Cissus - care at home. Cissus flower (indoor birch), home care, photo

Cissus is a kangaroo vine native to Australia. It is one of the most popular climbing home crops due to its ease of care and pleasant appearance. The long stems organize dense foliage that can curl around a stand or cascade attractively from a pot. Thus, cissus as an indoor flower is ideal for decorating loggias or office spaces. It is a perennial deciduous, sometimes evergreen climbing plant. Unlike ivy, it curls around a support with the help of special “tendrils”, and not the stem itself. It grows quickly, is unassuming and is sold everywhere. Elastic shoots grow in 2-3 years to 3 m in length. Over time, the stem becomes woody, becomes less elastic, and becomes overgrown with coarse gray bark. The leaves of cissus are entire, palmately compound or lobed, depending on the species. At home, the plant does not bloom, but if buds appear, they are greenish buds collected in clusters. If pollinated, they will develop roundish red or black fruits.

Types and varieties of cissus: photo video, names and descriptions

Rye includes more than 300 plant species. The most common are the species listed below and some varieties of flowers such as cissus bred within them. You can read their description on this page.

Antarctic cissus ( Cissus antarctica) more often called simply cissus. It has antennae that cling to support. The leaves are oval, large, light green with coarsely toothed edges from 5 to 8 cm in size. The front surface is dark green, the reverse side is slightly lighter, the veins have light brownish pubescence. In a year, cissus can grow 1 m, its shoots reach a length of 3 m. Green flowers are collected in inflorescences. Please note: in the photo - one of the types of cissus - rhombifolia (Cissus rhombifolia).

Particularly unpretentious. The shoots are more refined and elastic, reaching 1.5 meters. It is recognized by its pinnately divided leaves, sometimes with a reddish bloom; the trifoliate leaves are composed of simple diamond-shaped leaves. Flowers of this particular species, after pollination, form into red berries.

The best variety is considered Ellen Danica, whose leaves are distinguished by a lighter green tint.

Mandiana is a variety that, like Ellen Danica, belongs to the rhomboids. As shown in the video, cissus is larger than its “relatives”:

It has a thicker stem that stretches upward and curls along the support with the help of tendrils. The leaves of the variety are quite large, which makes the crown look dense. This is a hardy flower that can withstand any changes in conditions. Propagates well by cuttings: sprouts can take root even when high temperature. Distinctive feature– in winter it does not need a period of rest, but continues to grow. Check out the photo for another type of cissus – striped:

Its name conveys the type of leaf color: white oblong spots in rows along the entire width. The plates are small, 3-5 pieces per stem, reminiscent in shape. The plant does not require moisture and tolerates heat well. You can select popular variety Red Sensation with reddish leaves. On a warm windowsill suitable for flowers, you can keep the following species:

Cissus discolor(multi-colored)

Cissus amazonica(Amazonian)

They have leaves with a silvery pattern, but these species appear on sale only occasionally. They are more demanding to care for than the first three named. Next, evaluate the quadrangular cissus in the photo - a flower that is most unlike its “relatives”:

This is a plant that has adapted to dry conditions and turned into a succulent. The plant has thick tetrahedral stems 1 cm wide. Its flowers are rather inconspicuous, like those of other relatives. Requires a lot of light and fairly infrequent watering.

You can find such types of indoor grapes as round-leaved or glandular. However, they are not easy to find on sale.
Succulents also include cissus Baynesa and Jutta, shown in the photo:

Houseplants take the form of a bush. They have fleshy leaves, but in Baynes they are trifoliate and green, while in Jutta they are olive and pointed.

Why do the leaf tips of indoor cissus flowers dry out?

Light-loving plant. It needs bright diffused light, for example, for a diamond-shaped flower. The Antarctic variety, on the contrary, requires partial shade. Good fit office rooms or halls. However, it is worth protecting plants from direct sunlight, especially in the fresh air in summer.
All types of cissus can be used as hanging plants, for landscaping vertical walls dividing rooms, or trellises. The exception is cissus multicolored. This species does best in a tropical window as an epiphyte.
Needs to be supported room temperature, Cissus discolor and Cissus amazonica prefer no lower than +18 °C, Cissus antarctica and Cissus striata tolerate temperatures below +12 °C in winter. In summer you can take it out onto the loggia, the main thing is to prevent a draft. Cissus is still an indoor plant, so when it gets cold, you need to bring indoor grapes back into the house so that the leaves do not fall off. It is necessary to provide a high level of air humidity only for Cissus discolor in order for the crown to grow. This can be done through regular spraying or bathing in a warm shower in the summer. That is, you can put the plant in the bathroom and carefully walk along the stems with water pressure at a temperature of +30...+35 °C.
A similar procedure should also be carried out with plants that have a dense crown. Otherwise, the leaves of the cissus gradually dry out or take on a strange shape - convex or concave. Excess liquid must then be poured out of the pan.
Another reason why the tips of cissus leaves dry is often dry air. You need to spray the plant with a spray bottle and repeat the procedure regularly in the summer.

How to water and replant a houseplant cissus

In the spring-autumn period, all indoor grapes grow actively, so it is important to maintain constant soil moisture. This is primarily needed by plants with a large mass of foliage, since their water evaporates faster. In winter, you can water only the Mandiana variety and those species and varieties that do not go dormant in winter. At home, caring for cissus should be as follows: the hotter it is, the more often you water it. The soil needs to dry out 2-3 cm between irrigation periods. However, you should not overwater the flower, otherwise the roots will rot. If you feed the flower too rarely with water, it will dry out.
In winter and autumn, it is necessary to reduce watering to a minimum - only to maintain the life support of the roots.
Plants up to five years old need to be replanted annually, then once every 2-3 years. This is due to the fact that the flower grows very quickly, and in order for it to continue to develop, it is necessary to change the pot to another - larger one. A ceramic or clay container is best. It should be a “breathing” pot, that is, it should allow fresh air to pass through. You can take different soil, with neutral or low acidity. Some varieties of cissus, such as the Antarctic species, take root well in hydroponics. A mixture of turf and sheet soil with an admixture of humus, peat and sand. All parts are mixed in equal proportions.

The transplant is carried out in early spring when the plant has not yet fully recovered from dormancy. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot, then soil and plant the flower. No need to fertilize. At the same time, it is better to prune the cissus to give it shape.

Pruning if cissus leaves fall

Pruning is carried out at any time of the year, and if the lower leaves of the cissus fall off, in the spring it must be cut back by ¾. In other cases, the flower is cut in half and the stems that are left without cover are removed. If these are plants that climb up the support, pinching is carried out in order to make the crown lush and dense. It happens that in winter, when there is insufficient light, cissus sends out weak stems, which die in the spring or produce even weaker shoots. In this case, they need to be removed in early spring.
  • After pruning at home, caring for a flower such as cissus should be correct: Place the plant in a well-lit place, water it, if indoor grapes are replanted, start fertilizing in a month.
  • If the leaves suddenly start to fall, there are two reasons: draft and heat. You can change the position by moving the flower to another place.
However, such symptoms may also indicate rotting of the root system. Check if you are overwatering your cissus!
If the leaves suddenly begin to curl and fall off en masse, this means that there is not enough oxygen in the soil. It is necessary to loosen the soil once every 15 days. When does the cissus fall off? bottom sheets, do not worry, this is not a problem, but a normal phenomenon for a flower - it grows.

Feeding to prevent brown spots on the leaves of cissus

Flowers need nutrients to develop. This need is especially evident during the growth period - spring and summer. Feeding should begin in mid-spring. In the summer - once every 2 weeks, from mid-autumn to the end of winter - once every 6 weeks. You can take it mineral complexes for decorative and medicinal plants. If cissus leaves appear brown spots, which means it lacks nitrogen. It is necessary to use fertilizers with a high concentration of this substance. Usually they are added to boiled, soft water, which must sit for a while beforehand, and then the plant is watered.
If brown spots on the leaves of the cissus are accompanied by dullness and lethargy of the leaves, it means that the cissus does not have enough fertilizer. This can be eliminated by changing the brand of nutrients or increasing feeding.
When the leaves suddenly turn very pale, you need to reduce the amount of light and move the plant to partial shade.

Propagation of cissus by seeds and cuttings

Cissus is propagated by cuttings, seeds and dividing the bush. As a rule, this procedure is carried out at the end of winter - at the beginning of spring.

Sowing seeds. They don’t put it in a saucer a large number of peat-sandy soil, place the seeds on top and push them a little into the ground. After a little moistening, the container is covered with a transparent dome and placed on the windowsill. Cissus reproduction occurs at temperatures of +20…+25 °C. The first shoots will appear no earlier than in 4-5 months. They need to be distributed separately only after the first real leaf blades appear.
Sometimes it may happen that the outer shell of the seed is too hard, then you need to help the sprout come out. To do this, you can either first clean the seeds a little from the surface layer, or try to separate it during the growth of the cissus.

Cuttings. Propagation of cissus using cuttings is easy even if the owner has no experience. The procedure is carried out in February and March. To do this, cut cuttings with a pair of buds and plant them in small pots with soil - peat, sand - 2-3 pieces each. You can plant 4 cuttings in one 8 cm container.
The container should be kept indoors with high level humidity at a temperature of +20…+22 °C. The diamond-shaped variety can reproduce in water at a temperature of no more than +19 ° C. Within three weeks, roots appear and are distributed separately.

How to propagate cissus by dividing a bush

There is another way to easily propagate cissus - dividing the bush. Big flower produces basal shoots, which are used as source material for breeding cissus. It is necessary to cut the rhizome into several parts and immediately plant it in the ground. Keep, as before, in a warm, closed room with high humidity. Within three weeks the shoots will sprout.
Important! Use a clean knife to remove the stems and cause minimal damage to the flower's root system.

This method is not often used, since cuttings give excellent results.

Pests and diseases of cissus

If the plant is not cared for properly, it will weaken and become sick. This can cause angular spotting, the symptoms of which are brown spots on the leaves of the cissus. Usually yellowish-brown, they indicate excessive soil moisture. You need to stop watering the plant for a while and provide the flower with even more light.

One of the serious diseases is powdery mildew. This is a fungal infection that appears as a white powdery coating on the leaves. In this case, the fabric on the back of the sheet is brown or brown.
The disease can be controlled with mild damage using biological fungicides. If it is strong, use the drug “Topaz”.

Spider mites are pests that suck sap from leaves. Symptoms - cissus dries out very much, small white dots appear on the leaf plate, increasing to spots. Mites can be found in the lower part of the plant and eliminated using water pressure. The flower needs to be washed several times under a warm shower with soapy water. If it doesn’t help, use Fitoverm or Molniya.

Aphids are a pest that severely damages leaves: they curl, turn yellow, and discharge appears on them. If the infestation is weak, aphids can be removed with a soap solution, otherwise use “Antitlin”, “Fitoverm”, etc.
Important! Doesn't tolerate well chemicals plant protection. Large

Among the unpretentious indoor flowers, the graceful bindweed with a thick crown and beautiful leaves. Many have already guessed that this is a homemade grape, cissus: caring for it is absolutely simple, and the appearance of the plant will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cissus is a climbing evergreen decorative vine, which belongs to the grape family. Due to the similarity of the leaves, the flower is often called birch or homemade grapes.

Under natural conditions, Cissus is distributed in the tropics and subtropics of Australia and Africa. Thanks to the beautiful carved leaves, forming a voluminous crown and beautifully flowing from the pot, the flower has gained popularity in indoor floriculture. The plant will decorate a balcony or room in the house, office, or public space.

Cissus shoots sometimes reach a length of 3.5 meters, while root system plants are compact. Young stems are flexible, but as they mature they become woody, covered with rough bark. gray, which cracks and peels over time.

Tendrils and petiolate leaves are located at the internodes of the stem. Often at the ends of the tendrils there is an expansion in the shape of a circle; the plant uses a similar device as suction cups in order to cling to the surface.

The leaves are arranged alternately and have a palmate, lobed or solid blade with a glossy surface. The color of the crown is bright, green, monochromatic. Rarely, but still there are cissus plants with variegated leaves.

At home, the plant blooms in exceptional cases, but this is a normal option and should not cause alarm. Small, inconspicuous flowers cannot compete with the spectacular appearance of the plant's foliage.


Cissus is represented by a huge number of varieties, there are approximately 350 of them, but in room conditions Only a few of them are grown. The most popular plant species among gardeners are:

  1. - loves shade, it must be grown on a support, shoots grow up to one and a half meters long.
  2. is the most beautiful view. Leaves are green with purple tint, the plant sheds them for the winter. The surface of the sheet plates is glossy. Plants of this species are very demanding temperature conditions and indoor air humidity.
  3. is a vine growing up to two meters long. The shape of the leaf blades is ovoid, with serrations along the edges. The plant blooms with small green flowers and forms quite edible fruits, tastes like grapes.
  4. has a very unusual appearance due to dense, tetrahedral shoots, appearance the plant resembles a cactus. Liana branches can reach a length of 1.5 m.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Cissus is a very unpretentious plant and will grow in almost any conditions: darkness, heat, coolness, excess light. The flower does not tolerate drafts and sudden changes in conditions. Basic care for indoor birch comes down to correct transplantation and watering.

Cissus will grow well on the windowsill of any window, as well as at a considerable distance from sources of natural light. The only thing the plant cannot tolerate is bright, direct sunlight. Perfect option for growing - diffused light.

Antarctic and multi-colored cissus develop excellently only in a shaded place and very poorly tolerate direct sunlight. For these types, placement near windows facing east or west would be ideal.

Rhombolifolia, on the contrary, is very light-loving, and best option The location for it is next to the window facing south. The flower will be comfortable on the balcony, but the plant should be protected from the wind and direct rays of the sun.

In winter, the ideal temperature for cissus is in the range from +14 to +16˚ C, in summer months- from +18 to +26 degrees. The plant perfectly adapts to the gradual change of heat to coolness or heat; in winter it can withstand cold up to +10, and in summer - heat up to +30˚ C. However, sudden changes will harm the flower.

Humidity and watering

Young cissus should be sprayed regularly. Adult plants will not refuse periodic foliar moisture in the summer months, although they may well grow without such an event. In autumn, you cannot spray cissus; in winter, you need to shower the leaves from time to time (once a month) to wash off the dust that has accumulated on them.

The plant has a large number of leaves, and therefore in the warm season it can evaporate a lot of moisture. Therefore, the flower needs abundant watering with exclusively soft water and spraying. In winter, excess moisture harms cissus - it appears root rot, the plant stops growing and withers. During the winter months, watering should be minimal.

The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out and moisture should not stagnate in the pan; the top layer of the substrate (about 1.5 cm) should have time to dry between waterings.

Soil and fertilizing

Cissus is undemanding to soil, but optimal options still exist. For example, a mixture of leaf soil, turf soil, humus, peat and sand is perfect; all components must be taken in equal quantities. The ideal soil reaction is slightly acidic or neutral.

When choosing the size of the pot, you should take into account the age of the plant and the degree of development of the roots. For young seedlings, the optimal diameter of the container is approximately 9 cm. As the plant grows, with each transplant, the size of the pot should increase. The ratio of the diameter and height of the flowerpot is standard. Cissus is best planted in hanging pots with support to which the shoots will cling as they grow.

As fertilizer will do any composition with a high nitrogen content used for feeding indoor flowers (without a sufficient amount of nitrogen, active vegetation is impossible). Cissus is different rapid growth and therefore consumes nutrients very quickly, thereby depleting the substrate. Applying liquid fertilizer twice a month from April to August will ensure rapid plant development.

Rhomboid cissus needs feeding most of all, since this species forms a very lush, voluminous crown. The plant should be given mineral and organic fertilizers once every two weeks.

Miss Clean magazine recommends fertilizing all year round, if throughout the entire time the temperature and illumination of the cissus remain unchanged. This is explained by the fact that in such conditions the plant does not have a dormant period.

Cissus often grows very quickly, so pruning and pinching shoots is necessary measure care Main time sanitary pruning occurs in spring, this ensures rejuvenation of the plant. Throughout the year, it is recommended to remove dried, wilted, damaged or diseased branches and make formative prunings.

Reproduction and transplantation

Cissus propagation is carried out by dividing the bush and cuttings. The first method is usually used for spring transplantation. It is necessary to remove the flower from the pot along with the root system and divide it into several parts, and then plant them in separate containers. Each part must include a voluminous root system and an adult, formed shoot.

To obtain a new plant from a cutting, you need to cut off the top of the shoot with several leaves and place it in water or a damp sand-peat mixture. The cutting should remain like this until the roots grow, after which it is transplanted into permanent soil, intended for an adult flower.

Dive several cuttings into one pot at once, this will ensure the splendor and branchiness of the plant in the future.

Young cissus is transplanted annually before reaching the age of five; an older plant needs to be replanted once every 2-3 years. Optimal time for the procedure - early spring, and the best way- transshipment.

Pests and diseases

Particularly dangerous for cissus are aphids, heteroclawed and spider mites.

The main symptoms of aphids:

  • the leaves turn yellow and become curly;
  • Sticky insect secretions appear on the leaves (with severe damage).

If the number of aphids is small, simply wash off the insects with soap and water. In case of severe damage, treatment with insecticides is necessary; the preparations “Aktellik”, “Decis”, “Aktara”, “Tanrek”, “Commander”, “Fitoverm” are suitable for these purposes.

In warm and damp conditions, cissus can be attacked by multi-clawed mites. The leaves do not grow at the tops of the shoots; they often curl downward, become coarse, and a brown scab forms on the petioles. Soap, mineral oil or treatment with insecticides (Fitoverm, Molniya, Akarin, Vermitek) will allow you to destroy pests.

Cissus diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew- plaque appears on the leaves and petioles white. Treatment with the preparations “Strobi”, “Topaz”, “Jet”, “Chistotsvet” is effective.
  2. Root rot - leaves become pale green, with matte surface, gradually turn yellow and wither, the roots are rotten and look frayed, as the shell lags behind the core. The disease spreads in low acidity substrates. As a measure to prevent root rot, the plant should be watered infrequently, but abundantly. “Alirin-B” or “Fitosporin-M” is used as a means of combating the scourge; it is necessary to pour the drug under the root of the plant.
  3. Angular spot occurs due to unsuitable growing conditions for the flower. Yellowish-brown spots with distinct boundaries form on the leaf blades.
  1. Leaves often dry out and fall off due to sudden changes in room temperature or draft. Move the plant to another place where there will be no direct streams of air and temperature fluctuations.
  2. The tips of the leaves dry out if the air in the room is very dry. Spray regularly.
  3. The shoots become small and dry out when the air humidity in the room is too high or too low.
  4. Flower growth slows down greatly if there is not enough nutrients. Feed the plant with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers.
  5. The leaves curl, dark spots and mold are noticeable on them - this means that spraying is done too often.
  6. Leaves lose color when there is a lack of nutrients in the substrate. Feed the plant with mineral fertilizers.
  7. Pale leaves indicate too much light. Move the pot with the plant to a darker place.
  8. The lower parts of the stems become bare when there is a lack of light. Illuminate with a phytolamp or move the flowerpot closer to the window.
  9. The leaves begin to turn yellow as a result of insufficient watering or the use of hard water for this purpose. Leaves may also turn yellow if the soil mixture is depleted or salty. Water the plant when the top layer of the substrate dries out, take soft water for this, feed it in a timely manner and replant it in fresh soil.
  10. Brown spots on the leaves indicate a lack of phosphorus in the substrate. Feed the flower mineral fertilizer containing sufficient phosphorus.

Cissus – decorative climbing vine. It belongs to the Grape family, so the plant is often called “house grapes” or “birch tree” (due to the similarity of the foliage). Cissus is widespread in the tropical and subtropical zones of Africa and Australia. It is quite popular in home gardening. Long shoots with carved leaves form a thick, beautiful crown that can entwine supports or beautifully fall from flowerpots. Flowers are suitable for decorating a balcony or any room in the house. Lush thickets unpretentious plant also found in offices or public places.

Description of the plant

Cissus is a perennial deciduous or evergreen vine. Its rhizome is quite compact. Flexible shoots can grow 3-3.5 m in length. Gradually, the base becomes lignified, becomes less flexible and becomes covered with rough gray bark. Over the years, it cracks and peels off like paper. The stem has internodes in which petiolate leaves and tendrils are located. Often, a disc-shaped expansion is formed at the ends of the antennae. Cissus uses extensions such as suckers to cling to surfaces.

Petiolate leaves are arranged alternately. The leaf blade can be entire, palmate or lobed. The leaves have a glossy surface of a uniform bright green color. Variegated forms are also found.

At home, cissus blooms are extremely rare, but this is not a cause for concern. Small flowers cannot compete in beauty with decorative foliage. Small greenish flowers are collected in racemes at the internodes. If they are pollinated, small, round, red or black berries will form. They contain small seeds.

Popular types and varieties

The Cissus genus is very diverse. There are more than 350 species and several ornamental varieties. Only a small number of the most attractive plants are used in the culture.

Antarctic cissus (kangaroo vine, New Zealand grape). Long shoots are covered with evergreen petiolate foliage. The oval or ovoid leaf blades have fine teeth along the edge. The front surface is dark green and glossy, the back surface is lighter, with slight pubescence along the veins. In the internode there is a leaf, and opposite it there are curled tendrils. Petioles, tendrils and young shoots are covered with brown hair. Corymbose inflorescences consist of small yellow-green flowers. The plant adapts well to deep shade and can withstand winter cold temperatures down to +5°C.

The plant is very popular due to the variegated color of the leaves. The dark green leaf blades have burgundy-brown stripes and silvery spots. back side heart-shaped leaves are colored dark pink color. In winter, the plant sheds most of its leaves. After this, the shoots are partially cut off and watering is reduced. In spring the crown is restored.

The liana has thinner and more flexible shoots. The alternate leaves are diamond-shaped and located on small petioles. The leaf blade has jagged edges and is dark green. Small greenish flowers consist of five bracts. Racemose inflorescences are collected in the leaf axils on young shoots. After pollination the red ones ripen edible berries. Very popular decorative variety Cissus rhombifolia - Ellen Danica. It is distinguished by carved leaves of a lighter color.

The perennial plant takes the form of a shrub. The bottle-shaped stem, 40 cm long at the bottom, can expand up to 20 cm. The upper part of the trunk has several branches. The foliage contains trifoliate lobes and is located on short petioles in the upper part of the shoots. The length of the sheet reaches 12 cm. Both sides of the sheet plate are covered with felt pile.

Cissus tetrahedral (quadrangular). This climbing perennial has unusual shoots. The fleshy tetrahedral lobes resemble the stems of a cactus. They connect into long vines. At the junctions there are heart-shaped or lobed light green leaves and twisted tendrils. Round inflorescences periodically bloom on the shoots.

Reproduction methods

Cissus can be propagated in several ways:

  • Sowing seeds. Seeds are sown in a bowl with a calcined sand-peat mixture. They are distributed over the surface and pressed into the ground with a plank. After spraying with a spray bottle, cover the pot transparent material. The container is placed in a lighted place with an air temperature of +20…+25°C. Shoots appear very unevenly after 4-6 months. When 2 true leaves grow, the seedlings are planted in separate small pots.
  • Rooting cuttings. Can be cut in spring and summer apical cuttings. Well-developed, healthy shoots with two or more buds are treated with a growth stimulator and placed in a container with water. When young roots form, the cuttings are planted in the ground. After planting, it is advisable to add “kornevin” to the water for a week.
  • Dividing the bush. The cissus bush gradually grows in width and produces basal shoots. During the spring transplant large plant can be divided. The rhizome with growth points is cut into several parts with a sharp blade and immediately planted in the ground. The adaptation process lasts about two weeks, after which the cuttings actively begin to grow.

Transfer rules

Young cissus plants are transplanted every spring; adult plants need only one transplant every 2-3 years. If the vine has grown greatly, it is enough to replace the top layer of soil. Choose a deep pot, slightly wider than the previous one. A thick drainage layer must be laid at the bottom.

The soil for cissus is made up of the following components:

  • leaf soil;
  • peat;
  • turf soil;
  • sand.

Before use new soil baked in the oven. Transplantation is carried out by transferring an earthen clod. The procedure should be combined with pruning.

Features of care

Cissus is a plant medium difficulty. If you master some rules, the vine will grow actively and form a lush green mass.

Lighting. Almost all varieties homemade grapes are shade-tolerant. They are able to grow even in artificial lighting. However, daylight hours should last 16 hours. In summer you need to shade the crown from direct sunlight.

Temperature. Optimal temperature for cissus it is +20…+25°C. In winter it can be lowered to +18°C, but this is not necessary. The plant is afraid of drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Humidity. In order for the crown to grow well, it is necessary to ensure high humidity air. It can be ensured by regular spraying. In summer it is useful to bathe the vine in a warm shower.

Watering. The watering mode directly depends on the air temperature in the room. The hotter it is, the more often you will have to water the plant. The soil should dry out only 2-3 cm between waterings. With frequent droughts, the cissus may shed some of its foliage. In this case, all excess water should freely leave the pot. The tray should also be emptied.

Fertilizer. Fertilizing begins in mid-spring. After transplantation, fertilizers are not used for a month. Mineral and organic complexes for decorative foliage plants are suitable. They are added to water for irrigation twice a month. From November, feeding is stopped.

Trimming. In order for the shoots to branch well, they need to be pinched regularly throughout the year. Bare and elongated lashes are cut off. In the spring, radical pruning is carried out, removing up to half the crown. This procedure allows the formation of beautiful young shoots.

Possible difficulties

With its appearance, cissus can signal errors in care:

  • leaves are bent or wrinkled - insufficient air humidity;
  • sluggish and dull foliage with brown and black spots - lack of mineral fertilizers;
  • too much pale leaves– excess light;
  • sudden fall of leaves - exposure to drafts.

What care does cissus need at home? Cissus is a plant belonging to the grape family. The plant is native to the subtropics and tropics. The plant is a herbaceous evergreen that requires support. The plant got its name from the word “kisson”, which translates as “ivy”. Nearly 350 plant species grow in natural conditions.

In common parlance, flower growers call it cissus indoor ivy, indoor grapes and indoor vine. The plant is called “birch” because of its great resemblance to birch leaves. All types of plants have tendrils with which they cling to various supports. The plant is used as a hanging plant in hanging pots and baskets, decorating arches and window openings.

Cissus plant is so unpretentious that it can grow well in any room: light, cool, dark, hot. The main thing is to comply with such factors in caring for cissus as replanting and watering.

Know! Cissus at home does not withstand drafts and critical changes in living conditions.

Thanks to its shiny, especially decorative multi-colored leaves, the plant is ideal for compositions in winter garden and its fragments, creating colorful, unique accents. Cissus is an invaluable indoor plant used for vertical gardening interiors. Lianas can be used to camouflage pergolas, columns, and trellises in the garden. Cissus helps to decorate country landscape design.

Caring for cissus at home

Location and lighting

The flower grows well on windowsills in a variety of directions. It develops without problems at a sufficient distance from windows. The plant does not tolerate bright sunlight. Ideal lighting- diffused light. It can grow in the darkest corners of rooms, cissus is a shade-loving plant, but artificial lighting is used.

Know! When placing the plant near a south window, its leaves will be large and deep green in color.

Air humidity

It is recommended to spray the plant regularly when it is young. Spraying an adult flower is carried out periodically in the summer, although the plant can easily do without this procedure. In winter, the plant needs regular spraying. To help the plant survive the winter, it is given a shower once a month, washing the leaves from dust.


Cissus flowers are inconspicuous and small. They form small green inflorescences in the form of a brush. After flowering is completed, spherical red berries appear. The plant blooms very rarely in cultivation.


Watering cissus abundant in spring and in summer, one should not allow the earthen clod to dry out or stagnate moisture in the pan. The plant requires abundant watering during the growing season. Use only soft water. The frequency of watering the plant depends on room conditions.

It is necessary to water the flower only after the top part of the soil has dried. In autumn, watering is reduced, carefully monitoring the condition of the plant. Do not allow the soil and roots to dry out. In winter, water minimally.

Top dressing

Fertilize the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers, with a high nitrogen content, for decorative deciduous indoor plants, alternating them. With a lack of nitrogen, brown spots appear on the edges of the leaves. The fertilizing period is March-October. Frequency: 1 time every 10-15 days.

Attention! With stable temperature and lighting throughout the year, the plant has no dormant period and needs to be fertilized all year round.


The plant is satisfied with the usual temperature conditions both indoor and office. IN winter period ideal temperature 14-16°C, and in summer 18-26°C. But the plant is able to adapt to temperature fluctuations of plus or minus 3 degrees. So in summer time the flower feels good at +30°C, and in winter at +10°C.


In early spring, before the start of the growing season, the tops of the stems are pinched and pruned. These actions serve as an impetus for new branching and the plant will be lush. Cut the shoots in half, and pinch out new shoots and shoot tips. This way you get a bushier plant.

If the plant is already mature enough, anti-aging pruning or growing young plant. For splendor, it is recommended to plant 2-3 plants in one pot.

Know! Cissus grown on a support as hanging plant, pruned so as to form a lush, thick head of plant leaves.


The flower is replanted at a young age annually, in the spring. Mature plant replanted if necessary. This happens every 2-3, or even four years. When replanting a flower, it is recommended to use plant pots small sizes, since the root system of cissus is not very developed. For replanting, take humus, sand, peat, leaf and turf soil (1:1 ratio).

Reproduction of cissus

Reproduction is performed by:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.


Propagation by cuttings is the easiest way. Cuttings are carried out in spring and winter (January-February). After pruning, cuttings with 2-3 buds are planted several in one pot. Four cuttings can be planted in a pot measuring eight centimeters. The required temperature is 18-22°C. After about 20-25 days, roots appear. Cuttings can also take root in water at a temperature of no more than 18°C.


Seed propagation is the most difficult. Since the plant does not bloom at home and it is impossible to obtain seeds from the fruit, so the seeds are bought in the store. At the same time, you cannot be sure that the seeds are of high quality and germinating.

Attention! Arctic cissus seeds have the best germination rate.

If you wish, you can buy seeds and sow them in a bowl in the spring. After the growths have formed more than 2 leaves, they are planted in pots.

By dividing the bush, layering

By dividing the bush, the plant is usually propagated when transplanting. Reproduction by layering is carried out at any time of the year. To do this, take one of the branches and secure it to the edge of the other. flower pot, filled with loose, nutritious soil. The stem is deepened into the soil in several places. After the roots appear, the stem is separated from the mother plant.

Diseases and pests

When there is an excess of watering, powdery rose forms on the leaves of the plant, which then develops into a fungus.

Pests cause great harm to the flower: spider glue, whitefly, aphids. The key to protecting a plant from pests is the cleanliness of the leaves. It is necessary to regularly clean them from dirt and dust. With proper care of cissus at home, pests rarely settle on the plant.

How prophylactic treat the flower as desired laundry soap. When pests appear, they do not immediately resort to chemicals, but try to fight the pest in ways that will not cause irreparable harm to the plant, for example: collecting insects with cotton swabs.

This is due to the fact that cissus leaves are very sensitive and tender. Then they review the conditions of care and reduce watering, replace the soil, etc. TO chemicals resort only in extreme cases.

Problems of growing cissus

  • The cissus dries, the lower leaves curl - lack of moisture;
  • the upper leaves curl and dry – low air humidity;
  • loss of decorative effect - the plant is rarely sprayed;
  • leaves become moldy - lack of drainage in the pot or poor drainage;
  • drooping leaves - drafts, the plant is cold;
  • brown spots on the foliage - lack of microelements: phosphorus, nitrogen;
  • small leaves, deformation of the leaf plate, small black spots on the leaves - lack of fertilizing;
  • pale leaves - excess sunlight.

Attention! Cissus multicolored leaves fall off in winter - this is normal and does not harm the plant.

Cissus leaves turn yellow

Quite often, flower growers ask the question, why do cissus leaves turn yellow?

  1. Lack of microelements.
  2. Poor watering.
  3. Poor soil.
  4. Too warm and dry air in winter time.

Cissus flowering photo

cissus care at home photo flowering

Cissus spp.

Attention! In indoor floriculture, only two species have gained the greatest popularity: Antarctic cissus and rhombifolia.

Antarctic cissus(Cissus antarctica) has dark green leaves. The length of the leaf of the plant reaches 10..12 cm, width 6..8 cm; the leaf shape is oval-elongated, having a heart-shaped base; the edges of the leaves are jagged.

The flowers are green, small, collected in a brush-shaped inflorescence. The fruits are berries. The vine easily reaches 3 meters in length and requires lots and lots of space. Leaf petioles, like shoots covered with fluff Brown. This is the most cold-resistant plant species, tolerates temperatures of +5.

Cissus rhombifolia(C. Rhombifolia VahL) has diamond-shaped, trifoliate compound leaves. The 'Ellen Danica' variety has deeply cut leaves. The flowers are small and collected in raceme-shaped inflorescences.

In both species, spiral-shaped tendrils grow opposite the places where the leaves attach to the shoots. It is by this feature of the location of the antennae that one can easily determine whether the plant belongs to the grape family.

The plant is unpretentious, but does not withstand direct sunlight well, so it loves diffused lighting. Can't stand it low humidity air and sudden temperature changes.

Cissus variegated(C. discolor var. mollis) unusually decorative, but capricious appearance. In appearance, c. multi-colored, a bit like c. Antarctic, but the leaf blade of Cissus versicolor has a clearly defined heart-shaped base. The leaf blade of cissus variegated is more elongated, and the serrations on the leaves are less pronounced.

The main difference between multi-colored cissus and other species is the color of the leaves. The color is original: the bottom of the leaf blade is red-lilac in color, the upper surface is usually dark olive or red-green in tone, along the top of the tone there are light silver spots between the veins.

C. variegated is much more heat-loving than its fellows. The temperature in winter is 18..22°C. When the air is too dry, the plant sheds its leaves. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly water, spray the plant, increasing the humidity in all available ways.

C reproduces. multi-colored also by cuttings, but for rooting you need to use sand, not soil. The pot with planted cuttings must be covered with glass. It should be noted that the roots grown on cuttings are extremely fragile and the plant must be handled with care. Caring for cissus multicolored is similar to caring for other types of plants.

Cissus Median- a species that does not have a resting period. In winter, the plant grows quickly and weaves. When propagated by cuttings, roots form quite quickly. When planting in a separate container, cuttings are accepted without observing the temperature regime.

Cissus quadrangularis(Cissus quadrangularis) has thick shoots up to 1 cm thick. The shape of the shoots is tetrahedral. The leaves of the plant are small, consisting of 3 parts. Unlike its fellows, it grows slowly and loves good lighting. Homeland: India, Sri Lanka. Grows in height up to 1.5 meters. Inflorescences with a shade of white, green, yellow. The fruits are red, spherical in shape.

cissus quadrangularis

Know! For a long time, cissus quadrangularis has been used as a medicinal plant.

Cissus Tuberose(Cissus tuberosus) - this type The plant has a peculiarity: its shoots thicken near the roots. Therefore, in appearance it looks like a bush. The leaves reach a diameter of seven centimeters. In order for the plant to grow strong and have large leaves, it is placed as far as possible from sources of bright light.

cissus tuberose

Know! According to an ancient belief that still exists today, it is believed that the plant protects people from colds, promotes health, and gives strength.

P.S. By March 8, I decided to give a gift to my old friend, who currently lives in Kiev, Ukraine. I thought for a long time about what to choose as a gift, and settled on bed linen made of high-quality satin. I decided to buy a gift through an online store, I hope that my gift will please the person dear to me.

Video - house plant cissus

Indoor birch, indoor grape or cissus flower are very popular among pets, which grow in almost every apartment or office. Translated from Greek, cissus means “ivy.” It is very loved by both flower growers and simple lovers of indoor plants for its lush, juicy greenery and ease of care. Caring for cissus at home is so simple that even beginners in floriculture can do it.

Cissus flower: types - photos and names

The types of cissus are so amazing in their diversity that one article is not enough to talk about them all. Here are the main ones that are grown indoors.

  • Antarctic cissus. The most popular type is a vine that grows up to 2 meters long. Its leaves are egg-shaped and have serrations. The flowers of the plant are small, Green colour. Antarctic cissus produces edible berries that taste like grapes.

Antarctic cissus flower (photo)
  • Cissus rhombifolia is a shade-loving plant, up to 1.5 meters long. Grow on a support.

  • Multi-colored cissus is the most beautiful and whimsical. Has glossy leaves violet-green color, which are shed for the winter. Demanding on air humidity and temperature conditions.

  • Cissus quadrangularis is an unusual cactus-like vine with dense, tetrahedral shoots. Grows up to 1.5 meters.

Cissus flower: can it be kept at home? Signs.

Signs and superstitions associated with this flower worry many indoor plant lovers. Birch belongs to the vines, which are credited with the property of expelling male representatives from the house where they grow. If you are superstitious, then perhaps this will happen, however, those who do not believe in omens will most likely not feel this negative impact.

But other properties of cissus are interesting - it has enormous bacterial activity, due to which it destroys bacteria that cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and allergic rashes. The plant intensively absorbs dust and harmful substances contained in the indoor air. By growing this miracle at home, you can avoid many diseases, as well as gain vitality and reduce fatigue.

Cissus in the photo

Cissus: reproduction and care

The flower propagates very easily. It is enough to cut the top cuttings and root them in water or soil, having previously treated the cuts with a growth stimulator. As soon as the plant gives roots, it is transplanted into a pot.

Caring for cissus is quite simple. The plant will grow magnificently if you follow simple rules:

  • All plants are light-loving, except for the rhomboid species, which loves shade. It is recommended to place them on a south, east or west window, but do not allow direct sunlight;
  • The optimal growth temperature is +20-+25 degrees. Birch prefers moist air, so in dry weather it should be sprayed;
  • the plant loves moisture, which quickly evaporates due to lush foliage. In hot weather, abundant watering is necessary;
  • Feed the flower every week with compounds for indoor plants.

Video: Cissus, home care