The influence of enterprises on the environmental condition of the new microdistrict

Comparing maps of environmental tension nodes with the project of the new Vostochny Bridge microdistrict, we came to the conclusion that the most significant influence on it will be exerted by TKSM-2 and OJSC Tveris. It is their influence that we will consider in this work.

5.1. The influence of TCSM-2 on ecological state microdistrict

"Eastern Bridge"

1.1.1. History of the plant's development

TKSM No. 2 was put into operation in 1951 as a plant sand-lime brick capacity of 65 million units per year.

As a result of the reconstruction, production capacity has been significantly increased and currently amounts to 192 million bricks per year.

The plant is located on the banks of the Volga River. Water supply is provided from the Volzhsky water intake and from the city network. The plant is supplied with heat from its own boiler house, and power is supplied from the Zatveretskaya TP.

The plant has access roads and railways.

On March 1, 1951, the first stage of the plant went into operation with a design capacity of 65 million units per year. At that time, there were not many of the necessary production areas and units: the lime workshop was still under construction, and all the lime was imported. Industrial sand was transported from the quarry by truck.

They had to work in difficult conditions; manual labor predominated. For example, removing bricks from presses was done manually. Each press worker had to remove bricks from the press per shift and place 1 piece on a trolley, up to 30 tons of raw materials. Rolling trolleys with raw materials from the press and rolling them into autoclaves, supplying coal in buckets to the boilers in the steam power shop, unloading and loading bricks to finished goods warehouse were also produced manually. There was no railway line for receiving incoming cargo (raw materials, fuel and equipment) and shipping finished products, and all this cargo had to be delivered by truck.

At the end of 1951, the narrow gauge track was put into operation railway from the plant to the quarry, from where process sand began to be transported by steam locomotives on trolleys.

In January 1953, a lime shop with two lime-shaft kilns came into operation, with stone crushing done manually using sledgehammers.

The plant staff also had to overcome additional problems, because in 1954 the outer walls of the mass procurement and steaming departments collapsed. They were restored without stopping production, and the production of bricks increased annually.

Further growth in brick production was unthinkable without a radical reconstruction of the enterprise.

In 1957 - 1961, the plant carried out the first stage of reconstruction with an increase in brick production to 145 million pieces per year.

This power was provided by the following main technological equipment:

Press - 8 pieces,

Autoclaves - 16 pieces,

Shaft furnaces - 3 pieces,

Ball mills - 2 pieces,

Silos for slaking the mixture - 5 pieces,

Mixers for preparing the mass - 2 pieces,

Steam boilers - 3 pieces.

The reconstruction made it possible to increase the production of bricks in 1961 to 151 million pieces, but did not solve many vital issues.

TCSM No. 2 was among the 90 best construction enterprises in the Russian Federation based on the results of 1999.

Since the start of construction of the plant, housing has been intensively constructed for its workers.

In total, 32 were built in 50 years. residential buildings, club, nursery, store, post office, pharmacy, 2 dormitories, children's nursery "Ryabinka", dining room.

In fact, TCSM No. 2 has become a city-forming enterprise, on the successful operation of which the lives of the majority of residents of Zatverechye depend,

Effective teamwork allows us to successfully resolve social issues.

The plant annually provides charitable assistance to many medical, cultural, school institutions, and religious organizations.

The team of JSC TKSM No. 2 does not forget about its retired labor veterans. Every year they are provided with financial assistance.

The company has a canteen and a health center. Every month all employees are given vouchers to reduce the cost of food. Those who wish can receive preferential or interest-free cash loans.

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Before answering the main question - is fireclay brick harmful, you need to understand what kind of building material it is, in what areas and structures it is used and from what components it is made.

Most often, fireclay brick is used in the construction of stoves and fireplaces.

Conventional bricks used in construction are not suitable for structures that are constantly exposed to high temperatures. For such conditions, bricks made of refractory materials are used, the most popular of which is fireclay brick. It is difficult to imagine both private and industrial construction without its use.

The specific sandy-yellow color and coarse-grained structure make fireclay brick easily recognizable. Unusual properties The material is given a manufacturing technology, during which the raw materials are shaped and fired at high temperatures. Moreover, their level at each stage is strictly controlled.

Fireclay bricks are made from a special type of clay.

High performance (heat capacity and fire resistance) are achieved by the special composition of the feedstock. Fireclay bricks are made from special grades of clay (which are called “fireclay”) with the use of certain additives, in particular aluminum oxide. It is he who is “responsible” for the strength and durability of the building material and, most importantly, porosity, on which the heat capacity of fireclay bricks directly depends.

It is clear that the more aluminum oxide is added, the higher the porosity of the material and, accordingly, the lower the strength. Finding a balance between these two indicators is the most important thing in the production of fireclay bricks, and the heat capacity also depends on this.


Based on the above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - the myth about the harmfulness of fireclay bricks has no basis in fact. Moreover, it is difficult to even simply explain the reason for its occurrence. It is quite possible that the material involuntarily “suffered” due to the fact that the very production of fireclay bricks, like most other building materials, especially before arrival modern technologies, was often not a role model for defenders environment.

Be that as it may, the experience of many years of using the material allows us to unequivocally state that when exposed to high temperatures (even extremely high), absolutely no substances harmful to humans are released. It is difficult to expect otherwise, especially considering that in the production of fireclay bricks a material is used, the environmental purity of which is difficult to doubt, namely clay. You can even draw a parallel with pottery, which has accompanied humans for many hundreds of years.

Does this mean that fireclay bricks have no disadvantages? Of course not. Several main ones can be noted:

  1. Fireclay brick blocks are difficult to process and cut due to their high strength. This disadvantage is partially offset by the variety of shapes of fireclay brick blocks, which make it possible to achieve almost any design delight without cutting the material.
  2. Even in one batch of the product, deviations in the size of the bricks are noticeable, and achieving greater unification of the blocks is problematic due to the peculiarities of the production technology.
  3. The material is expensive compared to ordinary brick. It is also impossible to avoid this drawback: operating conditions require the use of suitable material. The use of ordinary, non-fire-resistant bricks sharply reduces the service life of the structure or requires the use of additional means of processing it.


Fireclay brick is simply irreplaceable in the field of private construction when constructing stoves and fireplaces. But in order for the structure to be used for many years, it is necessary quality material. This is especially true for private owners, since large industrial enterprises have more possibilities on control of materials used in construction.

And due to its high strength, fireclay bricks are difficult to cut and process.

All indicators of fireclay bricks - from strength to frost resistance, from porosity to density - are strictly regulated by state standards. It is worth noting that in recent years, some manufacturers are guided by their own technical conditions when producing fireclay bricks. As a result, some discrepancies are possible on a number of parameters. Therefore, when purchasing material, it is imperative to check the certificate of conformity for product quality.

Should be paid Special attention the weight of bricks. The smaller it is, the higher the thermal conductivity and, accordingly, the lower the heat capacity. The optimal mass of the refractory block is determined by GOST within 3.7 kg.

Types and markings

Modern manufacturing plants offer a large number of the most various types fireclay bricks, which differ in weight and shape, production technology and degree of porosity.

The variety of shapes of fireclay bricks does not end with standard-shaped straight and arched blocks.

Trapezoidal and wedge-shaped ones are widely used, capable of satisfying any requirements for structural elements.

Depending on the degree of porosity, fireclay bricks can vary from extremely dense (less than 3% porosity) to ultra-lightweight (porosity 85% or more).

The main characteristics are very easy to determine by the marking of the refractory brick, which is necessarily applied to each block. The following brands are currently produced:

  1. SHV, SHUS.

The thermal conductivity of these types of fireclay bricks allows them to be used in industry - for lining the walls of gas ducts of steam generators and convection shafts.

  1. SHA, ShB, SHAK.

The most versatile and therefore popular fireproof blocks, mostly used by private owners. They are used especially often when laying fireplaces and stoves. Can be used at temperatures up to 1690 degrees. In addition, they have high strength.

Used in the construction of coke production units.

A lightweight type of material used for lining furnaces with a relatively low heating temperature - no more than 1300 degrees. The low weight of refractory blocks is achieved by increasing the porosity index.

Used in the construction of chimneys. Can also be used for laying interior fireplace walls.

Most often used in structures household use, an example of such a design would be a barbecue oven.

It is the markings that must be studied first when purchasing a material, which will allow any builder to choose exactly the type of fireclay brick that is most suitable for the design features. And after studying the information provided, anyone can be sure that fireclay bricks do not pose any danger to humans, much less mythical harm.

Today, building your own home often costs less than an apartment.
However, building a house has many pros and cons that you should always remember.
What most often guides the average person when building a house?
Answer: unfortunately, mainly due to the economical cost of building materials. Of course, this does not apply to everyone. However, the average home builder is often forced to count every penny to build a house.

So the question is: “How much does it cost to build a house?” usually considered exclusively in monetary terms. Much later, the understanding comes that the cheapness of building materials will have to be compensated with health.

If you want the residence of all household members in the new house to be safe in terms of health, you first need to pay attention not only to the price of building materials for the future home.

First of all, you need to study the characteristics of all building materials for the home and their consumer qualities and properties.

Traditionally, when building the “box” of a house, the choice is between two building materials – wood or brick. Both have pros and cons.

In addition, do not forget that wood rots over time, which means it needs to be treated with at least two compounds.

Now imagine what happens to these compounds over time?

After all, they not only evaporate and, over time, wood processing must be carried out again and again.

Well-burnt brick is safer in this regard, however, if the house stands on soil with high humidity, the walls, even with very careful heating, rarely warm up to the desired temperature. If the house is heated irregularly, then frequent colds are guaranteed for everyone living in your house.

The third most environmentally friendly building material for building a house is concrete and its derivatives: foam concrete, aerated concrete.

Asbestos, from which slate is made, is simply prohibited in Europe. If you want to save money on quality tiles, you can cover the roof with slate. However, think about it more than once: asbestos, which releases tiny particles into the air, causes irritation to the lungs, and when heated, can cause the development of lung cancer. The same applies to products made from various kinds plastic mass. Sewer pipes and fittings today are made of plastic.
As for the interior decoration and interior, there are even more harmful finishing materials for health. You can start, for example, with varnishes and paints, which, by the way, are used not only for interior but also exterior work. Parquet impregnations, varnishes and paints can be dangerous not only over time, but also immediately after painting, as they can easily cause burns to the respiratory tract.

As for paints, you should be wary of synthetic paints and those produced with solvents. They emit a pungent odor and are very toxic. When metal-containing paints dry, metal particles can get onto furniture, food, into the air, and from there into the body, without adding joy to health.

In order not to paint, for example, windows, people preferred PVC windows. A substance so often used in interior decoration (plinths, moldings and corners) - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) decomposes and releases harmful substances into the air when in contact with air at room temperature and sunlight. Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, which are part of many finishing materials, are on the same level of harmfulness as polyvinyl chloride.

Chipboard, which is now found almost everywhere, is used in finishing and making furniture. At a temperature of 20 C, the phenol contained in the chipboard begins to evaporate. If the surface of the chipboard is covered with a material with poor air exchange, the concentration of phenol underneath becomes not just harmful, but dangerous. Phenol has long been recognized as a carcinogen, actively affecting the central nervous system. It is advisable to leave furniture made of chipboard for some time unassembled for ventilation.

Danger in own home can also come from linoleum and furniture made of fiberboard and chipboard. These materials also contain phenol and formaldehyde. There was even a special term - phenol-formaldehyde houses. In such houses, the concentration of formaldehyde exceeds the norm by 5-7 times! And people live in such houses with time bombs, not knowing that they are causing devastating harm to their health every day. Skirting boards, plaster, wallpaper also carry out their “life activity” in our apartments - they accumulate and release harmful substances. The highest levels of formaldehyde are detected in apartments with new furniture from chipboard and fibreboard, as well as in private houses where mineral wool insulation is used. In wall cavities apartment buildings Urea-formaldehyde thermal insulation can be used. All these cute interior items and building materials in themselves may be harmless, but when they find themselves together in a cramped space, they create a synergistic effect and have a detrimental effect on the human body. And even if cirrhosis of the liver does not occur from a slight inhalation of phenol vapor, then headaches and weakened immunity are almost guaranteed. Is it any wonder then that life expectancy is not high in Russia, if in the West most of the building components used in Russia are prohibited?

To the list of enemies of the ecology of the human home, you can safely add carpets, PVC windows, comfortable and practical oilcloths made of polyvinyl chloride. According to a study by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alla Malysheva, in apartments with new synthetic linoleum the level of volatile organic substances exceeds the norm by 70! If you remove furniture from such an apartment, the level of harmful volatile substances in the room is significantly reduced - the excess of the norm is recorded “only” by 30 times!

How to deal with all this " household chemicals"? In order not to live in a hyperbaric chamber, experts advise discarding the detachment of materials. In particular, you should not cover the ceiling with vinyl. Whitewashing or painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion is a much more correct step from the point of view of taking care of your own health. You shouldn’t fill your own apartment with cheap chipboard furniture. Refuse synthetic linoleum, replace it with parquet or parquet board, in these materials the binding component is resins, as well as vegetable oils. Even laminate flooring poses less of a threat to the ecology of living space compared to synthetic linoleum. Does not contain any harmful substances cork covering and carpet. True, the latter is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

If you can't spend money on wooden furniture, buy furniture made from chipboards of class E1, that is, first class, and not E2. First class chipboard is safer. Rattan furniture looks very beautiful, but rattan is more suitable for making coffee tables, shelves and whatnots.

In the kitchen, replace PVC oilcloth with polyethylene, PVC windows with modern and fashionable wooden frames, which are equipped with sealing gaskets.

If you want to build an ecologically safe cottage for yourself, you can choose cellular concrete blocks as a building material. In terms of environmental properties, they are practically not inferior to wood. However, to produce concrete with additives, you will need a concrete mixer - equipment designed for preparing concrete mixtures. In order not to buy a concrete mixer and other expensive equipment, the easiest way is to immediately buy ready-made building blocks from the material of interest. Before purchasing any building material, ask the seller for a sanitary and epidemiological report.

Replace mineral wool insulation with expanded clay gravel or stone or glass wool. However, it should be borne in mind that glass wool sooner or later sags, forming uninsulated areas in the building.

Some of the most toxic materials are polymer materials. Harmful emissions can be reduced if long time store polymer-containing building materials in the air. Then the harmful substances contained in building materials disappear. If this is not possible, we recommend applying a kind of protective layer to the surface of the building material, for example, using an organosilicon coating.

The level of harmful substances in apartments is measured by specialists. They measure power frequency electromagnetic fields that create Appliances, electrical wiring, transformers and power lines outside the window. The content of phenol, formaldehyde and toluene in the air is measured during a chemical gas analysis. During microbiological analysis, the presence of bacteria dangerous to humans is detected in the air. The level of radiation depends on the presence of gamma, beta, and alpha particles in the room.

Wallpaper. Moisture-resistant (washable) wallpaper, which is fashionable today, can be very toxic if it releases styrene, a substance that is used to produce synthetic polymers. Its vapors irritate the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat, and also cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and even loss of consciousness.

Sand-lime brick, phosphogypsum. These building materials can become a source of radon, an inert radioactive gas that, when entering the human body, contributes to processes leading to lung cancer. Inhaled alpha particles begin to bombard the internal tissues of the respiratory organs, causing microburns in them. It is believed that the radiation dose a person receives from radon is greater than the dose he receives from all other sources of radiation combined.

Linoleum. The cheapest flooring. Bad linoleum pollutes the air with benzene and ethylbenzene, and they can cause cancer and blood diseases. Substances such as xylene and toluene are also released - in high concentrations they also lead to diseases of the blood, lungs and skin, and affect the mucous membranes. Carcinogenic vinyl chloride affects the nervous system. Finally in conditions ordinary apartment polymers - namely, what linoleum is made of - break down into monomers, which are very toxic. The process intensifies when the linoleum heats up (from a radiator, for example). Side effects- headaches, allergies, breathing problems.

Varnishes, paints, mastics, glue. Since the same xylene and toluene are the starting materials in the production of varnishes and paints, any newly renovated room will smell of this muck, which is extremely harmful in high concentrations.

In general, if desired, of course, harmful substances can be found in almost all building materials. What kind of building materials are there? They are everywhere: in the air, soil, food!

However, be aware! Environmentally friendly parquet with normal radioactivity can be unknowingly coated with toxic varnish and make it a slow killer. Therefore, you should not be negligent in the choice of coating or any construction and finishing material.

When building and renovating a house or apartment, be sure to pay attention to the range of building and finishing materials: study the instructions, look at customer reviews. Most often, construction and Decoration Materials produced in China and Turkey, i.e. the cheapest.

The money you save by purchasing low-quality building materials will still be used to buy medicines and invite doctors for you and your loved ones. What could be more valuable than health? Obviously not a cheap and, most importantly, harmful building material for the future of your home!

How to protect yourself

■ Buy goods for repairs in large specialized stores, not in markets. If in doubt, ask the seller to show quality certificates.
■ Refuse linoleum in favor of laminate, or even better, parquet. This is the case when you should not save, especially if you are laying floors in a nursery or bedroom. For wallpaper, prefer paper.
■ When choosing paints, choose water-based, alkyd, latex or polyester paints - they dry quickly and there will be less harmful fumes. When painting, try to apply as few layers as possible.
■ It is advisable to ventilate living areas every 20 minutes. Regular wet cleaning of the apartment also helps.
■ If it takes too long to get rid of the repair odors, seek an environmental assessment. Now such services are provided by a number of organizations formed on the basis of various research institutes and having the necessary licenses. Depending on the type of examination and scope of work, the service costs 5-9 thousand rubles. But ecologists will accurately identify the pollutant and its source, and also give you recommendations on what is best to do in this situation.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

Faculty of History and Geography

Department of Environmental Management and Geoecology



in the direction of training 05.03.06 “Ecology and environmental management”

Impact of JBK No. 2 LLC on the environment

Completed by:______________________________P.A. Martynov (ZIGF-23-14)

Admitted to defense

Scientific supervisor______________________Ph.D., Associate Professor A.A. Mironov

Head of the department

environmental management and

Geoecology________________________________Ph.D., Associate Professor O.E. Gavrilov

Cheboksary 2017


Chapter 1. Negative impact of industrial enterprises

To the natural environment

atmospheric air………………………………………………………..…….4

  1. Industrial enterprises as a source of pollution

water bodies……………………………………………………………......7

  1. Industrial enterprises as a source of pollution


Chapter 2. Assessment of the impact of LLC “ZhBK No. 2” on the state of the environment

2.1. History of the development of LLC “ZhBK No. 2”…………………………………15

2.2. LLC "ZhBK No. 2" as a source of environmental pollution

natural environment……………………………………………………….20

2.2.1. Characteristics of sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere…………………………………………………………………………………..23

2.2.2. Characteristics of sources of pollutant emissions into ground and surface waters………………………………………………………..36

2.2.3. Solid household waste at the enterprise………………….……40

Chapter 3. Mitigation measures negative impact enterprises on the environment

3.1. Proposals to reduce the negative impact of the enterprise on the environment………………………………………………………..….41 Conclusion……………………………………………………… ………………………………..44


List of used literature……………………………………………………...50


The current environmental situation in large cities is not very favorable. Every day, pollutants are released (discharged) from construction industry enterprises into the environment. Currently, there are approximately 24 thousand enterprises in the country that pollute the environment of our country.

According to GGO im. V.N. Voeykova every tenth city Russian Federation has a high level of pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere.

Large industrial construction enterprises, where the production of the main products entails serious environmental pollution, pose a particular danger. The largest amount of waste accumulates in sludge dumps, tailings dumps, landfills and unauthorized dumps. The release (discharge) of pollutants into the air is not limited to air pollution, but has a negative impact on water bodies and soil.

LLC "ZhBK No. 2" belongs to large enterprises in the construction industry of Novocheboksarsk and plays a significant role in shaping the quality of the environment.

The purpose of the work is to determine the negative impact on the environment of an industrial enterprise for the production of reinforced concrete products using the example of LLC “ZhBK No. 2”.

To achieve this goal, we have set the following tasks:

  1. Reveal I unfavorable I impact on the environment from industry;
  2. Consider the creation and development of LLC “ZhBK No. 2”;
  3. Investigate sources of pollution from JBK No. 2 LLC;
  4. Develop measures to reduce emissions (discharges) into the environment.

Object of study: enterprises in the construction industry.

Subject of research: environmental pollution of LLC ZhBK No. 2 on the environment.

When writing the work, we used the following research methods: statistical processing, mapping.

The work consists of chapters, figures, tables, and appendices.

Federal State Autonomous

educational institution

higher professional education


Polytechnical Institute

Department of “Ecological Engineering and Life Safety”

Course project

Environmental expertise and environmental impact assessment of a ceramic tile production enterprise

Completed by: Irgit S.R.

Group TE 09-09B

Accepted by: Komonov S.V.

Krasnoyarsk, 2013

Protection of atmospheric air from pollution

1 General information about the company

1.2 a brief description of physical-geographical and climatic conditions of the area and construction site

3 Characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located in terms of the level of air pollution

4 Characteristics of the source of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

1.5 Justification of data on emissions of harmful substances

6 A set of measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere

1.7 Characteristics of measures to regulate emissions during periods of particularly unfavorable meteorological conditions

8 Calculation and analysis of ground-level concentrations of pollutants

1.9 Proposals for establishing maximum permissible limits and UTC

1.10 Methods and means of monitoring the condition of the air basin

1.11 Justification for the adopted size of the sanitary protection zone

12 Measures to protect against noise and vibration

2. Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution and depletion

2.1 Characteristics of the current state of the water body

2.2 Measures for the protection and rational use of water resources

2.3 Water consumption and wastewater disposal of the enterprise

4 Quantity and characteristics of wastewater3

5 Justification of design solutions for wastewater treatment

6 Balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal for the enterprise

2.7 Indicators of water resource use in the designed production

2.8 Control of water consumption and wastewater disposal

3. Restoration (reclamation) land plot, use of fertile soil layer, protection of subsoil and wildlife

1 Reclamation of disturbed lands, use of fertile soil layer

3.2 Measures to protect soils from industrial waste

3 Subsoil protection

4 Wildlife protection




Ceramic are artificial stone materials made from clays and their mixtures with mineral and organic additives by molding and subsequent firing. In ancient Greek, “keramos” meant pottery clay, as well as baked clay products. Later, all products made from clay masses began to be called “ceramics”.

The prevalence of clays in nature, as well as great strength, significant durability, beautiful appearance Many ceramic products have become the reasons for the widespread use of ceramic materials in almost all structural elements of buildings and structures. For example, ceramic tiles, which are used to cover sanitary facilities and kitchens in residential buildings, operating rooms in hospitals, showers, baths and laundries, workshops of food enterprises, metro stations, etc.

Finishing vertical and horizontal surfaces with tiles protects surfaces from moisture, mechanical damage, exposure to fire, chemical substances; ensures support of the required standards of cleanliness and ease of cleaning; Gives surfaces a beautiful appearance.

Currently, the building ceramics industry is one of the leading sectors of the building materials industry. The industry is based on the extraction and processing of raw materials, and mainly imported raw materials are used.

The most common methods for producing ceramic products at building ceramics factories are:

extrusion (plastic, semi-rigid, rigid);

compression (semi-dry pressing).

The least common method is the casting method (slip).

Mechanization and automation of production, increasing labor productivity in the ceramic industry were achieved through the use of high-performance machines and units that provide the ability to organize automatic flow operation of individual production areas. But the impact of these machines and units on the environment is significant.

Each stage of production produces its own emissions. Be it gases emitted into the atmosphere from vehicles, during the delivery of raw materials, or from furnaces that are needed for the operation of some equipment. Or dust generated during unloading and intra-factory transportation of raw materials, or impurities formed during cleaning of raw materials, etc.

All over the world, the problem of inventorying emissions from enterprises and technological equipment in particular. For this purpose, a framework was created called an enterprise environmental impact assessment.

“Environmental impact assessment is a type of activity to identify, analyze and take into account the direct, indirect and other consequences of the environmental impact of a planned economic and other activity in order to make a decision on the possibility or impossibility of its implementation.” (Environmental Protection Law).

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a procedure that includes identifying possible adverse impacts on the environment and their socio-ecological consequences, developing measures to reduce and/or prevent adverse impacts.

The EIA section of the justifications is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the “Temporary Instructions for the Environmental Justification of Economic Activities in Pre-Project and Design Materials”, approved by the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources on June 16, 1992 (with subsequent amendments and additions).

The section "Environmental Impact Assessment" (EIA) is developed at the stage of justification for investment in construction and is based on materials from engineering and environmental surveys<#"justify">1.Protection of atmospheric air from pollution

The main polluters of the environment are enterprises, vehicles and agricultural activities. Main pollutants (25 billion tons): sulfur dioxide, dust, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons. As a result of their reaction with components of the natural environment, smog, acid rain, soil degradation, vegetation succession, climate and relief changes occur.

To reduce the amount of emissions, enterprises use treatment plants and monitor the amount of emissions; technological lines with a minimum amount of waste are developed.

1Basic information about the company

Factory for the production of ceramic floor tiles, size 150 ×150 mm. The company is located in Krasnoyarsk, Bryanskaya str. 2nd 42.

It has a pit clay storage facility of 70-80 m, which is insulated for the winter with shavings, sawdust or mats with insulation. Main production processes: drying, drying, glazing, watering, firing.

Basic equipment:

1.Clay ripper SM-1031

2.Feeder SMK-78

.Smooth rollers SMK-102A

.Mine mill MMT 1300/740

.Ball mill

.Sieve-burat SM-237M

.Propeller mixer SM-489B


.Vibrating sieve

.Spray dryer SMK-148

.Flow conveyor line SMK-132

Clay is processed mechanically. This method consists in destroying the structure of the raw material, averaging the raw material in terms of material composition and humidity due to the influence of the working parts of the mechanisms. The mechanical processing method is most common in the ceramics industry. From the warehouse, the clay is fed by a multi-bucket excavator into the clay ripper.

The SM-1031 clay ripper is designed for grinding large and frozen lumps of clay over a box feeder. We have rotors that rotate over the feeder and use teeth to destroy lumps of clay. Through the grate, the clay is fed to the transporting element of the feeder.

Specifications clay ripper SM-1031B

Name Indicator Productivity, m3/h 25 Hopper capacity, m 34.25 Size of pieces of finished material, mm 170 Shaft rotation speed, s-10.15 Diameter of the circle described by the blow bars, mm 1100 Distance between the blow bars axes, mm 200 Installed power, kW 10 Overall dimensions, mm length 4574 Width 1800 Height 1180 Weight, kg3200

The SMK-78 feeder provides a continuous and uniform supply of clay. For each type of raw material, a separate feeder is used, which is configured for a certain productivity depending on the percentage of this material in the charge.

Technical characteristics of the box feeder SMK-78

Name Indicator Productivity, m3/h 35.5 Number of chambers 2 Chamber capacity, m 32.9 Belt speed, m/min 2.5 Beater shaft rotation speed, s-11.5 Installed power, kW 4 Overall dimensions, mm Length 6125 Width 2530 Height 1630 Weight, kg 4600

Smooth rollers SMK-102A are used for grinding wet clay and materials of medium strength - quartz, feldspar, limestone, fireclay. rollers crush the material by crushing, abrading or bending the roller, rotating one towards the other at different speeds. When grinding wet clay, the rollers work with maximum efficiency with a gap between them of 1 mm and with a humidity close to molding.

Technical characteristics of smooth rollers SMK-102A

Name Indicator Productivity (for loosened clay with a gap of 1 mm), m3/h25 Roll dimensions, mm Diameter 1000 Length 1000 Roll rotation speed, s-1 High-speed 14.66 Low-speed 3.16 Installed power, kW 123.8 Overall dimensions, mm Length 5690 Width 4160 Height 1820 Ma ssa, kg13000 After crushing, the clay enters the shaft mill through a feeder on a conveyor. Mine mill MMT 1300/740 unit for simultaneous grinding and drying of clay. The mill works as follows: after preliminary crushing, the clay enters the separation shaft through the chute. It delivers pieces towards the flow of hot gases moving up the shaft. Hot gases from the furnace are sucked into the mill and crushed. Due to the action of the gas flow, as well as due to the high number of revolutions of the rotor with beaters, clay particles are thrown back into the separation shaft, where small particles are carried away by gases, and large ones are returned for finishing.

Technical characteristics of the MMT 1300/740 shaft mill

NameIndicatorProductivity, t/h25 Electricity consumption per 1 ton of clay, kW/h2.5-3.5 Heat consumption for evaporation of 1 kg of moisture, kcal800-1000

A ball mill or drum is a device whose operating principle boils down to the fact that grinding bodies that partially fill the drum, when the latter rotates, are carried away by friction against its walls to a certain height, then, falling freely, crush the material to be ground (located inside) by impact and abrasion. drum).

To prepare molding sands, raw materials are divided into fractions, highlighting the structure of inclusions. Most common mechanical method separation of materials into fractions using sieves and screens. The choice of type of equipment for sifting depends on the characteristics of the material, its physical and mechanical properties, particle size and shape, grain composition, humidity, abrasiveness, and stickiness. Ability to caking, freezing, angle of repose.

To sift waste materials and clay, the SM-237M borax sieve is used, which is a conical drum located horizontally, along the generatrix of which sieves from small to large are fixed, starting from the base with a smaller diameter. Due to the taper of the rotating drum, the material moves towards the outlet end and along the way is dispersed into a number of fractions corresponding to the number of sieves. The fraction that does not pass through the largest sieve is returned for grinding or removed for waste.

Technical characteristics of sieve-burat SM-273M

Name Indicator Productivity, t/h 1.5 Fraction size Up to 1; 1-3; 3-5 Drum diameter, mm Large 1100 Small 780 Drum length, mm 3500 Drum rotation speed, s-10.42 Installed power, kW 1.5 Overall dimensions, mm Length 4800 Width 1412 Height 1495 Weight, kg 1185

Clay and waste materials are mixed in a propeller mixer SM-489B with the addition of water. It is a pool, usually buried in the ground, with a stirring device in the form of a propeller with a diameter of 200-500 mm or more. The diameter of the propeller depends on the volume of the pool, which ranges from 1 to 10 m3.

Technical characteristics of the propeller mixer SM-489B

Name Indicator Tank capacity, m38 Screw rotation speed, s-12.67 Diameter of the circle described by the screw, mm 900 Tank depth, mm 2500 Installed power, kW 10 Overall dimensions, mm Length 2800 Width 915 Height 3380 Weight, kg 1115

The ferrofilter consists of a housing in which a comb electromagnet is installed. The mass is fed into the crow, passes through the combs of the electromagnet and is drained through the tray. The ferrofilter has a special valve that shuts off the supply of ceramic mass when turned on. electric current in the electromagnet coil, which prevents the entry of ferrous particles from the magnet and back into the mass.

The vibrating sieve consists of a housing on which the sieve is mounted on springs. The vibrator is fixed at the bottom, and the mesh is stretched at the top using a spring tensioning device. The ceramic mass enters the mesh and, after cleaning, is drained through the pipe. Impurities are removed from the mesh through another pipe.

The hourly productivity of the sieve is up to 2 tons of ceramic suspension with a humidity of 45%.

To dry the slip, a tower spray dryer SMK-148 is used.

It is a metal cylinder ending at the bottom with a cone, which serves to collect the finished product. In its upper part there is a nozzle pivotally connected to the slip pipe; There are channels in the walls for the coolant to enter.

Technical characteristics of the spray dryer SMK-148

NameIndicatorProductivity of dry ceramic powder, kg/h4000Initial slip humidity, %42-45Slip pressure, MPa2.5-3Consumption natural gas, nm3/h200-300 Amount of exhaust gases 10,000-12,000 Final powder humidity, % 7-8 Temperature in the drying chamber, º С100-200 Installed power, kW 34.3 Overall dimensions, mm Length 15 215 Width 12 600 Height 20 200 Weight, kg 125 000

Conveyor lines for production ceramic slabs ok represent a complex of various mechanisms and thermal units, united by a system of transport devices that perform all the necessary technological operations: pressing tiles, cleaning them, rearranging them, drying, glazing, cleaning after glazing and firing.

These operations are carried out during the transportation of tiles along a conveyor. Conveyor lines are fully mechanized.

The main feature of all lines is the arrangement of tiles in one row in height and several rows in width on a roller (mesh) conveyor, which allows for high-speed drying and firing modes with uniform plane and equally intense heating on both sides of each tile.

Technical characteristics of the automated flow-conveyor line SMK-132

Name Indicator Productivity, thousand m2/year 500 Conveyor speed, m/min In dryer and waste oven 1.6 In hot oven 1.7-1.9 Natural gas consumption, m3/h 94 Installed power, kW 62.7 Overall dimensions, mm Length 145 800 Width 6600 Height 3000 Weight, kg 229 500

Table 1 - Enterprise productivity

Production, workshop Name of manufactured products Production capacity by main types of products (coded) Time frame for achievement Current situation Projected queue Full development 1 year Production ceramic tiles for floorsCeramic tiles500 thousand m2500 thousand m2500 thousand m2

1.2 Brief description of the physical, geographical and climatic conditions of the area and construction site

The enterprise site is located in the Central district of Krasnoyarsk. Around the enterprise there are buildings under construction, utility buildings and warehouses. On the western side there is a railway and the settlement of Solontsy.

The terrain of the area where the enterprise is located is characterized by a height difference of more than 50 m and hilliness.

The city is located in an area of ​​increased potential for air pollution; the main sources of air pollution are emissions from stationary sources of pollution, fugitive emissions from industrial and construction sites, emissions from motor vehicles.

The average July temperature is +18.5 degrees, the average January temperature is -15.6 degrees. Coefficient A, which depends on the temperature stratification of the atmosphere and determines the conditions for horizontal and vertical dispersion of harmful substances in the atmospheric air, is 200.

Average annual frequency of North-Northeast wind - 2%, Northeast - 3%, East - 7%, South-East - 3%, South 4%, South-West - 44%, West - 26%, North-West - 26 %. The dominant direction is South-Western.

The average annual wind speed is 2.3 m/s. In the conditions of Krasnoyarsk, low wind speeds are accompanied by the formation of surface inversions on average in 38% of cases.

The frequency of wind from the enterprise to residential areas is 47%, these are South-Western and South-Eastern winds.

1.3 Characteristics of the area where the enterprise is located in terms of the level of air pollution

For each specific enterprise, environmental authorities establish maximum permissible limits based on its location, the presence of other sources of pollution, the location of populated areas, water bodies and other features of the area. These maximum permissible limits must ensure compliance with all sanitary standards and maximum permissible concentrations in the area. When determining MPE, calculations of pollutant concentrations are carried out in accordance with technological regulations, and the results of experimental studies are also used. In Krasnoyarsk, the level of atmospheric air pollution is very high, the meteorological features of the city contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in the ground layer of the atmosphere, the largest number of emissions of substances of hazard classes 1 and 2.

At the enterprise for the production of ceramic tiles, air samples are taken monthly and a quantitative analysis of nitrogen oxides, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and benzo(a)pyrene is carried out. Sampling is carried out at various distances from the point source of emissions.

1.4 Characteristics of sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere

Emission sources can be organized or unorganized.

Organized ones include a chimney or ventilation shaft into which flue gases and fuel are supplied.

Unorganized emissions include the emission of harmful substances during the combustion of diesel fuel in car engines, dust generation during unloading, storage, processing and transportation.

During the production process at an enterprise, there may be unplanned emissions as a result of improper operation of equipment and imperfect technology. Such emissions will correspond to burst emissions - one-time emissions that exceed the permissible (permitted) emissions at the enterprise. Salvo emissions are characterized by a sharp increase in the content of harmful substances in flue gases. In this case, the cause of the emissions must be found and eliminated.

Production, workshop Sources of pollutant emission Sources of pollutant emission Parameters of the gas-air mixture at the outlet of the emission source Name Quantity Name Quantity Height H, m Diameter of the mouth of the outlet section D, m Speed ​​W0, m/s Volume V1 m3/s Temperature T, ° C Ceramic plant, furnace department furnace 1 Ventilation shaft 1100.2 50,250,98325

The production of building materials represents complex technological processes associated with the transformation of raw materials into different states and with different physical and mechanical properties, as well as with the use of varying degrees of complexity of technological equipment and auxiliary mechanisms. In many cases, these processes are accompanied by the release of large quantities of polydisperse dust, harmful gases and other pollutants.

Preparation of press powder for semi-dry pressing of ceramic products is impossible without significant dust formation, therefore dust and gas purification and dust disposal are urgent tasks. Furnace flue gases containing harmful impurities also require purification. These problems are solved by using the ShL-310.06 cyclone and ShL-315 scrubber.

Production, workshop Gas purification plants Emissions and emissions of pollutants Name Substances for which purification is carried out Gas purification coverage coefficient, % Average operational degree of purification, % Maximum degree of purification, % Before events Duration, hours/year Frequency, once/year After events g/smg/m3t/year Ceramic plant, furnace department Cyclone SHL -310.06 Scrubber ShL-315Clay Chamotte Silicon dioxide Dolomite--99%---

Production, workshopProductsProduction capacityHarmful substancesNitrogen oxideNitrogen dioxideCarbon oxideBenzo(a)pyreneGross emissions, t/yearSpecific emissions per unit. productsGross emissions, t/yearSpecific emissions per food productGross emissions, t/yearSpecific emissions per food productGross emissions, t/yearSpecific emissions per food productCeramicsCeramic slabs500 thousand m20.002980.130.002380.104230.80.2854.83 ∙ 10-61, 09 ∙ 10-6

1.5 Justification of data on emissions of harmful substances

Calculation of emissions from vehicles.

The calculation is made according to the Methodology for conducting an inventory of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere for motor transport enterprises, developed by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Calculation of pollutant emissions is performed for: carbon monoxide - CO, nitrogen oxides - NOx, in terms of nitrogen dioxide, benzo(a)pyrene and for cars with diesel engines.

Emission of the i-th substance from one car k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M"ik, and returning M""ik is calculated using the formulas:

M"ik = (mnik tn + mnpik · tpr + mgвik · tgв1 + mxxik · txxl) 10-6, t(1)

M""ik = (mgвik · tgв2 + mxxik · txxl2 10-6, t (2)

where mnik is the specific emission of the i-th substance by the starting engine, g/min;

mnpik - specific emission of the i-th substance when the engine warms up cars groups, g/min;

mgвik is the specific emission of the i-th substance when a vehicle of the k-th group moves across the territory at a conditionally constant speed. g/min;

mxxik is the specific emission of the i-th component when the engine is idling. g/min:

tn, tpr - operating time of the starting engine and engine warm-up, min;

tn, tpr - 1,2;

tgв1, tgв2 - time of movement of the car through the territory when leaving and returning, min;

tgв1, tgв2 - 1.2;

tхx1, txx2 - engine idling time during departure and return = 1 min.

When calculating emissions from diesel engines with an electric starter engine, the term mnik · tn is excluded from formula (2.31)

Since CO, CH and C emissions decrease as the engine warms up, the mnpik value is an estimate of the average specific emissions during the warm-up time tpr.

The values ​​of mnik, mnpik, mgвik and mxxik are given in tables 2.1 - 2.4. The data presented in the tables is obtained based on statistical processing of the results of actual engine emissions measurements internal combustion and reflect the engine power category, and also take into account temperature conditions, characterizing different seasons.

The periods of the year (cold, warm, transitional) are conventionally determined by the average monthly temperature.

Months in which the average monthly temperature is below -5°C belong to the cold period, months with an average monthly temperature above +5°C - to the warm period and with temperatures from -5°C to +5°C - to the transitional period.

For enterprises located in different climatic zones, the duration of the conditional periods will be different.

The influence of the period of year is taken into account only for moving equipment stored at ambient temperature.

Calculation of emissions for DM stored in closed heated parking lots is carried out according to indicators characterizing the warm period of the year for the entire calculation period.

The starting time of a diesel engine using starting motors and installations tn also depends on the ambient temperature and is taken according to table 2.5.

The time spent by the vehicle when moving through the territory of the enterprise tgв is determined by dividing the path traveled by the vehicle from the center of the area allocated for parking a given group of vehicles to the exit gate (when leaving) and from the entrance gate to the center of the parking lot (when returning) by the average speed movement around the enterprise territory.

Average speeds at entry and exit are shown in the table

Table Specific emissions of pollutants DM KAMAZ 53229-02 with a power of 240 kW.

Vehicle categoryNominal power of diesel engine, kWSpecific pollutant emissionsSpecific pollutant emissions, g/minCOСНNO2SO2С(ash)6161-260(mnik)57,04,74,50,095-6161-260(mnpik)6,31,242,00,260,176161-260( mgвik)3,371,146,471,13-6161-260(mxхik)6,310,791,270,2500,17

When calculating emissions from diesel engines with an electric starter engine, the term mnik · tn is excluded from the formula for the transition period.

Table Emission of the i-th substance per day from one car of the k-th group is a KAMAZ 53229-02 vehicle with a power of 240 kW for the transition period.

No. NameSpecific emissions of pollutants, g/minСОНNO2SO2С1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M"ik, 22.954 10-64.53 10-67.152 10-62.236 10-60, 51 10-6 Emission of the i-th substance from one machine of the k-th group per day when returning M""ik10.354 10-62.158 10-69.034 10-61.746 10-60.17 10-6

M"ik = (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgвik tgв1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

(CO)M"ik = (57 1 + 6.3 2 + 3.37 1.2 + 6.31) 10-6 = 22.954 10-6 t,

(CH)M"ik =(4.7 1+1.24 2+1.14 1.2+0.79) 10-6=4.53 10-6 t,

(NO2)M"ik =(4.5 1+2 2+6.47 1.2+1.27) 10-6=7.152 10-6 t,

(SO2)M"ik =(0.095·1+0.26·2+1.13·1.2+0.25)·10-6=2.236·10-6 t,

(C)M"ik =(0.17·2+0.17·1)·10-6=0.51·10-6t,

(C) M""ik =0.17·10-6t,

Emission of the i-th substance per day from one car of the k-th group is a DZ-24A loader with a power of 132 kW for the transition period.

No. NameSpecific emissions of pollutants, g/minССОНNO2SO2С1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M"ik, 14.2184 10-64.638 10-613.034 10-61.02 10- 60.3 10-62 Emission of the i-th substance from one car of the k-th group per day when returning M""ik6.418 10-63.55 10-65.592 10-60.7 10-60.10 10-6 "ik = (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgвik tgв1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

When calculating emissions from diesel engines with an electric starter engine, the term mnik · tn is excluded from the formula for the warm period.

(CO)M"ik =(3.9·2+2.09·1.2+3.91)·10-6=14.2184·10-6t,

(CH)M"ik =(0.49·2+2.55·1.2+0.49)·10-6=4.638·10-6t,

(NO2)M"ik =(0.78·2+4.01·1.2+0.78)·10-6=13.034·10-6t,

(SO2)M"ik =(0.16·2+0.45·1.2+0.16)·10-6=1.02·10-6t,

(C)M"ik =(0.35·1·0.10·1)·10-6=0.30·10-6t,

M""ik =(mвik · tgв2 + mxxik · txx2) 10-6t,

(C) M""ik =0.10·10-6t,

Emission of the i-th substance from one car of the k-th group per day is a KAMAZ 53229-02 vehicle with a power of 240 kW for the warm period.

No. NameSpecific emissions of pollutants, g/minСОНNO2SO2С1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M"ik, 16.654 · 10-63.398 · 10-611.034 · 10-62.006 · 10-60.34 · 10-6Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when returning M""ik10.354 10-62.158 10-69.034 10-61.746 10-60.17 10-6

M"ik = (mnpik · tpr + mgвik · tgв1 + mxxik · txxl) 10-6, t

(CO)M"ik =(6.3 2+3.37 1.2+6.31) 10-6=16.654 10-6 t,

(CH)M"ik = (1.24 2 + 1.14 1.2 + 0.79) 10-6 = 3.398 10-6t,

(NO2)M"ik = (2 2 + 6.47 1.2 + 1.27) 10-6 = 11.034 10-6t,

(SO2)M"ik =(0.26·2+1.13·1.2+0.25)·10-6=2.006·10-6t,

(C)M"ik = (0.17 2) 10-6 = 0.34 10-6t

M""ik =(mвik · tgв2 + mxxik · txx2) 10-6t,

(CO)M""ik = (3.37·1.2+6.31)10-6=10.354·10-6 t,

(CH) M""ik =(1.14·1.2+0.79) 10-6=2.158·10-6t,

(NO2) M""ik =(6.47·1.2+1.27) 10-6=9.034*10-6t,

(SO2) M""ik =(1.13·1.2+0.25) 10-6=1.746·10-6t,

(C) M""ik =0.17·10-6t,

Emission of the i-th substance per day from one car of the k-th group is a DZ-24A loader with a power of 132 kW for the warm period.

No. NameSpecific emissions of pollutants, g/minССОНNO2SO2С1 Emission of the i-th substance of one car of the k-th group per day when leaving the territory of the enterprise M"ik, 9.318 10-64.04 10-66.372 10-60.86 10- 60.2 10-62 Emission of the i-th substance from one car of the k-th group per day when returning M""ik6.418 10-63.55 10-65.592 10-60.7 10-60.1 10-6

M"ik = (mnik tn + mnpik tpr + mgвik tgв1 + mxxik txxl) 10-6, t

(СО)M"ik =(3.9·2+2.09·1.2+3.91)·10-6=9.318·10-6t,

(CH)M"ik =(0.49·2+2.55·1.2+0.49)·10-6=4.04·10-6t,

(NO2)M"ik =(0.78·2+4.01·1.2+0.78)·10-6=6.372·10-6t,

(SO2)M"ik =(0.16·2+0.45·1.2+0.16)·10-6=0.86·10-6t,

M""ik =(mвik · tgв2 + mxxik · txx2) 10-6t,

(CO)M""ik = (2.09·1.2+3.91)10-6=6.418·10-6t,

(CH) M""ik =(2.55·1.2+0.49) 10-6=3.55·10-6t,

(NO2) M""ik =(4.01·1.2+0.78) 10-6=5.592·10-6t,

(SO2) M""ik =(0.45·1.2+0.16) 10-6=0.7·10-6t,

(C) M""ik =0.1·10-6t,

The gross annual emission of the i-th substance DM is calculated for each period of the year using the formula:

Gross annual emission of the i-th substance DM transition period.


M1=(70.5924 x10-6+39.822 x10-6) x793 x 10-6 = 110.4144 x 10-6 x1898 x 10-6 =0.209x10-6 t/year

Gross annual emission of the i-th substance DM warm period.


M1=(70.5924 x10-6+39.822 x10-6) x1196 x 10-6 = 110.4144 x 10-6 x1196 x 10-6 =0.209x10-6 t/year;

where Dfk is the total number of days of work of the DM of the k-th group during the billing period of the year;

fk = Dp Nk,=61 x13 =793 days transition period fk = Dp Nk,=92 x13 =1196 days warm period

where Dp is the number of working days in the billing period; is the average number of DMs of the k-th group that go on line daily.

g/min g/min

The number of working days in the billing period (Dp) depends on the operating mode of enterprises and the duration of periods with an average temperature below -5°C, from -5°C to 5°C, above 5°C. The duration of the calculation periods for each region and the average monthly temperature are taken according to the Climate Handbook

To determine the total gross emissions M°i, gross emissions of substances of the same name by periods of the year are summed up:

°i = Mti + Mti + Mti, t/year

KAMAZ 53229-02 DZ-24A

(СО) M°i = 60.316 t/year (СО) M°i = 36.372 t/year

(CH) M°i = 12.244 t/year (CH) M°i = 15.778 t/year

(NO2) M°i = 36.254 t/year (NO2) M°i = 30.59 t/year

(SO2) M°i = 7.734 t/year (SO2) M°i = 3.28 t/year

(C) M°i = 1.16 t/year (C) M°i = 0.7 t/year

The maximum one-time emission of the i-th substance Gi is calculated for each month using the formula:

where txx is the engine idling time during departure and return (on average 1 minute); N"k - greatest number DMs leaving the parking lot within one hour. The value of tpp is almost the same for different categories of machines, but varies significantly depending on the air temperature (Table 2.7).

Total gross and maximum one-time emissions from mobile sources are determined by summing up emissions of pollutants of the same name from all groups of cars and road-building machines.

=(57 1+6.3 2+3.37 1.2+6.31) 13/3600=0.082 t;=(4.7 1+1.24 2+1.14 1.2+0.79) ·13/3600=0.016 t;=(4.5·1+2·2+6.47·1.2+1.27) ·13/3600=0.025 t;=( 0.095 1+0.26 2+1.13 1.2+0.25) 13/3600=0.08 t;=(0.17 2+0.17 1) 13/3600 =0.0018 t.

Gross and maximum one-time carbon monoxide emissions

Gross carbon monoxide (CO) emissions:

МCO=СCO × m ×(1- )×10-3, t/year

MSO =8.95×25920(1- =230.8 t/year

where, q1 - heat loss due to mechanical incomplete combustion, %; q1=0.5

m is the amount of fuel consumed, t/year;

CCO - carbon monoxide yield when burning fuel kg/h;

CCO=q R ×× Qi

CCO =0.5×0.5×35.8=8.95

where q2 is heat loss due to chemical incomplete combustion of fuel, %; q2= 0.5

R - coefficient taking into account the share of heat loss due to chemical incomplete combustion of fuel; R=0.5 - for gas;

Qi is the lower calorific value of natural fuel.

The maximum single emission of carbon monoxide is determined by:

GCO= , g/s

GCO= =0.285, g/s

m - fuel consumption for the coldest month, t;

Gross nitrogen oxide emissions are determined (NO):

M=mi × Q × KNO(1- β )×10-3×(1- β )×10-3, t/year

M=25920 =0.00298 t/year

where, KNO is a parameter characterizing the amount of nitrogen oxides formed per 1 GJ of heat, kg/GJ; KNO2=0.115

β- coefficient depending on the degree of reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions as a result of application technical solutions. For boilers with a capacity of up to 30 t/h, β=0;

The maximum one-time release is determined by the formula:

GNO= , g/s

GNO= =0.13, g/s

n - number of days in the billing month.

Gross nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions:

MNO 2=0.8× MNO =0.8×0.00298=0.00238 t/year

GNO 2=0.8× GNO =0.8×0.13=0.104 g/s

Gross emission of benzopyrene

The gross emission of benzo(a)pyrene, t/year, is determined by the formula:

Mbp = Sbp ∙ Vv ∙ T ∙ 10-12

The concentration of benzopyrene mg/Nm3 in the dry combustion products of natural gas of low-power industrial heat and power boilers is determined by the formula:

Sat(a)p= KDKrKst=0.17 ×10-3

T is the operating time of the asphalt mixing plant, h/year; T = 1224 h/year;

Vв - volume of flue gases, m3/h, calculated by the formula:

Vв = (273 + tух)·Vг/273,

where: tух - temperature of exhaust gases, °С; g - volume of fuel combustion products, m3/h, found by the formula:

g = 7.8 · α · V · E

Where α - excess air ratio α=1.15;

B - fuel consumption, kg/h;

E - empirical coefficient for natural gas; E = 1.11;

Mbp = 0.5 ∙ 7900.59 ∙ 1224 ∙ 10-12 = 4.83 ∙ 10-6 t/year.

The maximum single emission of benzo(a)pyrene, respectively, is equal to:

bp = 4.83 ∙ 10-6 ∙ 106 / 3600 ∙ 1224 = 1.09 ∙ 10-6 g/s.

1.6 Set of measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere

Planning activities include: design of the location of the enterprise relative to residential areas, taking into account the wind rose, construction of fences between the enterprise and the residential area.

Technological: cooperation with other enterprises that can use waste from this production, the use of improved cleaning and production technologies, replacing fuel with cleaner ones, reusing flue gases, changing technology.

In the production of ceramics, energy is primarily consumed in firing; in many cases, semi-finished or molded blanks are also energy-intensive.

Reduced energy consumption (energy efficiency).

The choice of energy source, firing mode and method of using residual heat are key to the design of kilns and are one of the most important factors affecting the energy efficiency and environmental performance of the production process.

Below are the main methods discussed in this document to reduce energy consumption, which can be used both together and separately

· Modernization of ovens and dryers

· Using residual heat from the oven

· Co-production of heat and power

· Replacement of solid fuel and heavy fuel oil with fuel containing low level emissions

· Optimization of workpiece shapes

Source of emissionsProductionWorkshop, equipmentGOUSubstances for which gas purification is performedGas purification coverage coefficient, %Design degree of purificationEmissions of harmful substances without purificationEmissions of harmful substances taking into account gas purificationSteps of implementationKilnCeramic plantKiln departmentCO NO NO2 B(a)p- - - -- - - -0.28 0.13 0.104 1.09·10-6- - - -

Reusing sludge by installing sludge recycling systems or using it for other products.

Solid production waste/technological losses:

· return of unprocessed mixed raw materials

· return to the technological process of combating products

· use of solid waste in other industries

· automated control of the firing process

· cage optimization

1.7 Characteristics of measures to regulate emissions during periods of particularly unfavorable meteorological conditions

Dangerous weather conditions, for example, the formation of an elevated inversion above the source, the lower boundary of which is located directly at the height of the mouth exhaust fan, ground-level concentrations of harmful substances can exceed the maximum by 1.5-2 times. In the absence of wind near the ground, concentrations of harmful substances can be almost 2 times higher than maximum concentrations. With the simultaneous discrepancy between these extreme unfavorable conditions in the area of ​​emission sources, the concentrations of harmful substances can increase by 3-6 times.

To prevent air pollution, GGO im. Voeikov established the rules by which enterprises must operate during periods of unfavorable weather conditions.

The rules provide for the preparation of forecasts of the possibility of adverse conditions, which are necessary for the implementation of enhanced control over technological process. Before the onset of dangerous weather conditions, enterprises must reduce emissions and increase the degree of gas purification. If there is concern that the concentration will exceed excessively dangerous levels, then all possible measures are taken to reduce emissions, including temporary shutdown of the enterprise.

After receiving a warning about unfavorable weather conditions, control over production technology is strengthened, work that is accompanied by dust is limited, the operation of the rotary kiln is switched to low productivity mode, and the operation of transport is optimized (or stopped).

1.8 Calculation and analysis of surface concentrations of pollutants

Pollutant Hazard class MPC in the air of populated areas Concentration in fractions of MPC At the border of the sanitary protection zone in a populated area NO nitrogen oxide 30.4001.20.8 NO2 nitrogen dioxide 20.0851.20.8 CO carbon oxide 45.0001.190.75 Benz(a)pyrene 10.0000011.260.98 10 -5

To analyze ground-level concentrations from a point source of emissions, the dispersion of pollutants is calculated according to the “Methods for calculating concentrations in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in emissions from enterprises. OND - 86". The calculation is made for a point source - a chimney with a round mouth.

The maximum ground concentration of harmful substances Cmax (mg/m3) under unfavorable meteorological conditions at a distance of xm (m) from the source should be determined by the formula:

where A is a coefficient depending on the temperature stratification of the atmosphere;

M is the mass of a harmful substance emitted into the atmosphere per unit time, g/s; - a dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the rate of deposition of harmful substances in the atmospheric air;

t and n are coefficients. taking into account the conditions for the exit of the gas-air mixture from the mouth of the emission source;

H - height of the emission source above ground level, m;

η - a dimensionless coefficient that takes into account the influence of terrain, in the case of flat or slightly rough terrain with a height difference not exceeding 50 m per 1 km, η=1;

Δ T is the difference between the temperature of the emitted gas-air mixture Tg and the temperature of the surrounding atmospheric air Tb, °C;

V1 is the flow rate of the gas-air mixture, m3/s, determined by the formula:

where D is the diameter of the emission source mouth, m;

ω 0 - average exit velocity of the gas-air mixture from the mouth of the emission source.

Δ T = Tg - Tv,

Δ T=350-25=325С

The value of the dimensionless coefficient F is taken equal to 1 for gaseous substances, and 2.5 for fine aerosols with a purification of at least 75%.

f=1000*(w02*D)/(H 2*Δ T)

f=1000·12.82 ∙ 0.8/142 ∙ 64.5 = 10.36

υ m =0.65 3√V T/N = 0.65 3√6.4∙64.5/14=2.1

ύ m = 1.3· ω0 D/H = 1.3 · 12.8 · 0.8/14 = 0.5e = 800 m)3 = 800(0.95) 3=100

The dimensionless coefficient m is determined depending on the parameter f using the formula:

At f<100

m = 1/0.67+0.1√10.36+0.34³√10.36=0.74

Parameter n according to the formula:

1 at υ m ≥2

Dangerous wind speed um (m/s) at the weather vane level (usually 10m from ground level), at which the highest value is achieved, in the case of f<100 определяется по формуле 2.16 в:m = υ m(1+0.12√f) at υ m ≥2; um = 2.007(1+0.12√10.36)=2.5

Parameter d (according to formula (2.15b))

The maximum concentration of harmful substances is determined (using formula (2.1))

(CO) =0.06 mg/m3

(NO2) =0.023 mg/m3

(NO)=0.028 mg/m3

B(a)p =0.24×10-6 mg/m3

Maximum value of ground level concentration of harmful substance

Smi=rSm, mg/m3

Smi = 0.3×0.06 = 0.018 mg/m3

SMI = 0.3×0.028 = 0.008 mg/m3

Smi = 0.3×0.023 = 0.0069 mg/m3

Smi=0.3×0.24×10-6=0.72×10-7 mg/m3


with u/um ≤ 1 r=0.67(1.64)+1.67(1.64)2-1.34(1.64)3=0.3

The distance xm from the emission source, at which the surface concentration c (mg/m3) under unfavorable meteorological conditions reaches the maximum value cm, is determined by formula (2.13)

xm = (5 - F/4) d H = 231 m

Coefficient s1 is a dimensionless coefficient, determined depending on the ratio x/xm for distance x (m) (by formula (2.23a), (2.23b))

x=150m, x/xm=150/231=0.65

x=200m, x/xm=200/231=0.87

x=250m, x/xm=250/231=1.08

x=300m, x/xm=300/231=1.30

x=350m, x/xm=350/231=1.5

s1 = 3(x/xm)4 - 8(x/xm)3 +6 (x/xm)2 for x/xm ≤ 1

s1 = 1.13/ 0.13(x/xm) 2 +1 at 1< х/хм ≤ 8

s1(150m) =3(0.65)4 - 8(0.65)3 +6 (0.65)2=0.875(200m) =3(0.87)4 - 8(0.87)3 + 6 (0.87)2=0.96(250m) =1.13/ 0.13(1.08) 2 +1=0.98(300m) =1.13/ 0.13(1.3) 2 +1=0.93(350m) =1.13/ 0.13(1.5) 2 +1=0.87

Concentration of harmful substances at various distances x(m) from the source of emission into the atmosphere along the axis of the emission plume at dangerous wind speed uм (according to formula (2.13))


(CO) С=0.875×4.56=3.99 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.875×0.203=0.18 mg/m3

(NO) C=0.875×0.388=0.34 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.875×1.14×10-6=9.975×10-7 mg/m3

(CO) C=0.96· 4.56=4.38 mg/m3

(NO2) C=0.96·0.203=0.019 mg/m3

(NO) C=0.96·0.388=0.37 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.96·1.14×10-6=1.09×10-6 mg/m3

(CO) C=0.98· 4.56=4.47 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.98·0.203=1.199 mg/m3

(NO) C=0.98·0.388=0.380 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.98·1.14×10-6=1.12×10-6 mg/m3

(CO) С=0.93· 4.56=4.24 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.93·0.203=0.189 mg/m3

(NO) C=0.93·0.388=0.36 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.93·1.14×10-6=1.06×10-6 mg/m3

(CO) C=0.87· 4.56=3.97 mg/m3

(NO2) С=0.87·0.203=0.177 mg/m3

(NO) C=0.87·0.388=0.337 mg/m3

B(a)p C=0.87·1.14×10-6=0.992×10-6 mg/m3

Background concentration is calculated using the formula;

C f = ;mg/m3

(CO) C f = =4.5 mg/m3;

(NO2) C f = =0.18 mg/m3

(NO) C f = =0.36 mg/m3

(B(a)P)……S f = =9×10-7 mg/m3

The total concentration of harmful substances (mg/m3) is determined by the formula:

Ssum = Cmax+Sf.

(CO) Ssum = 0.4+ 4.5 =4.9;

(NO2) Ssum = 0.08+ 0.0765 =0.156;

(NO) Ssum = 0.12+ 0.36=0.48;

B(a)p Ssum = 1.14 ×10-6

Concentrations of pollutants C - share of the maximum permissible concentration, calculated by the formula

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,698

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,8;

(NO) Shares of MPC= = 1,75;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,89

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,776;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,85;

(NO) Shares of MPC= = 1,825;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,99

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,794;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,895;

(NO) Shares of MPC= = 1,85;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =2,02

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,748;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,845;

(NO) Shares of MPC= = 1,8;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,96

(CO) Shares of MPC= =1,694;

(NO2) Shares of MPC= =1,785;

(NO) Shares of MPC= = 1,74;

B(a)p Shares of MPC= =1,89

1.9 Proposals for establishing maximum permissible limits and UTC

The object belongs to the second group of complexity, i.e. the emission values ​​for some pollutants do not satisfy the background criterion.

Table 7

Source of emissionProduction and source of emissionPollutantProposals for emission standardsPDVVSg\st\year\st\yearVentilation shaftCeramic tiles KilnNO--0.130.00298NO2--0.1040.00238CO--0.285230.8Benz(a)pyrene--1.9 10-54,8310-6

Since emissions from this enterprise exceed the MPC, it is impossible to establish MPC for them. It is necessary to take measures to reduce the amount of emissions and reduce the maximum permissible concentration.

1.10 Methods and means of monitoring the condition of the air basin

Chromatography is carried out using a gas chromatograph, which determines organic impurities in water and atmosphere. Using a gas analyzer, information about the most common harmful impurities is obtained. A photocolorimeter determines the ratio of the number of particles of a substance in the volume of gas. The results obtained using this equipment are processed in the laboratory; if immediate results are required, express methods (such as gas analysis) are used.

Constant monitoring is carried out for the following substances: benzo(a)pyrene, nitrogen oxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur oxides.

List of sources subject to regular monitoring of compliance with the MPE value (VSV).

Source of emission Pollutant Proposals for standardized parameters Frequency of control Number of measurements per year Place of control Control means PDVVSVg\st\yy\st\g Ventilation shaft NO1 once a month, at a height of 1.5 m.12 at several distances from the source of emission Chromatograph, photocolorimeter, scales, gas analyzer.NO2COB (a)p

1.11 Justification for the adopted size of the sanitary protection zone

In order to ensure the safety of the population and in accordance with Federal Law On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ, a special territory with a special regime of use (hereinafter referred to as the SPZ), the size of which ensures a reduction in the impact of pollution on the atmospheric air (chemical, biological, physical) to the values ​​established by hygienic standards, and for enterprises of hazard classes I and II - both to the values ​​​​established by hygienic standards and to the values ​​of acceptable risk for public health.

According to its functional purpose, the sanitary protection zone is a protective barrier that ensures the level of safety of the population during normal operation of the facility.

The criterion for determining the size of the sanitary protection zone is the non-exceeding of the MPC (maximum permissible concentrations) of pollutants for the atmospheric air of populated areas at its outer border and beyond, and the MPC (maximum permissible levels) of physical impact on the atmospheric air.

The size of the sanitary protection zone for groups of industrial facilities and productions or an industrial node (complex) is established taking into account the total emissions and physical impact of sources of industrial facilities and productions included in the industrial zone, industrial node (complex). A single calculated sanitary protection zone is established for them, and after confirming the calculated parameters with data from field studies and measurements, and assessing the risk to public health, the size of the sanitary protection zone is finally established. For industrial facilities and production facilities that are part of industrial zones, industrial units (complexes) of the SPZ can be installed individually for each facility.

According to the sanitary classification of enterprises and production [SanPiN 2.2.1/], the ceramic plant belongs to hazard class 4 with a sanitary protection zone of at least 100 m.

1.12 Measures to protect against heat, noise and vibration

In the production of cement, crushing equipment is used, the operation of which is accompanied by a high level of noise. When planning the location of an enterprise and the organization of industrial space, it is necessary to ensure maximum removal of noise sources from residential areas, to ensure that production is surrounded by sound-proof screens, to use sound-absorbing materials, and to reduce noise levels through sound-absorbing casings.

Reducing the level using a set of measures:

· equipment sealing

· vibration compaction of equipment

· use of sound insulation and low-speed fans

· placing windows, doors and noisy areas away from neighbors

· soundproofing of windows and walls

· sealing windows and doors

· Carrying out noisy work only during daytime Proper maintenance

Conclusions on the section “Protection of atmospheric air from pollution”:

The main source of pollution is the ventilation shaft through which flue gases escape when fuel is burned in a rotary kiln. Emission into the atmosphere occurs constantly, regardless of the season.

In accordance with SanPiN, a ceramic plant belongs to hazard class 4, and must have a sanitary protection zone of 100 m, but since the concentration at the border of the sanitary protection zone is significantly higher than the accepted one, it is necessary to reduce the amount of emissions of harmful substances or expand the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone.

In production there are monitoring posts both on the territory of the plant and at different distances from it.

reclamation underground water soil

2. Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution and depletion

Possible sources of surface and groundwater pollution are:

· Untreated or insufficiently treated industrial and domestic wastewater

· surface wastewater

· filtration leaks of harmful substances from tanks, pipelines and other structures;

· industrial sites of enterprises, places of storage and transportation of industrial waste products;

· landfills for municipal and household waste.

2.1 Characteristics of the current state of the water body

Water is consumed mainly when dissolving clay materials during the production process or washing equipment; discharges into water also occur during the operation of wet gas scrubbers. Water added directly to the raw material mixture evaporates during drying and firing. Water for the enterprise comes from the city water supply system; the wastewater receiver is the city sewer system. The city water supply system is powered by the Yenisei River flowing from south to north of Krasnoyarsk, the average annual water flow is 18.6 thousand m/s, length is 3490 km. The area of ​​the river basin is 2580 thousand km2, the total width of the riverbed reaches 2-3 km. The river's feeding is mixed. In winter, the Yenisei below the dam does not freeze for almost 200 km.

Section of the river, section YearWater consumption, m3\year Pollutant Degree of pollution (exceeding MPC), ml\l Source of pollution Section belonging to the central part of the city 20112.5 million petroleum products 0.08 Industry, household use. chlorides 0.9 surfactants 0.06 hydrogen sulfide 0.7 Ammonia 0.05 phenols 0.045 chloride 0.41

2.2 Measures for the protection and rational use of water resources

Rational use of water resources consists in the most economical consumption of water and the highest quality wastewater treatment. Rational use is aimed at preserving water quality, therefore water protection measures are included in the environmental program.

2.3 Water consumption and wastewater disposal of the enterprise

Water quality is assessed based on chemical, physical and biological indicators.

Table - water quality requirements

Water quality indicator fresh water recycled water Reset Temperature Odor 2 points 5 points Color 20-35 70Total hardness 7.01.5-3 Chlorides 350700 Zinc 5.01.5-4 Iron 0.30.5-1 Copper 1.05-7 Residual chlorine 0.3-0.5 Escherichia coli No more than 1010000 Number of microorganisms 1 cm3 No more than 100

The enterprise is connected to the city water supply system. The city's water supply includes three stages of the production cycle:

Extraction of water from a natural source.

Chlorination in accordance with existing standards

Supply of water to the water supply network for consumers.

The average total requirement of an enterprise for fresh water is 1000 liters.

2.4 Quantity and characteristics of wastewater

Wastewater in production is of a domestic nature; after use, the water is discharged into the city sewerage system.

Table - Qualitative and quantitative composition and properties of wastewater from the analyzed object

ProductionWater consumptionT, °C Pollutant Concentration.QuantityRemoval modeDischarge locationM3\dayM3\hourCeramic plant73800307510Sand, chamotte clay, kaolin--Return cycle facilitiesCity sewerageDomestic needs49,742,0720Surfactant, ammonia, chlorineWater treatment facilitiesCity sewerage

2.5 Justification of design solutions for wastewater treatment

The city sewerage system is designed for the discharge of domestic water. The wastewater from this enterprise is of a domestic nature, so no additional treatment is required. But the following requirements must be taken into account:

when discharging return (waste) water by a specific water user, performing work on a water body and in the coastal zone, the content of suspended substances at the control site (point) should not increase compared to natural conditions by more than 0.25 mg/dm3

coloring should not be detected in a 20cm column;

water should not acquire odors with an intensity of no more than 1 point, detectable directly or during subsequent chlorination or other processing methods;

summer water temperature as a result of wastewater discharge should not exceed by more than 3 °C compared to the average monthly water temperature of the hottest month of the year for the last 10 years;

the pH value should not exceed 6.5-8.5.

2.6.Balance of water consumption and wastewater disposal of the enterprise

ProductionWater consumption, m3\dayTotal For production needs For household needsFresh waterRecycledRecycledTotalIncluding drinking qualityCeramic.74 Table

ProductionWater disposal, m3\dayTotal Reused Industrial wastewater Domestic wastewater Irreversible consumption Ceramic plant 25082487082503249.7459.04

Production Cont.Specific water consumption, m3\unitsSpecific fresh water consumption, m3\unitsSpecific water removal, m3\unitsIrrecoverable water consumption and losses, m3\unitsCeramic plantCeramic tiles3075207104559.04

2.7 Indicators of water resource use in the designed production

1. Recycled water utilization coefficient Cob=48708/196308*100=24.8

Coefficient of irreversible consumption and loss of fresh water Kpot=122518/270108*100=45.4

Water utilization coefficient Boiled water = 122518/270108*100% = 45.4

Water removal coefficient Kotv=25082/147600*100=16.9

Water use coefficient at the designed enterprise Kisp.proekt=245026/270108*100=90.7

2.8 Control of water consumption and wastewater disposal

Water is supplied to production from the city water supply system, i.e. it belongs to the drinking class.

Water quality control is carried out by the Water Quality Control Center, the center is accredited by the State Standard of Russia. Water samples for analysis are taken daily in different areas of the city at pumping stations, from standpipes and water taps. At the water intake, water is analyzed for residual chlorine content every 2 hours.

3. Restoration of land, use of fertile soil, protection of mineral resources and wildlife

1 Reclamation of disturbed lands, use of fertile soil layer

During the construction of a ceramic factory, the integrity of the land cover is violated, which leads to a change in the ecological system and the formation of an anthropogenic landscape.

During the operation of an enterprise, a large amount of industrial dust gets into the soil, and some of the raw materials also get into the soil during transportation and pouring. Thus, the balance of minerals is disrupted, which leads to inhibition of fertile function.

Restoring disturbed lands is a complex, complex task. The reclamation process is divided into two stages:

1.the first is technical reclamation. At this stage, the surface is leveled, ditches and potholes are filled, chemical reclamation of the soil remaining at the mining site is carried out, and a fertile layer of soil is poured.