Automatic lighting control systems for buildings. Automatic headlight switching

Holidays in a house outside the city become comfortable and bring pleasure only when the tasks of maintaining the house and site are reduced to a minimum. Often, owners are forced to water the plantings, control the ventilation and heating of the house, turn on the lighting of the area, etc. Of course, such a “vacation” was standard for our grandparents, but today there are completely different times and standards of life, which increasingly exclude the transformation of staying outside the city into work that takes a lot of effort and time.

This much-needed functionality today can be completely delegated, not to hired workers, but to modern multifunctional modular electrical equipment, which allows all processes to be carried out on suburban area in automatic mode, i.e. without human intervention. Its installation is quick and easy in already existing systems supply of electricity and thus eliminates the need for complex repair work.

There can be many processes, but in this article we will focus on automatically turns on after dark street lighting .

Although there are many simple ways turning on street lighting, it is difficult to argue with the fact that it is much more convenient when the lighting is turned on and off without human intervention at all, i.e. in automatic mode.

Modern modular equipment allows you not only to program the equipment to turn on in a timely manner, but also to create different combinations of light zones (for example, the lighting of several lawns will be turned on at one time, and a little later - the lamps on the remaining lawns and near the entrance).

The issue of turning on the lighting automatically becomes especially relevant in the autumn and winter months, when the sun sets very early and owners of country property are forced to return home in the dark.

There are currently many devices on the market that allow you to solve the problem of turning on the lighting automatically. So, if you need to light street lamps after dark, it is best to use twilight relays (photo relays). In the evening, if the light level drops below a certain level, the relay will operate and the lighting will turn on.

Lamps that are installed for security purposes near gates, garage doors or the entrance to the house can be connected via Motion Sensor. For these purposes, it is most often used to detect the presence and movement of a person in its coverage area. When installing motion sensors, you need to choose the correct location, taking into account its sensitivity.

To solve the important problem of street lighting control, you can opt for astronomical relay.

To organize lighting at the entrance to the house or the entrance to the site, you can opt for time relay with switch-off delay function. Such a device is controlled by a push-button switch and turns off the load (lights in the yard or garden) after a set time.

The delay time for turning on the load is set on the front panel of the relay, and can be adjusted depending on the device. In some time relays (timers), you can program not only time intervals for turning on and off outdoor lighting, but also distribute them by day of the week.

Very interesting and useful effects can be obtained by combining Various types lighting control devices. For example, a motion sensor can be connected together with a timer. Thanks to this, you can make it so that 2 20 W bulbs turn on automatically according to a timer, and when a person approaches, the motion sensor is triggered and 2 100 W bulbs turn on.

A huge number of possibilities for controlling outdoor lighting can be obtained using equipment for building systems home automation ( , and so on.) . Modern technologies and will help you create the most comfortable and convenient outdoor lighting control schemes at a cost and complexity level that suits you.

All devices listed in the article - photo relays, timers, motion sensors can be integrated into one system, which can be controlled using a remote control remote control or fully automatic. More details about the possibilities of controlling street lighting and floodlights using the X10 home automation system will be discussed in the following articles.

The vast majority of modern foreign-made cars, especially prestigious versions, are equipped with a device that automatically turns on the headlights when certain or specified conditions are created.

Often this device is combined with a rain sensor or is triggered when the light level decreases, controlled by sensitive photocells. However, the use of the above options becomes insufficient when it comes to a car operated in Russian Federation. "Rules Road Traffic» (hereinafter referred to as traffic regulations) in force on its territory require the inclusion of low beam headlights while driving vehicle regardless of the time of day and degree of illumination.

The appearance of this requirement in traffic regulations has caused the need for significant improvements in the electrical supply system not only for domestically produced cars, but also for foreign cars of the older age category.

The main requirements for a device or system that ensures automatic switching on of low beam headlights are:

  • Guaranteed automatic switching on of headlights when the vehicle starts moving.
  • Turning off the low beam when the vehicle is parked.
  • Economical spending electrical energy in all operating modes of the power unit.

Filling the created niche in the automotive spare parts market, the development of these devices was undertaken not only by enterprises specializing in electrical equipment for automobiles, but also by the so-called “traditional craftsmen”. The devices they offer, both ready-made and at the same level circuit diagrams, a great many. The devices differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the complexity of their implementation.

1. Diagrams of automatic headlight switching devices

Let's look at a few possible options, providing automatic switching on of vehicle headlights.

1.1 One of the simplest and most effective schemes for protecting against turning on headlights when the car is not running is a circuit that provides supply voltage to the button (relay) for turning on the headlights through. Turning off the engine (starter) opens the headlight power supply circuit. The fears of some motorists about increasing the load on the chain are unfounded, provided correct connection devices.

1.2 The method described below for organizing the automatic switching on of low beams involves connecting an additional relay or relay electromagnet that turns on the headlights to the “battery charging” signal lamp circuit. The practical implementation looks like this (see diagram in Fig. No. 1):

  • add a five-pin relay to the circuit (type 90.3747);
  • We connect contacts “30” and “85” to the ignition switch;
  • contact “86” is connected to the terminal of the generator connected to the charge control lamp;
  • contact “88” is connected to the relay that turns on the headlights (or the headlight circuit fuse);
  • turning on the ignition ensures the supply of current to the windings of the relay electromagnet coil and its flow (through the generator winding) to the negative terminal;
  • the relay operates to open contacts “88” and “30”;
  • as a result of starting the engine and the subsequent start of operation of the generator, positive current comes to the terminal of the generator warning lamp;
  • disabling the relay leads to the closure of contacts “88” and “30”, that is, the low beam headlights are automatically turned on.

Using a diode in series with the relay coil and directed towards the generator will help prevent the occurrence of a "harmful" circuit. The headlights will light only if the circuit is unbroken, which is monitored by the “battery charging” lamp.

Figure No. 1

1.3 The third connection method is based on using a sensor in the automatic headlight switching circuit emergency pressure oils in the power plant. In fact, this method is a variation of the one described above. The difference is that the relay coil is connected to the pressure sensor rather than to the generator. The headlights turn on immediately after the pressure in the lubrication system rises to the required level.

A significant disadvantage of this scheme is the blinking of the headlights when the oil pressure in the system decreases and, as a result, the sensor is triggered (coasting, idling mode, etc.).

The schemes and methods discussed above that ensure automatic switching on of headlights are simple in technical design and do not require significant material costs for implementation. This is their undoubted advantage. However, a fairly large group of domestic car enthusiasts, due to lack of free time, technical illiteracy and other objective reasons, prefer to use factory-made devices.

2. The “AvtoSvet AS” device, as an alternative to homemade schemes

The functional purpose of the AutoLight AS device is to smoothly turn on the low beam headlights at the moment:

a) the vehicle begins to move;

b) starting the engine and achieving 10-100% of the rated power.

This allows you to significantly extend the service life of incandescent lamps.

The low beam headlights automatically go out when the side lights are turned on (mains voltage< 12,7 Вольт), зажигания. Схема подключения контроллера предполагает коммутацию «+», то есть включение в цепь «+» выключателя или реле.

Figure No. 2

  1. The device can operate in several ways:

The control wire of the controller is connected to the injector or hall sensor circuit;

Connection to the speed sensor circuit

2.2 Installation of the “AvtoSvet AS” controller on a car is carried out as follows:

  • disconnect the “-” battery terminal;
  • the red wire (D=1.5 mm) is connected through a 15-amp fuse to the power source (12 Volts);
  • a black wire (D=1.5 mm) is connected to the “╧” (“ground”) terminal;
  • the wire of blue color(D=1.5 mm) connects to the low beam headlight circuit (“+” terminal ≤ 9 Amperes) after the relay;
  • the wire Brown(D=0.35 mm) connects to the input contact of the speed sensor;
  • The blue wire (D=0.35 mm) is connected to the input contact of the side lights or connected via a toggle switch to the “+” terminal of 12 Volts.

The conditions that determine the automatic activation of low beam headlights depend on the state of the controller loop:

The cut loop ensures that the light turns on when the vehicle starts moving;

The whole loop ensures that the headlights turn on when the power plant starts.

Attention! Connecting the brown wire directly to the coil contacts Absolutely forbidden, since high voltage values ​​will lead to loss of controller functionality.

  • Avoid getting moisture inside the device;
  • prevent deformation of the controller due to mechanical and temperature loads;
  • Do not use gas-discharge lamps in the vehicle electrical system.

In order to facilitate human work and to save energy, again due to human forgetfulness, all kinds of automatic machines are used in practice. In particular circuit breakers outdoor lighting. Their operation is based on photo-optics and comparators to reduce the cost of the circuit. The disadvantages are obvious: the photodetector must be installed in a certain place, protected from natural precipitation, dust and extraneous light. Why does the device have to be placed in unfavorable conditions(outdoors) and carefully seal and insulate, invent protection from extraneous light and protection of the photodetector. This device automatic control lighting does not have these disadvantages. It can be located directly in the electrical panel next to the contactor (magnetic starter, switch). Power is supplied from the same network. The device is based on mathematical calculations of astronomical phenomena such as sunrise and sunset. In the book by J. Meeus “Astronomical formulas for calculators” (M., “Mir” 1988) very accurate formulas for astronomical calculations were published. In 1989, O. Montenbruck and T. Pfleger in the book “Astronomy with personal computer» laid out the basics of using mathematical formulas for machine languages high level Pascal and C.

Diagram of the automatic external lighting control module

What a modern controller is is a microcomputer. Why not apply this research to AVR microcontrollers? The choice fell on Atmega8 due to relative cheapness. Thanks to the help yuriji from the site we managed to return to Atmega8. A programmer friend helped reduce and optimize the code. He suggested the idea of ​​a compact menu. As a result, the code occupied 97.3% of the MK's memory. Due to the lack of a cheap indicator, a more expensive one was used WH1602D companies Winstar, Russified. If you use another LCD, you only need to include the standard file from the CodeVisionAVR library #include . Another forum member daddy just strongly recommended using watch quartz, then supported it and yuriji and after it turned out that with quartz the clock error was 6 seconds per day, the program was slightly adjusted. It should be noted that this did not lead to a change in the PCB design, but it did lead to a reduction in current consumption, since the microcontroller frequency was reduced to 1 MHz from the internal RC oscillator. In order to reduce the cost of the product in the future, it was decided to make the indication on a four-digit LED indicator. All the necessary files and a drawing of the board in Proteus are in the archive.

First, we print the printed circuit board design on the substrate from the decorative film “Rakal” directly from the program Proteus using a laser printer and transferring the design onto foil fiberglass using an iron.

Due to the fact that I was in a hurry, I spoiled the drawing a little. I had to correct it with tsapon varnish. Then, as usual, we poison it in ferric chloride.

We solder the radio components on the printed circuit board. The automatic lighting control device board is assembled without batteries from a 220 volt industrial network.

Download the source and open it in the program CodeVisionAVR. If you have a demo version, do not try to compile the program again (there are restrictions on the size of the code). The picture shows the combination Fuse for the timer version with hour quartz.

To program the MK I used a USB programmer PROTTOSS Laboratory- AVR910 USB Programmer

After flashing the device, a welcome screen will appear. Click the “OK” button. Let's move on to setting the latitude. Values ​​can be added (subtracted) using the buttons " + " And " - " After setting the desired value, use the “OK” button to proceed to setting the next parameter, etc. Once the settings are complete, the program will enter operating mode.

This is only part of the path traveled, first the RTC on the PC8573, then without the RTC at all, or rather its own in the MK. Was on LCD and then on LED. At first, the lighting was turned on/off at sunset/sunrise, but during civil twilight it was more comfortable. When was the switch to daylight saving in Russia? winter time, a function was added to change the time to the last Sunday of October and March, etc. Sincerely, especially for the site Radio circuits , Yu. Gradov.


Quite often, especially in winter, you have to deal with the following situation: you return home from work, it’s already dark and, approaching the entrance, you see that the entrance is not lit, no one bothered to turn on the light, or did not have time, or the light bulb once "stolen". It may also be unsafe to enter an unlit entrance. Or you leave your apartment early in the morning, it’s still dark, but the staircase lighting is already turned off and you have to walk down the steps, breaking your legs. If you live in a private house, then the situation with external lighting of the yard and gate is not much better. In general, situations are different, but one solution suggests itself - automatic lighting control. Yes, so that it is not expensive, but so that it saves electricity, and so that it lasts a long time, and not like a regular incandescent lamp - it needs to be changed every week.

About this one lighting control circuit and will be discussed in our article. For automatic lighting control, two types of sensors are mainly used - motion sensors (lighting turns on when an object approaches the sensor) and light sensors (lighting turns on when the degree of illumination of the sensor changes). Both have their advantages and disadvantages. We will look at a lighting control circuit with a light sensor.

As such a sensor it is used photoresistor domestic or imported, the main thing is that it has a sufficient degree of security if you plan to use the system automatic lighting in the open. The parameters of the resistor itself are not particularly important, since the sensitivity of the circuit is adjusted by resistor R4.

It should immediately be noted that the brightness level of the lamp or, as in our case, the HL1 LED assembly will depend on the degree of illumination of the photoresistor. Namely, the darker it is outside, the brighter the LEDs will burn. And one more thing, it is imperative to exclude illumination of the photoresistor by LEDs!!! That is, for example, place the LED on the top side of the entrance canopy, and the LEDs, where they belong, are placed in the housing of the entrance lighting lamp. It was decided to use a high-brightness LED assembly based on considerations of energy savings and their long service life. In principle, anything will do, including a flashlight with 3 LEDs.

Diagram of the automatic lighting control system:

Lighting control circuit quite simple and does not require adjustment after assembly. As mentioned above, you only need to adjust the response threshold of the DA1 LM358 amplifier using resistor R4. If, instead of economical high-brightness LEDs, you still want to use conventional incandescent lamps, you should use a higher power transistor instead of VT1 KT3102. Its power should be calculated based on the expected load. Or install a relay in this circuit, which with its contact will switch the main load.

T1 - step-down transformer 220/12V, for output current up to 1A, in the case of using LEDs this is more than enough. When using incandescent lamps in an automatic lighting system, the power of the transformer must be calculated based on the expected load.

Printed circuit board of the automatic lighting system, view from the elements:

And this is a view of the printed circuit board from the terminals of the elements:

Download printed circuit board automatic lighting systems in .lay format you can find at the end of the article.

The finished design of the automatic lighting system, as already mentioned, can be placed in the housing of the lighting lamp, and the photoresistor can be moved outside the “light field”, but so that it is illuminated by daylight.

list of files

Motion sensors have made human life much easier. They are installed in various devices, including lighting. So, a person no longer needs to look for a switch in the dark. Thanks to installed sensor motion light will turn on automatically.

Lighting appears due to the transmission of a signal to the control panel that there is movement in the room. So, let’s look at the operating principle of the device, what types there are, and also analyze the main models on the market.

It is worth noting that the sensor itself is installed not in the base, but on the wall. Its viewing angle is up to 120 degrees.

The radiation level is recorded within the sensor's visibility range. When at rest, the sensor remains silent. When an object comes into view, the output voltage changes. Depending on the type of sensor, the method of signal transmission varies.

A series of impulses indicating the appearance of an object is transmitted to the central control panel. Depending on the sensitivity level, the light on the object turns on for 3-10 seconds. To ensure that the lighting appears fairly quickly, a motion sensor is installed at the entrance to the room.

Types of motion sensors

There are quite a few types of motion sensors on the market today. Depending on the existing tasks at the site, budget and external conditions, it is necessary to install one or another motion sensor to turn on the light. So, you can install an ultrasonic, infrared or microwave sensor.

Ultrasonic The sensor works on the principle of reflecting waves from objects that surround it. It is believed that this the most reliable device , presented on the market, and its price is the most attractive. This device saves energy, is easy to use and quite functional. If necessary, you can connect the sensor to a microphone or monitor to monitor the object. The only one disadvantage this sensor is the complexity of installation.

Infrared The sensor works like a thermometer. When an object whose body temperature is higher than that in the room hits, a signal is transmitted to the control panel. Within 3−10 seconds the light turns on automatically. Main disadvantage such a sensor is a reaction to a change in temperature. Therefore, it is not suitable for rooms where there is heating devices. It is not recommended to install it in front of the door. However, these sensors are usually used in residential premises. This is due to the ability to adjust the temperature range so that the light does not turn on on pets.

Microwave The sensor operates like a locator. So, the device periodically sends signals of a certain range. When the signal returns, the sensor is triggered. This is the most advanced sensor on the market today. His maximum sensitivity, and the viewing angle reaches 120 degrees. However, the cost of such a sensor is quite high, so they are installed in office premises or in production workshops.

There are also motion sensors to turn on the lights outdoor and indoor versions. If an indoor sensor operates at a temperature of 0−45 degrees Celsius, then outdoor sensors can withstand frosts down to -50 degrees. When installing alarms, it is important to consider the range of the device. Most often, devices are installed that operate at 100-500 meters, but there are professional models, the radius of which approaches one kilometer. Note that many sensors only work with lighting fixtures a certain type. It is important to take this nuance into account during installation.

Let us remember that the main purpose of motion sensors for turning on lights is to save energy.

When installed in a large commercial facility, energy savings range from 25 to 40%.

Selecting a motion sensor to turn on the light

Of course, you can purchase any type of motion sensor. But when choosing, it is necessary to start from the planned budget and technical capabilities object. There are several rules when installing motion sensors.

Yes, many experts recommend installing an ordinary switch parallel to the motion sensor. The fact is that if you need to stay indoors for a long time, then in order for the light to be on, you will have to constantly move. Otherwise, after a certain time it will turn off if not used infrared sensor movements.

To prevent the device from triggering on pets, it should be installed at a distance of 1 meter from the floor. If it is important that the viewing angle be maximum, the sensor is installed on the ceiling.

You can install the most simple sensors- ultrasonic. But, for dark and cold basements, infrared devices are recommended. They are most suitable for such objects. As for microwaves, they are universal, although due to their high cost, their installation is often carried out at large industrial facilities.


There are several major manufacturers on the market today. But most of them have factories in China. However, there are several domestic manufacturers that assemble sensors from Chinese components in Russia. The cost of such models is slightly higher, but this is fully compensated by the increased warranty period.

It is important to note that the price of the device directly depends on the distance from the central warehouse of the supplier or manufacturer. Yes, on Far East Chinese models are much cheaper than domestic ones. Sensors can be found in Moscow Russian production, which will cost less than imported ones. The most reliable and easy-to-install sensors are models from the Ultralight, Theben and Sen brands. Recently, Camelion LX-03A has become very popular on the market.

Although specifications, in fact, are the same everywhere in the technical passport, domestic outdoor models are more frost-resistant. The warranty usually ranges from 6 months to 1 year.

Installation of motion sensors

In theory, it is very simple to install a sensor that will respond to sound or movement. You need to connect the device wires to the wiring. In order for everything to look aesthetically pleasing, a special distribution box is used. When installing, you must follow several rules.

Firstly, you should immediately think of an installation location, since moving the sensor to another place after its installation will be quite difficult and labor-intensive. Secondly, the switch must operate separately from the motion sensor. Otherwise, difficulties may arise if the sensor breaks. Thirdly, it is important to understand in advance what range of devices will be needed at a given site. It is important that the sensor is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise it will quickly break.

However, to ensure everything is installed correctly, it is recommended to contact a specialist. If you purchase the sensor directly from the installation company, you can save on installation costs. The higher the order value, the greater the discount. In some cases, installation may be free.