Something about a Scandinavian-style country house

Despite the rich history, the Scandinavian style looks quite modern. Although the direction has a number of characteristics and is subject to certain theses, it conveys the spirit and flavor of Scandinavia rather than its specific features. The most important distinctive features of the characters of the northern peoples were reflected in the style: restraint, frugality, leisurelyness, slight aloofness and boundless love for nature and everything natural. Behind the word “Scandinavia” hides a historical region in which a group of developed countries is located: Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden.

These states, despite their geographical proximity to the rest of Western Europe, rallied around a symbolic center and always kept themselves apart. Perhaps this is why the characters of the northern inhabitants retained partly primitive, Nordic features. For example, the well-known saying “my home is my castle” is more relevant for Scandinavians than ever. They always strived to create a cozy, neat home in which they would want to spend most of their lives.

The Norwegians and Danes even have the concept of “hygge,” which literally translates as “something safe, good and cozy that evokes a feeling of psychological comfort.” In recent decades, it has turned into a full-scale life concept, which has begun to be actively introduced to the masses. Hygge partly affects the interior issue, because home is a part of human life.

Origin of the style

No one can name the exact date of the emergence of the Scandinavian style. This process was long and took almost several centuries to “gain momentum”. Initially, Scandinavian designers decided to create a unique direction that would have exclusively native features and would meet the requirements of their compatriots. The beginning was made at the end of the 19th century. The main principle was recognized as the statement: “more beauty in everyday things.” That is, despite the natural human craving for beauty, northern people never lost his traditional attachment to practicality.

Although some experts in the history of design suggest that the birth of the Scandinavian style began even earlier (almost 200 years earlier), when King Gustav III ascended the throne in Sweden. He devoted a lot of time to fashion and everything connected with it. Perhaps it was for this reason that the king overlooked the conspiracy of the aristocrats, which led to his death, but that is another story. Gustav, by his example, began to show the Swedes that no matter how beautifully the British, Italians and French decorated their houses, their style can not only be copied, but also added something of your own. By that time, Baroque and Rococo were giving way to an elegant Empire style, which in Sweden took a completely different path, where it acquired numerous elements characteristic only of northerners.

Over the course of three centuries, the direction was finally formed and strengthened. Unfortunately, until recently, little attention was paid to it, until modern Europe (the trendsetter), tired of pretentiousness, pomp and luxury, turned its attention to simple styles. This happened in the 30s at the International Exhibition held in Stockholm. The designers demonstrated their works, reflecting the way of life of the average resident of Sweden or Finland. What was shown was a success, which was consolidated 20 years later in Canada and the USA after repeated exhibitions. Since then, the direction has had its own official name, which increasingly appears in textbooks and magazines on interior design.

Luxury was gradually losing ground, and new directions burst into houses and apartments, like a breath of fresh air. Some of them were as restrained as possible (minimalism, technological modernism), while others allowed themselves the presence of rough details (Provence, rustic, industrial, fusion). And at this very moment, the quiet and inconspicuous Scandinavian way of life (that same mysterious concept) interested Europeans, tired of the chronic pursuit of time itself. With the advent of hygge in homes, to which entire treatises began to be dedicated, where the Scandinavians are analyzed, perhaps not under a microscope, the interior style characteristic of them also became popular. He is calm, but not devoid of emotion (albeit meager).

Features of the Scandinavian style

The main characteristic features by which the Scandinavian style can be distinguished from its closest “relatives” include the following features.

  • A calm, natural color scheme in which white predominates (the color of the snowy canvas - the native landscape for northerners).
  • Minimum amount of decor. The space must breathe.
  • Only natural materials: no synthetics or plastic.
  • The most simple finishing possible.
  • Open plan. Northern style does not really like doorways, so it often resorts to combined rooms.

When decorating a house, you will be able to save money by not buying “multi-layer” finishes, but natural wood or stone will require additional costs.

Exterior and construction features

Projects Scandinavian houses are reliable. The architect will be sure to carefully check all the details and remove excesses that do not carry any functional load. Northerners prefer to live in private country houses, which are completely different from our traditional dachas. When building, Scandinavians always pay attention to the surrounding nature: under no circumstances should it be destroyed. All that remains of the dacha flavor here is the location, but overall the dwelling looks more like a comfortable forester’s hut.

The location is chosen to be as calm as possible with charming rural landscapes that can be admired through panoramic windows. This is another feature of such houses: they should allow maximum light to pass through and allow one to spiritually calm down while looking at the surrounding beauties. The trait did not develop out of nowhere, because in the north the summer is so short and there is so little sun that you want to swim in it whenever possible. In one-story dwellings, panoramic windows can develop into glass walls.

Previously, houses were built using the same technology as our log houses, but later they began to either sheathe the walls with boards on the outside (lining) or use treated timber as a material. Scandinavian buildings usually have a “sharp” gable roof. This “technique” allows the snow to clear itself, rather than accumulate in the form of deposits. Flora can also run rampant here: roofs are often overgrown with moss, creating a camouflage for the surrounding nature. Having a second floor is not necessary, but for large families it becomes a necessity. Attic space can successfully replace it; northerners love to arrange offices, nurseries and bedrooms under the roof.

Let's talk about windows. This amount of sunlight is explained by another feature of the Scandinavians: they actively use alternative energy sources, among which solar is in first place. After all, the Swedes, Danes and Finns try not to harm environment. Don't be surprised when you see him on the roof solar panels, and near the house there is a windmill.

Who chooses Scandinavian interior

This style is usually preferred by young, energetic people. They want to decorate their home with maximum comfort, which at the same time is not alien to extravagance. “Politude and comfort” are taken as a rule by those who are too tired of excess in everything: in colors, details, in forms. They want to come home and feel that only here they can relax and leave all worries behind. front door. The transition to your fortress is akin to achieving nirvana in yoga, when a person completely lets go of all everyday trifles and troubles in order to relax. Complete rest, helps to rush into the whirlpool of everyday life with redoubled zeal. That is why the Scandinavian style becomes a wonderful contrast for those who know how to relax in order to accumulate strength for even more intense work.


The main canvas in the Scandinavian style was white. It not only evokes nostalgia among server nations for endless snow-covered expanses, but also expands the space and reflects light, which is so scarce in cold climates. To avoid the feeling of emptiness “ringing in the ears,” use variations of white with a bit of warmth: creamy, pearl, Ivory. It is complemented with calm, cool shades. Imagine the winter palette, what will it be like? Blue and white with transitions to blue, gray and even turquoise. These tones, paired with white, will form the basis of the color picture. No one forbids adding grains of “warmth” to them in the form of shades of pink, purple, green or yellow, but there should be few of them. In general, to decide on a color scheme, it’s enough to go out into nature and take a closer look at its palette.

Scandinavians are not as boring people as they might seem at first glance. They are also no strangers to brightness. In the middle of the last century, designers of a Finnish company came up with the “poppies” print, which glorified the owners and became the hallmark of the organization. He portrays bright flowers, which are rather primitively drawn on a white or equally flashy background. Scandinavians actively use this print in the interior of their homes.

Materials and methods of finishing premises

Scandinavian style in the interior country house dictates strict rules regarding materials for finishing works. Everything is very simple: they can only be natural. Finns, Swedes and Norwegians prefer wood (oak, elm, birch). It is used to line walls, decorate ceilings and cover floors. Scandinavians do not like wallpaper, preferring rough strokes of paint. Wood is used not only for the construction and decoration of houses, but also in the creation of furniture. Almost all of it is made of this material, with minor exceptions when metal or natural stone is used. Forget about synthetic drapery or plastic tiles, they will cheapen the furnishings and destroy the picture of the Scandinavian interior.


The walls are usually plastered and simply painted in light colors. The priority is again on the side of white and its shades. When choosing paint, pay attention to its combination with the lighting in the rooms. It may look completely different in a store than in a home. Rough strokes are also welcome: slight carelessness during application will only emphasize the relief of the wall. Wallpaper is rarely used. They are usually partially pasted over only one wall, on which it is necessary to place emphasis. The shades chosen are neutral, and the pattern is usually of a “botanical” nature (floral or foliage ornament, discreet check). Additionally, parts of the wall can be decorated with wood, stone or brick. The latter looks like a “hello” from the industrial style, but fits well into the Scandinavian framework.


The floor is covered with laminate, although sometimes parquet boards are used, which are painted in one layer so that the natural grain of the wood is visible. In colors, preference is given to light shades of brown. Remember, northerners prefer colors close to natural pine and disdain red tones. Brown favorably sets off the whiteness of the walls and makes the atmosphere of the room warmer. A fluffy, soft carpet or animal “skin”, which is carelessly thrown in front of the threshold or under the sofa by the fireplace, would be useful. The floors in the kitchen and bathroom are covered ceramic tiles neutral tones (checkerboard pattern possible): black, white, grey, blue or purple.


Ceilings must be light. No stucco molding, painting or other bright elements are placed on them. From time immemorial, Scandinavians simply plastered and painted or whitewashed ceilings. This practice has continued to this day. The only acceptable concession is popular stretch ceiling, but they must be white and matte. A glossy shine on top of a room will be superfluous and will attract unnecessary attention.

Selection of furniture and textiles

The most striking example of Scandinavian furniture can be considered budget products from Ikea. They are original in their simplicity and non-standard solutions. Furniture is chosen from natural wood. Materials based on compressed and glued waste are not suitable for such an interior. Forget about conspicuous decorative elements, which often decorate the legs, handles or front walls of cabinets, beds and tables. Welcome to use:

  • Marble (countertops).
  • Glass (coffee tables, decor of furniture doors).
  • Metal (chairs, decor of shelving or cabinets).

Non-trivial forms are perhaps the only thing that can be used with imagination. Scandinavian style welcomes originality and whimsical lines that will enliven the interior.

To clearly understand what kind of furniture we are talking about, just look at the catalogs of the 50s and 60s. They present design work masters such as Saarinen, Jacobsen, Eames or Aalto.

What to focus on

Accents are placed mainly in colors. As mentioned above, attention can be focused on a wall covered with wallpaper with an ornament or on a collage of “different-sized” paintings and photographs. By the way, even bright colors can burst into the room through such decor.

Photos look original black and white with bright elements (red dress, burgundy lipstick, blue eyes). Floral prints can also occupy part of the wall or be applied to furniture. On a neutral sofa gray place a couple of lilac pillows, and curtains made of natural fabrics can play with shades of green. Don’t forget about animal skins (or rather their imitation), which are used to cover chairs, sofas or armchairs.

And of course, a northern interior is not complete without indoor plants. There is no need to turn the premises into a branch of a botanical garden; a few pots per room are enough. Forget about flower rows on the windowsills, panoramic windows simply won’t allow this. Flowers are placed on tables or special stands. Preference is given to decorative thujas, ferns, dracaenas, cacti, and in the bathroom you can place real bamboo, which will like its microclimate. And of course, in any home the main accent is the fireplace. The warm heart of the house, its symbolic center, to which the whole family will gravitate in harsh winters. A decorative woodpile is installed next to it, which will add coziness.

Lighting Features

In conditions of light shortages, they do not skimp on lighting fixtures, as well as on reflective surfaces. Globular chandeliers on long holders are placed on the ceilings. To help them, additional sources of point light are installed, which can also be used to highlight individual areas of the room. Sconces are fixed to the walls, and lamps with thin legs are placed on the floor and tabletops. The Scandinavian style is characterized by lighting a certain area of ​​the room with devices of the same color and shape, but of different sizes. When developing a project for a future country house, always focus on the rule of three types of light sources:

  • Upper.
  • Directed.
  • Decorative.

Room decoration

There is one thing in the harmonious concept of hygge Golden Rule: Each room must perform its specific functions. Its purpose is necessarily emphasized, but at the same time the room is not allowed to stand out from the general atmosphere of the house. That is, the style runs through all the rooms like a thin thread, on which the furnishings are “strung”. It is unique everywhere, but the interior painting retains harmony and comfort. The design of the interior decoration of a country house is worked out in advance, simultaneously consulting with specialists or looking at fashion magazines. You can furnish your home with your own hands, but you must take into account all the subtleties so as not to miss and create an overly sterile, hospital atmosphere.

Perhaps the most important rule to follow is the reflection of the inner world of the owners in the decoration of the rooms. The direction is primarily focused on comfort. You should be comfortable and cozy in own home, so bring the “state of mind” into your home.

Living room

The living room contains the minimum necessary furniture. A couple of armchairs and a wide, spacious sofa are enough, which also transforms into sleeping area for late guests. A low coffee table with a glass surface and metal legs is placed in a separate corner, next to the bookcase.

Take care of directional lighting for those reading: this could be a sconce on the wall or a lamp on the floor. Wide windows are usually not curtained with tulle, because during the day it is necessary to let in as much light as possible, but at night they are closed thick curtains neutral color (permissible with an unobtrusive pattern). The floor near the sofa is covered with a soft carpet. A group of stylish paintings are hung on the walls. Don't forget about pillows, soft blankets and shawls that are carelessly thrown onto the sofa and armchairs. One wall can be completely covered with tall shelving in gray or Brown with a niche for a TV and a few decorative elements (also in neutral shades). A tall fern in an elegant and simple pot will add life to the space. If a country house is equipped with a fireplace, then the living room is an ideal place to place it.


The kitchen is usually combined with the dining room. Zoning the space is easy to do with the help of a decorative platform on which they place dinner table and chairs. Its main decoration will be a panoramic window, which will allow you to dine while having beautiful view before your eyes. A ready-made set of wood in light shades is installed in the kitchen itself. Liberties are allowed in the form of metal handles or glass doors. Tiles of one or maximum two colors are laid on the floor. You can recoup the look on the apron by making it out of a bright material in deep purple or green. Remember that warm tones promote appetite, so this is where you can abandon the perfect white in favor of its softer shades. Small pots of herbs are placed directly on work area table, and on the dining surface a vase with fresh flowers for comfort.


In the bedroom there is a wide bed, which is covered with a gray or black bedspread. Fresh flowers or a houseplant and a lamp must be placed on the bedside table. It is permissible to choose its lampshade bright shade. In the corner you can hang a “floating” wicker chair with a blanket and a pillow, and next to it is a miniature rack or a couple of shelves with your favorite books.

Liven up the decor with a pair of soft knitted poufs or a decorative element on the wall against which the head of the bed rests. Imitation deer antlers, painted white, will look original in this room. The floor is covered with a soft, pleasant to the touch carpet with a pattern that echoes other textiles in the room.


In the children's room they still adhere to the “snow-white” atmosphere, but more bright colors are added to this room. For full development, a child simply needs to live and grow in a “colorful” atmosphere. Pink or yellow textiles are acceptable in furniture and on windows.

One wall is usually decorated with paintings, in the creation of which even the child himself can participate. The design process will be fun and exciting. An original element would be the placement of the “tree of knowledge” in the corner. A decorative rack is created from natural wood, the branches of which rest on the trunk. Books and toys are placed on them, and next to it you can install a small armchair with a table or a full-fledged work area. It will become more interesting for your child to learn, because for each new work he will have to climb a real hundred-year-old oak tree! This design move originally fits into the concept of the Scandinavian style: natural material that emphasizes closeness to nature. The functional minimum for a child's room: a sitting area, a bed, a wardrobe and a couple of ottomans.


In the bathroom, closed shelves are installed to store household small items, because only a stack of white towels can be displayed. The room is covered with tiles or wooden panels, which are treated with special substances that protect the material from high humidity. Ceramics are chosen either plain or with geometric patterns. Don’t skimp on mirrors; there are never too many of them in this room. A shower curtain with a floral print will become a bright accent. A sink made of solid stone will look original, highlighting the uniqueness of the decor.

Hallway and corridor

In the hallway they use the “furniture” minimum. Give up bulky wardrobes in favor of a simple hanger and a special “tube” for umbrellas. A narrow, tall chest of drawers will be placed under a wide mirror. You can liven things up with a decorative niche in the wall with a couple of neutral knick-knacks and a few paintings or photographs on the wall. The floor is covered with a dark-colored rug. IN country house The staircase to the second floor is usually located in the hallway. You can leave it in its original form, or organize a separate storage area underneath it.

Neat closed shelves will be a real salvation for large families who find it difficult to cope with clutter. Do not forget about placing additional lamps along the entire wall of the corridor or hallway. These are the very rooms that are deprived of the already rare sunlight. The deficit must be compensated at several levels at once.


The Scandinavian style entered the world design arena as an ethnic style, but over time it turned into a classic that has passed more than one test. Fashion trends could not shake the “pillars” of the direction, only a couple of elements leaked into the northern interiors. Your country house should breathe thrift, simplicity, lightness and comfort. At the same time, it should exude a slight “winter” cold, which is close to both Scandinavians and Russians. Rough natural elements fit organically into the direction: real stumps instead of chairs, branches-holders for things on the walls or a decorative “path” of wood cuts on the floor. Your home is your cozy fortress, where it’s nice to sometimes lock yourself away from the outside world. It is this idea that is conveyed by the stern, serious and practical Scandinavian style.

For lovers of practical and functional housing, made in one of the modern styles, comfortable and cozy, designed in a Nordic style, designers offer to decorate your home using the Scandinavian style in the interior of a country house. It combines functionality and simplicity at the same time, harmoniously combined in both simple details, and in complex elements.

Features of the Scandinavian style

The main features of the Scandinavian style are present both in the process of making the house and in interior decoration, the presence of various accessories and mandatory attributes that characterize the focus.

Exterior and construction features

The exterior of a Scandinavian-style house is distinguished by the following characteristic features:

  • The roof is most often used of the gable type, and has a non-standard configuration, in which there is a sharp top and several levels;
  • Such houses are characterized by the presence of a terrace or veranda, while balconies are usually not built in them;
  • The house is not finished, since the timber used for construction already forms an interesting and textured geometric pattern;
  • Even in rooms with a small square footage, sufficient big windows, and in large rooms window openings maybe several. This provides a high percentage natural light in such buildings, due to which the interiors are usually light and airy;
  • Low ceilings provide energy savings both in summer and in winter period, saving on both heating and air conditioning;
  • Scandinavian-style houses are often equipped with two exits - front and back;

The photo shows one of the options for the exterior of the house in the specified style.

Such houses are most often built from timber, which retains heat well, is environmentally friendly and gives comfort to all its inhabitants. The timber is used glued or profiled, and gable roof promotes the natural removal and drainage of melted snow. Distributed in Scandinavia and frame method construction of houses.


The interior of a Scandinavian-style country house does not have strict frames or restrictions; it can be made either in compliance with strict traditions or using bright design details, minimalist or creative.

This style harmoniously combines the main advantages of several trends, creating the image of a calm and peaceful home in which kind people live peacefully. The main colors that are used in decorating the interior style of such a house include:

  • White, cream, beige and light yellow;
  • Pink;
  • Terracotta and wood shades.

At the same time, window and door openings are made of wood, and the rooms inside are often lined with clapboard. Various ceilings and beams, which are included in the base of the frame and perform a load-bearing function, also serve as additional decorations.

Wooden floors are varnished, or special decking oil is used to interior works, which perfectly emphasizes the structure of the tree. Often in modern homes, laminate flooring is placed on the floor, which also creates the appearance of a wooden floor, but at the same time looks like natural wood.

Attention! The decoration of wooden walls in the Scandinavian style contains mainly light colors that pacify and calm a person.

If the house has two floors, then it is usually equipped wooden stairs, which saves space and does not attract attention. It fits laconically into the interior, harmoniously complementing it. The photo shows a version of the staircase to the second floor in a house decorated in Scandinavian style.

In an attic room, most often the roof is the ceiling, and therefore has a triangular shape. The functionality and design of a given room depends on its size and the slope of the roof.

If this room serves as a bedroom, then it must have pastel colors, and the bed is covered with a blanket in the “patchwork” or “patchwork” style. A homely, cozy atmosphere permeates the space of any room in a house in this style.

Because general style implies restraint and optimal minimalism, then the living room will also meet such criteria. It is performed in light colors, without pretentious decorative elements, all kinds of lighting, located in a chaotic order - sconces, floor lamps, chandeliers, lamps.

Furniture and accessories

Scandinavian style is distinguished by the use of wicker furniture and wood, which includes elements such as:

  • Wooden sets;
  • Armchairs and stools;
  • Table;
  • Boxes with inserts using weaving technique.

For various textile decorations, natural materials are used, most often with ornaments or simple designs with predominant geometric shapes. Flax is usually used. As a color scheme, preference is given to light gray and blue tones.

Ornaments of the peoples of the north may be present in the decoration of tablecloths, napkins, carpets or bedspreads. As carpeting do not use traditional products, decorating the floors with hand-woven or knitted carpets.

A mandatory element of any Scandinavian-style home interior is a fireplace. It can be either simply a decorative element or perform its main functions.

The fireplace trim is made from natural stone, and an iron grate is installed around it to protect the floor from fire.

In most cases, in houses of this type, the kitchen is combined with the living room, and in its color scheme use traditional shades for the style. Cream and light blue will perfectly complement natural wood walls in the kitchen interior.

A Scandinavian-style house is the personification of coziness, simplicity and comfort. Typically such buildings are constructed from natural materials(stone, wood).

As the name suggests, the architectural movement originated in the Scandinavian countries - Denmark, Sweden and Norway. This part of Europe has a harsh climate, so the experience of Scandinavian builders is also applicable in Russia.

Features of facade design

The facade is the face of the house and special attention is paid to its design. Scandinavian style involves wooden cladding of external walls. The surface of the wood is covered with protective compounds that preserve the natural structure of the material; sometimes tinting is used.

The walls are also painted in soft colors - beige, brown, terracotta, gray, dark green. Individual elements of the facade (platbands, wind boards) are made in colors that contrast with the main background.


Considering that in the Scandinavian countries a lot of snow falls in winter, the roofs of houses are often made gable, with a steep slope. This way the snow melts away faster without creating unnecessary stress on the roof.

Their shape can be either classic or asymmetrical. Distributed mansard roofs with windows allowing efficient use of the attic space.

The roofing material is metal tiles or modern polymer materials. Different colors are allowed, depending on the design of the house. There is another one in Norway original way design of roofs - grass is planted on them.


The windows of Scandinavian-style houses are of considerable size and height, and panoramic glazing is also practiced. Thanks to this, daylight easily penetrates into the rooms, making the rooms bright and cozy.

Window frames are made of wood, which emphasizes the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the style. For panoramic glazing, energy-saving double-glazed windows made of plastic that imitates wood can be used.


The Scandinavian style is characterized by the presence of a large porch. In addition to it, there may be a terrace located in front of the house or in the backyard.

More often, the site is surrounded by a wooden fence, painted to match the facade of the house, but there are structures without it. The terrace can be located under the roof or open.

Features of interior decoration

The Scandinavian style of the house is reflected not only in the exterior, but also in the interior design. Simplicity and conciseness also prevail here. The walls are plastered and painted white or other calm colors.

Often the internal wall cladding is made of wood (, lining). The surface of the wood is coated with a translucent varnish that protects the material and preserves its natural appearance.

As for furniture and decorative elements, preference is also given to light colors. This eliminates the problem that is typical for northern countries– lack of light in the premises.

Special types of houses

Wooden houses and cottages in the Scandinavian style are more common, but one cannot fail to mention buildings that combine various materials and elements of other architectural trends. Let's look at the two most popular of them - half-timbered and Gothic.


The term "fachwerk" means frame. Accordingly, a distinctive feature of this style is the presence on the facade of the house of sections of vertical, horizontal and inclined wooden beams.

The space between the frame is filled with masonry and insulation, and the resulting surface is plastered. The beams are painted in colors that contrast with the walls.

The abundance of beams allows you to create interesting patterns and make the facade unique. But this design also has a drawback - wooden elements require regular inspection and periodic repairs.

Gothic style

The walls of a Gothic-style house are usually built of stone. The facade of the building resembles a small castle. The roof has a complex shape, with small turrets. The windows are narrow and high, stained glass is used.

Sometimes the facade is decorated with carved wooden or stone elements. A massive porch adjoins the house and is decorated with columns.

Design Features

Many Russian architectural bureaus offer custom-made designs of Scandinavian-style houses. Let's consider several popular options for buildings, both expensive and budget.


The facade of the luxury Scandinavian-style house is made of natural wood, the beams are located horizontally. The building stands on monolithic foundation, there is a spacious terrace.

Series panoramic windows fills rooms with light. The project is ideal for a country house located in the forest.

Summer house

Compact cottage, built in Scandinavian style – great option for the dacha. The cladding is made of horizontal lining, the wood is painted in dark colors.

Panoramic windows open onto a spacious terrace. This summer house is suitable for a family holiday.


Modular houses are assembled from ready-made container blocks. Their advantages are the speed of construction and the ability to build without a foundation.

The photo shows an example of a modular house in the Scandinavian style with panoramic glazing, light wood paneling and veranda. The building looks simple but elegant. Such houses are suitable for outdoor recreation and private living within the city.


The Scandinavian cottage differs from the classic version of the cottage in the abundance of windows and soft tones of the façade design. The house in question is made of profiled timber, painted in gray tones, with white contrasting frames. In front of it there is a veranda with a wooden fence. This cottage is an ideal solution for the suburbs and the private sector.


The architectural style of the chalet originated in the Alps, but it has common features with the Scandinavian style. In both cases, the houses are built primarily from wood, have a veranda and a sloping roof. The photo shows an example of a combination of these styles, in which Scandinavian panoramic glazing is added to the classic version of the chalet.


- a new architectural direction, which is characterized by the absence of decorative elements and maximum simplicity of lines. Such houses are often built according to frame technologies. The Scandinavian style of this house, designed according to the principles of minimalism, is emphasized by wide windows, a sloping roof and wood paneling facade.


What happens if you build a Scandinavian-style ranch? Such a house will be low, but elongated. It may consist of several modules for various purposes, ideal for cottage and country living.


Any mansion is characterized by luxury and solidity. Such houses necessarily have several floors and a complex roof shape, and the facade is decorated with columns and balconies. Windows of panoramic type or unusual shape are welcome. The house looks organically both in the lap of nature and within the city.

As you can see, the Scandinavian style is applicable to solid buildings and small summer houses. Its laconicism and restraint are successfully combined with other architectural trends, which gives room for imagination.

Useful video: Scandinavian style in the interior of a country house

The design of the country house consisted of developing the concept of a staircase hall and a main bedroom. The main task of the architect of the A8 studio was to solve the problem of an elongated living room, which was successfully implemented. On the second floor, in place of a bright room with a balcony overlooking the guest area, thanks to the efforts of the designer, an unusual bedroom has been created. An innovative idea, which was later brought to life, was to install not a blank partition, but a skylight in place of the railing. This made it possible to give the bedroom additional lighting at the expense of the living room. In addition, the window with beautiful curtains has become an effective decorative element in the hall space. In terms of the style of the premises, there was a desire to create a modern Scandinavian interior with calm, fresh tones in color, diluted with bright accents.

Interior design of the staircase hall of a country house

When implementing the project, the designer adopted fairly simple and practical solutions, which made it possible to organize an attractive and comfortable space for relaxing and eating. With the help of a zonal division tool, the elongated staircase hall was transformed into a multifunctional cozy area.

Based on the Customer’s wishes to preserve the color of the wood as much as possible, glaze paint of two shades was chosen to cover the walls. A lighter, beige color was chosen to paint the main space of the house, and the end wall where the stairs are located was tinted with darker chocolate paint. Thus, the previous texture was preserved, and the original yellowness inherent in laminated timber was hidden. As flooring Quick Step laminate in walnut color was used.

Design of a fireplace room and dining room in a country house

In accordance with the Customer's wishes, a small Finnish fireplace stove was installed. Next to it there is a TV area with soft corner sofa and poufs. Behind a short, low shelf there are two armchairs with a table.

In the dining area itself there is a table for 8 people and two sideboards along the wall with a window. Considering the chosen concept of a Scandinavian interior with bright and at the same time pastel colors, lemon yellow and turquoise colors. They are present in decorative elements, chair upholstery and curtains. If desired, you can subsequently use other shades of textiles against the beige background of the walls, easily changing the basic feeling of the interior.

To implement rational and convenient lighting of a large two-color space, Moda Light pendant lamps on cables were chosen. Thanks to their placement on thin profiles, they created the feeling that they were hanging in the air. Linear light is located along long walls and the entire soft composition in the living room. In the sofa area there is additional evening light - a large floor lamp that illuminates the glass table. The dining area is enhanced by the light of the central chandelier and built-in lamps around the perimeter.

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Interior design of a bedroom 15 sq. m in Scandinavian style

The interior of the bedroom completely follows the style of the living room. To accentuate the end bedside wall, a chocolate shade was chosen, the remaining walls were painted light beige. The curtains are also made in the style of the main room, soft turquoise and beige colour. The range of bed linen contains a gray tone, which combines very well with a turquoise shade.

In terms of furnishings we have chosen simple solutions, chests of drawers and a bed from IKEA, banquettes and armchairs from Curations Limited were installed. The wardrobe is custom-made, but in the style of IKEA chests of drawers and bedside tables.

An effective addition to the interior is original lamp, placed above the central area of ​​the room. The necessary elements, including wiring with a special base and lampshades, were purchased at the Leroy Merlin store. The wires are hung in a chaotic manner from the central outlet point, which creates an interesting designer lamp made with one’s own hands.

The Danish word “hygge” came into use among designers relatively recently, but within a few years it has become one of the most commonly used. It does not have a literal Russian translation, but an approximate analogue sounds like “comfort that brings happiness.” This effect helps to achieve a Scandinavian style in the interior of the house, which is dominated by stylish minimalism combined with warm light, natural wood and fabrics. This article will tell you how to create it in your home.

The relevance of the Scandinavian style in the interior: photos of design options

In the second decade of the 21st century, American traditions in interior design were replaced by the Scandinavian style. This is what trend analysts say. Designers are increasingly using the practical experience of Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland, creating cozy minimalism in the home. Norwegians, Danes and Finns are not just adherents of their own special style, but also of maximum comfort, which contributes to the formation of a lasting feeling of happiness as soon as they cross the threshold of the house. They gave this phenomenon one clear definition - hygge.

The main goal of other design styles is coziness, comfort, convenience or luxury, but only Scandinavian style is aimed at making the residents of the house happy. Actually, for the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula, happiness lies not in individual things, but in the general feeling of home and a sense of security. Therefore, the status of furnishings is not important here; rather, on the contrary, modesty in the surroundings comes to the fore, so hygge is an opportunity to find happiness in ordinary things.

Comfort in Scandinavian interior design lies in a number of seemingly unimportant little things, such as soft pillows, fluffy carpet, warm light, natural wood, soft blankets and crackling wood in the fireplace. The style contains elements of country, minimalism and loft. Furniture is functional and comfortable budget models, devoid of decor but not beauty. The kitchen and living room are the rooms where the interior of a Scandinavian-style home is most evident, because it is in these rooms that the whole family most often gathers together. The interior maximally reflects the character of the owners, their ideas about comfort, coziness and beauty.

Helpful advice! A typical Scandinavian apartment design is a free space with maximum light, reliable furniture of simple shapes, soft textiles in light colors and restrained decoration.

Laws of the genre Scandinavian style in the interior of the apartmentor at home

The predominance of light colors in the interior is one of the most characteristic features of the Scandinavian style. After all, white, as the king of flowers, creates the illusion of sunlight, which is so lacking in the northern countries. Warm and dark shades, on the contrary, absorb light. In order to maximize lighting in the design of a Scandinavian-style apartment, a large number of different lamps are welcome.

Wood in the design of rooms is also selected in light colors. Therefore, the most suitable options are bleached oak, birch, pine or ash wood. The main thing in northern-style furniture is laconicism; the presence of vintage elements is allowed. For example, a Scandinavian-style sofa may have curved legs, characteristic of the times of the Danish King Gustav.

Textile elements bring special softness and comfort to the interior. At the same time, plain fabrics predominate in combination with checkered and colorful patterns. In terms of texture, simple cotton, linen, satin materials or damask and muslin are used. Silk, velor, brocade and even tapestries are inappropriate here.

In the design of the premises, it is also welcomed open plan. That is why they often connect the living room or dining room with the kitchen, which is typical for a studio apartment. Scandinavian style design also allows for combining a bedroom with an office or library and complete absence partitions. This trick helps maximize space and illuminate different areas with natural light.

Modesty is the hallmark of Scandinavian design. There is no luxury here, and the main feature is practicality. Even decorative items must perform a specific function. The presence of one or two bright accents is welcome; this could be furniture, a houseplant or a painting.

Scandinavian style in the interior: history of appearance and development

Scandinavian style is considered one of the most popular styles of our time. Moreover, it is used not only by residents of northern European countries - in Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark or Sweden. Scandi adherents are residents of countries all over the world: from Australia to Great Britain. He gained particular popularity in Russia. Primarily due to its brevity, lack of pomp and wealth.

In the Scandinavian style, interior design brilliantly combines national traditions with international elements. The style itself originates not from the culture of the northern countries, but from special climatic conditions and geographical location. Despite its modernity, the formation of the style began three centuries ago.

Interesting to know! The style was significantly influenced by the long dark winters, which was manifested in the predominance of white color and the presence of crystal objects. Thus, a tribute to winter is paid in combination with the enjoyment of bright days.

Scandi first appeared during the reign of King Gustav III of Sweden in the 18th century. Before this, the northerners took their example in home improvement from the French, Italians, and English, where at that time classicism, baroque and rococo dominated. The Gustavian movement made a real revolution in the design of houses and became the predecessor of the Scandinavian style, which began to actively develop in the 19th century. The key tasks of designers of those times were functionality and conciseness in interior design.

The style received a fresh breath in the 30s of the twentieth century, when at the International Exhibition Scandinavian designers presented interiors that combined beauty and practicality. Since the style's introduction to the United States in the 1950s, Scandinavian interior design has gained worldwide popularity.

Who should choose a Scandinavian interior: photos of design options

The interiors of Scandinavian-style houses are presented in two versions.

  1. Swedish house design of the 18th-19th centuries. It is chosen by people who want to emphasize their material wealth, but without pretentiousness and pronounced monumentality.
  2. Contemporary Scandinavian style, embodying softness, simplicity and functionality. In a house with this design there is no antique furniture or paintings, while home comfort create simple objects.

It is the second option, which personifies practicality, naturalness, restraint and even a certain coldness, that is most often chosen by adherents of Scandinavian apartment design. The photos clearly demonstrate the open love for nature, the comfort and beauty of the premises.

Modern Scandinavian style is most suitable for decorating the home of owners who prefer northern traditions. Both character traits and taste qualities. This category includes people who love frosty freshness, cold colors and the winter beauty of nature. In addition, such people like freedom, practicality and laconicism in the environment.

This style direction will also appeal to connoisseurs of minimalism and space in combination with cool shades. You can successfully implement the Scandinavian style in the interior of a country house and in a city apartment. At the same time, do not neglect help experienced designer, which will tell you how to correctly place accents and think through every little detail.

Helpful advice! The Scandinavian style is perfect for many regions of Russia, as it involves compensation for the missing daylight during the long autumn-winter period, which is typical for high-altitude regions.

Main features of Scandinavian interior: photo examples of design of houses and apartments

Scandinavian interior has its own distinctive features from other styles, which are expressed in the following features:

  • functionality combined with minimalism. There is nothing superfluous in the rooms. There is only the most necessary furniture, a minimum of decor and additional details that carry a functional load. Additional space is visually created;
  • abundance and dominance of light. In order to maximize the penetration of sunlight, choose large windows that are decorated with transparent curtains. Curtains in a Scandinavian interior should be light, light, plain, without a pattern;
  • elegant, practical furniture with simple straight or rounded shapes. Basically, these are spacious open cabinets that visually create additional space. Interior items are arranged in such a way that they take up minimal space;
  • natural and environmentally friendly materials and fabrics such as wood, stone, plaster, cotton, linen and wool are used in decoration;
  • accessories include a variety of lamps - floor lamps, chandeliers, sconces, table lamps. Mirrors are welcome in the design;
  • the floors are usually covered with plain soft carpets or animal skins;
  • The interior is dominated by light, cold tones: white, blue, silver-gray, beige, perhaps a light yellow tint. The theme of flowers is very important, so it is worth talking about in a separate section.

Scandinavian style colors: the right choice of shade combination options

White is a premium color in the style of Northern Europe. Business card The design of the room in the Scandinavian style is a snow-white ceiling and walls. Light finishing carries a significant functional load, visually expanding the space, promoting maximum distribution of natural light and creating an excellent background for decorating color accents. White is a universal background on which virtually any furniture, decorative items and houseplants.

A varied combination of white with other colors is acceptable. For example, its combination with black or dark gray and wood surfaces will help create the basis of a Scandinavian interior. This combination is considered universal, but the predominance of white is important, and dark tone used in doses, as an accent. Wooden objects will perfectly complement the contrasting duo and add natural warmth to the atmosphere of the house. It is important to use light-colored wood, for example, as flooring or furniture.

Helpful advice! Excessive whiteness blinds, so the use of color accents is no less important, since periodic concentration of the gaze on bright elements of the environment is psychologically important.

White in the Scandinavian interior of an apartment is the main color, but not the only one. Presence bright elements- one of the important features of the Scandinavian style. An example of a contrasting accent would be one sofa or a pair of brown chairs combined with curtains, a carpet or tablecloth to match.

Combination of styles in the interior: Scandinavian minimalism, loft and country

Scandinavian style can be presented both in its classic version and in combination with elements of other styles. The closest and most common combination is the combination of Scandi and minimalism, where restraint, tranquility, closeness to nature and Scandinavian coldness are combined with such features as:

  • clarity of geometric shapes;

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Organization of design in small apartments. Selection of accessories to complement the interior.

  • restraint of colors;
  • simplicity of materials;
  • large windows;
  • free space;
  • built-in functional furniture;
  • hidden lamps;
  • using blinds instead of curtains;
  • minimum or complete absence of decor.

Scandinavian loft in the interior is a special direction, where a thoughtful northern interior includes loft elements in the form of high ceilings and baseboards, wood trim ceiling beams, rough plaster and boards. Such apartments involve combining a kitchen with a living room. The predominance of white color and wide windows corresponds to the interior design in the style of Northern European countries.

Scandinavian country is a combination of gentle rustic style with the cold restraint inherent in the northern interior. This design is characterized by a modest color scheme and wood elements not only on the floor, but also on the walls. Formwork, as a rule, performs not only a decorative role, but also creates additional warmth in the room. Mandatory interior items include a fireplace, furniture decorated with carvings, and decor from local folklore. Common features of both styles: cool palette, light textiles and large space.

Scandinavian style in the interior of a country house: photodifferent design options

A Scandinavian-style country house is often called Finnish house, distinctive feature whose exterior is crossed wooden beams, forming a peculiar geometric pattern. This feature does not require additional finishing of the facade. Another distinctive feature is large windows for maximum illumination and low ceilings, which allows you to save on heating fluids in winter. Most often, such houses are built of wood.

Scandinavian style in the interior wooden house assumes the presence of a large number of decorations, decorative items and furniture made of wood. The main design features of such a building are as follows:

  • severity;
  • brightness;
  • minimalism;
  • picturesqueness;
  • creativity.

Helpful advice! The walls in a country house are decorated with wood or painted in light colors, which helps create calm and comfort.

Photos of the interiors of Scandinavian-style houses demonstrate a mixture of different design trends and styles that are radically different from each other. In addition to white, the decor is dominated by the following colors: beige, pink, terracotta, as well as natural shades of light types of wood. Windows and doors in the Scandinavian style are necessarily made of wood, and the walls are lined with clapboard. Load-bearing beams and ceilings, in addition to their main function, serve as additional decor in a wooden country house.

The interior uses an open plan in the design of most rooms

Wooden floors coated with varnish contribute to the visual expansion of space in the interior of a Scandinavian-style home. Photos inside the rooms clearly demonstrate the widespread use of laminate, which is not inferior in practicality to wood flooring.

Features of apartment design in Scandinavian style

Considered complex from a design point of view small apartments, where, given a minimum area, it is necessary to manage to arrange all the necessary things and at the same time give the home a special look. In this case, creating a Scandinavian-style interior for a small apartment is a profitable option. It will help create more light, with external simplicity, expand the functionality of the premises and visually expand the space.

The main distinguishing feature of apartments with a Scandinavian interior is the abundance of bright white color, since the northern countries, which are the birthplace of the style, are characterized by long winters and short daylight hours. In addition, the design of an apartment in Scandi style is distinguished by the following features:

  • minimum furniture;
  • decor from bright textiles in the form of carpets, pillows and bedspreads;

  • the presence of loft style elements, such as brick walls or industrial lamps;
  • the presence of built-in wardrobes and open shelves;
  • bunk sofas and a loft bed to save space;
  • wood accents;
  • large indoor plants;
  • many lighting fixtures;
  • cozy fireplace.

The expansion of usable space is helped by the removal of partitions between the living room and kitchen, as well as the use of multifunctional furniture.

Design of different rooms in Scandinavian-style apartments: photo examples of interiors

Giving preference to the Scandinavian style in the design of a living space, it is necessary to remember the unity in the design of all rooms. Like most modern trends, Scandi is built not on a list of specific rules, but on special techniques for its implementation. A Scandinavian interior can be assembled over several years, gradually being filled with furniture and decorative items.

Helpful advice! The style is characterized by eclecticism, which consists of a combination of vintage furniture with elements of modern design and objects donated by nature. For example, a varnished tree stump with a glass top can serve as a bedside table or coffee table. Animal horns and driftwood can serve as a hanger or lamp.

Posters in the Scandinavian style look colorful in interior design and will become an excellent decorative element. These are canvases with original drawings or photographs. They reflect the typical Scandi simplicity combined with sophistication. Interesting options can be made in different colors, for example, to match the surrounding furniture or other interior items.

After analyzing the photo of the Scandinavian-style apartment design, you can see that lighting is an important accent. For this purpose, various convenient devices are used, ranging from spotlights to floor lamps and multi-lamp lamps. At the same time, a Scandinavian-style chandelier differs from its counterparts in other styles:

  • monochrome, textured variety;
  • conciseness, lack of pretentiousness;
  • natural inspiration;
  • the presence of natural elements in the design in the form of driftwood, stones and fabrics.

Design of a hallway in a Scandinavian style

The hallway is the first room a person enters. Already here an idea of design the entire apartment. Therefore, when you enter a Scandinavian-style house, you will be struck by the simplicity and practicality of the furnishings in harmony with beauty and laconicism. All this is expressed in clear forms, straight lines and modest furniture. Space for storing the most necessary things is presented in the form of built-in cabinets and shelves.

Wall decor in the Scandinavian style in the hallway or corridor, according to the rules of the genre, should be made in light colors, but exclusively from practical materials, so as not to cause problems special troubles and problems with cleaning. In rooms with high traffic, it is allowed to paint the walls not in classic white, but in beige or light gray tones. The lower part of the walls can be decorated with wood panels.

In order for the Scandinavian style to be fully maintained, the interior of the room must contain three main color options– white, black and natural wood texture. The combination of contrasts must be dosed, which will create original design entrance area even with minimal furniture. The floor should be darker than the walls; here it is appropriate to use tiles or stone in cold tones.

Entrance door and all others interior doors that open into the hallway should be made of natural wood, and their colors should be close to natural tones. The furniture of the hallway should include only the most necessary items. This could be a mini chest of drawers, a floor hanger or a small folding wardrobe for outerwear and a medium sized mirror. It is better to arrange lighting in the form of a pair of pendant chandeliers with light frosted glass shades.

Living room design in Scandinavian style: photoand sketches of design options

The living room is the heart of the house, since it is in this room that the whole family most often gathers and receives guests, so its design requires special attention.

Helpful advice! Cushions on the sofa and numerous lamps that provide bright light but have a simple shape can serve as an effective accent in the living room. These are floor lamps, table lamps and chandeliers.

If everything is done correctly, then with a minimum of decor and furniture, the room will be distinguished by that special comfort and coziness that gives happiness, which the inhabitants of the Scandinavian Peninsula called hygge. Using the Scandinavian style in the interior of the living room will help you achieve what you want, getting a practical and modern design, which will not go out of fashion for a long time.

To achieve the goal, the owners will have to spend a lot of money on purchasing natural materials, which will soon pay off not only with their unique appearance, but also durability. A Scandinavian-style living room design that becomes boring after a couple of years can be easily updated using new accessories and decorative items. To do this, just replace the picture with an original poster or make colorful pillows for the sofa.

The window openings in the spacious living room can be left without drapery, which will allow the maximum amount of sunlight to enter the room. The attributes of a Scandi-style room are snow-white walls and ceiling. The floor is covered with boards or parquet. Upholstery upholstered furniture should be made of natural fabrics such as linen or cotton. Light coffee tables with glass tops and voluminous indoor plants on stands are also welcome.

Design of rooms in Scandinavian style: photobedrooms and children's rooms

The bedroom is a place that should give maximum comfort and tranquility, where it is easy to relax and gain strength. To create special comfort, it is advisable to decorate the wall at the head of the bed with natural wood; in other places, cover it with one of the types of decorative plaster in pastel colors. The ceiling should be white - in accordance with the style. The floor is covered with parquet or laminate. A long-pile carpet or animal skin would be appropriate near the bed.

Double bed rectangular shape maybe without a headboard. Two light bedside tables of a simple shape with small lamps with frosted white glass shades will complete the main composition. To store things, it is better to equip a separate dressing room or use a built-in wardrobe, which will be practically invisible against the general background.

Scandinavian room design for children involves the use of even small room, but the window should be large, providing the room with maximum natural light.

Helpful advice!When decorating a bedroom, it is important to pay special attention to textiles. Bedspreads made of linen or cotton in pastel colors, bright decorative pillows I can be color accent in the interior. A crystal chandelier on the ceiling will help create additional coziness in the room.

The main advantage of the northern style is the possibility of gradual transformation of the interior depending on the growing up of the child. The decor of snow-white walls can be changed according to age. This also applies to textiles, lamps and furniture. Wardrobe, table and bed made of solid wood – perfect option in a nursery setting. Bright accents will help you create toys, bookshelves and posters.

How to create Scandinavian-style decor with your own hands

You can recreate the Scandinavian style in the interior of your own apartment yourself. But for this you need to stock up on special natural materials. As an example, you can use different photos of interiors. Scandinavian design is recreated step by step from top to bottom:

  1. Ceiling decoration. The surface is carefully leveled and covered with a smooth snow-white gypsum plaster. An alternative could be suspended ceiling, but with a matte rather than shiny surface.
  2. Wall decoration. The style involves covering the walls with decorative plaster. One-color wallpaper in light colors with a beautiful texture or simple pattern is acceptable.
  3. The floor is carefully leveled and covered with parquet or laminate. Preferably in tone with natural wood, such as pine, which will add warmth to the room. If preference is given to cool tones, then it is better to choose shades of gray.
  4. The furniture includes sofas and armchairs of simple shapes without intricate decor. Massive backrests and catchy patterns in the upholstery are also excluded. Bright pillows and a wooden table with a glass top will complement the soft corner.
  5. A natural carpet should be laid on the floor near the sofa to match the upholstery of the upholstered furniture. From cabinet furniture, it is enough to place open bookshelves of an original shape, for example in the form of a honeycomb.
  6. A fireplace is an invariable attribute of a room in a Scandinavian style design. Photo various options the designs clearly demonstrate this. For practical purposes, the area near the fireplace is created from white brick, and the floor within a meter radius is covered with stone or tiles.
  7. In order to maximize lighting, it is best to use a crystal or glass chandelier, the design of which is similar to crystals or pieces of ice.

Scandinavian style has gained particular popularity due to its unique comfort. It is designed to create a truly family nest, and not to demonstrate image or status. You can create a hygge embrace, which means coziness that radiates happiness, on your own. Purchasing natural materials and quality furniture involves certain costs, but the result is worth it and will definitely please all family members.