How to chrome metal with your own hands. How to chrome plastic with your own hands

By learning how to chrome plating yourself, you can not only make your car or motorcycle more presentable, but also make stylish items - door handles, fasteners for cornices, stands, flowerpots and sconces, which will serve as excellent elements for decorating the interior of your home.

The galvanization process is based on applying a layer of metal to the surface of a part using an electrolyte.. In this case, two goals can be pursued at once - protection and decoration. Accordingly, chrome plating involves depositing a special layer of chromium onto the coating using an electric current.

This process can be carried out in several ways:

Selecting a room

Chrome plating should be carried out in a well-ventilated non-residential premises . Perfect option- car garage. In summer you can work right outside under a tarpaulin canopy. Such measures are mandatory, otherwise the health of the performer may be in danger due to toxic and poisonous fumes of the substance.

For home chrome plating using a bath, you should prepare the following tools and materials:

Means of protection

It is necessary to acquire protective equipment- thick rubber gloves and a high-quality respirator. Clothes can be covered with an apron made of rubberized material.

To do chrome plating at home using a special galvanic brush, you can use the following scheme of actions:

When using any method a compressor or a good vacuum cleaner will come in handy to remove dust.

Electrolyte preparation

To calculate the volume of electrolyte ingredients the following ratios should be adhered to, measured in grams, per liter of pure water:

  1. Chromium anhydride - 250 g;
  2. Sulfuric acid - 2.5 g.

A glass vessel is filled halfway with settled and boiled water, the temperature of which should be approximately 60 degrees. Chromic anhydride is then placed into the container. The solution is stirred until the substance dissolves, after which sulfuric acid is carefully poured into it.

Then the composition must be kept under current for three and a half hours. If the calculations are made correctly, the electrolyte will turn dark brown. Having de-energized the composition, it must be left for one day in some cool and dark place.

Part preparation

Before you do chrome plating yourself at home, you need to prepare it. Rust, varnish, dirt and paint must first be removed from surfaces to be treated. Once the cleaning is complete, you can begin degreasing.

Experts point out that it is undesirable to use gasoline and white spirit for this purpose, because these compounds will negatively affect processing. It is better to use a special mixture based on caustic soda, soda ash and silicate glue. The solution must be heated to 90 degrees Celsius and the part should be immersed in it for about half an hour. If the element has a complex configuration, then the holding time can be increased.

Chrome plating is a rather labor-intensive process to do on your own, so the ideal result is not obtained in all cases. In order to prevent mistakes before chrome plating metal at home, you should learn about the reasons that may cause defects.

These include:

Insufficient or excessive heating of the electrolyte can lead to an uneven shine of the treated surface. If there is no shine at all, then the reason may be an incorrectly calculated anhydride concentration.

If the coating was not uniform enough, then too much current was supplied to the workpiece during operation. If the coating is very soft, then the electrolyte was heated too much.

These factors need to be taken into account to prevent defects from occurring during chrome plating. Only in this case, chrome plating of parts with your own hands will go without problems.

Do-it-yourself chrome plating is one of the favorite activities for many people. It is important to understand that this process is life-threatening. In industrial enterprises, chrome plating is carried out using special equipment. In this case, chemical or chemical-thermal treatments are used. However, you can do this at home if you stock up on the necessary equipment and knowledge.

To do chrome plating yourself, you need to prepare an enamel container. You will also need certain chemical mixtures, as well as knowledge of the processes. To begin with, it is worth determining what types of elements of the periodic table can be used for a certain type of metal. It is also important to know in what sequence the processing will be carried out.

Do-it-yourself chrome plating should begin with the preparation of the parts to be processed. They need to be polished and degreased. This is done to remove all organic contaminants that are on the parts at this time. At home, this is done by treating the elements in an alkali solution or by washing them with a good detergent. Next on the parts you need to insulate all parts that should not be chrome-plated. Lead is quite suitable as an insulation material. It is resistant to electrolyte, so it is not chrome plated.

The next step is to install the parts. They must be mounted on pendants, as well as other devices that are good conductors. This is necessary to supply current to the parts, as well as to disperse it over the entire area. The contacts must be as reliable as possible, since the currents passing through them are quite powerful. In this process, they bear the main burden. It is important to understand that chromed parts should not be shielded under any circumstances.

You can start chrome plating your wheels yourself after all the work has been done. preparatory work. It's done like this. The prepared parts are lowered into a bath that is filled with chromium oxide, water, and free radicals, which provide high quality result. After this, you need to remove the product, but be sure to do this with gloves, otherwise you can get severe burns. After the part has cooled slightly, it should be thoroughly polished, which will remove any sediment from the surface. Chrome plating is done in exactly the same way.

It is important to remember to take precautions, especially in the room you choose for the procedure. The whole process is accompanied by abundant release of hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolyte droplets condense into a mist, irritating a person’s mucous membranes, which can lead to negative consequences. This is why do-it-yourself chrome plating needs to be done outdoors.

Chrome plating allows you to create a special coating on a part that combines several properties:

  • Decorative. A reflective layer of the desired color attracts attention;
  • Wear resistance. Chrome plating partially protects it from external influences, which is used, for example, to extend the service life of pistons;
  • Recovery. To repair broken parts, the coating can be applied in a thick layer to the desired location.

Recently, this type of tuning has become more widespread, as the process has become cheaper and simpler (it can also be done independently), and the number of color and texture solutions has increased noticeably.

Types of chrome plating and their properties

There are three main technologies using which chrome plating can be done:

  1. Using film. This method is the simplest and most affordable, since you can buy and apply such a coating with minimal investment of money and time. A wide range of colors and textures ensures that even the most complex designs can be achieved. The film also performs protective functions. When it is removed, the body surface will appear in its original form. The disadvantages of this method are poor protection of the part and less interesting effect compared to analogues.
  2. Catalytic chromium plating. When using it, a special liquid product is applied to the surface of the part, which does not contain acids - it is completely safe for humans. The advantages of this method are the optimal balance of quality and complexity, as well as the ability to work with flexible parts, which is unmatched by analogues. Catalytic painting can even be done using household aerosol cans, but this option is significantly inferior to using a special sprayer.
  3. Electrochemical method, also known as galvanization. This method requires the most expenditure of money and time, as well as the possession of certain skills. In this case, chrome plating occurs when an electric discharge is applied to a part immersed in a bath with a special solution. This method is the highest quality and also allows you to get the best appearance.

Do-it-yourself chrome plating of car parts

Giving bumpers, rims and other units a reflective and protective effect can be done at home. This option is used when the car owner wants to save time and money on calling for service. All three chrome plating methods can be replicated independently, but each requires more or less preparation, investment and tool handling skills.

General preparatory steps

For successful chrome plating of parts, the surface must be treated. This is necessary so that the protective layer lays down better and more reliably. Preparatory steps:

  1. Cleaning the product. First of all, rough processing is required - removing cracks, scratches, dents and other defects using a grinding machine. An abrasive wheel should be used.
  2. Surface polishing. This step is skipped if the purpose of chrome plating is to restore the product or increase its wear resistance. In the case when the work is performed to impart anti-corrosion or decorative properties, polishing is necessary. This can be done using a felt or felt disc attached to a disc sander. It must be lubricated with a special paste.
  3. The final step of general preparation will be to clean the surface from grease and other contaminants. To do this, you should use products that do not contain alcohol. Solvents based on acetone or gasoline are suitable.
  4. An optional step is to isolate parts of the part that should not be painted. If the surface is not completely chromed, then the corresponding parts should be protected by applying celluloid glue. They should also seal holes that disturb the smooth surface.

Chrome plating of car parts using film

The method involves applying special foil to a prepared body. This type of work is the simplest, second only to painting from an aerosol can. This chrome plating helps protect the car's finish from weather and minor damage. In this case, the foil can be removed, and the body underneath will be in the same condition as before work. The use of film has one main drawback - the coating is unstable and has a weak protective potential, and sometimes does not differ best quality and appearance.

Preparation for film chrome plating includes the acquisition of available tools:

  • The foil itself;
  • The surface of the car or part has been cleaned in the previously described manner;
  • Degreaser;
  • Dry rags;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Scraper made of plastic or felt;
  • Spray;
  • Detergent mixed with water one part to ten respectively;
  • Powerful industrial hair dryer;
  • Paper masking tape.

You should also enlist the help of a friend who will help with gluing large elements of the film.


  1. A cleaned, polished and washed car should be re-treated with a degreaser immediately before work. White Spirit is best. Regular solutions should be diluted.
  2. Trying on a film fragment. Without peeling off the backing, you should attach a piece of foil for chrome plating to the place where it will be glued - this allows you to make sure that the surface and the fragment are combined. The more bends a part has, the more difficult it is to choose the right film.
  3. As soon as the fitting is finished, you can start gluing. This process does not require special skills or control - bubbles from under the surface will come out through special air channels. Smoothing is done with a regular scraper made of soft material. In order to be able to move a fragment of the film for chrome plating over the surface, it is allowed to use the wet gluing method. It consists in the fact that before applying the foil, the part is generously wetted with a mixture of water and detergent. When gluing, you should avoid getting small debris into the work area.
  4. The foil should be glued from the middle of the fragment, smoothly smoothing the edges. During the process, the film should be heated with an industrial hair dryer. Covering complex curved surfaces requires longer hair dryer exposure.
  5. The film should be dried again with a hairdryer and then left for 20 minutes to set.
  6. The last stage of work will be smoothing the coating with a soft scraper.

High-quality film for chrome plating may be subject to external influence on the day of application. Poor quality foil may completely collapse after the first rain. Processing of film coating does not allow the use of abrasives.

Chrome plating of car parts using the catalytic method

This method has medium difficulty execution. It allows you to achieve better protection compared to film coating.

To create a protective and decorative coating by painting you will need:

  • Spray;
  • Airbrush;
  • Respirator;
  • Industrial dryer;
  • Car paint in black or with a reflective effect;
  • Polishing agent;
  • Alcohol-free degreaser;
  • Masking tape.


  1. Re-treatment of the surface with a degreaser, which is carried out before painting.
  2. Protection of glass and other parts of the car that cannot be painted using paper adhesive tape.
  3. Before applying a coat of primer, the surface must be heated with a hairdryer.
  4. Spraying black or reflective paint onto the part.
  5. Application of a catalytic agent that provides chrome plating. In this case, the compressor pressure should be increased relative to normal use- this work has a higher air consumption. You need to wait until the paint layer dries to understand what to do next.
  6. If the coating has dried but is incomplete, then another layer should be applied. Typically, more than 2 staining approaches are required.

Catalytic dyeing allows you to achieve results with different colors and shades. It provides a good protective layer. The method allows you to work not only with curved, but also with flexible parts.

Electrochemical method of chrome plating of car parts

This method, also known as electroplating, requires the most preparation and is the most difficult. At the same time, he is considered the only the right choice to create a high-quality coating with excellent protection and the most beautiful appearance. To work you need:

  • A glass container that contains the entire part;
  • Contact thermometer;
  • Wooden box;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Mineral wool;
  • A plexiglass brush with a hollow handle, the bristles of which are wrapped in lead wire;
  • Alligator clips;
  • Plastic container;
  • Device for securing a part;
  • High power transformer;
  • Chromic anhydrite;
  • Sulfuric acid;
  • Distilled water;
  • Anode (rod or plate).

It should be taken into account that chemicals are not sold to ordinary people - the purchase is made at the expense of the organization or individual entrepreneur. The disposal of chemicals is also strictly controlled.

Electrolyte preparation:

Mix 250 g of chromic anhydrite and 2.5 g of sulfuric acid (per 1 liter of water). Distilled water heated to 60 degrees Celsius is poured into a mixing container. Chromic anhydride is added first, after which the composition is mixed. After final preparation, the mixture should be exposed to a current of 6.5 amperes per 1 liter for several hours (before coloring it burgundy).


  1. Before starting work, you need to clean the surface of the part with a solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. This process is called pickling and improves adhesion. It also needs to be degreased.
  2. It is important to ensure that the prepared part meets the cleanliness standards specified for a particular component of the process. The degree of purity also determines the adhesion strength of chromium to the surface. The holes must be sealed with acid-resistant material.
  3. The box is upholstered in fiberglass and insulated with cotton wool or sand. A glass vessel is placed in a basin, the “crocodiles” are connected to the cathode as a minus. The anode is fixed. The part fixer is positioned so that the coating is formed evenly.
  4. The part is immersed in the solution and secured. The current is applied 3–5 seconds after the dive. The power of the supplied current is determined at the rate of 50 to 60 amperes per square decimeter of liquid. During operation, the temperature should be between 51 and 56 degrees Celsius.

Galvanic chrome plating is not only expensive, but also legally complex. At the slightest deviation from the norm, the master performing the work will face serious criminal liability, since the reagents are strong carcinogens that poison the environment upon contact with water.


Not all methods are equally simple and suitable for chrome plating at home. As for electrochemical, doing it as a business is quite difficult decision, and for one-time chrome plating it is best to turn to professionals.

Do-it-yourself chrome plating at home has become a reality. Previously, shiny car parts and body elements only attracted the eyes of drivers, but now they are thinking about processing it themselves. You will have to prepare materials for it, and then get acquainted with detailed instructions. After which the person will receive sufficient knowledge to completely change the car.

Why is chrome plating needed?

People have been thinking about chrome plating for a long time. Drivers have always been attracted to this kind of processing, which turns parts into elegant, shiny models. Although this did not disturb them at all technical characteristics and durability. The coating has a number of advantages that need to be taken into account when choosing.

  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Rust protection;
  • Increased service life.

Every detail must receive reliable protection. Motorists who continue to use factory treatment forget about this. They should get to know the details of the pros to make the right decision.

Aesthetic appearance

The finished coating has an exceptional silver shine. Glossy surface dazzles with its beauty, making it the perfect addition to an engine or body. For a long time I had to give up its attractiveness, since even polishing did not give such an effect. Complex polishing will no longer be required, because maintenance will be limited to simple actions.

Drivers admit that chrome wheels are much more beautiful than alloy wheels. Previously, this seemed impossible, but even at home you can easily cope with necessary actions. By spending a little time, you can make any detail bright.

Rust protection

Chrome plating of parts at home will create a reliable protective layer. It provides fantastic moisture resistance, which eliminates corrosion. For this reason, the car engine no longer suffers from potential danger every day.

The absence of rust prevents its spread to individual components. All it takes is a small spot on the body for it to be completely ruined in a few months. Such troubles are eliminated by additional processing, which helps get rid of all damage.

Increased service life

By covering the surface with chrome, the car owner simultaneously copes with several problems. One of them is mechanical damage that affects the service life. This is especially clearly seen in the example of wheel rims, which are quickly destroyed due to small stones.

After applying chrome, the parts become irreplaceable and retain their shine for a long time. Just wipe them with a dry cloth to restore their bright appearance.

For this reason, processing remains indispensable, since alternative options can't be found.

What is chrome plating suitable for?

Placing chromium on a metal surface has been used for a long time. For automobiles, it is widely used in the processing of rims and engine parts. With a little knowledge, you can freely perform necessary work, so you don't have to worry about additional costs.

In fact, you can apply chrome to any metal element. The only problem remains its dimensions, which must be suitable for an electrolyte bath. Keeping this in mind, you can prepare for simple work.

What is required for chrome plating?

It is easy to chrome parts at home. The main thing is to first prepare everything you need so that you don’t have to stop searching for materials or equipment later. To do this, you don’t have to spend a long time running around the shops and trying to order something incredible. Almost everything is sold in public access, so that you can easily prepare for action.

  • Plastic bath;
  • Rectifier for voltage 50 amperes and 12 volts;
  • Heater for electrolyte;
  • Thermometer with maximum temperature 100 degrees Celsius.

Nowadays, metal elements are freely chromed without complex equipment. The above list suggests that acquiring everything you need will require little money and time. Because of this, a person will quickly begin work and achieve excellent results.

How to chrome parts correctly?

How to chrome metal parts? To do this, you can watch the video or use a detailed step-by-step description. In practice, both options are equally useful, so you should not refuse them. What should you do to avoid making mistakes?

  • Preparation of parts;
  • Surface activation;
  • Immersion in the bath;
  • Final processing.

The process is divided into several stages. Their subtleties will tell the driver how to properly cope with difficulties that arise during work. So it’s impossible to do without such data.

Preparing parts

When planning to chrome any part, you need to prepare it. To do this, the surface is thoroughly washed to remove all types of contamination and then degreased with acetone. This step can take some time, but is taken most seriously by professionals who regularly carry out processing in workshops.

The surface is thoroughly washed to remove all types of contamination and then degreased with acetone.

Only on an absolutely clean and grease-free surface is a layer of metal applied freely. Let the actions force you to spend some time, but you can’t do without it. If you make a mistake, you will subsequently fail to achieve adequate adhesion, which will result in significant damage to the shiny surface.

Surface activation

Surface activation is the second part of the preparation. It is carried out using a solution of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 100 g/l, which is excellent for treating metal surfaces. After drying, the part is completely immersed in it so as not to miss a single square centimeter of the surface.

Processing time depends on the metal and ranges from 5 to 20 minutes. Using simple equipment, people manage to eliminate errors, but if exposed for too long, the surface becomes porous. This point must be noted in order to move to the next stage in a timely manner.

Immersion in the bath

Next, the chrome-plated part is placed in a bath of electrolyte. Before this, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the surface so that no traces of hydrochloric acid remain on it, which can change the movement of ions. This important point, which must be taken into account before starting work.

In the bathroom, the metal element is attached to a copper wire, where the cathode is subsequently connected. A lead strip or bar is placed next to the bath, into which the anode is connected. Due to this, chromium ions move, which completely cover the surface in a few minutes.

Final processing

The process will take only 20-40 minutes. This is enough to get a reliable layer that can withstand serious mechanical damage. After which it is necessary to place the part in distilled water to completely remove the electrolyte.

After drying, thorough polishing is allowed. It significantly enhances the attractiveness of the metal, giving it an elegant silvery sheen. Because of this, it is better to work hard to get the perfect result, which will later decorate the car.

Chrome is one of the most durable metals. Its thinnest layer not only has an attractive shine, but also perfectly protects against various types of damage. It is worth thinking about the simplest technique, which may later turn out to be a salvation for the car.

To improve decorative properties, metal parts can be chrome-plated. The technology is widely used in the automotive industry and a number of other areas of the economy. Chrome plating of parts is also required to protect products from damage and improve their physical properties. This method of metal processing has a number of other advantages and disadvantages.

The need for chrome plating

Metal chrome plating refers to the process of metallization with chromium to improve the surface properties and characteristics of elements. During chrome plating, various steel surfaces are diffusely saturated with chromium. Chromium treatment is also acceptable for ABC plastic, aluminum, brass, and silumin.

Chrome plating makes the parts look more beautiful view, ennobles them. The chrome layer provides the original metallic color; car alloy wheels, headlight reflectors, motorcycle parts, souvenirs or home furnishings begin to look more aesthetically pleasing.

Other advantages of chrome plating:

  1. Protection. Applying a layer of chromium helps to increase the resistance of products to temperature changes, increases corrosion and erosion resistance, and reduces susceptibility to mechanical damage. The parts become super-hard (950 – 1100 units on the corresponding scale), therefore they react less to chemical damage and do not oxidize.
  2. Recovery. The service life of the base is significantly increased, large and small parts become very resistant to wear. At a low level of wear, chrome plating completely restores the product (for example, cracks up to 1 mm deep in shafts and bushings are closed).
  3. Reflective qualities. Some elements of the car are chromed to increase visibility in the dark. Reflection improves the decorative qualities of equipment.
  4. Purity. Chrome plating of products will protect them from dirt and dust, as it prevents the adhesion of various contaminants.

Compared to nickel plating, chrome plating has fewer disadvantages: the cost of services is lower, the coating will be harder and more durable. The use of nickel benefits only in terms of decorative qualities, since the surface becomes even more aesthetically pleasing.

Scope of application of chrome plating

It is difficult to fully describe all areas and areas where technology is used. Chrome plating is indispensable in the furniture industry; chrome is used to process fittings and finishing elements. The technique is popular in the production of plumbing fixtures - the element is applied to the external and internal surfaces of pipes, bathtubs, sinks, and is used to cover handles and faucets.

In the automotive industry, the technology is used to manufacture:

  • overlays and reflectors;
  • aluminum wheels;
  • body elements;
  • pistons;
  • compression rings;
  • rollers and axles.

Chrome plating is used in the production of rubber, plastics (chrome is applied to calender rolls and molds), and various measuring instruments. The material covers those elements that rub strongly against each other to increase their wear resistance.

Chrome plating technology

Exist different ways chrome plating, some can be used at home if you have the appropriate equipment.

Galvanic chrome plating method

Galvanic chrome plating of parts is the most popular method, because all the steps can be done with your own hands. Electroplating involves placing parts in a special solution with a certain composition, from where, under the influence of waves (solitons) of electric current, chromium atoms will be deposited on the surface.

Having the right set of devices for chrome plating, you can create a high-quality coating yourself by.

Electrolytic chrome plating method

When carrying out electrolytic chrome plating of disks or other parts, it is important to strictly observe the proportions of the components. Otherwise, the protective layer will quickly peel off or there will be stains, uneven dullness and insufficient gloss.

Diffusion chromium plating method

Chromium coating is done using a galvanic brush. At home, this method is more preferable, because the master does not need to use a bath. It is especially recommended to perform the technique for parts made of aluminum, carbon steel, and alloys with silicon.

Chemical chrome plating

The use of chemical reagents helps restore chromium from its salts. In case of using chemicals electricity not required. Typically, phosphorus compounds, sodium citrate, glacial acetic acid, and sodium hydroxide 20% are used as reagents.

Before applying the reagents, the parts are coated with a layer of copper. After finishing the work, wash the workpieces in water, dry, polish (initially the objects have a dull grey colour).

Catalytic chrome plating method

A subtype of chemical chrome plating of ferrous or non-ferrous metals, which involves applying a liquid without acids to the part. The technology is safe for humans and helps create original, unusual effects.

Catalytic chrome plating can be used for conventional and flexible products (with electrolysis, the latter is impossible; the coating will peel off).

Typically, silver is used as a reagent in alkaline solution ammonia, and as a reducing agent - formalin or hydrazine. The use of silver makes the piece look milky with a mirror surface.

Vacuum chrome plating

The technology belongs to chemical metallization and has another name - the PVD process. Gives condensation of chromium vapor on the surface of the part after placing it in a special vacuum chamber. In this installation, under negative pressure, chromium is heated to the evaporation temperature, then settling like fog on the product.

Calculation of pressure and chrome plating period will depend on the degree of wear of the part and the type of material. After vacuum chrome plating, the thickness of the metal layer is minimal, so the part is coated on top with a special spray paint or varnished.

Thermochemical chromium plating

Powdered products consisting of chamotte and ferrochrome are used. The technique is similar to that for chemical chrome plating, only the product will be subject to heat during the process.

DIY chrome plating

In order to repair products with a result no worse than according to GOST, it is important to strictly follow the sequence of work and prepare the necessary equipment.

Preparation of the workplace

To comply with safety measures, so as not to inhale harmful, toxic substances, it is necessary to make detailed preparations of the room for chrome plating.

You should do the following:

  1. Ensure good ventilation. If work is carried out in a garage, open the doors and create forced ventilation in other rooms.
  2. Buy and apply products personal protection- goggles, respirator, rubber or latex gloves, apron, workwear.
  3. Prepare thick bags for disposal of industrial waste, which can be very caustic and harmful.
  4. Remove any organic matter from the room, as it deteriorates when in contact with vapors of chromium compounds.
  5. Immediately before work, lubricate the nasal cavity with a mixture of Vaseline and lanolin 2:1.

Room, tools for chrome plating

For galvanization you need to prepare the following tools and devices:

  1. Galvanic bath. This can be any glass, propylene, or polyethylene container; an enamel basin is suitable; for chrome plating of small objects - ordinary glass jars. The selected container must be placed in a wooden box, insulated on the inside with fiberglass and a layer of mineral wool. The container needs a tight-fitting lid.
  2. Device for heating electrolyte. Best for this purpose ceramic will do TEN (tubular electric heater), which will not collapse from contact with chemicals. Any other suitable heater can be used.
  3. Electrodes. When chrome plating, a lead plate, which is placed in a container, will serve as an anode; a clamp holding the part will act as a cathode. When placed in a container, the part should not touch its edges.
  4. Thermometer with values ​​up to +100 degrees Celsius.

Professionals use special equipment for chrome plating - baths, electrical installations, washing and drying, ventilation systems. Even when using “home analogues” the same chemical processes will occur in the container, so the result will be close to industrial.

Power supply

To apply chrome you will need the correct battery. A grounded source is suitable. direct current, the voltage of which is adjustable within 1.5 - 12 V, maximum current - 20 A. To adjust the power, the source must be equipped with a rheostat.

Composition and method of preparation of electrolytes

To precipitate chromium, you will need to boil and cool water or buy distilled water. For each liter of water take 250 g of chromic anhydride, 2 - 2.5 g of sulfuric acid. The specific density of the latter should be 1.84 g / cubic meter. cm.

The method for preparing electrolyte for chrome plating is as follows:

  1. Fill the container ½ full with water. The liquid temperature should be + 60 degrees.
  2. Carefully add chromic anhydride and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add water until the bath is full.
  4. Add acid.
  5. Soak the electrolyte for 3.5 hours under the influence of rated current, which will help equalize the density.

As a result, the color of the liquid should turn dark brown. Afterwards it settles for 24 hours in a cool room, then is used for its intended purpose.

Surface preparation

The service life of the finished coating and its appearance will depend on the thoroughness of the preparatory measures. First, the part must be cleaned, washed, and any contaminants removed. For better cleaning, you can use fine-grain sandpaper or a grinder.

It is important that paint, varnish, and rust are completely removed.

After cleaning, the part should be degreased. Take calcined water (50 g of calcined water is diluted in a liter of water), add 150 g of sodium hydroxide, 5 g of silicate glue. The amount of solution can be increased if necessary, maintaining the proportions. All components are heated to +90 degrees, and the part is kept in the product for 20 minutes. The time can be increased to 1 hour if the product is heavily soiled.

Chrome plating

  1. The chrome plating process is simple and proceeds according to the following steps:
  2. Heat the prepared, settled electrolyte to +52 degrees, then maintain this temperature constantly.
  3. Place the part in a container where the anode and cathode are already installed and heat it until the specified temperature is obtained.
  4. Apply voltage and hold the product for 20 - 60 minutes, depending on the shape and type of bends.
  5. Remove the product and rinse with distilled water.

Dry the part for at least 3 hours, completely avoiding contamination or touching it with your hands.

The process uses a galvanic brush with 25 mm diameter bristles, which is wrapped with lead wire. The brush is attached to the end of the vessel in which the electrolyte is poured. A diode is attached to the second end, and a step-down transformer is used in the circuit. The plus of the transformer is directed to the anode of the diode, the bristle winding is connected to the cathode. Apply the solution evenly to the part, passing through each zone about 20 times. Then the product is dried for 3 hours.

Possible defects and their causes

Often, during metallization, an effect such as hydrogenation occurs - the hydrogen content in chrome-plated steel increases. Due to this problem, the strength and ductility of the metal are reduced due to changes in its crystal lattice. The reasons for hydrogenation of steel are varied, most often it is associated with an increase in temperature during the galvanization process.

Other troubles that can happen when chrome plating products:

  1. Uneven shine. Happens when the current supplied to the anode is high. Complete shine may be absent with little or too much large quantities chromic anhydride, exceeding the volume of sulfuric acid.
  2. Brown spots. If the part has such defects, the rate of anhydride in the solution is very high or there is not enough sulfuric acid.
  3. Softness of the coating. The reason is low current during galvanization or a decrease in water temperature.
  4. Fast chrome peeling. The reason is poor degreasing before work, a decrease in the temperature of the solution.
  5. Craters on the surface of the product. It happens due to the retention of hydrogen bubbles on oxidized, porous substrates.

Excellent results can only be obtained by strictly following the technology. This will give the desired effect, saving a significant amount of money.