Repair of Swiss and Moscow entrances to residential buildings. How to make your entrance exemplary: five tips from the building manager

Let's look at the approaches to it in Moscow and Swiss cities. Many people ask me, why Switzerland? Because in terms of the level of comfort, infrastructure achievements, and high standards of quality of life, it is difficult to find any other place. Very important point is that these are honest achievements, since we are talking about standards for the entire country and its inhabitants. Therefore, I will try to cover ordinary housing. This article applies not only to Moscow, but also to all other cities of the Russian Federation and other countries. The question is not about money, but about the approach and what we want to achieve as a result.
This article is a continuation "Entrances, courtyards and visual housing and communal services in the Zurich Metropolis, as bright and good example Moscow."

Let's not waste time and look at the level, quality and technology of renovation of the second decade of the 21st century in Moscow entrances. Let's start with the entrance.

Switzerland. Entrance to the most ordinary house far beyond the boundaries of large and wealthy cities. A factory-made door in a serious enterprise with modern technologies and materials. Everything is thought out here. The handle is made of stainless steel, which means it is durable and does not need to be painted. It is large, vandal-proof, it is securely fastened, it is impossible to break it. That is, this handle is designed specifically for the front door in apartment building. And she looks chic with her minimalist style.

The larva is covered with an armor plate. The door, although metal, has glass. Modern approaches It has long been possible to make a completely glass door from impenetrable glass. At the same time, the approach will acquire a feeling of elegance and openness. Pay attention to the floor - granite covering. It is granite that is an eternal material, unlike various tiles that are actively used in Moscow for finishing everything - the entrances of residential buildings, facades, and finishing porches. The tile is used for interior works only a few mm thick. And this is in our climate. It’s no wonder that Moscow today is full of falling tiles, which first crumble and then fall off in pieces or entirely. What's good about a renovation like this? Why can’t we learn thoroughness from the Swiss, because we once had it too?

Inside, a familiar picture awaits us. A sea of ​​hanging wires, crooked walls, worn-out staircase steps, etc. This entrance, like many others, is under renovation. What is it? Closing entrance doors, puttying, painting, possible replacement of mailboxes. Part of the top is already painted.

This is what putty looks like. It’s better not to do it in this form at all. Definitely, if you take on this task, you first need to make the geometry of the room, align the walls, make right angles. That's what Rotband is for. Next you need to fill it with finishing putty. It must be applied completely to the entire surface to be painted, which is why it is white. Maybe at least the paint is good?

Unfortunately no. Would anyone really buy this for their home? There is Caparol, Dulux and even better - beautiful, high-quality, durable and clean paint. The colors are also terrible. But you just can’t mix paint like this good color, it initially cannot convey it, unlike German or English.

The entrance doors were closed during painting, but what about the rest? What to do with this now, as well as with the accuracy of painting work in general?

But, of course, it was necessary to start with a project, with engineering communications. All this mess needs to be cleaned up. And this is in every home. Nobody wants to care about the appearance of the place where they live. How to fix? To do this, make grooves and run wiring in the corrugations. This is how it is usually done. Let's say the building is exceptional, but you can at least make one box under the ceiling, and then cover it with plasterboard and paint it. And put small wires in grooves. Another problem is dim light. It’s not even possible to humanly remove such an entrance.

It’s interesting that any good transformation begins with the fact that you need to throw out everything unnecessary - some physically, and some visually hidden, like with wiring.

This is a Swiss entrance. There is ideal geometry, neatly painted walls (of course, with high-quality paint and more than one layer). The steps and floor are paved with granite tiles. Such an entrance will serve for decades, and the repair will consist of just repainting the walls and it will always look fantastic, that’s what we should strive for))). Do you see the wires here? Of course, they do not exist, cannot and should not exist. The disadvantage is the lack of handrails.
It is possible to assume that this new house, but in the old ones it’s different. Let's get a look.

The house is very old and does not belong to the category of luxury housing, but everything here is as it should be. The geometry of the walls is correct, the staircase is carefully painted (when painting, each old layer is carefully removed so that there is no sandwich from a dozen other layers), of course, there are no wires on the walls and ceilings, as well as traces of repairs in the form of smudges and surfaces stained with paint.

Entrance to the entrance of another house. Transparent doors (once there were such in the USSR...), clean, simple and tidy.

Many attentive readers may have noticed old mailboxes. The maximum that they face is replacement with these, “new models” made according to the standards of... the 1920s.

Isn't there any other way? Can.

In a good way, it should be like this, if this is really the second decade of the 21st century...

These mailboxes are made in Switzerland from aluminum. By the way, a significant amount of raw materials for Swiss industry are extracted from garbage, so that they can then make such wonderful things for their infrastructure. In order to master this production, you need to master aluminum extrusion. But then you can make trolleybuses after the boxes, which they do with success (about them in my previous articles about HESS AG). What is the problem with taking a license and launching such production here? Aluminum is a durable material, it does not need to be painted, it is always pleasing to the eye, and the drawers close as nicely as the doors of expensive cars. Of course, drawers are the very last thing to repair, because first you need to deal with other problems.

Let's look at an example of the renovation of one of the entrances in Switzerland.

Condition before renovation. Let's see the details.

Kids, just like ours, love to vandalize. Not very successful attempts to paint over the inscriptions are visible (the Swiss are lucky, unlike Moscow, they have not yet learned to paint over even granite surfaces instead of washing them). The elevator is in a sad state. This is an old model without internal closing doors from the Swiss Schlieren factory. Today the plant no longer exists, it went bankrupt and today there is only one elevator manufacturer in the country - Schindler. Together with the German TyssenKrupp, these 2 factories are today the best manufacturers of elevator equipment in the world! We need to take a license and build such factories in the Russian Federation. This is what you need to think about first.
More about Schindler

Let's see the details. We see that the wall covering is the so-called “fur coat”. Just not the old one, but the new generation. Carefully executed, impeccable work. Such a fur coat allows you to maximally protect the walls from minor damage and abrasion. With friction, only the upper “pebbles” are erased, that is, the wall generally retains its appearance. The Swiss chose the cutest type of fur coat.

There is granite on the floor, it is as easy as possible to clean, and on the side we can see a well-laid border, of course, without paint smudges. The rule “clean where there is no litter” does not always work, since I would like to emphasize once again that such a floor and conditions will always promote cleanliness, since cleaning is most effective even with minimal effort.

I would like to compare the budgets of Moscow and Geneva as an example. Of course, the comparison is efficiency, not total amounts - how much per 100,000 inhabitants.

Moscow 11"600"000 citizens - CHF 49"780 Mio (USD 52,400 Mio) = 429 Mio for 100"000 citizens
Geneve 200"000 citizens - CHF 1"100 Mio = 550 Mio for 100"000 citizens

That is, in francs 429 million in Moscow versus 550 in Geneva. Considering the huge difference in minimum wages, as well as the most severe conditions and standards of Switzerland, one thing can be said - money does not buy happiness))). Everything can be done with any budget, if there is a desire.

Not every one of us is lucky enough to live in a clean and well-kept entrance. Shabby walls scrawled with curses, scattered leaflets and free newspapers, bad smell in elevators have become a sad norm these days.

But everything is in our hands! You just need to respect each other, not litter, and the dull appearance of the walls can easily be turned into a real work of art by painting the walls with bright colors with your own hands, resorting to the help of professionals and ordering graffiti at the entrance, or simply painting it with high quality.

Among your neighbors, there will probably be active people who are ready to help transform their entrance. After all, few people are delighted with the dirty and disfigured appearance of the walls, which they have to “enjoy” every day on the way to their apartment.

To decorate the staircase you don’t need to make incredible efforts. The minimal contribution of each resident to the common cause will change your entrance beyond recognition.

After volunteer helpers have been found, it is necessary to enlist the support of the management company. It is she who is responsible for the condition and appearance entrance.

Once consent has been received, you can get down to business. Find out, maybe one of the residents of the house is a good painter, but what if a real artist lives right above you?

Drawings can be of completely different themes: natural landscapes, heroes of children's fairy tales, forest dwellers, beautiful sea nymphs and much more. As soon as colorful images appear on the walls of the staircase, people will stop littering and damaging common property in the stairwell - a time-tested law.

And how happy the little residents of the house will be, dreaming of settling in fairy tale! If you are not sure that you can bring all your wildest ideas to life, you can order professional decoration of the entrance using graffiti techniques.

Graffiti art – painting entrances

Graffiti artists from special agencies have nothing in common with vandals who spoil all the surfaces they come across, scattering them with incomprehensible signs and words, although their style is certainly similar.

Graffiti masters will be able not only to draw beautifully, but also to breathe life into a unique picture.

Decorating walls with graffiti has a number of significant advantages.

  1. Beautiful image.

You can choose any design you like: undersea world, starry sky, picturesque nature landscapes and more.

  1. Quick application.

A drawing created using graffiti dries instantly, so creating a whole masterpiece does not require much time. And this is a significant advantage over conventional drawing techniques.

  1. Suitable for all surfaces.

Aerosol paint is extremely unpretentious, it fits perfectly on enamel, varnish and any unevenness, which cannot be said about its competitor - water-based paint.

  1. Cheapness.

The method of covering walls with graffiti is much cheaper than the services of classical artists using paint. In addition, agencies specializing in graffiti usually offer discounts for entryways for the simplicity of the design.

If your neighbors are quite passive people and it is difficult to organize them to jointly decorate the entrance, do not be discouraged. Feel free to invite artists to paint your own floor, and all residents, seeing such beauty, will definitely join in and ask to decorate their space accordingly.

DIY wall painting

The easiest option to improve the appearance of the entrance walls is to paint them. Of course, you can contact the management company and listen to endless excuses about the lack of funds, but, as practice shows, it is better to save your time and restore order and beauty in your home yourself.

Give the walls decent looking can be done using paint or whitewash. It is better to decide which option to choose at a general meeting of residents of your building.

Whitewashing will cost several times less, but this option will quickly lose its appearance and will require periodic updating. In addition, if you accidentally touch the wall, you will have to wash it off for a long time.

Therefore, it is better to choose paint, a method that is more expensive, but durable.

The next step is to choose the right paint.

It must meet the following requirements:

  • high ductility (paint with this characteristic easily tolerates sharp fluctuations temperatures, does not crack and does not lag behind the walls even in the absence of heating);
  • ease of application (you should use only those types for which a roller is sufficient);
  • lack of sharp unpleasant odor(residents of nearby apartments should not experience any inconvenience);
  • dry quickly (otherwise all visitors to the entrance risk not only accidentally getting dirty, but also ruining the work already done);
  • fits perfectly on any surface and material, hiding construction irregularities.

All these requirements are met water-based paints. They are easy to use, suitable for any surface and are sold at a reasonable price. Their only drawback is the small range of colors.

Today, the paint and varnish market produces special additives that give the desired shade and color saturation when added immediately before painting.

For a fresh, updated look in the entrance, you need to paint not only the walls, but also the floor. Floor paint should have a slightly different set of properties, the main ones being high strength and resistance to external influences. Often the same paint is used to cover the floor as for painting the roofing of roofs.

The floors in the hallways are either wooden or concrete. There will be no problems with wooden ones; any coloring agent will be suitable for them, except water-based emulsion. But still, in most cases, the floors in the entrance are made of concrete. How to choose the right paint for them?

Paints for concrete floors:

  • acrylic - easy to prepare for work and looks great;
  • latex - has a number of advantages: it dries quickly, is suitable for any surface, demonstrates increased moisture resistance, but is more expensive and not suitable for low temperatures (below - 15).

Residents of the entrance choose the paint color for the walls and floor together.


After purchasing the paint, you can start working. It is desirable that all neighbors contribute a piece of their labor to the common cause: one will help with advice, another will bring a roller, the third will happily take on the main work.

Immediately before painting, it is necessary to perform a number of preparatory actions:

  • clean part of the walls from old dirt;
  • put away old paint spatula;
  • fill uneven areas of the walls.

If there are uneven remains of plaster on the walls of the entrance, you will have to remove them with a hammer.

All together, you will quickly put your house in order, and in the future, perhaps, you will even be able to take part in a competition for the title of the neatest and most beautiful entrance.

Whatever decoration option you choose: graffiti, artistic drawings or regular painting, the result will definitely please the big and small residents of the house and will pleasantly surprise random guests.

And the bright colors will give you a great mood even on the most cloudy and dreary autumn day!

The ransom is an interesting wedding tradition that has its roots in the deep past. The groom's thorny path to his beloved often begins at the entrance of a high-rise building: unfortunately, shabby and painted walls look far from festive, so the issue of decoration is more relevant than ever. How to decorate the entrance before the ransom? - let's figure it out.

Decoration of the entrance to the wedding entrance

A gloomy and unpleasant metal door will not put anyone in a good mood; it is often decorated with unpleasant inscriptions and strange paintings by courtyard artists, so your task is to bring the entrance into a divine appearance. The easiest way is balloons; you can use them to make intricate compositions or simply hang them in a chaotic manner. It is recommended to use no more than 3 colors.

Another thing is holiday posters and paper applications. Cheap and cheerful. These can be floral ornaments, funny collages, photoshops, a code of rules for the groom, and wish poems. You can also use colored crayons, but swear to your neighbors that you will wash everything off.

You shouldn’t be too zealous, your task is banal: to hide the dirt and lack of repairs and at the same time create a minimal ambiance. Further more!

Entrance steps

Of course, no one has the right to demand a red carpet from you, but if you have come up with tests during which the groom will have to come into contact with the floor, at least cover it with homespun rugs, which are not needed in the house, and it would be a pity to throw it away. You can also use light, cheap fabric for these purposes.

Applications made from paper or foil also look stylish: hearts, daisies, stars, small confetti, etc.! Inexpensive, but interesting way transform boring gray steps.

You can decorate the stairs with stencil designs, rose petals, and burning candles. Lay out funny quests, wishes and signs, arrange floral arrangements: even ordinary plants in pots will give the stairs a completely different look.

If the bride lives high up, the elevator will also need to be decorated: even minimal decor from balloons And artificial plants will give it a well-groomed look. If the walls look really creepy, you can stick strips of wallpaper using double-sided tape: but the bride won’t have to worry about the safety of her outfit.

Decorating the staircase railing

Most often, railings are decorated with light fabrics, artificial flowers, and colorful balloons. You can make your own paper garlands, hang satin ribbons and bows. Additional accessories include electric garlands, banners, LED strips, but such equipment cannot be called cheap, and it is unlikely to be worth it.

pay attention to color scheme, best options - pastel shades With bright accents, which will not irritate the eye.

How to decorate the walls of a wedding entrance

All kinds of collages will look great: comic drawings, congratulations, funny parting words: they are easily attached with double-sided tape and do not spoil the surface of the wall.

You can also experiment with photographs of the newlyweds: make a garland of drawings, starting with children’s ones and ending with joint ones. In computer editors, go a little crazy: for example, try on unusual images or attach the heads of newlyweds to the bodies of fairy-tale creatures.

If you know an artist, that’s great; he can design the wedding newspaper. You can cut out the initials or names of the newlyweds, words of congratulations from colored cardboard, make funny garlands (from old wallpaper, postcards, newspapers), the shape can be arbitrary - from crescents and rings to flags and angels. At least cut out the bats! - as long as it matches the style of the buyout.

The bride's door is decorated with balloons, flowers, and ribbons. You can make a beautiful wreath from branches or wildflowers, or make an unusual arch. You can place figures of the bride and groom made from balloons on the landing, and later use them to decorate the banquet hall. On the window sills landing put flowers in pots.

It happens that jewelry may not be useful at all if the groom happens to be particularly creative. For example, like this:

Be that as it may, the process of decorating the entrance itself should not be complicated or cause a lot of trouble. There is no need to decorate it with greenhouse flowers or exquisite figurines: everything should be simple, cute and tasteful!

Our home does not begin from the threshold of the apartment. It starts much earlier - at the entrance. And if the apartment is a cozy nest, then the entrance, the common property of all residents, often looks different. And what to hide, many, many can only dream of a clean entrance without inscriptions.

As many residents of city high-rise buildings are familiar with the sad picture of the state of our entrances: walls painted in dull colors and almost immediately peeling off, painted with vulgar inscriptions and painted with obscene drawings. Dirty steps, bad smell, broken light bulbs and a dirty elevator. In general, there is a heavy aura that we involuntarily carry into our apartments upon returning from work. It turns out that instead of a normal rest after working day we receive a charge of negative energy from a short stay in our entrance.

Many residents do not want to put up with this. They organize initiative groups of active residents and with their own hands put the entrance area in order, simultaneously decorating it as much as possible. It turns out that it is not at all as difficult as it seems, you just have to want it. Well, enlist the support of the administration of management companies and members of the HOA boards. Some people take the liberty of decorating the entrance alone, but then you need to be prepared for additional difficulties.

First of all, it is necessary for the person in charge to take the initiative and organize a group of activists who will begin to restore order. Looking at them, the rest of the residents will also join in. At the first stage, you need to take care of the walls: peel off the old paint and whitewash, level the walls and paint them or whitewash them in bright and cheerful colors, install metal doors with combination locks. Such work is carried out by specialized organizations that are hired by the HOA or management company. IN in this case initiative, unfortunately, is punishable, so such work should not be done independently.

Decoration of staircases

With a clean and tidy entrance, sooner or later thoughts arise about how to decorate the entrance to the house. To do this, you don’t need to invent something supernatural, everything is very simple: first you need to invite your neighbors and discuss with them the upcoming events to improve the entrance. A common cause brings people together, many interesting and unexpected ideas appear.

At a meeting of residents, the issue of decorating walls and placing flowers in the common area should have been raised. If flowers and paintings usually do not cause objections among the living, then graffiti on the walls can cause active protest among some conservative-minded people, and this issue must be discussed. It is advisable to keep minutes of the meeting, at which all those present will sign in agreement with the discussed design of the entrance.

We offer several ideas for decorating the entrance. Perhaps our readers will also like something: older people will prefer a cozy entrance with rugs and chairs on the platforms; those who are younger may like more stylish ideas.

1. Decorating the walls

If you have received the consent of your neighbors to decorate the walls, then you can start decorating them. There are several options. The first is for those who have artists, not necessarily professional ones, living in their building. The walls of the entrance, which have become an art gallery, will be cherished by both residents and guests.

For this purpose, you can also attract students from an art school or any studio folk art. If there are no residents who know how to draw, then the walls are decorated by drawing on cells or using stencils. Another option – posters – is ideal for those who prefer modern styles registration

2. Windows

After decorating the walls, we will begin decorating the windows. After washing the glass and frames, you should, if necessary, touch up the peeling frames and window sills. Decorative curtains made of bright fabrics that are made independently are hung on the windows.

3. Flowers

Posters and flowers will become a laconic decoration. Flowers can be placed on window sills, on the floor, in flowerpots or on racks. Unpretentious flowers that can survive in artificial lighting and low temperature. These can be small trees - hibiscus, ficus, dracaena, or small, compact plants - begonias, oxalis, chlorophytums, tradescantia, ivy.

4. Elevator

Let's not forget about the common area - the elevator. It must also be clean. Decorations include a practical mirror, lighting and posters.

5. Entrance-museum

In cities, people know little about their neighbors. Therefore, you may be surprised that special people live or lived next to us. Among the elderly neighbors there will be those who will willingly share stories from the life of the entrance. One of the design themes can be a museum, as in this video.

6. Holidays

On special days you want to transform everything around you. We will offer several ideas on how to decorate the entrance to your home for the New Year holidays.


It is worth remembering that cabinets, large flower pots and carpets should not be placed in hallways, as these items will violate fire safety and may interfere with the evacuation of residents in case of fire.

So, let's summarize some results. To maintain cleanliness and order in the entrance you have designed, the following actions are necessary:

It is advisable to carry out all these activities if there is a metal doors With combination lock, excluding the appearance of strangers in the territory you have decorated. To maintain cleanliness and order, it is necessary to periodically hold cleanup days, attracting the maximum number of residents. All your actions should be coordinated with representatives of the management company or HOA.

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Original post by Lenyr
How I decorated the entrance.

After we had an intercom installed, I eagerly and with full creative potential began working on the entrance. For a very long time, I had a plan to decorate the walls and entrance. But there was no intercom and this slowed me down. And then immediately after it was installed, a couple of days later I started to implement the transformation plan. I no longer had the strength to look at the terrible tattered door and the glass, which had never been washed after the renovation in the entrance, everything was covered in plaster. And the renovation was standard, Soviet, they whitewashed the floor of the wall, and painted the floor of the wall with green oil paint. And thank you for that.

Day 1.
December 5, 2010.
Here is our entrance and entrance...the rest of the photos are from closed door I erased and destroyed them, but it’s a pity, now they would be useful for comparison, I didn’t even want to see how ugly it turned out in the photo, everything was so terrible.

Initially, I went out to clean up after installing the intercom. I washed the floor, then washed the glass of the front door with Mr. Muscle.

After I cleaned it up, I went home to get lace fabrics for curtains. I had small leftovers and first made a lambrequin from pink narrow and long fabric, nailed it to the door with a stapler. Then I put beige lace on the glass, stretched it, and stapled it along all the edges .

Then I cut out the edge of the curtain in a wave pattern.

I also stapled an orange PVC branch onto the door portal. I also stapled a flower into the corner.

The door turned out nice and cozy.

Then I took a can of gold paint and made a wide canvas between the green and white walls. I went along the edges of the door at the bottom, along the panels, with gold paint, I wanted to paint over the tatters with gold. There is not much light in the entrance and I liked it.

The neighboring girls came down and even gasped at how much they liked it, stopped and looked out.

My neighbor, the girl Zhenya, with her dog (it was the only dog) looked at this work for a long time, she liked it, and we talked about flowers and gold, so that there would be more of this.

I had already gilded the tip of the railing. And on the door I saw paint drips on the house in the photo when I looked through it and was shocked, in real life they were not visible in the entrance.

And I brought all my stickers from home, which I collected and began to paste on the wall. And from a balloon with gold paint I painted large futuristic, fairy-tale flowers. And also a flower on the panels, I thought a flower on the panels would correct the situation...

I started gluing flowers along the golden border.

I also painted the railings gold.

I decorated the stems of flowers with petals and appliqués. In yellow gas pipe I also went through dots of gold paint, it turned out like a fairy-tale snake, you have to go like this all over the pipe.

Having seen streaks on the door from gold paint at home, I decided to rectify the situation by painting the entire bottom of the door with gold paint. The result was terrible. I thought it would be great, but it turned out badly. There, the old paint had swelled in the middle.

It was necessary to urgently correct the situation. I approached this work plan very seriously, having thought everything through, and then this happened, I was alone, Zhenya was at work. I decided that the Hawaiian bottom of the door would go great with the flowers on the wall. I ran home for a centimeter and measured it door panel and cut off expensive Hawaiian wallpaper to decoupage the door. Glued it with PVA.

The wall has already made me happy, but there is still a lot of work to be done on it. And here is a door with such complaints. One panel did not look very good, I need to continue. Again I measured the bottom panel, it was much smaller and went to cut it to the size of the Hawaiian wallpaper. I liked the result. The handle I also gilded it.

I had two paintings and I hung them. At the big one pink flower I also corrected the bottom of the stems, there was some paint bleeding there, and I glued on some beautiful appliqués.

This is how the wall turned out.

I worked all evening, about 4-5 hours exactly, I was tired and cold, well at least it was only -4 degrees cold. I hung bird cages, also appliqués.

This is how I worked on the first day of creativity in the entrance. All the young people who passed by, everyone really liked it. Some asked if I would really leave all this, but what about the hooligans... I answered again and answered that I believe in best qualities person. But I didn’t sleep well at night, I kept thinking how my old-timers would react to this work, none of them passed when I sculpted in the evening. Still, this is a project, and I’m interested in knowing the opinion of my neighbors. But of course I did it fully prepared, with a work plan and at the behest of your heart. Clearly understanding that you cannot please everyone, As Rooseveld said: “No matter what you do, a third of the people will be for you, a third will be against you, and a third will be absolutely indifferent.”
December 5, 2010
I went to “35”, having previously made a list of what to buy there to finish the entrance. The night and half a day passed calmly, everything was hanging and in place, no one knocked on the door or rang with tomatoes to bombard me. At “35” I I bought everything - more checkered stickers with birds, 4 more paintings. Then I went to a hardware store, bought wood varnish in a can, cornflower blue acrylic paint with mother-of-pearl, and went home with these little things, inspired by new creative ideas. I immediately changed my clothes and went into the entrance. I started putting up boxes and birds.

I took a brush and began to paint blue mother-of-pearl flowers, in a gold frame, which I painted yesterday. And the grass at the bottom of the wall.

Here is my arsenal, folded under the door.

The cells look great, especially in a dark entrance, they look white like bells.

Here is the second blue pearl flower.

This is the first blue flower.

After these two blue flowers I started hanging pictures. I nailed a nail and hung the pictures. This is my door.

I hung this picture yesterday.

I hung this one yesterday too.

After the pictures, I went home again, washed the brush of blue paint, took red, also acrylic pearlescent paint, and went on to paint. First, I outlined the already dried blue flowers. And painted red ones. I also painted red grass flowers on the blue grass, as if it were flowering grass.

The first blue flower.

These are the flowers near my door.

This is the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"

Second blue flower.

Full height.

Flowers at the front door.

Almost in full height at the front door.

Next to him there is a red flower, also in full growth.

Stairs to the second floor.

The stairs below, which are visible at the entrance, were also painted with flowering grass and ornaments.

This is the entrance to the basement, I also decorated it.

This is the view when you enter the entrance.

When I returned home today, I also liked it all, but there were no blue and red flowers with blooming grass yet. It was so cozy.

I varnished the door where the decoupage was made with wallpaper, for durability.

This is how I decorated my entrance. Everyone liked it, they kissed and hugged me, they even said thank you. Honestly, I was very pleased with it.

This is the kind of fairy tale I came up with, my “Alice in Wonderland.”

I was very tired, cold, but had a photo shoot. I was satisfied with everything. Evgen came home from work, he also really liked it. Grandmothers even want to call television and boast about how beautiful their entrance was. But for me this is an expression of creativity, I got real pleasure, rejoicing that I bring joy to people.
As it was

And how it became.