Locust insect (lat. Acrididae). Locust - a dangerous insect - pest

Today we have, one might say, a summer theme and its most beautiful chirping representatives of insects - grasshopper, cricket, locust pictures, photos, videos. Let's start with the well-known grasshopper. Although, I doubt that all of you know so well about him, most likely, reading further lines, you will have a slightly different attitude towards these beautiful serenade performers. But let's dispel, in order, the existing myths and legends around this representative of the order Orthoptera, the suborder Long-whiskered.

The grasshopper lives almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of deserts, high mountains and regions of the far north. The most common species are green grasshopper, gray grasshopper, steppe grasshopper, tailed grasshopper and songbird. So, we begin to slowly destroy the idea - the grasshopper is a nocturnal insect, most often during the day it hides in secluded places, and at dusk it comes out to hunt at night. The grasshopper is a predator, its hunting style is very similar to the praying mantis, the grasshopper also lies in wait for its prey and grabs a gaping insect with its strong front paws.

After which, with its powerful jaws, the grasshopper tears the victim apart and eats it. (by the way, a grasshopper can easily bite through a person’s skin and believe me, the feeling from this is not the most pleasant)))) The grasshopper eats almost any insect that is smaller in size than it, and sometimes even larger representatives than itself. Often the grasshopper also catches its smaller brothers; it does not disdain anyone when choosing an object for a meal. If there is not enough animal food, the grasshopper can gradually switch to vegetation, eating the buds of shrubs and various cereals, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The grasshopper prefers to set up ambushes, sitting on branches or leaves of bushes, low-growing branches of trees, except in meadows and in steppe zone lives in the grass. So, friends, when you are walking through a forest clearing and insects are quickly jumping in different directions from you, it is unlikely that it is a grasshopper, most likely it is representatives of locusts or grasshoppers, our main character at this time, somewhere in a shelter he is dozing peacefully. The grasshopper is generally reluctant to jump, only in case of emergency; usually he prefers to crawl, and his hunting style is wait-and-see, but not at all active.

The male and female grasshopper differ in appearance from each other; the female has an ovipositor at the end of her abdomen, a kind of saber, while males do not have this device. The grasshopper also has very long antennae, which, like antennas, help it detect the slightest movements at night. The grasshopper has an incredibly beautiful and varied song; the sounds are produced due to the vibration of the elytra, and each type of grasshopper has its own chirping melody, different from others.

At the end of the selection, we invite you to look at a comparative table that shows the differences between grasshoppers and locusts and you can easily distinguish them from each other.

Grasshopper Funny grasshopper Grasshopper photo Cool grasshopper Amazing grasshopper Grasshopper Jumping grasshopper Cool grasshopper Grasshopper photo Grasshopper Green grasshopper

The cricket is the closest relative of the grasshopper; among crickets there are two main species, true crickets, which live in almost all climatic zones, with the exception of cold areas. Crickets live in burrows, which they dig themselves, or they use ready-made natural shelters, crevices, shelters under stones or fallen trees for housing. The cricket is a territorial insect; each representative has its own area, which the cricket jealously guards.

The cricket song is intended for two purposes, firstly, to warn its fellows that the given territory is occupied and protected, and the second purpose of the cricket trill is to attract females to its area. Moreover, these songs are strikingly different from each other, the trill for calling females is produced at higher frequencies and even for the human ear it is more pleasant and melodic. On the territory of a male cricket, there may be several females, a kind of harem, but often the neighboring cricket lures them away with its more soulful song. By the way, only males sing; females do not have such talents. Outwardly, they are easy to distinguish; the female cricket has an elongated ovipositor at the end of the abdomen, similar to a saber, like a grasshopper.

To create a beautiful song, the cricket raises its hard flaps and rubs them against each other with great frequency, and from this action a magical song is produced. The cricket feeds mainly on plant foods, but it also needs animal proteins, for this reason it sometimes catches small insects, and there are also frequent cases of cannibalism, when a cricket eats its larvae or smaller representatives of the genus. By nature, the cricket is pugnacious; battles for territory constantly take place between males, and in Asia there are even cricket fights. One female and two adult male crickets are put into the arena, and fierce battles take place between the males for the female.

An interesting feature during fights is that a cricket tries to bite off the antennae of its opponent, and scientists have noticed that a cricket with a bitten antennae loses its “authority” and becomes an outcast, a kind of combat hierarchy. The field cricket is oil black in color, its shiny chitinous elytra seem to be covered with black varnish. Now let's get acquainted with the second common representative of this species, the house cricket. Externally, the house cricket differs from its field counterpart in its color, it Brown. Judging by the name, it becomes clear where exactly he lives.

IN summer time The house cricket lives in fields, meadows, and forests, and comes to a person’s home to spend the winter. House cricket heat-loving and for this reason his favorite habitat in the hut has always been associated with the stove, where else could it be warmer? The cricket is a nocturnal insect; during the day it hides in its shelters, and at night it comes out to feed, walks around its territory and, of course, performs magic songs to invite females and warn rival males. Since ancient times, in Russian huts it was customary to respect the cricket, because as practice has shown, this beneficial insect. The male cricket lives alone, and since there was usually only one stove in the house, the cricket lived alone in the hut, not allowing rivals onto the threshold, and there were only a few females in the neighborhood.

During the day, the cricket hides, and at night it feeds on crumbs from the table or floor, leftover food; the cricket usually takes water from wet rags or droplets of water; the cricket does not climb into plates and other dishes, since it cannot swim and can simply drown there. In addition, the cricket also needs a certain amount of animal food and it perfectly regulates the number of cockroaches in the hut, periodically eating their younger generation.

Agree, it was simply wonderful to have such a roommate in your hut. Except that the nightly trills of crickets are not to everyone’s liking, although many get used to this nightly concert. By the way, the older the cricket, the more pleasant and melodic trills it produces, so to speak, its musical professionalism only grows over time.

Amazing cricket Cool cricket Cricket Photo cricket Cricket photo Cricket pictures Cricket Strange cricket

Locusts are very similar in appearance to grasshoppers, and unless you know some striking differences, they are quite difficult to distinguish from each other. Locusts are divided into two types: single (filly) and gregarious. Locusts feed on plant foods, consuming young grass and various grains, which often causes great damage to agriculture. Solitary locusts are usually painted in camouflage protective colors, green, gray, brown. It has shorter wings and smaller dimensions; the average length of a single locust is about 2-3 centimeters.

The locust is an excellent jumper; its hind legs are very powerful and allow it to perform long jumps, many times the length of its body. The front legs of the locust, unlike the grasshopper, are quite weak and serve only for support when moving. Lives single locust(filly) among the grass, where she feeds and sings her sonorous trills. The sounds are made when the tubercles on the hind legs rub against the vein on the flap. By the way, the song of the locust is not as sonorous and beautiful as that of the grasshopper. Locusts are an excellent food for many birds, lizards and other insectivorous animals.

Where do the huge hordes of locusts come from, which destroy all vegetation in their path and are a real disaster for people? A single locust (filly), if there is a sufficient amount of food, leads a quiet lifestyle and normal reproduction. But when a dry or lean year comes, there are not enough plants, the locusts begin to actively reproduce and lay so-called “marching” clutches, from which larvae soon appear in huge numbers. These locusts develop according to slightly different rules; the walking offspring have more impressive sizes up to 6 cm, long wings designed for flight and, most often, brighter colors.

Hiking or migratory, gregarious locust gathers in huge hordes and begins its movement in search of food, while eating all the plant life around. The number of such a flock can exceed billions of individuals, which is the largest gathering of animals of the same species in the world. At the same time, the gregarious locust is very voracious and in a day it eats as much food as it weighs. Migratory locust It flies beautifully and can cover a distance of several hundred kilometers. At the moment people have not yet come up with effective methods fight against this scourge and from time to time, the resulting swarms of locusts devastate some areas of Africa, Asia, and America. In the southern regions of Russia, such outbreaks of locusts may also arise, which has already happened more than once in history.

Scary locust Locust Cool locust Locust photo Locust pictures Locust photo Locust invasion Amazing locust Locust Funny locust Locust Common locust

So, friends, let me tell you how easy it is to learn to distinguish a grasshopper from a locust. After all, in terms of color and size, they can be absolutely identical. In the pictures on the left there will be a representative grasshopper, and on the right a locust.

The grasshopper has long whiskers, the locust has short whiskers. (main visible difference) The female grasshopper has a saber at the end of her abdomen, while the locust does not.

The grasshopper has small eyes, the locust has large eyes. The grasshopper's muzzle is pointed at the bottom with predatory jaws, while the locust's is rounder and blunter. (By the way, a grasshopper can bite hard, until it bleeds, while it has a movable head and can twist it and bite painfully, as well as let burning saliva into the wound. Handle it with care)

The grasshopper has a short body, intended for greater mobility when catching insects, while the locust has an elongated body, it serves only to digest plant food and provide better aerodynamics when flying.

I hope that now you can easily determine whether the locust or the grasshopper is in front of you.


How a grasshopper chirps. Video

Locust invasion. Video

How the locusts chirp. Video

Like a cricket chirping. Video

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So, friends, let me tell you how easy it is to learn to distinguish a grasshopper from a locust. After all, in terms of color and size, they can be absolutely identical. In the pictures on the left there will be a representative grasshopper, and on the right a locust.
The grasshopper has long whiskers, the locust has short whiskers. (main visible difference) The female grasshopper has a saber at the end of her abdomen, while the locust does not.

The grasshopper has small eyes, the locust has large eyes. The grasshopper's muzzle is pointed at the bottom with predatory jaws, while the locust's is rounder and blunter. (By the way, a grasshopper can bite hard, until it bleeds, while it has a movable head and can twist it and bite painfully, and also let burning saliva into the wound.
The grasshopper has a short body, intended for greater mobility when catching insects, while the locust has an elongated body, it serves only to digest plant food and provide better aerodynamics when flying.

Today we have, one might say, a summer theme and its most beautiful chirping representatives of insects - grasshopper, cricket, locust pictures, photos, videos. Let's start with the well-known grasshopper. Although, I doubt that all of you know so well about him, most likely, reading further lines, you will have a slightly different attitude towards these beautiful serenade performers. But let's dispel, in order, the existing myths and legends around this representative of the order Orthoptera, the suborder Long-whiskered.
The grasshopper lives almost throughout the entire territory of Russia, with the exception of deserts, high mountains and regions of the far north. The most common species are green grasshopper, gray grasshopper, steppe grasshopper, tailed grasshopper and songbird. So, we begin to slowly destroy the idea - the grasshopper is a nocturnal insect, most often during the day it hides in secluded places, and at dusk it goes out to hunt at night. The grasshopper is a predator, its hunting style is very similar to the praying mantis, the grasshopper also lies in wait for its prey and grabs a gaping insect with its strong front paws.

After which, with its powerful jaws, the grasshopper tears the victim apart and eats it. (by the way, a grasshopper can easily bite through a person’s skin and believe me, the feeling from this is not the most pleasant)))) The grasshopper eats almost any insect that is smaller in size than it, and sometimes even larger representatives than itself. Often the grasshopper also catches its smaller brothers; it does not disdain anyone when choosing an object for a meal. If there is not enough animal food, the grasshopper can gradually switch to vegetation, eating the buds of shrubs and various cereals, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The grasshopper prefers to ambush, sitting on branches or leaves of bushes, low-growing branches of trees, except that in meadows and in the steppe zone it lives in the grass. So, friends, when you are walking through a forest clearing and insects are quickly jumping in different directions from you, it is unlikely that it is a grasshopper, most likely they are representatives of locusts or grasshoppers, our main character is at this time somewhere peacefully in a shelter dozing. The grasshopper is generally reluctant to jump, only in case of emergency; usually he prefers to crawl, and his hunting style is wait-and-see, but not at all active.

The male and female grasshopper differ in appearance from each other; the female has an ovipositor at the end of her abdomen, a kind of saber, while males do not have this device. The grasshopper also has very long antennae, which, like antennas, help it detect the slightest movements at night. The grasshopper has an incredibly beautiful and varied song; the sounds are produced due to the vibration of the elytra, and each type of grasshopper has its own chirping melody, different from others.

The cricket is the closest relative of the grasshopper; among crickets there are two main species, true crickets, which live in almost all climatic zones, with the exception of cold areas. Crickets live in burrows, which they dig themselves, or they use ready-made natural shelters, crevices, shelters under stones or fallen trees for housing. The cricket is a territorial insect; each representative has its own area, which the cricket jealously guards.

The cricket song is intended for two purposes, firstly, to warn its fellows that the given territory is occupied and protected, and the second purpose of the cricket trill is to attract females to its area. Moreover, these songs are strikingly different from each other, the trill for calling females is produced at higher frequencies and even for the human ear it is more pleasant and melodic. On the territory of a male cricket, there may be several females, a kind of harem, but often the neighboring cricket lures them away with its more soulful song. By the way, only males sing; females do not have such talents. Outwardly, they are easy to distinguish; the female cricket has an elongated ovipositor at the end of the abdomen, similar to a saber, like a grasshopper.

To create a beautiful song, the cricket raises its hard flaps and rubs them against each other with great frequency, and from this action a magical song is produced. The cricket feeds mainly on plant foods, but it also needs animal proteins, for this reason it sometimes catches small insects, and there are also frequent cases of cannibalism when the cricket eats its larvae or smaller representatives of the genus. By nature, the cricket is pugnacious; battles for territory constantly take place between males, and in Asia there are even cricket fights. One female and two adult male crickets are put into the arena, and fierce battles take place between the males for the female.
An interesting feature during fights is that a cricket tries to bite off the antennae of its opponent, and scientists have noticed that a cricket with a bitten antennae loses its “authority” and becomes an outcast, a kind of combat hierarchy. The field cricket is oil black in color, its shiny chitinous elytra seem to be covered with black varnish. Now let's get acquainted with the second common representative of this species, the house cricket. Externally, the house cricket differs from its field counterpart in its color; it is brown. Judging by the name, it becomes clear where exactly he lives.
In the summer, the house cricket lives in fields, meadows, and forests, and comes to a person’s home to spend the winter. The house cricket is heat-loving and for this reason its favorite habitat in the hut has always been associated with the stove, where else could it be warmer? The cricket is a nocturnal insect; during the day it hides in its shelters, and at night it comes out to feed, walks around its territory and, of course, performs magic songs to invite females and warn rival males. Since ancient times, in Russian huts it was customary to respect the cricket, because as practice has shown, it is a beneficial insect. The male cricket lives alone, and since there was usually only one stove in the house, the cricket lived alone in the hut, not allowing rivals onto the threshold, and there were only a few females in the neighborhood.

During the day, the cricket hides, and at night it feeds on crumbs from the table or floor, leftover food; the cricket usually takes water from wet rags or droplets of water; the cricket does not climb into plates and other dishes, since it cannot swim and can simply drown there. In addition, the cricket also needs a certain amount of animal food and it perfectly regulates the number of cockroaches in the hut, periodically eating their younger generation.
Agree, it was simply wonderful to have such a roommate in your hut. Except that the nightly trills of crickets are not to everyone’s liking, although many get used to this nightly concert. By the way, the older the cricket, the more pleasant and melodic trills it produces, so to speak, its musical professionalism only grows over time.

Where do the huge hordes of locusts come from, which destroy all vegetation in their path and are a real disaster for people? A single locust (filly), if there is a sufficient amount of food, leads a quiet lifestyle and normal reproduction. But when a dry or lean year comes, there are not enough plants, the locusts begin to actively reproduce and lay so-called “marching” clutches, from which larvae soon appear in huge numbers. These locusts develop according to slightly different rules; the walking offspring have more impressive sizes up to 6 cm, long wings designed for flight and, most often, brighter colors.

Locusts are very similar in appearance to grasshoppers, and unless you know some striking differences, they are quite difficult to distinguish from each other. Locusts are divided into two types: single (filly) and gregarious. Locusts feed on plant foods, consuming young grass and various grains, which often causes great damage to agriculture. Solitary locusts are usually painted in camouflage protective colors, green, gray, brown. It has shorter wings and smaller dimensions; the average length of a single locust is about 2-3 centimeters.
The locust is an excellent jumper; its hind legs are very powerful and allow it to perform long jumps, many times the length of its body. The front legs of the locust, unlike the grasshopper, are quite weak and serve only for support when moving. A single locust (filly) lives among the grass, where it feeds and sings its sonorous trills. The sounds are made when the tubercles on the hind legs rub against the vein on the flap. By the way, the song of the locust is not as sonorous and beautiful as that of the grasshopper. Locusts are an excellent food for many birds, lizards and other insectivorous animals.
Whether traveling or migratory, gregarious locusts gather in huge hordes and begin their movement in search of food, while eating all the plant life around them. The number of such a flock can exceed billions of individuals, which is the largest gathering of animals of the same species in the world. At the same time, the gregarious locust is very voracious and in a day it eats as much food as it weighs. Migratory locusts fly beautifully and can cover distances of several hundred kilometers. At the moment, people have not yet come up with effective methods to combat this scourge, and from time to time, the resulting swarms of locusts devastate some areas of Africa, Asia, and America. In the southern regions of Russia, such outbreaks of locusts may also arise, which has already happened more than once in history.

The locust is a fairly large insect from the class of Orthoptera. For a long time, it has represented the main threat to cultivated crops.

Descriptions of locusts can be found in such ancient writings as the Bible, the works of the authors of ancient Egypt, the Koran, and so on.

Description of the insect

The body of the locust is elongated, the length can reach 20 centimeters. The “knees” of the hind legs are bent, their size is several times larger than the size of the middle and front legs.

There are a pair of hard wing covers, under which are fragile wings with original patterns. When folded, they are quite difficult to notice.

The antennae of locusts are somewhat shorter than, for example, those of crickets, and the head is larger and the eyes are larger. The insect makes a characteristic sound characteristic of males.

The surface of the males' thighs is slightly jagged, and some thickening can be seen on the thighs. During friction, these parts emit a specific sound, which can be of any tone.

Many people believe that the color of a locust depends on its genotype. But actually it is not. The color of an insect has a direct relationship with the conditions environment.

Even individuals belonging to the same offspring, but living in different places, can differ in color.

Another factor influencing coloration is the developmental phase. A younger individual is green in color, and an individual that has entered the gregarious phase acquires the traditional color.

Locusts have the ability to fly; they can travel up to 120 kilometers per day.

The difference between a locust and a grasshopper

The main difference between grasshoppers and locusts is that they belong to different families and suborders. Unlike locusts, the grasshopper belongs to the long-whiskered suborder.

The structure of the paws also differs. The locust's are shorter than the grasshopper's.

Despite their large size, locusts are herbivorous insects, while grasshoppers are predators.

Locusts are active during the day, while grasshoppers are active at night.

For Agriculture grasshoppers are harmless, but locusts often cause colossal harm and huge losses.

These insects also differ in the way they lay eggs. Locusts lay eggs in the soil, and grasshoppers use plant stems for their offspring or lay eggs under the bark of trees.

Locust habitat

Locusts live on almost every continent, with the only exception being Antarctica. Many climate zones are suitable for this insect.

Some species are characterized by living on grassy areas, others prefer to settle in close proximity to water, while others choose semi-deserts as their habitat.


Those individuals that live separately are not known for their gluttony. Over the course of its entire life, one locust can consume up to 300 grams of plants. However, when she gets into a pack, her behavior changes dramatically.

A locust invasion causes enormous harm, since, having met its relatives, the insect becomes omnivorous and begins to absorb everything it sees: reeds, reeds, fruits, grain crops, and so on.

Long flights and lack of food force the locusts to feed on their weaker relatives.

Development and reproduction

During their life, locusts go through three stages of development. 1. Egg; 2. Larva; 3. Adult. The hotter the climate, the more often mating occurs, and, consequently, reproduction.

IN autumn period Eggs are laid, which are kept in a special bag that protects them from damage. One such pouch can hide more than 100 eggs.

After laying eggs, the parents usually die. The eggs remain in the soil all winter and mature.

With the onset of spring, the baby locusts hatch, but they do not yet look like adults; they do not have wings.

It takes 40 days and several molts for locusts to move to the next stage.

One flock can contain more than one billion individuals, and the area that the flock occupies reaches 1000 square kilometers. Such a number of insects can produce a sound similar to thunder.

Currently, there are a huge number of locust species, photos of which you can see below.

Photo of locusts

One of the most important rules for growing strong and healthy seedlings- presence of the “correct” soil mixture. Typically, gardeners use two options for growing seedlings: either a purchased soil mixture or one made independently from several components. In both cases, the fertility of the soil for seedlings is, to put it mildly, questionable. This means that the seedlings will require additional nutrition from you. In this article we will talk about simple and effective feeding for seedlings.

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Brown Cream of Cauliflower Soup with Crispy Smoked Bacon is a delicious, smooth and creamy soup that both adults and children will love. If you are preparing a dish for the whole family, including kids, then do not add a lot of spices, although many modern children are not at all against spicy flavors. Bacon for serving can be prepared in different ways - fry in a frying pan, as in this recipe, or bake in the oven on parchment for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for others it is a difficult necessity, while others wonder whether it would be easier to buy ready seedlings at the market or with friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

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In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced petunia with a striking petal color - salmon-orange. Based on associations with the bright colors of the southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset. Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from store windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

The filly is an insect from the Orthoptera order of the superfamily Locusts. Their closest relatives are grasshoppers and crickets.

Appearance of fillies

To date, more than 3,800 species of these insects are known. There are more than six hundred species of them in Russia alone.

The grasshopper is an insect very similar to a grasshopper. She has the same arrangement of her hind legs: with the knee raised high above the body. Both fillies and grasshoppers have rigid elytra on their backs. And on the head of both types of insects there are antennae. Even the fillies chirp almost like grasshoppers, only much louder!

In fact, it is difficult for an ignorant person to determine at first glance who is in front of him. The grasshopper and the grasshopper (insect) are very similar. The photo of both only confirms this.

But nevertheless, differences exist. You just need to look closely. They are mainly due to the fact that insects lead completely different lifestyles.

Feeding fillies

On a clear, warm day, you can often scare away from the grass a flock of insects that look like grasshoppers. But we can say with confidence that these are locusts. After all, grasshoppers are predominantly nocturnal, and during the day they hide somewhere. Only with the onset of darkness do these predators go hunting.

And the filly (insect) feeds on vegetation. Therefore, there is no need for her to wait for the night. Moreover, it is worth noting that this herbivorous insect easily adapts to eating any plants: their leaves, seeds, fruits, and in some cases, stems.

Damage caused by fillies to agriculture

Many people believe that fillies are quite harmless. After all, although they belong to locusts, they are solitary insects. However, in 1939, a senior researcher at the Chelyabinsk stronghold of the All-Union Institute of Plant Protection, K. N. Filatov, compiled a report on the study of the dynamics of non-gregarious locusts, that is, fillies.

His research proved how dangerous the filly can be to agriculture. According to documentary data, in the years 1883-1892, these voracious insects regularly destroyed crops over vast areas in the Kurgan district. This was a real disaster for the peasants. And only in 1892 did people en masse go out hunting by hand. With the help of special canopies, they managed to catch 155,951 pounds of fillies!

Local historians say that in 1894, when the last insect was buried in the ground, the owner of the Balakshin molasses plant erected a monument at his own expense in honor of this event. Unfortunately, it has not survived to this day.

Fighting fillies

If you notice this harmful insect in your garden or garden, you should try to reduce the number of fillies by frequent sprinkling. High humidity air has a negative effect on their reproduction.

Treating plants with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture helps get rid of fillies. Feeding on plants that have been sprayed with poison, insects die within 1-3 days.

To prevent it from happening again next year, you must mow down all the plants on the roadsides in the fall, plow the soil deeply and harrow it. This will destroy the filly's eggs laid in the ground.

There is another way - to breed hedgehogs on your property. For whom fillies and other pests of gardens and vegetable gardens are a joy! At the same time, these prickly predators will destroy slugs and mice along with the fillies, if they decide to settle on the site.

External differences between fillies and grasshoppers

From the above it is clear why these insects should not be confused. After all, grasshoppers eat larvae and harmful insects, bringing benefits to humans. And the filly, on the contrary, is itself a pest, destroying the crop. That’s why it’s so important to know how they can be distinguished by appearance.

Compared to the grasshopper, the grasshopper is an insect with a sedentary head. Her muzzle is blunt, with powerful jaws.

It is known that grasshoppers belong to the Long-whiskered suborder, and grasshoppers belong to the Short-whiskered suborder. This is understandable. After all, the filly does not have to look for a victim with their help. She does not need to hunt for food, tracking down her prey.

The filly is an insect that has an oblong abdomen, longer than that of a grasshopper. This is due to the fact that the volume of food that she has to digest is quite large.

The front legs serve the filly only as a support, while the grasshopper uses them to catch and hold the prey. Therefore, in a herbivorous insect these limbs are weaker and shorter. The hind legs of fillies are also less developed. Therefore, its jumps are not as far as those of a grasshopper.

The females of these insects have more pronounced differences. The female grasshopper has a rather large sword-shaped ovipositor at the back. In the filly it is short and practically invisible to the human eye. She lays eggs directly in the soil.

in fillies

Not everyone knows that many insects do not hear with their ears, as is common among mammals, birds and reptiles. For example, grasshoppers use their legs for this purpose. Their hearing organs are located on the shins of the front legs.

The fillies completely hid their “ears.” Their auditory organs are located on the sides of the abdomen, in the area of ​​the first segment.

Sound production organs in fillies

On a hot afternoon, loud chirping can be heard in the fields and meadows. Usually people smile when they hear these sounds and say: “That’s how the grasshoppers started chattering!” But this is a wrong judgment!

Grasshoppers by nature sit quietly during the day. Therefore it is impossible to hear them. Either locusts or grasshoppers chirp in broad daylight. Moreover, only males do this. In this “musical” way they attract females. There is a second explanation for the loud chirping of male fillies. With their sounds they warn other males that the given territory is already occupied.

The fillies produce their sounds by rubbing the tubercles located on the thighs of their hind legs against the vein under the elytra.

Coloring of fillies

An interesting fact is that the color of locusts depends not on the species, but on the environment. If there is a lot of bright greenery around the growing insect, you will get a green filly. An insect that lives in the steppe, where there is less greenery but a lot of brown soil on which to move, will become gray-brown in color.

Although the lower wings of some species are brightly colored. For example, in the blue-winged and red-winged filly, in addition to the protective coloring of the elytra, there is also a method of protection from enemies.

Anticipating the approaching danger, they suddenly soar upward with noise, revealing their bright wings. And a moment later they go down again. From the outside it looks like bright fireworks.