How to choose between a well and a borehole. Analysis of the question: which is better - a well or a borehole

Sooner or later, dacha owners who are not lucky enough to have a centralized water supply think about finding a source of water. In this case, the only option remains underground horizons. In order to decide which method of water extraction to choose - a well or a borehole, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Well and well: differences

Let's look at the cost, complexity of maintenance and ease of use of a well and a borehole, as well as what service life and water quality should be expected in both cases.


Due to the absence of the need for drilling and the use of heavy equipment, constructing a well will cost a much lesser amount. And even if you pump water from a well not manually, but with a pump, its cost cannot be compared with the price of well equipment.

The cost of a well depends on its depth and, accordingly, the required number of rings. Today, one concrete ring costs an average of 2 thousand rubles, and digging it in heavy clay soil costs about 15 thousand rubles. For example, for a well 12 meters deep you need 15 rings. Thus, this turnkey well will cost about 65-70 thousand rubles.

The cost of constructing a well primarily depends on the depth of drilling. It also reflects the time of year and the equipment used. Don't forget about the purchase costs. casing pipes, head and pump.

Typically, the cost of drilling one meter of a well, carried out by drilling specialists, starts from 1.8 thousand rubles for “steel 20” pipes with a wall thickness of 4.5 millimeters and a threaded connection. And it remains constant regardless of the required depth.

In addition, the well should be equipped with a pump, for which you will have to pay from 30 thousand rubles. Then the total price of the well will start from the amount of 100 thousand rubles. To use water for drinking purposes, the well must be equipped with a filtration system, the price of which will be 50-250 thousand rubles.

Did you know? Although 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, only 1% is fresh. The problem of lack of resources is getting worse every year. Over the past fifty years, more than 500 conflicts related to access to drinking water have been recorded in the world, and 21 of them ended in military action.

Ease of use

The oldest method of extracting water from underground sources. It is extremely versatile and performs its functions even in the absence of electricity; in this case, water can be obtained with an ordinary bucket.

However, the well has a limited supply of liquid, on average 150-250 liters per hour. Therefore, if you need to service a large area, especially with a lot of green space or a swimming pool, this amount may not be enough. In addition, a shallow well dug for high water is completely dependent on precipitation and can become shallow in dry times.

Artesian layers have a virtually inexhaustible supply, and you will not be limited in watering or other household needs. But if there is a power outage, it will be impossible to get liquid from the column. Therefore, in order not to find yourself in such a situation, you should provide an autonomous electricity generator or storage capacity, which, naturally, will lead to even greater material costs.

Difficulties of care

The well must be used regularly, otherwise after 3-4 years it will begin to silt up. In addition, it should be cleaned and washed at least twice a year, and, if necessary, also treated with disinfectants.

There is no need to clean the well; there is a filter for this. Caring for her consists only of monitoring proper work equipment.

Unlike a pump, well water will not have a rusty taste. However ecological state surrounding area may affect its quality. Typically, the depth of the aquifer is from 5 to 25 meters. This is not so much, so it may contain precipitation, runoff from nearby enterprises or chemical fertilizers from farms.

Water from a well is of better quality, since it is extracted from deep horizons. Spring water has always been valued for its purity and benefits; it practically does not contain nitrates and salts of harmful metals. And thanks to the closed neck of the well, leaves, insects, frogs or any debris do not fall into it. However, this water may have a metallic or rusty taste.

Important! Please note that groundwater is actually technical water. And to bring them to drinking quality, further purification is necessary, for example, with a filtration system.

A properly constructed well will perform its functions properly for 30-50 years. The key to its long service life is care and timely cleaning.

A well-built well will also last for quite a long time - at least 25 years, depending on the selected equipment, maintenance, operating conditions and the chemical composition of the liquid and soil. Artesian wells are characterized by higher durability - up to 50 years.

Types of wells: their pros and cons

There are two types of wells depending on the depth of groundwater.:

  • mine;
  • Abyssinian.


If the groundwater is not deep and there is no need for large volumes of it, manual or mechanically dig a pit, strengthen its walls and arrange a head. In this case, you will get a shaft-type device, known to our ancestors. And modern Construction Materials will make it more reliable and durable.

Such a well collects liquid from the permanent aquifer closest to the surface. In most cases, the well is dug by hand, then the earth is removed, and the walls of the shaft are strengthened with concrete rings, finishing material(stone, brick) or wood (larch, pine, oak).

When a well is dug, it goes deep into the solid layer below the aquifer. The liquid is raised manually or using an electric pump. It gradually flows down from the horizons and accumulates in the well in a certain amount. If you take out all the water from the well, then new water will arrive only after some time.

Pros of a shaft well:

  • relatively low labor intensity and price;
  • work in conditions of lack of electricity;
  • easy maintenance due to large diameter;
  • ease of use.


  • limited fluid supply;
  • the likelihood of water pollution;
  • the need to clean the walls and bottom;
  • the likelihood of the well emptying in the heat.


Such a well is installed when there is no need for a powerful well. Its second name is needle well. It does not require heavy equipment or large excavations, it is dug manual drilling or using compact equipment.

The construction of such a well consists of installing a pipe of small cross-section (up to 4 cm) to the depth of the upper aquifer. To better immerse the pipe in the ground, it is equipped with a conical tip with a diameter 4-5 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe itself. In this case, the lower part of the pipe is equipped with a filter that protects against contamination. The liquid is supplied to the surface by a self-priming pump.

The maximum depth of the Abyssinian well is 12-13 meters. Such a well can be installed in any convenient place, avoiding close proximity to gutters or drainage collectors. Also, there should be no clay at the water intake site to prevent the filter from clogging. It is necessary to take into account that the igloo well should be preserved for the winter: dismantle the pump, drain the water, and put a plug on the well.


  • greater volume of water than in a mine well;
  • simplicity of design;
  • relatively low costs;
  • cleaner water than in a regular well.


  • does not work without electricity;
  • needs to be preserved for the winter.

Did you know? Studies have shown that water reduces the potential risk of heart attack. It was found that people who drank six glasses of pure water a day were less likely to have a heart attack compared to those who drank just two glasses.

Types of wells with their pros and cons

There are two main types of wells - sand and artesian. Let's look at how they differ and what advantages and disadvantages each of these types has.

Sandy (filter)

The peculiarity of such a well is that it is drilled in sandy soil. Its depth can reach up to 30 meters, and its maximum service life is 15 years. Although practice shows that on average this figure is about 7 years, which is one of the disadvantages of this type of well.

Another disadvantage is the limited supply of liquid - about 500 liters per hour and not very much high quality due to the ingress of precipitation into aquifer sands. However, the dirtiest water does not get into them, so the water will be of slightly better quality than from a well. In addition, to avoid silting, it must be used regularly.

However, if we compare it with the artesian one, the advantages include: lower cost, the use of small-sized equipment, short construction time and low iron content.


Pipe or artesian mines are called mines with a depth of over 20 meters, which take water from the artesian layer located between two waterproof layers. Such work is carried out only with the help of heavy equipment, and sometimes the drilling depth can reach 200 meters. An artesian well produces on average 2 cubic meters of liquid per hour and at favorable conditions can last up to 50 years.

The well itself consists of plastic or metal casing pipes, a caisson, pumping equipment and automation systems. All work on its construction and connection must be carried out only by specialists.

Artesian water usually has a very good quality due to reliable protection from surface contamination. It can fully provide all the needs of a private home. However, before using water for drinking purposes, it must be chemically analyzed and, depending on its results, a purification system must be installed.


  • high performance;
  • good water quality;
  • durability of the structure;
  • Irregular use is allowed.
  • high cost of work and equipment;
  • high mineralization of water;
  • inability to work without electricity;
  • impossibility of cleaning in case of silting.

Important!It is better not to dig even the simplest mine-type well yourself, but to invite specialists. Because there is a risk of encountering a so-called “floater”, which can lead to tragedy.

How to make a choice: to summarize

In order to decide on the method of water extraction at the dacha, you need to analyze several factors:

  • ground water level;
  • volume of water required on the farm;
  • material capabilities;
  • possibility of installing pumping equipment.
Only the right choice does not exist. If there is no need for large quantities water and you do not live in the country all the time, then you can use a simpler and inexpensive way- well. Otherwise good choice a more technologically advanced, but also expensive, well may become available. However, please note that in order to install deep-type structures, you must obtain permits.

Well builders are ready to give many arguments that would prove that similar structures are a brilliant invention. If you turn to specialists from companies involved in drilling wells, you will be able to hear from them your advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned water source. And you, in turn, can independently decide for yourself the question of what is better - a well or a borehole. Pros and cons, user reviews will allow you to understand this.

The main advantages of wells: minimal costs and versatility

It is worth recognizing that suburban areas Wells are used quite often, this is due to a number of advantages that these structures have. Among the advantages, minor installation costs should be highlighted. You can dig a well without the use of heavy equipment; any villager, gardener or summer resident will be able to cope with this.

You can purchase a pump for a well at an affordable price; this equipment will cost less than what is used in a well. If you still cannot decide for yourself which is better - a well or a well, it is recommended to consider the pros and cons of these structures. Among the advantages of the well, one can also highlight its versatility. This quality lies in its relevance for those areas where power outages are quite common.

Why else should you choose a well?

A well or borehole, the pros and cons of which are recommended to be considered before starting work, must be equipped correctly. IN in this case we are talking more about a well, which, if all the rules are followed, will be ready to serve for a long time, it can be used for about half a century, during this period you will be able to get tasty and fresh water that does not contain chlorine and also does not have a rusty taste .

Disadvantages of wells: the possibility of water contamination and the need for maintenance

It also happens that suburban areas are located close to the city, where the environmental situation is quite deplorable. This cannot but affect the quality of water. The source of filling the well is the aquifer; it is located at a depth of 5 to 30 m, where groundwater flows. After floods and rain, they are not always of high quality.

When summer residents think about what is better - a well or a borehole, they carefully consider the pros and cons, and the disadvantages of wells. Among the latter, it is certainly worth highlighting the need for timely care and periodic use. If you operate the well irregularly, then within 4 years silt will appear in it. Among other things, the walls must be thoroughly washed and cleaned twice a year. If necessary, treat with disinfectants and replace the bottom filter.

Why summer residents refuse wells

As you know, the well is filled with surface water, the volume of water supply is limited to approximately 250 liters per hour. If necessary, provide water small cottage, then the specified amount may simply not be enough. After all, you will have to not only water the green spaces and garden, but also fill the pool, as well as solve many household problems. Thus, for larger areas this volume of water will not be enough.

Benefits of wells

If you are also deciding what is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, the advantages of these systems are definitely worth considering. All the reasons why you should choose a well or abandon it have been discussed above, now it’s time to get acquainted with the main advantages of wells. Since ancient times, spring water has been considered the cleanest and healthiest. The well is fed with water from the depths of the earth; the liquid there does not mix with the surface meltwater. That is why, if you decide to build a well, you will get a unique opportunity to use a high-quality product.

Additional advantages of wells include hygiene. The system has a narrow neck that is closed with a lid, which prevents leaves, debris and small animals from getting inside. Insects and amphibians cannot penetrate through a narrow pipe. In the case of wells, they quite often become the cause of rotting processes, which contributes to the proliferation of microbes dangerous to human health. If you are considering a well or borehole as a potential source of water, it is recommended to evaluate the pros and cons of these structures. For example, a well is famous for its high volume of water reserves. This distinguishes it from a well. The latter is quite often built on clay, while the sand layer allows for high water yield and a stable flow of water. According to experts, in sandy soils the supply of water is almost inexhaustible, and it is precisely on such layers that, as a rule, wells are drilled.

Why else is it worth choosing a well?

If the well is equipped according to all the rules, then its care will be reduced only to monitoring the operation of special equipment. This design will not require annual cleaning. Water can be purified by installing a filter. If you still cannot decide what will be better for you - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons of these devices should be considered. For example, among the additional advantages of wells, one should highlight their rather long service life, which can reach 50 years or more. Everything will depend on how well the work was carried out. It is also impossible not to take into account the timely Maintenance And chemical composition pumped water.

The main disadvantages of the well

Summer residents sometimes refuse wells for the reason that they can be quite expensive. When it comes to a sand well, you can get by with low costs, because most of the work will be done yourself. But the arrangement of an artesian system involves financial costs. The cost also depends on the time of year, drilling depth and equipment used. It is necessary to add to the expense item the costs of the head, pumping equipment and

Disadvantages of a well: possible smell of water

You can choose for a long time which is better - a well or a borehole; the pros and cons of these systems are described in the article. Perhaps these factors will help you make your choice. As practice shows, when the material used for constructing a pipe is not very high-quality steel, the water in the well can acquire a metallic taste and a rusty color. Only the right decision in this matter no. You can be guided by your own opinion, taking into account the allocated budget, as well as the frequency of use of the structure. If your priority is low cost and ease of installation and operation, then it is better to choose a well, while for solving domestic needs that require the need to obtain a large volume of water, it is better to prefer a well.

Comparative review of a well and a well

If you, too, can be classified as one of those summer residents who decide what is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, it is recommended to consider photos of these devices. If we think objectively, then comparing these structures is incorrect. When it comes to a relatively primitive one, even in this case it will be superior to a modern well in matters of manufacturability. In addition, the construction of the well should be carried out with an eye on the location of the septic tank. According to the standards, there should be 200 m or more between these systems; this is hardly possible on an area of ​​8 acres. Whereas with the help of a well these problems can be solved.

The fact that it will be cheaper to dig a well is also important, but it is questionable. A shaft 10 rings deep, which is standard, will cost a summer resident $1000, which is not that expensive, but there is no need to talk about the high quality of water from such a well. This is due to the fact that it will be only a slightly filtered product of human activity. In spring, the water will become completely cloudy, and its level will depend on seasonal fluctuations. It also happens that in summer the water completely disappears. For this reason, this method of saving can be called questionable. If you are still deciding which is better - a well or a well, the pros and cons, comparative review will allow you to understand this. For example, a well also has its disadvantages, which were discussed above. Therefore, when choosing a specific option, it is necessary to take into account not only the material side of the issue, but also the sanitary requirements prescribed by the standards.

Factors influencing the choice of water source

When fairly high demands are placed on water quality, and the volume must cover all needs (despite the fact that the material side of the issue is not very important), optimal solution will become If, ​​when examining the site, you notice that the groundwater level is too high or low, then a well in the sand will be the only right solution, because its arrangement will not require unnecessary expenses or great effort. Such conditions can persist in swampy areas where the groundwater level lies 3 m from the ground surface.

If you still haven’t decided which is better - a well or a well, you should definitely evaluate the pros and cons of these devices yourself, based on the opinions of experts. Thus, if the groundwater in the area lies at a depth of 5 to 10 m, then you can safely start digging a well. However, it is recommended to first obtain data from neighbors or geologists for this, because water from such a depth is allowed to be used not only for domestic needs, but also for drinking.

Advantages of some wells

Summer is still far away, but some summer residents are thinking about what is better - a well or a borehole, the pros and cons, disadvantages and advantages of wells they are considering for this. But before that, you need to figure out what types of wells exist; among them, one of the most popular is the Abyssinian well. Its advantages are a short time for arrangement, the possibility of construction in the basement or in another room, the tightness of the structure and high productivity.

A well or a well (pros and cons, types of wells are discussed in the article) - you can choose yourself, but you can also first consider a filter well, which is drilled into sand. The arrangement is carried out in just one day, and small-sized equipment can be used for this. As a result, you will be able to use water with minimal iron content.

In these difficult times, a summer cottage for an ordinary Russian family can be a good help for the budget. In addition, vegetables grown independently are always tastier and safer than store-bought varieties. However, to obtain big harvest we need not only high-quality seeds and hardworking hands, but also good watering summer cottage plot. This problem becomes especially relevant in hot, dry years, when rain in summer can be quite a rare occurrence, and a well or borehole will help us.
It’s great if a village or dacha cooperative has a central water supply and especially if it is connected to the site. Otherwise, the problem of watering a summer cottage will be one of the most acute in the battle for the harvest.

Drilling a well in a private house

The easiest way out is to have a reservoir within walking distance from which you can draw life-giving moisture. But a lot of effort will be spent on this. Of course, you can install some kind of container or tank and collect precipitation in it. But then the availability of water for irrigation will directly depend on weather conditions.
And finally, the most optimal thing from the point of view of saving time and nerve cells is to install a well or borehole on the site.

The main criterion for choosing a structure for raising groundwater to the surface should be the depth of the aquifer in the soil. Well on summer cottage It is optimal to build in the presence of groundwater at a depth of 5-8 meters from the surface or when there is a small amount of water in the soil throughout the entire depth.

Another factor in favor of the well may be the lack of electricity to connect pumping equipment. In all other cases, a well at a summer cottage will be the most a worthy alternative central water supply.


Basic characteristics and rules for constructing wells,
You can dig it yourself without using equipment. It is enough to obtain the required amount of material for arrangement and find a couple of people who are ready to help free of charge or for a fee. A team of 3 people can dig 3-4 meters per day.
The average depth of a well is 5-10 meters, but in some cases it can reach 15-20 meters. Thus, it usually takes several days to construct a well manually. Digging a well using technology can greatly facilitate this process, but will require large investments of money.

To construct a well, you can use reinforced concrete rings or wood.

To prevent contamination, the part facing the surface must be above ground level and have some kind of shelter. This can be either a minimalist design in the form of a canopy or a small log house with a sloping roof. The area around the well can also be decorated to your liking by laying out a path or installing a bench.
A properly dug well with proper care and maintenance can last up to 50 years. Even in the absence of electricity, you can always get water from it using a bucket or any other suitable container.
However, often the contamination of water in the well in the spring with melt water and after heavy rains in the summer and autumn, the low rate of water supply to the surface and the need to periodically clean the walls from the accumulation of silt cover all the advantages of a well in a summer cottage. The Abyssinian well, in essence, is already a small well dug to a slightly shallower depth. It is a pipe about 10-15 meters long, at the bottom of which there is a filter made of small cells, and at the top - a pump. Such wells are used for no more than 10 years.


Before the well is the purity of the water and the speed of its supply. To meet the needs of watering the garden and drinking water, a standard well for sand will be quite sufficient. Firstly, one day is usually enough to drill it, and secondly, you can save a lot by choosing a vibrating pump as a means of supplying water, the use of which is unacceptable in artesian wells. A sand filtration well usually has a depth of several tens of meters. And its service life varies between 10-15 years.

Filter for Abyssinian well

An artesian well on a summer cottage will require additional investments in high-quality equipment, a fairly lengthy process of obtaining a license and annual payment of taxes. However, such a well will allow you to obtain the highest quality and cleanest water from the deepest depths. An artesian well for limestone, drilled to a depth of 20 to several hundred meters, will last about 40-50 years.
In both cases, a temporary lack of electricity can be solved by purchasing a small generator. And savings on cleaning sludge from a well compared to a well can, as a rule, be achieved only by independent labor without the use of special equipment.
Seamless steel pipes are used for well construction. Sometimes an additional plastic pipe. The upper part of the well can be brought directly into the house or a water standpipe can be installed on the street.

Using water from a well or well

Requirements for the quality of water obtained from wells and boreholes are currently regulated by Sanitary Rules and Norms (since March 1, 2003). Water from a well must be tested at least once every three months, and from a well - once a year. Laboratory testing of samples will not only protect against use poor quality water, but will also allow timely adjustment of the use of technologies for its purification. In any case, you should never drink water from a well or well without first filtering or boiling it.

A well or well on a summer cottage is the choice of its owner alone. Some people decide to save money by using manual labor to construct and maintain a well, while others choose to invest in an automated and modern well. After all, the main thing here is to achieve the set goal of water supply to the site.

For a comfortable stay in the country or in country house it is necessary to properly organize the water supply. However, the site is not always located next to networks centralized water supply. In this case, you have to look for a source of water for drinking and domestic needs on your own on the site. Usually with the task of water supply country house A well or borehole works great. Moreover, these two types of hydraulic structures have significant differences in design and price, so very often the owners of a summer house or house have the question of which is better, a well or a well. The video at the end of the article will help you make your choice.

Wells and boreholes can be fed from different water horizons. The quality of water and the durability of the entire structure depend on this. All underground water horizons can be divided into three types:

  1. The topmost layer of water is called perchal water. It is located at a minimum distance from the earth's surface. The greatest depth at which perched water can be found is only 4 m. The degree of horizon filling is directly related to precipitation. Usually the most water is observed here during snow melting. The water in it practically disappears in late autumn and winter. You cannot drink from this source. The water is only suitable for watering the garden. When a well for drinking purposes is built on a site, it must be well isolated from the ingress of perched water, which can spoil the contents of the hydraulic structure.
  2. Just below the top water layer is groundwater. The filling of this horizon does not depend on seasonal precipitation, so the water level in the water intake will be the same as in the lens. Water enters this horizon through the process of filtering precipitation through the soil, from rivers and other nearby water horizons. Typically, groundwater lies at a depth of 10 to 40 m.
  3. . They are located between two dense layers, therefore they are pressure. That is why, when drilling a well into such a layer, water can rise above the horizon, and sometimes even gush out from the bottom. This is the cleanest horizon, since the water is reliably protected from various sources of pollution by two layers of dense, impenetrable rock. This is the best source for supplying drinking water to your home. To get to this water horizon, you will have to construct a hydraulic structure more than 40 m deep.

Important: to find out the depth of each layer, it is necessary to carry out exploration drilling, since this value may differ in different areas. The best aquifer depends on its depth. The best water is considered to be from an artesian spring.

To get to a particular aquifer, you can build one of the hydraulic structures:

  • mine well;
  • Abyssinian well (needle well);
  • artesian well;
  • filter water intake.

To understand which is better, a well or a well, it is necessary to study the features, advantages and disadvantages of each structure. What's the difference between them, and which is cheaper?

Mine well

The simplest water intake on the site is considered to be a well. It is ideal for water supply small dacha. Typically, the depth of this structure can range from 5 to 15 m. The depth of water intake depends on the elevation of the aquifer. You will have to spend the least amount of money on the construction of a well. However, high quality water from such a source cannot be guaranteed. It all depends on the depth of the formation, terrain features, climatic conditions and compliance with construction technology.

The choice in favor of a well can be made taking into account its many advantages:

  • low costs for the construction of the structure (in some cases you can do it yourself without using lifting equipment);
  • uninterrupted water supply (although at a shallow depth during periods of drought in some wells the water level may drop significantly, but this is a temporary phenomenon provided that the well is not built on high water);
  • the well on the site is easy to maintain and operate;
  • if a foreign object accidentally gets into the well, it can be removed without any problems;
  • If the operation and maintenance of the structure are carried out according to the rules, then the service life of the well can reach 50 years.

However, when deciding which is better, a well or a well, you should take into account the disadvantages of this hydraulic structure:

  • this water intake may become contaminated by perched water;
  • well productivity is low;
  • various objects, insects, and debris may enter the structure, which will contribute to water pollution;
  • to avoid siltation, the water intake must be used regularly;
  • The structure will need to be cleaned and disinfected periodically.

It is important to know: wells and boreholes differ in that the extraction of water from the first structures does not require electricity to power pumping equipment.

Needle hole

The Abyssinian well is made with a depth of 4-12 m. Its second name is needle well. The same water is extracted from this water intake as from a conventional mine well. The difference between them is the construction method. The Abyssinian well is not dug like a mine structure, but is made during the drilling process. A pipe with a pointed end is driven into the ground to the required depth. This procedure can be carried out manually or using special equipment.

When deciding which is better, a well or a borehole, you should know that the Abyssinian well supplies cleaner water, since the contents of the well cannot be contaminated by perched water and foreign debris. However, the Abyssinian well cannot be performed at every home. In addition, to extract water you will need to purchase a self-priming pump.

The advantages of a needle well include the following:

  • construction will take a minimum of time;
  • such a water intake can be arranged in the basement of a house or other suitable room;
  • due to the high tightness of the structure, the risk of water pollution is completely eliminated;
  • in most cases, the source provides you with high-quality drinking water that does not require additional purification;
  • the well has good productivity;
  • service life can reach up to 30 years;
  • If the filter becomes clogged, the hydraulic structure can be quickly returned to service.

Abyssinian wells and wells have the following disadvantages:

  • the choice of such a water intake can only be made by those who have soft, loose soil on the site; in other types of soil, constructing an Abyssinian well is impossible;
  • a suitable water horizon should be at a depth of no more than 8 m, since above this mark the self-priming pump will not be able to lift water;
  • you will not be able to connect several water intake points because the pressure will decrease;
  • To prevent siltation from occurring, the well must be used regularly.

Important: if you make an igloo well in the basement, then you will not need to insulate such a structure for the winter. This will help you conclude whether a well or a borehole is preferable in your case.

Well on sand

Typically, the depth of a filter well does not exceed 30 m. If you are looking for which wells will be cheaper to drill, then a filter water intake is exactly what you are looking for. However, the service life of such a hydraulic structure is short - no more than 15 years. At the same time, the service life is directly related to the correct execution of the well.

The advantages of a sand well include the following points:

  • The choice in favor of this structure is worth making if the speed of work is important to you (a filter well can be drilled in a day);
  • to complete the construction you will need to use only small-sized equipment;
  • a sand well produces water with a minimal iron content.

Among the disadvantages it is worth mentioning the following points:

  • V winter period water intake debit may decrease;
  • if several wells are made nearby for sand, the water level in the horizon can drop significantly;
  • If the well is not used for a long time, the structure may begin to silt. As you can see, all wells and wells that are used irregularly are susceptible to silting.

Artesian well

Usually the depth of this hydraulic structure is more than 30 m. An artesian well is quite expensive. The thing is that the drilling process itself is an expensive procedure. This is the main answer to the question of how a well differs from a well. In addition, the pressure in the well is not always sufficient to independently raise water to the surface, so a pump must be used. This will entail additional costs for its purchase.

However, the choice in favor of an artesian well is worth making for all those who want to get a durable structure that provides you with high-quality clean drinking water.

Advice: to reduce the cost of constructing such a well, you can make one hydraulic structure for several houses by combining efforts and dividing the costs equally.

An artesian well has the following advantages:

  • the productivity of the structure is quite high, since the limestone layers have good water yield;
  • the well will consistently supply you with water regardless of the time of year;
  • Several water intake points can be connected to one well, without reducing productivity and pressure;
  • the risk of contamination of the source contents from surface water is completely eliminated;
  • the structure is not subject to siltation, so the regularity of its use does not matter;
  • The service life of such a water intake can reach up to 50 years.

Despite such a large list of advantages, an artesian well also has its disadvantages:

  • the main disadvantage is the high cost of construction;
  • water from such a well may have increased mineralization and be oversaturated with iron (you will need to purchase good filtering devices);
  • To drill an artesian well, you need to obtain the appropriate permit.

Attention: construction of an artesian hydraulic structure without permission will result in a fine.

What to choose?

Well or well, what to choose? First of all, it is necessary to take into account the desired debit of the source. The filling capacity of the well is directly related to seasonality and climate characteristics. Typically, up to 200 liters of water can be pumped out of such a water intake in an hour. If you are satisfied with this performance, then there is no need to spend significant sums on constructing a well.

If you want to uninterruptedly receive large volumes of water, it is better to build a well. However, do not forget that if you are making a well in sand, then this structure must be used regularly to prevent silting from occurring. Otherwise, the entire water intake will fail.

If the decisive factor when choosing a particular structure is the financial aspect, then a well is the most inexpensive way to provide a home with water. However, we should not forget that further use of this design will also entail waste. So, you will need to clean and disinfect the well once a year. In addition, low water quality will require you to purchase a high-quality filter device.

Sometimes, due to the deep location of the aquifer and quicksand getting in the way of digging, the construction of a well is impractical. In this case, it is better to build a well together with your neighbors. Such a structure will not only provide you with high-quality water, but will also last much longer.

The following video may help you with your choice:

  • Well or well? Choosing a well...

For autonomous water supply dachas - watering, household needs (up to 1-2 m 3 daily requirement) - a well is suitable if there is an aquifer from 5 to 20 m. And, although there are wells up to 30 m, a well at greater depth is fraught with complications and becomes unprofitable compared to drilling a well. It is also necessary to take into account the local hydrogeological situation - in swampy areas, the water from the well will not be drinkable - high water will penetrate into it along with what it encounters on the surface. More often, in the choice of “well or borehole,” the decisive word is played by the wallet, and not by common sense: a small well is cheaper than a well. The guarantee on high-quality rings is 50 years (although it can silt up in 3-4 years, however, cleaning it is simpler than a similar procedure with a well), and repairing collapsing rings is not as difficult as repairing a well. In addition, the entry of a drilling rig into the site is fraught with the destruction of fences, flower beds and lawns.

  • When will we dig the well?
Actually, it’s all the same, building a well (as well as drilling a well, however) is possible all year round- the ground rarely freezes deeper than 1.2 m, and the place under the well can be warmed up with a fire in winter. However, in the spring, during the period of snow melting, you can seriously make a mistake with the depth of the well due to high level groundwater: a well dug in April may turn out to be dry in winter. Seasonal fluctuations in water level can be 1-2 m.

Therefore, it is better to dig a well in winter and autumn, when the water horizon is at its lowest level. If the water level has dropped, you can deepen the well with rings of smaller (0.7 m) diameter.

  • Where do they dig a well?
From the darkness of centuries, superstitions, seers and shamans came and flourished, declaring a set of abilities to prevent nuclear explosions and reviving the dead until a place for a well is determined. The willow or walnut twig of the medieval dowser has been replaced by a high-tech wire frame. The frame is made to turn by ideomotor - barely noticeable - movements of the fingers and the phenomenon of resonance, approximately the same “otherworldly forces” as in spiritualistic seances - a plate. But the essence of the matter has not changed: if your neighbors have wells, feel free to dig your own. If not, you need to drill exploration well. And here neither the frame nor the medium will help.

An aquifer (a layer of permeable rock with a certain thickness) can extend up to several square kilometers, along which water moves from higher to lower elevations from the catchment areas. The movement of water in the aquifer - filtration - occurs through cracks and pores in the water-containing rock. Underground rivers move evenly, without breaking the continuous flow, at low speed in laminar mode. If you dig a well within this layer, then there will be water in it, regardless of the predictions of the dowser.

The owner must choose a place for a well on the site based on common sense. And there were rainmakers in America back in the 60s; It depended on how events unfolded during the drought whether they would receive their fee or be beaten by enraged farmers.

  • How to dig a well?
Unfortunately, neither SNIPs nor technical specifications technological maps there is no money for the construction of wells. As a rule, a well is dug by a team of three people by hand: one works at the face with a shovel or crowbar, filling a bucket with soil, the second - at the well mouth - lifts the bucket using a gate on a wooden trestle and carries the mined rock to a dump - a pile of clay is quickly growing nearby . The third one is resting. The stones encountered are turned out with a short crowbar, tied with ropes and removed from the well, also using a collar. The work is intensive and workers change frequently. The air temperature in the well at a depth of more than 3 m does not exceed 10 °C, high humidity, the air in the well is not ventilated. The picture is mesmerizing: watching how they dig a well is interesting and creepy.

The most popular now is the construction of wells from reinforced concrete rings type KS 10-9 or similar with a lock or flat end 0.9 m high and 1 m in diameter. Ring weight - 700-750 kg. The first ring is placed in a dug hole, the subsequent rings are placed on top of the lowered ring.

Everything happens manually, the next ring is simply rolled onto the previous one. The soil is removed from under the lower ring, and the rings are lowered under their own weight, sliding along the walls of the shaft of the future well. The column is built up in this way up to the aquifer. When digging a well in light soil - sand or dry loam, the team lays 2-3 rings per shift. Heavy soils (damp clay, rocky) turn this work into backbreaking work. The approach of the aquifer is determined by a noticeable cooling - the air temperature in the well drops by 1-2 degrees, mini-fontanelles appear on the walls of the shaft.

When building a well in dry, strong soils, another scheme is possible, when the well shaft is first dug, and then rings are lowered into it on a rod using a gate.

  • Protecting the well from surface water.
One or two lower joints between the rings in the well must be sealed from the inside with a solution to prevent water from entering through the cracks between the rings - water intake will occur from below. After the solution has set, drilling the well continues. Typically, one to two rings are installed in the aquifer. After this, all remaining joints from the inside are sealed with a solution containing liquid glass, the bottom of the well is covered with a layer of gravel 20-30 cm high (fraction 5-25 cm), it will serve as a filter for incoming water.

The annulus is filled with gravel and sand, and compacted with clay on top (clay castle) to prevent rain and melt water from entering the well. Clay is a good waterproof material. The upper ring is not buried in the ground to protect it from snow and dirt; the joint between the upper ring and the entire column should be waterproofed especially carefully.

After the water level in the well becomes sufficient to immerse the “Malysh” type pump, you should pump out the water and repeat this as long as possible: in this way the well “swings” occurs.

  • Caution - danger!
During the construction of the well there is no labor protection at all. These jobs are extremely dangerous and labor-intensive, with a high risk of fatal injuries. When excavating a mine, you may encounter so-called “quicksands”, the ring can move to the side right before your eyes, injuring the worker. Therefore, when deciding whether to dig or drill, do not forget about this too.

And one more thing: responsibility when using cheap but illegal foreign work force falls on the employer. This threatens with a fine of 20 minimum wages.

  • Setting up a well
The well ends at the top with a canopy; a wooden gate with a metal handle is installed in it. A strong cord or cable is attached to the collar. A piece of chain is used directly to attach the bucket, which will help immerse the bucket in the water.

The top can also be made in the form of a house with gable roof with a hinged door, and the upper ring protruding from the ground can be decorated with stone, facing bricks. A well designed in the form of log house. After the soil around the well has subsided, you should make a blind area from paving slabs, put a bench...

  • What other wells are there?
. The classic design of an Abyssinian well is a pipe with a diameter of 1 inch and a length of up to 15 meters, at the lower end of which there is a filter. A pump is installed at the upper end of the pipe. The construction of such a well (and, in fact, a well) is usually completed within one day, and the well can even be installed in the basement.

The limitation of the use of the Abyssinian well is the shallow depth of water.

  • Well or well? We still choose to drill a well...
Comparing a well and a borehole is incorrect. Even a sand well is superior to a well in terms of manufacturability. When building a well, you should also take into account the location of septic tanks; sanitary standards require them to be spaced 200 m apart, which is unlikely to happen on 6 acres. And a well for limestone generally solves all problems with water supply: aquiferous limestone is everywhere (only at different depths, in the Moscow region from 20 to 200 m), service life - up to 50 years, volumes of water - almost any, it depends only on the power of the pump . The possibility of complete automation of autonomous water supply and a comfortable, almost urban existence in your own country house.

The fact that the well is the simplest and cheap option water supply - the thesis is controversial, the cost of digging a well of medium depth (10 rings) is approx. $ 1000. But the quality of the water is in great doubt: water intake comes from unpressurized groundwater, which is nothing more than human waste, slightly filtered by soil. In spring and after rains, the water is cloudy. If you do not constantly take water, it stagnates, the well, like a shallow well, silts up. The water level depends on the amount of precipitation and seasonal fluctuations, and in dry summers it can dry out completely.

It was during the time of Ilya Muromets that you could drink well water and stand on your feet, but now you can stretch your legs from raw water from a well. Previously, a well was built for numerous consumers, they dug deep, and the selection was constant and intensive. The ecology was virgin, and the skies were transparent. I mean, no acid rain.

The public well died along with the communal way of life (in Rus', a well had the same social significance as a bazaar in the east, now we learn the news in a different way). So that we don’t have to go get a well, we need a well with water treatment. And even then boiling water is a must.

V. Svirin

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