Maintenance of elevator units of the heating system. Operating principle of a heating elevator with an adjustable nozzle

Reducing heat losses is a major planning objective central heating. For this purpose, even at the stage of heating the coolant, special conditions for its transportation: high blood pressure, maximum temperature regime. But in order to ensure that when distributing hot water its heating level has dropped to the required level; the elevator heating unit is installed: diagrams, operating principles and checks must strictly comply with the standards. Even though it is part of central heating, the average user should know how it works.

Purpose of the elevator unit

Even at the first stages of designing central heating, engineers were faced with the problem of conserving thermal energy due to the length of heating mains. To reduce heat losses, two main methods are used:

  • Maximum thermal insulation of the pipe surface;
  • Installation of elevator units in buildings.

The operating temperature in the external heating pipes is 150 or 130 degrees. It is prohibited to supply water to consumers at this temperature. That is why an adjustable elevator heating unit was developed. It is designed to mix hot and cold coolant flows in order to optimize its temperature. In addition, the pressure also decreases to an acceptable level.

For normal operation, an automatic elevator heating unit is installed in a pre-prepared room. For residential apartment buildings such is the basement. Installation and further maintenance should only be performed by specialists. Any violation of the operating mode may lead to emergency situations. Installation of such a heating element in private houses is impractical. This is due to the fact that the boilers will not be able to provide the proper operating temperature. Therefore, it is used only for creating branched heating systems with a large length of external heat pipelines.

Taking as a basis the operating principle of this elevator heating unit, it is possible to make a similar system for autonomous system. But for this they use two or three way valves with thermostats.

Scheme of operation of the elevator unit

At first glance, the operating principle of the elevator unit of the heating system should be quite complex system. However, in practice, a successful design was developed, which in its own way technical specifications similar to a three-way mixing valve.

Structurally, it consists of the following elements:

  • Inlet pipe. A coolant with a high temperature under maximum pressure flows through it;
  • Return pipe. Necessary for connecting cooled water for further mixing with the hot flow;
  • Nozzle. A key element of the scheme of elevator units of the heating system. Hot water enters it under pressure and creates a vacuum in the receiving chamber. As a result, the cooled coolant mixes with the heated one;
  • Outlet pipe. Connects to distribution system pipelines for further transportation of liquid to consumers.

In addition to it, the elevator unit of the central heating system must include additional elements. These include mud slides, shut-off valves and sensors. The latter are required for installation, since they help control the parameters of the entire system.

Having understood what an elevator heating unit is, you need to learn more about its types and methods of adjusting operating modes.

After checking the operation of the elevator unit and the entire heating system, you must definitely request an updated passport for the device. It indicates the initial characteristics and the actual ones after control checks.

Types of elevator heating units

This heating diagram for the elevator unit does not reveal the temperature control mechanism. And this is the main way to optimize thermal energy consumption depending on external factors– outside temperature, degree of thermal insulation of the house, and so on. To do this, a special cone-shaped rod is installed in the nozzle. Gears ensure its connection with the valve. By adjusting the position of the rod, the throughput of the nozzle changes.

Depending on the installed equipment There are two types of adjustable elevator heating units:

  • Manual method. The valve rotates traditional method. In this case, the responsible employee must monitor the readings of pressure gauges and thermometers of the system;
  • Auto. A servo drive is installed on the valve pin, which is connected to temperature and pressure sensors. Depending on the established indicators, movements of the rod are performed.

A typical elevator unit drawing should include not only the required elements, performance characteristics systems. And for this you need to calculate the parameters. Such work is carried out only by specialized design organizations, as it requires taking into account all factors.

Installing an adjustable elevator unit for heating in combination with a thermal energy consumption meter will save up to 30% of hot coolant consumption.

Installation features and testing

It is worth immediately noting that installation and testing of the operation of the elevator unit and heating system is the prerogative of representatives of the service company. Residents of the house are strictly prohibited from doing this. However, knowledge of the layout of the elevator units of the central heating system is recommended.

During design and installation, the characteristics of the incoming coolant are taken into account. The branching of the network in the house, the number of heating devices and the operating temperature are also taken into account. Any automatic elevator unit for heating consists of two parts.

  • Adjusting the intensity of the flow of incoming hot water, as well as measuring its technical indicators - temperature and pressure;
  • Directly the mixing unit itself.

The main characteristic is the mixing ratio. This is the ratio of the volumes of hot and cold water. This parameter is the result of precise calculations. It cannot be a constant, since it depends on external factors. The installation must be carried out strictly according to the diagram of the elevator unit of the heating system. After this, fine tuning is done. To reduce the error it is recommended maximum load. This way the water temperature in the return pipe will be minimal. This is a necessary condition for precise control of the automatic valve operation.

After a certain period of time, scheduled checks of the operation of the elevator unit and the heating system as a whole are necessary. The exact procedure depends on the specific scheme. However, you can draw up a general plan that includes the following mandatory procedures:

  • Checking the integrity of pipes, shut-off valves and devices, as well as compliance of their parameters with passport data;
  • Adjustment of temperature and pressure sensors;
  • Determination of pressure loss during coolant passage through the nozzle;
  • Calculation of the displacement coefficient. Even for the most accurate heating scheme for an elevator unit, equipment and pipelines wear out over time. This amendment must be taken into account when setting up.

After this work has been completed, the automatic central heating elevator unit must be sealed to prevent tampering.

Cannot be used homemade circuits elevator units for central systems heating. They often do not take into account the most important characteristics, which can not only reduce operational efficiency, but also cause an emergency.

Premises requirements

In the vast majority of cases, mixing units are installed in the basement of the building. To perform its functions, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the room - seasonal changes in temperature and humidity.

There are a number of requirements for these indicators, the fulfillment of which is mandatory. This especially applies to elevator units of the central heating system with installed automatic servos:

  • The room temperature should not fall below 0°C;
  • To prevent the appearance of condensation on the surface of the pipes, an exhaust ventilation system is installed;
  • For electrical appliances A separate switchboard must be installed. It is recommended to provide an autonomous power supply in case of an emergency power outage.

However, in fact, it is rare to see adherence to these rules. As a result, even for the most effective drawing of an elevator unit, its practical implementation may differ significantly. That's why they appeared alternative schemes for mixing coolant flows.

In some new apartment buildings connected to central heating, there is no provision for a heating circuit with an elevator unit. To install it, you need to contact the management company.

Other options for thermal units

Based on the basic principle of operation of the elevator unit of the heating system, alternative methods have been developed to maintain the desired temperature level in the pipes for users. Their difference from traditional scheme consists in the presence of a complex electronic control system.

The first thing the developers of this unit paid attention to was the optimal flow of hot water. Therefore, a thermal energy meter must be installed at the inlet pipe. It makes it possible not only to see the volume of coolant entering the home system, but can also automatically calculate its cost and transmit the data to the management company.

The installed pumps allow you to control the speed of passage of the coolant through the pipes. This is necessary to reduce the error when mixing fluid flows in the nozzle. To do this, temperature sensors are mounted on the inlet and return pipes. If the water heating level is less than the set one, the return pump stops working. To increase the volume of hot coolant, the corresponding pumping equipment is activated.

In this article we are going to find out what an elevator is in a heating system and how it works. In addition to the functions, we will study the operating modes of the elevator unit and how to adjust it. So, let's go.

What it is


Speaking in simple words, elevator heating units are a kind of buffers between the heating main and house engineering systems.

They combine several functions:

  • They convert the pressure difference between the lines of the route (3-4 atmospheres) into the 0.2 required for the operation of the heating circuit.
  • They are used to start or stop heating and hot water supply systems.
  • Allows you to switch between different operating modes of the DHW system.

Let us clarify: the temperature of the water in the taps should not exceed 90-95 degrees.
In summer, when the water temperature in the route supply does not exceed 50-55 C, the hot water supply is supplied from this line.
During the peak of cold weather, the hot water supply has to be switched to the return pipeline.


The simplest diagram of an elevator heating unit includes:

  1. A pair of input valves on the supply and return lines. The supply is always located above the return.
  2. A pair of house valves that cut off the elevator unit from the heating system.
  3. Mud collectors on the supply and, less often, on the return.

The photo shows a mudguard that prevents sand and scale from entering the heating circuit.

  1. Discharge valves in the heating circuit, allowing you to completely dry it or reset the system, expelling a significant part of the air from it upon startup. It is considered good practice to dispose of waste into the sewer.
  2. Control valves that allow you to measure the temperature and pressure of the supply, return and mixture.
  3. Finally, actually water jet elevator- equipped with a nozzle inside.

How does it work elevator system heating? The principle of its operation is based on Bernoulli's law, which states that static pressure in a flow is inversely proportional to its speed.

Hotter and under more high pressure water from the supply pipeline is injected through a nozzle into the elevator socket and creates there, as paradoxical as it may sound, a vacuum zone that draws part of the water from the return pipeline through suction into a repeated circulation cycle.

This ensures:

  • High coolant flow through the circuit with minimal flow from the route.
  • Equalizing the temperatures of heating devices close to the elevator and those far from it.

How are pressures measured during heating season? Here are typical parameters.

Temperatures on the route and after the elevator follow the so-called temperature schedule, the determining factor in which is the street temperature. The maximum value for the supply line of the route is 150 degrees: with further heating, the water will boil, despite the excess pressure. Maximum temperature mixtures - 95 C for two-pipe and 105 for one-pipe systems.

In addition to the listed elements, the heating system elevator may include hot water supply connections.

There are two main configurations possible.

  1. In houses built before the end of the 70s, DHW is supplied through one connection to the supply and one to the return.
  2. In newer houses there are two insets on each thread. A retaining washer with a diameter 1-2 mm larger than the diameter of the nozzle is placed between the inserts. It provides a difference sufficient to ensure that when the hot water supply is turned on according to the “supply to supply” and “return to return” schemes, water continuously circulates through the paired risers and heated towel rails.

Areas of responsibility

What is an elevator heating unit - we have at least figured it out.

And who is responsible for it?

  • The section of the route inside the house to the flanges of the input valves is the area of ​​responsibility of the heat transporting organization (heating networks).
  • Everything after the entrance valves, and the valves themselves, are the responsibility of the housing organization.

However: the selection of a heating elevator by number (standard size), calculation of the diameter of the nozzle and retaining washers are carried out by heating networks.
Housing workers only provide installation and dismantling.


The controlling organization is, again, heating networks.

What exactly do they control?

  • Control measurements of temperatures and pressures of supply, return and mixture are carried out several times during the winter.. In case of deviations from temperature chart The calculation of the heating elevator is carried out again with boring or reducing the diameter of the nozzle. Of course, this should not be done during the peak of cold weather: at -40 outside, the access heating system can become covered in ice within an hour after the circulation stops.
  • In preparation for the heating season, the condition of the shut-off valves is checked. The check is extremely simple: all valves in the assembly are closed, after which any control valve opens. If water comes from it, you need to look for a fault; In addition, in any position of the valves, they should not have leaks through the seals.
  • Finally, at the end of the heating season, the elevators in the heating system, along with the system itself, are tested for temperature. When the DHW supply is turned off, the coolant heats up to maximum values.


We present the procedure for performing some operations related to the operation of the elevator.

Start heating

If the system is full, you just need to open the house valves and circulation will begin.

The instructions for starting a reset system are somewhat more complicated.

  1. The discharge on the return line opens and the discharge on the supply line closes.
  2. Slowly (to avoid water hammer) the upper house valve opens.
  3. After clean, air-free water flows into the discharge, it closes, after which the lower house valve opens.

Useful: if modern ball valves are installed on the risers, the direction of operation of the discharge circuit does not matter.
But with screw valves, a quick countercurrent can tear off the valves, after which the mechanic will have to spend a long and painful search for the reasons for the stoppage of circulation in the risers.

Work without nozzle

At catastrophically low return temperatures during the peak of cold weather, it is common practice to operate an elevator without a nozzle. The system receives coolant from the route, not the mixture. The suction is suppressed with a steel pancake.

Differential adjustment

If the return flow is too high and it is impossible to quickly replace the nozzle, adjusting the differential with a valve is practiced.

How to do it yourself?

  1. The supply pressure is measured, after which the pressure gauge is placed on the return line.
  2. The inlet valve on the return line closes completely and gradually opens with pressure control using a pressure gauge. If you simply close the valve, its cheeks may not completely move down the stem and will slide down later. The price of the wrong procedure is guaranteed defrosted access heating.

No more than 0.2 atmospheres of difference should be removed at a time. The return temperature is re-measured a day later, when all values ​​have stabilized.


We hope that our material will help the reader understand the operation scheme and the procedure for adjusting the elevator unit. As usual, the attached video will provide additional information. Good luck!

Providing apartment buildings is a complex process and requires a professional approach. The main problem is the length of the heating mains, resulting in large heat losses. The solution to this problem can be implemented comprehensively, namely:

  1. Insulation of pipes and the use of new materials for their manufacture.
  2. Increasing the temperature of water leaving the boiler room.

To implement the second method, the principle of increasing water pressure is used, as a result of which the boiling point becomes more than 100°C. According to this, there are the following temperature operating conditions for boiler rooms:

  • 150°C.
  • 130°C.
  • 95°C.

This is very convenient for transportation, but there is a need to reduce the temperature when distributing coolant in the house. This is possible thanks to the use of elevator thermal unit.

The most obvious solution is to reduce the temperature by mixing the cooled coolant from the return pipe. This task is performed by the elevator temperature unit.

The design consists of 3 pipes:

  1. Input. It receives hot water from a common main at an elevated temperature.
  2. Back. Connected to the return line.
  3. Mixing. Supplies coolant with normal temperature V heating devices premises.

To provide battery life The design includes an injector. It is necessary to reduce the pressure to normal, but, in addition, it performs a very important function.

Superheated water enters the injector nozzle and enters the mixing zone at high speed. This creates a vacuum (a zone of reduced pressure), which ensures the flow of cooled coolant from the return pipe.

The resulting pressure in the elevator thermal unit makes it possible to create a constant flow rate. This to some extent facilitates the operation of water pumps and helps create the same temperature regime for all consumers, regardless of the order of connection to the heating system.

Methods of regulation

An important parameter in the operation of the elevator unit is the regulation of the supply of superheated coolant. Depending on external factors, the temperature of the water in the return pipe may change. This is influenced by the number of currently connected users, the time of year and the condition of the building.

To ensure optimal temperature conditions, the elevator unit must be equipped with temperature sensors and pressure reading devices. Each such set must be installed on all three connected pipes.

One of the most common options for tying an elevator unit is shown below.

1 – , 2 – valve, 3 – plug valve, 4, 12 – dirt traps, 5 – check valve, 6 – throttle washer, 7 – fitting, 8 – thermometer, 9 – pressure gauge, 10 – elevator, 11 – heat meter, 13 – water meter, 14 – water flow regulator, 15 – sub-steam regulator, 16 – valves, 17 – circuit.

This scheme works in manual mode. The elevator design includes a control valve that reduces (increases) the flow of hot water.

The advantages of this system are:

  1. Its operation is possible without connecting to the power supply.
  2. Low cost of design and installation.
  3. Reliability.


  1. There is no automatic operating mode.
  2. Low efficiency, since the temperature of the coolant at the inlet can change at any time, which will immediately affect the heating of residential premises.

But currently there is automatic systems, allowing you to maintain the desired temperature without human intervention.

For this purpose, control valves with an electric drive and a circular pump are used. The electric actuator is connected to a temperature sensor and, when it changes, moves the valve valve. A pump is necessary to ensure circulation of coolant in the system.

Heat supply systems currently in use consist of main pipelines and heating points, through which heat is distributed to consumers. Any apartment house equipped with a special thermal unit in which the pressure and temperature of the water are regulated. Special devices called elevator units are designed to cope with this task.

Elevator unit is a module with which any apartment building is connected to the general heating network. The coolant often has a temperature exceeding permissible limits. Heated water should not flow into apartment radiators. Elevator units are used to cool water in heating systems of houses.

These modules lower the temperature of the coolant entering the basements of houses from the external heating network by adding water from the return pipe. Elevators are the most simple options cooling of coolants in residential buildings.

Design and principle of operation of a heating elevator

The heating system elevator consists of three main elements:

  • mixing chamber;
  • nozzle;
  • jet elevator.

Additionally, the design of the device provides various thermometers with pressure gauges. Elevators are also equipped with shut-off valves.

An elevator is a device made of cast iron or steel. The device is equipped with three flanges. The principle of its operation is as follows:

  • preheated to high temperatures water moves towards the elevator and enters its nozzle;
  • the coolant flow rate increases with a tapering nozzle and a decrease in pressure;
  • cold water flows from the return pipeline to the place where low pressure occurs;
  • both liquids (cold and hot) are mixed in the mixing unit of the elevator.

Thanks to the cold water coming from the return pipe, the overall pressure in the heating system is reduced. The temperature of the coolant drops to the required value, after which it is distributed among the apartments of the residential building.

By its structure, the elevator unit is a device that simultaneously performs the functions of both a mixer and a circulation pump.

The main advantages of the design are:

  • low cost of installation in apartment buildings;
  • ease of installation itself;
  • saving of used coolant reaching 30%;
  • energy independence of this equipment.

Any elevator unit requires strapping. The heated water moves along the main line through the supply pipeline. Its return occurs through the return pipeline. The internal system of the house can be disconnected from the main pipes thanks to valves. The elements of the thermal unit are attached to each other with a flange connection.

Heating system elevator diagram

At the entrance to the system, as well as at its output, special mud collectors are fixed. Their function is reduced to collecting solid particles that enter the coolant. Thanks to the mud traps, particles do not penetrate further into the heating system, settling in them. Straight and oblique types of mud collectors are used. These elements need to be cleansed from accumulated sediments.

Pressure gauges are a mandatory element. Data control devices perform the function of regulating the pressure of the coolant inside the pipes.

When the coolant enters the heating system control unit, it can have a pressure reaching 12 atmospheres. At the exit from the elevator, the pressure decreases significantly. Its indicator depends on the number of floors in an apartment building.

The system includes thermometers that regulate the temperature of the in-line fluid.

The installation of the elevator itself requires special installation rules:

  • the presence in the system of a free straight section 25 cm long;
  • using the inlet pipe, the device is connected to the supply pipe from the control panel (the connection occurs via a flange);
  • a branch pipe on the opposite side connects the elevator to a pipe that is part of the in-house wiring;
  • The elevator unit together with the flange is connected to the return pipe using a jumper.

Any in-house heating design implies the presence of valves and drainage elements. Valves allow you to disconnect the elevator from the internal heating network, and drainage elements drain the coolant from the system. This usually happens as part of planned preventative measures or during accidents on heating networks.

Elevator with automatic adjustment

There are two main types of elevator units used:

The second type of device has its own operating characteristics. Their design allows electronic control methods to change the nozzle cross-section. Inside such an element there is a special mechanism through which the throttle needle moves.

The throttle needle affects the nozzle and changes its clearance. As a result of changing the nozzle clearance, the coolant consumption rates change significantly.

Changing the lumen not only affects the flow of liquid inside the heating pipes, but also the speed of its movement. All this becomes the result of a change in the coefficient at which mixing of cold water from the return pipeline and hot water flowing through the external main pipe occurs. This is how the temperature of the coolant changes.

By means of the elevator, not only the supply of liquid is adjusted, but also its pressure. The pressure of the device itself directs the flow of coolant in the heating circuit.

Since the elevator is partly circulation pump, then switchgears fit well into its design. This is necessary in multi-storey buildings, where several consumers live at once.

The main distribution device is the collector or comb. The coolant coming out of the elevator unit enters this container. The liquid leaves the comb through many outlets, distributed throughout the apartments of the house. At the same time, the pressure in the system remains unchanged.

It is possible to repair individual consumers without having to stop the entire heating circuit.

Using a three way valve

As switchgear A three-way valve is used. The mechanism is capable of functioning in several modes:

  • permanent;
  • variable

Valves are made of cast iron, brass, and steel. Inside it there is a cylindrical, ball or cone type locking device. The shape of the valve resembles a tee. Working in the heating system, it performs the functions of a mixer.

Ball type valves are most often used. Their purpose boils down to:

  • regulating the temperature of radiators;
  • regulation of temperature inside heated floors;
  • direction of the coolant in two directions.

Three-way valves included in the elevator unit are divided into two types - control and shut-off. Both types are largely similar in functionality, but the second type is more difficult to cope with the task smooth adjustment temperature conditions.

Basic malfunctions of elevators

Among the advantages of the device there are several disadvantages, including:

  • A strong pressure drop that occurs in two pipes (supply and return) is not allowed;
  • the permissible pressure drop is 2 Bar;
  • the device does not allow you to regulate the temperature of the coolant at the outlet of the system;
  • Each element of the elevator unit requires calculations, without which the accuracy of their work is impossible.

Among the common cases of malfunctions that occur with these devices are:

  • clogging of mud traps;
  • clogging of all equipment;
  • failure of fittings;
  • an increase in the diameter of the nozzle, which occurs over time and makes it difficult to regulate the temperature of the water in the heating pipes;
  • regulator failure.

One example of clogged mud drains

Common causes of malfunctions are various blockages equipment and a nozzle increasing in diameter. Any malfunction quickly makes itself known as a malfunction of the unit. A sharp change in coolant temperature occurs in the system. A serious change is a temperature change of 5 0 C. In such cases, diagnostics of the structure and its repair are required.

The nozzle increases in diameter for two main reasons:

  • due to involuntary drilling;
  • due to corrosion resulting from constant contact with water.

The problem leads to an imbalance in the system and temperature regulation in it. Repair work and must be carried out as soon as possible.

The elevator unit is an element of the heating system that allows you to reduce the temperature of the coolant supplied from the thermal power plant to the optimal level. The heating elevator mixes high-temperature coolant from the thermal power plant and cooled coolant from the return line of the heating system apartment building. By regulating the volume of coolant in two flows, it is achieved optimal temperature for the home heating system.

The temperature of the coolant in the external heating pipelines reaches +130°C - +150°C (if the water supply comes from large thermal power plants), or +95°C - +105°C (from small thermal power plants, local boiler houses).

Using water at this temperature is impossible for several reasons:

  • The water temperature in the heating mains coming from the thermal power plant is high. But with poor thermal insulation of the system and a sharp drop in air temperature, sudden changes are possible.
  • Such differences negatively affect the service life internal system heating of residential buildings. For example, cast iron radiators, which are often used in the internal circuit of heating systems, can crack due to sudden temperature changes;
  • Recently, they have been widely used in heating systems of residential buildings. Plastic pipes at temperatures above +95°C they become deformed and also leak or crack. (Propylene can withstand temperatures of +100°C, but provided that this temperature does not last long);
  • Touching pipes heated above +90°C can cause burns.

Note! According to SNiPs, the coolant temperature in buildings where people are located should be no more than +95°C on the supply side and no more than +70°C on the return side.

Therefore, for heating residential buildings, a dependent connection scheme is rarely used, according to which the coolant from the heating network enters directly into the house heating system. In most cases this is simply not possible.

More often we deal with a dual-circuit system, the so-called independent circuit connections.

In this case, water from the thermal power plant or boiler room enters the heat exchanger, in which, by mixing the external and internal circuit water, the latter is heated to a temperature acceptable for use.

It is here that the elevator heating unit is used as a device for mixing hot and cold flow to an acceptable temperature necessary and sufficient for operation in the internal system.

The elevator unit, despite the simplicity of its design, performs 2 functions - under the influence of pressure differences it works as a pump and a water mixer. Therefore, in some sources this device is called a water-jet heating elevator or mixing pump.

Elevator unit design

The elevator consists of 4 elements:

  • A cone-shaped nozzle through which passes at high speed hot stream coolant coming from the heating main;
  • Suction chamber, into which cooled coolant flows from the return line;
  • Mixing cone and neck, where the mixing of hot and cooled coolant occurs;
  • Diffuser.

Note! The coolant contains various mechanical particles (sludge, scale, etc.), which gradually grind down the elevator nozzle. Therefore, every year the elevator is disassembled to check the nozzle diameter. If the nozzle diameter does not correspond to the documents, it must be replaced.

Most often, when describing a heating system with an elevator unit, it is assumed that it is impossible to regulate the output temperature to the internal circuit.

However, recently improved models have become popular. A cone-shaped rod is placed inside the nozzle, which, depending on its position, can change the throughput of the nozzle. The position of the rod can be changed manually or automatically. When installing an automatic control unit, the device must be connected to a power source.

Installation of an elevator unit requires accurate calculations. It is better if this part of the work is done by a professional. However, at the same time, you can check the correctness of the chosen model yourself by calculating the required dimensions of the device.

And for the average user who is not familiar with the formulas for calculating the mixing coefficient and nozzle diameter, there are simple programs that will help perform the calculations.

For calculations you will need:

  • temperature at the inlet and outlet of the external circuit (water temperature in the heating main) and the temperature of the internal network (house heating system);
  • coolant consumption;
  • heating system resistance.

Advantages of a system with an elevator unit

  • Low cost.
  • Energy independence. The elevator heating unit operates in the presence of the required pressure difference on the internal and external circuits;
  • Simplicity of design and installation (with making the right choice devices, accurate calculations of the nozzle diameter).
  • Independence of the unit’s operation from short-term pressure drops and temperatures of the external heating main.


  • The outlet temperature is not always adjustable. For example, at a low temperature of the coolant in the heating main, after mixing with cooled water (return), water will initially flow into the internal circuit pipes, the temperature of which is not sufficient to heat the room. This problem is currently being solved by installing adjustable units. Adjustment can be made manually(rotation of the valve) or automatic (adjustment occurs due to the movement of the rod installed inside the nozzle, movement occurs due to the connection of a servo drive connected to sensors);
  • For stable operation of a system with an elevator unit, precise selection of design is necessary;
  • Some users consider one of the disadvantages to be the material investments required to purchase additional equipment and install elevator heating units. But when correct installation quality equipment, even an automatic control system bandwidth nozzles pay for themselves within 3-5 years (due to savings on heating fees).

Scheme of a scheduled check of the operating condition of the elevator unit

One of the advantages of the system is ease of operation. The device does not require round-the-clock monitoring; routine inspections are sufficient. This kind of examination is best performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Checking the integrity of pipes;
  2. Verification of instruments, adjustment of pressure sensors and thermometers;
  3. Calculation of pressure loss when water passes through the nozzle;
  4. Calculation of the displacement coefficient. This value must be taken into account when setting up the system, since even a perfectly mounted and installed unit and pipeline wear out over time.

After a routine inspection, the system is sealed to secure its settings and prevent unauthorized changes.

Installation of an elevator unit

As a rule, installation of an elevator heating unit is carried out in basements. The use of such a place is possible subject to a number of requirements:

  • This must be an indoor room with a positive temperature (above 0°)
  • Due to the large temperature difference, droplets of water settle on pipes in a humid room (condensation forms). This leads to rapid wear of the equipment. To keep the pipes dry, it is necessary to install an exhaust ventilation system.

Advice! You can also get rid of condensation by insulating pipes. A layer of liquid thermal insulation is applied to the pipeline, or heat-insulating tubes made of foamed polyethylene are “dressed”.

In systems with an automatic heating elevator, installation of an independent power source is provided for uninterrupted power supply. Autonomous power supply will ensure the operation of devices even during a power outage.
