The leaves of tomato seedlings are curling up. Causes of thinning and curling of leaves in tomato seedlings. High air temperature

Most amateur gardeners grow their own tomato seedlings. The reasons for this can be very different - from the desire to save on purchased plants to the need to grow tomatoes using your own, unique technology.

At proper agricultural technology you can be sure that your own seedlings are not infected with any kind of diseases and were not exposed to stressful conditions during the growing period.

During the process of growing seedlings It happens that tomato leaves begin to curl downwards or towards the upper edge. Many novice summer residents begin to panic and, without understanding why this process occurs, they often give up on growing young tomatoes on their own. In reality, such a plant reaction can depend on many factors and can be easily eliminated.

Why leaves curl on tomato seedlings - the main reasons

Why do leaves curl on tomato seedlings? There could be many reasons for this– at different stages of plant development, this reaction can be provoked by different factors:

  • the formation of unfavorable atmospheric conditions;
  • improper agricultural technology for cultivating plants;
  • infection with diseases;
  • unsatisfactory characteristics of the soil mixture in which tomato seedlings are grown.

Before eliminating the curling of leaves downwards or towards the upper edge, it is important to determine the true reason why the leaves of tomato seedlings are curling. A factor such as plant disease can not only inhibit the development of individual organisms, but also destroy the entire plantation of seedlings.

Important. Curling of plant leaves can be characteristic feature some varieties in the early period of development or during the entire growing season. Therefore, before taking any steps to eliminate the problem, you should carefully study the characteristics of the cultivated tomato variety.

In most cases, the symptom of curled leaves can be eliminated by timely intervention life cycle plants.

One of the reasons why the leaves of tomato seedlings may curl is a condition environment. Such a reaction of plants is possible during a sharp change in weather - from heat to cold or vice versa. Curling of leaves is also observed in dry, hot weather - this is how plants are protected from the harmful effects of excessive heat. As a rule, by the evening the symptoms disappear and the leaves straighten again.

Proper agricultural technology for growing tomato seedlings

In order not to wonder when growing seedlings why their leaves curl, you must adhere to all the rules for growing plants, starting from the stage of preparing the soil for planting seeds.

Before planting seeds For tomatoes, the soil mixture should be disinfected from fungal diseases and all kinds of bacteria. You can do this in one of the following ways:

You should also treat the soil when transplanting plants into separate pots from a common container.

The air temperature should not be allowed to drop below +14°C - this increases the likelihood of developing fungal disease fusarium, one of the symptoms of which also is leaf curling.

Over-watering or under-watering can cause tomato seedlings to curl their leaves. At large quantities The moisture in the soil lacks oxygen, and the roots begin to rot. With its deficiency, the roots of tomatoes begin to develop incorrectly, spreading not deep into the soil, but parallel to the surface. In the future, this leads to the inability of plants to reach life-giving moisture, which can also cause the symptom in question of impaired growth of tomatoes.

Stressful state, caused by improper removal of stepsons, can also cause leaves to curl. You cannot remove all the stepsons at the same time, so as not to harm the plant.

Control of atmospheric conditions and soil composition

To combat hot weather, a method such as mulching is used. To do this, the soil around the plants is covered with available materials - hay, straw, film or roofing felt. This prevents excessive evaporation of moisture. For the best effect, the material covering the ground is regularly moistened with water, increasing the humidity around the plants.

Proper growing of tomato seedlings also means monitoring the presence of all the necessary ingredients in the soil mixture. nutrients. A deficiency of any of them can also cause leaf curl. The reaction of seedlings to fertilizers usually manifests itself quite quickly, so at the first sign that the leaves are curling down or up, you should carefully analyze what fertilizers have been used recently and draw the appropriate conclusions. Most often, such a reaction was observed with excess nitrogen in the soil, lack of phosphorus or molybdenum.

Control of diseases and pests of seedlings

Some infectious diseases of seedlings, especially at the initial stage, manifest themselves in the form of leaf curling. Later, other signs of disease may be added, such as dried edges or the death of entire leaves. As a rule, infectious diseases are introduced by the gardener along with undisinfected tools or soil.

A disease such as bacteriosis is transmitted to plants through undisinfected seeds. The first sign of the disease is the curling of the leaves, followed by yellowing of the leaves, stunted growth, weak pigmentation. Such plants will not be able to form fruits at maturity and therefore must be discarded.

Fusarium or Fusarium wilt is a disease caused by a pathogenic soil fungus. Signs of the disease spread from the bottom of the plant to its upper edge. At the first symptoms of the disease, the infected sprout should be removed, the soil should be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, and the tomatoes growing nearby should be treated with one of the biofungicides (fitoverm, actofite) 2-3 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Alternaria or dry Brown spotting also occurs when plant leaves begin to curl, become spotted, and dry out. To combat the disease, tomatoes are sprayed with drugs that have an antifungal effect.

Leaves may also curl due to pest damage. Most often, tomato seedlings are affected by:

For pest control of nightshade crops should use bioinsecticides.

Since most summer residents and gardeners grow seedlings at home, the most common pest is the common aphid, which affects most indoor plants. When this insect attacks tomatoes, the leaves also begin to curl. To combat a small amount of the pest, it is enough to spray the sprouts with aqueous solutions of garlic, ash or onion. In case of extensive damage, the use of chemical agents is recommended.

Infestation of seedlings by spider mites manifests itself in the form of puncture drops of white or yellow color appearing on the leaves. Visible under the leaf blade a light web to the naked eye. To combat the pest, it is enough to spray the plants with alcohol twice with an interval of seven days.

Curling of leaves is not always a sign of a disturbance in plant growth. However, if such appearance is not a characteristic of the variety, should be carefully analyzed possible reasons that they are curling and take appropriate measures.

Get good harvest When the top leaves of tomatoes curl during the growth process, it is difficult. Such leaf plates absorb a minimal amount of light energy from the sun, which, in turn, negatively affects photosynthesis and, ultimately, the development of the crop.

Leaf curling occurs not only in tomato seedlings, but also in adult plants

Common Causes of Curling Leaves

Leaf curling occurs not only in tomato seedlings, but also in adult plants. However, you should not be afraid of this. You just need to understand the causes of the disease.

It is important to understand that what happens is not always associated with infectious diseases. This may simply be a feature of a particular variety that reacts in this way to an unusual situation. For example, intense heat during the day (+30...+35°C and above) forces the plant to respond by curling its leaf tip, thereby reducing the area of ​​evaporation. And in the evening, when the heat subsides, the tomato leaves straighten and remain in this state until the next high-temperature stress.

Of course, you don’t have to do anything; the plant will cope with the scourge on its own. However, it is better to still help him. For this purpose it is necessary:

  • organize frequent ventilation;
  • periodically create drafts;
  • increase humidity by spraying moisture into the air;
  • shade the roof of the greenhouse by covering it with non-woven material - panbond or lutrasil, and to enhance the effect, periodically water it (the material) cold water from a hose;
  • using the same covering material, provide shade for tomato planting;
  • using white non-woven material, hay or straw, cover with a dark layer of mulch laid on the beds;
  • select varieties that are most resistant to heat and cold.

Or another example, when tomato leaves curl into a tube - a sharp temperature change. If during the day the sun is hot, like in the desert, and at night the mercury drops to +6°C, then the plant reacts accordingly.

Therefore, during the daytime you should act by analogy with the previous situation, but at night, in order to save vegetables from hypothermia, you need to close all doors and windows.

I should also add potash fertilizer. It strengthens the plant, increases resistance to disease, frost and drought, making it stronger and stronger.

What else affects curl?

In addition, you should not be overly carried away with organic matter and nitrogen fertilizers when the minerals contained in the soil - phosphorus, potassium and zinc - are in minimal quantities. An excess of some and a lack of other elements leads to curling of the leaves. And although the tomatoes will show a thick green mass, you still shouldn’t expect good offspring from them.

To correct this situation, tomatoes must be fed with a balanced diet containing a sufficient amount of essential minerals, or use a complex fertilizer.

The negative impact on the crop in the form of curling of the leaf crown manifests itself not only from belated and excessive pinching, but also from excessive pruning of leaves. This leads to an imbalance between the above-ground part and the root system of the plant.

As a rule, such a process should be carried out in the 2nd half of the period necessary for the development of the plant. Overgrown stepsons should be removed when their length reaches 5-7 cm, and no more than 2-3 leaves should be trimmed per week.

It is important to understand that what happens is not always associated with infectious diseases

The tops of tomatoes may curl due to lack of moisture.. Tomatoes love water. However, it takes a lot of it to reach the roots located deep in the ground. Therefore, watering in small batches, even frequently, will not quench the plant’s thirst.

But here’s a paradox: too much water also causes the leaves to curl. Why?

  1. Access to roots of oxygen and nutrients.
  2. Rot develops and the roots begin to die.
  3. Shoots grow.

The tops of tomatoes may curl due to lack of moisture.

The best option: water the tomatoes rarely, but abundantly and without excessive overwatering. Proper watering needs to be done once every 3 days open beds and at least once a week - on mulched ones. If the weather is hot, you need to irrigate every evening, and if it’s cool, every other day.

Tomato diseases

A situation where the upper leaves on tomatoes are curled into a tube may indicate that the plants are affected by infectious diseases caused by pathogens.

They are conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • bacterial.

The most harmful and dangerous among them are bacterial black spot, late blight, tobacco mosaic and leaf curl viruses.

The most effective therapeutic measures against these diseases are mandatory and careful compliance with all agronomic techniques used in growing tomatoes, as well as the implementation of preventive measures to protect against infections.

Unfortunately, if the plant is already infected, it should be destroyed immediately and the soil disinfected.

Pests also contribute to this ignoble task, for example, aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. If they are detected, the plant must undergo insecticidal treatment with special systemic preparations.

In tomatoes with deformed leaves, photosynthesis is disrupted and they do not receive sufficient nutrition, so count on stable and healthy harvest no need to. If you find a plant with curled leaves, you need to quickly find out the reason and only then take the necessary measures. Of course, this is not an entirely simple matter, but you shouldn’t give up either.

WHAT TO DO IF A TOMATO SEEDLING HAS LEAVES TWISTED? Save so you don't lose! Tomatoes are a rather finicky crop, and growing seedlings can sometimes be difficult. Today we will talk about why tomato leaves curl and what to do in such a situation. So, you planted the seeds in the ground, placed the pots in greenhouse conditions, and after some time they suddenly noticed how the leaves of the tomato seedlings were curling. Why could this happen? Before drawing conclusions, we should understand this situation in detail. If you see that the very first, cotyledon leaves are curling, there is no need to worry about this. After all, this simply means that they will soon fall off, and the growth of real, permanent tomato leaves will follow. Just wait this moment out. But if the leaves of tomato seedlings curl when they are already permanent, “large” leaves, then you should understand the reasons. Why do tomato leaves curl? Sometimes this can happen due to lack of moisture. Monitor the condition of the soil. It should always be damp on the surface. If this is not the case, start watering more often. Very often the leaves curl from the bright rays of the sun. If your seedlings are standing in the sun, no amount of watering will help. If you water too often, the roots of the plants will simply cook, and if you water moderately, the leaves will begin to curl. Monitor the intensity of light hitting the seedlings. The third reason may be excessive dry air. Even with sufficient watering Too dry air can cause the leaves to curl. In addition, sometimes seedlings may not have enough fertilizer. In this case, the leaves may curl, dry out and fall off. Finally, sometimes the real reason is that the seedlings have already grown too much, and the root system is very cramped in a small pot or plastic cup, where summer residents love to plant it, which is why the leaves of tomato seedlings curl. Leaves of tomato seedlings curl: what to do Establishing the cause is already half the battle. Now it is necessary to eliminate the factor that causes the leaves of the seedlings to curl in order to stop this process. If plants lack water or fertilizer, provide them with sufficient quantities of one or the other. Too much sun? Remove the seedlings to another place or shade the previous one. Is the air too dry? Install a humidifier in the room and the curling should stop. And of course, you should not hesitate to transplant seedlings into open ground from containers that are too small. Well, if weather conditions do not allow this yet, find more spacious pots or tubs and transplant the seedlings into them for now. With the coming favorable conditions, the seedlings will need to be transplanted into the beds without delay.

Curling of tomato seedling leaves occurs when: water shortage; sudden changes in temperature and humidity; errors during fertilization. The most serious reason is bacterial cancer. But most often this is the result improper care for plants and errors in fertilization. You need to know the most common causes of tomato leaves curling and what to do if tomato leaves curl.

Tomato seedling leaves can curl for many reasons.


In order to determine the causes of tomato leaf curling in each case, you must learn how to do prevention and distinguish between symptoms associated with various causes.

First of all, when the first signs of curling of tomato leaves appear, make sure that all growing conditions are met. For normal growth and fruiting, a tomato needs a warm and well-lit position. Optimal temperature is 28°C during the day and 18°C ​​during the night. The tomato loves when the temperature difference between day and night is approximately 10 ° C. Large temperature changes often lead to curling of tomato leaves.

You must remember to water the seedlings, but not excessively. A very common reason why tomato leaves curl is a long-term lack of water. Therefore, it is necessary to check the daily care of the plants and the humidity of the soil and air. If you forget about your plants for a few days, the effect can be fatal. The appearance of curled and dried leaves on seedlings is the last phase before the irreversible wilting of the entire plant. Tomatoes are watered directly at the root so that water does not get on the stems and leaves, since wetting the above-ground parts contributes to the development of fungal diseases.

Tomato seedlings require sufficient lighting

Soil condition

Soils suitable for growing tomatoes are light, deeply tilled, breathable and slightly acidic (soils with a pH of 5.5 - 6.5 are ideal) and rich in organic matter. If the soil pH is too low, liming is necessary. Before starting to grow tomatoes, it is worth fertilizing with a soil mixture, good manure or compost to enrich it with organic matter. To fertilize tomatoes during the growing season and fertilizing, you can make a diluted liquid fertilizer from nettles (mix with water in a ratio of 1 liter of suspension per 10 liters of water). This natural method of fertilizing tomatoes is being praised experienced gardeners.

You can use ready-made fertilizers for vegetables to feed and prevent the leaves of tomato seedlings from curling.

Climatic factors

Curling of tomato leaves towards the top of the leaf occurs when there is too much sunlight and a lack of water, and also when watering occurs in bright sunlight and hot weather. If the climatic conditions are unfavorable:

  • sudden changes in temperature during the day and night;
  • air humidity is below optimal;
  • excessive soil moisture, causing disturbances in the absorption of calcium and other fertilizers.

With a large calcium deficiency, the leaves of tomato seedlings curl and discoloration occurs (especially old leaves). Other symptoms include leaves that are dark green on top and slightly purple underneath.

The edges of the leaves, including the tails, gradually die off. In such a situation, you should improve the growing conditions, make sure that the tomato does not exceed the dose of nitrogen or phosphorus, nitrogen or phosphorus, and apply calcium (calcium nitrate).

Elevated temperatures and lack of water can cause seedling leaves to curl

Copper deficiency

Curling of tomato top leaves may be due to copper deficiency. Old leaves curl into a “tube” shape, while young leaves become smaller in size. The cuttings are short and the leaves are hard. The appearance of symptoms may be due to a copper deficiency in the soil or the inability of tomatoes to absorb copper from the soil.

The reason is too high soil pH (above 6.5) and excessive fertilization with nitrogen and phosphorus. To eliminate this problem, you should test the soil pH using any pH meter. Reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers, supply foliage and soil with copper fertilizers (Copper Microvit or Copper Chelate Forte).

Copper deficiency in tomato seedlings

Looking for manganese

If the youngest leaves of the seedlings curl and become deformed, this may be a lack of manganese. Leaves also become grey-brown and necrotic. Difficulty in obtaining manganese:

  • insufficient amount of element in the soil;
  • Soil pH is too high;
  • lack of light;
  • excessive moisture of the substrate or other fertilizer components (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, or copper).

If the pH of the medium is adequate, then you can do root and foliar feeding tomatoes with fertilizers containing manganese chelate (Mikrovit Mn, manganese chelate forte).

In individual gardens, in case of symptoms of nutrient deficiency in tomatoes, liquid fertilizers enriched with microelements are used. This is a liquid fertilizer for tomatoes “Aromatic Vegetables”, manufactured by Target. The use of this type of fertilizer provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients, resulting in fruits full of the taste and aroma expected from tomatoes.

Manganese deficiency causes discoloration and curling of leaves

Curling of tomato leaves - bacterial cancer

Bacterial tomato canker is an extremely dangerous disease for growing tomatoes. The source of infection of the cancer bacteria is from contaminated seeds or the soil in which they were sown. The cause of the infection may be a person who transfers bacteria on the surface of their hands or used garden tools from one plant to another during treatment.

Symptoms of bacterial cancer of tomatoes

Infection usually occurs a few weeks after planting the seedlings or during the fruit set phase. A characteristic symptom is the curling of tomato leaves, which is preceded by irreversible wilting of the tomato. Wilting begins at the bottom of the plant and quickly progresses upward. Additionally, general leaf wilting occurs on one side of the petiole and stem, while the other side of the leaves and plant appears completely healthy. Severely affected plants may develop cracks, cancerous wounds, and slimy discharge.

On ripened fruits there is often a small dark spot, surrounded by a bright circle with a diameter of about 2 mm. This symptom rarely appears on fruits.

Bacterial canker affects both seedlings and adult tomatoes

Effective measures

So far, we have not been able to grow varieties resistant to bacterial canker of tomatoes. Experiments show that self-pollinating tomato varieties and those that do not require pinching are less likely to get sick. They have not yet come up with a drug that will effectively fight bacterial cancer of tomatoes. That's why the only way is to burn infected plants and not use them in compost. All tools that have been in contact with affected tomatoes must be disinfected (with hot vinegar). For prevention, even healthy plants are sprayed with copper preparations, for example. Miedzian 50 WP or products containing grapefruit extract, for example. Biosept Active 33 SL, Grevit 200 SL, 200 SL Septovital. These drugs can inhibit further growth of bacteria and the development of the disease, but do not eliminate it. Therefore, after the end of cultivation, all other plants are removed and burned. If they are grown in a greenhouse, then all internal parts and equipment should be disinfected with a product with bactericidal activity, such as Agrosteril 110 SL.

Insect attack

Another reason for curling tomato leaves that is easy to recognize is the presence of pests such as aphids. Green peach or potato aphids appear from aphids on tomatoes. Why are aphids harmful? As a result of the feeding of these pests, distortion of the leaves occurs, in the form of blade bending of the leaf blade. These symptoms are accompanied by sticky coatings secreted by aphids, as well as the numerous presence of these pests on the plants. To combat them, use one of the available drugs approved for use.

In home gardens and summer cottages, it is preferable to use natural preparations that are not toxic to humans, such as Agricola or make an onion decoction or garlic extract.

Spring is the season of mass preparation of seedlings of nightshade crops: tomatoes, peppers. Soon the sprouts of the future harvest will move from the window sills to the beds. It is all the more annoying to discover that tomato seedlings disappear: the leaves curl and dry, and a serious threat hangs over the cherished bushes.

Experienced gardeners can count about a dozen reasons why the leaves of tomato seedlings wither and curl. This includes the notorious human factor, various diseases, and soil characteristics. It has long been known that prevention is more important than cure. If you know why the leaves of tomato seedlings curl, you can prevent this problem.

The human factor of improper care of tomato seedlings

Often, the owners of seedlings themselves, making mistakes in care, contribute to its death. The first mistake is neglecting to prepare the seeds for sowing. When buying bags of seed in a store, you should not hope that the seeds have gone through all stages of processing. The simplest and necessary action– disinfection. It will save you from a lot of trouble in the future. Hardening is another procedure that will increase the chances of growing healthy, strong seedlings with strong immunity. Very often the leaves of tomato seedlings curl when they have low vitality. This happens if the seeds are too old or of poor quality.

The right soil mixture is a guarantee of successful seedlings

Errors in soil preparation also lead to curling of the leaves of tomato seedlings, especially after picking. Ready-made soil mixtures sold in stores do not always meet all safety requirements and contain necessary substances. Relying on a full set of microelements, you can end up with sluggish, lifeless bushes, since tomatoes are very picky about the soil composition. A self-balanced earthen environment for seedlings will guarantee stable growth and development.

You can take ordinary garden soil as a base, and add the following to it:

  1. carefully sifted peat;
  2. top layer of soil from under trees with a high content of rotted leaves;
  3. perlite or sand;
  4. high-quality, fine humus;
  5. steamed sawdust.

Instead of garden soil, you can take soil from a forest zone, a clump, or a grove. Just not near industrial enterprises and busy highways.

Seedling daily routine

Sometimes the leaves of tomato seedlings curl due to sudden changes in heat and coolness, and irrational watering. Moreover, both underfilling and overfilling are equally destructive for green pets.

Overwatering or underwatering will destroy the seedlings

Frequent and excessively abundant watering does not allow the soil to become saturated with oxygen. Roots in constantly wet soil begin to suffocate and rot. Plants signal a problem by the appearance of their leaves and stems. In addition, constantly wet soil becomes an ideal breeding ground for all kinds of fungal diseases. On the contrary, rare and shallow soil moisture causes improper development of the root system. The roots, instead of going deep, grow horizontally along the surface of the earth. Such a plant quickly weakens, and after transplanting into the ground, it dies.

Tomatoes are saved by leaves in hot weather

Sharp temperature fluctuations are also the reason why they curl up; this is a natural reaction. Heat environment causes an impulse in plants to reduce the surface area for moisture evaporation. And the largest area of ​​ground parts is on the leaves.

The leaves curl, conserving moisture on a hot day, and in the evening they straighten, giving the seedlings a normal appearance.

All forces go to the root

Another symptom of why the leaves of tomato seedlings curl downwards is the tearing of the roots during the replanting process. To restore root system, the young seedling needs to use all its strength. Nutrition becomes inadequate due to damage to the roots. Hence the violations appearance tomatoes. The period of “treatment” of the roots can be accelerated by timely feeding.

Stunted tomato varieties are not a disease, but characteristics of the variety

Well, if all the rules of care are carefully followed, why do the leaves of tomato seedlings curl downwards in this case? This is probably varietal feature this variety of tomatoes. Tall determinate tomatoes in the seedling growth phase after picking themselves have a stunted, dying appearance. Long thin stems, limply drooping, sometimes slightly curled leaves - for some varieties this is not a disease, but a kind of highlight of the variety. This feature does not affect viability and yield.

Excessive zeal in removing stepchildren is dangerous for the life of seedlings

With a high degree of probability, the reason why the upper leaves of tomato seedlings curl is mechanical damage to the plant during the pinching process. Impatient gardeners forget Golden Rule“Less is better” and remove all excess shoots at one time. For a seedling bush, this is a severe stress shock that will lead to the death of the entire sprout. Lateral branches (stepchildren) are removed 1-2 at a time over several days, preventing them from growing longer than 6-7 cm.

For reasons beyond human control, leaves curl and dry out as a result of attack by harmful insects. Careful regular inspection will allow you to notice in time dangerous neighborhood and rid all seedlings of it.

Pest of mass destruction - common aphid

Spider mite is an enemy of nightshade crops

  • tiny white or yellowish specks-punctures on the leaves;
  • a thin whitish cobweb under the leaf blade.

As a result of life activity spider mite Tomato seedlings' leaves curl inward, dry out and fall off. Regular, readily available alcohol will help in the fight against this problem. They wipe or spray infected seedling bushes with it. Spraying is repeated after 7 days. Tinctures of dandelions, tobacco, horseradish, and garlic are also effective in treating seedlings from mite attacks. In case of mass infection, it is more rational to use chemical solutions, for example, carbophosphorus. As a preventive measure, lighting with an ultraviolet lamp is used.

Damage to seedlings by viruses, fungi and bacteria

In addition to insect pests, the reason why tomato seedlings' leaves curl inward is viral and bacterial infections of plants.

Diseases of tomatoes in the seedling phase are not uncommon. Often they begin due to the fault of the owner, who did not process the care tools in time, or did not comply with the regime of watering and airing the green pets. The first symptoms of tomato seedling disease: curling of leaves and drying of stems. The most common lesions of nightshades: tobacco mosaic virus, bacteriosis, necrosis, alternaria.

Tobacco mosaic virus. Infection occurs from low-quality seeds. Externally it appears as spots of various shades on sheet plates. Treatment: removal of infected bushes.

Bacteriosis. Within a few days the plant dries out for no apparent reason. When examining a dead bush of seedlings, they notice darkening of the stem from the inside and the appearance of voids in it. Treatment: to protect the remaining seedlings, all suspicious bushes are removed, healthy ones are sprayed with phytolavine (aqueous solution).

Viral necrosis of the stem. Symptoms: the appearance of cracks in the lower part of the stem from which aerial roots sprout, weakness and lethargy of seedlings, falling leaves. Treatment: remove infected bushes (it is better to burn them), treat healthy ones with phytolavine (0.2% aqueous solution).

Dry brown spotting (scientifically called Alternaria). The leaves suffer, becoming stained, curling and drying out. Treatment: spraying with antifungal drugs.

Curling leaves is a signal for help

If for no apparent reason the leaves of tomato seedlings curl, what should you do first? Perhaps this is a signal of a lack of nutrients. The situation should be corrected with regular balanced feeding. The perfect combination nutrient mixture: phosphorus, potassium, zinc, boron. Infusion wood ash will replace purchased fertilizer, it contains a full composition of useful microelements.

If and after regular feeding It is not possible to find out why the leaves curl on tomato seedlings; this is probably the usual outgrowth of the bush of its “home”. The small volume of soil clod in the cup limits viability. The consequence of this is weakening of the plant and curling of the leaves. Planting seedlings on time means saving them from stretching and weakness, which can lead to a reduction in yield.

Prevention is the best way to deal with seedling problems