At whose expense is the repair? Who should repair the riser and at whose expense? At whose expense should hot water and cold water pipes be replaced in an apartment building?

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At whose expense is the repair

The house is 15 years old. At whose expense should repairs to the entrance be made?

Hello Julia! Repairs to the entrance must be carried out at the expense of the management company if the house is managed by the management company. The cost of repairing the entrance must be included in the payment for the “housing maintenance” tariff.

In our two-story house the roof broke due to snow, who should do the repairs and at whose expense.

Excuse me, a house with more than 4 apartments?

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2006 N 47 (as amended on December 24, 2018) “On approval of the Regulations on recognizing premises as residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for habitation, apartment building emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction, garden house, residential building and residential building garden house"an apartment building is a collection of two or more apartments that have independent exits or land plot, adjacent to residential building, or to the premises common use in such a house. An apartment building contains elements of common property of the owners of premises in such a building in accordance with housing legislation. Contact the Management Company, the roof is common property.

At whose expense is the repair of the entrance?

Entrances are the common property of apartment buildings as a percentage of the total area of ​​apartments. Therefore, their repairs are carried out at the expense of the owners of the station. 151 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

IN municipal apartment A fire occurred due to faulty wiring. Will it be repaired at whose expense: the tenant or the administration?

At the expense of the resident, since the resident bears the burden of maintaining what is in the apartment, with the exception of common property. Sincerely!

At whose expense is the repair and restoration of lighting in the entrance carried out?

The entrance is a common area. Repairs in the entrance and lighting work in the entrance are carried out at the expense of the common funds of the apartment owners from contributions for the maintenance of the common property of the home owners.

Hello Tatiana. Repairs to wiring and corridor lighting are carried out by the Management Company “free of charge”. These works relate to routine repairs and ensure the functioning of common property. These works are carried out by employees of the Management Company upon a written request from the homeowners, or on the instructions of the responsible official of the company after an inspection and documentation of identified deficiencies. If you receive requests to pay for work additionally or personally, contact the State Housing Inspectorate or the district prosecutor's office in writing (printed).

Please, at whose expense should the entire electrical system in a municipal apartment be repaired?

This question is very interesting. In accordance with the legislation in the municipal housing stock major renovation carried out at the expense of the owner, and current at the expense of the tenant. If the wiring repair is a routine repair, as well as if the need for repair is caused by the actions of the tenant, then it is carried out at the expense of the tenant, and if the repair is a major one, then it must be carried out by the administration. However, there are no exact criteria for classifying types of work as major or current repairs. In practice, employers say that this is capital, the administration says current, but the matter stands.

At whose expense and what organization is carrying out repairs to replace the old one? sewer pipe from the common well to the entrance to the 8-car house.

Hello! Sewage pipes belong to the common property of the house (these are all risers, sun loungers in the basement and the area up to the first well on the street), and if necessary, the management company must change them at the expense of the money that you pay monthly under the heading “maintenance and repair of the home.”

At whose expense is the repair of elevator cables carried out?

Repairs must be carried out after the general meeting of premises owners has adopted apartment building repair decisions. The work must be financed either by the owners themselves or by the Regional Fund (that is, by carrying out major repairs).

How often should repairs be done at the entrance? apartment buildings? And at whose expense?

Hello! In accordance with clause 3.2.9. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of Rules and Standards technical operation housing stock" (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 15, 2003 N 5176), the frequency of repairs of entrances must be observed once every five or three years, depending on the classification of buildings and physical wear and tear.

At whose expense are sewerage repairs carried out in a multi-apartment building? multi-storey building?

Good afternoon If current repairs are due management company, major repairs at the expense of homeowners, if the house is not in the program for major repairs.

As a father of two children, I am interested in the question at whose expense this is done necessary repairs the premises, for example, the floor was unusable on the veranda where children play.

Hello, Vladimir, father of two children! You did not report in which room the floor became unusable, where children play! In any case, the burden of maintaining the property, in in this case the premises are borne by its owner in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 210).

At whose expense is the repair of wooden floors in a council house carried out?

Regarding the apartment. According to clause "e" of the standard residential rental agreement (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2005 N 315 in pursuance of Article 63 of the Housing Code Russian Federation) "the employer is obliged: e) to produce Maintenance occupied residential premises. Current repairs of the occupied residential premises, carried out by the Tenant at his own expense, include following works: whitewashing, painting and pasting of walls, ceilings, painting of floors, doors, window sills, window frames on the inside, radiators, as well as replacement of window and door fixtures, repair of in-house engineering equipment (electrical wiring, cold and hot water supply, heat supply, gas supply). If the performance of the specified work is caused by a malfunction of individual structural elements of the common property in an apartment building or equipment in it, or is associated with major repairs of the house, then they are carried out at the expense of the Landlord by an organization proposed by him..." At the same time, according to Article 65 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, carrying out a major overhaul repairs are the responsibility of the lessor.

Tell me, if a single-apartment house is on social rent, at whose expense should major roof repairs be carried out?

According to Art. 65 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation The lessor of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement has the right to demand timely payment of payment for residential premises and utilities. The landlord of a residential premises under a social tenancy agreement is obliged to: 1) transfer to the tenant a residential premises free from the rights of other persons; 2) take part in the proper maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building in which the rented residential premises are located; 3) carry out major repairs of residential premises; 4) ensure that the employer is provided with the necessary utilities of proper quality.

At whose expense is the repair of public water equipment in rural areas carried out?

It depends what you mean. The burden of maintaining, including repairs, of one's property is assigned to the owner, regardless of who uses this property. If - the owner has not concluded other agreements with such users on the terms of use.

At whose expense are the repairs carried out? water supply network, if a leak is detected at the junction of a pipe from the main line to a private house.

Most likely - at the expense of the resource supplying organization, since the line of delineation of responsibility usually runs along the first shut-off device (faucet) on the outlet. However, for a more accurate answer, you need to study the contract and its annexes, on the basis of which water is supplied to the house.

The entrance hasn't had any repairs for 20 years. At whose expense should it be done? Do the residents pay for the repairs or does the management company pay for them? The director of the management company claims that the repairs are paid for by the residents, and a meeting and signatures are being collected.

Cosmetic repairs of entrances are carried out at the expense of additional funds from the owners of premises in the apartment building through a decision made by the general meeting. Any of the owners, as well as the management company, has the right to initiate a general meeting and put the issue to a vote; the decision on cosmetic repairs of entrances is made by a simple majority (more than half of those participating in the vote if there is a quorum, Articles 44-46 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Maintenance The management organization is obliged to carry out damaged areas within the framework of the management agreement (for monthly maintenance payments). RF PP dated 04/03/2013 N 290 (as amended on 02/27/2017) “On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation.”

At whose expense and who should repair the entrance?

Hello, actually at the expense of the property owners since they pay a monthly receipt for the current repairs and maintenance of the property, the management company uses these funds to make repairs.

Good day to you. Repairs are being carried out at the expense of the apartment building owners. I wish you good luck in resolving your issue.

Hello, Nadezhda. In your situation, the repairs will be carried out at the expense of the property owners, since you pay for it monthly, and the repairs will be carried out by the management company.

Hello! In this case, the repairs should be carried out by your management company, since the money for it has already been paid by the residents. Good luck to you and all the best.

The drainage system (cornice) has come off outside my window. At whose expense are the repairs being carried out?

Good afternoon, dear visitor!

In this case, at the expense of the management company. All the best, I wish you good luck in resolving your issue! The riser leaked hot water

in the whose expense will the repairs be? If I pay for the repairs myself, can I request reimbursement from TCG?

Hello! If the riser leaks up to the first locking device, then repairs are at the expense of the management company. If after, then repairs will be at the expense of the apartment owner.

Hello! In this case, repairs must be carried out at the expense of TCZh. If you do not agree on compensation in advance, no one will pay for the repair at your own expense.

Hello. For parking lot repairs, you should submit an application to your HOA. And if they refuse to repair it for you, then you should go to court with this refusal. If there is no written refusal, you can also appeal the inaction and oblige the HOA to repair it, or ask the court for compensation for the loss if you repair it yourself.

At whose expense is the repair/replacement of heating radiators in a non-privatized apartment carried out?

Good afternoon, dear visitor!

AT the expense of the owner, that is, at the expense of the municipality in this case. All the best, I wish you good luck.

Good day, Victor. If a heating radiator does not have a shut-off valve, then tenants do not have to pay for the purchase of a radiator and its replacement.

Hello. Replacing radiators is a major overhaul, so the responsibility rests with local governments (the owner - the local administration)

At whose expense will the central gas tap be repaired? Which is installed in the neighbors' yard. We did not sign an agreement with gas workers.

Good day! If the CRANE is in the neighbors' yard, the repairs are carried out at their expense, the gas workers have nothing to do with it. Good luck to YOU! Always happy to help The pipe ran to the valve. At whose expense is the repair? Good day! In accordance with current legislation, before the first

shut-off valves The property is a common property and repairs are carried out at the expense of the management company. All the best to you. and if there is a major overhaul, then at their own expense, but they will reveal it through a commission, but they did not explain when the stove is in a deplorable state and it is impossible to heat it, because , it smokes and there is no way to light the second stove since almost the entire roof is broken and water flows in a huge stream when it rains, I repeat again, I need to know what exactly the homeowners association and another one are required to repair important point, the apartment is in debt because , I refuse to pay for utilities due to the fact that it is dangerous and impossible to actually live, in a word, the ruins look decent!

Good afternoon Contact in writing You can contact the HOA and the administration for clarification and receive a written response through their website. There is no established application form. It is written in free form, outlining and explaining the circumstances of the case. From whom, your address and telephone number, to whom (full name or name of organization, position), what, where, when, what you are asking for or what you want to know... Date, signature.

At whose expense should repairs be made in the kindergarten group?

The kindergarten is a municipal institution; therefore, repairs to the property must be carried out by its owner - the municipality. Parents do not have to pay anything.

The idea is that the Department of Education should deal with this. If parents are forced to pay, then they are not obliged to do so.

Hello! In accordance with existing legislation, in this case, repairs can be carried out at anyone’s expense, but not at the expense of the parents.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on May 1, 2017, as amended on July 5, 2017) “On Education in the Russian Federation” Article 65. Fees collected from parents (legal representatives) for supervision and care children mastering educational programs of preschool education in organizations carrying out educational activities 4. It is not allowed to include expenses for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education, as well as maintenance costs real estate state and municipal educational organizations implementing the educational program of preschool education, in parental fees for child supervision and care in such organizations. The amount of parental fees for childcare and supervision in state and municipal educational organizations can't be taller than her maximum size established by regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for each municipality located on its territory, depending on the conditions of supervision and care for children. At municipal expense.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the maintenance of buildings and structures falls under the powers of the municipality. Parents are not required to renovate classrooms, recreation rooms, etc. buy furniture. At the same time, according to the current legislation (Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. “On Charitable Activities of Charitable Organizations”), citizens and legal entities can provide assistance to an educational institution on a voluntary basis.

Please, at whose expense should I make repairs in the apartment because the roof is leaking? Thank you.

Good day. Current repairs must be carried out by the owner, and at his expense, as for capital repairs, they must be credited to the management company through contributions to the capital repair fund.

Hello, Nina Petrovna. If the damage in the apartment is caused by a roof leak, repairs in the apartment are carried out at the expense of the Management Company, provided that this fact is recorded in writing (Act, conclusion), and in the event of a refusal by the management company, material damage is recovered in court.

Who should carry out repairs to the premises and at whose expense? kindergarten?

Good day! Renovation of the preschool building educational institution carried out at the expense of the budget if the preschool educational institution is municipal.

Hello. Repairs should be carried out at the expense of budget funds. Parents are not entitled to charge fees for repairs. Thank you for visiting our site.

The balcony is leaking, I live on the top floor. At whose expense should repairs be carried out and where should I apply?

Hello! Contact the Management Company, demand that the work be carried out, and if they refuse, write to the prosecutor’s office or the local administration, they should help resolve the problem.

As part of the “Your Defender” project, the famous lawyer, deputy chairman of the Public Chamber of Komi, Roman Koidan, answers questions from residents of Komi. "Respublika" offers readers legal comments on the most pressing issues.

“I haven’t been able to get the roof repaired for a year now.” Everything flows, and after each rain the area of ​​the leak increases. I wrote a complaint to the city administration, but so far there has been silence. I contacted the management company in writing, but the results have so far been zero. What do I need to do next?
– The roof belongs to the common property of the owners of the apartment building. The issue of repairing the common property of an apartment building is resolved at a general meeting of owners of the premises of the apartment building. That is, it is necessary to organize a general meeting of homeowners and hold a vote, after which a decision must be made to carry out roof repairs. The decision of this meeting must be recorded. If the decision to repair is not made, then it is necessary to seek roof repair through the court.
– I live in a non-privatized apartment. The roof has been leaking for ten years. We went to court. In March 2015, a local court ordered the Vuktyl administration to carry out roof repairs in the apartment. Court documents from the bailiffs. There is no movement from the administration. What to do?
– Article 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation establishes the binding nature of court decisions that have entered into legal force for all state authorities, local governments, public associations, officials, citizens, and organizations without exception. Moreover, failure to comply with a court decision entails liability under federal law. In particular, malicious (i.e., continued after a repeated written warning from the authorized bodies about the inadmissibility of their failure to comply) entails criminal liability under Article 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The tasks of executing judicial acts are entirely assigned to bailiffs.
Therefore, first of all, go to the bailiff and familiarize yourself with the materials of the enforcement proceedings, make copies of them, and first write a corresponding statement about it. If you understand that the bailiff is inactive, then attach all the documents to the complaint about the inaction of the bailiff addressed to his head (you can file a complaint about the inaction of the bailiff via mail, bring the complaint yourself, and file it on the FSSP website: http://r11. or directly to the application to the court. If you are not satisfied with the response of the FSSP, then you can contact the prosecutor’s office with a complaint about inaction.
– I am a resident of an apartment building in Syktyvkar, the apartment is my property. There was a fire in a neighbor's municipal apartment. The cause of the fire has not been determined, as the fire occurred due to poor wiring. The house is wooden, and as a result of a fire it burned down Entrance door Windows in the entrance and staircase fell out, the railings need to be changed. My apartment was not damaged, but winter is coming, the wind is already blowing in the entrance, dampness from the rain, but what will happen when it snows? The administration does not want to do repairs at the entrance; they say everything should be done by the management company. The fire happened in the summer, and repairs have not yet been carried out. Tell me, please, what should be done in this situation? Who should repair the entrance? Where should I contact?
– If the Ministry of Emergency Situations gives a certificate (conclusion) that the fire occurred due to dilapidated electrical wiring located in a municipal apartment (or in the common areas of a municipal house), then the administration is considered to be at fault for the fire, since it did not ensure the safe condition of its property. property. If you have the above documents, you can send a pre-trial claim to the administration demanding work, and if it is ignored, file a claim in court against the administration for carrying out repair work to eliminate the consequences of a fire. If there are no documents proving anyone’s guilt, then repairs are carried out at the expense of the owners (as individuals- apartment owners and administration) of the premises of an apartment building, in proportion to the occupied total area of ​​​​the premises. It is assumed that in this case, the owners must hold a meeting at which they must agree on the estimate, the contractor, the cost of the repair work and the representative from the house who will sign the certificates of work performed. You can initiate the meeting. If the owners do not make a decision or avoid holding a meeting, then you can file a claim against the owners of the premises to impose on them the obligation to make repairs.
– Tell me, with the introduction of a receipt for major repairs, the column “maintenance and repair of common property” should have disappeared? Is it still there and you still have to pay for it?
– Maintenance and repair of housing and major repairs are different types services. For example, the maintenance and repair of housing includes routine repairs of common property, maintenance of elevators, cleaning of entrances, courtyard areas, snow removal, clearing the roof of ice, general house lighting, etc. Thus, if work on the house is actually carried out, then the receipt must be paid. Documents confirming expenses can be requested from the management company or HOA.
- At our entrance they made redecorating. What can we, as residents, demand from the management company regarding the report? And one more question: at the entrance to the entrance we have a very scary floor. Should it have been repaired or not?
– You have the right to request in writing all necessary information about repair work, a detailed report on what work was carried out, how much and what exactly your money was used for.
On the second question. If the estimate for repairs included repairs to the floor at the entrance to the entrance, then the management company or the contractor should have done it. Request documents for repairs.
“My parents bought an apartment and took ownership in February. In April, like everyone else, we received a receipt for payment for major repairs in the name of the former owner since October. Mom went to the regional capital repair fund, located on Dimitrova, 10, to report that the apartment has a new owner, and to recalculate her payment from the moment she took ownership. To this, the girl who works there said that my mother is obliged to pay the entire amount. But in fact, this is someone else's debt. What to do in this situation?
– When the ownership of premises in an apartment building is transferred to the new owner, the obligation of the previous owner to pay the costs of major repairs of the apartment building, including the obligation not fulfilled by the previous owner to pay contributions for major repairs (Part 3 of Article 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) passes to the new owner. . Therefore, your parents, as purchasers of residential premises, needed to make sure in advance that the previous owner paid for the costs of major repairs. Otherwise, the parents could offer the previous owner to pay the costs themselves before the alienation of the residential premises or reduce the cost of the residential premises by the amount of expenses to pay for major repairs. At the moment, your parents can pay for major repairs and, by way of recourse, sue the previous owner of the apartment and recover the money paid for the major repairs, since they were not properly notified of all the terms of the purchase and sale agreement.
– For a long time in our apartment at the junction of the flexible hose and plastic pipe cold water Water was leaking under the kitchen sink. No one noticed this, since there were no visible marks on the floor. Ten days ago the neighbors from downstairs came and said that they had a wet spot on the wall and the wallpaper was peeling off. On the same day, we turned off the water, called the housing department workers and immediately fixed the leak. But after removing the flexible hose, it turned out that even with the valve closed, water still leaks from the pipe, that is, the valves that the housing department installed do not completely shut off the water. Today the neighbors came and again asked to pay for the repairs, but they already listed that the closet, wall, wallpaper, floor, and ceiling were damaged. As far as we know, no flood report was drawn up - we did not sign anything and did not see the damage caused. How can we prove that the leak is not our fault, but the fault of the housing department, which installed these valves to shut off the water supply to the riser?
– There must be a flood report. In general, it is compiled in order to confirm the presence of damage to property and the causes of damage. It could have been compiled in your absence, if you were not at home.
If there is a dispute about the causes and the culprit in the bay, no one is stopping the neighbors from filing a claim against you, and in court you can already bring the REU employees as the proper defendant and present evidence of their guilt.
An examination can prove that the leak was not your fault. It can be held at the Komi Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It will determine who is to blame - you, the REU employees, or the manufacturer of low-quality valves.
If the flooding occurred due to a poorly installed valve, then it will be necessary to prove that the leak was repaired by a housing department employee. If you contacted the housing department service with a request to send you an employee to fix the leak, then they should keep records of such requests - an application, a log, certificates of work performed. Request this information in writing.
Photo by Dmitry NAPALKOV

Residents of Komi can leave their complaints to Roman Koidan on the website of the Komiinform news agency, where there is a special section, or send them to the email address of the Respublika newspaper.

When purchasing an apartment, the new owner does not always think about the problems that he may encounter. Thus, in apartment buildings over 30 years old, problems often arise with water supply and sewerage systems; pipes and risers leak. It will not be possible to fix the problem within one apartment. Purchasing new plumbing fixtures may be completely useless, since risers need to be replaced. Who should change the risers in an apartment building, at whose expense should the work be carried out?


In 2006, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Rules that determine the procedure for maintaining common property. This act discloses the concept of “common property” by listing those objects that belong to it. Among others, equipment serving more than 1 apartment and a water drainage (sewage) system are indicated.

Who is responsible for replacing common property? To answer this question, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts - current and major repairs. The first is carried out by the efforts and resources of apartment residents. Current repairs include the following types of work:

  • painting floors, doors;
  • replacement of window and door openings;
  • repair utility networks, which are located inside the apartment;
  • other types of work.

Major repairs are carried out by the management organization. Carrying out repair work that is required to maintain water supply, sewerage, and heating risers in working condition is the responsibility of the housing office or another company with which the corresponding agreement was concluded.

Responsibilities of apartment owners

In order to carry out repairs of common property, a management company is involved, to which part of the powers are transferred.

Responsibilities of the Housing Office

The housing office or other organization entrusted with the responsibility for the maintenance, replacement and repair of common building equipment in an apartment building carries out the relevant work based on the plan for its implementation.

Good to know! The owners themselves can contact the authorized company with a statement indicating the need to consider the issue of replacing the riser. Such an appeal is subject to consideration. The Housing Office is obliged to provide its response in writing.

In practice, such organizations do not always fulfill their duties conscientiously and on time. Sometimes they refuse to carry out major repairs, explaining that there are debtors among the owners who have not made payments for their services. This basis is not a legal reason for failure to fulfill the duties of the Housing Office.

Who pays for the replacement of risers

Apartment owners contribute monthly funds for maintenance and repairs. That is why all capital work, including replacing the riser, is carried out without raising additional money from the owners. The apartment owners already paid for the repairs.

If the housing office invites residents to independently raise money for capital works, then it is illegal. Apartment owners in such a situation can complain about such actions to the prosecutor's office or to the court.

The obligation to carry out pipe replacement work will depend on where they are located and how many apartments they serve. If they are located inside a residential premises, then the repairs are carried out at the expense of its owner.

The work will be carried out either by the management organization or by a third-party company. In both cases, replacement is carried out on a reimbursable basis.

So, the riser refers to common property, the replacement of which is. All work is carried out at the expense of the owners, who must transfer funds monthly for the maintenance and repair of such equipment. That is why the management company’s attempts to illegally raise additional funds from residents are illegal.

Sometimes they refuse to carry out major repairs, explaining that there are debtors among the owners who have not made payments for their services. This basis is not a legal reason for failure to fulfill the duties of the Housing Office. Who pays for the replacement of risers Apartment owners contribute monthly funds for maintenance and repairs. That is why all capital work, including replacing the riser, is carried out without raising additional money from the owners. The apartment owners already paid for the repairs. If the housing office offers residents to independently raise money for capital work, then this is illegal. Apartment owners in such a situation can complain about such actions to the prosecutor's office or to the court.

Every month you can see the line “maintenance and repair of housing” in notices for payment of utility services. The amount depends on the square footage of the apartment and the number of residents.

According to the norms of MDK 2-04.2004, there are two lists of works that are included in the rent. This includes:

  • maintenance of various common property;
  • technical and other maintenance of communications;
  • emergency work;
  • Maintenance.

That is, all replacement, maintenance and repair work is already included in the already hefty rent.

Therefore, the housing office must change the sewer riser in a privatized apartment absolutely free of charge. It's already been paid for. An exception is the case when repairs are required as a result of unauthorized repairs made by one of the apartment owners or any structural changes to the building's common communications.

Responsibilities for replacing risers in a privatized apartment

The common property also includes branches from the riser to the first connecting connection. back to contents Who should change? Repairs to common property are carried out by a management company to which residents have delegated the right to manage common property. Replacement of sewer and water risers is carried out by the housing and communal services management company, homeowners' association or other companies.


The decision on repairs is made by the management company upon the application of the homeowners. What are the rules for the use of residential premises and common property in apartment buildings? You will find the answer on our website.

back to contents At whose expense? By law, homeowners are responsible for the maintenance of common property. If the sewer riser is out of order and needs to be repaired or replaced, then the management company must carry out and pay for this work from funds contributed by the owners.

At whose expense and who should replace risers in an apartment building


Including for:

  • water;
  • sewerage;
  • other benefits of civilization.

And here the question arises: who is the owner of those pipes and their branches that are no longer inside each private apartment, but connect it with utilities that supply water, heat and light to the building itself? They, as it turns out, relate to common property belonging to all owners. That is, those pipes in the apartment are personal, and the risers are shared.

Legislation Legislation confirms this. In 2006, the government approved the Rules regarding the maintenance of common property. They list what exactly applies to property recognized as common:
  1. Equipment serving more than one apartment.
  2. Drainage system (i.e. sewerage), etc.

Replacing risers in an apartment building - who should do it?

Fast. Gosstroy of Russia dated September 27, 2003 N 170) “...Appendix N 7 LIST OF WORK RELATING TO CURRENT REPAIRS... 12. When the question is stark: to change risers or not Water supply and sewerage, hot water supplyInstallation, REPLACEMENT and restoration of operability of INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS AND PARTS of elements internal systems water supply and sewerage systems, hot water supply, including pumping units in residential buildings...." “METHODOLOGICAL MANUAL FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF HOUSING STOCK” MDK 2-04.2004 (approved.

by order of the USSR State Construction Committee in 2004): “... Appendix 1 LIST OF WORKS INCLUDED IN THE PAYMENT FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF HOUSING 1. MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMON PROPERTY OF A RESIDENTIAL HOUSE (the specified works are carried out only when they are discovered) ... 2.

Replacing risers in an apartment: at whose expense

Housing Code of the Russian Federation), this means that all work on the riser is paid for jointly by all owners of premises in the house. Owners of privatized apartments bear the burden of personal expenses only for intra-apartment pipe distribution.
Since all homeowners pay for the common property, we once again focus on who should change the risers in a privatized apartment, and who pays for the replacement of the risers: the management company does the change, all the residents pay, transferring money to it monthly. How to protect your rights As planned, the replacement of heating risers in an apartment is carried out in the spring and summer, but emergency situations can arise at any time of the year.
Therefore, without delay, call the emergency team, and then take the application to the housing department to replace the riser.

At whose expense is the replacement of water supply risers in an apartment building carried out?

Such a statement must be made in writing and the response from the management company must also be given only in writing. Of course, not only recipients of benefits for paying contributions for major repairs, but also malicious evaders from them can live in the house.

But this is not the reason for refusing to carry out work to replace the risers. Who should pay for this? Since the amount of monthly contributions that all owners of premises in an apartment building are required to pay is determined, there is no need to pay any additional funds for major repairs and replacement of risers.

Let us remind you once again that the owners include:

  • apartment owners on property rights, privatization;
  • municipal authorities regarding public housing premises.

All of them are required to pay according to the standard established for 1 square meter living space occupied by a specific apartment.

  • State Housing Inspectorate
  • At whose expense are risers and pipes in an apartment replaced? Law 2018

Responsibilities for replacing risers in a privatized apartment The composition of common property includes: e) mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment located in an apartment building outside or inside the premises and serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises(apartments); … 5….Intra-house property is included in the common property engineering system WATER DISCHARGE, consisting of sewer outlets, shaped parts (including bends, transitions, pipes, audits, crosses, tees), risers, plugs, exhaust pipes, drain funnels, cleanouts, BRANCHES FROM RISERS TO THE FIRST BUTT JOINTS, as well as other equipment located in this system." RULES AND STANDARDS FOR TECHNICAL OPERATION OF HOUSING STOCK (approved.

Who should be responsible for replacing the sewer riser in the apartment?

General information In old houses, sewer risers and pipes in bathrooms are made of cast iron - a reliable, but not the most durable material. Sooner or later, such pipes begin to fail, after which there is a danger of leakage, pipe splitting, property damage and financial liability. In order to prevent sad consequences, the riser and sewer branches should be replaced. In such a situation, owners often make do on their own and change the riser in the apartment themselves. Not everyone knows that sewer and other risers can be replaced at the expense of the management company.

Responsible persons for the repair and replacement of heating risers in an apartment in a mkd

Replacing risers in an apartment building is a process familiar to most property owners. When deciding issues related to the installation of new equipment, the property owner should know whose responsibilities include installing the pipes and at whose expense the procedure is carried out. Responsibilities of the owner and management organization The powers to maintain and repair any equipment located in an apartment building are assigned to both the owner of the living space and the management company to which the building belongs. Here everything depends on the installation location of the elements and devices necessary for the optimal functioning of the building and the apartments in it, as well as whether the equipment is common or personal property.

At whose expense should hot water and cold water pipes be replaced in an apartment building?

The homeowner submitting the application must be a bona fide payer utility payments so that his application is accepted and considered. After reviewing the application, a convenient time for the work is agreed upon with the owner.

The riser is replaced by employees of the management company or contractors hired by the management company. The owner must provide free passage to the bathroom in order for the pipes to be replaced.

How much does it cost to replace a sewer riser in an apartment? The owner is not required to pay additional funds when replacing the riser or branches from it before the first connecting connection. The approximate cost of replacing a sewer riser in one apartment is from 4 to 7 thousand rubles.