How to clean the oven. Carbonic acid and salt. Household chemicals - a quick solution to old problems

The oven in the kitchen is an indispensable household appliance. It is here that various culinary masterpieces are baked, which the hostess joyfully treats to her family and friends.

Moreover, modern ovens have a lot of different functions that simplify work in the kitchen. You can defrost meat in it, sterilize jars when preserving food for the winter, cook delicious meat or chicken on the valve. How flavorful are lasagna and pizza? But all these are just pleasant moments when using the oven. Unfortunately, there is also a “other side of the coin”. And this is the question - how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits?

Clean oven

To ensure that the oven always pleases the eye with its cleanliness, there is one rule that everyone must adhere to - do not run the oven to a pitiful state.

It is important to know! The sooner you clean your oven, the less effort it will take. Each time after cooking, it is recommended to wipe the walls of the oven with a damp cloth, which will help remove any remaining grease.

Fresh grease is much easier to wash off the surface of the oven than grease that has completely dried out. Don't forget about baking sheets and glass on cabinet doors.

Residues of fat on the walls of the oven are not only aesthetically unsightly. You need to understand that uncleaned oven walls can add to your troubles - when it starts to burn and smoke, you will need to think about how to quickly get rid of the burning smell in the room. Therefore, periodic cleaning of the walls and baking trays is everyone’s responsibility.

Household chemicals in the fight against dried grease and smoke

Modern ovens have a beautiful and shiny finish that can be easily cleaned with a slightly damp cloth. But in any case, the cooking process does not go without a trace and the walls of the oven become covered with unsightly stains. Modern industry offers us a lot of household chemicals that cope quite well with the task assigned to them.

You can choose the most suitable one specifically for your type of oven coating. But, in order not to damage the surface, before purchasing detergent be sure to study its composition.

To begin the process of cleaning the oven using household chemicals, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • put rubber gloves on your hands,
  • heat the water and add detergent to it,
  • empty the oven of all shelves, racks and baking trays,
  • place them in a prepared container of water,
  • wet the sponge, apply the product and wipe the oven walls,
  • turn on the oven for 10 minutes,
  • turn it off and clean its entire internal surface,
  • wipe dry with a soft cloth.

It is important to know! Never wipe heating elements detergents!

The oven cleaning procedure does not end there. The use of aggressive detergents, as a rule, leaves behind an unpleasant odor, which must be removed. Therefore, after completing the procedure for cleaning the internal surface of the oven, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Leave the oven open overnight.
  2. Dissolve a few tablets in water activated carbon and pour it into a container.
  3. Place a container of water on the rack and turn on the oven. Set the temperature to +180 °C.
  4. Boil for 30 minutes.
  5. After the oven has cooled, wipe the walls with lemon juice.
  6. Rinse the entire surface thoroughly clean water.

Using household chemicals to clean the oven is considered an effective method, and their effect on the body does not go unnoticed.

Interesting to know! To completely wash off chemical residues, the surface of the oven should be treated with clean water at least 70 times.

Traditional methods for cleaning the inner surface of the oven

To effectively clean your oven, there are alternative methods– these are folk methods that have been actively used for decades.

It is important to know! It is impossible to completely clean the oven walls from aggressive detergent particles. Subsequently, along with evaporation, they enter the human body.

Few people realize that products that every housewife has in her kitchen help effectively remove dried-on grease from the walls of the oven. Moreover, they are completely safe for human health.

To simplify the cleaning process, you can use the old traditional method– pour water into a deep pan and add a little dishwashing detergent. Turn on the oven and let the water solution warm up for 15 minutes. This helps soften dried-on fat and carbon deposits and make them easier to remove.

Let's look at available tools that can help you cope with the problem of cleaning the oven without harm to your health.

Baking soda

Baking soda not only perfectly removes residual grease from the oven surface, but also does an excellent job of removing the burning smell. And more importantly, it is completely harmless to human health.

  • Wipe all contaminated areas with a damp cloth.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over the entire inside surface of the oven.
  • Wipe reverse side sponges for washing dishes and leave for 1 hour.
  • Wash off warm water, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry with a soft cloth.


Table vinegar is perfect for cleaning the oven, even if its surface is covered with an enamel layer.

  • Thoroughly soak the sponge in vinegar.
  • Remove all grates and shelves from the oven.
  • Wipe the entire inner surface and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Wash with a damp sponge and wipe dry.

It is important to know! After cleaning the oven with table vinegar, even the dirtiest surface will shine like new.

Lemon juice

It copes well with the problem of fat and burning not only lemon juice, but also acid. In doing so, check out a few effective methods, which will allow you to give your favorite oven a beautiful and clean look.

Method 1.

  1. Mix lemon juice and water in an even amount.
  2. Soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the inside of the oven. Leave for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Rinse with a cloth soaked in clean water and wipe dry.

Method 2.

  • Prepare the same solution as in the first case. Fill a spray bottle with it.
  • Treat the inner surface of the oven and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wipe with a dry cloth.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid

  • Turn on the oven at +100 °C and preheat for 10 minutes.
  • Mix 100 g table vinegar, 1 tbsp. baking soda and a pack of citric acid.
  • Soak a sponge in the solution and treat the entire inner surface of the oven.
  • After 15 min. rinse the surface with clean water.

Important! When using the above method, you should avoid treating areas with heating elements.

How to clean oven door glass

And finally - the oven glass. It also requires regular cleaning, because no less grease gets on its surface than on the walls.

A good and long-proven method is baking soda.

  1. Wet the glass surface with a damp dishwashing sponge.
  2. Sprinkle with baking soda.
  3. Wipe with a sponge.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Rinse with warm water and wipe dry.

With frequent use oven Plaque and fatty deposits form on the walls. The housewife does not always have the opportunity to wipe them after each cooking. Over time, the carbon deposits thicken, forming a hard crust; in addition, it emits a rather unpleasant odor. It becomes impossible to remove it with a sponge. But this problem cannot be left; over time, cooking will be accompanied by acrid smoke. Today, the editors of the site will share, in our opinion, the most effective recipes on how to quickly and without much physical effort clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home.

During cleaning, the housewife must observe certain precautions:

  • use household gloves;
  • first remove all jewelry from your hands;
  • If the composition gets on your skin, rinse it immediately under running water;
  • For small stains it is better to use folk recipes.

How to use household chemicals to quickly and efficiently clean the oven from old burnt fat

If you don’t know how to clean the oven if it’s heavily soiled, you need to use chemical compositions, which are offered in a wide range at retail outlets. But they are recommended to be used only for old deposits.

Suitable for this:

  • "Comet";
  • "Pemolux";
  • Amway;
  • "Sanita";
  • Faberlic.

It is necessary to treat the walls with the product, leave it for a while, then remove the composition and rinse with clean water. If you are still in doubt about how to clean the oven from carbon deposits and grease, use a melamine sponge, which will effectively remove all dirt. It should first be moistened in water.

Related article:

Lemon, vinegar and water, soda, orange peels, effective means household chemicals for cleaning, useful tips and recommendations - read the publication.

How to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits: 10 best folk recipes

If you don’t have household chemicals at hand and you are unsure how to clean the oven from grease and burning immediately after cooking, you can use the available people's councils. The result will be no worse, and the methods will be safer for health.

How to quickly and effectively clean the oven at home using table salt

Table salt perfectly absorbs all fats, so it is often used to remove plaque. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Sprinkle salt on a baking sheet.
  2. Place the baking sheet inside the stove and turn it on to maximum temperature.
  3. When the salt turns brown, turn off the cabinet.
  4. Wipe all walls with a damp cloth.

Salt does not always remove stains the first time. In this case, all steps should be repeated.

How to clean the inside of the oven from grease: our grandmothers’ recipe with laundry soap

In earlier times, there was no such choice of household chemicals, but the ovens of good housewives always sparkled clean. They fought carbon deposits using ordinary laundry soap. The recipe is quite simple: grate a quarter of a piece, pour in a little water and leave the mixture to soften. After this, apply it to the walls of the oven. After 60 minutes, the plaque will soften and can be removed with a damp cloth.

Related article:

Citric acid, vinegar, soda, soda, brine and oxalic acid, apple and potato peelings, using household chemicals; cleaning nuances electric kettle, enameled, made of of stainless steel; prevention of scale formation - in our publication.

How to clean the oven with soda and vinegar: 3 effective ways

You can clean the oven walls from carbon deposits using baking soda or soda ash.

Substance Cleaning method
Baking sodaDilute 100 g of powder with clean water until slightly moistened, distribute the resulting slurry over all surfaces. After an hour, carefully remove the composition with a damp cloth. When processing glass, to avoid scratches, cleaning should be done with very gentle movements without force.
Soda AshDilute 10 tablespoons of powder with plain water to a paste-like state and treat all walls with the composition. Then preheat the oven to 70°C. After an hour, remove the softened carbon deposits with plain water.
9% vinegar solution and baking sodaPerfect for effective removal old carbon deposits. Pre-treat the cabinet walls with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Then pour baking soda onto a napkin and apply it to all walls on top of the vinegar solution. After three hours, remove the deposits with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the oven at home using lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar

To treat the oven, you can use a completely safe, but at the same time effective recipe consisting of baking soda and vinegar. Before you wash the inside electric oven, it must be heated to a temperature of 110°C. The next procedure is as follows:

  1. Mix a container of acid, 20 g of baking soda and 125 g of 9% vinegar in a container.
  2. Treat the oven with the mixture.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, rinse with plain water.

You can also use lemon juice; to do this, squeeze the juice of the whole fruit into a vessel with water, put it in and heat it for half an hour.

Related article:

Causes of odor and prevention, use of chemicals and folk remedies (soda, vinegar, ammonia, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap), cleaning freezer, do-it-yourself and industrial odor absorbers - in our publication.

How to quickly clean stubborn stains in the oven using hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can easily clean the toughest stains and is also suitable for use after every meal preparation. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pour half a glass of baking soda into a container.
  2. With constant stirring, pour in peroxide until a pasty consistency is achieved.
  3. Clean all oven surfaces, including the rack.
  4. After 30 minutes, rinse the cabinet with a damp sponge.

How to clean the oven using ammonia: take precautions

Ammonia is often used in the fight against various stains and plaque. It also works effectively for cleaning the oven. For processing, you can use one of two effective recipes.

Recipe 1

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Soak a sponge in ammonia.
  2. Treat all interior walls.
  3. After 12 hours ( better job carry out overnight) rinse surfaces with detergent composition.

Recipe 2

Place a bowl of water in the oven, heat it to a temperature of 60°C, wait until the water boils and turn off the heat. Pour a little ammonia into a separate bowl and place it on the top rack of the cabinet. The vessel with boiling water should remain on the bottom shelf. Leave the containers until the morning. In the morning, in a separate bowl, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:4 and treat the walls with the mixture.

How to clean the oven: the unexpected effect of baking powder

Another great way is baking powder or baking powder. Before cleaning the electric oven, you should wet the walls, then heat the cabinet to a temperature of 30°C, then treat the surfaces with powder and leave for four hours. During this time, all dirt will soften, after which it can be easily removed with a damp sponge.

How to clean the oven from carbon deposits in 1 hour using a steam generator or steam

A steam generator can be a good help, but if you don’t have one, there is no need to be upset. You can create steam in another way. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour 1000 ml of water into a container, add any detergent used to wash dishes.
  2. Place the dishes in the oven and set the temperature to 140°C.
  3. After three quarters of an hour, turn off.
  4. Wash off the softened plaque using a sponge and detergent. Laundry soap will also work.

How to quickly clean an oven at home using an abrasive sponge

To remove dirt at home, an abrasive sponge will be of great help. This is a rather aggressive method that requires physical effort. The hard material helps to cope with the most difficult deposits, however, its use can be fraught with damage to the surface. To make the work easier, you can pre-apply any product, and after a while, lightly wipe the oven walls with a washcloth.

What products should not be used to clean ovens: 4 useful tips

Manufacturers indicate in the product passport the type of coating and recommendations for the use of certain oven cleaning products. In addition, the following compounds cannot be used:

  • acids, they damage inner covering oven;
  • aggressive chemicals, as they can be harmful to health;
  • After cleaning, you should leave the door open for a while to allow all odors to dissipate.

How to properly clean an oven with a self-cleaning function from grease and carbon deposits at home

Almost all manufacturers offer ovens with a self-cleaning function. This significantly saves both time and physical costs for manual cleaning. There are three types of cleansing modes.

Type of cleaning Function Description
PyrolyticThe oven heats up to a temperature of 500°C, under its influence all burnt plaque turns into ash. This is the most expensive cleaning and requires a large number of electricity.
CatalyticThe inner walls are covered special enamel, in which fat breaks down at temperatures up to 270°C. Its service life is 5 years.
HydrolyticOrdinary water with a detergent composition is poured into a special niche; at a temperature of 90°C, the fats soften.


You need to clean the oven regularly to remove dirt and grease deposits; in this case, it will be easy to deal with the deposits using simple recipes. If necessary, you can use any of the above methods. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the algorithm of actions and maintain proportions. And during cooking, it is better to cover the dishes with a special lid so that splashes do not fall on the walls.

How often do you clean your oven? Maybe you have an effective recipe that you inherited from your grandmother? Share with our readers in the comments.

In the video you can see how to quickly clean the oven using folk ways.


Nowadays, many housewives love to cook delicious dishes in the oven. However, after the next cooking, the layer of fat that appears and adhered dirt can be difficult to wash off. The resulting soot subsequently begins to gradually burn out and smoke. The ideal solution is to clean the inside of the oven after each use. But in reality this most often does not happen. How to get rid of fat that is so stuck that it cannot be removed? How to clean the oven easily and quickly from the deposits that have formed, using cleaning and folk remedies? There are many ways in which you can return it to its purity and original appearance.

How to clean an oven using cleaning products?

Since wash electrical or gas oven from fat deposits and soot using regular sponge for washing dishes and soap is almost impossible, let’s first consider which cleaning product today can do this. On sale you can find a huge range of household chemicals, thanks to which you can clean the oven from the inside.

One of the best is the German oven cleaner from Frosch. Cleaners from such manufacturers as Amvay, Schumanit and Shumovit also wash well.

All these household chemicals do an excellent job of removing any kind of dirt, stubborn grease and carbon deposits. In order to clean the oven, you need to apply a cleaning agent to the dirty surface of the inside of the appliance, then close the door and leave for two to three hours. After time has passed, the cleaner should be removed from the walls of the oven using a sponge or soft cloth previously soaked in a soap solution. Do not forget that when working with a cleaning product, you will need to wear gloves and open the window, because if this is not done, you can not only get a burn on your skin from household chemicals, but also get poisoned by inhaling the pungent odor.

In addition, in the notebook of every housewife there are probably several folk recipes or little feminine tricks, thanks to which the oven can be washed from the inside without special labor. Let's look at some of them

Cleaning with ammonia

One of effective ways cleaning the oven from the inside is to treat its walls with ammonia. Ammonia is cheap, and its effect comes quickly. In addition, the result of such cleaning is in no way inferior to an expensive cleaning agent. However, when working with ammonia, you should follow simple rules:

  • it is necessary to avoid contact with the skin;
  • cleaning should be carried out only with rubber gloves;
  • It is best to treat the inner surface of the oven using a respirator, since ammonia has a sharp, pungent odor.

After applying ammonia to the walls of the oven, you should wait thirty minutes until the ammonia reacts with the contaminated areas.

You can then remove any remaining grease and carbon deposits with a damp dishwashing sponge or soft cloth. You should wipe the oven until the smell from ammonia completely disappears. Otherwise, the dish prepared after cleaning the oven will smell like ammonia.

Vinegar and soda for particularly difficult stains

This method is effective in case of severe contamination of the inner surface of the oven. To wash away stubborn grease and carbon deposits, you need to dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of one to one and treat heavily soiled areas with the resulting solution, and then wait five minutes. Then, without washing off the composition, sprinkle soda on top.

These two components, when they begin to interact, will cause a chemical reaction, thanks to which you can easily get rid of fat and carbon deposits. After the baking soda begins to crumble and form clumps, the oven must be thoroughly cleaned with a warm soapy solution.

Another way to clean the oven using baking soda and vinegar is the following recipe:

  • laundry soap is ground on a grater;
  • a solution obtained by mixing soda and vinegar is poured into it;
  • The dirty surface is thoroughly treated with this solution and left for two hours;
  • then it is removed with a metal brush or sponge, and the oven is further cleaned using a soap composition.

Cleaning the oven with soapy steam

There is another safe way to clean the oven from grease. IN hot water you need to add laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. This solution should be poured onto a baking sheet and placed in the oven. In addition, they also need to process the walls. Then, closing the door tightly, you need to set the temperature to 100-120 degrees. After half an hour, turn off the oven, open it and let it cool slightly. After this, use a damp sponge or rag to wipe the inner surface.

Door glass cleaner

The glass oven door should also be cleaned periodically as it is susceptible to the accumulation of dirt and grease that settles during cooking. Cleaning the glass is quite easy and simple - to do this, pour a little soda on it and wait until it begins to crumble. Then it must be moistened with warm water and left on the surface of the door for another 30-40 minutes. After this, just wipe the glass with a damp cloth or sponge. All stubborn dirt will easily come off and the glass surface will become clean and transparent again.

Efficacy of baking powder

This method can easily remove burnt-on residues of fat and carbon deposits. Place a regular kitchen napkin in a bowl with hot water, and then quickly wipe down heavily soiled areas of the oven. Before the water evaporates, sprinkle baking powder thickly on the surface and leave it for half an hour. After the time has passed, spray a small amount of water from a spray bottle onto the oven walls. The baking powder should begin to clump together with the remaining fat. Then all this needs to be removed using a damp cloth or sponge, previously soaked in lemon juice. You can clean your oven in just 40 minutes this way.

Cleaning the oven with lemon juice and water

Thereby simple recipe you can easily clean the inside of the oven from various types pollution. To do this you will need the following components:

  • boiled water;
  • lemon.

You need to pour water into the oven tray and add lemon juice to it, and cut the rest of the citrus into slices and place it there. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to at least 100° C for half an hour. After the water boils, cleaning will be done with steam.

Important! Water should be added to the pan as it evaporates and be sure to control its level, otherwise the lemon will begin to burn and you will not be able to achieve the full effect.

After the time has passed, you need to turn off the oven and wait for it to cool completely. Then you should go inside with a damp cloth. This method can also easily get rid of carbon deposits, and also make the inside of the oven not only clean, but also give it its original appearance.

There are a huge number of household chemicals available in hardware stores today. However experienced housewives They know that the desired effect from expensive cleaning products is not always achieved. Therefore, using the methods described above, you can not only easily and quickly clean the oven from heavy dirt, but also save a lot of money in the family budget.

Irregular cleaning and difficulty in cleaning household appliances often cause severe contamination, which is very difficult to get rid of later. One such appliance is the oven. After cooking food, a large number of drops of fat accumulate on its walls, onto which dust sticks, and it becomes quite difficult to clean the surface.

Every housewife wonders how to clean the oven from old grease. Therefore there are several effective ways. These include both folk recipes and modern chemicals.

Cleaning the oven manually

This method is suitable for ordinary stoves, the inner surface of which is smooth enamel. It lends itself best to manual cleaning. You can read below about how to clean the oven from old grease without spending a lot of effort.

The first step is to remove all the baking sheets from the oven and soak them in the sink along with detergent.

Then you need to apply detergent to the sponge and wipe all internal surfaces. It is necessary to avoid getting the soap solution into the fan and when this step is finished, you need to warm up the oven, this action will help the fat soften, and it will be much easier to remove.

If there is a lot of dirt, you can repeat this procedure. It is recommended to use rubber gloves when cleaning the oven with detergents; they will protect the skin from irritation and damage.

Removing dirt using store-bought products

Every woman has a universal tool in her arsenal. Many of them do an excellent job of cleaning the oven. You just need to spray the product onto the walls and leave for several hours. Dirt along with any remaining product is removed with a soapy sponge.

Every housewife should know how to clean the inside of the oven from grease, otherwise after a while the oven will become dirty to such an extent that it will be unsafe to cook food in it. Since the products may get old fat, which will melt under the influence of temperature.

It is important to follow safety precautions when working with store-bought products, as they contain harmful chemical elements, you must open the window and use rubber gloves.

How to clean the oven from old burnt fat

To clean internal surfaces, you can use home remedies, the most popular of which are baking soda, vinegar and

  • It is necessary to pour water into the baking tray in which detergent or soap remnants are dissolved. All internal walls are wiped with the same solution. After preparation, the oven must be heated and all melted fat must be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • For baking soda, a different method is used. It is mixed with warm water and applied to the surface, then all dirt is removed using a hard sponge, and the oven is rinsed with clean water.

  • You can also apply vinegar to the walls of an oven that has not yet completely cooled. It will help dissolve fat, which can be easily wiped off with a washcloth.
  • In deciding how to clean the oven from old grease, it will be a good helper. It must be applied to all contaminated areas and left for several hours. After this, all that remains is to wipe the oven with soapy water.
  • Ordinary rock salt will help to cope with soot. It must be applied to a hot surface; as it absorbs fat, it turns brown. All that remains is to wash the surfaces with a sponge dipped in soapy water.
  • Get rid of fat without extra effort baking powder used for baking. It is applied to the moistened walls of the oven, and when it starts to roll into balls, you just need to remove it and rinse the surfaces.

How to eliminate the smell of detergents in the oven

To neutralize unpleasant odors after using chemicals, you can do the following for cleaning:

  • The most in a simple way is ventilation. The oven is left open overnight to allow all chemicals to evaporate.
  • To neutralize odors, it must be dissolved in water and boiled for fifteen minutes in the oven.
  • Surfaces can be additionally washed with clean water by adding acetic acid, or wipe with lemon juice.

Eliminating odors can often be more difficult than cleaning the inside of the oven. Therefore, when preparing for the stove maintenance stage, you need to foresee all possible consequences and be ready to quickly correct them, or better yet, prevent them.

Ovens with catalytic cleaning function

Such ovens provide regular self-cleaning of the surface. The principle of operation is a special porous surface on which an oxidizing agent is applied. It helps fat break down into simple elements and elements, thereby preventing the appearance of carbon deposits on the internal surfaces of the oven.

When deciding how to quickly clean the oven from grease, you should pay attention to ovens with built-in oxidation panels. However, one drawback should be taken into account here: the amount of applied oxidizer is only enough for three hundred hours of operation, then the panel must be replaced.

Ovens with self-cleaning function

These are the most modern models, allowing you not to worry about cleaning the oven. If you need to solve the problem of how to clean the oven from old grease, you just need to run the cleaning program.

Its action consists of high-temperature exposure (500 degrees), which ensures the transformation of fat into ash, thereby greatly simplifying oven care. You just need to remove the resulting ash with a damp cloth, and the surfaces will shine like new again.

When figuring out what you can use to clean the oven, it is important to take into account the type of surface and the degree of contamination. Right choice will make cleaning easier and will not cause any damage.

The oven is our glorious assistant, which will bake meat, brown potatoes, and treat you to a fragrant pie. But, unfortunately, it will also add more work from the heart. After all, over time, carbon deposits appear inside it, which you don’t really want to clean, wasting precious time and energy. But how to clean the oven from grease without wasting too much effort? It’s very simple: water, vinegar, soap, soda, ammonia and a little ingenuity will help you. But first things first.


One of the most safe ways To clean the oven from grease is to treat it with soap steam:

  • take a wide heat-resistant container and pour water into it;
  • add some mild liquid dishwashing detergent or crushed soap;
  • place the container in the oven and close it tightly;
  • heat to 100-150 degrees and boil soapy water inside for about an hour;
  • turn off the stove and let it cool;
  • now open the door and begin to thoroughly clean all internal surfaces with a soapy sponge;
  • wipe dry.

Important: do not open the oven until the procedure is completed, otherwise you may receive serious burns to your face and hands.

Using baking soda

If the previous method did not help, try the following:

  • take any spray bottle and pour 2 cups of hot water into it;
  • add half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of liquid soap;
  • shake the solution and apply it to all internal parts of the oven;
  • wait half an hour and wash the oven with water.

You can also use baking soda at home for another method: lightly moisten it with water to form a thick paste and apply it to the dirty areas. Wait a few hours (or better yet until the morning) and wash the inside with a soft sponge. For greater effectiveness, you can add it to soda table salt at a ratio of 4 to 1, then you will quickly get rid of any soot.

Using baking powder for dough

If you sprinkle a little baking powder on the damp surface of the oven and moisten it with water, then in just half an hour the fat will roll into small lumps. They can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.

Mix vinegar with laundry soap and baking soda

After you have pleased your family delicious dish, the oven can be cleaned using a mixture of vinegar, baking soda and soap. To do this, grate more laundry soap and pour it with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda (you will get a kind of effervescence). Add water until a homogeneous thick mass emerges. Rub it on everything you can reach and leave for 3 hours. Then simply get rid of the soaked carbon deposits with a damp sponge.

In addition, effective oven cleaning is possible with just vinegar. Apply it to the burnt fat and leave for 25-30 minutes. Wash off all dirt with a wet sponge.

We take out ammonia from the first aid kit

The oven can be easily cleaned with ammonia. To do this, generously moisten a clean cloth with ammonia and go over all its internal parts. Close the door and leave overnight. Early in the morning, start scrubbing the walls with a soapy sponge to remove grease and residue. Then rinse with a wet cloth and wipe dry.

Household chemicals for cleaning ovens

The Israeli foam “Shumanit”, its Russian twin brother “Shumovit”, as well as the serious German “Frosch” and the product from the “Amvay” line are especially popular among housewives. According to reviews, they all do an excellent job, getting rid of even that fat that previous methods could not overcome.

Just before purchasing and using any oven cleaner from the store, remember that manufacturers use strong chemical substances. Therefore, cleaning should only be carried out in seals. Also, open the windows and keep children and pets out of the kitchen during this time. Rinse the oven itself thoroughly with water, leaving no trace of chemicals on it. Otherwise, it will end up in your dishes later.

How to clean a baking tray

If your baking sheet is very dirty, pour a half-centimeter layer of salt on it and heat it in the oven. When the salt is cooked through Brown, just let it cool and rinse with plenty of water.

From now on you are armed powerful means, which will help keep your assistant clean. You will no longer have to blush when opening the oven door, because now it will always shine in the sun!