Arrangement of the living room. Small living room of non-standard shape. Living room styles

Whatever the size of the living room, it should be cozy and comfortable. How to achieve such an effect if it seems that there is simply no room to turn around in the room? In one review, we have collected the most interesting techniques that can easily help you get around the problem. square meters.

A small living room and dark shades in the decoration are almost incompatible things. If the goal is to visually increase the area, then you cannot do without white, cold gray, fresh light green or sky blue. All these shades have a positive effect on the perception of space. You can use one of these colors as the main one, and complement the space with colored splashes of other colors.

Accent wall

An accent wall is most often seen in the bedroom, but it also looks good in the living room. For example, you can decorate the wall where the windows are located with colored wallpaper, and leave the rest of the space in a neutral shade. This will distract attention from any shortcomings of the space and transform the interior.

Striped carpet

Another assistant in the fight for visual space is a striped carpet. If the room is narrow, then it can be visually expanded due to horizontal stripes. And we must remember that the feeling of breadth and spaciousness is caused precisely by wide stripes.

A rug can be a key decorative element in a relaxing living room. It does not necessarily have to stand out with a bright color scheme. It is enough to choose a product with a clear geometric pattern, and it will definitely attract attention, distracting from the small area of ​​​​the room or other shortcomings of the space.

No need to be afraid to put it big corner sofa in the living room. It will save a lot of space, because you won’t need to furnish the room with bulky chairs where all the guests or family members could sit. In addition, this will allow you to use corners that most often sit idle.

When decorating a living room, it is worth remembering that the furniture should not interfere with free movement around the room, but at the same time it is necessary to achieve a friendly atmosphere. The best option is to place a sofa against one of the walls, and place armchairs or poufs on its sides; give a coffee table a place in the middle of the room, not far from the sofa. This way you can achieve balance and harmony in space.

For those who are busy decorating the living room, we have found more .

The living room in a residential area is perhaps one of the most important rooms. After all, this is where everyone gathers for interesting conversations, receives guests and spends time relaxing and children's games. That is why the design of the living room should be developed and thought out long before the start of renovation work.

Many of us, not knowing seemingly simple techniques and rules, develop the design of this room on our own, and make some mistakes. The result is that the living room looks quite nice, but the interior lacks organicity and integrity. Some useful tips will help you arrange this room harmoniously.

Tips for arranging and decorating a living room

1. Pay attention to the height of the ceiling in the room. You should pay attention to this detail at the stage of choosing furniture. If the ceiling has standard height, then you shouldn’t buy bulky furniture, as it looks heavy in such rooms. And the height of the sofa also depends on this parameter, that is, the lower the ceiling, the lower this piece of furniture should be, thus maintaining a feeling of spaciousness in the room.

2. Color scheme in the design of a modern living room interior. The decision to decorate this room in beige light colors quite common and acceptable. However, do not forget about accessories and details. For example, decorative pillows and fabrics, vases made in pastel shades, will make the design more comfortable and warm. Sometimes it is sufficient to use only sand or sand wallpaper in the living room interior beige tones And appearance the room will start playing immediately.

3. The right size of the rug also affects the design of the living room in the apartment. It is with the help of a carpet that you can define a certain area in a room, such as a play area. When choosing correct size For this piece of furniture, designers believe that it is better to buy a slightly larger carpet, since it looks completely awkward and inappropriate for small ones.

4. Living room interior styles are very diverse. The combination of old and new things in this interior is an excellent way to make your living room not boring and unique. You can first get acquainted with the eclectic style, which perfectly combines modern furniture and vintage accessories.

5. Mirrors in the living room can work wonders, expanding and enlarging the space, because they reflect luminous fluxes. Therefore, you can safely place 1 or two symmetrical mirror sheets in the room.

6. Expensive furniture must be present in the interior of the living room. This will allow you to keep the interior relevant for many years. Of course, the bulk of furniture items can be purchased at an inexpensive chain store, but you should also purchase, for example, an expensive dining table or carpet covering made from natural fabrics or fur. Another long-lasting investment can be a fireplace, and it can be either real or faux.

7. Decorative details are very important to the integrity of the design. Pillows are real interior savers. It is with decorative colored pillows that you can decorate any room.

8. Mix various materials and interesting textures in the interior are very useful, as it gives a certain special comfort to the room. So you can combine gloss with relief on the flooring or velvet with leather and fur.

9. The atmosphere in the living room directly depends on the textiles chosen as curtains. Light, delicate transparent fabrics are often used in modern living rooms. They give the room airiness and make it fresh. Draped curtains and fabrics will add luxury and high cost to the room. It is also important to pay attention to the length and style of the curtains.

10. A balcony in the living room is a real gift, because it can be used to extend the room. Large glass doors, a beautiful view of the street landscape from the window, cozy furniture - all this will be the finishing touch to the living room design.

Living room interior ideas can be very different, the main thing is that they are well thought out, executed with taste and soul.

75 photos of modern living room interior design

Multifunctional rooms allow you to live as comfortably as possible in a small space. One of these possibilities is a living room-bedroom. This combination is relevant for studio apartments that are bought by young people or for families who are forced to live in apartments with a small number of rooms. There are a sufficient number of ways to divide a room into zones to make it comfortable and beautiful.

How to arrange a living room with a sleeping place

When planning the furnishings when combining a living room and a bedroom, you must proceed from the area of ​​the room. Actually, there are several ways.

If the living room and bedroom are small (less than 16 square meters) or it is not possible to install a bed and sofa due to the layout, there is only one solution - to use transformable furniture. If the area allows, you can use any of the methods.

How to divide a room into zones

To decide whether you can have two separate zones in the room or not, you need to first evaluate everything on the plan. This can be done in design programs, which allow you to get a two or even three-dimensional image. If working with programs does not seem attractive to you, you can get by with two sheets of thick paper or cardboard.

One of the programs...

To evaluate zoning options manually, you will need a floor plan with dimensions drawn to scale. Display on it where the windows and doors are located (also with dimensions). Next, you need to think about where you would like to place the bed, where is the sofa for guests. For the living room-bedroom these are the two key items that they try to put first. It is better to cut them out of cardboard, and also to scale. You will also need to cut out from cardboard the furniture that is necessary and must be there. If you don't have one yet, cut them out in the sizes you want. Then you can make adjustments.

The resulting set of “furniture” can be moved according to the room plan, finding possible options zone locations. If there are several options, sketch, sign where and what you will put, putting down the dimensions of the furniture and the passages between them. Then it will be possible for everyone to think about what type of zoning can be applied in each option. The program works approximately the same way, only the movement is virtual. Using a program or layouts, you will understand whether you can select two separate zones, while determining the size of each of them. If it is not possible to separate separate zones, you will have to make do with folding furniture.

Solution for small rooms

Arranging small rooms requires a special approach. Interior creation is an art, and design small room, and multifunctional, it’s generally akin to circus art. Even the little things are important here.

Let's start with the fact that in in this case consider it a small room. In general, it is believed that a room with an area of ​​14-16 meters is rather large. But in the case of the need to accommodate two zones - a living room and a bedroom - this is really very little. These are the types of rooms - up to 16 square meters - and we will accept them as small ones. If the area is 18-20 meters or more, these are already “normal” sizes in which the living room and bedroom can be divided using any zoning techniques.

Using customizable furniture

In a small room, it is not always possible to combine a living room and a bedroom, while installing a full-size bed. But you can always put a transformable sofa instead of a regular sofa. This is not a sofa bed on which you can only sleep conditionally. Modern transformable furniture can provide the same level of comfort as a regular stationary bed. There are models with orthopedic mattresses. Width ranges from single to full double.

Can be converted into a double bed:

  • Closet. When closed, it looks like an ordinary wardrobe; it folds back and becomes a bed.
  • Sofa. This type of furniture in the “day” position is similar to a sofa that stands near the closet; in the “night” position, the bed lowers, crushing the sofa under itself.

The options described above require a free space of at least 220-250 cm in front of the sofa or closet (depending on the model). And after the bed is in place, there should be at least a narrow passage left. So, in fact, the distance to the transformable furniture should be at least 280 cm. But you get a full-fledged double bed. The mattress can even be orthopedic.

There are also options for single or single beds. In them, the base of the bed is attached to the furniture with the long side. They require less free space - no more than 200 cm in the case of a one-and-a-half bed or 150 cm in the case of a single bed.

Unusual ways

There is one non-trivial option for how you can highlight the bedroom area in the living room: make a podium on which to place some area. There you can place, for example, several armchairs and a coffee table or place a sofa. Push the bed under the podium.

With this solution, the flooring must be of sufficient height so that the bed can be hidden under it. For this solution, long and narrow rooms, which are also called trailers.

Another option for the young and active: move the bedroom to a closet. A square or rectangle of sufficient area to accommodate a sleeping place is assembled from cabinet furniture (high shelves, cabinets). You can do this using (as in the photo). On one side a staircase is built in/attached, along which one climbs up “to the bedroom”.

It turns out to be a living room-bedroom without reducing the living room area. You can even make the room even more multifunctional: in a space fenced off with furniture, arrange workplace or mini-office. This - great option for a small studio apartment in which young people live.

All this is not bad, but it is worth knowing about the disadvantages. First, the solutions are not cheap. Transformable furniture costs a lot, as does making a podium with sufficient load-bearing capacity. Secondly, every evening and every morning, to get and hide sleeping area, you will have to make certain body movements. This only seems easy at first. In fact, it gets boring pretty quickly...until it becomes a habit.

Choose a place for the sleeping area

When dividing rooms into a bedroom and a living room, first of all you need to decide where you want to make the bedroom. Most often, the corner farthest from the entrance is chosen. This makes sense, since the bedroom requires the greatest degree of privacy.

If there is a window in the separated area, you will have to make sure that there is enough light in the rest of the room. Separation with the help of screens or curtains, specially created translucent shelves helps with this.

In the opposite situation - if the window is in the living room area, the situation is slightly better. Firstly, the bedroom is usually used at night. So daylight- not such a necessity. Although we are accustomed to the fact that it should be. There are two solutions: make the division so that there is enough light or get what is missing by installing additional lamps.

Zoning the living room-bedroom with partitions

For zoning, partitions made of plasterboard and glass are used. The installation of both is not a redevelopment, so it does not require approval.

Not everyone likes the idea of ​​putting a room divider. But it may not be whole. Very often, a “monolithic” partition is erected to a height of a meter or a little more, and above that they make something openwork that allows light to pass through. This solves the problem of natural lighting and the structure does not look as heavy as a wall.

Openwork things are made from plasterboard

The upper part can be designed in different ways. If you want physical separation, but without much loss of light, it could be patterned, frosted, colored glass. Do not be afraid that it is fragile - it can withstand loads greater than drywall.

Other options: various types of wood and metal products. There are a lot of options - from functional or decorative shelves, to pins made of wood, metal, bamboo, etc. simply installed in a certain order (or without it).

Separating zones with screens

You can create zoning in the living room and bedroom using screens. It's fast and inexpensive way make zoning of the living room and bedroom in one room. Do not think that this method is outdated and irrelevant. If you choose the right textures, materials, colors, everything looks very stylish, original and appropriate.

It can even be used as a screen rope curtain. The main thing is the visual delimitation of space

There are traditional screens - portable, folding. But it is far from necessary that they have an “old-regime” appearance. No, traditional look screens - covered with tapestries - are good for classic interiors. And those that come from the “sixties” - painted, made of wood and plywood - look great in a loft or art deco. If your living room or bedroom is decorated in this style, it will not be difficult for you to find the right option. But for modern interiors other materials and textures are needed and here you will have to try.

Glass screens

Glass screens are ideal for modern style, minimalism, and hi-tech. It’s just that you have to choose different glass. For high-tech and minimalism, the best option is tinted with a silver coating, reminiscent of a mirror. White, milky, gray will look good - depending on the design of the bedroom-living room. A living room bedroom in Provence style can also be equipped with a screen made of painted plywood. But if you don’t like a too “rural” option, you can add a glass screen with photo printing. You can choose one of the landscapes that are typical for the south of France, use colored glass with floral patterns.

The frame is made of metal, the filling is frosted glass or sheet polycarbonate Milk glass - opaque, but allows enough light to pass through

And again, don’t think that glass is fragile. For such products they use hardened or laminated (duplex and triplex), and they are stronger than many sheet materials.

From other materials

If you still don’t like glass, you can make or look for partitions made of plastic, wood, etc. IN wooden house you can make a wooden screen. If you know how to work with wood, this will not be a problem. special labor, since the design is simple. You can imitate a wall, you can make a lighter, openwork structure. Again, everything depends on the style in which the living room and bedroom are decorated.

A patterned plastic partition visually separates zones from one another. The simplest wooden screen from rods or strips Metal openwork….

If wood is only found in some decorative items, frames are made from it, and the filling is selected according to your own taste. After all, it could be fabric. The same as on curtains or upholstery. You can use fiberboard laminated to match the furniture, or thin. You can even assemble such a screen from drywall and cover it with wallpaper or paint it - it will be a movable wall.

For a modern style, you can use well-aimed branches painted in the main or one of the additional colors. They are attached to frames along or across to create a translucent screen. Bamboo, metal rods, etc. can be secured in the same way. In general, as usual in interior design, this is a creative process.

Sliding screens

A few more words about sliding screens. They are in a separate class, since they are not as “nailed into place” as stationary partitions, but also not as mobile as portable screens. Very a good option zoning the living room and bedroom into one room if you want to have a secluded corner for relaxation.

Sliding screens can be of three types. They can move like sliding doors, fold like a book or an accordion. For all of them, the bottom needs guides that are attached either to the ceiling, or to the floor, or to both the floor and the ceiling at the same time. Only screens with a bottom guide can not reach the ceiling, but they are the most unstable. If you have children or are not sure that you will use them carefully, it is better to use floor-to-ceiling models.

The material for screens of this type is any sheet: glass, plastic, laminated fiberboard, MDF. You can look for similar systems in companies that deal with sliding wardrobes. made using the same system and the partitions are no different.

Zoning with curtains

An even more inexpensive way is to have a living room/bedroom divided into zones by curtains. All that is required is to select and secure curtain rods. Then - select fabrics and sew panels required sizes. The fabrics used are the same as for windows and they do not have to be thick, although this option is possible.

Draperies around the perimeter - to create coziness Double curtains - it is important to choose the right curtain rods

The drapery can only cover the “clearance”, but it can also go along the walls, creating cozy atmosphere. But this option will still require quite a bit of money, since you need a lot of fabric.

Such zoning of the bedroom and living room combined in one room is nominal, but creates the required feeling of privacy. It can be used in the version with portable screens as a temporary option - if you just can’t decide where exactly to place the bedroom and living room areas, or how to distribute the area between them.

Using furniture to separate

It is not always possible to allocate even a small piece of space in a small room under a non-functional partition. Moreover, furniture can perform the same task. Usually this is a closet or high shelves.

Most often, the lower part of the furniture is made without gaps (about a meter high). I make this part in the form of a cabinet or chest of drawers. The top one is usually made with through gaps. This way the furniture doesn’t look so bulky and doesn’t “clog” the space. In addition, this solution allows you to maintain natural light in both parts of the room.

A cabinet or chest of drawers is made in the lower part, shelves are made above
The main thing is not to clutter the shelves

When developing a concept for such furniture or looking for ready-made options, please note that all horizontal surfaces collect dust well. Each shelf is a dust collector. If they are not planned to be used, it is better to make as few horizontal lines as possible. It is better to hang several decorative items in the spaces between the racks. They collect much less dust, and perhaps look more original.

Living room bedroom: additional zoning techniques

In addition to physical separation, zoning the living room-bedroom in one room can be done using:

These techniques, along with delimiters, emphasize different purposes zones But when choosing colors you need to be guided. Then you will be able to create a harmonious interior.

To properly plan a living room, you need to make a clear list of the functions that the room will perform. From the name it is clear that this is traditionally a place for receiving guests. IN Soviet time more appeared general concept“hall”, which denoted the multifunctionality of the room: here is a long Romanian wall with acquired backbreaking labor riches, and a TV with a seating area, and a workplace, and on holidays - a pop-up dining room. Don't go overboard in your quest to make the most of a room: just because there's room for cabinets, tables and knick-knacks doesn't mean they're needed. Today, when arranging furniture and choosing accessories for the living room, you should focus on the English name for the living room - living room, that is, a room for living.

Decide how often you receive guests, in what quantity and how you prefer to entertain yourself - this will create a list of things that you cannot do without in the living room: a shelving unit for board games, bar, cabinet with player or projector. It is equally important to think about the daily use of the room: if there are bookcases, nearby you need to provide a place for reading (a couch or an armchair and a lamp); if you don’t have a separate office, a compact workstation and an outlet for a laptop; if you know that you will often watch TV or movies on a projector, there is a place for equipment and an outlet for it.


Since the living room in most cases is the most a large room in an apartment, you need to carefully consider how to use it to the maximum. In new houses, where the shape of the rooms is closer to square, this is simpler: a wide living room is easily divided into zones (workplace, sitting area, library, bar) with a high shelving unit, a sofa and a console or, if there is room for a dining room, a dining table. And if you divide square room whether you want it or not need it, it will be cozy anyway. This is a little more difficult in Soviet-era houses: the living room in them is often long and narrow, and furniture placed along the walls flattens the space even more. Such rooms need to be divided, and not necessarily in half: inside rectangular room you can fence off a square area for receiving guests by placing a low cabinet or sofa across it, and use the remaining third as a library or study. You can also zone using carpets or wallpaper, for example, by highlighting one of the walls with wallpaper with a rich pattern.


Living room lighting should be in harmony with its zoning: a soft group can be illuminated ceiling lamp or a floor lamp with an arc leg; directional light should be provided in places for working and reading - floor lamps or desk lamp. If the window in the room is small, try not to cover it with heavy curtains and let in as much daylight as possible. Mirrors or furniture with mirrored facades will help make the room brighter.

Symmetry and asymmetry

A symmetrical layout is traditional for interiors in a classic style, but it will not hurt modern living spaces either. Orderliness (such as neatly hung prints or framed photographs) and symmetry will add unity to an eclectic interior - one where the sideboard was inherited from your grandmother, the sofa from IKEA, and the mirrors from a Parisian flea market. Symmetry in the arrangement of furniture does not contradict its diversity: armchairs can be arranged symmetrically and at the same time differ in shape, style, and color. The asymmetrical interior of the living room looks harmonious when the center of attention is some outstanding object - a work of art or a lamp.

Art and decor

The living room is perhaps the only place in the house where you can hang your favorite painting, a collection of botanical prints, an abstract sculpture, or display a collection of 50s porcelain dogs. No one has canceled the representative function of the room - if you are receiving guests here, then you should immediately place things that you are proud of. It hardly needs mentioning that the cost of these things is incomparably less important than their emotional component: here you are not bragging, but sharing interests and hobbies with friends. Think about how to display your collection, if you have one, to your advantage. Not only furniture websites will help you get inspired, but also blogs with interiors of shops, museums, and galleries.

The living room in an apartment is the place where the whole family gathers, with guests, where they communicate, eat and drink, watch TV, read, spend long winter evenings and decorate the Christmas tree. In order for all this to be possible, so that you don’t want to run away from home, it makes sense to pay attention to the following recommendations.

We are genetically programmed to gather around the table. If the apartment has at least one more isolated room and the original kitchen space is less than ten square meters, then the living room can be combined with the kitchen. In modern apartments there is most often one table and it is located in the kitchen, since the sofa group in the living room occupies most of it, and a separate dining room is almost never found in modern layouts. In this case, combining the kitchen and living room allows you to expand the table part of the conversation by connecting the functions of the sofa group.

If you have a choice, it is better to place the living room closer to the entrance to the apartment, in a room whose windows face the noisy side (rooms with windows facing the courtyard are best left for the bedroom or nursery).

The coffee table is a full member of the sofa group

It is quite possible to make the living room a walk-through room by enlarging it at the expense of a hall or corridor. But it should be remembered that the existing SanPiNs do not allow the premises of the apartment to be located in such a way that the door from the bathroom opens directly into the living room (except for bedrooms) - such redevelopment will not be approved and will require changes to the project.

The core of the living room is the sofa group. “Living room” - from the word “guests”. Guests are people who come to chat with you. It is uncomfortable for three people sitting side by side on a straight sofa to communicate. Instead of one long sofa, it is better to plan one shorter one and an armchair, or better yet, two (or an armchair and a pouf). If the apartment does not have a guest room, they often take a sofa on which a guest can be accommodated for the night too. The presence of a folding mechanism, as a rule, makes the sofa less comfortable. The guest will leave, but the sofa will remain - remember this.

The coffee table is a full member of the sofa group. A coffee table cannot always be of such a size that everyone who sits around it on the sofa and in armchairs will feel comfortable using it. Sometimes it is more convenient to place several different-sized coffee tables. Their height should be chosen taking into account the height of the sofa seats and armchairs.

The tables on the sides of the sofa and the console behind it are very practical: here you can put decorative lights, candles, vases with flowers and other decorative items, as well as place things that should usually be at hand: remote controls, notepads and pens, telephone, laptop - everything they must have their place, otherwise they will either get in your way or get lost in the depths of the sofa.

TV, wide and flat - indispensable attribute typical living room, despite the fact that almost every room modern apartment, not excluding the bathroom and dressing room, are also equipped with a TV. If the TV is necessary and cannot be hidden, find a place for it so that it does not interfere with communication. Let it not be visible from the table where the guests are gathering (the chimes will be heard anyway).

An alternative to TV, which is also more conducive to communication, can be a fireplace. Real wood burning fireplace in typical multi-storey building it's almost impossible to arrange. You can use a bioethanol fireplace or just a false fireplace. As in everything else, a sense of proportion and good taste when installing a fireplace of any type will not be superfluous. It is controversial to place a fireplace and a TV next to each other: on the same wall, above each other, and the like. But good solutions exist for such a layout.

Yugoslav walls are a thing of the past, but along with them, libraries have disappeared from living rooms. Electronic books are convenient, but not a single tablet will create a cozy atmosphere for you, conducive to reading, will not give you an idea with the title on the spine and will not evoke a pleasant image in your memory. Bookshelves or racks, as well as glazed display cabinets, in which, in addition to books, a lot of necessary and interesting things can be stored, are an indispensable part of the living room furnishings.

No matter how hard we try, most live in conditions where there are only three weathers: mud, dried mud, frozen mud. House shoes are used for indoors; we usually ask guests to take off their shoes and we ourselves do not walk around the house in street shoes. This is largely why you should have a rug in your living room. Walking barefoot on a carpet is much more pleasant than walking on a bare floor.

It is also important what kind of shadow the lamp creates

An important component of decorating a living room is lighting. It must correspond to the situation: from a formal reception to a relaxing evening with the family. Usage different types lighting fixtures and their combinations will create the necessary mood and provide the desired level of illumination. Should be used more local lighting: floor lamps, table lamps, sconces. Then the chandelier can take a place above the dining or coffee table and illuminate only them, and not the entire room. It is important to understand what kind of light these or other devices provide. Spotlights are good for accent lighting of interior details, linear LED lights good in moderation. Should not be used fluorescent lamps, since their emission spectrum is far from ideal and the perception of colors in it is greatly distorted. The same applies to LED light sources, although there are already LEDs with a spectrum close to that of a halogen lamp. In any case, in addition to the lamp itself, the diffuser plays an equally important role - the lampshade of the lamp or the surface from which the directional light of the device is reflected. It is also important what kind of shadow the lamp creates: halogen spotlights can create contrasting shadows where they are not needed. Lighting can be combined into groups and each group can be turned on with its own switch, including table lamps and floor lamps, for which special sockets are installed.

The living room, unlike other rooms in the apartment, does not have a strict function - it should be interesting here! The more the living room tells about the inhabitants of the apartment, the better. Family and other photographs, children's paintings in the spirit of the Russian avant-garde, even sculptural compositions - feel free to set up an art gallery in your living room! Don't be afraid of the big shape. It’s good when something in the space throws off the scale, for example, a huge red square on the wall or a ficus lyrata that spans the entire height of the room.

This technique gives a feeling of the exterior to the interior. Since the ratio of people and objects in the city is different, you will get the feeling of a small, cozy city square. The ficus is an old plane tree, the red square is the facade of the city hall.

If there is no dining table in the living room and it is not adjacent to the kitchen, you have to fight for the audience - create a comfortable and cozy area for communication. Try to arrange sofas and armchairs in such a way that you can sit facing each other. Instead of a coffee table, you can put a pouf and a large tray on it. The light should match the zones and tasks: unless you have a historical stucco rosette and a four-meter ceiling in an old house, as a rule, there is no point in hanging a chandelier. A low-hanging lamp above the sofa area and, for example, technical light aimed at art objects are quite appropriate. It is also good to place low floor lamps with directional light for reading near the sofas.

Textiles on windows is an extremely difficult task! Replace curtains with shutters. To the height of the window or to the floor.

If you have or will soon have children, then know: a fashionable, beautiful, cozy living room looks great with scattered Lego or a traffic jam across the entire room with 200 cars, but it is better not to allow dolls and plush rubbish into the living room.

Illustrations: Nastya Yarovaya

Text: Ksenia Oshchepkova

Every person wants to live in a comfortable and beautiful apartment or home. One of the key aspects to achieve this goal is the correct interior design. Let's consider the main points of renovation that must be observed in order to get a cozy living room.


A living room is a room that can serve different functions. For some, it is a meeting place for guests, for others, it is a place of relaxation, and for others, the living room can perform several functions at once.


Below are the basic rules to consider when choosing a living room design.

Room size. If the area is small, then it is most rational to use the minimalist style. This will make the room seem light and free.


Modern designers offer the opportunity to combine the living room with a balcony or kitchen. This will make the space larger, which means the number of design ideas will increase.

For large room the choice of style is much more varied. Classicism, baroque, and loft would be appropriate here. It all depends on the taste preferences of the apartment owners.

If the living room includes several functions, then it is best zone the space with the help of well-chosen lighting, furniture or wallpaper.

Any living room should have an accent. This could be a fireplace, a soft corner or a French window.

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A color scheme. Which color is best to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main rule to remember is This is to observe the compatibility of colors. Then the living room in any style will look attractive.

Color compatibility table

Living room in a private house

No matter the size of the house, the living room is always present there. After all, this is exactly the place where you can meet friends, gather in the evening for family conversations, or simply relax reading a book in front of the fireplace. Therefore, it is very important to choose the most best option design to suit the character of the owner of the house.

Most often, the following styles are chosen for the living room in private homes:

  • Classic;
  • Modern;
  • Country;
  • Minimalism.

Let's look at the main points of each style.

Minimalism is attractive because it mainly includes light shades, as well as a minimal amount of furniture. And the one that is present in the room is very functional.


The use of country style in the living room most often includes the presence of a fireplace, which is trimmed with stone around the edges. Also the presence of massive wooden beams under the ceiling helps to get closer to the rustic setting.

Also, many owners of private houses prefer to make both walls and ceilings wooden. Works great with this wooden lining. If there is any in the living room big window which opens up an incredibly beautiful view, then it is better to make the whole room in neutral tones with a minimum of accessories. So all the emphasis will be on the window.


Art Nouveau style is also appropriate in the living room of a private house. Combines the contrast of light and dark colors. This way the interior becomes more dynamic and not boring.


Classics are appropriate everywhere. In the living room of the house, it is primarily reflected in symmetry: armchairs and a sofa stand strictly opposite each other, with a table in the center. In this case, colors close to natural wood or white.

« Svet_Feo/»

Living room interior in Khrushchev

As a rule, the living room in an old Khrushchev building has absolutely small sizes. Therefore, don’t give much rein to your imagination. Such a room most often includes not only a meeting place for guests, but also a dining room, an office, and sometimes even equipped as a sleeping place.

If you choose the right design, then it’s all easy to fit even in a small area. Designers advise the owners of such an apartment to use only light colors in the living room, which must be combined with each other.

Don't make it bright color accents. This technique will only visually reduce the area and so small room. You should also remember that the color should be combined in everything: walls, floors, furniture, textiles.

Don't think that only white and brown colors most suitable for a small living room. White and turquoise, white and light yellow, beige and olive go well together.

You should not paste the walls of the room in wallpaper with stripes or large drawing. If you really want to, then use this wallpaper to highlight one zone.

You can put either linoleum or laminate on the floor. But there is no need to put large carpets on the floor. Perfect option: a small rug near the sofa.

Furniture should be minimal if you do not want to weigh down the entire interior of the living room. Sofa, small table and small furniture sets along the wall - that's all.

As for window decoration, you should refuse roller blinds and blinds. It is better to give preference to tulle and straight plain curtains.

Living room + kitchen

Recently, it has become fashionable to combine the living room and kitchen into one space. This has its advantages. Firstly, this creates a large dining room where you can sit at the table with a large group. Secondly, if the kitchen is small, then this is a great option to expand it. Thirdly, it appears good opportunity do not break away from the conversation with guests or household members while preparing food.


It is worth noting the disadvantages that such a combination does have: the presence of food smells in both the kitchen and the living room during cooking, good audibility; if the redevelopment is incorrect, the purpose of each room may be lost.

But getting rid of these shortcomings is not so difficult. Just install a powerful hood and provide good ventilation, and to get rid of annoying noise while cooking, choose silent appliances.

« hxdbzxy/»

It is also necessary to properly zone the room. For the kitchen floor, you can choose tiles that are easy to clean, and for the living room, give preference to laminate or carpet.

"Mauro Carli/"

It is also best to use for walls in the kitchen. decorative tiles, and for the living room - wallpaper or painting.


They will also help to separate one room from another. different colors. But even here we must remember that the color scheme should be as close to each other as possible. Furniture is also suitable for zoning. Where there should be a wall, you can put dinner table or a soft sofa, or a bar counter.

« Patryk Kosmider/»

Some designers suggest highlighting the kitchen in a very in an unusual way, namely the podium. It turns out very creative and original.

Fireplace in the living room

If the living room has a large area, then a fireplace would look appropriate in it. It will bring a homely atmosphere and comfort.


For those who find this idea tempting, it is worth remembering that fireplaces come in the following types:

Electrical– an ideal solution for an apartment. They are safe, easy to maintain, do not pollute the room, and emit a small amount of heat.

Wood burning fireplaces. Most often they are installed in the large living room of a private house. It has such advantages as a pleasant sound from the crackling of firewood, warmth and soft light. But it is necessary to equip a place for firewood in such a living room.

Gas. Similar to wood-burning fireplaces, only the source of “energy” is gas, and not the wood itself.
Most often, large interior items such as vases or mirrors are placed above the fireplace. To create an even more homely atmosphere, you can place frames with photographs of your family.

Living room with bay window

A bay window is a protruding part of a building, which from the inside of the house is a living area. Most often, a bay window is present in the living room. This increases not only the area of ​​the room itself, but also the flow of daylight.

"Shawn Zhang/"

Since most often the bay window is a window opening, its design should be given Special attention. A special cornice is selected for it, which follows the contour of the bay window. You can hang regular straight curtains, as well as roller or Roman curtains.

Some people prefer to separate the bay window and turn it into a cozy place for reading or relaxing. You can put two small armchairs and a table for tea drinking. Or along the entire curve of the same shape there is a light-colored sofa. It will turn out to be a very cozy corner.

Those who love flowers can allocate this area for home garden. Beautiful, stylish and safe.
You can also equip a small dining room or office in this place. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owners.

Living room design with two windows

Most often, there is only one window opening in the living room. But if the room is large, then you can install two windows. They are located on the same wall next to each other or on opposite ones, but symmetrically relative to each other.

Two windows in the living room bring in much more daylight. This opportunity allows you to decorate the interior of the room in dark colors, without fear of plunging the living room into darkness.

You can take a Western interior idea and place a fireplace between the windows, provided that they are on the same wall, or place an armchair next to each one. free wall between window openings can be decorated with a mirror or painting. The curtains must be exactly the same.


As mentioned above, classic, high-tech or other modern style is best suited for the living room. The main thing is that the style reflects the spiritual essence of the owner. Then such a living room will be truly cozy.


The colors of the walls, ceiling, furniture and everything else should blend smoothly into each other. The classic style does not welcome bright acidic shades. To add elegance and luxury, it is recommended to use natural materials.


Classics love elegant objects: a beautiful cut-out handle or inserts in upholstered furniture. It will not do without paintings and mirrors. A carpet must be laid on the floor. It can be plain with a large pile or woolen with a beautiful ornament.

« Svet_Feo/»

Classic style involves the presence of a large amount of textiles: blackout curtains, armchairs and sofas, soft decorative pillows. To definitely give your living room a classic style, you can simply install a fireplace in it.

« Svet_Feo/»

It is best to lay laminate or parquet on the floor. You should not lay laminate flooring. It is inappropriate in the classics. The walls are decorated with wallpaper. You can paste over some of them with a large pattern. Wallpaper joints can be decorated with beautiful moldings.

High tech

This style is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are clear rules that create this style:

1. Availability of only modern technology.
2. No stucco molding, wooden floors, patterned wallpaper or other bright accessories.


The ceiling is most often made suspended. The walls must be perfectly smooth. Most often they are painted in a light shade. It is best to lay laminate or tile on the floor. But blinds are ideal for windows. High-tech style loves glass. Therefore, glass shelves or partitions will look very stylish. There should be a minimum of accessories.

Modern style

Includes: quiet general color scheme With bright elements, a minimum of furniture, a sofa is the basis of everything. Modern style implies the presence of free space without various partitions. A large number of Sveta. For this purpose various lighting devices. The floor can be illuminated. No need to hang a crystal chandelier. It’s better to choose something of an original shape and color.

"ESB Professional/"

Color selection

As a rule, everyone decides for themselves which color they like best. But still, the main colors for the living room are white, beige, gray and black.

White color Ideal for a living room in any style. This color visually expands the space and also makes it airy. To avoid turning the living room into a hospital ward, it is recommended to dilute this color or bright colors, or just others calm color. White color harmonizes with any other color. Designers also call it basic. White color will highlight well designer furniture and other expensive accessories.

"Filip Miletic/"

Beige color and its shades occupy a leading place in the design of the living room. Since the living room is most often used as a place to relax after a hard day at work, brown shades will promote relaxation. Beige goes well with other colors, and it is also practical and visually enlarges the room.

"Paul Maguire/"

Grey colour is gaining more and more popularity when decorating a living room. It, like white, serves as a base for highlighting bright accents(for example, a yellow sofa or multi-colored bright vases). As a rule, gray is preferred by people whose lives are at a fast pace.


No need to be afraid black color in design. It looks luxurious and noble. The main thing is to combine it correctly with other colors. Of course, the most popular duo is black and white (dark walls, light ceiling). Also suitable for the living room is a combination of black with gold or gray colors.

"Jodie Johnson/"


Each style implies the presence of a certain amount of furniture in the living room. But they all have a sofa. It can be large or small, bright or in bed colors. The sofa serves an important purpose. It is in the living room that household members gather for conversations or get-togethers with guests. Therefore, a comfortable sofa is an excellent way to relax.

Most often, you can find a table in the living room. As a rule, it is small. Acts as a stand for tea and coffee or is intended for newspapers and magazines.

"Alex Gorins/"

A wardrobe is not often found in a living room. Only when the living room also serves as a bedroom or office can you find a closet in the room. You can also give preference to a very low but long cabinet located along the wall under the TV.

So, in order to create a cozy and comfortable environment in the living room, you must first decide on the direct purpose of the room. After this, choose the appropriate style and color scheme. If you doubt the correctness of your decision, it is best to contact designers who will offer you several design options.