIC AIRCOMFORT XJ-210, AIC AIRCOMFORT GH-2156, Maxion LTK-288, Maxion DL-140, Maxion DL-130, Maxion DL-139, Maxion DL-133, Maxion DL-105. Among those listed, the best are devices from ATMOS and AIC.

If office space located in a polluted and dirty city, then if you have the financial opportunity, you can replace ionizers with electrostatic filters with devices with HEPA filters. Such devices must also emit a large number of ions, have an ultraviolet lamp and a fan. Devices with HEPA filters are more expensive and require filter replacement, but provide better air purification. The best ionizers for offices with the specified characteristics and HEPA filters are the following: Neo Tec XJ-2200, Neo Tec XJ-3000C, Atmos Maxi 200, Smower - Multi Action, AIC XJ-3000C, AIC XJ-3500, Maxion DL-135, Maxion DL-132. Among those listed, the best ionizers for offices are devices from ATMOS, AIC and Maxion.

When it comes to ionizers for apartments, then here it is also possible to highlight the best devices only in different categories. So, if it is necessary to perform daily sessions of aeroion therapy, that is, if you plan to use the ionizer as a physiotherapeutic device with a health-prophylactic effect, the best would be the usual electroeffluvial bipolar designs from Yantar (Yantar 5K, Yantar 5M, etc.). If the ionizer is planned to be used to neutralize harmful radiation electrical appliances, then the best for this purpose are unipolar electroeffluvial devices (for example, Effluvion-02, Elion, Istion-M, etc.). It is recommended to place such ionizers in a room with a large number of electrical appliances and turn them on 1–4 times a day for 10–15 minutes, leaving the room while the device is operating.

If your apartment requires an ionizer that can be turned on for a long time and breathe quality air, then the best devices will be the ionizer-purifier type. Such devices not only ionize, but also purify the air, eliminating harmful impurities suspended in it. In addition, ionizer-cleaners make it possible not to do wet cleaning every time after turning on the device - they capture dust and dirt from the air and deposit it on their filters, rather than causing it to fall out on walls, furniture, ceilings, floors and other nearby surfaces with ionizer.

Without a doubt, the best ionizer purifiers for apartments are devices with photocatalytic or HEPA filters. An ultraviolet lamp, in principle, is not needed and is even harmful, because the air in an apartment does not need to be disinfected and sterilized, since, unlike an office, there is a small number of people in it. In addition, we believe that the best devices for an apartment will be devices with the “ionic wind” operating principle, that is, without blowers. The following devices correspond to the specified characteristics of the best ionizers for an apartment with HEPA filters - Smower - Multi Action, AIC KJF-20B06, AIC XJ-2200, Maxion DL-132, Atmos Maxi 112, etc. Of course, the best among those listed are ATMOS devices and AIC. Maxion devices are somewhat inferior to the best, since they have an ultraviolet lamp and are generally lower class. The best ionizer-cleaners for apartments with photocatalytic filters are the following devices: Atmos-Maxi Ice, Atmos Maxi 111, AIC AIRCOMFORT GH-2152, AIC GH-2130, AIC XJ-2200.

Ionizer-cleaners with an electrostatic filter are not bad, but they are not the best for apartments, although the most devices with this type of filter are manufactured.

In general, it seems to us that the best ionizers are devices from ATMOS, which are manufactured in Germany and approved for use at facilities of the Russian Ministry of Defense.