Elevator systems. How to assemble an elevator heating unit: theory and practice of using equipment

Provide in apartments multi-storey buildings optimal temperature V winter time is possible only by supplying hot coolant to the radiators. Heating of water to operating parameters is carried out using a special thermal unit– elevator installed in basement at home or in the boiler room. We will talk about what this device is and how it functions later in the article.

How does an elevator unit work?

Before you understand the device elevator unit, we note that this mechanism is intended to connect end consumers of heat with heating networks. By design, the thermal elevator unit is a kind of pump that is included in the heating system along with shut-off elements and pressure meters.

The elevator heating unit performs several functions. First of all, it redistributes the pressure inside the heating system so that water is supplied to the end consumers in the radiators at the specified temperature. When passing through pipelines from the boiler room to apartments, the amount of coolant in the circuit almost doubles. This is only possible if there is a supply of water in a separate sealed container.

As a rule, coolant is supplied from the boiler room, the temperature of which reaches 105-150 ℃. Such high rates are unacceptable for domestic purposes from a safety point of view. Maximum temperature water in the circuit according to regulatory documents cannot exceed 95℃.

It is noteworthy that SanPin currently sets the coolant temperature standard within 60 ℃. However, in order to save resources, a proposal to reduce this standard to 50 ℃ is being actively discussed. According to an expert opinion, the difference will not be noticeable to the consumer, and in order to disinfect the coolant, it will need to be heated to 70 ℃ every day. However, these changes to SanPin have not yet been adopted, since there is no clear opinion about the rationality and effectiveness of such a decision.

The diagram of the elevator heating unit allows you to bring the temperature of the coolant in the system to standard values.

This node allows you to avoid the following consequences:

  • Batteries that are too hot can cause skin burns if handled carelessly;
  • not all heating pipes are designed for prolonged exposure to high temperatures under pressure - such extreme conditions can lead to their premature failure;
  • if the wiring is made of metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes, it is not designed for the circulation of hot coolant.

Advantages of the elevator

Some users argue that the elevator design is irrational, and it would be much easier to supply coolant at a lower temperature to consumers. In reality, this approach involves increasing the diameter of the main pipelines to supply more cold water, which leads to additional costs.

It turns out that a high-quality design of a thermal heating unit makes it possible to mix with the supply volume of water a portion of the return water that has already cooled down. Despite the fact that some sources of elevator units of heating systems belong to old hydraulic units, in fact they are efficient in operation. There are also newer units that have replaced the elevator unit circuits.

These include the following types of equipment:

  • plate type heat exchanger;
  • mixer equipped with a three-way valve.

How does an elevator work?

Studying the diagram of the elevator unit of the heating system, namely what it is and how it functions, one cannot help but note the similarity of the finished design with water pumps. At the same time, operation does not require obtaining energy from other systems, and reliability can be observed in specific situations.

The main part of the device with outside similar to a hydraulic tee installed on the return line. Through a simple tee, the coolant would easily flow into the return, bypassing the radiators. Such a heating unit design would be inappropriate.

In the usual diagram of the elevator unit of the heating system there are the following details:

  • A preliminary chamber and a supply pipe with a nozzle of a certain cross-section installed at the end. Coolant from the return branch is supplied through it.
  • A diffuser is built into the outlet. It is designed to transfer water to consumers.

At the moment, you can find units where the nozzle cross-section is adjusted by an electric drive. Thanks to this, you can automatically adjust the acceptable coolant temperature.

The selection of a heating unit circuit with an electric drive is made on the basis that it is possible to change the coolant mixing coefficient within 2-5 units. This cannot be achieved in elevators, in which the nozzle cross-section cannot be changed. It turns out that systems with adjustable nozzle make it possible to significantly reduce heating costs, which is very important in houses with central meters.

Operating principle of the thermal unit circuit

Let's consider schematic diagram elevator unit - that is, its operation diagram:

  • hot coolant is supplied from the boiler room through the main pipeline to the entrance to the nozzle;
  • moving through small cross-section pipes, the water gradually picks up speed;
  • in this case, a somewhat discharged area is formed;
  • the resulting vacuum begins to suck water from the return;
  • homogeneous turbulent flows through the diffuser flow to the outlet.

If the heating system uses a thermal unit diagram apartment building, then its effective operation can only be ensured if the operating pressure between the supply and return flows is greater than the calculated hydraulic resistance.

A little about the disadvantages

Despite the fact that the thermal unit has many advantages, it also has one significant drawback. The fact is that it is impossible to regulate the temperature of the exiting coolant using an elevator. If measuring the return water temperature shows that it is too hot, it will need to be lowered. This task can be accomplished only by reducing the diameter of the nozzle, however, this is not always possible due to design features.

Sometimes the thermal unit is equipped with an electric drive, with the help of which it is possible to adjust the diameter of the nozzle. It drives the main design part - a cone-shaped throttle needle. This needle moves a specified distance into the hole along the internal cross-section of the nozzle. The depth of movement allows you to change the diameter of the nozzle and thereby control the temperature of the coolant.

Either a manual drive in the form of a handle or an electric remote-controlled motor can be installed on the shaft.

It is worth noting that installing such a unique temperature controller allows you to modernize common system heating with a thermal unit without significant financial investments.

Possible problems

As a rule, most problems in the elevator unit arise for the following reasons:

  • clogging in equipment;
  • changes in the diameter of the nozzle as a result of equipment operation - an increase in the cross-section makes it more difficult to regulate the temperature;
  • blockages in mud traps;
  • failure shut-off valves;
  • regulator failures.

In most cases, finding out the cause of problems is quite simple, since they are immediately reflected in the temperature of the water in the circuit. If the temperature differences and deviations from the standards are insignificant, there is probably a gap or the nozzle cross-section has increased slightly.

A difference in temperature readings of more than 5 ℃ indicates the presence of a problem that can only be solved by specialists after diagnostics.

If, as a result of oxidation from constant contact with water or involuntary drilling, the cross-section of the nozzle increases, the balancing of the entire system is disrupted. Such a flaw must be corrected as quickly as possible.

It is worth noting that in order to save money and use heating more efficiently, electricity meters can be installed at heating units. And metering devices hot water and heat make it possible to further reduce utility bills.

Due to numerous requests from readers, I am posting a schematic diagram of an elevator unit with a heat meter. I would like to immediately note that the diagram is fully working, slightly adapted for viewing on the Internet with comments.

Diagram of an elevator unit with a heat meter 2013, and for its full compliance with the new rules for commercial metering of thermal energy, coolant, registration No. 1034 dated November 18, 2013, only one change needs to be made to it, to move the thermal resistance (TE pos. 2) that measures the temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline from the entrance to the site pipes after the flow meter (FT pos. 1a). But this does not affect the concept of the basic operation of the heat meter and the elevator unit.

The elevator unit in this diagram with automatic regulation, but this does not mean that the elevator unit circuit with a heat meter will not work without automation weather regulation Moreover, its implementation can be divided into two stages, which will allow the project to be implemented if there is a lack of finance.

Just take note that such savings are beneficial if you started installation immediately after the end of the heating season, but if heating season on the nose it’s better to put some effort and install everything at once. Typically, during the heating season, heat metering devices and especially weather-dependent automation pay for themselves.

Installation price of an elevator unit with a heat meter.

I'll focus right away on prices. They are relevant at the end of 2014 and take into account a 10% increase in price associated with the instability of the dollar and euro. Prices are negotiable, for interest, estimated price You can find out by increasing these prices by 25%.

Installation of a heat meter in a standard five-story building with 4 to 6 entrances, without separate pipes for hot water supply from a heat source (two-pipe heat supply system):

- without regulating elevator - 160 t.r.
- with a regulating elevator that operates automatically depending on the outside temperature - 290 tr.

It should also be noted that the price the network or circulation pump is not taken into account, If hydraulic mode from the boiler room (pressure drop) is less than 7m, you will need to install it, otherwise the elevator simply will not work. The price of such pumps is usually between 600 and 1000 euros, it all depends on the size of the house.

As you can see, it’s not cheap, but I repeat once again, installing an elevator unit with a heat meter and automatic weather control will pay for itself in a maximum of two years, and if you are overheated, then during the heating season.

Let's return to the diagram of the elevator unit with a heat meter. It contains all the necessary explanations. The well-proven and easy-to-maintain heat meter VKT 7 from Teplokom is used as a heat calculator. Electromagnetic flowmeters PREM are also from this company. The control elevator and the weather control automation itself are produced in Belarus. It should be noted that this is an inexpensive, very reliable and well-thought-out option. A complete copy of it is produced in Russia, but for some reason it is 30% more expensive; I cannot judge the reliability of domestic automation - it has not been tested.

If anyone has any questions about the scheme, the project, the possibility of installation by our company, or simply the operation of this scheme of the elevator unit with a heat meter, call – 8 918 581 1861 Yuri Olegovich.

For those who missed it

Types of heating elevators

Oddly enough, not even all plumbers servicing heating elevators know about multi-story houses. At best, they have an idea that this device is installed in the system. But how it works and what function it performs is not known to everyone, not to mention ordinary people.

Therefore, let's eliminate this gap in knowledge about heating systems and examine this device in more detail.

What is an elevator?

In simple terms, an elevator is a special device related to heating equipment and performing the function of an injection or water-jet pump. No more, no less.

Its main task is to increase the pressure inside the heating system. That is, increase the pumping of coolant through the network, which will lead to an increase in its volume. To make it clearer, let's give a simple example. 5-6 cubic meters of water are taken from the supply water supply as a coolant, and 12-13 cubic meters enter the system where the apartments of the house are located.

How is this possible? And what causes the increase in coolant volume? This phenomenon is based on certain laws of physics. Let's start with the fact that if an elevator is installed in the heating system, it means that this system is connected to central heating networks through which hot water moves under pressure from a large boiler house or thermal power plant.

So the temperature of the water inside the pipeline, especially in extreme cold, reaches +150 C. But how can this be? After all, the boiling point of water is +100 C. This is where one of the laws of physics comes into force. At this temperature, water boils if it is in an open container where there is no pressure. But in the pipeline, water moves under pressure, which is created by the operation of the supply pumps. That's why it doesn't boil.

  • Firstly, cast iron does not like large temperature changes. And if cast iron radiators are installed in apartments, they may fail. It's good if they just leak. But they can break, because under the influence of high temperatures, cast iron becomes brittle, like glass.
  • Secondly, at this temperature metal elements heating it will not be difficult to get burned.
  • Thirdly, for strapping heating devices now often used plastic pipes. And the maximum that they can withstand is a temperature of +90 C (besides, with such figures, manufacturers guarantee 1 year of operation). This means they will simply melt.

Therefore, the coolant must be cooled. This is where an elevator is needed.

What is the elevator unit used for?

Elevator unit connection diagram

So we come to the question of why elevators are needed in a heating system?

These devices are designed to lower the temperature of the supplied water to the required temperature. And already cooled, it is supplied to the apartment heating system. That is, the coolant is cooled in the elevator. How?

Everything is quite simple. This device consists of a chamber where hot superheated water and water coming from the return circuit of the heating system are mixed. That is, the coolant from the boiler room is mixed with the coolant from the return line of the same house. This way, without taking a lot of hot water, you can obtain the required volume of coolant at the required temperature.

Are we losing temperature? Yes, we are losing, and the obvious cannot be denied here. But the coolant is supplied through a nozzle, which is much smaller than the diameter of the pipe supplying hot water to the house. The speed in this nozzle is so high due to the pressure inside the pipeline that the coolant is very quickly distributed throughout all risers. Therefore, no matter where the apartment is located, close or far from the distribution center, the temperature in the heating devices will be the same. Uniform distribution is thus ensured 100%.

Do you know what know-it-all plumbers sometimes do? They remove the nozzle and install metal dampers, thereby trying to manually regulate the flow rate of the coolant. It's good if they install it. And in some houses there are no dampers at all, and then the problems begin.

Apartments located closer to the elevator hub will have an African climate. Here, even in the most severe frosts, the windows are always open. And in distant apartments, especially corner ones, people wear felt boots and turn on electric heating appliances or a gas stove. They criticize everything under the sun, not suspecting that the companies servicing their home are to blame. Here is the result of ignorance and simple incompetence.

How does an elevator work?

The principle of operation of the elevator

The principle of operation of the elevator

The elevator unit is a fairly large container, somewhat similar to a pot. But this is not the elevator itself, although it is called that. This is a whole unit, which also includes:

  • Dirt traps - after all, the water coming from the pipe is not entirely clean.
  • Magnetic mesh filters - the unit must ensure a certain purity of the coolant so that batteries and pipes do not become clogged.

Having been purified, the hot water flows through the nozzle into the mixing chamber. Here it moves at high speed, as a result of which water is sucked in from the return circuit, which is connected to the mixing chamber on the side. The process of suction, or injection, occurs spontaneously. It is now clear that by changing the diameter of the nozzle, you can regulate both the volume of coolant supplied and its temperature at the exit from the elevator.

As you understand, for a heating system, an elevator is a pump and a mixer at the same time. And what is important - no electricity.

There is one more point that experts pay attention to - this is the ratio of the pressure inside the supply pipeline and the resistance of the elevator. This ratio should be 7:1. Only this ratio ensures the efficiency of the entire system.

But that's not all there is to efficiency. Pay attention to the fact that the pressure inside the system - and this is the supply and return circuits - must be the same. It is acceptable if it is a little less in the return. But if the difference is significant, for example, in the supply pipeline it is 5.0 kgf/cm2, and in the return pipeline it is below 4.3 kgf/cm2, this means that the pipeline system and heating devices are clogged with dirt.

Connection diagram for an adjustable water-jet elevator

Another reason is possible - when carrying out overhaul The pipe diameters were changed downward. That is, the contractor saved money in this way.

Is it possible to regulate the temperature of the coolant? It is possible, and for this it is better to use an adjustable water-jet type elevator.

The design of such a device includes a nozzle, the diameter of which can be changed. Sometimes the adjustment range, and this applies more to foreign analogues, is quite large, which is not so necessary. Domestic elevators have a smaller range shift, but, as practice has shown, this is enough for all occasions.

True, adjustable elevators are rarely installed in residential buildings. It is much more effective to install them in public or production premises. With their help, you can save up to 25% on heating costs just because they allow you to reduce the temperature at night, as well as on weekends and holidays.

In old heating points apartment buildings you can see the elevator unit. Equipment installed many decades ago continues to work properly and ensure the transfer of heat energy to all points. Why you shouldn’t rush to replace obsolete equipment. So, what a node is and how it works - this should be understood in more detail.

The elevator unit of the heating system is a device of a certain type that performs the functions of an injection or water-jet pump. The main tasks are to increase the pressure inside the heating system, increase the pumping of coolant through the network, and increase volume growth.

A durable thermal unit can transport significantly overheated coolant, which is economically beneficial. For example, one ton of water heated to +150 C contains much more thermal energy than the same volume with indicators of +90 C. The use of a thermal unit ensures rapid movement of the carrier through the system, without turning the liquid substance into steam - this property is constantly explained maintained pressure that keeps the carrier in an aggregate liquid state.

Operating principle and unit diagram

Algorithm for the operation of the elevator jumper:

  1. The heated coolant passes through the pipe in the direction of the nozzle, then under pressure the flow accelerates and the effect of a water-jet pump is started. Therefore, while water passes through the nozzle, the circulation of the media in the system is ensured.
  2. At the moment the liquid passes through the mixing chamber, the pressure level decreases to normal and the jet, entering the diffuser, provides a vacuum in the mixing chamber. According to the ejection effect, the coolant with an increased pressure indicator carries water through the jumper, which returns from the heating network.
  3. Mixing of the cooled and heated flow occurs in the heating elevator chamber, therefore, when leaving the diffuser, the flow temperature drops to +95 C.

Having considered what a thermal unit is in apartment building, the principle of operation of the elevator, you should know that for the normal functionality of the unit it is important to ensure the proper pressure difference in the main and return lines. The difference in indicators is needed to overcome the hydraulic resistance of the heating system in the house and the device itself.

Advice! For improved flow resistance, the jumper is cut into the return flow pipeline at an angle of 45 degrees.

Externally, the elevator looks like a large tee made of metal pipes, equipped with connecting flanges at the ends. But if you look at the drawing, the structure of the thermal unit elevator from the inside is more complex:

  • the left pipe looks like a nozzle tapering to the calculated diameter;
  • immediately behind the nozzle there is a mixing chamber cylinder;
  • connection of the return line is achieved through the lower pipe;
  • the pipe on the right is an expansion diffuser that directs hot water into the heating system.

A detailed diagram of the elevator heating unit is required when connecting the system. The connection is made as follows: the left pipe is to the supply line of the central network, the bottom pipe is to the pipeline with the return flow. Shut-off valves must be installed on both sides, supplemented with a mesh filter, which is needed to filter out large particles and inclusions. Also design heating point complemented by pressure gauges, thermometers and heat meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of a thermal unit

Despite the obsolescence of the equipment, the simplicity of the design and low cost explain the demand for the heating elevator. The device does not need to be connected to the mains; it operates independently of energy. Many users argue that the scheme is irrational and if the efficiency of the device is low (up to 30%), the heating of the coolant should be reduced by abandoning the unit.

But if you remove the heating elevator, then the diameter of the main pipes will have to be significantly increased in order to ensure normal coolant flow from low temperature, and this will lead to additional costs. Therefore, it is premature to abandon the jet pump.

The disadvantages include the inability to control the water temperature, but when using devices with adjustable nozzle diameter, the minus is leveled out. Adjusting the nozzle will help control the speed of the supplied coolant, change the vacuum parameters in the mixer chamber and, as a result, control the water supply temperature.

Calculation of the elevator unit

The calculation is carried out in centimeters, and the designation Gpr is the volume of heated water consumption in heating system at home already taking into account the hydraulic resistance of the fluid.

To calculate this value, the following formula is useful:

Where the letters stand for:

  • Q is the volume of heat (kcal/h) that is spent on heating the entire building system;
  • Tcm – indicator of the carrier temperature at the exit from the elevator tee;
  • T2о – temperature indicator in the return flow line;
  • h – resistance level, expressed in meters of water column.

Resistance is taken into account throughout the heating system wiring, including radiators. And to calculate the number of kilocalories, you need to multiply watts by a factor of 0.86.

For example, if real consumption is 10 tons of water per hour, then the diameter of the mixer chamber should be equal to 2.76 cm - in total, mixer No. 4 with a chamber equal to 30 mm is required. To find out the diameter in the narrowest part of the nozzle (calculation in mm), the formula is useful:

Designations: Dr are the parameters of the injection chamber in cm, u is the mixing coefficient, and the Gpr indicator is already known.

All that remains is to find the injection coefficient using the formula:

All indicators are known here except T1 - this is the temperature of hot water at the entrance to the elevator device. Let's assume that the temperature is 150 C, and the return temperature is 90 C and 70 C, it turns out that the desired parameter Dc at a flow rate of 10 tons per hour is 8.5 mm.

Having found out the level of pressure HP at the entrance to the heating unit from the side central system, the nozzle diameter can be determined using the formula:

It is important to take into account that in the last formula the final expression is calculated in centimeters. Now, having figured out how to calculate the elevator unit of the heating system, having understood what it is, you can easily select a replacement device.

Frequent breakdowns and repair methods

Although typical diagram the elevator heating unit is simple, the device may fail. The reasons are different: blockages, an increase in the diameter of the nozzle, clogged mud traps or incorrect settings, breakdown of regulators and fittings.

Let's look at troubleshooting options:

  1. Nozzle clogged. Remove and clean the device.
  2. If the nozzle diameter parameters increase due to corrosion or drilling, the nozzle must be replaced with a new one with the indicated design diameter. Otherwise, the system will quickly become unusable, the balance of exchange will be lost and devices installed on the lower floors of the house will begin to overheat, and radiators on the upper floors will not receive enough heat.
  3. Clogged filters (dirt collectors). A malfunction is determined by an increase in the pressure level difference. The difference is controlled using pressure gauges installed before and after the mud tanks. The blockage is removed by discharging water through the sump drain valve. You can find the drain valve at the bottom, but the procedure is not always effective, so it’s easier to disassemble and clean the mud trap from the inside.

Elevator failure is determined by temperature differences in the carrier before and after the device. If the difference is 5 degrees, then this is a blockage or a change in the diameter of the nozzle; if the difference is larger, you should diagnose the device and replace the faulty elevator. Diagnostic and replacement procedures must be carried out by a specialist with experience and the necessary tools.

Hello! In this article I will consider a typical, let’s say, case of setup and adjustment internal system heating the building. Namely, heating systems with an elevator mixing unit. According to my observations, there are approximately 80-85 percent of such ITPs (heating points) of the total number of heating points. I wrote about the elevator in.

Adjustment of the elevator unit is carried out after adjustment ITP equipment. What does it mean? This means that for normal operation of the elevator, the operating parameters from the heat supply organization for pressure and temperature in the supply pipeline (supply) P1 and T1 must be known at your heating point. That is, the temperature in the supply T1 must correspond to the temperature approved for the heating season temperature chart heat release. This schedule can and should be obtained from the heating supply organization; this is not a secret behind seven seals. In general, every heat energy consumer must have such a schedule. This is the key point.

Then supply pressure P1. It must be no less than that required for normal operation of the elevator. Well, usually the heat supply organization can withstand the operating pressure of the supply.

Next, it is necessary that the pressure regulator, or flow regulator, or throttle washer were correctly adjusted and configured. Or as I usually say, “exposed.” I will write a separate article about this someday. We will assume that all these conditions are met, and we can begin setting up and adjusting the elevator unit. How do I usually do this?

First of all, I try to look at the design data on the ITP passport. I wrote about the ITP passport in. Here we are interested in all the parameters related to the elevator. System resistance, pressure drop, etc.

Secondly, I check, if possible, the correspondence between the fact and the working data from the ITP passport.

Thirdly, I look and check element by element the elevator, mud traps, shut-off and control valves, pressure gauges, thermometers.

Fourthly, I look at the pressure difference between the supply and return (available pressure) in front of the elevator. It must correspond or be close to the calculated one, calculated according to the formula.

Fifth, using pressure gauges after the elevator unit, in front of the house valves, I look at the pressure loss in the system (system resistance). They should not exceed 1 m.in. for buildings up to 5 floors, and 1.5 m.v.st. for buildings from 5 to 9 floors. This is in theory. But in fact, if you have a pressure loss of 2 m.v.st. and higher, problems are likely to arise. If you have a graduation scale on pressure gauges after the elevator unit in kgf/cm2 (a more common case), then you need to look at the readings like this: if on the supply side the pressure gauge reading is 4.2 kgf/cm2, then on the return side it should be 4.1 kgf/cm2. If the return is 4.0 or 3.9 kgf/cm2, then this is already an alarming signal. Of course, here you need to take into account that pressure gauges can give measurement errors, anything can happen.

Sixth, I check what the mixing ratio of the elevator is. I wrote about the mixing coefficient. The mixing coefficient must correspond to the calculated one, or be close in value to it. The mixing coefficient is determined by coolant temperatures, which are taken either from instantaneous readings of a heat meter or from mercury thermometers. Moreover, it must be taken into account that the greater the temperature difference in the heating system, the more accurately the mixing coefficient can be calculated. Accordingly, the lower the temperature difference in the system, the higher the error in determining the elevator mixing coefficient may be.

It is not common, but it does happen that the pressure difference between the supply and return in front of the elevator (available pressure) is insufficient to provide the required mixing coefficient. This is, I would say, a difficult case. If the heating supply organization cannot (or does not want) to provide you with the required pressure drop, then most likely you will have to switch to a scheme with circulation pump.

After setting up the elevator unit, they begin setting up the heating system of the building. First, look at the wiring diagram of the heating system throughout the building (if there is one, of course). If not, I look at the heating distribution throughout the building visually. Although visual inspection necessary in any case. Here you need to find out which wiring is top or bottom, what heating devices are installed, whether they have control valves, whether there are balancing valves on the heating risers, thermostats on the heating devices, whether there are devices for removing air at the top points.

Setting up a heating system includes checking and adjusting the system both horizontally (distribution of coolant along risers) and vertically (distribution of coolant across floors).

First, we check the heating of the lower points of all risers. You can do this by touch. But in this case it is better that the water temperature is 55-65 °C. With more high temperature it is difficult to perceive the degree of heating. The lowest points of heating risers are usually located in the basement of the building. It’s good if at least some kind of control valves are installed on all risers. This is generally necessary, but unfortunately, it does not always happen in fact. It’s great if balancing valves are installed on the risers. Then we cover the overheating risers with control valves.

But it is better, of course, to check the distribution of water along the risers by measuring temperatures in the supply and return. Although this is a more labor-intensive option.

For example, the return temperature T2 in a two-pipe system should be taken taking into account the cooling of the supply water temperature. If according to the graph T1 = 68 °C, and in fact T1 = 62 °C, T2 according to the graph is equal to 53 °C. In this case design temperature T2 = 62- (68-53) = 47 °C, not 53 °C.

In general, as a result of adjustment along the risers, there should be approximately the same temperature difference between the water at the inlet and outlet of all risers.

Very good thing for adjustment. It’s even better if you have thermostats installed on your heating appliances. Then the adjustment is made automatically. We measure the temperature of heating devices using a pyrometer.

The adjustment of the elevator unit and heating system is considered satisfactory if a uniform temperature is achieved in the heated rooms of the building.

On the topic of designing and setting up heating points, I wrote a book “Design of ITP (heating points) of buildings.” In it on specific examples I reviewed various schemes ITP, namely an ITP diagram without an elevator, a heating unit diagram with an elevator, and finally, a heating unit diagram with a circulation pump and adjustable valve. The book is based on my practical experience, I tried to write it as clearly and accessible as possible. Here is the content of the book:

1. Introduction
2. ITP device, diagram without elevator
3. ITP device, elevator circuit
4. ITP device, circuit with a circulation pump and an adjustable valve.
5. Conclusion

Installation of ITP (heating points) of buildings