How to remove film from plastic windows: methods and tools. Removing film from plastic windows: effective methods and useful recommendations

A reliable, durable and high-quality protective film reduces the likelihood of damage or even scratches to the touchscreen of your gadget. Unfortunately, such protection does not last forever; it is subject to abrasion, scratches appear, and the transmission of information from the display, as well as its sensitivity to touch, is reduced. In this case, you will need to remove the protective film from the phone and install a new one.

The variety of phone security products requires the use of different replacement methods depending on the device model and security manufacturer. To begin with, just try to pry off the film in the corner of the display using a plastic card or similar objects that do not have a high density - a toothpick, a mediator. Usually, you can even remove the film from your smartphone using your fingernail, grabbing its edge.

IN simple cases Using a plastic card, the film is removed in 5–10 seconds. Next, it will be enough to clean the display and stick on new protection. What should you do if the device is so attached to the surface that available means will not allow you to remove the protection? Let's try to study all the options relevant for carrying out such procedures.

Even before starting work, you should prepare the place. Avoid rooms with a lot of dust or carry out wet cleaning. Choose a table or other level and stable place that is well lit and allows you to perform the procedure with maximum comfort.

There are several more factors that can be removed from the screen old film at home:

  1. Tools. Pick up a few different sharp-edged items made from soft materials. A toothpick, a plastic card, a pick - this is not a complete set. Do not use metal tools such as needles or a knife, as this may damage the touchscreen or cause scratches on the display.
  2. No dust or debris. Use all options to get rid of dust. Take monitor wipes, alcohol or similar solutions with a high alcohol content, and a can of air - this will help clean the surface of the screen after removing the old protective film.
  3. Fast and neat. After removing the film, you need to carry out the procedure for installing a new one very carefully and quickly. Each action must be precisely verified, and the surface of the display must be prepared in advance and not only cleaned, but also degreased.
  4. Use tape. If you remove the protective film to install a new one, use the tape for two actions at once: removing and getting rid of dust that has fallen on the display. Do not use tape, which may leave traces of glue or debris on the display or film.

How to remove the protective film from your phone: detailed instructions

We suggest studying two types of instructions at once - a video review and information about various film removal techniques. In the first case, you can clearly see that removing and installing a new protective film is a simple step and can easily be done at home. IN step by step instructions We will also learn several methods to remove and apply the protective film after cleaning the display.

The removal procedure can be roughly divided into several stages:

As useful tips It will be important to pay attention to the model, manufacturer and properties. If you have already tried matte protection and are not satisfied with it, purchase a glossy or mirror version. You can protect your display from scratches with an armored film comparable to protective glass in density and strength.


The owner of a smartphone does not have to contact specialists for every detail. Removing and applying a new protective film to use the device safely can be easily done at home without unnecessary skills and tools. The main thing in in this case– follow all recommendations and carry out work carefully.

After the article, you can leave your comments, in which other phone owners will get the information they need to protect their gadgets.

Owners of plastic windows are often faced with the question of how to wash the protective film. Of course, it is much easier to remove it immediately after installing the window, but often the owners do not peel it off immediately or completely forget about it.

However, the time comes when the protective material will have to be removed. Then the question arises: how to remove dried film from plastic windows?

Naturally, it is important not to damage the window during this process, and you also want to complete everything as quickly as possible and without extra effort. What can be done in this case? Effective methods exist, which means you can safely use them.

But in order to successfully remove the protective film, you must first understand the essence of the problem in more detail. Then it will be much easier to solve it.

Causes of hard film adhesion

Why do we need film on metal-plastic profiles? By gluing it, companies ensure the integrity of the product during transportation and installation. On the one hand, it is good that such protection is glued to plastic windows. However, how can ordinary people get rid of it later? When the product is already in place and the protective layer is no longer needed.

Very often, windows are replaced during a complete renovation of an apartment or house. This means that after installation PVC window profiles, a thin film coating remains for some time until the repair is completed completely, and dries.

After a few weeks, the film adheres more strongly to the plastic and practically merges with it. Dealing with dried out protective material is no longer easy.

Why security tape sticks more over time:

  1. Unscrupulous window manufacturers usually skimp on some nuances. Their range includes glue, which is used for gluing protective material. There is such an unusual pattern: the lower the quality of the glue used, the stronger it attaches the film to the window. In this case, there are only two options: either remove the film layer immediately after installing the metal-plastic product, or choose the manufacturer more carefully.
  2. The time of year, oddly enough, also greatly affects the adhesiveness of the protective tape. In winter and autumn, for example, the frame is cold, the glue seems to curl up and the adhesion of the film to the film is minimized. If it’s a warm season outside, the stickiness increases and it becomes difficult to clean the profile.
  3. If you have a sunny side, then we can say with confidence that already a week after installing a PVC window, the film will stick strongly if it is not removed immediately. The fact is that under the influence of constant heating from the sun's rays, the protective tape seems to dissolve, combine with the adhesive mixture and strongly adhere to the plastic. And then it dries out. Therefore, draw your own conclusions, and it is better to immediately rip the tapes off the frames.

These are the main reasons why the protective film layer can be difficult to remove even a month after installation. The whole essence is hidden in the adhesive composition. This is what we need to fight against.

How to remove protective film from plastic windows correctly? There are several ways. Choose individually the one that is most suitable for you.

Mechanical disposal methods

There are only two such methods. These are the most effective and proven methods.

Let's take a closer look at them:

  1. Using a scraper. If you have a question about how to remove adhesive tape, a scraper will help. IN winter time Of course, it is better not to use this method, since the glue remains dense, and it will be difficult to scrape off the protective layer without damaging the plastic. But in the summer, this best option, protective covering should come off well and quickly. The scraper is able to effectively cope with melted adhesive composition on frames and double-glazed windows. Depending on the length of time the tape remains on the windows, it can be removed in different ways, in small parts or large pieces.
  2. Stationery tape. How to peel off PVC film? Very simply, using tape. The bottom line is that, as already mentioned, the adhesive protective paper is very thin, so it can be difficult to remove with continuous tape. Here ordinary wide tape will come to the rescue. It is denser, and therefore stronger, than window tape, which is the whole point. All you need to do is simply stick the tape tightly over the film, and then peel it off along with it. Thin ribbons can be easily removed and remain on the strip of tape.

All other methods are based on chemical exposure. But there is also a heating method, which is also considered good and simple. However, it also has its own nuances.

Removal by heating

How to remove film from plastic windows? If you have at home construction hair dryer, then it can be used for quick removal old protective film from a metal-plastic window. You can also try using a household steam generator. The main idea is to melt the adhesive layer between the film and the surface of the window, due to which the tape will come off more freely.

The following points need to be taken into account:

  • You shouldn’t heat it too much, as the ribbon may melt, which will only make the task more difficult;
  • after warming up, you must first let the window cool down;
  • do not rush, otherwise the tape will be removed unevenly;
  • You can’t hold the hairdryer too close;
  • hot air should not be directed towards plastic profile, and on the glass.

If you follow all the recommendations and carry out the procedure correctly, then tearing off the sticky protective paper will not be difficult. It will be enough to simply pry the edge of the tape with a knife or scraper, and then remove the coating in a continuous piece without interruption.

Chemical removal method

You can also remove film from plastic windows using chemicals. These methods of removing protective coating from profiles are based on chemicals. They are able to dissolve sticky material, which will then come off easily, and then you can simply wash it.

So, you can use the following cleaning products:

  • Schumann;
  • Anti-scotch;
  • Mellerud;
  • RP-6 composition;
  • WD-40 composition.

All these products will come to the rescue in peeling off old stickers, tape and washing off adhesive stains from PVC windows, and will also help remove old paint. They are perfectly capable of scrubbing off protective tapes on profiles without damaging the plastic surface at all.

If after removing the film there are still traces of glue, they should be completely wiped off so that dust does not stick.

You can use white spirit or acetone to remove them. And also try to remove stains with a stationery eraser.

Removing the sun protection layer Another fairly common question that concerns not only plastic, but also wooden products

, this is how to remove solar control film from a window? Is it even possible to tear it off? Yes, of course this is real. However, any kind of strong solvents are inappropriate to remove the film. How to clean the glass in this case? An ordinary knife and soap solution will be enough, or you can use Schumanite.

It’s worth saying right away that removing sun protection will not be so easy. But if you put in some time and effort, everything will work out.

How to remove film from glass? It is advisable to slightly warm the surface of the glass with a hairdryer before starting work. Next, thoroughly wipe the window with soapy water and begin removing the coating. The glue will gradually dissolve, and when tearing off the protective canvas, you will have to carefully pry it off with a scraper. Finally, the glass unit and frames are washed away from the solar control film store product

for washing glass. If scratches were found on the plastic after the work was done, then Cosmofen will come to the rescue. However, before using it, you should carefully study the instructions.

A protective film on the frame of a plastic window is necessary to protect the frame from minor damage and dirt during transportation and installation. According to the instructions, you need to remove the old film from plastic windows no later than 10 days after installation. During this period, it is very easy to clean the windows from the film, but if you carry out the procedure after 3 or more months, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Why is it difficult to remove old film?

The protective film has two layers and is fixed to the frame using a special adhesive. Under the influence of solar radiation and high temperatures the thin layer inside the film breaks down and sticks firmly to the surface of the plastic. It’s not difficult to peel off the outer layer of the film, but you’ll have to tinker with the inner one.

Reasons why protective film sticks to plastic:

  • The influence of the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight. It will not be difficult to peel off a film located in the shade even after several months, while a protective coating exposed to sunlight will begin to stick more strongly to the plastic after only 10 days.
  • Quality of adhesive composition. It will be more difficult to remove film fixed with low-quality glue. Typically, such compounds are used to protect cheap plastic windows.
  • Thermal impact. If the windows were installed during the cold season, the film will begin to dry later than when installed in the summer season. Video can"t be loaded: How to remove old protective film from PVC windows (

Effective methods for removing protective film

There are many ways to remove film from plastic windows. Below is a list of the most effective methods which will help to 100% remove the film from the surface of the frame without damaging the window:

  • Construction hairdryer.

Using a hair dryer is considered the best way, helping to remove the film. The main thing is to point the device only at the frame and under no circumstances at the glass unit, as it may crack. The flow of hot air heats the adhesive composition of the film, which makes it more elastic. Once heated, the protective tape should come off easily.
The problem with this method is that not everyone has a hair dryer in their home workshop. The problem is solved by using a regular household hair dryer on maximum setting. However, this option will only help if the protective layer is not strongly stuck to the window profile.

  • Scraper for cleaning glass ceramics.

Such devices are present in many kitchens and are used for cleaning glass-ceramic plates. Even if it is not available, it can be purchased at the nearest hardware store. It is necessary to pick up the film with careful movements and remove it. The process is labor-intensive, but it allows you to achieve results, even if a hair dryer could not help.

  • Stationery or construction knife.

This method is not much different from the previous one. To remove tape from plastic windows you will need a knife, so you must follow safety precautions. The film is picked up with the corner of a knife, and then removed by hand. The remaining sticky mass can be removed using regular detergent and a dishwashing sponge.

  • Solvent.

You need to use only weak compounds so as not to damage the plastic. Before you begin removal, you should test the product on an inconspicuous area. You need to moisten a rag with solvent and wipe the film. The film will be corroded by exposure to the solvent. After removal, the frame is washed with ordinary detergent.

  • School eraser.

Using an eraser, you can remove film that has not been exposed to the sun for too long. The process is labor-intensive, but the result can pleasantly surprise you.

  • Hard brush.

It is necessary to moisten the brush in a soap solution and begin removing, applying moderate pressure to the surface of the film. Do not use brushes with metal bristles or metal sponges as they will damage the plastic, leaving deep marks.

  • White spirit (nefras-S4-155/200).

Using this product, you can also clean plastic windows from old film, however, the product must be applied between the film and the surface of the window so that the composition has an effect on the adhesive. To do this, you need to pick up the edge of the film and moisten the treatment area with the product. After a couple of minutes, the film can be removed by hand.

  • "Cosmofen".

You can remove the protective film using a product sold by installation companies. metal-plastic windows. Cosmofen is designed specifically for cleaning plastic. Depending on the activity of the active ingredients, this product is marked with a serial number from 5 to 20 in increments of 5 units. Cosmofen No. 5 is the strongest solvent capable of dissolving plastic, so it must be used with extreme caution.

A little advice: it is better to remove the protective film immediately after installation, and to protect the surface of the window for the period of installation finishing works You can use masking tape. This solution will avoid damage and contamination of the window surface during the repair process. And after finishing the work, you won’t have to peel off the stuck protective film from the plastic window.

The described film removal methods are suitable for all structural elements of a plastic window. Before removing the protective material from the plastic, you must complete all construction work carried out next to the window, which will protect appearance window elements for a long time. Video can't be loaded: How to remove old film from a plastic window (

Owners of metal-plastic profiles have more than once encountered a common problem: the adhesive mixture applied to the surface of the profile has dried up and cannot be peeled off. Many manufacturers are quick to remind you that the problem arises because the owners did not get rid of the protective equipment in time. This should be done within several weeks after installation of the structure. However, reminders from company representatives do not help, and more and more sufferers are forced to look for an answer to the question of how to easily remove the film from plastic windows. Let's try to figure out the reasons and tell you about the most effective methods in this article.

We forget about the advice of installers, and the protective composition dries out and sticks tightly to the surface. Why is this happening?

What factors influence the bonding that occurs?

  • The first reason is the gradual heating of the window unit. Under the influence ultraviolet rays the mixture quickly sticks to the window, absorbing into the hot plastic profile. The materials interact with each other, a kind of “merging” occurs, due to which later the unpleasant composition is difficult to separate from the frame. That is why, when removing the film, it is worth considering which side the window is located on. If it is in the shade rather than in the sun, it will be much easier to remove dried residue.
  • Another pattern is that the worse the glue that is part of the sticky mixture, the stronger it sticks to the window. Tape that has been attached using a material that does not meet quality standards will be difficult to remove from surfaces even within the prescribed period of time - within 10 days from the date of installation. How to protect yourself? The client always wants to be confident in the integrity of the manufacturers, and not discover unpleasant surprises immediately after installation. That is why it is important to carefully choose a company before ordering plastic windows. Don’t save money by trying to find a cheaper option from fly-by-night companies. You won’t be able to save money for a long time: in the near future you will have to spend it on purchasing cleaning tools or contacting a specialist who will replace defective components.
  • And one more unpleasant fact: the season also affects the rapid drying of the composition. Structures installed in summer will cause more inconvenience to their owners than PVC profiles purchased in winter. The higher the temperature outside, the more the adhesive paper “grows” into the plastic surface.

How is the protective coating applied?

A special film, which company employees place on metal-plastic structures to avoid damage during transportation, is applied in two layers and attached to the frame with an adhesive-based composition.

What happens when owners try to get rid of sticky adhesive paper? The top part of the coating will easily come off the window even after a few months, but getting rid of the inner layer is a difficult task. Every hour it grows more and more strongly to the surface: tearing off such protection will be much more difficult.

Do you still think that all the troubles associated with removing film from plastic windows are the fault of the manufacturer who used low-quality materials? As you can see, the problem is not only in the characteristics of the tape, but also in the procrastination of forgetful owners.

Removing film from plastic windows: methods of exposure

All methods that will help clean the protective layer from PVC structures are divided into two types according to the nature of the effect on the surface:

  • Mechanical - you use brute force and remove the remaining adhesive tape with special tools.
  • Chemical - based on the use of special agents, which include active substances that penetrate the structure of the petrified film and quickly soften it.

How did those who managed to quickly get rid of the adhesive paper that ruined the snow-white profile cope with this problem?

How to tear off film from plastic windows: ways to fight

Common methods for removing sticky residue include:

  • removal using a scraper or brush;
  • rubbing with an eraser;
  • exposure of the surface to hot air from a hair dryer;
  • cleaning the profile with white spirit or denatured alcohol;
  • use of "Shumanite";
  • use of RP-6.

Let's consider each method separately.

How to peel off film from plastic windows using a scraper or brush

These tools can be found in any specialty store. Please note that you do not need the usual sample used by builders, but a scraper made for glass-ceramic tiles and hobs. It can easily cope with removing adhesive tape without scratching the surface, while other tools can damage the covered areas of the profile.

Another option for those who do not have such a tool is kitchen knife or a sharp blade. Carefully pry the edge of the cover and pull it to lift the layer of paper. Carefully tear off piece by piece, pulling the film away with your fingers. Afterwards, wash the surface by moistening the sponge with a solution of detergent. We treat areas with Velcro in the same way, using a brush. The work will be long and painstaking, but the result will be a pleasant surprise for owners who dreamed of clearing their profile.
How to remove protective film from plastic windows using an eraser

Many will say that this method cannot inspire confidence, and owners who choose it are simply wasting precious time. However, the experience of many housewives suggests the opposite. Take a regular school washing machine and carefully run it over the contaminated surfaces.

How to remove film from plastic windows using a hairdryer

One more clarification: for this method you will need a special construction tool or steam generator. If you don't have either of these at home, take a powerful hair dryer that you usually use to dry your hair. However, in this case, the following result is possible: only the coating that has not stuck to the frame too much will finally come off.

Gently heat the surface, directing the hot air towards the glass, not the plastic. Make sure that the film does not stick even more. After treating the required area, without waiting for the tape to cool, remove it. You can pry off the edge of the adhesive paper with a sharp knife, blade or scalpel. You need to tear off the sticky layer without stopping.

Take your time while working - rushing will lead to sticky spots appearing on the surface.

Then clean the plastic by removing traces of the mixture using special means– COSMOFEN. It can be replaced with another solvent that removes contaminants from PVC, such as acrylic compounds.

How to easily remove film from plastic windows: white spirit and denatured alcohol

This method is one of the cheapest and safest.

  • Carefully pry the edge of the tape and move the layer away from the surface.
  • Pour white spirit into the gap. You cannot apply the product on top: this way you will not achieve the desired effect.
  • Wait a few minutes: the special composition should penetrate the structure of the film and corrode the hardened mixture adhering to the frame.
  • Then carefully remove the adhesive paper.

Denatured alcohol is another product that will help you easily remove adhesive tape and clean off traces of glue.

  • Place the mixture in a spray bottle: using a spray bottle, you will evenly distribute the mixture over the entire area.
  • Spray the surface on which the film remains.
  • Wait a few minutes.
  • Pry up the covering by lifting it with the tip of a knife.
  • Pull the protective tape. Do these manipulations with all problem areas.

How to clean film from plastic windows using Schumanite

“Shumanit” is a universal grease remover that easily removes sticky mixture without leaving a trace on plastic windows. Remember one thing: it contains strong active ingredients that can damage the surface. After applying the special liquid to the sticky coating, do not keep it on it for too long. In just a few minutes you can remove the product and remove stains with a solvent.

How to remove film from a plastic window using RP-6

This indispensable composition helps to get rid of dried out old paint. It also has a strong effect on the adhesive base of the protective tape. When working with this drug, you must wear glasses and gloves.

  • The composition is applied in a thick layer to the treated areas.
  • Afterwards you need to wait 10 minutes: gradually the film will begin to rise and lag behind the surface.
  • Residues can be easily removed with an acetone substitute.

When using cleaners whose main active ingredient is a chemical substance, be sure to protect yourself: in some cases you will have to arm yourself with a mask or respirator.

How to remove sun protection film from plastic windows

Another problem that owners of PVC structures face is the coating that tightly adheres to the glass, protecting apartment residents from sunlight. No glue is used during its application, but the end result is similar - the special material simply cannot be torn off without special tools and means.

Sunscreen film is made from lavsan. That is why the methods described above, which involved a solvent, will not help.

How to clean glass? Can be applied to a sponge or brush detergent(the same “Shumanite”) and try to wipe off the film. Another option is to methodically separate the protection piece by piece using a knife or blade and your own fingers. Before starting work, it is better to coat the surface with an antistatic agent: this way the scraps will not stick to your hands. The last step towards cleanliness is washing your windows.

The longer the film remains on plastic structures, the more difficult it is to remove. Remember this and do not delay carrying out an important procedure.

Reading time: 1 minute

Owners of plastic windows often do not know how to wash plastic window film. Indeed, this is not a simple matter. The film comes off poorly, traces of glue remain on the frame, and many owners are afraid to use more “radical” measures (solvents, scrapers). It is important to get rid of traces of film and maintain the aesthetic appearance of the frame.

There are a few simple secrets on how to safely and effectively remove the protective coating on plastic windows.

The price of tools and materials for film removal is low. However, it is better to peel off the protective tape from window frames immediately after installing double-glazed windows, rather than spending a lot of time on it in the future.

The fact is that the protective shell consists of two layers. The bottom layer with glue is thinner. When exposed to sunlight and heat, the layer dissolves and is absorbed into the plastic. This is why simply peeling off the film from top to bottom is not successful. The top layer will remain in your hands, and the glue will still adhere to the frame.

Quickly remove protective film After a long time after installing the windows, it will not work. Most likely, the entire process will take several hours. The shell can be removed using physical or chemical action. In most cases, both the first and second methods should be used.


Many new residents are interested in how to clean plastic windows from film. Often, after installing windows, builders break the rules and do not remove the protective tape immediately. The house may stand for several years before it is fully completed. During this time, the tape will “tightly” stick to the frames. In this case, it is better to resort to a mechanical method.

Using various tools, you can pick up the film and remove it from the surface. In this case, most likely, an adhesive layer will remain on the frame. It can also be removed using tools without resorting to chemical methods.

Information on how to remove the protective shell using tools can be found in the table.

Image Tool Instructions

Household or construction hair dryer 1. heat up an industrial hair dryer (a household hair dryer must be turned on at maximum power);

2. carefully, without touching the glass unit, heat the film with a stream of hot air;

3. Using a utility knife or scraper, remove the protective tape;

4. Remove any glue residue with solvent.

Scraper for hobs and glass ceramic hobs 1. pick up the edge of the protective shell;

2. Carefully guiding the scraper forward, gradually remove all the protective tape;

3. treat any remaining glue with a chemical.

1. trim the film and pick it up with a stationery knife;

2. slowly, without making sudden movements, pull the protective shell towards you with your hands;

3. Using a knife, completely peel off the protective tape;

4. Wash off any remaining marks with a sponge and detergent.

1. remove the protective shell by hand (as needed);

2. “erase” the remaining traces of glue with an eraser;

3. wash the frame with soapy water.

Brush and soap solution As with the eraser, if there is any glue left on the surface of the frame, it can be washed off with a stiff brush and soap.

The most effective is an industrial hair dryer. The hot air flow melts the adhesive layer, so the efficiency of complete film removal without subsequent surface treatment increases. It is worth noting that a household hair dryer is not well suited for this task. The power of a household hair dryer is not enough, so you will have to additionally “fight” with the adhesive layer.

Advice! If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should use the services of a cleaning company. Specialists will remove the protective tape without damaging the frame and glass unit.


You can wash the film from plastic windows using chemical substances. It is not recommended to use aggressive solvents, including alcohols, as such products can deform the plastic frame. In particular, denatured alcohol, White Spirit, RP-6 and Cosmofen will help get rid of glue.

It should be remembered that when working even with weak solvents, you should follow safety rules. Work must be carried out in a ventilated area or wearing a respirator. It is better to wear gloves to wipe off traces of glue with rags soaked in the substance.

Features of use chemicals on plastic windows are presented in the table.

Photo Means How to use

Denatured alcohol or industrial alcohol must be poured into a small spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the protective tape on the frame. After about 2 minutes, pick up the edge of the film using a utility knife and pull slowly. In this case, traces of glue may remain on the plastic, which can be easily removed with acrylic solvent or white spirit.

"Cosmofen" is a series of cleaners with a solvent or non-solvent effect, developed specifically for PVC windows. Cosmofen-10 is suitable for cleaning film. This is a weakly solvent cleaner that will help remove traces of glue from plastic frame, maintaining its integrity. It is enough to wipe the problem areas with a cloth soaked in the product. "Cosmofen" is recommended to be used in combination with a hair dryer.

RP-6 RP-6 is used to remove old paint With different surfaces. The mixture is also suitable for getting rid of the protective shell on PVC. To work with RP-6, you must wear goggles and gloves. RP-6 is applied in a thick layer to the surface to be treated and left for 10 minutes. During this time, the film will rise and begin to lag behind the frame. All that remains is to remove the protective tape and treat the residue with a weak solvent.

White spirit is a universal means for removing complex stains. This is a rather weak solvent, so it must be applied not on top of the film, but on the adhesive layer. To do this, just pick up the upper edge of the protective layer, pull it a little and pour the product into the resulting free gap. After a few minutes, you can easily peel off the film. If the film is long, then the procedure must be repeated until the White Spirit gradually dissolves the entire adhesive layer.

Advice! The universal product “Shumanit” is also suitable for removing glue from plastic. However, it is worth remembering that it contains caustic substances that can damage the PVC profile. Therefore, you should apply the product to the sticky surface of the frame and immediately wipe it off along with the glue.

Cleaning the glass

Many owners of plastic windows are also interested in ways to clean a window from mirror film. Special protection that reflects the sun's rays is sold in hardware stores. Residents of houses living on the sunny side purchase film for the summer. However, with the onset of cloudy days, it turns out that peeling off the protective layer is not so easy.

The problem is the same as with the protective tape on the frames. Despite the fact that the mirror film does not have an adhesive layer and is glued with water, under the influence of ultraviolet rays it practically eats into the glass unit. It can be very difficult to peel off such protection.

Advice! To ensure that solar protection for windows can be easily removed, do not delay its removal. If the windows face south and the sun shines from April to October, then it is easier to leave the film or initially refuse to use it and hang blinds.

Simple methods for removing solar control film from windows:

  • Using denatured alcohol and a spray bottle, similar to removing the film from the frame, you can get rid of the sun protection layer on the glass unit. Denatured alcohol is sprayed onto the surface of the window and left for several minutes. Then, using a stationery knife, pry up the edge of the shell and gradually remove the entire layer with your hands. It's better to start from the top.
  • Using a steam generator, you can melt the surface of the sun protection layer, and then remove it by picking it up with a knife. This method is well suited for ingrained film that is difficult to pick up.
  • Clean the glass unit with a sponge containing Schumanite. This is a strong product that must be handled with gloves. You should also avoid contact of the product with plastic parts of the window.

Sometimes pulling the film off the glass unit is not enough. Often mirror-like, “silver” traces of the film remain on the surface of the window. You should not handle solvents: lavsan, the material from which the protection is made, does not come into contact with solvents. Everything is much simpler. Just wash the window hot water with soap, and rub the “silver” spots with a hard metal sponge. There is no need to worry about scratches on the window: the glass unit will withstand such cleaning and become as good as new.

The video in this article will clearly demonstrate how to remove protective and sun protection covers from plastic windows.

Film on windows is not a global problem that will definitely find a solution. Depending on the degree and duration of gluing, owners can use combined cleaning methods. The main thing is to remember the vulnerability of PVC structures and not to use aggressive methods.