Sphagnum - structure and properties of moss, varieties, use for medicinal purposes and for indoor plants. Where does sphagnum moss grow?

Bryophytes are one of the divisions of spore plants that occupy a special position in the system of this kingdom. Representatives have economic and medicinal value, are widely used and are important participants in food chains. In addition, they take part in the formation of swamp ecosystems.

Sphagnum: systematic position

According to their place in the system of the organic world, sphagnums occupy the following taxonomic position:

  • Kingdom: Plants.
  • Division: Bryophytes;
  • Class, order and family - Sphagnum.
  • Genus: Sphagnum.

The number of species reaches 120, of which the most widespread are:

  • bog sphagnum;
  • protruding;
  • brown;
  • Magellanian;
  • papillous;
  • Girgenson.

The structure of sphagnum has some peculiarities, which also affects its use by humans. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

External structure of the plant

Probably everyone has seen a green, loose mat of stems clustered at the top, which forms hummocks of swamps and swamps and floats on the surface of overgrown lakes. so this is sphagnum. A photo of this plant can be seen below.

Very nice succulent stems, repeatedly dissected and crowded upward. The outside is covered with a crust, which is several layers of cells. Sphagnum leaves are sessile, ligulate type. Those located on the stem are oblong and often solitary. And the leaves of the branches, on the contrary, are more crowded, bent at the top. In fact, they are practically scaly and barely noticeable without special equipment. What are usually mistaken for leaves are numerous branches from the main stem.

Like other mosses, sphagnums do not have roots. However, unlike their relatives, they do not have rhizoids for attachment to the substrate. It is interesting that the lower you look at the stem, the lighter it appears. Finally, at the base it completely loses its green color. This is explained by the absence of the chlorophyll pigment in the cells, since these structures are no longer living, but dead.

From such parts settling to the bottom of the swamp, peat is subsequently formed. This is why sphagnum is often In general, the color of the plant is soft green, not bright. This is due to the fact that it is constantly saturated with a large amount of water. The question arises: “How does moss manage to store so much liquid in itself?” This is explained by the features internal structure. Let's look at them.

Internal structure of sphagnum

From the inside, moss is formed by ordinary cells. Sphagnum leaves contain chlorophyll, as do the stem structures. Therefore, photosynthesis occurs over almost the entire surface of the body. Nutrition also occurs, that is, water absorption.

The green cells of moss are connected to each other at their ends and form a structure resembling a network - this is the plant’s conducting system. The reproductive organs are sporangia, in which spores mature.

There is no conductive system like this. Instead, there are special cells. They perform the functions of storing and absorbing water.

Special cells in the structure

Sphagnum cells are not all the same. The fact is that some of them have shells with a hole and dead protoplast, that is, an empty cavity. The plant needs this in order to absorb a large number of moisture and retain it inside itself in these hollow structures.

The structure of sphagnum allows it to be filled with water in an amount 20-30 times greater than its own weight. That is why the habitats of these mosses are always very humid; they literally float on the surface of the water.

When the plant is filled with moisture, its color is soft green. During drought, it gradually turns white, eventually becoming completely snow-white.

Moss propagation

The structure of sphagnum includes specialized structures necessary for reproduction - sporangia. They, like all other mosses, are located on special stalks in the apical part of the plant. They are a box with a lid in which spores form and mature.

When the time comes for reproduction, small cells spill out and are carried away by the wind. When they fall into a drop of water, they begin to sprout into a new plant. The lid of the sporangium opens spontaneously.

There is another method of reproduction that this plant carries out. Sphagnum is capable of producing vegetative parts for further independent existence. Most often this happens after the main stalk grows greatly in length, towering above the rest of the parts. At this moment, the separation of the daughter plant occurs.

Special properties of sphagnum mosses

A photo of which can be seen in this article has a number of special properties due to the presence of special cells. This:

  1. Hygroscopicity exceeding all known limits in plants. If we compare the moisture absorption capacity of cotton wool and sphagnum moss, it will be 6 times greater in moss! In addition, it is noteworthy that the distribution of water inside the plant body occurs absolutely evenly. Therefore, until all the existing cells are filled, the moss will not give up excess moisture. This allows it to be used as an addition to the soil.
  2. Air permeability, which allows the soil with moss to be very light, loose and airy. This increased aeration has a positive effect on the growth and development of other plants in the ecosystem.
  3. Sphagnum acids, which are part of the plant, allow it to moderately acidify the soil with hydrogen cations.
  4. Rich real organic composition makes this plant special. Sphagnum has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as disinfectants.

What is the composition of these amazing mosses? The most important connections can be named:

  • sphagnum acids;
  • coumarins;
  • sphagnol;
  • terpenes;
  • carbolic acid.

Thanks to this component composition the plant itself is practically not exposed to diseases or pests.

Places of growth

The main condition for growth of this plant- presence of sufficient moisture. After all, sphagnum moss, a photo of which is in the review, is very dependent on water for reproduction, like all spore-bearing moss. That is why its main places of growth include:

  • temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere;
  • european part of Russia;
  • Siberia;
  • South America.

The main ecosystem that this moss forms is raised bogs. Wherever such a plant settles, a gradual and inevitable swamping of the area occurs.

Role in nature

The entire life of sphagnum is built on its ability to absorb moisture. Features of internal and external structure, economic significance and areas of application, use in medical purposes- almost everything is explained by composition and structure. The role it plays in nature also owes to this.

The main thing is that sphagnum, a photo of which we posted in the article, forms peat deposits. Thanks to the sphagnic acid and sphagnol contained in the plant, the processes of rotting and decomposition of dead lower parts of the plant occur extremely slowly. This leads to the formation of peat layers. The action occurs slowly, about one meter per thousand years.

The ability to cause waterlogging in the area is also important. As a result, not only the vegetation cover changes, but also the entire biogeocenosis, fauna, insects and other creatures.

Economic importance for humans

There are several main areas of application of this moss by humans.

Thus, it turns out that sphagnum peat moss is not only interesting and valuable plant as a source of minerals, but also an invaluable treasure medicines, a source of moisture and an aerator for other representatives of the flora. Its beautiful appearance harmoniously combines with the spectacular characteristics of the internal structure and meaning in nature and people's lives.

In swampy areas, areas where there are a large number of bodies of water, various specific plants grow. Many of them have useful and unique properties. Sphagnum moss is quite common in the forest zone. Photo of where this "grows" natural sponge"(this is how its name is translated from Greek), is presented below. The name was given because of its hygroscopic properties.

general information

Green mosses belong to the main groups of mossy plants. Most of them are brightly colored. Sphagnum moss is quite easy to distinguish. He looks much paler compared to the others. Often in the forest belt you can even find white moss sphagnum. It becomes colorless if it is dried. The “sponge” has no roots. The lower part of the plant turns into peat over time. Rotting does not occur due to substances with bactericidal properties. Sphagnum moss can be found, in principle, everywhere. However, it is most common in the northern hemisphere of the planet. Favorite places are wetlands, shaded, damp places. In these areas, mass reproduction of the “sponge” is observed.


It should be said that the structure of sphagnum moss is similar to other representatives of the species. During the growth process, unbranched, erect shoots are formed, which are collected into pillows or dense turfs. Their height, as a rule, is no more than five centimeters. There is no real stem. The elements that correspond to them are called phyllidia and caulidia. Through the gaps between these parts, most of the salts and water necessary for normal life enter. Phyllidia usually consist of a single cell layer. Rhizoids play the role of roots. Through these branching multicellular filaments, water and dissolved substances are absorbed from the soil. useful compounds. However, with age, rhizoids lose their ability to “conduct” and serve only for support and anchorage in the substrate.

What is sphagnum moss?

Like vascular representatives of the flora, the species in question alternates between the asexual generation (sporophyte) and the sexual generation (gametophyte). The latter is represented by photosynthesis green plant. Gametes are formed in the genital organs (gametangia). Male gametangia are called antheridia, female gametangia are called archegonia. From the zygote (fertilized egg) a sporophyte emerges - the spore generation. Mossy plants have virtually no chlorophyll. Sporophytes remain attached to the gametophyte, receiving nutrition from it. Each cell contains a diploid (double) chromosome set. The gametophyte has a haploid (single) chromosome structure (as in gametes). From two single sets, when the sperm and egg merge, one double set is formed. It is necessary for the development of the sporophyte. During spore formation, meiosis (reduction-type cell division) occurs. As a result, each spore again becomes haploid. Then it can germinate into the same single gametophyte. A thread-like branched structure is formed from the spore. It is called protonema. Buds begin to form on it. Gametophytes subsequently develop from them.

Distribution mechanism

How does sphagnum moss grow? Where does sponge grow best? The extent of spread primarily depends on the composition of the soil. The most favorable environment is poorly ventilated soil with a low pH. Sphagnum moss is a plant common in shaded areas, under trees, on shaded parts of buildings, paths, and monuments. It should be noted that growth occurs very quickly. And if in the forest zone mossy plants make up the natural landscape, then when they appear in personal plots, a lot of problems and obstacles are created for the development of other representatives of the flora. In this regard, you should often think about ventilation of lawns, paths, and facades.

Mechanical methods of combating the “sponge” on a personal plot

One of the main reasons for the growth of moss is considered to be insufficient soil ventilation. To ensure ventilation, you should penetrate deep into the soil, while ensuring air access to the lower layers. If the weed has not spread very much, you can remove it manually. To do this, it is enough to dig up each of its bushes. Proper mowing of the lawn is of considerable importance in preventing the spread of moss. It is this that affects the ability of the turf lying at a depth of about 8 cm to retain air, moisture and fertilizers. As already mentioned above, when high humidity a very favorable environment is created for the spread of the "sponge".

Chemical methods

Fertilizers can also help in the fight against moss growth. Mixtures that help reduce soil acidity are suitable for this. Experts recommend giving preference to complex products for treating decorative lawns. These fertilizers usually contain three components: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Such mixtures have a double effect. First of all, thanks to the properties, the death of mossy growths occurs. Secondly, due to the presence of nitrogen, grass growth is activated. If you apply fertilizers to moist soil, the death of mosses occurs faster. As practice shows, a decrease in soil acidity is observed just two days after treatment. In spring or summer period Only mossy areas should be sprinkled. In case of widespread plant distribution, the entire area should be fertilized completely. However, you should not overuse fertilizers. The mixture can be used no more than once every 2 months. Experts advise reducing soil acidity in autumn period. As a result, the alkaline composition of the soil will be ensured throughout the winter.

A simple way to get rid of the spread of the "sponge"

Very effective means to combat moss on facades or monuments is regular soda. Its solution creates an alkaline environment that is harmful to it. It should be said, however, that if part of a building or monument is located in a shaded area, then reappearance sphagnum cannot be avoided. Therefore, you will have to clean it regularly. You can use powders specially designed for this purpose. You can buy them at gardening stores.

Sphagnum moss. Application

"Sponge" has a number of useful properties, thanks to which it is used in various fields. In medicine, use began in the 11th century. And by the 19th, sphagnum moss began to be sent to the provinces for use as a dressing material. During the war, it was an indispensable remedy, having high hygroscopicity and the ability to quickly and easily absorb pus, blood and other liquids. Some companies today produce sphagnum-gauze swabs, which are additionally impregnated with a solution of boric acid. Moss contains sphagnol, a phenol-like compound. This substance has a bactericidal, antifungal and disinfectant effect. Humic acids, also present in the plant, exhibit antibiotic properties. The use of sphagnum insoles promotes quick deliverance from foot fungus. For infectious skin lesions, psoriasis and other pathologies, baths with moss infusion are recommended. To prepare, cut a small amount of “sponge” and fill it with water (70-80 degrees). Sphagnum is used as a filling for diapers and mattresses. It is recommended as a padding diaper for the elderly and seriously ill.

Use in horticulture and animal husbandry

Flower growers use moss when growing young shoots or to save sick specimens. Due to the hygroscopicity of the “sponge”, moisture is effectively retained in the substrate. The plant is especially often used when caring for orchids. To grow shoots, moss is scalded, cooled and squeezed. Afterwards it should be poured with the prepared mineral liquid lux, squeezed lightly again and placed in plastic bag. It must be kept closed for four days. Every two months, the orchid should be replanted in soil freshly prepared in this manner. When its roots reach five to seven centimeters, the plant is placed in a pine bark substrate. Sphagnum moss is also used to protect plants from frost on personal plot. As a hygiene product, sphagnum is used in cages with hamsters, rats, and guinea pigs. Such natural filler Excellently copes with odors, disinfects and absorbs moisture.


When collecting moss, you should not pull it out along with the lower part. For proper preparation, the top is trimmed with scissors. In this case, the remaining part will be able to sprout. The collected moss at home must be doused with boiling water. This is done to eliminate insect larvae and eggs. In this case, the properties of moss are not lost. Dry the raw materials outdoors in sunny weather with a slight breeze. Dryers are not recommended. If the preparation is carried out for subsequent use in medicinal purposes, then the raw materials are kept in the air until completely dry. After this, it is broken and placed in a dry container. If it is intended to be used for decorative purposes or as a filler for animal cells, then the plant should not be dried completely. In this case, the raw materials are stored in newspaper. You can keep dry moss in freezer. They put it there green and take it out when necessary.

Knowing how people used sphagnum moss before, you can successfully apply this information in practice. It has long been known that nature gave us all the best for farming and maintaining health.


Moss) is a genus of mosses that live in raised and transitional bogs. The upper part of the plant grows every year, and the bottom dies off. It almost does not rot and serves to form peat. This is due to the presence of carbolic acid in the body of sphagnum, which is a strong antiseptic.

Sphagnum moss usually appears in damp areas. Due to its ability to absorb and retain moisture, the accumulation of such moss leads to waterlogging. At the same time, the plant has a number of properties that make it invaluable on the farm. Today there is a huge amount of information about how people used sphagnum moss in the past.

Application in construction

Due to its low thermal conductivity, such moss was actively used in construction. So, special powder or plates were made from it, which were used in the construction of walls. But don’t think that this technology is a thing of the past. It is quite possible to use it today, because sphagnum has a number of undeniable advantages over modern building materials:

Sphagnum is an indispensable component in the preparation of earthen mixtures for indoor plants. The fact is that in a dry state, moss absorbs water 20 times more than its own weight. Thus, the soil remains moist longer and systematically nourishes the roots of plants. If you are going away for a while, but are not sure that your neighbors will conscientiously water your plants, make sure that they are planted in soil mixed with finely chopped sphagnum.

Use in livestock

How did people use sphagnum moss before? This plant played an important role in almost all spheres of human life. Thus, sphagnum has always served as a good bedding for domestic animals. And its bactericidal properties prevented the spread of livestock diseases. In addition, in barns where sphagnum is used, there will never be an unpleasant odor.

Rated beneficial features sphagnum and beekeepers. Moss bedding is placed under the hives for insulation and absorption excess moisture. In addition, sphagnum will disinfect the air, which will prevent the spread of diseases dangerous to bees.

Use in medicine

The use of sphagnum moss in medicine is due to its following properties:

  • good hygroscopicity, which means the ability to quickly absorb moisture (several times better than conventional cotton wool);
  • good breathability (even when wet);
  • antibacterial properties.

All of the above characteristics make sphagnum an excellent dressing material. This moss was used to treat wounds in ancient times, and in wartime this material saved more than one life. Here are some other ways to use sphagnum moss in medicine:

  • treatment of frostbite and burns;
  • splinting (sphagnum acts as a layer that protects the skin);
  • treatment of foot and nail fungus (special insoles made of moss are used for this);
  • treatment of psoriasis and other infectious skin diseases (moss is infused in hot water, and then take a bath with the addition of this product);
  • fight against staphylococcal lesions (you need to wash the wound with the liquid squeezed out after collecting sphagnum).

Sphagnum moss: use in the garden

Avid gardeners and gardeners have long appreciated the benefits of sphagnum. This moss helps normal development young plants, as well as restoration of “sick” specimens. And, of course, gardeners could not help but note the hygroscopic properties of sphagnum. Moss helps support normal humidity soil even in extreme heat. Accumulating moisture during rain or watering, sphagnum gradually releases it as the soil dries.


An undeservedly forgotten plant is sphagnum moss. Its use in various areas of life is becoming popular again. Thus, in medical circles there is talk of producing a dressing material based on it. Also, this moss can bring considerable profit to builders. In the meantime, livestock breeders and gardeners actively and successfully use sphagnum in their activities.

Quite often, sphagnum moss acts as a component of the soil mixture intended for indoor plants. And it is very rare to find an explanation for what purposes moss is used and what kind of plant it is, in general? In fact, sphagnum moss has simply amazing capabilities. Why is it so good, and what is it used for?

What is sphagnum moss?

This plant grows mostly on the northern side of the hemisphere. You can also find it in the south, somewhere in the mountains; it is extremely rare on the plain. But they say that if you are lucky, you can see this moss on the plain. But still, in the north there is more of this plant than anywhere else. This is where it is mined industrially and used in construction (excellent thermal insulation). Moss is also used in perfumery and medicine. Due to its light color, moss also has a second name - white moss.

What properties does sphagnum have?

Of all the other advantages, we can highlight three main properties of moss, which are simply invaluable in floriculture. These are breathability, hygroscopicity and antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

The ability of moss to pass air allows earth mixture stay moist and very light.

Ability to absorb moisture from environment- here sphagnum is the undisputed leader. If you take one part of the total volume, it will absorb much more than twenty of them. Cotton doesn’t have such abilities either. The humidification process is carried out equally. Moisture is released into the soil mixture also in a measured and portioned manner. Soil that contains moss will always be moderately moist and waterlogging is excluded here.

Due to its antibacterial and disinfectant properties, sphagnum has found application in the field of medicine, these qualities are so high. The triterpene compounds and antibiotics found in moss, as well as other beneficial properties, keep the roots of indoor flowers in a healthy state, preventing them from rotting. And, in general, they protect flowers from all sorts of troubles.

Where is sphagnum used?

Moss serves as an additional component in the composition of the soil not only for plants with increased requirements to humidity, but for others too. Moss added to the soil, even a small part of it, for plants such as and many others, can help protect the gardener from a significant part of the hassle.

The process of rooting cuttings also goes well in moss. For example, flower growers who practice root leaves only in sphagnum.

Residents of the northern regions are much luckier in terms of the availability of sphagnum moss. They can even get it themselves in swamps where moss grows (white shanks). Sphagnum stores well, and you can grow and propagate it yourself. Moss must be stored frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator. After defrosting, he becomes alive again. Everyone else can only rely on online stores, where you can quite easily find the necessary sphagnum moss for sale.