Calculation of indoor lighting. What influences the calculation of LED illumination of industrial premises. What to consider when calculating

Lighting in the house is an important component of a comfortable stay in it. In our world daylight cannot satisfy all the needs of people, and in an apartment it is simply impossible to do without artificial light sources.

However, not everyone knows that there are special standards for calculating the level of illumination for each room. Using them, you should calculate the number of light bulbs that should be installed for each specific room. Our article will tell you how to do this and why this is necessary at all.

Illuminance value

Incorrect lighting is the enemy of vision

The role of light in Everyday life it is difficult to overestimate, because without lighting the comfort of our home will be greatly reduced. Light affects not only the safety of our movement around the apartment, but also health indicators. If the room is illuminated by insufficient lamps, the following health problems may arise:

  • significant drop in visual acuity. In the worst case, you may need glasses and a consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • decreased general health of household members;
  • the appearance of excessive irritability;
  • a decrease in immunity and an increase in the incidence of colds;

Note! Incorrect room lighting has a particularly negative impact on the health of children.

  • decreased work productivity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decrease in the emotional background of household members.

As you can see, for each room it is necessary to calculate the required number of light bulbs, with the help of which sufficient lighting will be created in the room.

As we found out, lighting in the house plays a huge role. Lamps should provide as much light as needed for a particular room.
In an apartment or private house, each room has its own purpose and operating features (kitchen, bedroom, living room, corridor, etc.). Particular attention in this matter should be paid to the children's room, since for children even a slight deviation luminous flux from the norm can lead to negative effects on the body. Each room should have its own indicator of the number of light bulbs and fixtures.
The number of lamps you will need for a particular room should be calculated using special formulas. Ideally, illumination should be taken into account at the design stage of buildings and rooms. With proper planning, the lamps will provide enough light for a person to stay comfortably in a particular room.

Lighting design

The degree of illumination is standardized by certain legal acts that are part of SNiP (building codes and regulations), as well as SanPiN (sanitary norms and regulations). These documents at the regional level are supplemented by various acts and industry documentation.
The documents for private houses and apartments provide recommended and minimum standards regarding illumination. They are indicated in Lux per m2.
Note! In this documentation, 1 Lux is taken to be the lighting that is available in the tropics during a full moon. At the same time, 100 Watt incandescent lamps provide an illumination of 1350 Lux.
It is necessary to calculate the required number of light bulbs for each room according to the regulatory documentation with minor adjustments, since only the minimum values ​​are given here.

Types of lighting

Before you start calculating the required number of light bulbs, you need to understand what kind of lighting is available. So, as you might guess, it can be of two types:

  • natural;
  • artificial, which is created by lamps. It is for this type of lighting that calculations will be made based on the number of light bulbs.

Artificial lighting

In turn, artificial lighting can be created by the following types of light bulbs:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • LED bulbs. These are the so-called LED lamps. In this context, it is necessary to consider separately LED lamps and LED strips, which operate on the same principle;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • halogen lamps. Separately, it is worth noting that among the halogen types of light sources, there are some other subtypes. This must also be taken into account when making calculations;
  • neon lamps.

Luminous flux of lamps

Each of the above types of light bulbs creates illumination in a certain range in Lux. Therefore, when making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the type of lamp that will create light in the room.
It should not be forgotten that artificial light sources can create the following lighting:

  • general. IN in this case The room is illuminated using a centrally located lighting fixture. Often this role is played by a chandelier;
  • combined. Distinctive feature Such illumination of the room is that local lighting is formed here - zoning of the room is organized using lighting fixtures. Moreover, each zone may differ in the degree of light brightness.

Lighting calculation

Lighting calculation is a complex process of determining the required number of light sources for each individual room. It is carried out using several methods and requires taking into account all the parameters of the room, its technical and physical characteristics, as well as an assessment of the type of light bulbs used.
Note! Accuracy in calculating the required number of lamps for rooms in apartments and houses does not require such precision. It is enough to fall within the acceptable range to prevent negative effects on the human body.
But here you need to take into account some caveats:

  • luminous flux that lamps create. They can be different types. Particular emphasis should be placed on halogen and LED lamps, since they have another gradation in luminous flux;
  • ceiling height (in rare cases, the distance from the floor to the wall lamp). This indicator may be different, since all the buildings of the last century, of which the overwhelming majority in our country, were built according to different architectural ideas. This parameter can be varied by choosing, for example, low-hanging chandeliers with high ceilings;

Ceiling height is important

  • purpose of the room itself. The kitchen and children's room require a greater luminous flux than the corridor or bedroom.

In all other respects, during the calculations it is necessary to rely only on the individual indicators of the lamps. In this case, the main indicator of calculations will be the specific power of the lamp. It is determined by the amount of electrical power consumed by the product (not to be confused with light power) per 1 m2 of room. This indicator is indicated on all light bulbs in the form of markings.
Electrical power for each room has the following indicators:

  • living room and office - 22 W per square meter;
  • bedroom - 15 W per 1 m2;
  • kitchen - 26 W per 1 m2;
  • children's room - 60 W per 1 m2;
  • bathroom - 20 W per 1 m2;
  • corridor - 12 W per 1 m2.

The above parameters are considered relevant for halogen and conventional lamps. In a situation where fluorescent light sources will be used, the above standards must be reduced by 2.5-3 times. For LED lamps– reduce by 10 times.

Lamp power

In addition, this indicator will also be based on the type of lighting fixture (chandelier, spotlights, etc.).

How do we calculate?

To calculate the number of lamps required for a room, you must follow the principle of rounding fractions up. This means that when getting, for example, a value of 36 W for a small corridor, it is better to use two 25 W bulbs than one 40 W.
Note! In this matter it is also necessary to evaluate color scheme premises. If there are dark tones in the design, preference should be given to brighter light sources.
To obtain specific numbers, you must use the formula for calculating spots. Here to calculate the optimal level required lighting the following formula applies:
N = (S * W) / P, where these indicators denote the following values:

  • N is the number of lamps available in the room. Measured in pieces;
  • S is the area of ​​the available premises. Measured in sq.m;
  • W is the specific power of the luminous flux emitted by the bulbs. The parameter indicates the level that is necessary to create optimal lighting. This indicator is different for each lamp. Measured in W/sq.m;
  • P – power for one lamp. Measured in Watts.

Remember that the figures obtained during the calculations may fluctuate slightly, but they will still be as close as possible to the real single parameters.
To make it clear, we give an example of calculations. Let's select the following parameters:

  • room type - living room;
  • type of lighting - basic;
  • type of lamps - LED;
  • spot power (average) – 5 W;
  • room area – 20 m2.

Index power density taken from the table or calculated approximately as indicated above. For an LED lamp it is W = 3 W/sq.m. We insert all the indicators into the formula and get N = (20 * 3) / 5 = 12 pcs.
You can also use another formula to determine illumination:

Living room lighting

P=pS/N, where the indicators are deciphered as follows:

  • P – illumination;
  • p – specific lighting power. For incandescent lamps, the average value is p = 20 W/m2, for halogen lamps - 30 W/m2, for fluorescent lamps -10 W/m2, for LED lamps -3 W/m2. Measured in W/m2.;
  • S – area of ​​a specific room in m2;
  • N – number of available lamps.

Using the above formulas, you can easily calculate the required number of light bulbs for each room in your house or apartment.

Some nuances

The given calculation formulas give average indicators, so they can be slightly reduced. For example, if a room is rarely visited (pantry, corridor), then the number of light bulbs can be slightly reduced, but for frequently used ones (children's room, living room, kitchen), a slight excess of the calculated norm is allowed. In addition, you can use combined lighting, which allows you to additionally illuminate a certain area of ​​the room.
As you can see, the calculations are not so complicated, but they are necessary for your health and comfortable time at home.

Making an original bio-fireplace on your own

An important stage in the construction of any premises, as well as in the development of interior design, is the calculation of the illumination of the room. Its sufficient level allows not only to use the room comfortably, but also to save money.

Pay attention to

Although natural light is best, selection artificial lighting simulating natural is possible.

When calculating the illumination of a room, you need to pay attention not only to its type and area, but also to the following:

  1. Purpose of the premises.
  2. The height and color of the ceiling.
  3. Wall color and texture.
  4. Floor material, color and structure.
  5. The presence of large mirrors or mirrored cabinets.
  6. Color and quantity of furniture used.

All this greatly affects the choice of the number and type of lighting fixtures for the room.

According to their types, all lighting devices are divided into the following:

Each lamp can have its own lamp, different from the others. All of them, regardless of the type and purpose of the device, have the following parameters that allow you to choose the right one:

The layout and choice of lighting depends on the type of room, color scheme its design and the furniture used. For example, the lighting in the living room - the main room of any home - should be planned very carefully. The recommended solution is to apply a European style, with the main object in the middle and lighting around the perimeter of the room.

Also, the right step would be to use different lighting fixtures for different areas: floor lamps in the reading area, a low-hanging lamp behind dining table and so on.

For the bedroom it is worth choosing a calm, relaxing lighting scheme. Low-power matte spherical lamps are well suited for this type of room. They allow you to obtain uniform, soft illumination, without sharp transitions and boundaries, without straining your eyesight. The area of ​​the bedside tables should be illuminated with small table lamps or wall sconces.

Kitchen - main work zone in the house, and the right light is important in it. A small kitchen does not require central light - lighting of the work areas and the eating area is sufficient. For large kitchen A central chandelier is a must; it would be good if it was a warm color. Just like in the living room, a light that can be adjusted in height (and ideally in brightness) will come in handy here.

In other types of rooms in residential buildings, such as a corridor, bathroom, toilet, dressing room, it is worth using spot lighting. It will allow you to get uniform illumination, and will also make the room visually a little more spacious.

Calculating the illumination of a room largely depends on its design. Dark walls and floors absorb light and it is necessary to include a margin in the calculations. Of course, if there is no goal to create cozy atmosphere With soft light. Bright rooms are already bright, and too much can cause unpleasant sensations for the eyes, comparable to when you look at the sun through thin clouds.

Illumination standards

There are certain lighting standards for various rooms. According to building codes and regulations (SNiP), the following are used:

  • 5 Lux: elevator shaft.
  • 20 Lux:
    • passages of the technical floor, attic and basement;
    • stairs.
  • 30 Lux: lobby.
  • 50 Lux:
    • bathroom or shower room;
    • toilet;
    • apartment hall;
    • apartment corridor.
  • 75 Lux: Walk-in closet.
  • 100 Lux:
    • bath (sauna);
    • pool.
  • 150 Lux:
    • Gym;
    • kitchen;
    • living room.
  • 200 Lux: children's room.
  • 300 Lux:
    • billiard room;
    • cabinet;
    • library.

But we should not forget that these standards were adopted in our country quite a long time ago. Many people complain that they do not have enough light when calculated correctly. Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of replacing lamps with more powerful ones or increasing the number of lighting equipment.

Illumination calculation

To calculate the required number of lighting fixtures, there are two basic formulas - a simple one and a complex one, which gives a more accurate calculation. In practice, a simple formula is sufficient. It does not require serious knowledge and is completely solvable even without a calculator.

To do this, you should resort to the simple formula A * B * C, where:

  1. Illumination standard selected object.
  2. Area of ​​the object.
  3. Ceiling height coefficient. With a ceiling height of 2.5 to 2.7 meters it is equal to 1, from 2.7 to 3 meters – 1.2, from 3 to 3.5 meters – 1.5 and from 3.5 to 4.5 meters – equal to 2.

The second step will be to calculate the required number of lamps and their power. To do this, it is necessary to divide the number obtained in the first calculations by the amount of luminous flux indicated on the lamps in the selected lighting fixtures. It is important to remember that the more devices are used, the more uniform the lighting.

Calculation example 1

Given: living room with an area of ​​20 square meters with a ceiling height of 2.7 meters and lighting fixtures equipped with 60 W incandescent light bulbs.

First, we calculate the required luminous flux for a given room:

150 * 20 * 1 = 3000 Lumens.

Then we will find out the required number of lamps for normal illumination of the room. To do this, you first need to clarify the luminous flux of a 60 W incandescent light bulb. On average they produce between 600 and 800 Lumens.

Let's take the average value of 700 Lumens:

3000: 700 = 4.28571

We round up to 5 - this will be the required number of lighting fixtures equipped with one light bulb. Power 60 W. But it is worth keeping in mind that a larger number of less powerful lamps allows you to obtain more uniform illumination.

A more complex, but also more accurate formula requires collecting a certain amount of data before starting calculations:

We calculate the area of ​​the room (S):

a is the length of the room;

b is the width of the room.

We calculate the room index (F):

Ф = S / ((h1 – h2) * (a + b))

h1 – height from floor to ceiling;

h2 – height from workplace to ceiling.

We calculate the number of lighting fixtures (N):

N = (E * S * 100 * Kz) / (U * p * Fi)

E – room illumination;

S – room area;

Кз – safety factor;

U – lamp utilization factor;

p – number of lamps;

Fi is the light flux of one lamp.

Calculation example 2

Given: a living room measuring 9 by 6 meters with a ceiling height of 3.2 meters. Four fluorescent lamps of 18 W each were chosen as lighting fixtures. The distance from the working surface to the floor is 0.8 meters, the safety factor is 1.25, the floor reflection coefficient is 10, the walls are 30, the ceiling is 50.

We calculate the area:

Ф = 54 / ((3.2 – 0.8) * (6 + 9) = 1.5

The lamp utilization factor in living rooms - U - is 51.

We make further, final calculations:

N = (300 * 54 * 100 * 1.25) / (51 * 4 * 1150) = 8.63

We always round up to a larger number - we get 9. This is what is necessary for proper organization lighting number of lamps.

  • When designing and calculating lighting, you should always consider large parameters , because you can turn off some of the lamps.
  • When choosing lamps modern tendencies dictate the use of the most energy-saving solutions. An excellent choice would be to use LED lamps - they consume less, while being quite compact and bright.

Often, lighting in a house or apartment is determined by a minimum of parameters. This is the lighting design and placement. And even knowing about illumination standards, many simply do not take them into account. This is certainly not a critical error. But if you select lighting according to the rules and standards of illumination, correctly calculate how much light is needed for a certain room in an apartment, you can achieve a stable psycho-emotional and physical state for a person.

How many lumens are needed for 1m2

An integral part of a comfortable stay at home or at work is lighting. Few people know that the right light helps relieve psychological stress or, on the contrary, concentrate on work. But before moving on to calculations, it is necessary to understand the measurement values. Lumen (Lm) is a unit of measurement of luminous flux, Lux (Lx) - the illumination of a surface is measured in lux. 1 lux is equal to 1 lumen per square meter.

Calculation (measurement) of lighting intensity is carried out using a simple formula (AxBxC) in which:

  • A – required illumination according to SNiP standards;
  • B – room area (sq. m);
  • C – Height coefficient.

The height coefficient is a correction value and is calculated depending on the height of the ceiling. 2.5 and 2.7 – coefficient equal to one; if 2.7 and 3 meters - 1.2; ceilings with a height of 3 and 3.5 meters - 1.5; from 3.5 to 4.5 meters – coefficient is 2.

Table of illumination standards according to SNiP in lux (Lx):

For office premises

Norm (degree) of illumination

For residential premises

Illumination standards

Office using computers

Living rooms, kitchens

Drawing office

Meeting room





Utility rooms


We make a calculation. Suppose you need to find out the required amount of light for a children's room, the area of ​​which is 15 square meters, with a ceiling height of 2.7 m. For accuracy, we use a calculator. We multiply the amount of illumination by square meters and by the height coefficient - 200 x 15 x 1 = 3000. Accordingly, the luminous flux should be 3000 lumens (Lm).

Divide rooms of irregular shape into shapes (for example, a square and a triangle), and perform the calculation separately for each.

You can measure the level of illumination at home with a lux meter.

Living space lighting

Lighting in the house is as important as the interior. First of all, they divide the entire space into areas that differ not only in size, but also in functionality.


  1. Hallway– its location implies a lack of natural lighting, so artificial lighting is created in the hallway. For this purpose, directional lighting devices with wide dispersion angles are used.
  2. Living room (hall)- a room with many functions. Therefore, maximum functionality is achieved with lighting, combining general with spot lighting.
  3. Kitchen- an area that has separate work areas, in which spot lighting is added to the general one.
  4. Bedroom– intended directly for rest and sleep. For bedrooms, soft and warm tones of artificial light are selected. Also, it makes sense for them to adjust the lighting intensity.
  5. Bathroom– as in previous cases, local lighting is added to the main one.

When choosing a lighting fixture for a bathroom, you need to make sure that this sample has a high degree of protection (IP) from humidity.

Proper lighting in the apartment will help not only emphasize or highlight a certain area, but also erase visual boundaries.

LED lamps for residential premises

Some time ago, LED lighting was considered unacceptable for the home. The main factors were the high price, as well as the brightness and color of the lighting.

But today, such lighting is becoming relatively inexpensive. And the choice in power, design, range and size is simply huge. The only limitation can be your imagination, where and how to use LED lamps. Also, such lamps have a number of advantages.


  • Low energy consumption (allows long-term use to quickly recoup the cost of the lamp);
  • Durability (if you choose a quality product, the service life is many times longer than that of conventional incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lamps);
  • Does not heat up during operation (which increases the possibilities of placement in accordance with the design).

And these are not all indicators. The best option lighting, can be selected by spectrum and brightness (all values ​​are indicated on the product packaging). For your home, choose lamps that provide warm light.

When choosing LED lamps, pay attention to the manufacturer. The more famous the brand, the better the product.

An important factor is environmental friendliness. LED lamps do not emit UV radiation, and they do not create fluctuations in light output.

If you decide to do good lighting in the house, it is better to choose LED lamps for this.

Illumination standards for office premises: required value

It's not so common to find offices in which Special attention was given to lighting. Usually these are luminous squares with luminescent flickering, built into the ceiling. But light affects both the psychological and emotional state of a person. With proper lighting, you can achieve high employee productivity throughout the day.

The level of illumination in the office is determined by two standards:

  • Russian – illumination level (required scale), recommended within 300 – 400 lux (Lx);
  • International standard (European standards) – 500 lux (Lx).

Lighting is divided into general (direct and reflected), light from light sources is scattered throughout the entire area of ​​the office, and local (lighting directly at the workplaces themselves), illumination is carried out by various lighting devices for local lighting ( desk lamp and lamps).

The placement of lighting fixtures parallel to the windows is the most correct; this ensures that the light from the lamps matches the light from the windows.

Important and individual approach for each workplace in the office, this is due to the difference in lighting needs for each employee. This is influenced by factors such as vision and age.

Children's playground lighting: standards

Modern playgrounds, of course, differ from sports ones, but in terms of their functionality they can be equated to each other. In addition to the usual slides, swings and carousels, many sports equipment are added for the physical development of children. Therefore, competent and effective lighting for children's playgrounds is simply necessary.

With these characteristics, for children playgrounds important parameters need to be taken into account.

List of parameters:

  • Ensuring comfort and safety;
  • Injury prevention;
  • Possibility to be on site in the evening (especially in winter).

The lighting standard for children's playgrounds according to the Russian standard is 10 lux. But as sites are improved, the required (normal) level of illumination should be 70 - 100 lux.

The level of color rendering is of great importance when lighting children's playgrounds. For easy identification of small and moving objects.

In accordance with the size, the optimal ratio of height and location of lighting fixtures is selected for various playgrounds. These include cantilever (up to 10 meters high) and local (up to 4 meters high). The power of a separate street lighting device is calculated according to SNiP standards.

If the site is not sufficiently illuminated, the lighting must be improved by adding lighting fixtures.

It is worth taking into account the aesthetic component by choosing lamps that highlight the exterior of the site.

How many watts are needed to illuminate a room: converting lumens to watts

The questions - how to determine what kind of lighting should be in a separate room or one room, how to convert lux into watts, how to select and calculate the required number of lamps - have fairly simple answers.

Let's do the calculation using an example. We need to illuminate a hall of 20 m2 with a chandelier with five incandescent light bulbs. What power in watts should I choose for lamps?

To calculate you will need:

We multiply the illumination rate by square meters. 150 x 20 = 3000. The total luminous flux should be 3000 Lumens. This means that for normal lighting you will need 5 lamps of 60 watts each. If you convert to European standards, you get 4000 lumens.

Due to outdated standards, multiply the illumination rate by 1.5 times.

Do not forget, unlike incandescent lamps, there are several other types of artificial lighting sources that are more reliable and economical.

What are lighting standards (video)

The right light is needed not only at home or in the office. It is necessary for comfortable rest in a hotel, walking down the street, its use in kindergartens and shopping malls is important. The only difference is purpose and functionality. Based on the tests conducted, psychologists have proven that with well-designed lighting, not only the psycho-emotional, but also the general condition of a person improves.

I will try to very briefly and simply outline the method of manually calculating indoor lighting, which I was taught in the “Calculation of Lighting” course at the LiDS lighting design school.

What should the illumination be?
When planning lighting, first of all you need to determine the target illumination that meets the standards and calculate the total luminous flux that the lamps in the room should produce.
It’s easy to decide on the standards - either we look for our type of premises in the tables SanPiN 2.21/2.1.1/1278-03 “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings” and SP 52.13330.2011 “Natural and artificial lighting”, or We agree with the basic requirement for illumination of residential premises - 150 lux or office premises with computers - 400 lux.

Rough estimate of required luminous flux
By default, illumination calculation is done in the Dialux program. But the result needs to be known at least approximately in advance in order to compare the data with the estimate “by eye”.
As it is written even in Wikipedia, the average illumination of a surface is the ratio of the luminous flux incident on it to the area. But in a real room, part of the luminous flux of the lamp does not reach the working planes, disappearing on the walls. Illumination in a room is the ratio of the total luminous flux of lamps to the area of ​​the room with the correction factor “η”.

The proportion of light “η” that reaches the working surfaces can be estimated by eye. In the most general approximation, for a very average room with some kind of lamps, approximately half of the light reaches the working surfaces, which means that for a very rough estimate you can use the coefficient η = 0.5.
For example, in a room of 20 m 2 a lamp with a luminous flux of 700 lm (equivalent to a 60 W incandescent lamp) will create an illumination E = 0.5 × 700 lm / 20 m 2 = 18 lux. This means that to achieve the standard of 150 lux, you need F = 700 lm × (150 lux / 18 lux) = 5800 lm, or the equivalent of 8 incandescent light bulbs of 60 W each!
(Half a kilowatt of incandescent lamps per small room! It is clear why lighting standards for residential premises are much lower than for institutions, and why no one has been lighting institutions with incandescent lamps for a long time.)

More accurate manual calculation method
But since the premises come with different walls, different shapes, with high or low ceilings, correction factor is not necessarily equal to 0.5 and is different for each case: in practice, from 0.1 to 0.9. Despite the fact that the difference between η = 0.3 and η = 0.6 already means a two-fold difference in the results.
The exact value of η must be taken from the luminous flux utilization coefficient tables developed back in the USSR. I provide the table in full with explanations in a separate document. Here we will use an excerpt from the tables for the most popular case. For a standard bright room with ceiling, wall and floor reflectances of 70%, 50%, 30%. And for ceiling-mounted lamps that shine towards themselves and slightly to the side (that is, they have a standard, so-called “cosine” luminous intensity curve).

Table 1 Luminous flux utilization factors for ceiling lamps with a cosine diagram in a room with ceiling, wall and floor reflectances of 70%, 50% and 30%, respectively.

The left column of the table shows the room index, which is calculated using the formula:

, where S is the area of ​​the room in m2, A and B are the length and width of the room, h is the distance between the lamp and the horizontal surface on which we calculate the illumination.
If we are interested in the average illumination of working surfaces (tables) in a room with an area of ​​20 m 2 with walls of 4 m and 5 m, and the height of the lamp hanging above the tables is 2 m, the room index will be equal to i = 20 m 2 / ((4 m + 5 m) × 2.0 m) = 1.1. Having made sure that the room and lamps correspond to those indicated in the caption to the table, we obtain a luminous flux utilization factor of 46%. The multiplier η = 0.46 is very close to the offhand guess of η = 0.5. The average illumination of working surfaces with a total luminous flux of 700 lm will be 16 lux, and to achieve the target 150 lux, F = 700 lm × (150 lux / 16 lux) = 6500 lm will be required.
But if the ceilings in the room were half a meter higher, and the room was not a “light”, but a “standard” room with reflectance coefficients of the ceiling, walls and floor of 50%, 30% and 10%, the luminous flux utilization factor η would be (cm . extended version of the table) η = 0.23, and the illumination would be exactly half as much!

Checking calculations in dialux
Let's build a 4 × 5 m room in dialux, 2.8 m high, with a working surface height of 0.8 m and the same reflection coefficients as with manual calculation. And we will hang 9 pieces of small lamps with a classic cosine diagram, 720 lm each (6480 lm per circle).

Rice. 1 Taken as an example, the Philips BWG201 lamp with a luminous flux of 720 lm, and its classic “cosine” light distribution

Will we get an average illumination of working surfaces of 150 lux, as we estimated manually? Yes, the result of the calculation in Dialux is 143 lux (see Fig. 2), and in empty room without furniture and human figure - 149 lux. In lighting engineering, values ​​that differ by less than 10% are considered identical.

Rice. 2 The result of the calculation in dialux - the average illumination of the working surface (with a safety factor of 1.0) was 143 lux, which corresponds to the target value of 150 lux.

Rice. 3 Beautiful pictures that people believe in.

A rough estimate using the primitive method according to the formula E = 0.5 × F / S will take 1 minute of time, to clarify the utilization coefficient using tables - another 3 minutes, for a project in Dialux after some training - about 20 minutes and another 20 minutes if you want to “adjust beauty." Dialux produces very beautiful pictures(see Figure 3), which are worth the effort because people believe in them. But in terms of the ratio of efficiency and labor costs, hand-to-hand illumination assessment is unrivaled. Manual counting is simple, reliable and effective as a sapper's shovel, giving confidence and understanding.

How brightly do you want to light the room? Use our recommendations to determine what lamp power you need to choose in order to properly illuminate the room.

Dependence of lighting brightness on the size of the room (for incandescent light bulbs):

Room area, sq.m:

Bright light

Medium light

Low light

1 sq.m

20 W

20 W

15 W

from 2 to 5 sq.m.

40 - 100 W

40-100 W

20 - 60 W

from 6 to 9 sq.m.

120 - 180 W

100-160 W

60 - 100 W

10 sq.m.

200 W

180 W

120 W

12-14 sq.m.

240 - 280 W

200-240 W

120-160 W

15 sq.m

300 W

255 W

160 - 180 W

20 sq.m

400 W

340 W

220 W

25 sq.m

500 W

425 W

280 W

from 30 sq.m

from 600 W

from 510 W

from 340 W

Use our calculator to determine how powerful the light bulbs should be (for different types of lamps):

Lighting power calculator

The indicators of stability and performance, as well as the health of any person who is constantly or periodically in a particular room, are greatly influenced by illumination. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose lamps of such power that the illumination of the room is as convenient and comfortable as possible for people.

Illumination is a physical quantity that is numerically equal to the luminous flux incident on a unit of the surface under consideration. Or, in other words, illuminance is the surface density of the flux of light falling on an area. Illumination is measured in lux.

As for the internal illumination of premises, it is strictly regulated today by labor safety standards for any enterprise (in particular, SNiP 23-05-95). At the same time, production premises must have natural lighting (for which they are equipped with windows), as well as various sources of artificial light of sufficient power. Also, the internal illumination of the premises should be no more than 5% lower than the external illumination of the building.

In this formula: p is the specific power for lighting the room, measured in W/m2 (the standard value of 20 W/m2 is often used in calculations in this capacity),
S is the area of ​​the room in question, measured in square meters,
and N is the number of lamps installed here.

Naturally, this method is completely inaccurate and has many errors. The results that can be obtained with its help will only be approximate - if only because for indoor for various purposes The degree of illumination should also be different.

Besides, different types lamps, of which there are many today, of course also have different illumination levels. This means that using the standard specific power value for lighting, equal to twenty, is simply impractical. In any case, when it comes to using modern LED artificial light sources.

Thus, to calculate the illumination of both industrial and residential premises, provided that any types of lamps are used here: from ordinary incandescent lamps to LED, it will be much more useful and convenient to use our specialized calculator. In order for the illumination of a particular room to be calculated correctly, you must set the necessary parameters for the calculator.

The parameters used in the calculation are:

  • the dimensions of the room in which it is necessary to install sufficient lighting. Length, width, height and reflectance of floors, walls and ceilings;
  • lamps. The distance between any work surface and light source, luminaire utilization factor:
  • type and power of lamps;
  • lighting standards for a particular room.

When calculating the illumination of a room, you should pay attention to the fact that lighting is divided into main and local. The main lighting is an overhead light that provides illumination to the entire space of the room. Local lighting- these are floor lamps, table lamps or sconces, various lamps. The intensity of the luminous flux, as well as the brightness and intensity of light, differ significantly from each other from different sources of artificial lighting.

When it comes to lighting residential premises, it is most advisable to use chandeliers and lamps with universal shades made of frosted glass, which make the light a little diffused and soft, spreading it evenly throughout the room. Well, if you need to illuminate separate part premises, ideal option can be a specially selected lamp, on the bulb of which a layer of reflective surface has been applied. Thanks to this surface, the lighting created by such a lamp will be more local in nature. If people with low vision live in the house, it is also advisable to take this into account in the process of calculating the illumination of the premises, increasing the value of the required power of the light source.

High reflectance coefficients of floors, walls and ceilings contribute to the creation of comfortable conditions for work and life. When calculating illumination, you should also remember that too much intensity and brightness of light has a bad effect on vision, and it will be difficult and inconvenient to work and live in such a room.

Provided that all these requirements and nuances are strictly observed, it is possible to make the most accurate and accurate calculation of the illumination of any industrial or residential premises, and on its basis, optimally select the types of LED lamps that will be installed in this room.