Laying tiles on walls. The process of preparing walls. Tools needed for laying tiles

Widely used as a material for covering the surfaces of walls and floors of bathrooms, toilets, kitchens and utility rooms. The use of tiles has a number of advantages over other types of coatings, including attractive appearance and optimal performance.

To lay tiles you need the following set of tools and equipment

1. Set of spatulas for application cement mortar on large and small surface areas.

2. Means for preparing cement mortar. To obtain a homogeneous mixture, use a special attachment on an electric drill or a small-sized mixer. If they are not available, you can prepare the solution manually using a spatula.

3. A tile cutter, which allows you to correctly divide the tiles into parts along the specified dividing lines. If it is not available, you can use a glass cutter, but this may cause chips and unevenness.

4. Attachment for an electric drill for making large diameter holes.

5. Construction level and plumb.

Surface preparation

After removing the old covering (wallpaper, tiles or drywall), the surface of the walls or floor is leveled. The surface must be degreased, but it is not necessary to ensure a low roughness, as this may impair adhesion to the tile. When removing old tiles using a hammer drill, there is a risk of sharp particles chipping. To protect hands and face during preparatory work, construction glasses and gloves are used.

Marking and cutting

Depending on the size of the tile used, the surface is marked, which makes it possible to determine the number of tiles, as well as its shape and size. When marking, you need to take into account the size of the seam, which is 2-4 mm. In the absence of sufficient experience, trimming must be performed with great care to reduce the number of defects. To compensate for inaccuracies when cutting, tiles are purchased with a small margin.

Installation of "beacons"

To ensure even laying of tiles, the installation of “beacons” is used - individual tiles fixed to a temporary alabaster mortar. Such tiles serve as a guide while laying the rest of the tiles, after which they are carefully removed and installed on a permanent mortar.

Consolidation and alignment

The solution is applied to the tiles using a spatula, after which each tile is laid on the wall. The tile is carefully pressed to the surface and leveled to the building level. Smooth seams are ensured by the use of plastic spacer crosses, which are removed upon completion of work. After installation is completed, the seams are covered with a layer of special paint, the color of which is selected depending on the pattern of the tile.

Minimum set of tools for laying ceramic tiles

After everything preparatory work before laying the tiles, and when the time comes to start laying the tiles, any master will need minimal required set tools, among which the mandatory ones are:

  • tape measure, metal ruler;
  • chisel (useful for removing some irregularities on the surface);
  • mallet;
  • simple pencil;
  • a bucket (preferably several, because they will be needed for diluting glue and grout);
  • a notched trowel, the size of the teeth of which is selected based on the characteristics of the tile;
  • 100 mm spatula and 350 mm façade trowel;
  • tile cutter: you will need it to cut individual pieces of tiles. However, if the material of the tiles is strong enough, then, most likely, you will have to use;
  • plumb line and level: they naturally serve to lay the tiles as evenly as possible. And since time does not stand still, you can use special laser levels, which can greatly simplify the entire process.

To grout tile joints you will need:

  • rubber gloves;
  • brush;
  • rubber spatula;
  • spatula for smoothing seams;
  • tile sponge;
  • rags.

Tools for more complex tiling work

  • or: if the surface is painted, notches must be applied to it using these tools;
  • drill with mixer for mixing glue;
  • container for mixing glue;
  • a grinder or a hacksaw will be needed to make cuts on the tiles;
  • Drill bits made of durable material so that you can make holes on the tile in places where it comes into contact with pipes or other elements;
  • lighthouses;
  • a file to remove sharp spots on cut tiles;
  • wire cutters;
  • scraper: used to clean mortar from tile joints;
  • priming roller;
  • masking tape;
  • cardboard from which the templates will be made;
  • silicone (it will be good if it has antifungal properties).


  • . Naturally, it is needed to hold the surface and the tile together. Depending on what tile is used, what surface, what functions the room performs, and where the work is carried out, it can be used different type glue.
    • Previously distributed cement-sand mixture Unfortunately, it has a lot of disadvantages: it does not provide reliability and durability, and the surface made in this way can be damaged over time by mechanical influences, as well as by the action of moisture.
    • Will be more stable and reliable specialized types adhesive for laying ceramic tiles.
      So, cement-polymer mixture makes it possible to firmly glue the tiles and grout them; it is used in dry rooms.
    • A in rooms where there is always high humidity or other damaging factors may occur, it is better to use polymer mixtures.

    Thanks to special additives, specialized mixtures for laying ceramic tiles can have specific properties, for example, the ability to attach tiles to complex surfaces, used in wet areas or vice versa - be heat resistant, etc.

  • Grouting mixtures. For preparation, mixtures are used, which include white cement, pigments and special polymer additives. The latter give the grout specific properties so that it does not crack, does not allow moisture to pass through, does not crack, etc.
  • Protective means. They are usually necessary for unpolished tiles to protect them from damaging factors. Such products are applied to the tile, and they are quickly absorbed by its top layer;
  • Primer necessary to improve the quality of the work performed, since as a result, a greater degree of adhesion between the surface and the tile can be obtained. Depending on what type of surface is being finished, different types of primer are used. If the surface tends to absorb, and this is the case, then the primer simply strengthens the base, and for non-absorbent surfaces the primer is needed to increase adhesion.
  • Crosses for tiles. They are used to ensure that there is an equal distance between all tiles. It is recommended that if the tiles are not completely flat, use larger crosses so that unevenness in size is not so noticeable; however, there is no point in making the distance greater than 5 mm. For high-quality, even tiles, it is best to choose crosses measuring 3 mm. As a rule, two packages of such crosses should be enough to cover an average bathtub or.
  • Corners. They allow you to carefully decorate the edges of the tile and protect it from possible exposure to moisture, mold, etc.
  • Tile leveling system Even a person who is not entirely experienced in this area will be able to help install it, and the result will be the same as that obtained by professionals. This system helps to achieve even laying both on the floor and on the walls, prevents sagging of individual slabs, and helps to make all seams same size, allows you to reduce work time, increasing labor productivity several times.

Substrate requirements and temperature limits

On what substrates can ceramic tiles be laid?

On old tiles

  • It is better not to lay new tiles on old tiles., but if such a need remains, then you need to carefully check whether this basis is suitable.
  • Old tiles can be checked for fastening to the wall, for example, by tapping, and you need to check each tile. If the sound from tapping is dull, then everything is fine, but if it is loud, then there is a high probability that the newly glued tile will soon fall off along with the old one, so it is better to dismantle it immediately and fill the space with mortar.
  • Before gluing, you need to thoroughly wash the old tiles with soapy water, degrease and prime.
  • Glue is best used for non-absorbent surfaces. But still, it is better not to take the unjustified risk of laying new tiles on old tiles.

On drywall (gypsum board)

If you need to lay tiles on this type of surface, you need to use. This is required so that the tiles and cardboard do not peel off from the plaster. Of course, drywall must be treated with a primer before finishing.

On plywood

It is not recommended to lay tiles on this type of surface, but if there is an urgent need for this, then before laying you need to cover the plywood with a sheet of plasterboard (for walls) or DSP (for floors). It is worth noting that before this it is better to cover it with waterproof varnish or primer, or oil paint.

For paint

It is better to remove paint before laying tiles, and you can do this using: mechanical method, and, or with special paint destroyers. But if the paint is strong and durable enough, then you can glue the tiles directly onto it. But it is better to make notches on the wall at a distance of about two centimeters so that it becomes rougher and the adhesion to the tile improves.

For foam concrete

It is not recommended to lay tiles on such a base., as it can quickly collapse, nullifying all efforts. If the tiles are laid on the facade, then it is better to use them as a base. If you still decide to take a risk, then such material must be well primed and primed before installation.

For plaster

Tiles can only be glued to old plaster if if it is securely fastened to the wall. If the surface was leveled using plaster, then some time should pass before tiling - usually at least two weeks.

Brick surface

Before gluing the tiles to sand-lime or concrete bricks, it must be plastered. If the wall is made of ceramic bricks, then it may be necessary to level the surface: knock off the protruding parts and fill the depressions with solution. You will need to beat off some parts with a hammer and then fill them with mortar even if there are weak parts, cracks, etc. in the masonry.

Fresh foundation

Laying tiles on surfaces that already have some kind of coating is, of course, more difficult than using a new base, but there are certain nuances here too. For example, concrete surfaces must be aged for several months, and readiness can be checked in a simple way: you need to make a small scratch with a nail, and then see if the edges of the scratches crumble - if not, then the surface is completely ready for laying tiles.

Temperature limits for laying ceramic tiles

For such work there is optimal temperature range for laying ceramic tiles: So, best result can be obtained if you carry out work at a temperature of 18-24 degrees, but this does not mean that this cannot be done under other conditions, it’s just that the result will be worse the lower or higher the temperature is from the “ideal”. If it is too low, the glue will take a long time to dry, and if it is high, the moisture will quickly evaporate, preventing the glue from setting.

Therefore it is important to create optimal microclimate in the room where work is carried out: in winter it is necessary to heat it with different ways heating, and in summer such work should be carried out in the morning or evening, when the temperature drops slightly. As for using it to create desired temperature, then this solution to the problem should be abandoned due to excessive drying of the air in the room.

However, ensure optimal temperature for the process of laying ceramic tiles - this is one thing, but the further conditions in which the room will be used are completely different. That's why for rooms where low temperatures are observed(dachas and other unheated buildings) it is better to use frost-resistant tiles. It is characterized by low porosity and low water absorption. Therefore, tiles made of granite, porcelain stoneware and clinker tiles are ideal for such rooms.

Preparing the base surface for laying ceramic tiles

The quality of the surface plays a decisive role in the tile laying process. So, an uneven surface can lead to disastrous results, so the floor and...

  • Used by some a method of comparing surfaces by applying glue in layers of different thicknesses gives poor results due to its uneven drying.
  • In the best way is to the required level and plasters the walls so that they are exactly perpendicular to the floor.
  • If there is constantly high humidity in the room, then you will have to carry out a number of additional works, namely waterproofing the ceiling or walls so that moisture does not seep through them, as well as a primer for better adhesion.

Primer of the base for laying ceramic tiles

Applying primer to the absorbent surface of the base

Before starting work on priming the surface, it is necessary to clean it from dust and dirt and remove peeling pieces of paint. For the priming itself, you will need a roller, a tray for it and a brush, as well as the primer itself.

Work begins with diluting the concentrate in the proportion indicated in the instructions, pouring it into a tray and applying it to the surface itself. Apply the primer carefully from top to bottom, carefully ensuring that a thick layer does not form, as it may simply peel off later. After one layer has been applied and dried, you need to run your hand and check for staining: if your hand is smeared, then you need to cover the surface with another layer of primer.

We prime the non-absorbent surface of the base

Primer for non-absorbent surfaces is usually sold in branded buckets, and it is important to mix it before use to prevent the components from separating. Apply the primer in the same way - carefully from top to bottom. Don't forget to wash your brush well after the work done, otherwise you can say goodbye to it forever.

Marking the surface for laying ceramic tiles

Each tile has smooth, identical sides, which is what is required of the walls; they must also be smooth. If this is not the case, then it is better to arrange the tiles in such a way that the side where the distortion will be visible is located in the most inconspicuous corner or is hidden by pieces of furniture.

Before you start laying tiles, you need to determine what kind of masonry will be used. So, you can choose “seam to seam” masonry, diagonal masonry and “banded” masonry. All of them take place depending on preferences and type of tile.

Preparation of materials

This stage includes the preparation of both the adhesive and the tile itself.

  • The glue must be prepared according to the instructions indicated on its packaging, since it is sometimes advised to dilute it in small portions due to its rapid setting. In most cases, glue is prepared in a bucket or basin, stirring it with a drill with a special mixer attachment.
  • tiles It is advised to leave it in that room for some time (so that the material accepts room temperature), where it will be laid, it is also recommended to wet it, since after this it will adhere better to the glue, but, in any case, you will still have to wipe it with a damp cloth before gluing it.
  • You will also need take care to wet the spatula, so for this procedure you will need to prepare a separate container.

Laying ceramic tiles on the wall

The tiles are laid on the wall from bottom to top, leaving space for laying one of the lowest rows. This is done in order to cut off pieces from the bottom row, which is not as noticeable than from the top, if a slope of the floor is detected. uneven tiles which will immediately catch your eye. As for where to start laying, there is an opinion that it is better Place the first tile in the corner furthest from the door , because it is he who first of all catches the eye and must be executed perfectly. If this part will be covered with curtains or furniture, then it’s better to start from the angle that is most visible in the room . If the entire wall catches your eye at once, and this happens in small rooms, then it is better to lay tiles start from the middle of the wall . This also applies to the case if an even number of tiles does not cover the entire intended area in a small room, then it is better to start from the middle and lay pieces of tiles on the sides, in which case the finished work will be more aesthetically pleasing and symmetrical. They also start from the middle if the tile has some kind of pattern.

  1. Applying glue. All adhesives are applied according to a similar scheme: the adhesive is applied with the smooth edge of a toothed comb or a spatula either on the tile or on the wall - there is no difference, the main thing is to find the method that will be as convenient as possible. It is leveled with the serrated side of the same comb to create uniform ridges so that the tile sticks and holds as best as possible, and the glue is evenly distributed. Moreover, the larger the size of the tile, the larger the teeth the comb should have.
  2. Bonding tiles, which should be accompanied by tapping with a fist or mallet. You can also use the handle of a spatula.
  3. Checking the evenness of the installation using a level.
  4. Gluing the next tile, which is done in exactly the same way as the previous one, but you must remember to install special crosses if gaps between the tiles are planned.
    • For a more even laying on each of the tiles it is better install 8 crosses ;
    • There is an opinion that it is possible to install one cross in the center of each side of the tile (this option is preferable to use if the tile has significant unevenness at the ends) so that the seams are as even as possible;
    • It is also possible installing crosses in the corners of the tiles .
    • Combinations of the listed options for installing crosses are also possible.
  5. Removing excess glue sponge.
  6. We finish the row with whole tiles, leaving room for the incomplete one.
  7. Checking the top line of the row for horizontalness.
  8. Adding broken tiles. When all the intact tiles are laid, measure required size pieces of tiles and prepare them taking into account the gap, and then glue them.
  9. Installation of a special decorative corner on the extreme vertical and horizontal rows. You should not forget about this corner when gluing the tiles, since it is partially mounted under it and is held in place by both the tile and the glue. No additional fastenings are required, but if you forget about it, then after all the tiles have been laid, it will be impossible to attach it.
  10. Removing crosses, which can be carried out within an hour after laying the last part of the tile. Take them out carefully, prying them off with a knife. If the cross does not want to be removed, then it is cut and taken out in parts.
  11. After removing the crosses remove glue residues.
  12. Removing the strip, attached earlier, and gluing the bottom row. You can remove this strip depending on the setting time of the glue, but it is better to do it the next day.
  13. Grouting joints.

Laying ceramic tiles on the floor

It is better to lay tiles on the floor after the walls have been finished, in particular tiled. This is explained by the fact that freshly laid tiles on the floor must be protected in a certain way from damage, which can greatly hinder the process of laying tiles on the walls. Therefore, to maintain an ideal surface floor tiles It is better to start laying it after the walls are ready.

As for the process of laying ceramic tiles on the floor, it is in many ways similar to the process described above. You should also start from the far corner, or from the center if the tile has a certain pattern.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about laying tiles on top of a warm floor. Whatever the underfloor heating system, you will need a screed based on cement-sand mortar or using a gypsum fiber sheet. When the screed dries, you can begin the process itself.

Features of laying ceramic tiles in the bathroom

Before you start laying ceramic tiles in such a damp place as a bathtub, it is necessary, since not all tiles will fit. You need to pay attention to such an indicator as the moisture absorption class (from I to IV), which for such conditions should be either I or II. There is also a classification according to the method of production of tiles, and for bathrooms it is better to choose those marked a and b, which means production by extrusion and pressing, respectively.

However, in the bathroom due to high humidity waterproofing work is required.

The procedure for installing proper waterproofing in the bathroom

Preparatory work:

  • the base of the floor is cleaned of debris;
  • The old screed is checked for a tight fit to the base of the floor. If, when tapping, voids are detected, then it is better to dismantle the screed and then cover the remaining surface with a primer;
  • after the primer layer has dried, beacons are placed around the perimeter, and then a new screed is prepared and pulled out;
  • After about a week, the new screed needs to be primed, preferably in two layers;
  • The corners at the junction of the wall and the floor are waterproofed with one layer, and after it dries, this surface is covered with self-adhesive waterproof tape.

Main stages of work:

  • the entire surface is thoroughly coated with waterproofing, while the walls are covered to a height of about 30-50 cm. It is better to carry out this work in three layers, taking a break between applications every day and using a paint roller or wide brush;
  • when all layers of waterproofing have dried, you can apply a primer, and you should choose one that contains quartz sand to ensure better adhesion;
  • beacons are set to a height of 1.5 cm and;
  • after drying
The content of the article

It is no coincidence that ceramic tiles have been popular for wall cladding for many centuries. This unique material is not only durable and practical, but also decorative properties, a wealth of textures and shapes. However, tiles can only appear in all their glory with skillful and correct cladding. Most people do not know how to properly lay tiles on a wall and prefer to invite specialists to do this work, but there is nothing complicated in the installation process, the main condition is the desire to learn. This is especially easy to do if you follow simple instructions.

What will be needed for wall cladding?

  • Of course the tile itself. Color, material and texture depend solely on the tastes of the owners and the purpose of the room.
  • . Its brand depends on the surface of the wall that is supposed to be improved.
  • Seam sealant and grout paste. Dye to give the grout the desired shade.
  • Putty and primer.
  • Special crosses to ensure even seams.
  • A hammer drill with a special nozzle for mixing the adhesive solution or a small spatula.
  • Glass cutter.
  • A large bucket or basin for the solution.
  • Hacksaw for tiles.
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Level.
  • Master OK.
  • Paper masking tape.
  • Wooden slats and nails for fastening them.

Calculating the number of tiles needed is quite simple. You need to calculate the area of ​​the wall, and then easily divide it by the area of ​​one tile. To the resulting whole number you must add 10% in case of tile breakage.

Preparing the wall for cladding

Certainly, perfect option- absolutely flat wall. It's a pleasure to lay tiles on this one. But a flat surface very rare, and you have to do some leveling before cladding:

  • First, check the deviation of the wall from the vertical axis using a level or a rod. If there is a gap of more than 5 millimeters between the slats and the wall, the surface must be leveled.
  • Then they tap the wall with a wooden hammer to detect hidden cavities or peeling layers of plaster.
  • The next step is to thoroughly clean the wall from old paint and wallpaper down to the concrete base.
  • Then the wall is leveled concrete mortar, putty and prime. Experts definitely recommend priming the wall. This promotes stronger adhesion of the adhesive solution to the wall, which increases the strength of the masonry. It is better to use undiluted primer.

Wall marking

This is very important stage, which allows you to accurately mark the location of the tiles on the wall and simplifies installation:

  • First you need to make a wooden slate about two meters long. To do this, lay tiles in a row on the floor, alternating them with crosses for the seams. A straight edge is placed nearby, its edge should be aligned with the edge of the first tile. Each tile is marked on a ruler with a pencil. With the help of such a rail it will be convenient to place the position of the tiles on the wall.
  • Then you need to find the lowest point of the wall. To do this, make a mark at the height of one tile from the floor, then draw a horizontal line along the entire perimeter of the room using a level.
  • Next, the distance from the line to the floor is measured in several places and the lowest mark is found. This point will become the starting point; a second line is drawn from it, from which the second row of tiles will be laid.
  • Laying begins from the second row, and in order to prevent the tiles from sliding, a wooden strip is nailed along the marking line.

After horizontal marking, you should draw the wall with vertical lines. This will facilitate the process and allow you to use tiles as economically as possible. First, find the center of the wall using a tape measure. Then crosses are laid out from the center to the corners at a distance equal to the width of the tile. If a whole number of tiles do not fit from the center to the wall, the cent should be moved to the left by the required distance. Having thus determined the conditional “center point,” all walls are marked with vertical lines.

Laying tiles on walls

The easiest way to start laying is from the vertical center line or the lower right corner. The tiles should be laid from bottom to top.

  • Use a notched spatula to grab a small amount adhesive composition and apply it to a small section of the wall, slightly larger than a tile
  • Immediately attach the tile to the greased area, not allowing the glue to dry. In places where it is difficult to apply glue to the wall, you can coat the tiles with it.
  • Press the tile against the wall and move it to the sides to squeeze out any air bubbles. Glue several tiles in this way, not forgetting to insert crosses between them.

Do not press the tile too hard to avoid accidentally squeezing out all the adhesive from underneath it. Be sure to check the horizontal and vertical surfaces with a level.

After the row of tiles has been laid, it is necessary to clean the joints of excess adhesive before it dries. After laying all the tiles, you need to give it a day to dry, and then remove the corners and slats.

Tile cutting

The installation process itself does not cause any particular difficulties. The difficulty arises at the moment when you have to cut the tiles to required sizes, or cut holes in it for pipes.

In order to cut tiles efficiently and without losses, listen to the following tips:

  • To cut a piece of tile of the required width, you need to accurately measure the distance. This can be done in two ways - using a tape measure, or by placing the tile on top of the last laid one and moving it all the way to the corner. Then mark with a pencil the place where the bottom tile touches the edge of the top one.
  • The tiles should be cut with a tile cutter or glass cutter. A line is scratched on the tile under the ruler, then it is laid with the smooth side up, carefully aligning the scratched line with the edge of the table. When gently pressed, the tile bursts along the seam.
  • If you need to cut a circle, it is better to use a drill. To prevent the tile from cracking when drilling, stick tape in place of the hole.
  • Irregular lines are cut out along the contour drawn with a felt-tip pen. The edges of the cut are cleaned with sandpaper or a grindstone.

Grouting joints

After the tiles have been laid, the wall has dried, and excess glue has been removed, begin grouting the joints. To do this, the grout mixture is mixed following the manufacturer's instructions.

Then apply a small amount of grout to the seam with a spatula and rub in with a sponge. Excess grout is removed with a damp cloth. After the mixture has dried, the surface is polished using a dry flap.

Do not use the grout mixture in the bathroom or toilet. To seal seams in these rooms, it is better to use special moisture-resistant sealants.

You can lay tiles yourself quickly, easily and without additional costs if you carefully study all the nuances of this process in advance. Tile is one of the high-quality and very popular materials for wall cladding. It is known for its durability, practicality, as well as a variety of shapes and colors. Most people invite professionals to do the tiling, however, few people know that there is nothing complicated in the process of laying tiles with your own hands, the main thing is to follow some rules and remember the nuances.

Tile laying: which one to choose

Wall tiles happen different types. Porcelain tiles are very durable and resistant to damage such as scratches and wear. It has a smooth facing surface similar to glass. Mirror tiles– usually used as a decorative element in combination with other types of finishing materials.

A distinctive advantage of any tile is durability and high strength.

Ceramic tiles, which are characterized by durability and good quality, are popular and in demand today.

Porcelain tiles are resistant to damage of any origin. The surface of such a tile imitates natural materials eg granite and marble. Terraglia is a glazed tile produced by double firing. It is considered the highest quality and environmentally friendly.

Ceramic tiles are the most popular and most in demand due to their:

  • Unpretentiousness;
  • Strength;
  • Inexpensive cost;
  • Variety of species.
  • Great popularity is also due to the variety of choices;

Clinker tiles are incredibly durable and are guaranteed to last for several decades. Has increased moisture resistance. Cotto is matte, made from a clay base with special properties. Excellent resistance to moisture, making it ideal for the bathroom.

Laying tiles on the wall: choosing according to the purpose of the premises

Tiles are a type of material that is laid once and for a long period of time. It is very important not to make mistakes, so it is worth taking into account the purpose of the target space. Wall tiles for decoration kitchen apron must be resistant to both mechanical and chemical influences. In the slab area, tiles with high heat and moisture resistance are placed on the wall.

If you want high-quality tiles, you shouldn’t skimp. Majolica is suitable for public spaces - it is made from red clay. There are different price categories for tiles, which generally correspond to their quality.

When choosing tiles, you additionally need to take into account the type of room in which it will be located.

Tile surface:

  • Covered with glaze;
  • Embossed;
  • Basically, it has a patterned design.

When tiling wet rooms (bathrooms, restrooms), it is necessary to lay the walls with tiles with the greatest moisture resistance. It must be able to withstand changes in humidity and temperature perfectly. Mosaics are especially popular for installation in these rooms. You can add luxury to your bedroom design by decorating some elements with tiles that imitate natural materials.

When choosing tiles individually for each room, you must be guided by different criteria, depending on the type of room.

To prevent contamination from entering the premises (hallways, balconies, loggias) great solution will be the design of these spaces using ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. Decorating the space of offices and living rooms using wall tiles can be excellent design solution. A fireplace decorated with tiles imitating a natural stone or clay surface.

How to lay tiles on a wall correctly: necessary tools and materials

Proper laying of tiles is not complete without components. You will definitely need tile adhesive, sealant and grout, primer and putty, plastic crosses, a device for mixing the glue (you can use a spatula).

Before you start laying tiles, you should prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance so as not to be distracted during the work process.

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of elements such as:

  • Tile saw;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Master OK;
  • Level;
  • Wooden slats;
  • Bucket for solution;
  • Tile spatula.

And one more integral component is the tile itself. In order not to make a mistake with the quantity, you just need to add an additional 10% to the resulting number.

Methods for laying ceramic tiles on the wall

Methods for laying tiles on the wall can be very diverse. Diagonal laying - most often, this method is used for the floor. Deck laying - this method most often imitates brickwork.

Tiles in a checkerboard pattern are often used to furnish kitchens and bathrooms.

Parallel row of laying - standard tile laying:

  • Staggered;
  • Lines;
  • Ornament;
  • Moldings are often used.

Herringbone laying is a combination of diagonal and deck, difficult to perform. Carpet installation– cladding imitating wall carpet. In the center is a part of a mosaic of a certain size.

Thanks to the variety of ways to choose ceramic tiles, you can create a spectacular design that will not leave anyone indifferent.

A modular grid is a composition of tiles of different textures and sizes, followed by its repetition diagonally or parallel to the laying.

The correct technology for laying tiles on the wall

The technology of laying tiles on the wall takes place in 4 stages. Preliminary stage - first, you need to decide on the type of tile, its size, color. Then you need to measure the parameters of the room and decide how much of the selected tiles will be needed.

It is necessary to stock up on additional tiles in reserve in case of unexpected damage to the tiles.

Before tiling, you need to lay the wall tiles on paper near the wall and count the number of tiles in each row horizontally and vertically. This way you can understand whether the tiles need to be cut into pieces and where it is best to lay them. You can also make marks on the wall using a ruler - in this case, the tiles will lie flat.

After laying the tiles, it is imperative to grout the joints.

It is necessary to prepare the surface - this is a very important step. Without this, it is not possible to tiling properly. The surface is leveled using a special leveling solution (plaster is also used instead) and a special spatula. Experts also recommend priming the walls.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Dissolve glue in a bucket and prepare the selected tiles.
  2. To prevent the laid tiles from slipping, attach a wooden strip along the marking line.
  3. The first tile should be placed in the lower corner, limited by the slats.
  4. First, apply glue to the wall with a notched trowel and begin laying tiles; the thickness of the layer of applied glue should not be more than 5 mm.
  5. From the very beginning we use special plastic crosses, inserting them between the tiles. This is necessary so that the masonry is level. It should be remembered that the plastic crosses will need to be carefully removed within 10 minutes, otherwise they will stick.
  6. Make sure that any excess adhesive that gets on the tiles is removed immediately, otherwise it will be very difficult to remove it later.

The glue will dry within 24 hours. After complete drying, you can begin grouting the joints. This is done using sealant or putty. The grout must be applied with a rubber spatula diagonally across the boundaries of the installation. Finally, you need to wipe the surface with a dry cloth, and then remove the remaining traces of grout with a damp sponge. Be careful when tiling, check the level position of the tiles more often.

How to lay tiles on a wall (video)

Laying tiles on the wall is a very important part of repairing and transforming the room being decorated. Laying tiles for the first time yourself may not be possible without mistakes. Don't rush, don't try to lay out all the rows of tiles at once, 5 rows - best option. This will ensure the necessary quality control, and the process will not be a burden. If all the rules for cladding are followed, properly laid tiles will delight you with their appearance for many years.

Archaeologists claim that laying tiles on the floor and walls, decorating a home or room, began in ancient Babylon. The beautiful tiles that were used to decorate the surfaces of the halls for the kings of antiquity never cease to amaze the scientists who made these finds. Each tile had its own manufacturing technology. Each particle played a big role in the final pattern. No generation will remain indifferent when they see this beauty, and the complexity of the work is admirable. Modernity makes this work easier by allowing you to purchase already ready-made options. Its production is simpler, the work is done faster, and the possibility of replacing defects is much higher. How not to make a mistake when choosing materials, what tools are used, the work algorithm will tell you the material below.

Dear craftsmen, it may not be useful if you maintain the correct sequence of preparing the coating for laying the tiles yourself. Costs will be minimal. And if you calculate the price of tools and the materials used, you can save a lot. If you still decide to lay ceramic tiles yourself, then you need to adhere to certain rules. They are designed to be able to maintain the attractiveness of the final work and its longevity.

You need to lay the tiles following the sequence:

  • Prepare the surface;
  • Mark the position of the initial row and set support restrictions;
  • Lay the first row;
  • Fill the entire surface with solid tiles;
  • Cut and arrange the remaining pieces;
  • After everything, sand the seams.

By preparation we mean: plaster the walls and get rid of the remnants of the previous coating. Remove all baseboards and clean the wall from dust and dirt. If the floor is being laid, it is necessary to form a screed. If this is a room with high humidity, you need to add a layer of waterproofing.

Before laying the tiles, markings are made.

A plastic corner is placed at the bottom of the wall, onto which the first tiles are oriented. A line is required to control vertical laying. The floor, unlike the wall, starts from the far corner. Lay out a complete line at the door so as not to lose the drawing later. Having completed all the work with solid tiles, you should start cutting the missing pieces and laying them. It is better to place them after they are completely filled in solid pieces. After waiting for the adhesive solution to dry, you can remove all the crosses and rub the seams. Any grout can be selected: with a cement base, silicone or epoxy. Before grouting, you need to thoroughly clean the laid tiles and the seams between them with a vacuum cleaner.

How to lay tiles correctly

To choose the right tile, you need to take into account its characteristics: moisture resistance, price, resistance to large temperature changes, composition.

The sequence of work on laying tiles:

  • Starting point;
  • Laying the adhesive composition;
  • Laying tiles with glue;
  • Trimming;
  • Grout.

In order to start laying tiles, you need to decide on the pattern and the number of elements on the surface. After this, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the tile and apply the required amount of adhesive. The adhesive composition is applied to the surface using a spatula and leveled until a uniform layer is formed. The tiles are laid using glue.

Horizontalness is checked with a level.

In order to level the tile, use a rubber hammer: you need to knock on its plane. Crosses are placed between the tiles, affecting the thickness of the seam. If necessary, the tiles can be adjusted to size by cutting them with a grinder or other tool. The final result can be seen in a couple of days, this is the time the adhesive needs to harden.

Do-it-yourself high-quality tile installation

The characteristics of the selected tile depend on the room in which it will be used. Therefore, it is necessary to select tiles that will meet the criteria of the room where they will be used. Premises that are “friendly” with tiles– bathroom, kitchen, bathhouse, hallway.

Tools required for laying tiles:

  • Cutter;
  • Saw;
  • Glue;
  • Level;
  • Gloves;
  • Yardstick;
  • Scraper;
  • Primer;
  • Container for liquid.

For rooms with a high degree of humidity, it is worth choosing tiles that are more resistant to this criterion. If this is a room with the possibility of repeated use (hallway), you should choose tiles that will not show signs of wear. For a bath it is better to use tiles that are resistant to high temperatures and with a matte finish to prevent falls. For the kitchen, you need to choose tiles that are highly resistant to impact and heat, as well as chemicals.

In order to properly lay tiles without screeds, you need to prepare a solution. Do not use a special mixture of ceramic glue. It is better to use a cement-based mixture with the addition of sand and PVA glue.

It must be taken into account that when adding liquid and glue to this mixture, it must be made not liquid, but thick.

Mixing can be done on the floor. Laying is done on this mixture. Levelness is checked using a level. After this, the tile is removed and the surface on which it was glued is additionally moistened with water, bringing the solution to a more liquid consistency. Next, you should finally lay the tiles in the place where they were previously. After carrying out such manipulations, the solution is saturated with water and has all the necessary qualities. Upon completion of installation, it is necessary to give the solution a few days to dry.

Materials used:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • Cement based mortar;
  • Leveling tools;
  • Water.

This method is suitable for people who have experience in construction work. Before laying tiles using this method, it is worth reading the long instructions and list of materials, the sequence of performing such work.

Handmade correct laying of tiles on the floor

Correct installation depends on several elements. When choosing tiles for the floor in our home, we are guided by its location in the apartment. If a tile is chosen for a balcony or hallway, its size should be taken into account. Large tiles are more suitable for these rooms. A bathroom or kitchen needs small tiles. There is a trend to tile the kitchen various types and drawings. It is important to select tiles for the bathroom with an original design that will fit well with the water theme and give the room its own flair.

For the opportunity correct installation tiles on the floor, the following sequence must be observed:

  • Preparing the floor for installation;
  • Applying the solution to the surface to be laid;
  • Leveling the solution on the surface;
  • Installing tiles on the surface;
  • Checking and adjusting the horizontal position of the tiles using tools and dismantling defects;
  • Filling the seams after blowing them with a vacuum cleaner.

Regardless of the location of the tile and its properties, the installation is as consistent as possible. Materials and tools are selected depending on budget and convenience. It is also worth paying attention to the class of the tile and its quality, because modern times rich in materials and binders for them.

Too porous tiles are not at all suitable for a bathhouse, but will serve well in the hallway.

Professional answer: how to lay tiles (video)

If there are children in the house, then the cleanliness of the floor and walls will fade into the background, since the tiles are easy to clean and do not dry for long. It is a fact that tiles do not retain heat well. This is its disadvantage. Therefore, it is worth having heated floors or a nice rug. Over time, the tiles will develop scuff marks and their appearance will become dull. It is worth taking a responsible approach to caring for tiles. A steam cleaner takes excellent care of it. After exposing the tile to steam, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth. When buying tiles, you should take them with a reserve in case of mechanical damage.