Frame heating. Real heating costs for frame houses

In modern realities the most effective solution heating of individual houses is the use natural gas as an energy carrier. There are several reasons for this:

  • Availability of gas for the population;
  • Relatively low price of natural gas;
  • High efficiency and safety of gas heating equipment;
  • Ecological purity of the energy carrier.

For frame houses all of the above arguments are true, therefore gas heating frame house best solution for heating the house.

An additional argument for choosing heating in a frame house is the high energy-saving characteristics of such a house. The technology of constructing frame houses and the high heat-saving characteristics of the materials used in construction can transform frame house to the "thermos house". The energy consumption for heating such a house is less than in traditional wooden and stone houses, and heat retention is much longer.

Gas boiler - heat source in a frame house

The choice of energy carrier for a heating boiler becomes obvious if main gas is available. With a boiler running on liquefied gas, an alternative arises. A boiler running on solid fuel or hydrocarbons may well be a competitive option. Even an electric boiler in a frame house becomes an effective heating option if there is no main gas. Therefore, answering the question of which heating to choose for a frame house is quite simple - gas heating. In comparative calculations for a standard house there is an advantage gas heating undeniable.

Fuel Unit. Price, rub.) Cost 1kWh (rub.) Per season (RUB)
Dry firewood kg 3 rub. 0.9 rub. RUB 80,385
Coal kg 7.7 rub. 1.6 rub. RUB 142,900
Pellets kg 6 rub. RUB 1.33 RUB 118,790
Diesel fuel l 26 rub. 2.8 rub. 250,000 rub.
Gasmainline m 3 5 rub. 0,5 rub. 44 660 rub.
LPG (propane-butane) l 16 rub. 2.5 rub. RUB 223,300
Electricity kWh RUB 3.39 3.5 rub. RUB 312,610

Quality Heating in a frame house is determined by a gas boiler by its technical and operational characteristics.

Characteristics of gas boilers

List of characteristics of gas boilers:

  • Boiler power;
  • Boiler type;
  • Combustion chamber design;
  • Efficiency fuel use;
  • Boiler control.

Choosing a heating boiler for a frame house - which is better to choose?

The efficiency of the boiler is determined by the efficiency, which for modern boilers is at the level of 90 -95% and higher. The boiler power is selected based on the heated volumes of the frame house premises:

  • lack of power will affect the comfort in the house during the cold season;
  • Excess power will lead to increased home heating costs.

Boilers are available in floor-mounted and wall-mounted versions. At the same time, the power of wall-mounted boilers, with smaller dimensions, is comparable to floor-standing boilers. IN wall-mounted boilers The combustion chamber is made of steel, the combustion chamber of floor-standing boilers is made of cast iron. The service life of a cast iron combustion chamber is several times longer than the service life of steel chambers.

An important characteristic of boilers for frame houses is operational safety. Safety is ensured by the boiler control, which provides a level of protection:

  1. Gas burner flame control;
  2. According to the gas shut-off system in case of disturbances in the normal operation of the boiler;
  3. By gas pressure in the system;
  4. By temperature conditions regulation.

Heating a frame house without gas

Heating in a frame house without gas provides an alternative to choosing the type of heating. Based on the table above, the most economical option for a wood-fired boiler heating system, but it is archaic, akin to a Russian stove, and the procurement of firewood is not available everywhere, and accordingly, purchasing firewood is difficult. More modern version solid fuel boiler using pellets, pressed wood pellets. In Russia, pellets are produced by a small number of forestry enterprises from waste wood and wood processing waste. Most produce briquettes from the same waste. But if the use of pellets allows you to automate the operation of the boiler, then the use of briquettes is akin to the use of firewood; boiler firing is carried out manually. The use of coal or diesel fuel for heating a frame house has a negative environmental component. Both coal and diesel fuel pollute environment release of harmful combustion waste. The best, from this point of view, would be an electric boiler, but it is the most expensive in the price of heating a house.

The best option when deciding which heating system to choose for a frame house without mains gas would be a heating system operating on combined or multi-fuel boilers. These boilers can use several types of fuel. For this purpose, multi-fuel boilers have several combustion chambers for each fuel. The main disadvantage of such boilers is their high cost.

A comparable option to these boilers would be boilers operating on a liquefied propane-butane mixture of gases (LPG). This option will become more expensive due to the additional costs of purchasing a gas tank and placing the structure underground, but in comparison with the diesel heating option, this option has environmental advantages, and the heating price will differ slightly from diesel heating.

Summarizing the material presented about the heating systems of a frame house, we can state: the best system heating for him is gas system, whether the energy carrier is natural gas or liquefied LPG.

Recently, many people prefer quiet ones to the bustle of city high-rise buildings. country cottages. Buy ready house with all the amenities not everyone can afford. Self-construction made from familiar materials like brick or modern foam blocks will also cost the owner a tidy sum. The construction of a frame house will allow you to significantly save costs.

Design Features

It is a multilayer structure in the shape of a sandwich. The basis is a frame made of timber, which is sheathed with outer and inner layers. The inner layer is a heat-insulating filler.

This design allows you to increase the heat-saving capacity of the building several times. But the house itself is not a source of heat, so in harsh winter conditions it is necessary to provide a frame-panel house.

Types of heating system

Depending on the type of source, the heating system can be used as follows:

  • air;
  • solar collector;

What heating to choose for a frame house? Let us consider the features of all varieties in more detail.


Heating a frame house with electricity provides three options:

  • convector heating;
  • warm floor;
  • electric boiler;

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first method is more expensive in terms of energy consumption. The second is more economical, but in severe frosts one such source will not be enough to heat the entire house.

Convector heating

The number of convectors should be based on the assumption that one heating element serves an area of ​​20 m². Installation costs are quite small, but if you take into account the constantly growing cost of electricity, heating a frame house with convectors will be quite expensive.

Warm floor

This type can be used for any floor covering - ceramic tile, laminate, parquet, linoleum. To heat a room with an area of ​​20 m², it is sufficient to lay heating pipes in a frame house on an area of ​​15 m². Only the free space of the room is used; there is no need to install a heating system under the furniture.

Laying features

The correct layout of pipes is carried out according to project diagrams or the drawing is carried out independently. Setting up electric heating for a frame house is not particularly difficult, but in order to get a high-quality coating, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. The film is laid on a clean floor plane. It serves as a vapor barrier and is also needed to protect the floor from the cement mixture.
  2. The next layer is a special mesh. It serves as a reinforced base in the arrangement of a heated floor.
  3. The mesh is being fixed. You can attach it to the floor using self-tapping screws.
  4. Pipe elements are laid according to the chosen scheme.
  5. The heating pipe in the frame house is being fixed. Fastening to the floor is carried out with special electrical devices - clamps.
  6. Next you need to make general assembly the entire line and installation of the collector. Additionally, balancing valves are installed. They will regulate the flow in each pipe loop.
  7. A sand-cement mixture is prepared, with the addition of crushed stone manually or using a concrete mixer.
  8. The beacons are placed and the screed is poured.
  9. After pouring, the floor is covered with plastic film. All windows and doors in the room must be closed. This is necessary so that the screed hardens evenly.
  10. After hardening, the beacons must be removed and their installation sites covered with new mortar. (you can read what it is here)

So, a frame house is heated; the video will clearly demonstrate all the details.

Electric boiler

Application of home heating based on electric boiler, is popular compared to others. The main element in them is the heating element, which allows you to transform electrical energy in the warmth. Compared to heating with convectors, heating a frame house with an electric boiler will be very economical in terms of energy consumption.

Installing heating in a frame house , Be sure to comply with electrical safety requirements:

  • the selection of cross-section and connection of wires should be carried out only according to the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • all wiring must be pre-installed before starting installation work;

Before starting installation work, you must make sure that the walls can support the weight of the boiler. Also, so that there is easy access to it during possible repair work.


gas heating system for frame house

Gas heating of a frame house also has both its pros and cons. Despite the relatively low cost of natural gas compared to electricity, the cost of installing such heating will be quite high. If we take into account the fact that assembling a house is valued for its low construction costs, then furnishing an expensive gas equipment will be unprofitable.

The high cost of heating a frame house is influenced, first of all, by the fact that it is impossible to install it yourself. The installation of gas equipment will require special permits, as well as a mandatory project certified by all authorities. In addition, only qualified specialists can install heating a frame house with gas.


It is based on the principle of increasing the thermal efficiency of the building. The walls have an insulated structure due to their multi-layer nature. A factor to consider in this case is additional ventilation. It is necessary to ensure that the walls “breathe”. It is mainly used in Europe and America.

Two conditions in this case are forced ventilation and air heating of a frame house, using special heat exchangers. Air heating of a frame house allows you to significantly save a significant amount; the price depends on the capabilities of the owner. You can equip the unit with cheap mechanical filters or use more expensive option. The air version in our country is used only as stove heating for a frame house.


It is based on natural resource– solar energy. To do this, you will need a special device - a solar collector. You can purchase it ready-made, or you can also make it yourself. In order to make heating for a frame house with your own hands, you will need:

  • special solar battery;
  • circulation pump;
  • water container;
  • control and adjustment unit;

The battery is installed on the roof. The area where the arrangement will be carried out should be black for better heat transfer. The container should be placed in the attic. It must be carefully insulated and insulated to retain heat.

You can purchase and install ready-made solar collector heating for a frame house. Reviews show that the option installed independently will cost the owner less investment.

More on the topic.

Air heating of the house is a reasonable alternative to water or electric heating systems. This method of heating homes was used in ancient Rome. The essence of using this method is to heat the air efficiently and ensure its movement throughout all living rooms.

A Brief History of Air Heating

The history of the formation of an air heating system for homes dates back several centuries. Thus, during archaeological excavations in Lapland (near the town of Woullerim, Sweden) during the study of the Arkaim settlement (3-2 thousand BC), the first air heating systems were found, including: a fire pit, an underground air duct for supplying heat and a chimney.

The first written mention of air heating system was made by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius back in the 1st century. BC e. The technology he described was used to heat public baths (thermal baths) and consisted of a heating stove (it was located outside the heated dwelling) and a system of pipes and cavities through which the body moved. warm air.

Speaking of European countries, air heating was actively used in German castles, where warm air penetrated through cracks in the floor.

In the 15th century the Russian heating system, or the Russian stove, was invented. This technology involved heating the air due to direct contact of the latter with the stove surface. In this case, all combustion products were removed through the chimney. Due to the fact that the stove itself was located inside the heated room, the heat it generated was spent as efficiently as possible.

Important: At its core, the Russian stove cannot be classified as a full-fledged air system, since its design does not imply the presence of air ducts. However, more advanced heating devices were developed on its basis.

In the middle of the 18th century. Swedish scientist Christopher Polgem made a drawing of the first full-fledged heating system with air valves located directly under the floor.

Later, at the end of the 18th century. engineer Franz Karlovich designed a water battery, which subsequently took a leading position among all other heating systems.

The general principle of operation of the structure and its elements

Air heating is usually understood as a system that provides heating of living space with hot air. The structure described includes:

  • Air heaters - in them the air mass is brought to the required temperature;
  • Air ducts - they are used to supply air to heated rooms;
  • Air intake and air supply grilles - directly through them heated air mass is supplied to the room and it is also taken to enter the air heater;
  • Shut-off and control valves - they are necessary to regulate the operation of air ducts.

Heating of air in a structure can be carried out due to combustion different types fuel, liquid heating or solar energy.

From the above it may seem that if heating is realized due to fuel combustion, then such a system is no different from stove heating(or other depending on the energy source). However, the fundamental difference is that in all other systems the air mass is static, i.e. ventilation of the room and constant movement of cold and warm air does not occur, while the entire principle of operation of the air heating system is based precisely on the continuous transportation of air from the heater to the heated room and back through the air supply system. The most advanced in this regard is air heating combined with ventilation.


Depending on the type of fuel used, the following types of air heating systems can be distinguished:

  1. Gas air heating – this system produces heating of air masses due to the energy released during the combustion of the corresponding type of fuel. The process of operation of such a design is as follows: cold air enters the heater fan, as the gas burns, it warms up and, through another fan, moves through the air duct and enters back into the room;
  2. In addition to gas, the energy source can be diesel fuel, electricity, wood or coal. General principle the operation of the described units is the same as that of gas equipment;
  3. Air solar heating– it is an indirect heating system. Solar energy used to heat the water in the system, which in turn is already used to heat the air;
  4. Heat pump heating system - in this case, refrigerant is used as a coolant heat pump. It can be used in combination with any other heating system. Such pumps do not tolerate large negative temperatures, however, will help to significantly save on heat in the off-season.

Video about air heating in a frame house:

Installation features

Immediately before installing the structure, you need to carry out a calculation air heating.

At this stage it is determined:

  • The power of the air heater - it should be enough to heat the entire house, taking into account all possible heat losses;
  • Warm air supply speed;
  • Heat loss through walls and floors;
  • The size of the air ducts - they must be capacious enough to ensure the normal movement of air masses.

The next step is to determine the location for installing the air heating unit. There are no instructions as such on this issue. However, in order to ensure not only heating, but also high-quality air movement, air ducts are usually combined with a ceiling ventilation system.

This way, warm air passes through the ventilation grilles and is delivered to all rooms through specially mounted sleeves.

Economic expediency

Speaking of economic feasibility, often the cost and installation of an air heating system at home is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of organizing a water system. This is due to the fact that for air heating you do not need to additionally install a structure for coolant circulation. In addition, the air heating of a frame house can be connected to the central ventilation of the premises and in summer time use for additional air conditioning of rooms.

Skeptics about air heating:

There are several ways to organize heating of a frame house:

  • gas heating
  • heating by electricity
  • oven method

Heating a frame house with gas

Gas boiler for heating

This is perhaps the most popular heating method among owners of frame houses. Especially if the house is intended for permanent residence.

To install a heating system using this method, you will need to install a gas boiler and related equipment; a special room will need to be allocated for all this.

A gas boiler is a reliable and inexpensive source of heat for country house, the cost of gas itself is also low.

However, there are some nuances here. Very often plots for cottage and country house construction are located far from main gas pipelines. In such cases, extending the pipe to the village is either impossible in principle or very expensive. In addition, you will need to obtain permits. We can say that heating with gas, in the absence of a gas pipeline originally connected to the village, is the most expensive way to heat a country house.

Heating a frame house with electricity

As practice shows, in areas where there are no problems with the supply of electricity, it is quite reasonable to heat the house with electric heating devices. There are several types of electric heating devices: convectors, oil radiators, infrared heaters, "warm floor" system. Electric convectors and “warm floors” are the most popular.

Heating a frame house with electric convectors

Electric convector

This is a fairly common device used for heating frame houses. You can install a pair of powerful electric convectors on each floor of the house or less powerful ones, but in each room.

These devices have many advantages:

  • Electric convectors usually have a thermostat, so they do not require constant attention during operation; You just need to set the desired temperature.
  • Modern electric convectors are quite reliable and have a service life of 20-25 years.
  • They do not burn oxygen and do not make noise during operation.
  • The efficiency of electric convectors is usually at least 90%.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting the following:

  • They consume a lot of energy, due to which this heating method winter time turns out to be quite expensive.
  • The room is heated unevenly.

Heating a frame house with a “warm floor” system

Warm floor

The heating system “warm floor” (electric) is gaining increasing popularity.

This is very effective method heating, since the heat source is not a local device, but almost the entire surface of the floor, due to which the heat in the room is distributed evenly. Although there is some overheating of the air at the floor level and underheating at the ceiling: by the time the heated air reaches the ceiling, it will cool slightly.

Electric heated floors usually have temperature regulators and are quite safe.

This heating method is also quite expensive due to high electricity consumption.

Stoves for heating a frame house

The stove heating method has many advantages: ease of maintenance, the ability to use different types of fuel, etc.

The design of modern stoves allows you to regulate the combustion process and optimally retain and use the heat generated by the fuel.

The oven can be hermetically sealed, and properly positioned dampers allow precise adjustment of the air supply and exhaust.

For any outside temperature The stove can provide heat to the entire room.

A modern wood or coal stove can have an efficiency of up to 60%.

In a frame house you can use: heating stoves, heating and cooking stoves, household stoves and fireplace stoves.

Choosing a heating method for a frame house

When choosing a heating system for a frame house, it is worth considering factors such as the availability of a specific type of fuel in the village, the design of the house, and its total area. Heating options should be considered already at the house design stage.

The YUKKA Dom company is engaged in the construction of turnkey frame houses. We carry out the entire complex construction work, including work on the installation of a heating system. Prices this type works are presented in the description of each standard project frame house.

Attention! Currently, the YUKKA Dom company provides

Statistics on heating costs for some houses, which the owners kindly shared.

Comparing different houses and costs, it is worth taking into account the design features, the amount of insulation, the type of heating source and current tariffs, and most importantly, the mode of operation of the house. For example, for some a comfortable temperature is 19-20 degrees when heating with gas, and for others it is 25 when electric heating and the city tariff, which, of course, affects costs.

1. Frame house on USHP in Beloostrov ~130m2

The house was built in 2014-2015, the insulation of the walls is 200 mm, the roof is 200 mm (the second floor is attic), the flat part of the ceiling is, it seems, 300 mm. The height of the shelves is 2.7 m.

Heating: diesel boiler 24 kW, water heated floors (USHP on the first floor and heated floors on the second floor);
Home operating mode: Permanent residence, 25-27 degrees at the bottom, 20-22 at the top;
Average bill for heating in winter: 4000-5000 rubles per month;
Average diesel consumption: 100-150 liters per month (DHW also from the boiler).

2. Single-stall frame 9*13 on USHP ~110 m2

The house was built in 2013-2014, wall insulation 200mm, top floor 300-400mm (ecowool), ceilings 3 m.

Heating: gas boiler 24 kW, main gas and only VTP/USHP;
Home operating mode: Permanent residence, ~22 degrees;
Average bill for heating in winter: ~1500 rubles per month;
Average gas consumption:~250 m3/month, at the time of publication 1m3=5.97 rub.

During the winter of 2017-2018, approximately 700-750 m3 of gas was burned, about 200 m3 in December, 300 m3 in January and 250 m3 in February, the readings are not written off from the meter every time. It is also worth noting that the operating mode gas boiler(and the choice of its power) in this house maybe. not the most optimal, maybe there are still ways to optimize.

At the same time, there are additional costs for electricity, which powers all household appliances, kitchen appliances, lighting, etc. day/night figures in kW/h:

  • January 2018: 220\154;
  • December 2017: 200\120;
  • November 2017: 282\190.

That is, another thousand and a half at a city tariff of 4.55 \ 2.62 rubles. (day\night) is spent on electricity - this is the total consumption according to the meter on the fence.

There are also some old statistics from January 2015, when the house was heated with electricity. Total consumption electricity for 8 weeks 3500 kWh: 2250 day, 1250 night.

2250*3.55 + 1250*2.14 = 10,662.5 rub. for two months (then there were different tariffs). The weather outside in the first month was -2-1-0+1+2+3+4, this is approximately the weather, freezing at night, dripping during the day. At home +21-22. In the second month it was down to -18, about 3 weeks of frost, a week of thaw (no warmer than +2).

During the warm month, consumption was 1500 kW/h, of which 500 at night, 1000 per day or 4,620 rubles.
During the cold month, consumption was 2000 kW/h, of which 650 at night, 1350 per day or 6,183 rubles.

Some information about this house.

3. Single-story frame 9*13 at SVF in Matoksa ~110m2

The house was built in 2015, the insulation of the walls is 150 mm, the insulation of the floor (pile-screw foundation) and ceiling is 200 mm, the ceilings are 2.7 m.

Heating: electric convectors, 1 PC. 2 kW, 4 pcs. 1 kW each, 4 pcs. 1.5 kW each. IR floors in all rooms;
Home operating mode: seasonal, intermittently on weekends, temperature 20-21, in absence 8-10;
Average bill for heating in winter: electricity ~4000 rubles/month, in January 2018 it was around 5000 (customers spent all holidays at the dacha, the rest of the time they maintained +10), the electricity tariff for the day was 4.08 rubles, at night 2.08 rubles .

4. Frame house 9.5*9.5 at USHP in Kolpino ~160m2

The house was built in 2014, wall insulation 250mm, ceiling 400-500mm ecowool, ceiling height 2.7 m.

Heating: gas boiler, main gas. VTP on the 1st and 2nd floors;
Home operating mode: Permanent residence. temperature is approximately 24-25, the window in the bedroom is always open;
Average bill for gas in winter: on average 300 m3/month. (about 2000 rubles), electricity approximately 500 kW/h (another 1500 rubles/month);

Tariff: 4.55 rubles per 1 kWh day, 2.62 at night. Gas 5.9 rub. for 1 m3. Thus, the monthly payment now for electricity and gas in winter is about 3.5 tr.
Before gas, the coldest month for electricity was 11 thousand rubles (the tariff was lower, but has increased since then).

There are some photographs of the house.

5. Frame house 8*12 at SVF in Olgino ~150m2

The house was built in 2015-2016, the insulation of the walls is 200 mm, the floor and roof are 250 mm, the ceilings are 2.7 m.

Heating: electric boiler 9 kW, VTP on both floors;
Home operating mode: Permanent residence, 2 adults and 3 children, dog and cat, +25 on the first floor, +22-23 on the second floor;
Average bill for heating in winter: 9000-11500 rubles/month. (total electricity bill, including heating);

Minimum bill for electricity: 2600 rubles/month. (total electricity bill for July 2017). City tariff: day 4.55, night 2.62 rubles. for 1 kW/h.

Additionally, using the same electricity - a 100l boiler, PMM, washing machine, induction hob, kettle, well pump. Ventilation is not yet complete, periodic switching on exhaust fan, natural inflow + valves on the windows. Probably up to 9 thousand is spent purely on heating, based on minimal summer expenses.

Total electricity costs by month:

  • February 2018 - 11.6 thousand rubles. (monthly average t -8.3, short month);
  • January 2018 - 11 (monthly average -3.9);
  • December 2017 - 9.3 (monthly average -0.9);
  • November 2017 - 9.3 (monthly average 1.03);
  • October 2017 - 9.2;
  • September 2017 - 4.8;
  • August 2017 - 3.6;
  • July 2017 - 2.6;
  • June 2017 - 4.1;
  • May 2017 - 4.9;
  • April 2017 - 7.3;
  • March 2017 - 8.7;
  • February 2017 - 8;
  • January 2017 - 11.4 (monthly average -4.96).

6. Frame house 9.3*9.5 at USHP in Vsevolozhsk ~160m2

The house was built in 2015, wall insulation 200mm, ceiling 300mm, rafters 250mm, ceiling height 3 m below and 2.7 m above.

Heating: water heated floor (USHP at the bottom and VTP in gypsum plasterboard/gypsum plasterboard at the top), electric boiler 9 kW (limited to 6 kW in the settings);
Home operating mode: Permanent residence, ~23 degrees, maybe more;
Average bill for heating: ~ 7500-8000 rubles per month (total electricity bill at a tariff of 2.94 day/1.49 night).

The statistics for this house are not very accurate; the owners do not really care about collecting data. Consumption from November 26 to December 28, 2017 is known, this is 2096 kWh day and 1006 kWh night. Then the readings were transmitted on March 23, 2018, the consumption for 3 months was 6712 kW/h day and 3149 kW/h night. It is also known that in summer months Electricity costs are about 2,500 rubles per month.

While there are no other statistics, this note can be gradually updated and supplemented as new information is received from customers.

Most of the material is taken from a thread on the LittleOne forum, where there are some additional details and also statistics on other people's houses.