How to grow hibiscus from seeds at home? Decorate your site with herbaceous hibiscus

In Hawaii, hibiscus is the national plant and is called the “flower of beautiful women.” Malaysian girls also enjoy decorating their hair with it. Coming from tropical latitudes, this exotic plant has long ceased to be a curiosity in our gardens.

Swamp hibiscus in the garden

Hibiscus is known and loved by many. Its huge bright flowers against a background of dense green foliage lush bush rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Most often the name of the plant is associated with indoor culture. However, there are many varieties that are successfully grown in open ground.

Conditions for growth and flowering

Swamp hibiscus is one of the most famous and popular members of the mallow family grown in the garden. It is a tall perennial with vibrant dark green foliage and huge red flowers averaging about 12cm in diameter. A native of tropical and subtropical forests, it prefers sunny places, swampy areas. Excellent growth has been seen in flowers growing near a stream or pond.

Undemanding to soil composition. However, it will feel better in a slightly acidic environment. In natural habitats it grows under long summer conditions. In areas where summer heat for normal development There is not enough hibiscus; in the spring, a greenhouse is built over the plantings. This will ensure earlier flower development.

Types and varietal diversity

Hibiscus is famous for its many varieties and hybrids. This subtropical evergreen plant has more than 200 species. Flower sizes vary from 5 to 35 cm. The shape and color are extremely varied - white, orange, red, purple, blue. The leaves of the plant are also decorative different forms and colors. Some specimens are of particular interest:

Hibiscus propagation

Planting begins in February-March or August-September - depending on the variety and method of propagation. Hibiscus is grown from seeds or rooted cuttings. Reproduction by shoots is a faster way:

  • choose a stem about 0.5 cm wide;
  • cut off its top by 15 cm, remove the lower leaves;
  • the cuttings are planted in a container with compost for rooting;
  • leave in a well-lit place;
  • maintain sufficient soil moisture.

Rooting occurs within a few months. After this, the plant can be planted in open ground.

If it is not possible to get a cutting, but you really want swamp hibiscus to show off on your plot, growing from seeds will not cause much trouble either.

Growing hibiscus from seeds

You can propagate by seeds immediately by sowing in open ground. Before this, it is advisable to prepare the soil in the selected area, taking into account the preferences and growth conditions of the plant.

Soil composition

It is best to grow hibiscus in swampy areas protected from the wind. Organic matter is added to the soil. Excellent choice there will be rotted manure or compost. The soil is thoroughly mixed with organic matter. This way the plant will be provided with nutrients during a critical period of development. Keep in mind that when planted in nutritious soil, swamp hibiscus can grow up to 2.5-3 meters in height.

Sowing Hibiscus Seeds

Seeds are collected in late spring. Ripe pods should be dry and firm to the touch. Planting material free the plant from the box. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they should be properly prepared before sowing:

  • on one side, scrape with sandpaper or rub with a nail file;
  • pierce the other side with a pin or make a small incision with a knife;
  • soak for 2-3 hours in a glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • dry on paper or towel.

Sowing in open ground is carried out as soon as the danger of frost has passed. If you don’t want to take risks, you can first grow a seedling in a pot in room conditions, and then transplant it to permanent place in the garden. For this:

  • the seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm and sprinkled with earth;
  • crops are watered with a small amount of water;
  • The pot with seeds is covered with polyethylene or a sheet of glass and left in a well-lit, warm place.

The seedlings will hatch in 2 weeks. The soil is kept moist by watering the crops and emerging seedlings every day. Two-month-old seedlings need hardening. To do this, they are taken out into the fresh air every day. On the first day, time outside is limited to 15 minutes. This time is being extended every day. After 2.5-3 months, the hibiscus is transferred to the garden and transplanted into open ground.

Hibiscus transplant

If you chose the method of sowing seeds in a container or you purchased a plant in a pot for planting, the following important stage there will be a flower transplant to garden plot. The planting hole for hibiscus is made twice as large as the container in which it grew.

The flower, together with a lump of earth, is placed in the hole and the empty space is filled with nutritious soil. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered abundantly. In this period young plant especially needs water and the soil should remain moist.

As it grows, the bush may bend. To help it, drive a stake on the opposite side of the angle of inclination and loosely tie the plant to it. The support should not interfere with growth and free movement on a windy day.

Tatyana Pronina, expert

Hibiscus care

Swamp hibiscus begins to bloom in the first year. Each flower lives no more than one day. To stimulate flowering and prolong its period, faded flowers are removed. If you expect to collect seed, leave a few dried inflorescences on the plant. These will form seed pods.

Watering and fertilizing

The amount and frequency of watering depends on the age of the plant. Before rooting in a new place, the young plant needs more moisture. Over time, the amount of water is reduced. But the soil should always remain moist.

Feeding is carried out throughout growing season. To do this, use the usual universal garden fertilizer. It can be combined with watering.

In the budding stage, it is responsive to leaf feeding. This way you can achieve earlier flowering. Spraying is carried out in the evening hours.

Bush formation

As the young plant grows, it becomes long and thin. Pruning and pinching will help make the bush more lush and densely flowering. To do this, when the swamp hibiscus reaches a height of 60 cm, it is shortened to 30-40 cm.

To rejuvenate the bush, from the third year of planting, they divide it. But even without this agricultural technique, you can continue to cultivate hibiscus for about 10 years in one place. Division is carried out at the end of winter, when the flower is dormant.

Preparing for winter

In autumn, flowering stops. To prepare the plant for cold weather, the bush is cut off and the rhizome is left to overwinter in open ground. The base of the hibiscus is mulched. This will not only keep you warm, but also prevent weeds from appearing. Straw and humus, pine needles and rotted leaves, and compost are suitable as mulch.

Hibiscus disease control

Hibiscus is highly resistant to disease. Moreover, if he is provided proper care. Some gardener mistakes in planting can significantly harm the plant:

  • curled leaves and weak flowering or its complete absence indicate a deficiency nutrients and watering;
  • if the plant dries out and turns yellow, this indicates chlorosis. In this case, spraying with iron chelate will help;
  • Hibiscus does not tolerate lime in the soil; planting in such an area will destroy the plant.

As you can see, swamp hibiscus does not require much attention. Suitable site, simple fertilizing and proper watering- this is the little that it needs for normal development and long-term flowering.

What types of this flower are familiar to you? What methods of reproduction do you use, what care measures do you take? Share your experience in the comments!

Hibiscus - tree, shrub or herbaceous plant from the Malvaceae family. There are about 200 varieties of it, and therefore growing garden hibiscus is a very exciting activity for gardeners all over the world. One of the species (Sudanese rose) is used to make Hibiscus tea. Okra, okra - edible hibiscus; it can be grown in a garden plot or on a balcony. Popular indoor flower– Chinese hibiscus – grows in open ground in countries with warm climates. In our latitudes, it is only suitable for container gardening: flowers are taken outside in the summer and brought back in when it gets colder. Tree hibiscus, or Syrian hibiscus, is also grown at home, a deciduous shrub that has a pronounced dormant period and requires certain wintering conditions.

Garden types of hibiscus

Growing garden hibiscus on the site and caring for it does not cause any trouble; this plant allows you to decorate a shady corner with large, bright colors. Breeders have developed several varieties that can be planted in middle lane Russia, but they require winter shelter or digging out of the ground. There are frost-resistant species, but they are rarely found on sale.

For regions with temperate climate Hibiscus suitable:

  • trifoliate,
  • Syrian,
  • swamp,
  • grassy,
  • garden.

Syrian and garden hibiscus are often confused, because the first has another name - tree-like. In southern countries it received the nickname “flower of love.” Usually it is a shrub about 1.5-2 meters in height, completely covered with large simple or double flowers, similar to mallow. The classic colors are white and lilac, but now others have been introduced: pink, red, blue. Swamp hibiscus, or okra, okra, is a very ornamental shrub with large flowers, usually pink or red. It is frost-resistant, tolerates temperatures down to –30 °C.

Herbaceous hibiscus grows 3 meters in height - it is a frost-resistant shrub that blooms from August to September. Its stems are massive, erect, with large leaves reminiscent of sunflower leaves. Flowers can be white, light pink or red. Growing and caring for it is very simple. The plant is sun-loving and undemanding to soil composition, which is why it is popular among gardeners. In the winter it is cut off at the root, and in the spring it grows back. There are more than 1000 hybrids of herbaceous hibiscus. Trifoliate, or northern, hibiscus is a medicinal herbaceous plant. annual plant with small light yellow flowers that open for several hours in the morning.

Garden hibiscus is a hybrid herbaceous perennial, resulting from crossing 3 species: red, pink and holly. It is distinguished by decorative foliage and large, showy flowers, the size of which can reach 40 cm. Care is simple.

There are several hybrids.

  • Youth is a plant with light green leaves and purple flowers, reminiscent of a tulip in shape.
  • Late - a shrub with oval leaves and crimson bell-shaped flowers, grows up to 1 m.
  • Pale pink - a plant up to 2 meters high, yellowish foliage, bright pink, tulip-shaped flowers.
  • Pink porcelain- a medium-sized bush up to 1.5 m high, flowers are large, pink, with a white throat, in the form of bells. Bright green succulent leaves on long petioles.

Hibiscus for container gardening

The following species are used as tub crops on the site.

  1. Dissected petal hibiscus (Schisopetalus)- the petals of flowers of this species are strongly dissected and bent back. Outwardly, it resembles domesticated Chinese. Flowering lasts from spring to autumn.
  2. Chinese hibiscus- a shrub with flowers of various sizes and shades. Commonly grown as indoor plant, but in the summer it can be taken out into the garden. Caring for a tub flower consists of abundant watering and fertilizing.

Growing these plants is not difficult, but there are some rules that you need to follow to ensure that your hibiscus grows healthy and strong.

Caring for garden hibiscus

Planting is done in an area with nutritious and breathable soil, in a place protected from winds and bright sun. Shrubs are planted in the spring, then by autumn the young plants will have time to take root. To grow garden hibiscus in open ground you will need deep landing pit, which needs to be filled with a thick layer of drainage - at least 15 cm - with sand and rotted compost. Garden soil mixed with sand and peat is laid out on this mixture.

Plants are placed in a hole so that the root collar is level with the soil; there is no need to deepen it - this can lead to rotting. Then sprinkle with soil and water generously. Planting and care before winter should be accompanied by mulching of the soil. Additionally, it is better to insulate the seedlings with spruce branches.

Further care for garden hibiscus consists of abundant watering, regular loosening of the soil, pruning and fertilizing. You need to water the shrub as the soil dries with warm, settled water; on hot days, more liquid will be needed. Some types of hibiscus drop their leaves when there is a lack of moisture. It is advisable to feed the shrub in the spring-summer period once every 2 weeks with phosphorus-containing fertilizer.

Loosening the soil improves aeration and allows the root system to breathe. Prune garden and tree hibiscus better in spring or at the beginning of summer - this has a beneficial effect on flowering, facilitates care and helps give the tree beautiful shape. It is important to properly prepare young trees for the dormant period: before frost, garden hibiscus is pruned and watered abundantly, after which the soil around is mulched using dry leaves and. Young plants are wrapped or bent to the ground. For shelter, a frame and special material, such as agrotex, are used.

Hibiscus pruning

Spring plant care involves pruning the branches. This necessary procedure for both indoor and outdoor garden species. It is produced after a period of dormancy, when the bush has not yet begun to grow. Proper shortening of shoots has a positive effect on flowering, improves branching and appearance bush.

In some species flower buds They are planted only at the ends of new shoots, so without pruning the plant may stop blooming. Tree and garden hibiscus forms well; you can give it any shape, for example, turning it into a standard tree. The cuttings obtained during pruning are used for plant propagation.

Do not get rid of hibiscus rhizomes in early spring- these plants wake up late, and it is better to wait a while than to uproot a bush that is still alive.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

Garden and tree hibiscus propagate very simply: by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Cuttings begin in the summer, before flowering begins. To do this, shoots with several internodes are cut from the bush, the ends are dusted with a root formation stimulator and planted in a greenhouse with peat soil. Rooting lasts about a month, when the shoots begin to grow, they are transplanted into pots with a nutrient substrate and grown there until a bush is formed. After this, planting plants in open ground is possible.

Young plants do not have the frost resistance of adults, so they need to be covered for the winter or dug up, replanted in pots and stored until spring in a cellar or in the dark on a glazed balcony.

The water method is also suitable for cuttings, but when using it, most of the leaves are removed from the shoot, leaving 3-4; large ones are cut by a third to reduce evaporation. Add a tablet to the water activated carbon so that there is no rotting. Hibiscus usually reproduces successfully from cuttings.

How to propagate hibiscus by seeds

Growing from seeds is the easiest way to propagate these plants. Garden hibiscus obtained in this way blooms in the year of planting, while Syrian hibiscus blooms only in the third year. It is better to start sowing in winter period, from the end of January. The seeds need fresh, they do not require stratification. Planting is carried out in a mixture of peat and sand; before planting, the seed must be soaked in a growth stimulator for a day.

The crops are watered and covered with a bag or placed in a greenhouse, placing it in a bright and warm place where the temperature is not lower than +25 °C. Until friendly shoots appear, caring for seedlings consists of regular ventilation and spraying. Cultivation in open ground begins at the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed. Plants are planted in a permanent place, protected from drafts and scorching sun.

Diseases and pests

The main pests of hibiscus are spider mites. They multiply quickly in hot and dry conditions, covering the bush with white cobwebs. Yellow dots appear on the leaves, the buds do not open, but dry out and fall off. In case of severe damage, plants need to be treated with special preparations. There are also folk recipes getting rid of this pest: spraying with garlic infusion, solution essential oils(10 drops per 1 liter of water) and others. Bushes are sometimes affected by aphids. These are quite large insects, visible to the naked eye. When they appear, insecticides are used.

Hibiscus can suffer from chlorosis, and sheet plate turns yellow, only the central veins remain green. The disease most often occurs due to a lack of nutrients, especially iron. It is necessary to add additional organomineral fertilizers to the soil and spray the leaves with iron chelate. Lack of nutrition is also indicated by such signs as lack of flowering, frequent yellowing and falling of leaves, and poor development of shoots. If the plant is not cared for correctly, problems may occur. fungal diseases caused by excessive watering or low water temperature.

So, hibiscus can be trees, bushes or herbs. Prefer a sunny location, abundant watering and fertilizing phosphorus fertilizers. In central Russia, some plants can be grown in open ground frost-resistant varieties, but most species require shelter for the winter with special material or spruce branches.

Perennial shrubs, such as garden hibiscus and tree hibiscus (Syrian), lose their leaves in the winter, but herbaceous species rarely retain aboveground part, growing anew from the rhizome every spring. Major diseases are associated with errors in care and lack of nutrition. Pests are often affected by mites and aphids. Plants propagate well by seeds and cuttings.

Novice gardeners usually do not risk growing perennials. garden plants from seeds, citing special technological conditions. It’s easier for them to buy a ready-made bush or cutting. In reality, everything is not so complicated. We will talk about growing hibiscus from seeds.

(Hibiscus) - unpretentious plant, quite drought- and frost-resistant (rhizomes survive at temperatures down to -30°C). For planting in open ground, hibiscus seedlings are grown from seeds.

In March, pre-soak the seeds in a solution of a stimulant (humate, zircon, or other according to the instructions). Stir occasionally so that they better absorb moisture. Then wrap it in a damp cloth and place it in an open plastic bag. After 3-4 days, most of them germinate. Each hatched seed is sown in a separate cup filled with nutritious soil for flowers, you can put them in peat-humus pots and cover them with polyethylene.

Place in a bright place, away from direct sunlight.

To protect seedlings from blackleg, you need to water them with a solution of foundationazole.

When it gets warmer outside, take the hibiscus seedlings out into the fresh air for a few minutes at first, gradually increasing the time they spend in the sun and wind. The hardening process takes about two weeks.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in May, transferring the plants from cups along with a lump of earth, at a distance of 30-45 cm from each other, when the threat of night frosts has passed. Choose a sunny place, shadow is undesirable. If a frosty night is still expected, cover them with spunbond, old buckets, etc. Young hibiscus seedlings cannot be mulched, as they stop developing well. Do this only 2-3 years after planting. The optimal layer of mulch is 4-5 cm of straw or peat humus.

Among the diseases, hibiscus can be affected by chlorosis (yellowing of leaves); if danger is detected, spray the bushes with an iron chelate solution. It is also useful to water the root with a solution of foundation and spray it on the leaves.

During the budding stage, pamper your pets with foliar feeding (in the evening), which promotes more early flowering, and the flowers become larger and brighter. In the herbaceous hibiscus, the ground part dies off during the winter.

Before the onset of frost, it is advisable to water the rhizomes and cover them with straw or pine needles, or just with soil.

You can start dividing from the third year after planting.

For details on how to grow hibiscus on your property and how to properly care for it, see the following video.

mi. For me, temporarily living on a tropical island, propagating hibiscus is not an easy task. I wrote in this article about my multiple unsuccessful attempts to propagate hibiscus by cuttings. Although the cuttings were taken from plants growing in this area. I have four of my own constantly blooming hibiscus (two types, two plants each). I have repeatedly thought that I could try to propagate hibiscus by seeds. However, after flowering, my hibiscus seed pods broke off early and fell to the ground. I didn't find any seeds in them. I couldn’t even imagine what hibiscus seeds looked like externally. I once ordered seeds of two types of hibiscus from a local company. An employee of the company explained that this type of hibiscus will not be able to develop and bloom normally. From the catalog I saw that these types of hibiscus require at least 14 hours of daylight. I am not going to do any additional illumination with lamps during the period of growing hibiscus from seeds. Therefore, I did not insist that the seeds be sent after all. I saw hibiscus seeds on one of the Russian sites. I prescribed hibiscus seeds. I’m not at all sure that this type of hibiscus is suitable for tropical areas. Since besides high temperature ambient air here is daylight all year round does not exceed 13 hours. I would like to see if this is really the case. Although, three purchased in different time Similar, I think, species of hibiscus quickly died.

I am starting to propagate hibiscus by seeds. I have three hibiscus seeds.
The recommendations on the bag of seeds say that the seeds need to be scarified and then soaked. I made do with soaking in warm water with the addition of a solution with vitamin B1 for 48 hours.
Next, I buried the seeds in moist soil to a depth of approximately 5 mm. I sowed the seeds one at a time in different, small-diameter containers. I did this in order to avoid diving. I covered the containers tightly with cling film. The seeds began to germinate on the third day after sowing.
I remove the film and place the containers in the flower tray. I cover the top with glass. I remove the glass periodically.

On the 10th day after germination, the third true leaves began to appear on the seedlings.

All three seedlings from the three seeds sown are at approximately the same stage of growth. They also sprouted at the same time. Now the task is to preserve these hibiscus seedlings. The hibiscus I grow from seeds are hybrid. Therefore, I think they have increased requirements in care e.

Hibiscus is propagated by seeds and cuttings. . Hibiscus seeds can be sown throughout the year, but it is best to do this in the spring, which is when young plants grow and develop in better conditions and are more adaptable to the coming winter. Before sowing hibiscus seeds, they must be soaked in water or a growth stimulant, first wrapped in gauze. This should be done one to three days before sowing.

Hibiscus propagation. Preparation:

The soil for sowing is prepared light, consisting of clean coarse sand and peat in equal proportions. You can also use soils. Dishes for germinating seeds must be selected with holes. It is better to use a plastic container with holes up to seven centimeters or peat cups. A little expanded clay is placed in the prepared cups, and the soil mixture is poured on top.

Propagation of hibiscus by seeds

The sown hibiscus seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the soil mixture and covered with a thin layer of sand or soil substrate. Don't forget to water the crops generously. To do this, it is better to use a sprayer, since high pressure of water from a watering can can wash away the seeds. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 23-27 degrees. The higher the temperature of the soil substrate, the more friendly and faster the seedlings appear. To do this, containers with crops are covered with film and placed near the battery. The soil does not dry out under the film, but to be more sure, you need to keep an eye on the soil moisture.

When seedlings appear, the containers are placed closer to the light source so that the plants do not stretch, and the temperature must be lowered. By 2-3 degrees. The most an important condition for further hibiscus propagation is compliance temperature regime within 24-28 degrees during the day, a couple of degrees lower at night.

The lighting of sprouted plants should be good to prevent them from stretching. We must not forget about maintaining constant soil moisture. When the soil substrate is waterlogged and dried out, it turns sour and air access to the roots of plants becomes difficult. Hibiscus. Care at home.

Hibiscus propagation. Transplanting seedlings

When the first 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings should be planted in lighter soil, the roots should be shortened slightly and the plants should be transplanted into holes so that the leaves do not come into contact with the ground. After picking, the planted hibiscus seedlings grow very intensively and develop good root system. If necessary, young plants are replanted by transferring the soil lump into another container with a diameter 2-3 centimeters larger than the previous one. Young, well-developed hibiscus plants, propagated by seeds, are replanted in the spring, in March or April. At the same time, old soil is removed from the roots, the drainage is changed, the roots are inspected, removing diseased and damaged ones.

Hibiscus propagation. After transplantation, young hibiscus plants are fed a month later. complex fertilizers for flowers. Next, young plants are cared for as an adult plant. Hibiscus propagated from seeds will thank you for your attention and care with beautiful and abundant flowering. Hibiscus can bloom already in the first year of life. And when good care and with sufficient lighting it can bloom all year round.

Propagation of hibiscus by cuttings

Cuttings for propagating hibiscus are cut in the summer, cutting off the tops of young growth, always with three or four internodes. Cuttings are rooted at an air temperature of 20 degrees, in water or in sand or soil. The cut must be pre-treated with growth stimulants. You can also add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of water. When roots appear, the seedlings are planted in small pots filled with expanded clay and soil mixture. Don’t forget to water them generously and place them in a shaded place. Next, care for the hibiscus seedling is the same as for reproduction of hibiscus but by seeds.