Field bindweed (birch) - medicinal properties. Field bindweed - benefits and harm

Field bindweed is an excellent natural remedy for many diseases. We will tell you about the properties of this plant, its use and main contraindications.

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IN modern world, in the world of innovative technologies and the rapid development of industrialization, people are beginning to forget that nature is a priceless gift that must not only be used, but also protected. After all, nature is not only the animal world, it is, first of all, the world of plants, most of which are medicinal, healing and simply irreplaceable in medicine. Many decades (or even centuries ago), people saved themselves from the most terrible and deadly ailments with the help of medicinal plants. The experience of healing with fruits, leaves of plants, as well as seeds and roots, has accumulated over centuries and has reached the present times with a huge store of knowledge about medicinal plants.

At first glance, the most ordinary weed, which we encounter quite often, may turn out to be one of the very useful and even medicinal herbs. Unfortunately, one of these plants does not please people at all, because it is considered a malicious weed, which is not so easy to get rid of, this is field bindweed.

Field bindweed is a cute, delicate flower with an alluring aroma, the bells of which can have colors from soft pink to bright blue. Bindweed has other popular names: “dodder”, “loach”, “field birch” or “fork”. This plant is easy to recognize because it has thin, spirally twisted stems that climb along the ground, bushes, fences or other plants, which can sometimes reach 1.5 meters in length. The dodder has small leaves and funnel-shaped flowers on its petioles, which attract with their tenderness and pleasant aroma.

By appearance of this plant, you can determine whether it will rain during the day; if the bindweed flowers are open in the morning, we are waiting for the sun, and if they are closed, there will be cloudy and rainy weather. In addition to our country, the fork grows in a huge number of countries, and in each of them it has different names, but its medicinal properties this does not change. All parts of the dodder contain a huge amount of minerals and vitamins.

There is no doubt that field bindweed is treatment plant, but it poses a threat to human health, especially if you do not know how and when it can be used in medicinal purposes. When fresh, dodder is very poisonous plant, which is why it is necessary to know exactly how it is collected and cooking methods.

Preparation and storage of dodder

For medicinal purposes, they mainly use roots and shoots with leaves, and less often, seeds and flowers. The bindweed is pulled out of the ground with its roots, the fresh greens are cut off from the roots, and dried separately from each other. It is best to use fresh bindweed, but due to the fact that it does not grow all year round, do not forget to prepare field bindweed for winter period.

Both roots and greens must be dried in the shade, and not in direct sunlight, so that the plant does not lose its useful properties. In order for the grass not to rot and to dry evenly on all sides, it is necessary to constantly turn it over and mix it. A well-dried plant and roots must be finely chopped and placed in a container that is tightly closed with a lid. Medicinal herb It can be stored for no more than a year, and only if it is stored in a dark place, in the future it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Composition of field bindweed

This plant is interesting because in its different parts there are different amounts of useful substances, for example:
  • the roots contain cholinometic compounds, up to 8% tannins and 5% resins;
  • ascorbic acid is found in the leaves up to 110 mg, as well as flavonoids and vitamins;
  • The seeds are rich in alkaloids and fatty oil (47–48%), but this is only in the fresh plant; in dried form, bindweed loses its beneficial substances almost twice.

Medicinal properties of the plant

  1. Convolvulus grass. Decoctions, teas and tinctures from dodder have a laxative effect on the body, and also relieve discomfort and pain after poisoning. Also, the herb of this plant has an analgesic effect on the body, in particular for: gastritis, fever, enterocolitis, toothache or menstrual pain, as well as bruises, wounds and neuroses. Recent studies have shown that this herb can have a detrimental effect on malignant tumors.
  2. Fresh juice from the leaves of field bindweed. With the addition of bindweed juice, ointments are made that are used as an anesthetic and can destroy dermatitis and dermatoses. The juice is also used as a choleretic agent, to relieve unbearable ear pain, to detoxify poisonous reptile bites, to remove freckles and soothe headaches. If dodder juice is mixed with vinegar, olive oil, wine or honey, it becomes an excellent remedy for arthritis, ulcers, burns, wounds, and also easily relieves swelling.
  3. The aboveground part of the bindweed. Tibetan healers use aboveground part This plant is used to relieve symptoms of fever, treat atherosclerosis, and even pulmonary tuberculosis. Mongolian healers use birch to treat diseases of the throat, ears, or nose. Decoctions and infusions from this part of the plant have found their use in eliminating the symptoms of respiratory diseases, female diseases, and even chronic bronchitis.
  4. Dodder seeds. Korean doctors use bindweed seeds against long-term and persistent constipation because they act on the body as a gentle laxative. The seeds also help against severe and prolonged coughs, edema of various natures, nephritis, kidney or heart failure.

Based on the above, we can say that bindweed has the following medicinal properties:

  • wound healing;
  • antipyretic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • painkiller;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • choleretic;
  • homeostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • bactericidal.

Use of field bindweed in folk medicine

Most herbal therapists and people who know almost everything about plants offer several recipes for various ailments, which include bindweed:
  1. Toothache. An infusion of bindweed helps with painful toothache: 1 tbsp. l. dodder roots, pour 200 ml. boiling water, cover the container with the roots and leave for 20 minutes to brew. Then filter the broth through gauze and rinse your mouth with it throughout the day, holding it away from the affected tooth for a few minutes.
  2. Inflammation of the liver or spleen. Freshly squeezed bindweed juice is diluted in the following ratio: 200 ml. water, 2 tbsp. l. juice Use the product 3 times a day, before meals, 0.25 cups.
  3. Bladder disease. Such diseases are mainly treated with herbal preparations, which include field bindweed. This collection can be prepared by mixing equal parts of yarrow, birch, bearberry and lingonberry leaves. Mix all the herbs together at a rate of 2 tbsp. l. collection in 500–600 ml of boiling water, leave for two hours in a warm and dark place. After the specified time, strain the infusion and drink 3 times a day, 200 ml.
  4. Intermenstrual uterine bleeding. Bindweed decoction with milk: 1 tsp. Finely chopped birch is poured into 250 ml. fresh milk, cook for five minutes over low heat. The volume of the decoction is divided into equal parts and drunk per day, in four doses.
  5. Hard-to-heal wounds. It is necessary to make compresses from an alcohol tincture of bindweed. Preparation: in a 2:1 combination, pour bindweed flowers with alcohol. After two weeks of infusion, the tincture is poured into a glass bottle with a cap, and before use it is diluted with water (1 tablespoon per 0.5 cup of cold boiled water). Compresses or lotions are made from the resulting liquid at the wound sites.
  6. Skin cancer. Even such a terrible disease at the initial stage cannot resist healing properties bindweed. You need to mix 1:1 homemade butter and fresh grated dodder root, leave for 1-2 hours, then apply it to the affected areas of the skin.
  7. The problem of impotence. Dry bindweed seeds should simply be eaten raw, 1 teaspoon at a time, just once a day, until improvement occurs.
  8. Treatment of bronchitis. One tbsp. l. ground bindweed is poured into 300 g. boiled water. After infusing for half an hour and then filtering, the resulting product is taken three times a day, 2-3 tbsp. l.
  9. Treatment of colds. Everyone knows that in order to get rid of a cold faster, you need to sweat well, and here the diaphoretic property of bindweed will help us. 1 tsp. Grind birch seeds and pour boiling water (200 ml.). Leave it covered for 20 minutes, after which the potion is filtered. We take 50 g before meals, and then climb under the covers.
  10. Atherosclerosis. Prepare a tincture with alcohol: 10 g of birch, infuse for 1 week with 50 g of alcohol. Filter the product and store in a closed container. You need to drink the tincture three times a day, 15–20 minutes before meals.
And this is not all the recipes and tips on where and how you can use this “miracle plant”.

Contraindications to the use of field bindweed

Before use medicinal plant, everyone always needs to consult a doctor. There is no such thing as there being no contraindications; unfortunately, our plant also has them:
  • intolerance to substances contained in the plant;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • people with hemorrhoid problem;
  • even healthy people It is not recommended to take bindweed for more than 3 months in a row.
It is necessary to adhere to the dosage, an overdose will entail:
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • irritation and pain in the kidneys;
  • hematuria - the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • paralysis of the tongue muscles and speech impairment;
  • in pregnant women can cause miscarriage.
“Mother Nature” has given us a lot of beautiful things, and most importantly healing things. You just need to stop one day, look around you, see it all. It would seem that the common field weed is the dodder, but how much benefit it can bring to human health. The only thing to remember is that all medicinal plants must be used wisely and carefully. Then you will get maximum benefits for your health, without helping out the pharmacy business.

You can learn more about field bindweed and its use in medicine from this video:

The picky, but very pretty bindweed is popularly known as birch. Its soft pink or white flowers spread like a luxurious carpet on the ground. Many housewives use decorative varieties plants to decorate your garden plot, as well as your balcony. Rich shades of blue or purple look breathtaking against the backdrop of gray high-rise buildings. Scientists know about 250 species of the Bindweed family. However, it is worth paying attention to the descriptions of several gardeners' favorites.

Toffee should be planted at a distance of 25 cm from other crops. If it is used to fill the territory, then the distance from other plants is 50-60 cm.

General characteristics

In nature, birch trees can be found in your garden. It resembles a miniature vine. By the way, Latin name Vuna means “to roll up” or “to wrap around,” which very accurately conveys the character of the plant. The stems and rhizomes resemble thin cables that expertly wrap around any structure: living or not. The question of what bindweed looks like should be answered with a description of each of its parts separately:

The value of this culture is also that it has many color solutions. As shown in the photo, bindweed can be one-color, two- or three-color. The dominant shades of these “European vines” are:

Loaches begin to bloom in late spring. As a result, the whole summer and until the autumn frosts you can admire the splendor of these delicate flowers.

Representatives of the Bindweed family need to be grown in non-acidic and relatively moist soil. You should also provide them with sufficient lighting, or at least diffuse lighting.

Field bindweed

With this herbaceous plant Most often they fight in vegetable gardens or flower beds. However, as practice shows, you can be friends with him. Field bindweed contains dozens of useful elements that help in the fight against diseases:

  • liver;
  • respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma);
  • circulatory system;
  • skin rashes;
  • kidneys (relieves swelling).

Moreover, it has antiseptic properties. Crops that grow next to it are less susceptible to mold or mildew. It makes excellent mulch. Such a substrate not only disinfects the soil, but also makes it loose and moist.

Favorable soil for this species is loam or sandy loam (with a high sand content).

Field birch can be either perennial or annual. White or pink small flowers (blue and purple are rare) abundantly cover the creeping stem. In most cases, it has a smooth surface, but sometimes there are specimens with a hairy covering. To a full description of field bindweed, the following must be added:

  • the stem reaches only 100-150 cm in length;
  • flowering period: from mid-April to the first frost;
  • leaves of an elongated triangular shape (like a spear), located on the petioles;
  • cone-shaped flowers grow on long stalks singly or in inflorescences (1-3 buds);
  • thin bindweed roots reach 3 and even 6 meters in length;
  • method of propagation: seed or root (offshoots).

This birch tree serves as a wonderful decoration for the garden. With its help, the hostess will skillfully hide incorrect spaces in . An exquisite living carpet in your backyard made from golden weed will create an enchanting ambience.

Garden bindweed

This type of toffee is distinguished by a variety of bright and contrasting colors. This flowering carpet can be used to decorate an unsightly slope in your dacha. Very often, uncultivated plots of land remain empty in vegetable gardens. Why not use garden bindweed to decorate your dacha. In the garden they can decorate alleys. Curly blue or white loach borders will give paradise some pomp. Designers recommend making a screen or partition from these plants. It perfectly separates one part of the garden from another or serves as a shade for other crops.

One branch is enough to grow golden weed in a container. Then it has more space to grow and create a thick, luxurious cascade.

Summer vines are dependent on sunlight. Thus, the bindweed flower closes and curls if it is cloudy or raining outside. Although this plant is unpretentious, there are still some features of its planting and cultivation:

If white streaks appear on the greenery, it means that the vine has been struck powdery mildew. Several treatments with fungicidal agents will destroy the pest.

It is important to water garden bindweed correctly, photo of this variety for vertical gardening is given below. You should not flood the beds too much, because this leads to the growth of greenery, not inflorescences. However, due to a lack of moisture, the buds will fall off. Without feeding, the flowers will grow small and faded. Therefore, before planting, the soil is fertilized with peat.
The soil is sprinkled when the toffee throws out buds. Complex fertilizers(nitrogen or potassium) treat the beds once every two weeks. The substrate is laid out on the soil and then washed off with water using a watering can.

To plant seedlings in the ground, you need to sow the seeds in a container in early March. Containers should be stored in a warm and sunny place and watered regularly.


It is considered the most effective for planting in pots (containers). The combination of blue (ultramarine shade) and white shade with a fiery yellow (lemon) center makes it unique. Thanks to this coloring, it flaunts magnificently on the terraces and flowerbeds of megalopolises. Bindweed tricolor is an annual that grows up to 50 cm tall. The stems are strewn with dense greenery. The bluish-green leaves provide an amazing backdrop for large, variegated flowers with wavy edges. They reach 5 cm in diameter.
Among other things, there are three more varieties of tricolor loach:

  • "Blue" and "Rainbow" Flash. Both flowers and leaves grow as densely as possible, forming spherical bushes.
  • "Royal Ensign". The flowers are dark in color - velvety purple flowers with a characteristic black tint.
  • "Crimson Monarch". Bright crimson shade of inflorescences.

These are the fastest growing decorative types. In 2-3 months, the rhizomes grow up to 2 meters deep. If they tear, they form new shoots.

Bindweed is an annual plant that is grown from seeds. Due to the fact that this variety is low-growing, it has many lateral shoots. Therefore, such specimens resemble the shape of a sphere. They look amazing on terraces, windows or loggias.


In a house or apartment you can grow indoor bindweed, which was specially bred for such conditions. This variety is very capricious. It cannot be kept outdoors - on a windowsill or balcony. Exposure to direct sunlight will cause the leaves to yellow and the root base to dry out. Besides, indoor birch tree loves moisture very much. Therefore, it needs to be watered and sprayed regularly. Young taffy can be safely bathed in the bathtub. These procedures must be done in winter, when the air in the apartment is dry due to heating. You need to place a pot with a flowerpot in a secluded place, because drafts are dangerous for it.

If you plant a vine in a container, then it should be placed on the south side of the house or closer to the east.

Caring for these three types of bindweed - field, garden and indoor - does not require much effort. This light-loving plant will be a worthy decoration personal plot or terraces.

Field bindweed has several names, it is called birch or field birch, dodder or dodder, or simply bindweed. This is a plant of the bindweed family (Convolvulaceae). Refers to weeds. Has a long creeping stem and developed root system, going into the ground to a depth of 3 to 6 meters. The stems radiate from the rhizome, bearing leaves and flowers on a long stalk. Convolvulus flowers are very beautiful. They open at sunrise and follow it all day long. At sunset or in cloudy weather, the flowers curl into tight cone-shaped flagella. Blooms all summer until autumn. In August the fruit ripens - a scaly capsule containing dark brown seeds. Propagates well both by seeds and root suckers. Bindweed grows throughout Europe, Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Field bindweed is a poisonous plant.

Harvesting and storage of bindweed

Bindweed can be collected for medicinal purposes throughout its life. Both the shoots with leaves and the rhizome of the loach are harvested. Flowers are practically impossible to prepare. The seeds are stored for a very long time directly in the boxes. Fresh greens are cut and dried outdoors in the shade, turning and stirring regularly. To avoid rotting of raw materials. The dried loach is finely chopped and stored in a plastic bag in a dark, cool place for one year.

Use in everyday life

Bindweed and its cultivated varieties are very widely used for planting in flower beds and flowerpots. The loach strives for the sun, so it should only be planted in sunny places. In the shade the plant will die. Trying to get the most solar energy, the loach climbs a support to a height of several meters, while cuttings with flowers, large leaves and shoots will create lush bouquet, the aroma of which bees always flock to. Loach flowers are not suitable for bouquets and compositions, since devoid of life, they instantly fade, fade and wither.

Composition and medicinal properties of field bindweed

  1. Different parts of the plant contain different amounts of useful substances. So the roots contain up to 5% resin, up to 8% tannins and cholinomimetic compounds.
  2. Convolvulus leaves contain up to 110 mg of ascorbic acid, vitamin A and flavonoids.
  3. The seeds are rich in fatty oil up to 47% and alkaloids. However, the dried plant contains much less useful substances.
  4. IN folk medicine bindweed is used as a choleretic, diuretic and laxative.
  5. Also, fresh herbs has an excellent wound healing effect.
  6. The ability of bindweed preparations to lower blood pressure is known.

Use of bindweed in folk medicine

There are recipes for using both dried and fresh plants. Its leaves and seeds are also used.

For bronchitis, take both infusion and decoction of bindweed

  • To prepare the infusion, take a glass of boiling water for one tablespoon of crushed bindweed. Pour in and let sit for 40 minutes;
  • then filter and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day;
  • To prepare a decoction, take a tablespoon of the plant and pour a glass of water. Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  • cooled and strained broth, take a quarter glass 20 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

Tincture for diuretic and laxative effect

Prepare the tincture according to the following recipe: take bindweed grass and pour it with alcohol in a ratio of 1:4. Let it brew in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Then filter and take 1.5 teaspoons three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For colds, an infusion of seeds is prepared as a herbal remedy.

The seeds are ground into powder, then a teaspoon of powder is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, allowed to brew for another 45 minutes and filtered. Take 70 ml infusion three times a day 25 minutes before meals.

For fever, atherosclerosis and bleeding, make an alcohol infusion from bindweed

10 grams of fresh plant per 50 ml of alcohol. Let it brew for two weeks, then strain. Take half a teaspoon of infusion 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Bindweed decoction for gynecological problems

Women in labor after a difficult birth, as well as patients with syphilis and metrorrhagia, take the following decoction: a teaspoon of crushed grass is poured into 200 ml of milk. Next, bring the broth to a boil, cool and filter. Divide the decoction into 4 parts and take them throughout the day.

For inflammation of the liver and spleen, fresh juice from bindweed is used

We cut off the shoots and crush them with an iron pestle in an iron mortar, and strain the juice from the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. 2 tablespoons of juice are diluted in 200 g of water and taken 50 g three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Wounds and skin damage can also be treated with bindweed.

From the fresh shoots in a mortar, thoroughly stir the fresh shoots until they reach a homogeneous consistency, and remove unground particles from the resulting ointment. Apply the ointment to the wound for 10 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.


Since bindweed field plants poisonous, you should consult a doctor before using it. Also, dosages must be strictly observed. The following categories are prohibited from taking bindweed in any form:

  • pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • people with individual intolerance to substances contained in the plant.
  • people with hemorrhoids.

Which blooms with pink and white bells. Whatever names people give to this plant. Most often, gardeners call it birch. At the same time, no one is happy if this weed has chosen his plot. Gramophone, felt grass, birch bark, dodder - all these are names of the same plant.

general description

This plant is distinguished by thin, numerous, spiral and climbing stems. It has a branching and tap root and oblong leaves, which are located on long petioles.

Field bindweed begins to bloom in late spring and continues almost until the end of autumn. The inflorescence opens in the morning when the weather is clear. If you see that the heads are tightly closed in the morning, it means that it will start raining soon. The plant bears fruits, which are a round capsule and contain poisonous seeds. Despite this, the fruits contain many useful substances.

For the gardener

Field bindweed is a dangerous and harmful perennial weed for all summer residents. Only in photographs does it look like a cute and harmless plant. It grows successfully on almost any soil. There are about 190 species of these weeds, but their differences are minor. Overall they are quite similar. Wrapping around the stem, field bindweed suppresses and shades all useful plants, including cereals.

Controlling this plant is very difficult. Thin, thread-like creeping roots penetrate deep into the ground. And the stems branch and creep, intertwining with useful plants, which complicates weed control. But let's look at this plant from the other side. Field bindweed is used for medicinal purposes, which means you need to consider its properties. Maybe someone will take a fresh look at the annoying plant and prepare it for future use for the winter.

Observations of traditional healers

We know about many plants thanks to the observation skills of our ancestors. They lived in harmony with nature, fed and were treated with its gifts. The healing properties of field bindweed have been known since ancient times. It was used to treat asthma, kidney and lung diseases. Traditional medicine was based on the positive results obtained.

The first information about the properties of bindweed came to us from the Middle Ages. Arab doctors quite widely used this plant as an astringent, blood vessel cleanser and stomach strengthener. Detailed description bindweed is found in medieval treatises. Jaundice was treated with bindweed juice, and by adding seeds to the juice, an excellent remedy for fever was obtained. Infusions and decoctions were also used to treat cancer.

But today modern doctors have laboratories that allow them to obtain information about the composition of a particular plant and its effect on the body. It was possible to find out that the field bindweed plant exhibits excellent antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic properties. It can also act as a local anesthetic. A photo of field bindweed will allow you to recognize it in the garden without any problems.

How to use the plant

Today we are trying to destroy it with the help of modern drugs. And in the old days, our ancestors carefully collected birch trees throughout the season. The description of field bindweed today causes more negativity, because you have to fight with this guest garden plot Every year.

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties: roots, stems and leaves. It is very rich in various biologically active substances and compounds. All parts of bindweed contain substances such as flavonoids, convolvulin glycoside, vitamins (especially a lot of A, C and E). In addition, the composition contains bitterness and toxic alkaloids. That is why preparations with this plant must be taken carefully, carefully observing the dosage.

You can spend quite a long time looking at the rich composition of this simple-looking weed. The green part of the plant is rich in vitamin E and resinous substances, blood clotting substances, saponins and bitters. The capsule fruits, or rather the seeds of the plant, contain alkaloids and fatty oils. There are many different resins in the flowers. That's not all, we forgot about the root system. Bindweed roots are rich in tannins and various resins. Tinctures and decoctions based on them have a stimulating effect on the peripheral nervous system.

Dosage forms

As a medicine, bindweed herb is used in the form of decoctions, infusions and powder. They also make medicinal ointments. For their production, grass and roots are most often used. Preparations from bindweed are a broad-spectrum remedy. They have choleretic, laxative and diuretic effects. This is an excellent tool for reducing blood pressure. The seeds of the plant have a positive effect on intestinal functions and peristalsis.

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

Photos and descriptions of field bindweed make it possible to understand exactly what kind of plant we are talking about. It grows not only in gardens, but also along roads, in forest clearings and forest edges. It can be harvested for grass during the entire flowering period. But it is best to dig up the roots in spring and autumn.

Herbaceous stems need to be sorted out and damaged leaves and twigs removed. Cut them into pieces. To dry, the roots need to be sorted out and pre-rinsed. Plant materials are dried under a canopy, on a clean sheet. The resulting raw material has a bitter taste; it can be poured into glass jar or cotton bag. This way the medicinal plant can last for a long time, maintaining its properties.

Folk recipes

Before use, do not forget to study the medicinal properties of field bindweed and contraindications. This is a poisonous plant and, despite the fact that the concentration of toxins is low, it is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women. In case of individual intolerance to components or allergic reactions, it is also necessary to choose an alternative.

  • An ointment based on fresh plant juice and butter is used for pneumonia and otitis media.
  • Decoctions work great with all kinds of skin diseases: rashes, lichen, scabies.
  • For toothache, make an infusion from the root. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of crushed root and leave for 20 minutes. You should rinse your mouth with this mixture twice a day.
  • To treat chronic bladder diseases, you need to take bindweed, yarrow, lingonberry and bearberry herbs in equal quantities. Mix everything well. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour three glasses of boiling water. After two hours, you can strain and drink a glass three times a day.
  • It is better to use fresh herbs to treat asthma. You need to take a tablespoon of well-chopped herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. After an hour you can strain. Divide the resulting raw material into 4 parts and drink throughout the day.

Contraindications and side effects

Not only expectant and nursing mothers should be careful. It is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly adhere to the recommended dosage. If you exceed it, vomiting and diarrhea, severe pain in the abdominal area may develop. Chemical elements, which are contained in bindweed, can only be excreted by the kidneys, which has an extremely negative effect on hard-working organs and leads to their disease.

The seeds are the most toxic, they affect the nerves, and those located under the tongue are most often affected. Because of this, speech problems may develop. And of course, the expectant mother should not consider this plant as medicine. Its use leads to miscarriages.

Instead of a conclusion

It's quite surprising to see nasty weed assistant and doctor. But nature distributes qualities in an amazing way. On the other hand, it is precisely this nature of this medicinal plant that makes it accessible. While digging the site in spring and autumn, you can prepare roots. And with the onset of warmth, branchy bushes will begin to grow. Collecting them is not difficult during the next weeding.

Occurs field bindweed almost everywhere throughout the entire territory of the countries of the former USSR, along roads, on the edges, in vacant lots, and, of course, in vegetable gardens and orchards.

Field bindweed very quickly entwines nearby plants. As a weed, it is very difficult to eradicate, since it has a creeping rhizome, which can also branch, like the stem of bindweed.

Field bindweed blooms all summer. And the fruits ripen in late August - early September. Seeds and root suckers are the main methods of propagation of this plant.

Like any plant that secretes milky (or other colored) sap, field bindweed poisonous. But, nevertheless, it is quite widely used in folk medicine and as pet food.

All parts are used for medicinal purposes field bindweed. Of course, you should strictly adhere to the dosage, after consulting your doctor first. In case of seed poisoning field bindweed there is pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting. Pregnant women should never take the seeds of this plant, as they can cause miscarriage.

Field bindweed used to treat many diseases, for example, for pain relief (for bruises, headaches and toothaches), as a laxative, for gastritis, atherosclerosis, chronic bronchitis, furunculosis, neuroses. Seed decoction field bindweed It has diaphoretic properties and helps with constipation. Convolvulus leaves used for snake bites.

To prepare a herbal decoction field bindweed, you should pour a tablespoon of chopped herbs into one glass of boiling water. The herb must be infused for at least 40 minutes. Strain and take at least three times, two tablespoons a day.

This decoction is used in the treatment of bronchitis.

You can prepare an alcoholic infusion from field bindweed. Freshly picked grass is poured with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:4. The herb must be infused for at least 15 days in a place protected from light. Strain. The resulting infusion should be taken half an hour before meals, up to 4 times a day, one teaspoon. An infusion prepared in this way helps with constipation as a diuretic.

Field bindweed usually used freshly picked. The herb is harvested for medicinal purposes field bindweed, its roots and fully ripened seeds. The grass is collected during the flowering period. The roots, as usual, are collected in early spring or late autumn. For long-term storage (up to 2 years) you can only alcohol tinctures field bindweed.

Field bindweed, a common plant growing around us, populating our gardens, perfectly confirms the well-known phrase - “medicines are under our feet, learn to use them.”