Green color combinations in the interior. Recognizable color combinations in the bathroom interior. Beautiful combination of blue: diagram, rules, photo

When decorating your home, you will inevitably face the need to correlate several colors with each other. There are several basic rules, knowing which you can easily arrange any room. The article presents a table of color combinations in the interior, as well as many useful tips and theoretical materials. In this article you will learn about:

  • color circle and the principle of its construction;
  • tones that are used in a particular interior style;
  • how to combine them correctly in the interior;
  • how to choose shades and how to combine them.

We wish you happy reading.

Theoretical aspects of color combinations

Every designer knows the basics of how colors interact, and if you decide to design your apartment yourself, you should also understand this.

There are aromatic colors, these include white, black, gray and chromatic. The chromatic circle is a diagram that consists of the primary colors: red, blue and yellow. By mixing primary colors, secondary tones are obtained.

The main shade and those that are formed from it are called related ones; there are four groups of them: yellow-green, yellow-red, blue-red and blue-green. They harmonize well with each other, as they consist of an admixture of the same main colors.

Adjacent quarters contain related and contrasting shades; their combinations make it possible to obtain the richest range. If you combine colors located across the same sector, they usually cause unpleasant sensations. Opposite each other in quarters color wheel Contrasting colors are located. Their combination is used when it is necessary to draw attention to a certain place in the interior.

Table of color combinations in the interior depending on the type of room

Since color affects the psycho-emotional state of a person and biochemical processes in the body, in rooms with various purposes, the combination of shades when decorating the interior will be different.

You need to be especially careful when choosing a palette when decorating rooms such as a bedroom and a children's room, since they are intended for relaxation. If done incorrectly, a person will not be able to rest normally, both physically and psychologically. Below is a table of color combinations in the interior, compiled by our designers.

Room nameRecommended color combination palette
KitchenSoft and calm tones: yellow and turquoise.
HallwayTones that improve mood and digestion of food: green, beige, yellow, silver, as well as their combination with red and blue.
Color combination in the living room interiorNeutral, soft tones, which are diluted with bright accents.
Color combination in the bedroom interiorPastel colors and shades of purple. Please note that the bedroom is a personal space, so there are no restrictions here, and it is decorated at the request of the owners.
BathroomLight colors with a bluish tint, as they give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

What is a color wheel, what principle is used to build the palette of color combinations in the interior?

Professional designers know how to choose the right palette of color combinations in the interior, so their work looks attractive and harmonious. To do this, they use a tool called a color wheel. What is it?

It is called a conventional representation of the visible spectrum of sunlight, on which they denote various options colors. Over the years, different theories have emerged, so there are several circles:

In the sectors of the circle, the shades are placed in almost the same order as in the spectrum of visible light, and to link the extreme tones, a conditional purple tint is additionally used

To better understand the correct compatibility, it is necessary to build a color wheel. A person distinguishes three main tones: yellow, red and blue. All others are obtained by mixing the main ones with each other, as well as the main and derivative shades. By mixing primary colors, composite colors are obtained, and the remaining empty cells are filled with third-order tones.

A little more theory about the combination of colors in the interior - photo of a table of cold, warm and neutral shades

Everything that surrounds us has its own color, and each tone has a certain effect on the body. The color wheel has several parameters and according to one of them it is divided into cold, warm and neutral. Next, we’ll talk about the combination of colors in the interior; photos of tables with shades are attached.

Warm colors

Most often, the circle is divided in half; all shades of yellow are perceived by us as warm. They subconsciously evoke a feeling of warmth, coziness and comfort in a person, therefore they allow you to create a pleasant and hospitable environment in the room. We associate these tones with summer. Typically this is:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • violet.

All shades that are close to blue are considered cool. They are associated with winter, help create a feeling of coolness and freshness in the room, and seem clean and distant.

Shades that do not make a person feel warm or cool are called neutral. If they are placed next to warm or cool shades, they smooth out their impact and make the color softer.

This whole classification is conditional, pure colors can only be found in the picture, in nature they smoothly transform into one another, so red can be of both warm and cold shades.

Color combinations in the interior - layouts for different styles

When creating a specific design, you need to take into account not only your wishes, but also know and follow certain rules. This is the only way you can properly decorate your premises and avoid serious and gross mistakes.

Before studying the layout of color combinations in the interior, we recommend paying attention to the main points of correct design:

  • choice of basis;
  • the right combination of warm and cold tones;
  • to create comfort in big room warm colors are used;
  • in a small room, it is better to use cold colors, this will visually enlarge the room;
  • when decorating a kitchen or dining room, keep in mind that shades can both enhance and suppress appetite;
  • in the bedroom color palette color combinations in the interior should provide a comfortable stay;
  • For each interior style, experts recommend using certain tones;

Each style has its own color scheme for combining colors in the interior. The table below reveals all the recommended shades when decorating a room.

Style nameRecommended shades
ClassicalDifferent tones, but must be white.
ProvenceBlue, pink, light milky.
Eco styleBrown and dirty green.
High techWhite, black and metal color.
BaroqueAny pastel colors.
ModernGreen, blue, brown-beige.
MinimalismWhite black.
Pin-upYellow, pink.
LoftGreen, red, orange, blue.
CountryLight yellow, brown, sand.
FuturismLight green, white, ultramarine, lemon yellow.

Options for color combinations in the interior

Color plays a huge role in creating an interior; with its help you can create comfort and coziness, visually increase or decrease the space, so you need to take a responsible approach to such an issue as combination.

This option is considered universal. Classic shades are used, these include beige, gray and white. By combining these tones with others, you can create a classic solution that will always look modern and beautiful. In this case, you will not need to constantly change the interior of the room when buying new furniture, replacing flooring or other elements.

Triad or combination of 3 colors

The use of three primary colors, which always combine harmoniously with each other and can be used in equal measures. The combination of red, blue and yellow evokes a surge of emotions and cheerfulness. If they are used in their pure form, the result is a bright and rich solution. If you use halftones, the design of the room turns out to be less aggressive and more comfortable.

The use of a triad helps fill the room with energy, so this solution is used to decorate the living room, sports rooms and children's rooms, but this design is not recommended in the kitchen or bedroom.

This option involves the use of 2-3 types of shades, which are located nearby in the color wheel. You need to choose the appropriate one in which you decided to decorate the room and select several tones in the color wheel to the right or left of it. This solution is simple and original, and choosing two or three similar colors is not difficult.

In a complementary combination, contrasting shades are used; they are located opposite each other on the color wheel. With a separate-complementary solution, instead of the color located opposite, choose the shade that is next to it. This allows you to create contrasting solutions, but they are not as intense as with a complementary combination.

Tetrad or combination of 4 colors

In this case, the scheme consists of a main color and there are two more that complement it, and the fourth serves as an accent color. This creates quite interesting effect which evokes positive emotions. Basically, these colors are preferred by young people or people who are in constant motion and fast rhythm.

The magic of color or the gradient effect in the interior

The gradient in the interior is modern solution, used to decorate various residential premises. It is based on a smooth transition from dark to light tone. This method can be used when decorating various interior details.

The gradient effect helps bring freshness and excitement to the room. Typically, designers use various shades of blue, as it gives a beautiful combination of colors in the interior.

We select a combination of shades for different places in the room - a table with recommendations

To create a comfortable and cozy space in a room, it is important to choose the right color schemes when decorating the ceiling, floor and walls. With the help of a competent combination, you can even breathe light and air into a small room, and large room make it warmer and more comfortable. Further in the article there is another table of color combinations in the interior, which will help you choose the design of different places in the room.

Floor, wall and ceiling design optionsRecommended Solutions
Contrasting combinationThe walls are made of bright colors, the floor is dark, and the ceiling is light. You can visually change the size of the room, hide existing shortcomings and highlight advantages.
Current gradientThe ceiling is light, the walls are a little darker and the floor is dark. The transition from a dark tone to a light one allows you to create harmony; this design is suitable for any room.
Light and airThe walls and ceiling are light, the floor is dark. Suitable for a small room with low ceilings.
OppositesThe ceiling is light, the walls are dark, the floor is light and vice versa. This option can be used in rooms with low and high ceilings.

Psychology of color, or how it affects us?

Studies have shown that color affects a person’s mood through his subconscious. Perception is influenced by such factors as the state of health, age, social status of a person and his character.

For women

Women are more sensitive to the perception of color and shades. There is no clear distinction between “male” and “female” colors, since each person is individual. Despite this, there are tones that women prefer more:

  • blue, it has a calming effect and is loved by both women and men;
  • green, associated with nature and the feminine, symbolizes health and tranquility;
  • turquoise, this shade is one of the most favorite among women;
  • purple – it is a representative of the “feminine” color, emphasizing the mystery and mystery of a woman;
  • pink tones are associated with women, but this is not a preference, but a pleasant rule;
  • Lilac color is also considered “feminine”, it evokes a feeling of romanticism and nostalgia.

With age, color preferences change; women love pink more, but give less preference to green than in their youth.

For men

It has been found that men perceive approximately 30% fewer shades compared to women. Often women are indignant that men cannot appreciate their efforts when choosing a color, but this is due to physiology, since for them pumpkin and peach colour may not be any different from each other.

Most men prefer blue and its different shades. Some scientists believe that they symbolize it with clean water and clear skies. In addition to blue, men love green, but unlike women, they prefer cooler tones. Traditionally they like black, but most men cannot stand purple and pink.

For children

Newborn babies see everything in black and white and only after 2 months they begin to distinguish other colors. At the age of 2-5 years, they can already distinguish the entire visible spectrum.

Children are attracted to everything bright, so they love pink, red, yellow tones, such preferences persist until the age of 10, after which the child may already like the blue tone and all its shades. Girls prefer pink purple, while boys prefer blue and its shades.

Combination of colors in the interior: curtains and wallpaper, as well as furniture - how to combine?

In most cases, textiles are purchased when the room has already been renovated and furniture has been placed. In this case, when selecting the right fabrics, many difficulties arise that affect the combination of colors in the interior. Curtains and wallpaper, as well as furniture, are much easier to select at the same time.

If you are choosing furniture and textiles, first decide on the basic shades that will prevail in the interior. Nowadays the combination of gray and purple in the interior is in fashion. In this case, the furniture can be gray, curtains are best beige colour with a gray pattern or violet shade, decorative pillows They are made from the same fabric as the curtains, and the carpet is also in the same color.

The procedure for selecting the color of furniture and textiles will be as follows:

  1. determine the first and second basic shades;
  2. wallpaper is purchased in a light shade of the first color;
  3. furniture in two different colors of the second option;
  4. curtains should be made of fabric with a pattern consisting of the first and second colors;
  5. the same fabric will be used for decorative pillows;
  6. pillows can be made from fabric in a rich first color.

This is a conditional algorithm and each designer can develop his own, but if you are new to this business, then focus on the described technology and you will be able to correctly design your home yourself.

What colors definitely won't go together?

There can be no categorical answer to this question. Modern fashion is characterized by extravagance and creativity. If earlier the combination of green and red in the interior was considered tasteless, now this will not surprise anyone.

While creating classic interior, experts do not recommend combining cold and warm tones, but there may be small bright inclusions. If you want to combine contrasting colors, then it is better to do it with halftones.

10 facts about the possibilities of color in the interior that you definitely didn’t know about!

Let's look at 10 interesting facts about the influence of color in interior design:

Video - we will consolidate the material on the combination of colors in the interior!

Combination of colors in the interior – 15 photos

In brown tones

In the recreation area

City apartment

Modern style

Cool blue tones

In red color

Relax zone

In a room with a fireplace

IN country house

Green shades

In the cottage

In the kitchen

In the room with photographs

Cozy atmosphere

Mediterranean style

It has been proven that green color has a positive effect on a person’s mental state. It is able to relieve stress and smooth out conflicts, so peace and tranquility will reign in a room decorated in this palette. The palette of green is quite extensive, and each shade has its own individual notes, which to one degree or another have an impact on the human subconscious, namely:

— The shade of blue brings serenity and relieves emotional stress;
— Malachite and olive have a positive effect on reducing appetite, which can be taken into account by people struggling with excess weight;
— The grassy tone of the interior with the presence of red splashes will help you gain self-confidence and set you up to overcome life’s obstacles;
— Pistachio and mint help to relax and bring comfort and tranquility to the atmosphere.

Owners of spacious living rooms often use excellent emerald, pine, and dark turquoise shades in their interior design, which are ideal for the classic style. They fill the interior with an atmosphere of luxury and grandeur, but at the same time carry some rigor.

Combination with other colors in the interior

Decorating the interior in green color scheme, you must remember that an overdose of the palette can ruin the impression. In addition to a specific shade, it is also necessary to choose the right accompanying paints that will create the most successful combinations.

Green with white

White color is universal. It goes well with absolutely any palette, and also has the ability to significantly soften a partner. By combining snow-white with grassy, ​​you can get a delicate and light atmosphere, and in this tandem you can use both light and the most saturated shades.

Green with black

Achieving the effect of a perfect union of green and black is very difficult. The problem is that the resin color itself looks rather dark, and the greenish palette does not emphasize this property favorably. In this case, designers recommend adding one or two contrasting satellites. For example, green and black furnishings will play perfectly against the background of white wall decoration or in combination with wooden furniture, floor covering under wood.

Green with brown

Green and brown will create a wonderful pair - they are closest to each other in natural conditions, which is successfully displayed in residential premises. In this case, you don’t need to rack your brains for a long time about how to distribute colors - the role of brown tones will be played by cabinet furniture, a soft sofa with brown upholstery, decorating the floor surface with laminate or parquet board. Green will create the main background of the walls and can be present in textiles and decor.

Green with yellow

A rich combination in the interior with a yellow palette gives the atmosphere a cheerful, bright atmosphere. More often similar combination place in nurseries and kitchens. Sunny color perfectly compensates for the lack of light in small spaces, and this is its main advantage. A duet of tones selected from the same range is especially good, for example, olive with autumn yellow. The orange color, which is universally suitable for any room, will help add warmth and energy to the interior, as well as make it more complete. It can be present as bright accent fragments that make the atmosphere especially colorful.

Green with blue

Just a few decades ago, the combination of blue and green in the design of a living room was considered a sign of bad taste or its complete absence. Today, playing with different shades, you can create harmonious harmonies that will fill the interior with modernity or plunge it into retro. A feature of the correct tandem is correct selection, when one color is more saturated and the other is muted. For example, a bright green color looks good when paired with a “foggy” blue color. Young greenery will play beautifully against the background of a bright blue palette.

Green with red

A completely unexpected, rich room design will be achieved by mixing green with a scarlet palette. In this union, the dominant color will be red, and the grassy color will create a successful contrasting background, while maintaining special expressiveness. The combination of a raspberry and olive palette looks special, which brings a piece of it into the interior orchard. If such a room seems oversaturated, you can dilute the atmosphere with calmer tones - white, cream, yellow, etc.

Room solutions

It is best to talk about the combination of green with other colors using the example of design modern interiors. Each living room has its own functional affiliation, where a given color is assigned a specific place. It is rare to find interiors where the herbaceous color scheme is present in everything - in decoration, furniture, textiles, since such a room will look rather closed and “heavy”. Let's look at examples of different rooms to see what combinations may be present.

Green color in the living room interior

With the help of the right solution, you can turn even the smallest living room into a spacious hall. In this case, we are talking about the presence of a green palette as individual elements, textiles, and ceiling coverings; wall decoration and furniture are presented in lighter colors. If a more saturated amount of green palette is meant, you can decorate the walls with stripes, combining light olive with white. In this case, one of the walls is decorated in dark color, making the main accent of the interior. It is worth noting that this technique allows you to visually “raise” the ceiling.

You can create a calm, peaceful and at the same time airy interior using combinations of light shades of green, smoothly flowing into sunny yellow tones.

Green color in the bedroom interior

The interior of a bedroom in green is formed according to the principle: green decoration - curtains and bed of a different color and, conversely, the decoration of any (preferably light) palette will look original with green textiles. A bright herbaceous palette is best combined with white, brown, and beige. Deep green-blue tones will be successfully complemented by a range of blue and beige shades. The accent of the interior can be a contrasting wall at the head, decorated with photo wallpaper, a painting or a photo gallery.

Green color in the kitchen interior

A kitchen space using green color can be decorated in a variety of variations. Most often, the set is presented in a green palette, and the finishing is done in light colors. The excellent combination of green with brown and yellow will create a light, unobtrusive interior, where the herbaceous palette will be present as accents against the background of the furniture. The decoration can be glossy suspended ceiling pistachio tone, as well as an apron over work area with a floral image. A good solution for decorating small kitchens would be a set with a rich green lower part and a white top. This combination helps to visually increase the space.

Green color in the interior of a children's room

In the children's room it is necessary to use combinations of a green palette with light paint - white, beige, cream. In this design the room will look much lighter and more spacious. You need to be careful with colors such as marsh-olive and bright green. They can be used in the interior fragmentarily, as decoration or decoration of one of the walls. The oversaturation of such tones will create a depressing atmosphere for the child.

Green is a universal color. They can decorate a room for both a boy and a girl. At the same time, children’s rooms are often decorated by choosing one or another theme. For example, for a boy it could be a football player’s room, and for a girl it could be a fairytale forest.

Green color in the bathroom interior

For the bathroom, it is better to choose a white color as a companion, which will fill the decor with space and freshness. The design will also look ideal using light and dark shades that harmoniously resonate with each other. Here it is important not to overdo it with a rich palette - it should be present in the interior as accents, but the main advantage is given to light herbaceous colors. A beautiful, noble interior can be achieved with a combination of olive and brown. The currently popular mosaic tiles, which create a shimmering effect, will add elitism.

Green color in the interior of the hallway

When choosing a green palette for the hallway, you should take into account its size - in modest and narrow rooms it is better to use pistachio and mint shades finishing. In large corridors, you can experiment with more saturated dark green, bottle tones, especially when the hallway has non-standard forms. You can visually increase the space by playing with contrasts, decorating the finish with soft light colors, and using dark ones as inclusions. It is possible to use various bright colors in accent details of the interior, which will add a touch of cheerful variety to a peaceful environment.

What colors does green go with - photo

From all of the above, we can conclude that green is beautiful in all its manifestations. Excellent compatibility with other colors fills the interior with positivity, joy, notes of nobility and originality. You will find more in our photo selection design solutions the use of green color in the design of residential premises. Explore and be inspired. Enjoy watching!


Electric blue, ultramarine, turquoise, cobalt, aqua, indigo and sapphire are all different shades blue is perhaps the most ambiguous of all the colors of the rainbow. Light blue is associated with the endless sky, this shade is light and airy, but dark blue evokes a feeling of depth, darkness and looks like a bottomless ocean. The color blue is very popular in clothing; many people, regardless of profession or style, choose different shades of it for their wardrobe.

Every year, fashion designers announce the fashionable shades of the seasons and there is always some version of blue on this list. Last year, bright indigo was all the rage, but now it has been replaced by a darker sapphire shade. Blue goes well with many colors, but let's take a closer look at each combination.

Combination of blue and white

All shades of blue go well with pure white. Such clothes can look both businesslike and informal, it all depends on the chosen style. A dark blue suit or skirt combined with a white blouse is a classic office style, but a long, bright ultraviolet skirt with a light white top or blazer is perfect for walking and relaxing with friends.

Blue and black

If you think the combination of Blue and white too gloomy, then it’s worth looking at the options for evening dresses in this color scheme from world-famous couturiers. An elegant black and blue dress will highlight the hair color of both blondes and brunettes, and silver or gold jewelry will help add solemnity to the look. The combination of light blue and black is also perfect for a business evening, and you can always add bright accessories - a thin red strap or a violet-colored handbag.

Combination of blue and gray

A rather unusual combination of blue and gray can make the image both unexpectedly fresh and dull, so it is important to choose the right shades. Grey colour It is better to choose without a tint of green, and among shades of blue, cornflower blue and indigo will be preferable. You can dilute the look with white or beige accessories - shoes, handbag or gloves.

Combination of blue and beige

A very delicate and elegant combination is obtained by combining beige or creamy shades with turquoise color and an electrician. Beige is a neutral color, so you can wear it with all shades of blue, even the brightest ones. Rich leather accessories look great in such sets. Brown, so feel free to complement your look with a wide red belt or a dark brown suitcase.

Blue and yellow

A fresh summer mood can be created by combining the color of the sun with a hint of the sea. Often such ensembles can be found while relaxing by the sea, because nature itself suggests this stylish color scheme. If you wear a light yellow, lemon blouse with a dark blue or muted cornflower blue skirt or trousers, you can get a wonderful, unique option for the office. This combination also looks good in everyday wear. Choose these shades if you want to look fresh and youthful.

Blue and red

This combination is suitable for brave and determined ladies. Dilute the calm of blue color You can wear a red belt or shoes if you are tired of the boredom of office style, the main thing is not to overdo it (for example, a scarlet blouse complete with an ultraviolet suit will look defiant). The clothes will look very impressive turquoise color, complemented by cherry accessories.

Combination of blue and green

This combination was suggested by Mother Nature herself. The sky shining through the foliage of trees, or a lake framed by bright reeds - perhaps these are the images that come to fashion designers who create collections in this color scheme. Dark blue looks very interesting with different shades of green, as a result it seems less gloomy.

Blue and brown

The kinship with the earth is felt in ensembles in brown and blue tones. Outfits where brown is complemented with turquoise or ultraviolet shades look especially interesting. Blue in this case compensates for some of the gloominess of brown, which, in turn, softens the aggressive brightness of the blue spectrum. Light brown can generally be combined with almost all blue shades.

Blue and purple

These neighbors on the color wheel complement each other perfectly and create harmonious, calm images. Often, pink or purple accents are used to brighten such clothes. It is better not to combine both colors in dark shades. Dark purple with cornflower blue or deep blue with lilac, for example, will look much better.

Blue and gold

A truly royal look can be achieved if you add gold to blue. Often such outfits can be seen at these evenings and red carpets. In order for the outfit not to look pretentious, there should be more blue than gold. For a sparkling element, you can choose a gold belt, a wedge on the skirt or an embroidered bodice.

Blue and cyan

Why not combine two shades of the same color? Rich or dark blues go very well with light blue. You can choose such an ensemble for both walks and business meetings. Dark blue trousers (or jeans) with a sky blue shirt or blouse are suitable for both a young fashionista and a mature lady. Blondes, for whom this color scheme suits by default, look especially good in such clothes.

Blue and orange

Bright and original combination of blue and orange flowers looks romantic and elegant. Such shades are often found in summer clothes, because this is the most the right time for color experiments. But even in autumn, you can wear a blue coat and orange boots or a scarf - life will immediately become brighter and more fun!

Blue accessories

We can say that blue accessories are among the top five most popular, second only to white, black and brown products. You can often find bags, scarves, belts, shawls, gloves and hats in various shades of blue. They can be combined with any thing, since blue in small quantities harmonizes well with almost all shades of the color spectrum. This year, designers have paid a lot of attention to bright gloves, so if you get long mittens in an ultramarine shade or leather gloves indigo colors, you will find yourself in the fashion trend.

What doesn't go with blue?

This truly universal color has many shades, so you can always choose the right color combination. Be careful with combinations of red and blue colors– this is a very contrasting and exciting combination, it quickly tires and causes negative emotions. That is why in blue clothing ensembles it is better to limit yourself to red accessories. The same can be said for pink and purple shades. Green and black colors should also be carefully combined with blue, and it is better to choose lighter shades for this: cornflower blue, azure, cobalt, etc.

This color cannot be called infantile, and even its most delicate shades suggest some distance and detachment. But the richness of the shades of the sea and sky is impressive, which means that you can create various combinations, achieving strict restraint or bright fun - blue can do a lot.

Created 09/16/2011

The color wheel will help you determine which colors work well together and which colors don't work well together. Knowing simple rules, you can be sure that the combination of the selected colors is correct.

Using such a simple tool, you can choose interesting, beautiful sets and look bright and tasteful.

The color wheel was invented by Isaac Newton in 1666 and is still used today to show how colors fit together and how to mix them to create secondary and tertiary colors. Also, the color wheel can indicate warm and cool shades, opposite colors and other color combinations.

The color wheel is used by artists, interior designers and fashion designers. We will use it too. For ease of definition suitable colors use a ruler, and you can buy a color wheel or print it on a color printer.

On the color wheel, for convenience, contrasting combinations are shown in the very center, and pastel colors are shown along the edge.

Eat primary colors- red, blue, yellow; And secondary- green, orange, purple, which are obtained by mixing two primary colors. All other colors - tertiary- created by mixing primary colors with a secondary color.

Achromatic (neutral) colors- black, white, gray, brown. They are not on the color wheel. These colors can be combined with any other shades. Also, dark blue and light beige are considered neutral. For example, with dark blue jeans you can wear blouses, shoes, accessories or other items of clothing in absolutely any color.

Contrasting (complementary) colors opposite to each other (sharply different) and are on the same line drawn through the center of the circle from one color to another. Previously, it was believed that a combination of complementary colors was not acceptable. For example, red and green. But times are changing and now at fashion shows we see the exact opposite of this opinion: fashion designers are already calling for such a bold combination. Complementary colors are used to create intentional contrast in clothing when it is necessary to highlight any detail against the background of the main color.

An example of a combination of contrasting colors:

In the next example, we also see a contrasting combination: a belt on trousers and another combination: red lipstick along with three shades of green in the image.

More examples:

Similar colors located next to each other on the color wheel. They have a lot general characteristics and are often used by fashion designers. Combination of primary, secondary and tertiary colors, including dark colors, mixed with dull colors to create a winter wardrobe, and bright colors combined with light colors used in summer outfits.

Rules for combining colors in clothes

  • Combine colors from the same family that are based on a common color: warm shades (with the addition of yellow) with warm ones, cold shades (with the addition of blue) with cold ones. Each color has warm and cool shades.

Different shades of the same color go well together in clothes.

As for accessories, wear gold jewelry with warm colors (yellow, orange, red), and silver jewelry with cold colors (blue, green, purple). But since pure colors are found only in pictures, you need to determine the undertone, as discussed above. If you don't want to combine more than two bright colors or are in doubt about your choice, choose neutral accessories. Brown will always help!

Can be worn together:

  • colors that are located on the color wheel next to each other

  • colors forming on a circle 90 degree angle

Let's say we have a blue dress and we want to match it with sandals. I don't want black ones. So what is the right color to choose? Well, for example, like this:

  • straight colors in front of each other
  • three colors forming a shape on the color wheel T (triangle)
  • four colors that form a shape X

A combination of five or six colors is also possible. But this is very difficult and you need to have good taste and ability to handle color, otherwise you can turn into a ridiculous clown.

To choose combination of three colors, draw 3 lines on the color wheel to form a triangle. It is desirable that these colors be not only in clothes, but also supported in accessories.

When, when you combine four colors, let 2 of them be primary (colors of clothing), and 2 others - additional (colors of accessories and shoes).

Don't know what makeup to do to complete your look? Use the same color wheel rules! This will help you decide what make-up to apply so that it is not the same color as your clothes. For example, purple shades can be perfectly combined with a red dress.

Color circle - indispensable assistant when going to the store. With its help, you can easily choose your ideal wardrobe or additional items and accessories to the clothes you already have. And you will never have the question: “How to combine colors in clothes?” After all, now you definitely know the answer to it.

The color green in clothing evokes associations with spring. Pleasant, eye-catching greenery easily combines with other shades due to its natural versatility. There is no need to guess for a long time who will wear green.

In this article:

Green color and color types

In order not to make a mistake in choosing shades of green to match the colors of your appearance, you need to follow only one rule: Girls of winter and summer appearance color types look best surrounded by cold shades and, conversely, warm tones are suitable for spring and autumn.

The lush beauty of the red head of hair next to the woman’s golden freckles blooms among such warm tones: olive, pistachio, khaki, kiwi, marsh shades.

Cold, exciting beauty reveals itself among the same icy shades of green: emerald, viridan, jade. The muted contrast and charm of women in warm winter against the background of rich tones of pine needles, foliage, and green apple blossoms. The softness of the Slavic Russian winter looks harmonious with any green tint, but take a closer look at the color of pistachios, lettuce, limes.

Delicate organically dissolves in lime, verdepom, light green flowers, shades of green apple. Only these plastic tones can emphasize the transparent beauty of their blush, golden hair.

Soft cold with a weak contrast of halftones is organically complemented by pastel cold shades: menthol, green hour, sea wave.

Basic combinations of green

In order to look win-win, you need to know what green goes with. Below are the main combinations of this color in clothing.

The combination of green and white gives the image freshness and innocence; you can try experimenting with adding a third shade: brown, red, pink, beige. The resulting image looks good in a formal office environment, on a crowded street or on a hot beach.

Combination with gray

Calm gray shades take away the youth of green. Serenity, nobility, and a sense of style are replacing. This combination always looks good on older women. Younger ladies from such a neighborhood look more independent and detached from the hustle and bustle of the day.

Combine with black

Saturated bright green next to black takes on a festive feel and can even be used in evening wear. Dark green and black in combinations look more relaxed and are suitable for business and youth clothing for every day.

Blue, light blue

These related colors go well together. In this combination, it is better to stick to cold greens with a shade closer to blue.

Combination with brown

Next to brown, green can lose its attractiveness and become dirty. To prevent this from happening, give preference to light shades, which, next to rich brown, will become an excellent natural combination. Leopard print looks great next to green.

Combination with yellow

It's hard to pass by a young lady whose clothes combine green and yellow. The mood created by the combination depends on the shades. Bright, rich ones defy boring surroundings and fill the world with joy and optimism. Innocent green next to muted yellow suits romantic young ladies.

Combination with pink

When dressing up in green and adding pink, you should stick to a flashy shade. Only in this case will you get a sparkling image. A hot pink accent suits beautiful, confident women.

Red and orange

In order to get a beautiful combination of red and green, opt for deep, rich shades. Otherwise, this contrasting combination may conflict. But orange in a bright and muted tone looks very advantageous next to any greenery. Green clothes look especially beautiful next to orange accessories. Try adding a little white or beige to this combination.

Combination with purple

Green and purple together look completely different than each of these colors separately. This is a very juicy and powerful combination. Depending on your goal, try using bright colors or muted ones. Both options will look fresh and new.

Secrets of a green dress

Choosing green allows you to solve one important problem - making your figure visually slimmer. Here are some tips:

  1. A green dress made of satin fabric will visually remove a few extra pounds.
  2. Emerald and malachite shades are ideal for slimming. Their cold beauty visually narrows the figure.
  3. To visually increase the volume of your chest or hips, wear clothes in warm shades of green: light green, gray green, lime.

Choosing a green shade to match your hair color

Red-haired beauties look so advantageous in a green environment that they don’t have to think too much about choosing shades. The main thing among all the possible ones is not to settle on a tone close to canary. But herbal shades are their impeccable choice.

For blondes, rich green and sunny shades can be a worthy frame. And the young lady will emphasize her youth and romantic character with clothes the color of lettuce and limes.

The cold beauty of brunettes comes to life in the splendor of herbal, emerald paint. Her dark green dress can make the audience freeze from such luxury.

Fair-haired beauties are a different matter. Delicate shades highlight their beauty well and create a mysterious image.

What to wear with green?

A green dress has a calming and relaxing effect on those around you. In order to give your image your own flavor and make it shine with individual colors, try the following combinations in practice:

  1. Green color goes perfectly with gold. Gold jewelry will always be appropriate in this case. The main thing is not to overdo it with their quantity.
  2. Cool green colors go well with pastels such as pistachio and mint.
  3. A plain dress in a cool shade looks good with accessories of the same cool tone. For light green color, light shades of brown, blue, and gray are preferred. Dark green looks modest but tasteful next to black, brown, dark shade of blue, gray.
  4. Natural, earthy shades such as khaki look good with a green dress. Camouflage coloring is not always in fashion, but the image itself will turn out beautiful: in military style or.


It is better to use a green bag to dilute the color of clothes, make the image original, and add freshness. She may be the only carrier of green color in the onion. Here are some recommendations for creating harmony in the image:

  1. A beautiful reticule bag decorated with emerald stones, beads or embroidery can be the only green element and used in a formal look. For such beauty you need a floor-length evening dress.
  1. The green colors of the classic-looking bag go harmoniously with office suits and blouses in blue and light green colors.
  1. A bag whose greenery is repeated in the coloring of a scarf, belt, tights, and hairpins looks good in any wardrobe. In this case, the accessory will be the final unifying chord.
  1. An interesting version of a daring youth look can be achieved by combining a romantic pink dress and a large clutch or backpack in a light green shade. The contrast of color and size adds dynamism to the look.
  1. The red dress takes a leading position in the image. Only a muted green bag looks good with it.
  1. A bright emerald or turquoise bag next to chocolate-colored clothes and beige shoes looks very natural and lifts your spirits. This combination will make even formal office clothes interesting.
  1. White and beige clothes go well with a green handbag.


Green color in clothes always adds freshness to the wardrobe. You can combine this accessory with formal blouses in brown, beige and gray colors. A summer and playful mood is created by combining such a scarf with bright yellow clothes.


Green trousers look good with any outerwear. The main thing is that the colors harmoniously complement each other.

If you want to experiment and achieve an amazing effect, pay attention to the following combinations:

  • pink outerwear with fresh green trousers will help emphasize the innocence and romantic character of the young lady,
  • red tops add a touch of severity and toughness and create the image of a confident woman,
  • the harmony of the image is created by adding pastel-colored blouses to emerald trousers,

Blouse, tunic, T-shirt

The style when using green blouses and T-shirts is created by the cut of the items. The presence of lace, jabot, ruffle speaks of the romantic intentions of the hostess. Turn into a sassy college girl by adding dark shorts. A strict pencil skirt will create the image of a business woman. You can use in combinations both bright colors and traditional black, brown, denim.

Green shoes look harmonious in the hot summer atmosphere. All models will be appropriate: high-heeled shoes, sports sneakers, open wooden clogs.


Choosing outerwear To match the color of greenery, focus on creating a harmonious image. You can look colorful and laconic in a bright green coat with a bag of an equally colorful tone. The only caveat: do not overload the image with the multicolor of individual details. Shoes, skirts, trousers must be plain.

Fashionable looks with green outerwear:

  1. A bright green coat will enliven and fill with youth a wardrobe of a black dress and patent leather shoes.
  2. A green wool coat looks harmonious surrounded by brown and beige things. You can add a small detail in white or pastel pink.
  3. The marsh-colored coat looks harmonious and stylish when surrounded by brown, black and coffee tones of surrounding clothing. White accessories add a touch of freshness and brightness.
  4. A light green coat looks beautiful over light-colored clothing.
  5. The green coat combined with the red and blue hues of the rest of the clothing gives an almost ethnic or Scottish feel to the look.


Green is a complex color; this feature is taken into account when choosing jewelry:

  1. Shiny embellishments look chic against the muted green of the top. If the dress is painted in a shimmering color, preference is given to matte jewelry.
  2. When choosing silver and gold jewelry Special attention drawn to shades of green. Gold goes beautifully with green clothes, which are woven using threads with yellow shades. Cool greens harmoniously highlight the silver.
  3. Green color serves as a good background for precious or semi-precious stones. Bright, juicy decorations look impeccable. It is especially interesting when the shade of green matches the color of the stone.

Green accessories in the form of brooches, umbrellas, bracelets, watches, belts are a profitable way to update an old look. Greenery fits harmoniously into different colors of clothing, but you should overload the look and use more than three accessories at the same time.