How to clean a dirty oven. How to quickly clean old grease from an oven

Household chemicals

To make it easier for you to clean the oven, you need to first warm it up, setting the temperature to about 50 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Remove the shelves so that nothing gets in your way. When treating the oven with chemicals, do not forget to wear rubber gloves and open the window. Chemicals have a pungent smell. Do not apply the product to heating elements and a fan, this can ruin the oven. Also try not to get it on the rubber gaskets in the oven door. How to clean an oven at home? Spray the contaminated areas and be sure to give the product a chance to work, do not rub ahead of time. Usually gels for oven valid for 30 minutes. So close it and forget about it for half an hour. After using the product, you need to thoroughly clean the oven to remove the chemical smell. Do not use the stove for several hours after cleaning.

Vinegar and soda

How to clean the oven and stove using vinegar? First, remove crumbs and burnt food residues that easily come off the surface. This can be done using any old plastic card or regular spoon.

Mix vinegar and baking soda in a 1:2 ratio, add a little dishwashing detergent and water.

Wipe the oven walls with the resulting paste using a stiff brush or sponge.

Instead of dishwashing liquid, you can take a piece laundry soap, diluted in water (about 25 grams). Cover the oven walls with the resulting paste and leave for a couple of hours.

If you leave baking soda for 40 minutes, sprinkling it on the oven glass, it will help remove greasy deposits from glass door closet

You can also wipe the oven walls with vinegar and sprinkle baking soda on top. The interaction produces hydrogen, which helps remove grease from surfaces.

For greater effectiveness, you can add to soda and vinegar citric acid.

Ammonia and water

For this method you will need two containers.

Preheat the oven to 70 degrees and then turn it off.

How to clean the oven? Fill one bowl with boiling water and place it in the oven on the bottom shelf, and pour ammonia into the other bowl and place it on the top shelf.

Leave both containers in the oven overnight. In the morning, take it out, remove the grates, add warm water and dishwashing detergent to a bowl of ammonia and wipe the oven with this solution.

To make it easier next time: how to clean the oven from grease

Don't go to extremes and let the fat accumulate for months. For example, immediately after the holidays or the arrival of guests (when the oven is used especially often), place a container of water mixed with dishwashing detergent in the oven, heat it to 100 degrees to soften grease and burnt marks, and then wipe the walls with a sponge. washing dishes.

Try to protect the oven from greasy splashes by using foil or baking paper when preparing fatty foods.

The oven can be cleaned using a special products, they do an excellent job of removing carbon deposits and fatty deposits, or you can use budget products that can be found in every home: table salt, soda, vinegar, ammonia, carbonic acid, lemon and dishwashing detergent. Many methods are based on steaming contaminants, such as hydrolysis. Below we will look at 12 simple remedies cleaning the oven.

How to clean the oven from old burnt fat? Which method should I choose? Before answering these questions, it’s worth talking about some rules:

  • Oven cleaners should not contain aggressive acids.
  • Ovens with , do not need to be washed, because any abrasive substances and active ingredients can destroy this type of enamel, clog pores or neutralize the catalyst. Just wait, if the stains do not go away immediately, they will definitely disappear during the next cooking.
  • Labor-intensive cleaning can be avoided by wiping the oven after each cooking with a damp cloth. After all, dried-on pieces of food are much more difficult to clean off than fresh stains. In addition, during reheating, the fat becomes viscous, difficult to dissolve and sticks tightly to the baking sheets and walls.

  • If you do not wash the oven for a long time, then one day the dirt may ignite and burn, releasing unpleasant odors. If this happens, the dish you are preparing will be hopelessly spoiled. Don't neglect timely cleansing.

12 folk remedies for keeping your oven clean

How can you clean the oven? old fat and soot? Remedies that will help cope with burnt fat can be found in every home: laundry soap, rock salt, soda, vinegar, ammonia, lemon, carbonic acid and even baking powder. You can use the baking sheets manually or use dishwasher.

Arm yourself with soft rags, brushes and put on rubber gloves.

  1. The easiest way - this is steam cleaning, the principle is the same as . Pour 1 liter of water into a baking tray with one capful of FAIRY or GALA. Bring the temperature to 150 C, the water will evaporate and gradually dissolve the fat. After 30 minutes, open the door and simply wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth; the softened fat will come off easily. If after this procedure everything is not washed off, then try using one of the methods described below.
  2. Exposure to ammonia. Apply ammonia to the contaminated areas, leave for 12 hours, wipe off all carbon deposits with a rag soaked in a warm detergent solution. Or a second, no less effective option: fill a baking tray with water, preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Wait until the water boils, turn it off, and place a container with ammonia on the top rack; after 12 hours, grease and carbon deposits can be easily washed off with the same water and ammonia, adding a capful of detergent to it. Wash the oven with this mixture; when the grease is washed off, remove any remaining detergent with a damp cloth.
  3. Strange, but effective method this is baking on a baking sheet table salt . Pour table salt onto the shelves and baking sheets, preheat the oven until the salt turns yellow, then turn off the appliance. The minerals in kitchen salt soften stains and make them more porous. When the temperature inside the walls drops, the baking sheets and door can be easily washed with warm water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.
  4. Rock salt & carbonic acid. You need to make a saturated saline solution with the addition of carbonic acid(water - 0.5 l, a pack of salt, a pinch of acid), place a container with the solution on the bottom of an oven preheated to 200 degrees and heat for another 30 minutes. When the appliance has cooled down, wash the inside thoroughly. hot water with added detergent.
  5. Laundry soap Often used for washing various surfaces, in our case it is also a wonderful helper. You just need to grate half a bar of soap on a coarse grater and pour it into a bowl of hot water, when the shavings dissolve, stir and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, simmer the solution for 30-40 minutes. The alkali of laundry soap effectively softens even old fat deposits. Wash the cooled oven several times with clean water and leave for a while so that the smell of soap completely disappears.
  6. Baking soda Well suited for cleaning enamel surfaces and glass in the oven door. In addition to the fact that soda copes well with grease and soot, it absorbs unpleasant odors. Add a little water to the soda, apply the resulting slurry with a sponge to the inner surface of the oven, baking sheets and racks and rub lightly. After an hour, when the soda has destroyed the fat deposits, wash off the slurry with a rough sponge. Instead of regular soda you can, in this case the effect will be stronger. However, you need to take precautions: work in seals and do not inhale the powder!
  7. Table vinegar Apply undiluted to all parts of the oven; after a few hours, wash off the product with plain water. Vinegar does not harm enamel, but it perfectly dissolves dirt.
  8. Baking powder It turns out that it can be used not only for sweet buns, it also miraculously destroys fat and soot. To clean the oven you will need 5-6 bags of baking powder; apply it to the damp walls and leave until the dirt forms lumps, which are removed with a stiff brush.
  9. Soda & Vinegar when mixed, they enter into a violent chemical reaction, releasing hydrogen, which breaks the bonds between fat molecules, so housewives actively use this reaction to clean kitchen dirt and soap scum in the bathroom. Apply undiluted vinegar from a spray bottle to dirty areas, cover with a thin layer of soda slurry on top and leave the mixture for 4-5 hours. When the time is up, you need to wash off the slurry with a sponge and warm water, additionally rub some difficult areas with a hard sponge.
  10. Lemon will help cope with old burnt fat, to do this, squeeze out lemon juice, add the same amount of water, apply the mixture to the walls of the oven. After half an hour, the fat will soften and will be easy to wash off. regular sponge.
  11. Soda & Lemon & Vinegar cleans even the dirtiest ovens in a couple of tens of minutes. How to use this product to clean the oven from old grease? First of all, preheat the oven to 100 degrees, then mix a glass of vinegar, 2 bags of citric acid and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the bubbling mixture to contaminated surfaces, after 20 minutes, rinse off the remaining product, along with the dirt.
  12. Laundry soap & soda & vinegar. Grandma’s product that not only easily washes off enamel, but also perfectly cleans glass, wire racks and baking dishes. The product is prepared from a glass of vinegar, 100 grams of soda and half a bar of laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. Apply the product to the contaminated surface and rinse after 2 hours. After using this product, the oven will become perfectly clean and shiny, and bad smell will disappear in a few hours.

Sorbents and citrus fruits will help with nasty odors in the oven. If, after washing the oven, there are still unpleasant musty odors or the smell of burnt food, try these remedies:

  • Warm the peels of citrus fruits (lemons, grapefruits or tangerines) in the oven; the peels will absorb odors and fill the oven with the aroma of fresh fruit. You can also wipe all the internal surfaces of your device with half a lemon. This product is great for removing fish and shrimp odors.
  • If you need to cook something urgently, but after the last cooking you did not have time to wash the baking sheets and the burnt food began to smoke, then you risk ruining the dish. You need to sprinkle kitchen salt on the problem areas in an even layer; it will prevent the stains from smoking, lightly absorb the smell and make it easy to wash off the stains after you finish cooking.
  • You can deal with odors by leaving a saucer with baking soda or ground coffee in the oven until the morning, just don’t forget to thoroughly wash the oven with one of the products described above.

Anastasia, July 23, 2016.

Every housewife sooner or later faces the task of how to clean the oven. It’s good if you have an electric oven with a self-cleaning function, but burnt-on fat and pieces of food are not so easy to clean, especially if they are already months old. We'll tell you about 7 ways to help you cope with this difficult task.

The easiest way is to use special means designed to dissolve fat and carbon deposits. They contain strong acids or alkaline compounds, which literally remove dirty deposits from surfaces before our eyes.

When working with caustic substances, be sure to use protective gloves and a mask to avoid damaging the skin and mucous membranes. Also take care to ventilate the room, as household chemicals have a strong, unpleasant odor.

To clean the oven from grease, you can use the following products:

  • Amway Oven Cleaner;
  • Faberlic for cleaning ovens and stoves;
  • Schumann;
  • Shine.

It is enough to apply the product to contaminated surfaces and leave for 5-30 minutes, depending on the layer and age of the grease. For ease of use and uniform application, such products are available in the form of a spray or equipped with a special brush. After the action time has expired, wash off the remaining carbon deposits and products with water.

A safer option is regular laundry soap. It costs much less than specialized household chemicals and does not require prolonged contact with hands.

In order to wash off fat, you need to grate the soap and dissolve it in water. Place the resulting mixture in a suitable container and place in a preheated oven. After half an hour of evaporation at 110 degrees, it is enough to wash the surfaces with clean water. Wipe the walls thoroughly so that there is no soap residue left on them, which can subsequently give an unpleasant aftertaste to the dishes cooked in the oven.

You will definitely have two good grease removers in your kitchen - baking soda and vinegar. Cleaning is done as follows:

    Empty the oven and use a spatula to scrape up any bits of burnt-on food.

    Mix soda with warm water to obtain a paste with a consistency convenient for further use.

    Apply the prepared paste to all walls and thoroughly rub the stains with a hard sponge.

    Leave the soda for 12-24 hours so that it eats away the old fat and partially absorbs it.

    Scrape off the dried soda with a cloth, while simultaneously cleaning off the carbon deposits.

    Spray vinegar evenly onto the surface of the oven using a spray bottle. It will react with the baking soda and form a sizzling foam.

    Leave the vinegar for a while to break down the fat, and then scrub the walls with the sponge again.

    After this, rinse off the remaining vinegar with clean water.

If you don’t have vinegar, you can replace it with citric acid, first dissolving it in water. Some stains may be too persistent. To get rid of them, repeat the procedure with applying soda and thoroughly rub the problem area with a sponge.

Method 4: Ammonia

It's not the most pleasant, but very effective method. In order to clean the oven, you will need ammonia - a 10% ammonia solution. For one cleaning procedure you will need 200 ml of this product or 5 jars of 40 ml each. Ammonia has an extremely unpleasant, pungent odor, so try to inhale its vapors as little as possible. Be sure to ensure good ventilation in the kitchen - open the window and turn on the hood.

First, prepare two dishes that can be used for heating in the oven. Pour warm water into one bowl, and add the contents of all five jars of ammonia into another. You will need about 1-1.5 liters of water.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the bowl of water on the bottom shelf, and the bowl of ammonia on the level above. Turn off the heat and leave the liquids to evaporate for half an hour. Once the oven has cooled, you can clean it with a sponge.

If you cannot stand the smell of ammonia, you can use vinegar essence instead. However, keep in mind that vinegar also has a suffocating odor when heated.

How to clean the oven using ammonia - watch the video:

Another available product is citric acid. It eats away fat well, and you don’t have to rub or scrub anything.

To clear electric oven With this tool, you need to do the following:

    Take a packet of citric acid and pour it into a bowl. Pour about 1 liter of water into 20 g of lemon. To speed up the process, you can use warm or hot water.

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

    When the citric acid has completely dissolved, place a bowl of water on the lowest rack in the oven.

    The water should boil (you can tell by the formation of steam on the glass). As soon as the liquid begins to actively evaporate, you can turn off the oven. Usually you need to wait about half an hour for this.

    Do not open the door until the oven has cooled down. After this, simply wipe the interior surfaces with a rag. Citric acid dissolved in water in combination with high temperature will corrode old fat.

A melamine sponge is great for cleaning surfaces at home. This miracle product is a new generation of plastic, foamed to form many small pores. Melamine carefully cleans surfaces, and it is not afraid of even the most severe dirt. This sponge can be used to clean not only the oven, but also pots, stoves, kitchen furniture etc.

In order for the cleaning product to work, you need to wet the sponge and gently squeeze it out (but do not twist it!). Next, start cleaning the oven. Don't be afraid that the coating will be scratched. Despite the fact that melamine rubber is durable and similar in properties to fine sandpaper, it does not leave scratches or other marks. But dirt is easily wiped off and absorbed into the sponge.

Another means to combat carbon deposits is steam. Some previous methods also involve heating water until it evaporates. But a much more effective approach is to use a steam cleaner. Heat and fine spraying of water particles - the best remedy against frozen and burnt fat.

In order to clean the oven, simply empty it of the baking sheets and racks, pour water into the steam cleaner and turn it on to heat. The liquid will begin to evaporate, and a special nozzle will direct the steam so that it literally melts away the impurities. Additionally, surfaces are disinfected.

In addition to the oven, you can easily clean grates, baking trays, backsplash tiles, countertops and furniture using a steam cleaner. This indispensable assistant for efficient cleaning of all rooms in the house.

Rarely does a housewife manage in her kitchen without an oven. With its help, we bake cakes, pies, fry meat, fish, prepare healthy vegetables and even delicious desserts. It is not surprising that, due to such intensive use, the oven quickly and often becomes dirty and requires careful cleaning.

Why is it so important to keep your oven clean?

  1. The presence of contaminants can lead to the growth of bacteria and harm our health.
  2. If there are traces of fat in the oven, they will begin to smoke during the preparation of the next dish, which will ruin its taste and aroma, and the kitchen will be filled with a pungent burning smell.
  3. Soot and deposits on the walls of the oven can lead to changes in temperature regime inside, and the food will not be able to cook according to all the rules.

Therefore, it is so important to know how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home.

Note! It is necessary to wipe the walls of the oven and wash the baking sheet immediately after cooking, even if you do not see any noticeable dirt. Fresh grease is removed much easier than old and hardened grease, so you won't need to spend extra time maintaining cleanliness.

Nowadays, ovens with a self-cleaning function are becoming increasingly popular. If you are the happy owner of such a model, then all you need to do is empty the oven from the grates and baking sheets and turn on the cleaning mode.

The temperature in the cabinet will rise to 500 degrees, after which you just need to walk along the walls with a clean damp cloth, naturally after the oven has cooled down.

But most of us still use classic, proven models, which we have to clean ourselves. What are some proven ways to clean your oven using home remedies?

Cleaning with folk remedies

If you fundamentally do not use harmful chemicals in your household, and it’s time to clean the oven, they will come to your aid people's councils, how to clean old grease and carbon deposits.

  1. Soda. Baking soda is a universal product in our kitchens.

    It helps us in preparing dough for pies, is a good softener for long-cooking foods, and we use it effectively when cleaning as a detergent for dishes, tiles, and kitchen furniture.

    Also soda is very good remedy for cleaning the oven.

    In the evening, prepare a thick paste of soda, table salt and a small amount of water. Apply an even layer to walls or particularly dirty areas. Leave the oven with door open all night long.

    During this time, the soda mixture will soften the fatty deposits well and all you have to do is remove it with a damp sponge. This method can be used to clean even a heavily soiled oven.

    Mix soda and concentrated citric acid in equal proportions and sprinkle this powder on the surfaces and corners of the oven, previously wiped with a damp sponge. Leave on for a couple of hours and rinse off.

    After using soda, wipe the walls, door and glass with a weak vinegar solution. It will remove undissolved residues and leave the coating clean and shiny.

    A very dirty surface can be easily and simply cleaned with a mixture of soda (50 grams), vinegar (100 grams) and grated laundry soap (50 grams).

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a thick paste forms, add a little water and apply the mixture to the walls, wire rack and baking sheets. After a while, rinse and wipe with a clean cloth.

  2. Ferry from inside. Place in a deep baking tray or flat, wide metal dish warm water approximately 1/3 of the volume. Add a couple of packets of citric acid or 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar.

    Place on the lower tier and turn on the oven at a temperature of 120 - 150 degrees. As soon as you notice that the water in the container has begun to boil, it is easy to understand by the fogged glass of the door, turn off the heat and do not open the oven for 30 - 40 minutes.

    This time is enough for fat and carbon deposits to peel off under the influence of hot steam. Carefully remove the bowl and wipe the inside of the walls with dishwashing liquid or just soapy water. Rinse off with clean water and wipe dry.

  3. Ammonia. Wipe the walls with a sponge soaked in a 10% ammonia aqueous solution. A simple and effective method, but quite dangerous if used incorrectly and requiring very careful handling. Ammonia is a caustic substance with a strong odor that can cause burns to the mucous membranes, allergies, or even an attack of suffocation. Therefore, you only need to work with it wearing rubber gloves that protect your hands and a respirator.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is an excellent antimicrobial agent, and if mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 1, it will help remove stains and dirt in the most difficult to reach places - between glass, in corners and around heating elements.

Rating of oven cleaning products

Store-bought household chemicals for removing contaminants inside and outside the oven are quite effective.

However, we should not forget that they all contain substances that can cause harm if they come into contact with the mucous membranes, skin or respiratory tract of humans and animals.

Therefore, while using them, remove pets from the premises and take all necessary precautions yourself.

Important! Citrus or vanilla scents are often added to cleaning gels. Be sure to put the bottles out of the reach of children so that the child, out of curiosity, does not decide to try the fragrant but poisonous liquid.

Based on customer reviews, we have compiled a rating of the most popular oven cleaning products:

Name Manufacturer pros Minuses User rating
Amway oven cleaning gel Belgium Great for removing old burnt-on grease.

Equipped with a convenient brush for application; economical

Not a very pleasant smell; aggressive – irritation or burn is guaranteed in case of contact with skin 5/5
Gel "SanitaR" multi-strength Russia Copes well with any dirt; Can be used to clean tiles and kitchen stoves The full composition is not indicated; dissolves quickly after application 5/5
Cif Anti-Grease Cleaner Hungary An effective remedy for old and difficult to remove deposits; easy to apply; inexpensive price Strong smell; aggressive effect on the skin 4/5
Active foam UNICUM GOLD for stoves and ovens Russia Does not leave scratches;

Adds shine;

Leaves behind a protective layer;

Affordable price

Cannot be used on aluminum or painted surfaces 4/5
Cleaning spray "Reinex" Germany Easy to apply, turning into a durable foam that covers the surface with a dense layer Contains carcinogenic substances and anionic surfactants that are hazardous to human health;

Ineffective for heavy soiling


Clean kitchen appliances– the key to a comfortable stay in the kitchen. Carefully clean your electric or gas assistant every time after use, and it will “thank” you by quickly and efficiently preparing your favorite dishes.

Useful video

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The oven in the kitchen is an indispensable household appliance. It is here that various culinary masterpieces are baked, which the hostess joyfully treats to her family and friends.

Moreover, modern ovens have a lot of different functions that simplify work in the kitchen. You can defrost meat in it, sterilize jars when preserving food for the winter, cook delicious meat or chicken using the valve. How flavorful are lasagna and pizza? But all these are just pleasant moments when using the oven. Unfortunately, there is also " back side medals." And this is the question - how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits?

Clean oven

To ensure that the oven always pleases the eye with its cleanliness, there is one rule that everyone must adhere to - do not run the oven to a pitiful state.

It is important to know! The sooner you clean your oven, the less effort it will take. Each time after cooking, it is recommended to wipe the walls of the oven with a damp cloth, which will help remove any remaining grease.

Fresh grease is much easier to wash off the surface of the oven than grease that has completely dried out. Don't forget about baking sheets and glass on cabinet doors.

Residues of fat on the walls of the oven are not only aesthetically unsightly. You need to understand that uncleaned oven walls can add to your troubles - when it starts to burn and smoke, you will need to think about how to quickly get rid of the burning smell in the room. Therefore, periodic cleaning of the walls and baking trays is everyone’s responsibility.

Household chemicals in the fight against dried grease and smoke

Modern ovens have a beautiful and shiny finish that can be easily cleaned with a slightly damp cloth. But in any case, the cooking process does not go without a trace and the walls of the oven become covered with unsightly stains. Modern industry offers us a lot of household chemicals that cope quite well with the task assigned to them.

You can choose the most suitable one specifically for your type of oven coating. But in order not to damage the surface, be sure to study its composition before purchasing a detergent.

To begin the process of cleaning the oven using household chemicals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put rubber gloves on your hands,
  • heat the water and add detergent to it,
  • empty the oven of all shelves, racks and baking trays,
  • place them in a prepared container of water,
  • wet the sponge, apply the product and wipe the oven walls,
  • turn on the oven for 10 minutes,
  • turn it off and clean its entire internal surface,
  • wipe dry with a soft cloth.

It is important to know! Never wipe heating elements with detergents!

The oven cleaning procedure does not end there. The use of aggressive detergents, as a rule, leaves behind an unpleasant odor, which must be removed. Therefore, after completing the procedure for cleaning the internal surface of the oven, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Leave the oven open overnight.
  2. Dissolve a few tablets in water activated carbon and pour it into a container.
  3. Place a container of water on the rack and turn on the oven. Set the temperature to +180 °C.
  4. Boil for 30 minutes.
  5. After the oven has cooled, wipe the walls with lemon juice.
  6. Rinse the entire surface thoroughly with clean water.

Using household chemicals to clean the oven is considered an effective method, and their effect on the body does not go unnoticed.

Interesting to know! To completely wash off chemical residues, the surface of the oven should be treated with clean water at least 70 times.

Traditional methods for cleaning the inner surface of the oven

To effectively clean your oven, there are alternative methods– these are folk methods that have been actively used for decades.

It is important to know! It is impossible to completely clean the oven walls from aggressive detergent particles. Subsequently, along with evaporation, they enter the human body.

Few people realize that products that every housewife has in her kitchen help effectively remove dried-on grease from the walls of the oven. Moreover, they are completely safe for human health.

To simplify the cleaning process, you can use the old folk method– pour water into a deep pan and add a little dishwashing detergent. Turn on the oven and let the water solution warm up for 15 minutes. This helps soften dried-on fat and carbon deposits and make them easier to remove.

Let's look at available tools that can help you cope with the problem of cleaning the oven without harm to your health.

Baking soda

Baking soda not only perfectly removes residual grease from the oven surface, but also does an excellent job of removing the burning smell. And more importantly, it is completely harmless to human health.

  • Wipe all contaminated areas with a damp cloth.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the entire inside surface of the oven.
  • Wipe with the back of a dishwashing sponge and leave for 1 hour.
  • Rinse with warm water, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft cloth.


Table vinegar is perfect for cleaning the oven, even if its surface is covered with an enamel layer.

  • Thoroughly soak the sponge in vinegar.
  • Remove all grates and shelves from the oven.
  • Wipe the entire inner surface and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Wash with a damp sponge and wipe dry.

It is important to know! After cleaning the oven with table vinegar, even the dirtiest surface will shine like new.

Lemon juice

It copes well with the problem of fat and burning not only lemon juice, but also acid. In doing so, check out a few effective methods, which will allow you to give your favorite oven a beautiful and clean look.

Method 1.

  1. Mix lemon juice and water in an even amount.
  2. Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the inside of the oven. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse with a cloth soaked in clean water and wipe dry.

Method 2.

  • Prepare the same solution as in the first case. Fill a spray bottle with it.
  • Treat the inner surface of the oven and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wipe with a dry cloth.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid

  • Turn on the oven at +100 °C and preheat for 10 minutes.
  • Mix 100 g table vinegar, 1 tbsp. baking soda and a pack of citric acid.
  • Soak a sponge in the solution and treat the entire inner surface of the oven.
  • After 15 min. rinse the surface with clean water.

Important! When using the above method, you should avoid treating areas with heating elements.

How to clean oven door glass

And finally - the oven glass. It also requires regular cleaning, because no less grease gets on its surface than on the walls.

A good and long-proven method is baking soda.

  1. Wet the glass surface with a damp dishwashing sponge.
  2. Sprinkle with baking soda.
  3. Wipe with a sponge.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Rinse with warm water and wipe dry.