Kermek or limonium: features of care, cultivation, reproduction. Kermek (Statica) - secrets of growing a lush bouquet

Original design V personal plots, unique floral compositions can be created using the picturesque dried flower Kermek Tatar (in other words, statice). It is widespread and unpretentious.

Description of the plant

Tatarian Kermek (Goniolimon tataricum) is a perennial herbaceous subshrub. The natural habitat is the steppes, plains, rocky slopes of Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and the Caucasus. Belongs to the Goniolimon genus.

It reaches a height of 0.3-0.4 m. Its shape resembles a ball, for which it is popularly called tumbleweed. The root is rod-shaped and powerful. It branches a meter deep, making replanting almost impossible.

At the base, leathery elongated leaves are collected, forming a rosette. Peduncles with spike-shaped inflorescences also branch from it. The flowers are small, shaped like a bell or a funnel. The color is white with a scarlet corolla. The flowering period is the first months of summer.

Medicinal properties

For a long time, perennial herbaceous plant used in medicinal purposes.

It includes:

  • tannins;
  • ellagic and gallic acids;
  • phytoncides.

The perennial Kermek Tatarian has medicinal properties:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringents;
  • regenerating;
  • fixing;
  • antimicrobial.

For medicinal purposes, decoctions, powders, lotions, and baths are used, the main ingredient of which is tumbleweed root.

Traditional medicine uses it to treat hemorrhoids, heavy menstrual bleeding, eczema, gangrene, inflammation of the throat and mucous membranes, acute gastrointestinal diseases, high acidity, and stomach ulcers.

Treatment with the plant also has its contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Research in this direction has not been conducted, so the use of any traditional medicine methods should be discussed with a qualified specialist.


The most common types of Tatara kermek:

Name Description
Sinuate Annual up to 0.8 m high. Flowers of blue color, collected in corymbose inflorescences
Bonduelle Perennial, but grown as an annual. Height up to 0.9 m. Thin shoots. The flowers are larger, white or yellow in color
Bunge Perennial crop, 0.3-0.6 m high. Weak root system. Purple buds collected in spike-shaped inflorescences
Caspian Perennial, about 0.5 m high. Buds of a soft lilac hue, forming thyroid inflorescences
Chinese A perennial plant, but grown as an annual. Grows up to 0.7 m. Small flowers yellow color, forming an openwork contour
tree-like Tall bush - about 100 cm. Woody stems with bright pink flowers
Gmelin Perennial bush. 0.3-0.4 m high. Large leaves. The flowers are soft lilac in color, abundantly arranged. Endowed with medicinal properties

Growing from seeds

Cultivation of Tatar kermek from seeds is carried out to obtain seedlings. You can start sowing seeds in early spring.

Seeds are sown in a disposable container and lightly sprinkled with soil. Then you should cover the temporary pot with film, glass and place it in a warm place.

If sowing was carried out in a large container, then the sprouts that appear should be dived into individual pots. From mid-spring, it is necessary to begin hardening off the plants by taking them outside.

Seeds can be sown directly into open ground.

Planting in open ground and care

You can plant seedlings outside at the end of May. Kermek needs sunlight, so it is better to choose a sunny, non-shady area for planting.

The perennial is not afraid of drafts and wind. It is undemanding to the soil. The only unsuitable composition may be clay soils. The ideal soil for the plant is light, well-draining soil.

During planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between holes of 0.3-0.5 m. If the soil is fertile, then additional feeding not required. If the soil is depleted and poor, then it should be fertilized with mineral and organic nutritional compounds.

The culture does not need frequent watering. This is a heat- and drought-resistant plant that only needs to be watered twice a season. It is necessary to water with salted water (6 tsp per 10 liters of water). You should not wet the leaves when watering, as this will cause disease and the appearance of pathogenic microflora.

Kermek is able to withstand temperatures down to -5°C. The perennial can overwinter without shelter if the winter is snowy. When the stems begin to die, they are cut off and covered with foliage.

On average, a plant lives about 5 years.

Perennial Kermek Tatarian in the photo:

Attractive perennials in the garden can maintain their decorative value for a long time. And some of them are able to please the eye even after the end of the flowering period - in the cold season. Kermek is one of these amazing flowers, which is often used to create dry winter bouquets.

In fact, this plant is completely unpretentious, and every novice gardener can plant it in their garden. So, let's clarify what Kermek flowers are in a little more detail, discuss their cultivation from seeds, consider how it is planted, and what care it needs.

Short description

Kermek is a very beautiful ornamental plant, this flower is also known as limonium. You can find many varieties of this culture on sale, but the notched kermek, which came to us from the Mediterranean, is especially popular. It grows up to forty centimeters in height, has elongated leaves, the edges of which look slightly wavy. Kermek leaves are collected in a rosette, and straight and completely leafless shoots grow directly from its base. Corymbose inflorescences form at their tops. Kermek flowers are small, in nature they are colored blue, but now you can buy varieties with yellow, cream, red, blue and pink colors. After drying, the flowers are not able to change shape or color; they look like paper.

In the photo the kermek is notched

Kermek notched - growing from seeds

Growing kermek from seeds is not at all difficult. Planting material can be sown directly into open ground - it is best to do this in late spring - in May. It would also be a good option seedling method reproduction. In such a situation, Kermek seeds are sown in separate containers to obtain seedlings. It is best to sow in April. After planting, flower seeds need to be sprayed on top with a spray bottle and covered with glass until shoots appear. All this time, you need to ensure that the soil in the containers remains slightly moist, and that the temperature in the room does not drop below fifteen degrees and does not rise above twenty degrees.

The first seedlings appear after about a week and a half. After this, the shelter must be removed and the seedlings must be provided with sufficient watering. It wouldn’t hurt to move it to a room with a temperature of fifteen degrees and provide very good lighting(but keep out of direct sunlight). This will help prevent the plants from being pulled out.

At the end of May - beginning of June, the grown seedlings need to be transferred to the garden for permanent place growing.

Planting flowers

For successful cultivation flowers, such an unpretentious plant, you need to choose the right place on garden plot. Readers of Popular Health should place such a crop in a well-lit, sunny place. The plant thrives in nutritious, well-drained soil. For drainage, a certain amount of coarse sand can be added to the holes before planting Kermek. It is desirable that the soil has water and breathability, as well as neutral acidity.

Kermek seedlings need to be planted, keeping the earthen ball so as not to damage root system. It is advisable to place young plants at intervals of thirty to thirty-five centimeters. In this case, it is extremely important that the center of the outlet remains on the surface of the ground, and water should not get into it.

You can also plant perennial kermek on your site by dividing the bush. This manipulation is usually carried out in the fall, in September, using heavily overgrown bushes.

In addition, propagation is also possible by cuttings. Cuttings are cut in the spring, after which they are placed in pots filled with light soil. Water planting material and cover him plastic bag like a greenhouse. After the cutting takes root, it can be planted in a permanent place of growth.

Features of flower care

This plant is completely unpretentious. It needs to be watered only in particularly severe drought, since the flower normally tolerates a lack of moisture. Watering should be done exclusively at the roots, because if water gets on the stems, this increases the likelihood of developing diseases.

In addition to caring for the Kermek, you can feed it occasionally. To do this, you need to use a comprehensive mineral fertilizer. Experienced gardeners feed the plant two to three times a season.

Distinctive feature kermeka - it does not suffer from various diseases at all, and is not attacked by pests.

Additional Information

The plant we are describing looks great when planted in mixborders, as well as in rockeries. Plants classified as tall are often planted in the central part of flat flower beds, and medium-sized crops are grown when forming ridges and borders.

Such a flower, as we have already said, is a wonderful dried flower. To get a beautiful winter bouquet, you need to cut off several stems along with the inflorescences after the flowers open on them. Next, you need to hang them under a canopy and leave them until dry, or immediately put them in a vase, but there is no need to fill it with water. The flowers remain brightly colored for many years.

Kermek is absolutely unpretentious plant for the garden, which will grow well in almost any garden plot, even for forgetful gardeners.

Kermek unique ornamental plant . After drying, the small flowers of Kermek retain their shape and bright color; thanks to this feature, the inflorescences of the plants are excellent dried flowers. Florists love to use kermek branches to make winter bouquets; these flowers are often grown as cut flowers. Gardeners and landscape designers They love to decorate gardens with flowering kermek; this ornamental plant is chosen for its unpretentious nature and bright natural beauty.

The plant received the name “kermek” from the Turks; in Latin this flower is called limonium, which means “meadow”, since in nature kermek prefers to grow in fields, meadows, and steppes with dry salty soil. This plant is also called statice or dried flower.

Genus Limonium (Limonium) quite numerous, belongs to the family Svinchataceae, includes about 300 species of herbaceous rhizomatous plants and subshrubs with woody shoots. About 30 species of limonium are used in cultivation, most of them are perennials, but in regions with cold winters they are grown as annual flowers from seeds.

Well known to gardeners notched kermek (Limoniumsinuatum), naturally distributed throughout the Mediterranean. This plant is up to 40 cm high with elongated leaves with a wavy edge. The leaves are collected in a rosette; erect, leafless shoots grow from its base, at the tops of which corymbose inflorescences form. The flowers are small, their natural color is blue, but there are varieties with cream, yellow, red, pink and blue flowers. Dried calyxes of flowers do not change their shape and color; they seem to be made of paper.

Also popular is the sustainable type - broadleaf kermek (L.latifolia) with elliptical leaves that are collected in rosettes. The stems of the plant reach a height of 60 cm, the flowers are purple or blue.

Features long-lasting flowering ordinary kermek (L.vulgare), the graceful corymbose inflorescences of this plant decorate the flower garden all summer. It is a perennial, its stems reach a height of 20-30 cm. The flowers are white, yellow, pink, blue, indigo and red.

Less commonly grown in culture Kermek Gmelin (L.gmelinii), Kermek Tatar (Goniolimontataricum) and Caspian kermek (L.caspium). The stems and inflorescences of these plants are highly branched, so their bushes look like balls. In the steppe, autumn winds break off spherical bushes from the base and carry them over long distances, for which they are called “tumbleweeds.”

Kermek is grown in flower beds in an open sunny place. These flowers are sensitive to lack of lighting, do not tolerate thickening, and love long-term intense sunlight. In shade or partial shade, Kermek blooms poorly, the shoots grow weak, elongated, and the color of the flowers is faded.

Growing kermek from seeds like annual flowers. Perennial species can be propagated not only by seeds; you can also divide overgrown bushes or root cuttings. The cuttings are cut in the spring and planted in pots with light soil; as soon as they begin to develop, they are planted in open ground.

Sowing seeds flowers are carried out in May immediately into open ground, the seeds germinate at a temperature not lower than +15 0 C. To obtain early flowering Kermek is grown through seedlings. For this purpose, seeds are sown in March. The seeds are distributed into separate pots so that the seedlings can be transplanted into open ground in mid-May without much damage.

Kermek does not tolerate transplantation well, so immediately choose a permanent place for planting perennial species. Plants should be placed at a distance of 25-35 cm.

Flower care simple - weeding, loosening and watering only during prolonged drought. Flowers should be watered only at the root; watering from above increases the risk of developing diseases on the shoots.

Kermek loves loose fertile soils containing sand. Flowers are fertilized 2-3 times per season with complex mineral fertilizer.

To dry, the inflorescences are cut in the fall and the bunches are hung upside down to maintain the shape of the stems and leaves.

A thick cap of bright cloud-like inflorescences, as if floating above delicate greenery, is a kermek, the longed-for dream of many gardeners. This multi-colored beauty is unlike other flowers growing in our gardens and stands out for its original appearance. Until recently, only the most sophisticated flower growers knew about this amazing representative of the kingdom of Flora, but recently Kermek has gained unprecedented popularity.

It should be noted that the plant is not only beautiful, but also has an easygoing character. Many species are perennials, meaning they do not need to be planted every year. In addition, Kermek, for the most part, is frost-resistant and can easily withstand the winters of central Russia.

The unusual name of the flower has Turkic roots. However, this beautiful flowering plant there are other names, such as limonium, which comes from the Greek word for meadow or lawn. In our country, kermek is often called statice or statice, and abroad – sea lavender or marsh rosemary.

Limonium is not only beautiful, it has beneficial properties, which were known in ancient times:

  • Some species are used to produce multi-colored dyes used in leather and carpet production.
  • Kermek root contains tannin, which is used in tanning leather.
  • Limonium also has medicinal properties. IN folk medicine the flower has gained recognition as an effective wound-healing and hemostatic agent.

But, of course, the most important purpose of limonium is to decorate gardens and delight the eye with bright, airy flowers.

From a botany point of view, kermek (lat. Limonium) is a numerous genus, part of the family Plumbaginaceae (lat. Plumbaginaceae), and its closest relatives, known in decorative floriculture, are limonium, armeria and goniolimon. These are herbaceous, less often shrubby, perennial or biennial plants, the maximum height of which in the wild can reach 2 meters. Simple whole or lobed leaves are usually collected in a dense basal rosette, and small flowers- into dense spikelets, which, in turn, are collected in complex corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. The color of the petals varies depending on the variety, from white and yellow to dark purple. And the most common shades of colors are purple and lilac.

The Mediterranean and Central Asia are considered to be the homeland of kermek, although the plant has now spread widely throughout the globe, including Russia. Moreover, some species are found even in regions with a harsh climate: in Siberia and Altai.

According to various sources, the genus includes from 150 to 360 species, and at least 30 are used as ornamental species.

[!] A widespread ornamental perennial - Kermek Tatarian, previously belonging to the genus of the same name, has been allocated to a separate genus of goniolimons.

Recently, interest in the culture has grown noticeably, new forms and varieties are appearing, and designers are willing to include Kermek in landscape compositions.

Types and varieties of Kermek

All types and varieties of limonium grown in Russia as ornamental crops, can be divided into two groups:

  • perennial,
  • annuals.

Perennials include:

Kermek broadleaf or flat-leaved (lat. Limonium platyphyllum). A herbaceous, densely pubescent plant, the maximum height of which is 60-70 cm. Large, rich green leaves are collected in a dense basal rosette. There are no leaves on the peduncles growing from the center of the rosette. Small lilac flowers are collected in numerous corymbose inflorescences. At the height of flowering, broadleaf limonium looks very impressive and resembles a large lace ball. The following varieties can be noted:

  • “Violetta” (Violetta) is a medium-sized (about 60 cm) plant with strongly branching shoots and lavender-colored inflorescences.
  • "Robert Butler" (Robert Butler) - richly different lilac tone flowers.
  • "Grandiflorum" (Large-flowered) - a variety with large inflorescences.
  • "True Blue" - dense blue-violet inflorescences.
  • "Blue Cloud" - enough large variety with spreading stems, the ends of which are decorated purple flowers.

K. "Violetta", K. "Robert Butler", K. "Blue Cloud"

Kermek Gmelina(lat. Limonium gmelinii). A species used primarily as a medicinal plant. In decorative floriculture, Gmelin's limonium, although common, is less common than broadleaf. This is a medium-tall (up to 50 cm) plant with a branched stem, a basal rosette of bluish-green leaves and corymbose inflorescences consisting of a large number of small flowers.

Common Kermek(lat. Limonium vulgare). Herbaceous perennial with large basal leaves and very small purple flowers in paniculate inflorescences.

Kermek Caspian(lat. Limonium caspium). A plant with graceful peduncles decorated with soft lilac flowers. Not very common, because It is not frost-resistant and is suitable for cultivation only in the southern regions.

K. Gmelina, K. ordinary, K. Caspian

There are approximately the same number of species grown in Russia as annuals:

Kermek notched or dark blue limonium (lat. Limonium sinuatum). A perennial plant about 60 cm high with soft green pinnate leaves in a basal rosette and tall erect shoots, at the end of which corymbose inflorescences are formed. Dense shields consist of a large number of small flowers, collected in spikelets and painted in a variety of colors: white, yellow, pink, purple.

Today, many varieties have been bred, differing mainly in the shades of the inflorescences, and both multi-colored and monochromatic mixtures are available for sale:

  • “Forever mix” (Consistency, mixture) - a mixture of bright, differently colored varieties.
  • “Forever Gold” is a long-blooming (July-September) annual with bright yellow inflorescences.
  • "Ice Berg" (Iceberg) - beautiful snow-white flowers.
  • “Petite Bouquet” (Petite bouquet) is a colorful mix of low-growing (up to 30 cm) varieties.

K. “Forever mix”, K. “Forever Gold”, K. “Ice Berg”
  • "Midnight Blue" - dense inflorescences of a lavender hue.
  • “American Beauty” (American beautiful) - the flowers have a very pleasant burgundy-pink color.
  • “Nachtblau” (Dark Blue) – as the name implies, the petals are colored deep blue.

K. "Midnight Blue", K. "American Beauty", K. "Nachtblau"

Listed here are just a few of the most popular varieties. In fact, there are many more of them and more and more appear every year.

Kermek Chinese(lat. Limonium sinensis). A species that recently became widespread as a decorative species and has gained popularity in a short time. His distinctive features: large glossy leaves collected in a rosette, from the center of which smooth shoots with inflorescences of yellow, white or cream color appear. The height of the cultivated plant does not exceed 70 cm.

Kermek Perez(lat. Limonium perezii). An exotic, rare species, native to the Canary Islands. Its main difference is the large bright inflorescences and thickened oval leaves in a basal rosette. The color of the flowers is all shades of blue or lilac. It blooms only in hot, long summers, so would be better suited for the southern regions.

K. Chinese, K. Perez

Decorative use of kermek

It’s not for nothing that flower growers and designers love Kermek so much. It looks great both in a group with other species, and individually, like a tapeworm. The colorful inflorescences look like fluffy clouds lying on a soft green pillow. The plant can be used to decorate a variety of compositions: rock gardens, rockeries, mixborders. Low growing varieties It is not forbidden to place them along paths or paths, forming unique flower borders.

[!] Some types of limonium have bright calyxes that decorate the plant after flowering has ended. They are called “eternal flowers”.

Perennials that contrast in color should be selected as partners for Kermek. For blue, pink and purple varieties - yellow and orange marigolds and calendula, for white and yellow - pink armeria or pyrethrum.

Mid-high and tall views will look good with lower flowering groundcovers: saxifrage, .

[!] Kermek broadleaf should not be planted next to the house, veranda or gazebo: the flowers of this species are distinguished by their sharp unpleasant smell. Dried broadleaf limonium flowers have no aroma.

Limonium is often harvested for drying. The fact is that dried flowers do not lose their brightness and retain their color for a long time. Kermek for dried flowers should be prepared only in dry, warm weather, giving preference to blue and yellow varieties, which almost do not fade in the sun.

This beautifully flowering perennial is often used as a cut flower. Delicate airy inflorescences perfectly set off larger and bright flowers other plants.

Kermek: cultivation and care

In general, limonium is considered an easy plant to maintain. The main task of the gardener is to create conditions that are close to natural. Only in this case will the Kermek look healthy and bloom well.

Location, soil, watering

When growing both perennial and annual species It is extremely important to choose a suitable site for them. Kermek grows well only in open sun, reacting negatively even to slight shading. The fact is that in nature, limoniums settle in well-lit, dry places, so it is very important to plant the plant on the south side.

The composition of the substrate is also of great importance for Kermek. Southern Guest does not tolerate heavy clayey chernozems. The soil should be light, well-drained, water- and breathable. To make the soil mixture more loose, it is necessary to add a certain amount of clean coarse sand before planting.

The acidity of the soil should be neutral or alkaline (pH from 6.5 to 7.5). Too acidic substrate can be neutralized by liming.

[!] On poor soils, limonium looks more compact and neat, without growing too much. Nutritious soils, on the contrary, provoke strong branching and elongation of shoots.

Thanks to its long taproot, which goes deep into the ground, Kermek is able to independently obtain the required amount of moisture, so the plant does not require frequent watering. It is necessary to water only on the hottest, driest days and only when signs of dehydration appear (leaves and shoots droop). Too much a large number of water greatly harms limonium, causing root rot that can destroy the flower.

As a rule, Kermek, grown in household plots, blooms every year from the beginning of July until the first frost. However, some gardeners complain about the lack of buds. In order for limonium to bloom profusely, several conditions must be met:

  • Planting the plant in open sun, without shading.
  • Loose neutral or alkaline soils.
  • Warm, long summer.
  • Absence large neighbors, blocking the kermek.

In addition, do not forget that perennial species They begin to bloom only in the second or third year, after sufficiently powerful roots have formed.

Collecting seeds, preparing for winter

In order to obtain seeds after flowering suitable for planting next year, you should first prepare the plant, leaving only 3-4 of the strongest inflorescences. The rest should be removed and used for a bouquet or herbarium.

In the fall, after the flower petals fade and the scutes themselves turn brown, the flower stalks are cut off and dried in a dry room. After drying, the long black-brown seeds must be extracted from them. As a rule, the seeds are difficult to extract, so you can plant a whole scutellum or one broken into several parts, although in this case the seedlings will appear much later. The germination of Kermek seeds lasts for 3-4 years.

[!] In cold, rainy summers, seeds, as a rule, do not ripen, and it is impossible to prepare them.

Most perennial statice are frost-resistant species that overwinter in middle lane Russia is without protection, but in a particularly cold winter the plant may die. In order to protect the kermek from frost, you can arrange a light shelter using dry fallen leaves or special covering material.

Reproduction of Kermek by seeds

As mentioned above, limonium has a long tap-shaped root that cannot be cut without injuring the plant. That is why reproduction by division is not applicable to kermek. You can only get new plants from seeds.

Seeds are sown:

  • at the end of February - beginning of April for seedlings,
  • in the second half of May in open ground.

In central Russia, preference should be given to the first method, because Limonium seedlings are very tender and can die even from a slight drop in temperature.

To get seedlings you need:

  1. Prepare individual pot containers. Due to the long root, the plant does not react well to transplanting and picking, so it is necessary to sow in such a way that later, together with a lump of earth, the sprout is transferred to open ground.
  2. Fill the containers with a light peat-sand mixture.
  3. Soak the seeds for a day in water at room temperature.
  4. Gently moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  5. Scatter the seeds over the surface without deepening them.
  6. Sprinkle a little dry, clean sand on top.

[!] Sometimes kermek begins to bloom in seedlings. Such flower stalks should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on buds.

When planting limonium seeds in open ground, the algorithm of actions is the same, only you need to start sowing no earlier than the end of May - beginning of June, after the ground has warmed up sufficiently.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

The main ailments that occur on kermek are usually associated with improper care for the plant: excessive moisture, planting in the shade or in wet lowlands, ignoring the shelter of non-frost-resistant species. Moreover, the most common mistake gardeners make is too frequent watering, which the flower does not need at all. Because of this, dangerous root rot, which is especially harmful to young shoots. Unfortunately, treatment for this disease is useless, and affected plants can only be removed and burned.

Sometimes unsightly brownish spots and specks may appear on the leaves. This disease is called rust. You should thin out the plantings and pick off the affected leaves, and spray the remaining ones with a fungicide, the main active ingredient of which is penconazole (Topaz).

The pest that most often threatens limonium is aphids, which can be controlled using tobacco infusion or chemical insecticides.

It is worth noting that with proper and timely care, Kermek will not cause any trouble to its owner.

Kermek – spectacular and beautiful flower, growing well where other species cannot stand: in full sun, in dry places. Lilac, white and pink clouds of inflorescences will look great in any garden, attracting everyone's attention.

The international botanical name is Limonium sinuatum. Encyclopedic - unpronounceable kermek notched. Folk - statice (according to the Latin synonym for the name Statice sinuata. This interesting ornamental flowering plant is most often grown under the names statice, limonium or sea lavender.

The plant is a member of the genus of the family Acidaceae, which includes 350 species of herbaceous and woody shrubs and flowers, and is distributed throughout Eurasia. “Relatives” of statice can be found both in the Mediterranean and in Central Asia (in its coastal regions). There they form lush thickets over half a meter high. Sand dunes are also very appropriate place growth of the statice family. Thanks to the long taproot, plants can easily stay in any soil, even the loosest, and extract moisture from its depths.

Soil salinity is also not a problem for statice - the plant feels great in the zone closest to the Mediterranean Sea, in the coastal strip.

Advantages of statice as a garden plant

It has a lavender beauty and is as unpretentious as a weed. The popularity of statice is growing every day since flower growers discovered that this plant has many benefits.

To this wonderful plant bloomed without requiring much care in your garden, it must first be grown. The hassle of growing from seed lush bush will pay off handsomely. But first, this seed needs to be sown and looked after a little.

Growing conditions

  1. Sunny places, maybe windy areas (there are sometimes strong winds on the sea coast).
  2. Sandy soils, limestones with a crumbly structure, with good moisture circulation and air penetration.
  3. For pot (tub) cultivation, the soil mixture is as follows: sand, algae limestone, garden soil - just one part each.
  4. Watering an adult plant is plentiful, but very rare. On open ground enough rain. During drought - maximum twice per season.
  5. Statice will feel best in a rock garden, rock garden or on a terrace in a tub filled with a substrate that meets the needs of the plant.

By the way! Statice can be grown on sunny balcony, on the terrace, in pots, floor vases, tubs. It will grow even where no other plants will survive.

About water mode

Statice needs regular watering only when the plant is in the initial growth phase - from sowing the seed to the seedling being moved into the ground. But even at this time, you need to water the sprouts extremely carefully. Improper watering is almost the only mistake in care that can destroy a plant.

  1. Do not water statice if sunlight is falling on the plant at that moment.
  2. You cannot water from above, over the leaves, always only at the root.
  3. Watering is contraindicated if, when lowering a wooden stick of your finger into a pot of soil 5 cm, soil remains on it.
  4. A signal of a lack of moisture is drooping leaves of statice.

About fertilizing

Frequent application of fertilizing does not burden the grower. For sea lavender growing freely in garden soil, a one-time application of long-acting fertilizer in the spring is sufficient. Dosage - according to instructions. The next contribution is for next year. If you are planting seedlings this year, you can apply a prolonged fertilizing before planting and repeat once after two months.

Starting from September, the application of fertilizers to garden plantings statice to allow the plant to prepare for wintering.

By the way! You can add organic matter in the form of garden compost using any growing method, but not more than once per season.

If statice grows in a pot, fertilize the plant with a complex of minerals monthly.

About wintering

Here, in general, flower growers growing statice in the garden have nothing to worry about. Mediterranean “lavender,” surprisingly, can easily withstand temperatures down to -30°C. Of course, it needs to be prepared for wintering. Like any wintering in open ground plants, in statice it is necessary to cut off the stems with leaves. But if roses, hydrangeas and other shrubs are left with 20-25 centimeters of stems, the statice is cut off completely, down to the ground.

Then the trimmed bushes are covered with straw, leaves, pine needles or brushwood. A non-woven covering material can be placed on top. This is insurance not against frost, but against excess water in the spring, after the snow melts. There is no need to throw snow over the statice’s hiding places. On the contrary, as soon as the snow cover begins to melt, it, along with the covering material, must be removed. This way you can prevent getting excess moisture and root soaking.

Flowers covered with spruce branches - photo

With a plant that stands on an open, unheated balcony in winter, it’s even simpler. All winter it remains on this balcony, wrapped in film or burlap. The main thing is that the statice roots in the tub do not freeze. The rest will grow back in the spring.

Sowing statice seeds for seedlings

If you, while relaxing on the sea coast, decide to collect statice seeds for sowing in your garden, you need to do this in the middle of summer. It is at this time that the plant forms fruits, each of which contains one rather large dark seed. Collected seeds Place in an airtight container and store dry until spring.

Seeds of statice today can be easily found in flower shops or ordered by mail. Breeders began to work closely on sea lavender not so long ago, but the results are impressive - more than 35 varieties have already been bred for garden and indoor cultivation.

Sowing seeds can begin at the end of March and continue until mid-April. Traditionally, pots or containers and substrate are prepared first. Statice picks up normally, so you can immediately sow the seeds in rows in a large box or container. The main thing is that the soil in it is sandy, drained, and not heavy.

To be on the safe side, it is recommended to disinfect both seedling containers and soil. The easiest way to do this is to prepare an intensely colored solution of potassium permanganate with hot water. Pour the solution into the soil in a colander and rinse the pre-washed boxes.

Seeds from bags do not need to be processed. It is enough to soak them for several hours in warm, clean water, then sow them in moist soil. If collected with your own hands, it is advisable to first soak them and then disinfect them with potassium permanganate.

Picking can be done early, after the first main leaves appear. Dive 3 seedlings into personal small containers. Soil for further cultivation seedlings - peat mixed with sand. A month later - a second pick - one seedling per pot to simplify the process of planting in a flowerbed.

Video - Sowing seeds of Kermek notched (Limonium, statice)

Planting in the garden

Mid-May is the time to plant young statice seedlings in flower beds and flower beds. Open ground, even with return frosts on the soil, does not pose a serious danger to persistent limonium.

First, the soil in the flowerbed must be dug up and loosened well. You can add a loose component (sand) and lime it. If possible, install a drainage system.

All weeds are removed from the flowerbed - the grown limonium will “kill” weeds of any size, but the tender seedlings do not yet have enough strength to fight serious wild competitors.

  1. Carefully remove the seedling from the pot along with the lump completely, trying not to destroy it.

  2. We lower the lump into a basin prepared in advance with warm water for half an hour.
  3. We dig a hole to the depth of the planting scoop. Add some gravel to the bottom. We put in slow-release fertilizer. Sprinkle with sand.
  4. Mix the soil that remains after digging the hole in a separate large container with sand and dolomite flour. It will be used to fill the plant when planting.
  5. We arrange the plant with the sodden lump in the planting hole, align the stem vertically, and cover it with the prepared mixture.

  6. We water the plantings thoroughly.

Video – Kermek broadleaf-Limonium platyphyllum

Planting in pots

Statice is rarely grown in indoor culture, but she is a frequent guest on the balcony or terrace. The plant looks great in large outdoor pots. It is best to use clay containers. The structure of the clay is porous, aeration of the roots of the plant is guaranteed.

Be sure to make large drainage holes in the pots and put a solid layer of shards, expanded clay or gravel.

The container on top of the drainage layer is filled with a quarter of the substrate. This is followed by prolonged fertilization, sprinkling with a thin layer of soil, and you can place the plant, prepared in the same way as for planting in a flower garden.

The sides of the lump are filled with soil, which must be pressed down by hand to prevent the formation of voids and future subsidence. The plant is watered thoroughly and sent to the terrace, balcony or garden.

Direct sowing into the ground

This unpretentious, easy-growing plant can be propagated by sowing seeds directly into the ground. Preparatory activities begin in April.

Advice! This is landing “by the rules”. If boring rows are not for you, scatter the seeds around the flowerbed in a chaotic disorder and cover with a two-centimeter layer of sand and soil. It is especially good to sow a mixture of seeds scattered different varieties, with flowers of different colors.

Limonium cultivars


The height of the bush is up to thirty centimeters. The original color of the flowers is sunny yellow, orange-orange. The edges of the petals are decorated with a white border.

Height - up to forty centimeters. The color of the flowers is deep purple. It has a long flowering period that lasts all summer.

It can be 15 centimeters in height, or it can grow up to thirty, depending on the conditions. The flowers are blue. The border is white. It has the longest flowering period, which ends in October.

This species is considered rare because it is a semi-succulent. Its height is half a meter. The color of the flowers is violet-blue. The petals of the corolla are snow-white. Ideal for rockeries and alpine slides.

How else can you propagate statice?

This plant reproduces not only by seeds. It can also be propagated by cuttings. Surely this method will be useful for those who have several adult limonium specimens on their site. These live perennials in the garden for up to twenty years, so cuttings - good way rejuvenate an aged bush.

For cuttings in the spring, the mother plant is dug out of the soil and carefully examined. Of interest are its roots, from which cuttings are taken. The ideal cutting is an intact part of the root, the thickness of an ordinary pencil and about ten centimeters long.

Important! The root of the mother plant cannot be cut off by more than 1/3.

Cut off root cuttings using a sharp knife or garden shears. The mother plant is placed back in the ground. You can put a little slow-release fertilizer under the roots. The plant is watered and left to continue growing.

The cuttings are cleared of lateral shoots with coarse fibers and prepared for planting.

Important! You cannot plant cuttings upside down, so when pruning, the top cut must be made horizontal and the bottom cut obliquely.

The cuttings are inserted into holes in the soil, with a straight cut at the top. The cuttings must be completely immersed in the soil, deepening them by 2 centimeters. Everything is covered with sand on top, a centimeter thick layer.

Cuttings will take root most quickly at low temperatures - +13°C... 17°C. There is no need to water the cuttings either after planting or during the rooting process. When the first green shoots appear, the plants can be watered and can be immediately planted in the flower garden in a new permanent place.

Video - Growing dried flowers