Room design in Roman Greek style. Main features of the Greek style. How to choose decorative elements in the Greek style

Greece is the sea, olives, ancient Olympian gods, magnificent architecture and a constant atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Greek style in the interior is a unique symbiosis of ancient and modern Greece. It combines everything we love about this country. By recreating this style at home, you will get a surprisingly comfortable home that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Characteristic features of the style

In order for the interior you created to fully correspond to the Greek style, it must meet the following characteristics:

  1. In the room where the style is implemented, the ceilings should be high enough.
  2. Columns with stucco molding are a mandatory attribute of the style. You can always use in design decorative option such columns.
  3. Patterns, characteristic style– meander.
  4. Frescoes can be used on ceilings and walls.
  5. The entire color scheme is designed only in natural, restrained tones. Bright colors are completely absent. Gilding can be used as an accent, but only in a minimal amount.
  6. “Favorite” style materials are granite, marble and ceramic tiles.
  7. You also need to pay attention to ensuring that all interior details are directed vertically.
  8. All decorative items must be originally Greek. All kinds of amphorae, vases, sculptures and figurines are suitable for these purposes.
  9. Window decor is minimal. Curtains should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Floor, walls, ceiling

The peculiarity of the interior in the Greek style is the semantic emphasis on the ceiling. The special decoration of the ceiling makes the view of the visitor to the room slide from bottom to top, thereby visually making the rooms higher and airier. The modern construction market allows us to choose any ceiling design - multi-tiered, plasterboard, tension, coffered. All of them are suitable for the Greek style, the main thing is to pay attention to detail. Firstly, the ceiling should be exclusively matte (no gloss). Secondly, it may contain some original image. The larger and more spacious the room, the larger the picture can be. Thirdly, the ceiling composition is crowned by a huge elegant chandelier, which hangs on chains and is framed by beautiful stucco molding.

When decorating walls, a difficult task arises. The point is that ordinary paper wallpaper will strongly contradict the Greek style, so you should abandon them and look for other finishing options. The optimal option in terms of price, complexity of work and durability is high-quality textured plaster. It should only be selected in pastel colors. The walls can be decorated with a simple geometric or floral pattern, or a small fresco can be painted on them. If you want to draw attention to such a fresco, create a small recess for it from plasterboard in the wall. However, remember, it is very important not to overdo it with wall decor.

Best for the floor ceramic will do tiles, however, there are no too strict rules regarding the floor. The only thing worth paying attention to is in this case– Greek style does not welcome the use of carpets on floors. A simple meander pattern on the floor or an intricate mosaic will look very good.

Furniture selection

All furniture in the Greek style is very simple. Most often it is made from natural wood. Expensive, elaborate upholstery, such as leather or velvet, is not applicable to the Greek style. All upholstery upholstered furniture should be simple, but good. Interesting feature, which is characteristic of Greek furniture, the legs of tables and chairs are always curved exclusively outward.

The living room is characterized by a low sofa in light upholstery. For the bedroom - a bed with a beautiful carved headboard and canopy. You can also add all sorts of antique wooden shelves and chests of drawers to both the living room and the bedroom. They need to be decorated with elegant forged elements.

Greek style kitchen

Greek style in the kitchen interior involves following the following rules:

  1. Greek cuisine will not “take root” in every apartment. Many cuisines modern houses differ in very miniature parameters. In such rooms it will not be possible to implement this style. A Greek kitchen is always very spacious, with high ceilings and large windows.
  2. The entire interior of such a kitchen should look as natural as possible. It is dominated by natural tones and natural materials.
  3. In the kitchen it is imperative to use an abundance of natural fabrics; linen is especially suitable for these purposes. Light linen curtains, tablecloths, napkins and towels will make the design very simple and stylish.
  4. Another mandatory requirement is that a Greek kitchen must have an abundance of living plants in pots and tubs.
  5. There should not be too much furniture in the kitchen. Choose only the most necessary elements. It is advisable that all furniture in the interior be made exclusively from light wood.
  6. Be sure to use wicker baskets to store fruits, vegetables and other things. Such baskets are a functional and stylish addition to the design.
  7. The finishing touch to the interior of a Greek kitchen will be a door draped in fabric with traditional Greek patterns.

The Greek style in the interior can be played out in several fundamental directions, namely modern and antique. Moreover, each of these directions has so-called niche stylizations. The fact is that the antique style can represent a luxurious royal appearance or, on the contrary, it refers to simple Greek life, without frills. The same applies to modern style, it can be sophisticated and truly luxurious, or it can be simple and modest. But be that as it may, any of these trends gravitates towards a certain classic, so beloved by the Greeks. And if you love such classic motifs, with stucco on the walls or ceiling, and also appreciate strict geometric patterns, columns and sculptural compositions, then this style will definitely cause you a feeling of admiration. In this review, the Decorol website intends to talk about this style, its characteristic features, decoration, decor, and of course, support everything said with a selection of current photographs.

Characteristic features of the Greek style:

  • Stucco molding on the walls and ceiling;
  • The presence of sculptures cannot be ruled out;
  • Columns and semi-columns;
  • Boiserie panels on the walls;
  • Walls with frescoes;
  • Large mirrors in massive frames;
  • Arched openings;
  • Niches in the walls;
  • Characteristic geometric patterns.

Interior design ideas based on facts about Greece

Well, in order to more accurately understand which direction to move when decorating the interior of your house or apartment in Greek style direction, let's dive a little deeper into learning interesting facts about this wonderful sunny country.

The capital of Greece is the beautiful city of Athens, imagine how beautiful a wall in the interior of a house with a fresco depicting Athens will look.

This country mainly occupies the Balkan Peninsula and is washed on four sides by different seas. Accordingly, when decorating the interior, sandy shades symbolizing the sea beach will be relevant.

Not many people know, but the Greeks call their country Hellas. This fact can be taken into account by ordering hand-painted walls with the curly inscription “Hellas” (Hellas in Greek).

The national flag of the country consists of 9 white and blue stripes, as well as a cross. These colors will be very relevant when decorating rooms.

The Greek theater is given Special attention, and what chic curtains it uses - a sight for sore eyes. Most often it is a heavy velvet fabric in a deep red color. You can order similar curtains for your home.

In Greece, sculptures depicting people, tall and voluminous, are very popular. Well, small representatives of them, or maybe just tabletop figurines, are also suitable for the home.

The ancient Greeks believed in gods, among which I would like to highlight Poseidon, Aphrodite, Zeus, Ares. According to legends, all gods live on Mount Olympus. By the way, the legendary Olympic competitions were held in honor of the god Zeus. The leaders of these games were awarded a beautiful palm branch, as well as a wreath of olive branches and laurel leaves. In this connection, in your interior you can safely use images of olive and palm branches, as well as bay leaves.

And in Greece, incredibly tasty olives and black olives grow, as well as huge grape plantations. All these motifs can also be used in your interior.

Current colors of the Greek style

The following tones can be used in such an interior:

  1. White;
  2. Blue;
  3. Blue;
  4. A little green;
  5. Lemon yellow;
  6. Brown;
  7. Amber;
  8. Golden;
  9. Olive;
  10. Black;
  11. Beige;
  12. Light grey;
  13. Burgundy;
  14. Scarlet as an accent.

Greek style finishing

The walls are most often covered with decorative plaster, with deliberate negligence and external roughness. The walls can also be decorated with frescoes, as if found under layers of plaster. In such interiors, columns, as well as half-columns, the effect of stucco on the walls, as well as arched door and window openings will be relevant.

The floor can be covered with rough boards, marble slabs or tiles with a surface that imitates sea pebbles. Mosaics on the floor, terracotta tiles that successfully imitate the surface will also be very relevant natural stone. Finally, the floor can be covered with a warm carpet, a sheepskin or rug, complemented by a characteristic geometric pattern, vines, images of clusters of grapes or olives.

The ceiling can be simply painted with white paint, and also complemented with wooden decorative beams. And of course, we simply can’t help but mention the gorgeous stucco molding around the perimeter ceiling surface. If you want something even more interesting, then you can take a closer look at the ceiling painting.

Suitable furniture

Furniture should not take up too much space; its design can be made in several styles - simple and classic. The first implies strict forms without frills, the second loves the manifestation of luxury, such as wood carvings, forged inserts, and gold patterns. Chairs with soft upholstery and curved legs, a sofa with a carriage frame will look wonderful in the living room, and a large bed with a wrought-iron headboard in the bedroom. Try to choose furniture that is not bulky; glass surfaces will look great, adding a feeling of spaciousness and airiness.

Greek decor

  • Amphora (vessel) elongated shape with handles at the neck);
  • Lyra ( musical instrument);
  • Sculptures of people or animals;
  • Table figurines;
  • Mirrors in massive frames;
  • Forged olive branches;
  • Laurel wreaths;
  • Vases with real or artificial grapes;
  • Palm trees in flowerpots;
  • Flowers in pots;
  • Ferns;
  • Decorative fountains;
  • Sconce with a characteristic geometric wave pattern;
  • Metal jugs;
  • Graceful candlesticks;
  • Bamboo blinds;
  • Lotus flower images;
  • Translucent canopy in the bedroom;
  • Curtains made of cotton or velvet;
  • Patterned pillows;
  • Large tassels for curtains.

Additional selection of photos:

Greece is an untouched monument of ancient architecture, a warm and mild climate and amazing natural beauty. How to create a Greek style in your interior?

Greek style. History of the legend

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of Greek civilization on the culture, socio-economic, and political development of other peoples and states. The huge legacy left by the poets, sculptors, and philosophers of Ancient Greece still resonates in various spheres of human life and activity. The development of the ancient style took place in several stages. The influence of Egyptian traditions in the interior, which intensified in the 6th-4th centuries BC, gradually ennobled the elements of mythology inherent in early interiors. The decor becomes harmonious, luxury items take pride of place among the somewhat rustic furniture. Gradually the influence of the East becomes more and more obvious. After the conquest of Hellas by the Roman Empire, antiquity was partially assimilated and merged with the pomp and luxury of Roman art. However, practical Greeks do not change the simplicity and asceticism of centuries-old traditions. Such design solutions are also inherent in the modern Greek style.

Greek style colors

The ancient Greeks' commitment to simplicity modern designers expressed mainly by color palette. The inhabitants of Ancient Greece built their homes from natural materials─ stone, wood. Therefore, in the Greek direction of the Mediterranean style, cold natural shades of sunny, white, colors predominate Ivory. Red or yellow color was used as an additional insert.

Granite and marble find a worthy place in the palette of Hellenic interiors. Blue color of various shades must be present, symbolizing the sea washing the shores of Greece. You can accent the central wall using marine motifs. I recommend finishing the perimeter of the room with textured plaster in natural shades.

Smooth wallpaper in bright colors is nonsense in Greek design. Against the background of strict accents of antique columns and symmetrical patterns, the enchanting palette looks out of place. Interspersed with red and brown tones with geometric patterns horizontally dividing the wall panels give the interior nobility and aristocratic sophistication. But here I would ask you to be especially careful. Accents should be used very sparingly.

The shine of the mirrors located vertical stripes, will enhance the impression of spaciousness and expand the walls of the room. The palette is maintained throughout the entire volume of the room; drawings with Olympic motifs on the ceiling will help to emphasize the antiquity of the style.

As you may have already noticed, you can often see the traditional Greek meander in the decoration of rooms - a continuous complex geometric pattern, which is named after a river with a winding current.

Walls, floors, ceilings must have matte surface. Smooth “soft” structures are not inherent in the style of the ancient Greeks.

Decorating the floor in a Greek interior

The apparent simplicity of the walls extends to the floor. Use geometrically correct forms inherent in a later period, influenced by the Roman invasion. Geometric sophistication adds rigor to the entire room. Various materials are used. The mosaic surface is created using tiles different sizes natural colors. The floors of the rooms are laid out with squares of a calm palette. If space allows, I advise you to highlight the center of the room using a decorative pattern. It can be either strictly geometric or have a plot ornament.

Along the perimeter there are stripes of strict geometric patterns. The large area of ​​​​the room intended for receiving guests will receive an aristocratic sound thanks to the use of the key ornament of Greek designers of antiquity: regular squares, broken using tiles of different sizes.

Ceramic tiles can be successfully replaced wooden floors. The rich surface of the noble material creates additional comfort and puts the finishing touches on the interior. The warm climate of Greece completely excludes lush carpets underfoot. You can emphasize the style inherent in Greece by placing several small rugs with a traditional design. Floors made of porcelain stoneware and laminate in a marine style will give the room a modern shine ─ perfect solution, emphasizing the Mediterranean direction.

Furniture and materials

Furnishing rooms in the Greek style is akin to the customs of Ancient Sparta. Simplicity of form and laconic design are the fundamental rules in choosing tables and chairs. Regular geometric surfaces made of natural materials, complete absence the decor of velvet and leather will enhance the impression of being on the Mediterranean coast. Antique tables had a trapezoid shape, three strong bent legs turned in different directions - a stable base for tabletops in a Greek room. Chairs with low straight backs, made of natural materials, will help to stylize.

Need to remember: natural wicker furniture will negate the creation of an ancient Greek interior. The number of items should be minimal so as not to spoil the feeling of spaciousness characteristic of the natural style of Ancient Hellas. The facades of built-in wardrobes should not contain bright inserts; the presence of narrow vertically directed mirrors, on the contrary, will emphasize high ceilings and focus attention on the stylized finish. For relaxation, you can arrange a soft area, designed in the same color scheme.

The material for furniture can be stained light oak or pine. It is allowed to decorate furniture with cuttings, add forged and varnished elements. Sometimes they use so-called terrace furniture. But the use of upholstered furniture is strictly prohibited.

Greek style decor

Columns, pilasters ─ required part selected interior. The elements will add an aristocratic gloss and enhance the feeling of spaciousness. In addition, the elements set the tone for the entire decor, the main task of which is to enhance the feeling of the height of the ceilings, thanks to the vertical orientation of the decorative structures. High ceilings suggest luxurious chandeliers, meander patterns will emphasize the height of the room. Columns mark the entrance and emphasize the size of the mirrors.

Repetition of elements, symmetry ─ the basic rule of the style of the ancient Greeks.

Symmetrically located figurines and antique vases will create “pomp and importance” - an axiom for creating room decor worthy of proud Hellenes. Small squares deny the very existence of Greek motifs. The color scheme of decorative details consists of cool natural shades. Yellow, gray, white tones are slightly “diluted” with splashes of red in the ornaments of frescoes depicting scenes from the life of Ancient Greece, tall amphorae painted with pictures of Olympic competitions.

Marble and granite appeared in the culture of the Greek Empire with the arrival of the Romans, who used the natural nobility of these materials. Hellas abandoned the use of gilding, so beloved by the conquerors. Oriental splendor ─ one of the signs of Mediterranean dwellings, which came with the development of trade, denies an overabundance of small details; all decorative elements used must be harmoniously combined, the palette should be kept in natural shades.

An important aspect of Greek decor is lighting. Textiles in the Mediterranean interior are used minimally. Open windows will make the colors, which are dull at first glance, sparkle in a special way, creating the impression of being at a seaside resort. Marine theme you can continue by using sea shells as decoration, placing them on the coffee table, in the recesses of small niches. Fabrics are used if it is necessary to drape small openings between windows. Vertical draperies in several layers will enhance the vertical direction of the interior.

When creating a Greek interior, it is necessary to remember restraint, conciseness and functionality of every detail, which is responsible for overall harmony.

Example Greek style in the interior you can see in one of the works of our design studio -