Fortune telling on Nicholas for a married girl. ​12 Christmas fortune telling for unmarried girls about the wedding and the betrothed. Fortune telling for married people

Fortune telling for a betrothed can be found in any culture of our world. And this is not surprising, because girls always wanted to know what fate awaits them, what kind of fate they will have family life, and most importantly: when will it come? These rituals will help you answer the questions that torment you.

In the article:

Fortune telling before going to bed for your betrothed

Many fortune telling for the betrothed is carried out before bedtime. This is done because it is quite difficult for an ignorant person who has not previously encountered witchcraft to accept and see the signs of fate. But sleep is a completely different matter. When we sleep, we are open to the world and perceive its cues. At least once, each of us has had a prophetic dream. And if you know exactly what kind of clues you want to know and carried out the ritual correctly, that is, made a kind of “request,” then you will undoubtedly find out the answer.

Fortune telling for a betrothed by salt

For this ritual you should take ordinary salt. It is often used in other rituals, for example, in the evening, when you prepare dinner, deliberately over-salt it. Thus, when you go to bed, you will feel thirsty. Before you fall asleep, say this spell:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will give me a drink

The one who comes into your dreams is your chosen one. Don’t forget to write down what you dreamed as soon as you wake up from sleep, as it can quickly disappear from your memory.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with twigs

This fortune telling should mainly be done in the spring, since the branches for the ritual will need to be fresh and full of strength, with young buds. Weave them into a symbolic bridge. It is not at all necessary to make a miniature copy of the bridge, just so that it is similar and you know what it is and what it is needed for. Then, when you go to bed, place it near your head and say:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.

Your chosen one should come to you in a dream this night.

Fortune telling about your future husband on the water

For this ritual you only need a bowl of clean water and an ordinary lock. It is desirable that there is a full moon and its light falls on the vessel. Late in the evening, before going to bed, click the lock over the bowl and whisper:

Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.

Whoever you meet this night will become your husband.

Fortune telling for the groom

Native girls can also guess about their beloved. But for this it is necessary that the one being told fortunes move to sleep in a new place. In addition, she should not take part in the ritual. Following this, any thing that is used to tell fortunes is taken and “locked”, that is, the fortune teller takes a lock, hangs it on this item and locks it with a key. The one performing the ritual must place the same key near her head and say:

Betrothed-mummer, come to unlock your daughter-in-law and rescue her from captivity.

Accordingly, the future groom will be seen this night.

Fortune telling about your future husband using cards

Now you must choose 4 kings from the ordinary one. It’s better to take a new, unplayed deck. When going to bed, hide the cards near your pillow and say:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams.

Your betrothed will come in a dream in the form of one of the kings. The suit will tell you about the financial condition and character of the groom.

  • So, the king of spades symbolizes a man older than you, wealthy, but stingy. Besides everything, he is jealous and distrustful.
  • The cross king denotes a man of action. That is, he is an active, brave and determined person. Could be a military man or a firefighter, or just play sports and have extreme hobbies.
  • The King of Diamonds speaks of a sweet and slightly clumsy young man. He has a kind heart and loves animals. With a high degree of probability, the fortuneteller is already familiar with him.
  • The King of Hearts symbolizes a man in his prime, rich and full of energy. But he already has a lady of his heart, although not for long.

Fortune telling for the groom with a frying pan

First, find a suitable frying pan. You can use any household frying pan, especially if you use it often. Now you should quietly place it under your mother’s bed at night. It is very important that your mother does not notice this. When you go to bed, say:

Betrothed, come and visit your mother-in-law for pancakes.

The one who appears in a dream this night before your mother will be your chosen one.

Fortune telling on the groom on a towel

If you would like to find out if you will get married in this year, then use this ritual to find out the exact answer. In the evening you need to hang a piece of white clean fabric outside the window and say:

Betrothed, come to me and dry yourself with this towel

If in the morning it is still dry and clean, don’t expect to get married this year; if it becomes wet and dirty, then you will get married, but your family life will not be particularly happy. If the towel falls, expect trouble.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with jam

This fun ritual will surely please those with a sweet tooth. It not only helps to see the future betrothed, it also helps to attract suitors. To do this, you just need to take a saucer or bowl with your favorite jam. At night, before you go to bed, place the bowl near the head of the bed and say the following:

I have all the sweets

This night you will definitely dream about your future lover.

Yuletide fortune telling

Christmas time (January 7 - 19) is a favorite time for fortune telling for our ancestors. All the unmarried girls gathered together and wondered about their future marriage, the birth of children, their husband’s wealth, etc. Married women also gathered, but separately, and the topic of fortune telling was somewhat different. Why was this particular time considered the most appropriate? They say that it is on these days that the veil between this world and that one opens, and all magical actions, and especially fortune-telling, acquire special power. Our website has an excellent article on, below are some Christmas rituals of divination.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror

This ritual was considered the most dangerous, and only the bravest girls dared to do it. After all, besides the lover’s face, a completely different face could look out of the mirror. So, the ritual itself begins at midnight. The fortuneteller needs to be alone. You will need a candle and a mirror. Your hair should not be pinned up; if you are wearing a belt, take it off.

After this, turn off all the lights except the candle flame. Let the mirror stand opposite you. Take a close look at it and call, mentally or out loud, your betrothed. Without taking your eyes off or blinking, look behind your left shoulder. Gradually, the silhouette of a man will take shape there. Having examined his face, say: “Out of this place!” After this, the ritual will be considered over. Blow out the candle and turn on the light. It is advisable to hide the mirror away.

Fortune telling by patches

To carry out this fortune telling, you need to take pieces of fabric different color. You need to put them in one box. Next, ask the question out loud: “What color is my lover’s hair?” Following this, you should pull out a piece of fabric without looking into the chest. Accordingly, what color the fabric is, your betrothed’s hair will be the same. This way you can find out others external signs future lover, suppose eye color.

Fortune telling about your future husband

This ritual helped young girls find out who their husband would be in the current year, and if so. The meaning of fortune telling was that various objects were previously placed on the table: coal, ring, wheat, book, glass, coin, etc. The girl with her eyes closed entered the room and gropedly grabbed one of the things. Each item symbolized something of its own, a special meaning.

Thus, a spike of wheat was a sign that the future chosen one would be a grain grower, a coin announced the husband’s wealth, a book symbolized the groom’s learning, and a glass predicted a drunkard husband. Now this fortune telling has changed somewhat, since it appeared a large number of new professions. So in modern version you can add such items as: a flash drive, as a sign of a programmer’s husband, a knife denotes a military man, a cereal - a business man, and a mirror - a playmaker. If a girl comes across a piece of coal, then she will not have a wedding this year.

Fortune telling for your betrothed in the snow

Not all fortune telling took place in the room, outside closed doors. Some of them required getting outside. These rituals are one of them.

First you need to go outside. It is important that there is no heavy snow this evening. Find a place where the snow is untouched. Walk along it, leaving clear footprints. After this you can return to the house. In the morning, go and see if anyone has crossed your tracks. If they are intact and untouched, it means that your husband will be kind and affectionate, and your home life will be quiet and happy. If they are trampled, alas, your marriage will not work out, you will be haunted by failures and poverty.

You can also go outside exactly in the middle of the night and pick up a handful of snow. Next, throw it against the wind. If the snowflakes fall directly on you, the betrothed will be young and handsome, and if the wind blows them in the other direction, then the betrothed will be an elderly and wealthy man.

Fortune telling for husband's name on paper

If you are interested in the name of the future groom, then this fortune telling is perfect for you. By the way, you can spend it together with your girlfriends. First you need to cut not very thin ones and write on them male names. Some of them should be left blank. Next, lower them to the bottom of a deep bowl and fill with water. The resulting whirlpool will bring notes to the surface, and the one who manages to grab one of them will learn the name of her future husband. If you caught an empty note, it means that the groom will not appear soon.

Fortune telling for husband with herbs

If you are interested in collecting herbs in summer time, then this hobby can perfectly help you in the winter, during Christmas time. For this ritual you should collect 12 different herbs. For each of them, you need to wish for what awaits you on the personal front this year. It is advisable to take strips of paper and write on them what you want or fear most. For example: “I will meet the love of my life”, “I will be alone all year”, “I will marry my beloved”, etc. Now you need to carefully attach each strip to the corresponding flower. Blindfold your eyes with ribbon and randomly pull out a flower with a note. What is written in it will come true this year.

So, fortune telling for one’s betrothed enjoyed enormous popularity, which continues to this day. These rituals can be performed either completely alone or together with friends. Maybe you will actually attract your unknown lover through your actions.

In contact with

Fortune telling on rice grains

Hold your left hand palm down over a jar of rice and, concentrating, ask a question out loud. Then take a handful of rice from it and pour it onto a spread napkin. An even number of grains is a positive answer. Odd is negative.

Fortune telling by book

Place your left hand on the cover of a closed book and ask a question. Then they open it at random and read the line starting under the thumb of the left hand.

Dream fortune telling

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but not drink. When going to bed, they make a wish, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling with bulbs

The names of possible candidates for marriage are written on the bulbs. They put them in the water. Whichever bulb sprouts first - on behalf of that one, expect a marriage proposal.

Fortune telling for married people

Water is poured into a glass and the name of the husband’s mistress is written on a piece of paper prepared in advance. A spoonful of salt and a lit candle should also be prepared. Salt is thrown from a spoon into a glass and a sheet of paper with the name of the opponent is immediately lit from a candle. Using a spoon, quickly mix the salt with the words: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper burns out - their love will burn out.” Then they look: if the salt has melted, but the paper is still smoldering, it means that your husband will remain with you in the end. If on the contrary, then the husband will leave sooner or later.

Fortune telling on the phone

Think about a question and mentally focus on it. Looking at the phone, ask it out loud. If the first call is from a man, the answer is positive. From a woman - negative.

Fortune telling on glowing windows

Go outside in the evening, when it is already well dark. Mentally ask a question of interest, turning your back to the house. Then turn around and count the luminous windows. An even number indicates a positive answer, an odd number indicates a negative answer.

Fortune telling by an armful of firewood

On New Year's Eve, both girls and boys take an armful of firewood in the dark and carry it into the room to count their number. If the number turns out to be even, then the fortuneteller will get married this year; if the number is odd, then they will remain single.

Fortune telling with a tub on your head

On New Year's Eve, the girls go out into the yard and put a tub on the head of one of them, then turn the girl several times in different directions and tell her to go. If a girl goes to the gate, she will get married this year, but if she goes deeper into the yard, she will remain a girl.

Fortune telling by name

On Christmastide, the girl took bread or pie and in the evening ran out into the street with it and asked the first man passing what his name was - in the confidence that there would be a husband with that name. This simple fortune telling had many various options- in different provinces, in different villages they asked in different ways: with the first piece in the mouth, with a pancake on the head. Sometimes they asked a passer-by not “What is your name?”, but “What is the name of my betrothed?” By the way, not only girls, but also single guys were engaged in calling.

Fortune telling with a mitten

They throw a mitten up from the shelf: if it falls upward with the thumb, it means that the one they are waiting for will arrive. If the thumb is turned downwards, then the expected one will not arrive.

Spoon fortune telling

On New Year's night, all family members take a spoonful of water and take it to a cold place, and in the morning they look: those whose water has frozen with a depression will die, and those whose water has frozen or with a tubercle will live in the coming year.

Fortune telling by burning paper

On New Year's Eve, water is poured into a cup to half its depth, and a piece of paper with your last name is glued to the edges. A lit candle of such a size is glued into a walnut shell or to a board that the flame of the candle can set fire to the piece of paper, and it is put into the water. If a candle floats to someone’s piece of paper and sets it on fire, then the fortuneteller’s wish will come true; they also find out their fate, but only on the edge of the cup, around it they stick all the pieces of paper with different inscriptions - such as: “I will die this year”, “Will I get married”, “Will I get rich”, etc. - at the request of the fortuneteller.

Four Aces

The “four aces” will help you make a wish on your cherished evening. Take a regular deck of 36 cards and shuffle them thoroughly. Place the cards face down into 4 equal piles. From the first, remove cards until an ace appears. Look at the next card after it: if it is again an ace, connect it with the first one and open the next card: send the ace to its “colleagues”, and any other card to the bat (you will no longer need it). Your task is to find aces in the pile that are next to each other. Let's say you hit an ace first, followed by another card, and then an ace again. You only need the first ace. All other cards, including aces and those not immediately following the first, are sent to the bat. Just as you sorted out the first pile, process the other three. As a result of your search, you may be left with one ace, two, three, four. The wish made is fulfilled by the owner of 4 aces, 3 aces foreshadow the imminent fulfillment of the desire, 2 aces, on the contrary, not soon, and one - there are no hopes. Don't despair if the cards show you something completely different from what you wanted.

You can make any wishes with the “four aces”, and one of them will definitely come true.

Fortune telling by shadow from fire

Heat the candle in a water bath and immediately pour the melted wax into a large deep plate filled with cold water. Quickly hardening wax forms clear outlines of objects, by which the future is judged. A horseshoe, for example, promises great happiness, and an asterisk means receiving long-awaited news.

By the way, such a figurine can be kept as a keepsake as a talisman. If something formless has formed, call on your imagination, which will probably tell you something.

Fortune telling using a mirror

Take a mirror, place a decanter filled with water in front of it, and burning candles on three sides of it. To find out what the coming year has in store for us, look through the water in the mirror, it will show something!

Cautions for fortune telling

People have come up with a lot of ways to protect themselves from unwanted consequences during fortune telling. But the most effective of them is not taking what is happening seriously. Sometimes it happens that a prediction gets stuck in the mind so strongly that a person involuntarily strives to realize it, sometimes even in spite of common sense. And it comes true, but not at all because it was so inevitable. And when fortune telling is perceived as just a game, it is not so offensive that the prediction did not come true. At least you had a blast.

Fortune telling for the betrothed (option I)

Fortune telling requires preliminary preparation. Four identical glasses are placed on the table, into three of which a ring (gold), a piece of bread, and a burnt match are placed in random order. The fourth glass remains empty. All glasses are covered with a cloth so that their contents cannot be determined. A person who wants to find out his future half must choose one of the glasses. The content will indicate the main characteristics of the chosen one. If a ring falls out - a marriage for love, bread - a marriage of convenience, a burnt match - life in poverty, an empty glass - your chosen one has not yet been determined.

Fortune telling for the betrothed (option II)

Pieces of paper with the names of the candidates on hand are placed in a circle. By passing a gold ring hung on a silk thread over them, they see over which name the vibrations will be the strongest. It is this person that fate predicts.

Fortune telling for the next year (option I)

Similar to the previous method, you can determine what the coming year will be like. You can put the following into your boots:

  • keys - improvement of living conditions;
  • glass - feast;
  • pen - work;
  • scissors - troubles, difficult year;
  • bread - prosperity;
  • ring - quick marriage;

    One of the boots should remain empty. It means that no changes are expected in life. The fortuneteller chooses a boot and determines by its contents what it will be like for him. New Year.

    Fortune telling for the next year (option II)

    Write on small pieces of paper those aspirations that you would like to achieve next year and put them under your pillow. The leaf that falls or is in your hand in the morning will determine which of your wishes will be fulfilled by the new year.

    Fortune telling on the character of the betrothed (option I)

    Fortune telling is usually done on Christmas Eve. You need to take three glasses of water. Add honey to the first glass, salt to the second, vinegar to the third. Stir and check that the water level in all glasses is the same. At night, glasses should be placed next to the bed. The next morning, see which glass contains the least amount of liquid, and that’s how married life will be. If with honey - sweet, happy. With vinegar - sour, dull, with salt - tearful, bitter.

    Fortune telling on the character of the betrothed (option II)

    On any Christmas Eve you need to go outside and lean back in a snowdrift. You need to stand up carefully so as not to damage the print. Look carefully. If the imprint is smooth and even, then the character of the chosen one will be calm and smooth. If there are a lot of “wrinkles” left on the print, then the future spouse will be hard, difficult character.

    Fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish (option I)

    Requires a deck of 36 cards. Shuffle the deck and draw a card at random. The suit of the card will determine the suit of the “client”. If they are telling fortunes to a woman, then the “client” will be a lady of the same suit as the card drawn, if to a man, then the king will be taken as the “client”. The deck is shuffled again and moved towards you with the left hand. After which the top thirteen cards are discarded in a row. If a “client” or an ace comes up, they are put aside. The remaining cards are returned to the deck. In total, you need to discard thirteen cards three times. Then they look at how many aces are dropped.

  • Four aces and a “client” - your plan will come true very soon.
  • Four aces - will come true, but with some delays.
  • Three aces and a “client” - execution is likely, but with great difficulties.
  • Three aces - implementation is unlikely.

    This layout can also be used for a situation if it is formulated in the form of a question to which you can answer “yes” or “no.”

    Fortune telling for wish fulfillment (option II)

    A deck of 36 cards is shuffled and removed with the left hand towards you. Lay out the cards in two rows in turn. If in one of the rows there are two consecutive cards of the same value (nine-nine, jack-jack), then they are removed, and the last card from the adjacent row is transferred to the one from which the pair was removed. After the deck has been laid out, the cards are carefully collected without disturbing the order, starting from the row that is located along right hand. Without shuffling, the collected cards are again laid out in two rows, removing the paired ones. In total, you need to lay out no more than three times. If there are less than six left (three cards in each row), then the probability of the wish coming true is very high.

    Age fortune telling

    A ring (gold or silver) is tied to a thread and held over a glass half filled with water. Moreover, you need to hold it in such a way that the ring is in the glass, but does not reach the water. As soon as the ring begins to swing, you should count how many times it hits the walls of the glass. You need to stop counting when the ring stops touching them. This way you can find out at what age you will start a family.

    Fortune telling for children

    A needle on a long thread is placed above the palm of the left hand. If the needle starts to swing along the palm, then a boy will be born, if across, a girl will be born. The needle is moved to the side. You need to repeat until the needle stops swinging. The number of attempts determines the number of children.

  • Fortune telling using a pendulum “Circle of Actions”

    For this purpose, you can use a piece of fabric 50 cm long. Draw three circles on it with a felt-tip pen, one inside the other. Make a pendulum from a ring and a thread.

    Focus. Please formulate the question correctly. Place the pendulum in the center of the circles.

    If the pendulum gravitates toward a circle called “believe in yourself,” it means that your progress depends on yourself.

    If the pendulum gravitates towards “active realization”, discard pride, forgive insults and fully realize yourself. The realization of your intentions and intended goals is impossible without taking into account the needs of other people. Determine where there are obstacles to the fulfillment of your plans, where you have not achieved your goals. Look for ways to remove obstacles. Any path forward is overcoming obstacles.

    If the pendulum gravitates towards the “do nothing” sector, you will have to live according to the conditions dictated by other people, do not even try to follow your own rules. You will find that you learn a lot from the other person.

    The pendulum only tells you what deep down you know yourself, but for some reason you don’t want to take into account. If, in your opinion, the situation is insoluble, then try to extract any benefit from it for yourself until it changes in better side.

    Fortune telling "Grain"

    This fortune telling requires a deck of 36 cards and a grain of rice rolled in melted wax.

    Shuffle the deck thoroughly and place it face down in random order. Close your eyes and throw the grain. Take the card on which it fell and look at its value.


    Ace: you have a true heart; do not be discouraged, you will still be happy: loyalty is always rewarded.

    King: your virtue was inflamed by love; don't worry, everything will be as you want, just be careful: the flame burns.

    Lady: everything will come true in three months, but beware of being angry and don’t show your feelings.

    Jack: the absent one has not forgotten you; he misses being apart and is looking forward to meeting you.

    Ten: your thoughts will change, rest assured, he (she) wants the same thing you want.

    Nine: love sets your blood on fire, but don't be afraid of the poison - it's sweet.

    Eight: everything is in your power, but beware of offending your friend: it may harm you.

    Seven: one visiting person will bring you news that will make you happy.

    Six: your kindness will be rewarded by friendship with a good man who values ​​goodness.


    King: They want to deceive you, but give up everything and don’t trust your friend: his disposition towards you has changed.

    Lady: beware of your friend, for he is plotting to deceive you; but one person will save you, she is a true friend.

    Jack: the person you adore reciprocates your feelings.

    Ten: work will disperse your melancholy; but the person you love is cold towards you.

    Nine: beware of falling in love; she (he) will be unfaithful to you.

    Eight: you will soon be pleased with good news; arm yourself with patience.

    Seven: your loved one has many perfections; you own his (her) heart. Your fears will benefit you.

    Six: You will be happy, just take your time and follow good advice.


    Ace: do not despair; try to forget your failure by doing something. Happiness will return to you.

    King: the one you think about is a great cunning one; try to avoid him, but when you meet him, be friendly.

    Lady: you are loved; soon your wish will come true.

    Jack: It is unlikely that your plans will come true - false success will crown your desires; be calm and don't think about it anymore.

    Ten: calm down; soon your sorrows will pass, and your wish will come true.

    Nine: do not complain about your fate, circumstances will soon change, and your heart will calm down.

    Eight: your departure will save you from troubles; but don't rush, don't trust your heart: haste can lead to trouble.

    Seven: sadness and despair will soon turn into joy.

    Six: do not trust the first person you meet if you want to avoid grief; Happiness awaits you: you will get what you don’t expect.


    Ace: try to make friends with the person you are avoiding: he may be useful to you.

    King: you will be delighted with the good news, but the good you have done will turn into evil.

    Lady: your friend has become colder towards you outwardly, but he is sincerely disposed towards you.

    Jack: you will definitely get what you want; but be careful: the person you love will cause you trouble.

    Ten: love is the culprit of your torment, but don't worry, you will be happy.

    Nine: don't trust your friend, he might cheat on you.

    Eight: trouble awaits you; the one you are thinking about is sick; someone you trusted will change you.

    Seven: the event you have started will not succeed; if you want to be happy, change your plans.

    Six: a sad letter will cause you a lot of grief; Don’t expect to get what you want, but you yourself are the reason for it.

    Fortune telling with a towel

    At night, a towel is hung outside the window with the words: “Betrothed, come and dry yourself.” If the towel is wet in the morning, then this year the girl who hung it will get married. If he takes it off dry, he'll be a girl for another year.

    Fortune telling with socks

    At night, a sock is put on the left foot. If the sock is taken off your foot in the morning, you are getting married soon (narrowed shoe). If the sock remains dressed, then the matchmakers will still have to wait a long time. Fortune telling has a peculiarity: after putting the sock on your foot, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning.

    Fortune telling with paper balls

    Balls (six to eight pieces) are rolled out of equal pieces of paper, having previously written the name of the betrothed on one of them. All the balls are placed in a cup and mixed.

    Each girl takes turns taking from one to three balls from the cup. Three empty balls drawn out - failure to fulfill a desire; a ball with a name, drawn out for the first or second time - the betrothed will soon marry.

    Fortune telling with needles

    The two needles are well rubbed with wax or fat. One needle will represent the fortuneteller, the other - the person whose attitude you would like to know. The needles are indiscriminately dipped into the water. If they come together in the water - there will be family happiness (for married people) or to get married (for single people). If we were talking about friendship, then it will be strong. If the needles stop one against the other, then the fortuneteller may have a conflict with the person in question. If the needles come apart, brides remain unmarried, guys remain single, and for family people this means family discord and failure in business; friendship will end. If the needles immediately sank, the wish will come true.

    Girls are not allowed to tell fortunes with needles. They should ask older women to do this.

    Fortune telling with a ring

    During the day, pour water into a bowl, lower the ring and expose it to the cold. Shortly before bed, take out a bowl and look at the ice. If the water freezes evenly, life will be childless; otherwise, how many tubercles - so many sons, how many pits - so many daughters.

    The ring is taken out and put on your hand at night. Everything you dream will come true.

    Fortune telling for wish fulfillment using paper

    The wish should be written on a strip of paper, placed face down on a plate and set on fire. If the entire strip burns, the wish will come true; if less than half burns out, then its implementation is unlikely; if it burns not completely, but mostly, the desire will come true, but with a delay.

    Fortune telling for your betrothed using a ring, bread and a hook

    The ring, bread and hook are placed on the floor under the scarf so that it is impossible to determine which item is located where. The fortuneteller takes out one of the objects by which the position of the future groom is determined. If you choose a ring, the betrothed will be a dandy, if you choose bread, you will be rich, if you choose a hook, you will be poor.

    Fortune telling for married people

    If you suspect your husband of cheating, you can tell fortunes as follows: take a glass of water, a piece of paper, a teaspoon of coarse salt and a candle. The name of the alleged opponent (if known) is written on the paper. A candle is lit, salt is thrown into a glass, and a piece of paper is set on fire from the candle. Mix the salt with a spoon and say: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and the paper burns out - their love will burn out.”

    If the salt has melted and the paper is still smoldering, then your husband will stay with you, if on the contrary, sooner or later he will leave for his rival.

    Fortune telling for a quick marriage

    Only girls tell fortunes and only in company. Anyone who wants to know the future is blindfolded and spun around so that she loses her bearings. Then they let go and notice in which direction the first step will take. If she goes to the door, she will get married this year; if she goes to the room, she will stay with her parents for another year.

  • Fortune telling by barking dogs

    At midnight, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?”

    Having said these words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of the dogs. If an angry, abrupt bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy.

    If the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind.

    It is very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow.

    Fortune telling with wax figures II

    Here we present some additions to the fortune-telling, which was published in “New Year's Fortune-telling”.

    Take wax or paraffin candles white(holiday colored candles are not suitable for fortune telling), place in a metal bowl, melt over a fire and immediately pour into a container with cold water. The figure formed in this case will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller. Below are interpretations of some figures.

    House- soon the establishment of a new farm; For a girl, this is primarily associated with marriage.

    Shapeless ruins- misfortune in the near future.

    Pit, small cave or grotto- the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts a serious illness or imminent death.

    Trees- they can be interpreted in different ways: upward-pointing tree branches promise quick joy, drooping branches - sadness, melancholy and boredom.

    Ring or candle They definitely predict an imminent wedding.

    Damn, settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

    Fortune telling with wax and milk

    Pour milk into a saucer and place it on the threshold. Take the stubs of wax candles, put them in a metal bowl and melt them over the fire, saying: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

    Having said the last word of the spell, pour the wax into the milk and carefully examine the resulting figure. Here is an interpretation of some of the figures.

    Cross- disease. If its outlines are unclear, then you should soon prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.

    Blooming flower- wedding in a year.

    Animal- an ill-wisher will appear in your close circle.

    A scattering of small stars- good luck in business.

    Human figure- the imminent appearance of a new friend.

    Fortune telling by shoe

    Go outside the village, take off the shoe from your left foot and throw it forward with your toe over your shoulder. Wherever the toe turns, from there you have to wait for the matchmakers. If the toe points towards the owner of the shoe, then she shouldn’t expect a wedding next year.

    Hair fortune telling

    At midnight, pour water into a bowl and add a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix the water thoroughly, and when it calms down, throw two hairs into it: one of yours, and the other of a loved one. Leave the bowl until the morning.

    If the next morning the hair is intertwined, then the wedding is just around the corner. If the hairs are at some distance from each other, it means that the hour of separation is near.

    A drowned hair predicts a serious illness, and possibly the death of the one to whom it belongs.

    Fortune telling by rooster

    This fortune telling will allow girls to have quite a fun time, since it is not carried out alone, but in the company of friends. On Christmas or Epiphany Eve, several girls should gather in one room and “count themselves.” Large grains should be scattered on the floor and a black rooster should be brought into the room exactly at midnight. His behavior will be the answer to the fortuneteller’s question about the future.

    If the rooster pecked all the grains, then next year the one who poured the grains will get married.

    If some of the grains still remain on the floor, then the one whose number matches the number of grains pecked will get married.

    If the rooster refuses the treat altogether, then not a single wedding will take place next year, and for everyone present, the near future will be darkened by many minor troubles and failures.

    Fortune telling "Well and Bridge"

    Pull out a few twigs from an ordinary household broom, build a bridge out of them and put it under your pillow until the morning with the words: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.”

    After this, at night in a dream the girl will most likely see her future husband.

    You can use matches instead of twigs. Build a well out of them and put it under the pillow in the same way with the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come and drink some water.”

    Fortune telling by nut shell

    Pour water into a basin. Attach strips of paper along the edges of the pelvis on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, new job etc. (if one girl is guessing), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, one event is guessed.

    Take half a walnut shell and secure the stub of a church or birthday candle in it. Light the candle and push the “boat” to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the shell should float to one of the notes on its own. But the dream will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the “ship,” lights up from the candle flame.

  • Fortune telling for the King of Hearts

    They take a deck of 36. They shuffle it, guessing the name of the betrothed. Take it off with your left hand towards you. They discard one card from above, saying:
    Will turn away
    Take a nap,
    He will give you a ruble,
    He will run away to another.

    The phrase on which the king of hearts appears will be the answer to how the betrothed feels.

    Fortune telling by beans

    A circle is drawn on a white sheet of paper and divided into eight sectors. Each sector is responsible for a certain aspect of life:

  • Love/family
  • Health
  • Emotions
  • Career
  • Friends
  • Money
  • Problems/trials

    The fortuneteller, without looking, takes a handful of beans or beans and throws them onto the circle. From the sectors, the one with the most beans is selected - it is in this area that you will have to devote a lot of time and effort in the new year. If the number of beans is even, problems and delays in resolving issues are expected. If it is odd, there will be success in the coming year. If there is an equal number of beans in several sectors, it means that you will have to pay attention to two aspects of life at once. Beans that fall outside the circle do not participate in fortune telling.

    Fortune telling on the character of the betrothed

    A rabbit, a shoe, a bear, a nail, a glass, a pillow and a cactus are drawn on small pieces of paper. The leaves are folded into a hat and covered with a scarf. The fortuneteller pulls out a piece of paper without looking and looks at what is depicted on it.

    Nail - stingy, petty.

    Cactus is a brawler and a brawler.

    Rabbit is prone to cheating.

    Bear - the husband will have a calm character, laconic, economical.

    The pillow is a lazy person and a parasite.

    A glass is a drunkard.

    Shoe - henpecked, quiet.

    Fortune telling with three buttons

    Three buttons of the same size are selected - white, green and red. They make a wish and throw buttons on the table. The white button is considered the main button, and the green and red buttons will be the answers. If green is closer to white, the answer is positive. If it is red, the wish is unlikely to come true.

    Fortune telling for guys about their betrothed

    To determine the character of the future wife, the fortuneteller must stroke the cat. If the cat purrs, the wife will be kind and affectionate. If she meows, the spouse will turn out to be talkative and unrestrained. If a cat hits with its paw, the wife will be pugnacious. If she runs away, she won’t meet her betrothed this year.

    Ancient fortune-telling for young men

    An epaulette, a small prayer book, a feather, a scroll and a ring are placed in the tub. The fortuneteller takes out one of the objects, which is used to determine what the boy is more capable of.

    Epaulet - for military affairs.

    Prayer book - for serving in the church.

    Feather - to the fine arts.

    Scroll - to sciences.

    Ring - for public service.

    (*) You can replace objects with pieces of paper with names written on them. Not only young men, but also mothers can tell fortunes about their sons.

    Coin fortune telling

    Coins are collected of different denominations: three ten-ruble, five five-ruble, seven two-ruble, nine ruble. They make a wish and throw it on the table. Fallen coins are sorted into “heads” and “tails”. The more heads you get and the higher the denomination of the coin, the greater the likelihood that your wish will come true.

  • Fortune telling is an ancient ritual, during which girls have the opportunity not only to receive truthful information about their future, but also to have a great time.

    It is generally accepted that at Christmas, during the holidays, only representatives of the fair sex who have not found their betrothed make fortunes. But what about married young ladies who want to know what awaits them “on the personal front”, how their fate will turn out, how many children they will have, what to expect from life.

    The question arises: is it possible to conduct fortune telling at Christmas time? The answer is positive, the only point is that the specifics of fortune telling and their interpretation will differ from fortune telling for unmarried girls.

    But there are several limitations and features, taking into account which you can achieve good results.

    What is Christmastide

    Christmastide is a period of winter time that is celebrated by Christians as a special time of year. They last 12 days, starting on Christmas - January 7, and ending on January 19 - Epiphany. One of the traditions, in addition to the harsh, bitter frosts, is the holding of fortune-telling rituals for girls.

    It is believed that it is at this time that “the cards will fall” so that the whole truth about the future will be revealed on the fortune-telling table. In general, this time is considered the most favorable for fortune telling.

    Fortune telling during menstruation

    Whether to guess during menstruation is worth it, each woman decides for herself. In general, there are no such prohibitions, and they do not apply to Christmastide or any other dates.

    As for experienced fortune tellers, their advice is to refuse fortune-telling at this time of the cycle, since with the loss of blood a woman loses her vital energy. It is better to devote this time to gaining new strength and adequately evaluate it without wasting it.

    Fortune telling has nothing in common and is compatible with the church, so if a Christian is particularly religious, then fortune telling is completely prohibited, regardless of the calendar dates - whether fasting or not.

    If a person lives exclusively according to Christian commandments, and this is enough for him without deepening his faith, fortune telling is allowed, as on other days. As for the magical process at Christmas, everything here is considered more loyal.

    On the contrary, there are even a lot of fortune telling that help married and unmarried girls begin to better navigate their destiny. On Christmas Eve, ladies without the treasured ring on their finger will be able to find out what their future husband looks like.

    Features of fortune telling at Christmas: a sin or not?

    According to the Bible, any fortune telling is prohibited; church ministers advise giving preference to prayers and petitions for a better life before the Almighty. This applies not only to Christmas night, but also to Christmastime in general.

    If you have a strong desire to perform these magical rituals on Epiphany holidays, it is better to choose a date on the night of January 19th. There are many opinions that this is the most favorable period for fortune telling, family happiness and personal life.

    The choice of day for fortune telling plays an important role. For example, Monday has a close relationship with the Moon and Venus, so there is an opinion about the responsibility of these planets for human intuition. So fortune telling on this day will provide the most reliable information, since there is the least likelihood of mistakes.

    If you want to tell fortunes in January, you must wait until Christmastide, since even for Christians this period is considered the most favorable due to the presence of special magic.

    What does fortune telling give to married women?

    If a woman, being married, wants to “remember her youth” and tell fortunes during Christmas time, then fortune telling will help find answers to questions about where her husband is at the moment, what fate awaits them together in the near future, especially for this year.

    Married girls can also tell fortunes about their wishes, the birth of their first child (up to the date of his birth), and fortune. It is forbidden to guess about other betrotheds and other loves. It is also not recommended to guess, if there is no happiness in marriage, it is worth devoting this time to solving the problems that have arisen.

    Is it possible for a married girl to tell fortunes on her own?

    The ritual of fortune telling can be carried out independently, from the point of view of Christian principles and canons, there are no prohibitions. But it will be better and more correct if an experienced person tells your fortune, even if this is not a fortune teller. Many people are interested in the question of the frequency of fortune telling.

    It is advisable not to overdo it, and if you see that cards or other tools do not give the answer you want, you should leave the actions for the next day.

    The Christmastide period was and is considered the most favorable for fortune telling, since at this time all energy forces and flows are in the best location.

    Thanks to the special placement of stars, you can learn a lot about your future and get real happiness.

    Christmas fortune-telling has come to us since the pagan times of the ancient Slavs. It was believed that the yuletide evil spirits were especially strong during the winter holidays, therefore from Christmas Eve to Epiphany - the most favorable time for fortune telling. Let's talk about the most popular Christmas rituals.

    The main “target audience” of Christmas fortune telling is young unmarried girls who wanted to find out who their destiny had in store for them and how happy their married life would be.

    Also, during the Christmas season, people tried to find out what harvest and what fate awaited them in the coming year.

    You can take fortune telling seriously, or you can perceive it as innocent girlish fun - it’s up to you.

    Methods of Christmas fortune telling

    Now let’s dive into the world of unknown and mysterious things and tell you about the most ancient Christmas fortune telling, which are still in demand to this day.

    Fortune telling with felt boots

    The easiest way. You may not find felt boots in a modern girl's wardrobe, but it doesn't matter - use a boot or slipper.

    All you need to do is throw your shoes on the road and see in which direction the “felt boot” sock points. From that side the betrothed will come into your destiny.

    Fortune telling with a mirror

    This magic ritual must be performed in the dark. You will need a large, clean mirror and candles. It is better to use wax: made from natural natural material, they have powerful energy.

    A girl who wants to see her future groom must put a mirror in the room, turn off the lights and light candles. Then you need to sit down near the mirror surface and try to see the appearance of your betrothed in the reflection.

    The most suitable time period for fortune telling on a mirror is from 12 to 1 am.

    Group fortune telling for marriage

    A good way to gather a group of girlfriends and immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of Christmas fortune-telling together. This magical ritual will help you find out who will get married in what order.

    Fortune telling is very simple - each of the girls must take a thread and set it on fire. And then see whose thread burns out faster, that one will go down the aisle first.

    It also happens that the fire goes out almost immediately. This is a disappointing sign - a girl whose thread has gone out may never become someone's bride at all.

    Christmas fortune telling with a ring

    This magical ritual is most suitable for married women and pregnant women. Because it helps to find out the gender of the unborn baby.

    For magical manipulations, a bowl of water and the girl’s wedding ring are used. The decoration must be hung on a thin thread and begin to be smoothly lowered to the surface of the water. If it starts to swing from side to side, a boy will be born, and if it starts to spin, a girl will be born.

    A stationary ring indicates that there is no need to expect a replenishment soon.

    Book Christmas fortune telling

    A very simple version of fortune telling, for which you will need a book. It is best to use works of fiction; books with spiritual content are also suitable.

    The girl should sit down, relax, put her left hand on her heart, her right hand on the book. Close your eyes and mentally ask the question that worries her. Then you need to open the book to any page and randomly point your finger at a line. What is written will be the answer to the question. If it turns out to be nonsense, try to unravel the hidden meaning of the prediction - the answer is not always obvious.

    Fortune telling by wish (will/will not come true)

    This fortune telling is suitable for girls who have pets. It’s best if it’s a cat (not a cat, but a cat).

    Go into the room and make a wish, then lure the animal. Look carefully: if the furry pet took the first step with her left paw, her plan will come true, but if she took the first step with her right paw, alas, it will not.

    What awaits the family this year?

    This is a Christmas fortune telling for married women or girls who are in a relationship. love relationships. A magical ritual helps you find out how relationships will develop throughout the year.

    It is necessary to eavesdrop on what is happening with your neighbors. If everything is quiet and calm, then there will be no quarrels in your couple. If you hear noise, you should expect violent scandals and family troubles.

    Onion fortune telling

    This is also a group fortune telling for unmarried girls. Each of the girlfriends must take an onion and write their initials on the vegetable. The onions are then either planted in the ground or placed in water.

    Keep an eye on when the plant begins to sprout. The girl whose onion sprouts first will be the first to wear a wedding ring. If a vegetable rots and does not sprout at all, its owner will be called an old maid.

    Rules for Christmas fortune telling

    Fortune telling during Christmas time is a whole magical ritual with special energy. According to ancient beliefs, various evil spirits help to find out the future during Christmas time. Therefore, it is important not to anger her, but, on the contrary, to appease her, so as not to incur trouble.

    To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Fortune telling only in the dark. Best time is after midnight. It is then that the dark forces wake up and are in a good mood.
    • The room where magical manipulations will be performed should be dark and quiet. Use as a light source wax candles. Talk in a whisper, watch the silence.
    • Don't overuse it. One fortune telling - one question that needs to be answered. Do not try to try all known rituals in one night.
    • At the end of the fortune telling, thank you for your help. This must be done sincerely and from a pure heart.
    • Make fortunes only with good intentions, do not make wishes that could harm someone, otherwise everything may turn against you.

    Even more information about Christmas fortune telling in the video:

    Agree, there is no young lady between the ages of 10 and 80 who has not practiced fortune telling on Christmas Eve at least once in her life. On the night of January 6-7, everything is possible. According to beliefs that people carefully preserve, the night before Christmas is unique and inimitable. And although fortune telling is not always welcome - the church prohibits it, on some days it is strictly forbidden to guess - on Christmas Eve it is allowed to lift all prohibitions and restrictions. On Christmas night, many dark and light forces rush to Earth to confuse and harm people, or to secretly help them, sometimes even if they don’t ask anyone for it.

    Modern young girls, despite all the newfangled technology, do not give up fortune telling, which was practiced by their grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

    Fortune telling methods

    There are several methods for fortune telling. Girls who are experienced in this use runes, Tarot cards, special stones and even summoning spirits. Of course, the latter, especially on Christmas night, can be dangerous and unpredictable. Therefore, fortune telling on wax, predictions on cards, on spring water, on candles, mirrors and many others are quite suitable for home “use”.

    For fortune telling, you need to choose a clean and quiet room in which there is no TV, radio or computer. The light should be dimmed, all unnecessary things should be removed, candles can be placed on the table and windowsill. During fortune telling, there should not be simply curious people in the room - only participants in the fortune telling. Windows and doors must be tightly closed to prevent drafts and unnecessary air movement.

    When a person is guessing about the future, it is better not to cross his legs or arms - crossed limbs can have a negative impact on the channel of information transmission. Before or during fortune telling, you should not drink alcohol.

    The chosen company is no less important for successful fortune telling. For fortune telling at Christmas, all participants in the event must believe in the existence of the other world and that on Christmas Eve you can receive completely truthful information. A frivolous approach and humorous questions can attract lower spirits of dark forces to the process, who do not have the correct information, but will simply have fun and joke.

    What do girls most often wonder about on Christmas Eve?

    There are a great many questions, the answers to which are of most interest to fortune-telling girls. But the most popular were and remain the following - what will the betrothed be called? young man When the wedding takes place, this or that wish will come true, what character the future husband will have, how many children there will be in the family. Modern girls are also interested in how she will pass a test, which smartphone to buy, or what to wear on a date with her beloved.

    Not only unmarried girls take part in fortune telling. Married women are also not averse to learning some facts about their future life. They are usually interested in their health and the health of their husband, the well-being of their children, the harvest, the future financial state of their family and prospects for improving their living conditions. Also, married young girls are interested in some personal issues, for example, whether her husband is faithful to her. Until recently, fortune telling on Christmas Eve for married women was taboo, but times have changed a little, so they can also look a little behind the veil of the future.

    Popular Christmas fortune telling

    There are many ways of fortune-telling that can be done at Christmas. The simplest and most famous fortune telling, which is even mentioned in fiction, this is a girl throwing her boot onto a winter road. Wherever the toe of the boot points, from there you have to wait for your betrothed.

    But with the help of a ring, thread and needle, young girls try to find out the gender of their future children.

    With the help of mirrors on Christmas night, girls want to see the image of their future lover, and perhaps even their husband. Fortune telling must be carried out in dark room. The girl should sit between two mirrors, light 2 candles near her and carefully look into the reflections of the mirrors. If the stars and spirits are favorable to the fortuneteller this evening, they will show the image of her future husband in the mirror. The most best time For this fortune telling with mirrors, midnight is considered.

    Fortune telling on wax

    Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers loved this kind of fortune-telling, and in their youth they often organized gatherings with girlfriends with candles. What did they do with the wax? The girl should take a deep plate and pour clean water and put her ring in it, which she wears most often. The ring must be without a stone. Melt wax or paraffin over a candle. You can use a tablespoon for this. When the wax is completely melted, it must be poured into cold water in the center of the plate.

    After this, you should carefully look at what figure the frozen wax will show:

    Heart - the girl has a devoted admirer;
    - crown - very soon you have to wait for a marriage proposal;
    - a bouquet of flowers or individual flowers is a symbol of an easy and happy year;
    - asterisk - joy, well-being and prosperity;
    - circle figure - everything will be repeated;
    - if there are just a lot of small drops of wax on the water, then this means that wealth awaits the girl this year (the drops are coins);
    - the silhouette of a fairy-tale animal, for example, a dragon, promises the birth of a baby or the implementation of some very long-awaited event.

    If it is difficult to understand what came out of the wax, then nothing interesting or significant will happen in the life of a fortune-telling girl.

    Prediction with a candle

    You need to take a big candle. The wish has probably already been made, now we will ask the Christmas spirits whether it will come true this year. You need to light the candle and carefully walk around your house or apartment clockwise. If fate favors the girl this year, then the candle will not go out. If at some stage of the short journey the candle is left without a light, you should not be upset. Everything will come true, but only in a year.

    Prophetic lines

    Beautiful and uncomplicated Christmas fortune telling for girls. Surely, every girl has a favorite book, and it is most likely about love. You need to pick up the book and name the page and line at random, counting it from the top or bottom of the page. Then you need to open the book, find the prophetic line and get the answer to your question. It is unlikely that the answer will be direct and clear. But if you add a little imagination and logic to the solution, the answer can be easily interpreted.

    Fortune telling nut

    Merry Christmas fortune-telling for the company. Each girl chooses for herself Walnut, splits it, eats the grain, and makes a small boat from the shell. Use wax or plasticine to secure a small candle in the shell. You will also need a large basin of water for fortune telling. When everything is ready, the girls should write on small pieces of paper some generally accepted events that are important to everyone. For example, wedding, travel, love, moving, birth of a child, bonus, and so on. Strips of paper are attached along the rim of the pelvis. Then each girl launches her boat with a lit candle on a journey. Sooner or later, the boat will moor near a note on which something important for the owner of the boat will be written.

    Fortune telling on an egg

    Each girl takes a glass of warm water and 1 fresh egg. It is necessary to carefully dissolve the protein in a glass of water.

    A figurine that looks like a temple predicts a girl’s imminent marriage;
    - if the squirrel is curled up in the shape of a ship or boat, then a young girl will have a dear friend from distant lands. But if a young man is guessing with girls, then the ship for him will mean a fun trip or that he will find his bride on a foreign side;
    - but if the protein drops down, then this means illness or another year of unmarried life.

    What can salt say?

    For this fortune telling on the evening of Christmas Eve, a girl who dreams of meeting her betrothed must mix a thimble of water and a thimble of salt. The mixture should be eaten before bed. Already in bed, the girl must say: “I’m thirsty - betrothed, bring me a glass of water.” In a dream, a future lover should appear to a girl and offer a glass of water

    Christmas fortune telling 2020-2021 is considered an integral part of the culture and traditions of the Slavic people. Maybe you too would like to join in the predictions on Christmas Eve?

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