Beautiful ranches. Ranch style in architecture and design

Wild West, brave cowboys, western plots and magnificent views prairie. To these words and images from the American continent we can safely add the word “ranch”. It was in the ranch that herds of horses bred, took a break from the day's worries and gathered in the evening around a cozy fireplace, the rulers of the American steppes.

A ranch is a universal and very simple structure that helps provide shelter from rain and heat and provides shelter for a wanderer in the saddle. But it was like that before, and today the ranch has become a symbol of a separate direction in design houses. In addition to the external elements, which are made in a ranch style of wood and stone, modern houses in the ranch style, both the internal composition and landscape elements of the houses of the legendary cowboys are copied, but with a certain interpretation.

Differences from other houses

The ranch-style house project became popular in America in the middle of the 20th century, when a fashionable wave of nostalgia for the Wild West began to be expressed in very interesting constructions of private houses. These were no longer simple, ordinary houses cowboys, but something similar to a real estate in which you can relax, be nostalgic about a bygone time and admire the exotic. However, the designers of such houses did not forget about the comfort of their new owners. Ranches were built like modern houses, but with a unique, distinctive composition.

What makes a ranch different from others? country houses? Here, first of all, there are several cardinal differences from an ordinary cottage, both in the external design of the house and in its layout. Let's try to collect all these differences in modern interpretation designers who can offer you a unique, exotic house for our area with all the amenities and an unusual design.

One story ranch

The first thing that distinguishes a ranch from other houses is the obligatory one-story building. In the prairies there is no need to build high-rise buildings and save money by rationally using the land under the building. There is a lot of free space around, there is a lot of fresh air, and only natural materials - stone, wood, clay. But in any case, the one-story ranch remains an unshakable postulate for those who designs such a turnkey house or seek help from specialists to carry out construction work according to the finished project. The one-story ranch even became a catchphrase about one-story America, which, first of all, owes this comparison to the simple and comfortable designs of ranch houses.

Away from the classics!

Ranch is a simple house that was not built knowing the subtleties laws of symmetry and structure architectural elements, cowboys. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the ranch should be built according to unique project, individual to such an extent that here it is necessary to violate all possible norms of symmetry. Layout? Free! Shape of the house? Whichever one you want! But not even squares and rectangles.

In fact, this layout was suggested by life on the ranch itself, where, as needed, quarters for horses were built, then demolished and other structures were added for household needs. Now this moment can be used for fractional and very individual planning of premises. That is, no mandatory conditions planning a living room or bedroom, kitchen or dining room. But don’t forget that ranches love space, and if you’re building such a house, it’s advisable to have a lot of rooms. Then the look of the ranch will be simply amazing and exactly match the style we set.

Garage required

Previously, a significant place in the ranch was given to stables, since moving around the steppe, and at the same time earning money, was possible in the prairies only thanks to horse breeding. Now the ordinary horse is replaced by an iron horse. A large, spacious garage has become a must-have attribute of the ranch. There is space for a car - the ranch owner's personal vehicle. The rancher must maintain his mobility and move as he sees fit. The garage is usually built in the general outline of the house, but is separated by a corner placement, usually in the farthest corner of the building.

Big windows

Ranches have always been built in a warm region, where there is no need to hide from the coolness and especially the winter frost. Big windows can be built in a ranch not only to emphasize the ranch style, but also to best reception sun rays. Since heat-resistant structures that save heat are more suitable for our climate, it is better to make such a cascade of large windows with light-colored window sills and blinds on the south side. It is better to set aside a place there to build the entrance to the ranch.

Natural stone or wood

Modern ranches are not built solely from stone and wood. Nowadays they are mainly constructed using foam concrete or brick, less often - concrete wall laying. Stone construction is quite expensive and complex, and the house is entirely made of wood, built on the basis frame structure It’s not that easy to build on your own, just like for professionals. In most cases, in order to emphasize the ranch style in a modern building, cladding in the form of natural stone or wood. Such buildings are distinguished by their durability and sophistication of form, and in addition, they are very environmentally friendly. The walls are decorated with stone blocks or stone-like tiles, around the building - small parts, lined with rough, untreated stone, paths laid with tiles or sprinkled with crushed stone and sand. All these are design elements typical of a ranch.

Cowboy doors

The doors to the ranch are sliding doors. It is fashionable to make them from glass and display them directly on the terrace, veranda or in the yard around the house. Such doors will indicate the presence of free space and the opportunity to relax in the fresh air in the evening.

The design of the ranch is more strict than that of a cowboy saloon, but in some ways it resembles it, primarily in the obligatory arrangement of wooden internal doors, possibly from light materials, including boards knocked down in one layer. Handles and other accessories should be massive, iron or imitate iron. This will emphasize the colonial style of the building, its belonging to the cowboy culture of the Wild West.

Ten rooms? Easily!

The ranch, as we have already said, loves space and freedom. If our layout is free, then the number of rooms, although not regulated, cannot be less than five. A classic ranch necessarily consists of the following rooms:

  • two or three bedrooms;
  • large living room;
  • kitchen with access to a terrace or veranda;
  • a dining room connected to the kitchen and possibly with a separate exit to the open space of the house.

In the layout of the ranch, it is advisable to make the first floor passable, so that the entrance is both from the terrace or veranda and from the yard. The bedroom is usually an enclosed area in a ranch house and may be located in a corner of the building. Ten rooms in a ranch house are a common practice in America. Since such houses are built there mainly from light materials, they do not require large earthen and construction work. Therefore, the price of such houses is relatively low. At the same time, the ranch is a real mansion by American standards, although it is considered an economy-class house.

The layout of a ranch also differs from other houses in that it is necessary to take into account the possibility of extending the building. This line of thinking is not very popular with designers who like to see things through to the end and monitor the results of building a house. Why should you do this and consider expanding the ranch:

  • the ranch loves additions, expansions and all kinds of reconstructions - this is in the style of a cowboy house;
  • the ranch is built to grow and does not require immediate construction to maximum requirements;
  • if you need to expand a room, living room or build a new veranda,

then you can do it painlessly and literally in one season.

Farm and yard

Initially, ranches were built not only for recreation, but also as places to raise horses. In fact, it was a utility building with several household and living rooms. Thus, the ranch served as both a residential building and a building in which it was possible to carry out activities. agriculture professionally. Today, ranches are not so often used for their intended purpose, but in such a house there should always be an element of rural labor. It is clear that not everyone will raise horses or worry about pets. However, it is good ranch practice to grow flower beds, green lawns, and maintain artificial ponds, swimming pools, and stone wells. All this should emphasize belonging to the prairie world.

The patio is organized by:

  • with large tables;
  • rough benches for resting;
  • decorating elements (wooden wheels, simple hand-made garden tools);
  • small fountains in colonial style.

Everything must be made from simple tree. The patio can accommodate decorative elements of subsistence farming. If you decide to authentically design the ranch, then at least for decoration, plant several beds of fresh onions, parsley or other unpretentious plants. Traditionally, a white fence should be built around the ranch. This is both the border of the estate and a unique attribute of the ranch, like a cowboy hat with high leather boots.

Ceilings and rough beauty

We have already said a little that the ranch looks very good if it is decorated in natural colors, in simple forms: right angles of shelves and tables, cabinets in which there are no frills, and there are only clear, ordinary images. This emphasizes the simplicity and unpretentiousness of life in the Wild West. Ranch ceilings are usually not finished and the roof structure, all its beams, fastenings, beams are simply covered with anti-fungal materials and remain visible. The open space of the roof without special ceilings allows the ranch world to be light, large and indicate its volume.

Simple pottery, metal chandeliers and a classic fireplace bring out the rugged beauty of the Wild West. It should be built in the very heart of the house - the living room, where the whole family gathers in the evening or where the guests of the owners start the party. After a hard day, you can have a good rest. The furniture is either wooden or one that has a wood-like covering. The design uses woven floor runners and a carpet made of simple, coarse fabric. All these elements fit flawlessly into the interior of the ranch. We also see simplicity in the decoration of walls, which should remain as clean, bright as possible, without wallpaper or all kinds of decorations.

Veranda with chairs

A cowboy in a rocking chair, next to his wife, daughter and son. Everyone sits by the fireplace and relaxes on the veranda, admiring the marvelous sunset, slowly discussing their business. This somewhat idyllic picture is actually a very real sketch of life on the ranch.
In our climatic conditions, it is quite possible to build a wonderful ranch from wooden profiled beams or build it from combined materials. In one of the corners of the ranch you just need to build an open veranda and equip it with rocking chairs.

Freshness and originality of the ranch

If you plan this correctly unusual house, you can feel the freshness of the air and get a pleasant natural internal view building. Such houses literally touch the heart with their romantic mood and bright, bold constructive solutions. The comfort and simplicity of the ranch, its combination with wildlife, the simplicity of the building designs. All this together makes the ranch a special, but very attractive type of home to build. The main thing in carrying out such a difficult task as building a ranch is to successfully combine your desires and the skill of the designers. Construction company"InnovaStroy" can offer services for the construction of the most unusual buildings, including carrying out all necessary work, starting with building layout, project approval and up to putting the house into operation. The company's designers and engineers will give professional advice on how to build such a unique, interesting house. All you need to do is suggest how you want to see this house, in which you will feel the wind of the prairies and the exoticism of the Wild West, as well as the comfort of a good modern building.

. It can be divided into two types: American and Californian. At one time (the fifties of the twentieth century), the ranch style was extremely popular. Later, its distribution reached Europe and Australia, although the latter also had its own version of home decoration.

This version of architecture appeared when the continent belonging to America was being developed. Some historians believe that the ranch's original creators were the Spanish, as its details bear some similarities to Spanish architecture.

Main features of the American ranch

The building must be one-story, complete absence symmetry, roof, present.

A large veranda must be attached to the house, always of an open type. The ceiling is supported by thick floors or beams, and there are deep vaults. . Sliding doors, made of glass and leading to or courtyard. The walls are sheathed with ordinary, there is an imitation of natural stone through.

The main decorative elements are antique objects: forged candlesticks, chests of drawers, armchairs, dishes. The fabric in the interior has delicate shades and is natural. There is a lot of soft stuff around, pillows, carpets. Comfort is visible in everything. Do-it-yourself details are welcome and prevail. This could be furniture, forging, walls, wood panels. The main place in the house is the hearth, decorated with brick or natural stone.

Lighting and interior decoration

Previously, the main source of light in the American ranch was natural street light. That is why the windows were so spacious. IN modern houses in the ranch style this trend has continued, however, artificial light sources are also present. The most common steel

Well, friends, you have your own own house. The question immediately arises - in what style should this very house be furnished? There are many of these styles now. This is a Swiss chalet, a Russian folk hut, Gothic style, Art Nouveau style, East style...and much, much, much!

American Ranch Style Home Improvement

We offer you to arrange your favorite home in American ranch style. This style appeared, as you yourself understand, in America. Sometimes this style is divided into subtypes - California ranch and American ranch. This style was very popular in the mid-twentieth century. Ranch style homes were built in different regions world - Europe and Australia. But Australia also has its own style, similar to the American one. The American ranch style is a truly “American product”.

Experts believe that he "grew" from Spanish colonial style. Indeed, you can find a lot of similarities between these two styles. Houses of these styles are asymmetrical in plan and are built from local, cheap materials. Such houses were built from scrap materials. Everything was used - bricks, stones, boards, etc. The most important thing was low cost and quick results. Also from spanish style came the large opening of the veranda.

The popularity of the ranch style peaked in the 20th century, when the economic boom began. Houses of this style are still considered economy class. In America, one-story houses are still built and are being built in this style. This style is similar to the farmhouse style. Such houses are often found in the Baltic states, although farm-style houses are more symmetrical.

American ranch style interior

This style began to develop in California. The architects of this particular state designed it, combining the Spanish rural colonial style and the modern, at that time, American style. As a result, the style appeared - Western Ranch or American Ranch.

An interior in this style can be very bright, colorful, with a lot of “floral rags”, frills, frills and pillows. And simple - masculine and cowboy. In both cases, the ranch style is comfort and naturalness. Thanks to all this, the ranch style does not lose popularity. Forged accessories and skins are widely used in home improvement. Characteristics Ranch style is shown through materials - the emphasis is on the abundance of tinted wood in a distinctly rough finish, without carving. The floors in the rooms are laid out ceramic tiles under a stone.

In general, this style is economical, which is very important, especially during the financial crisis. You don't have to spend money on expensive ones Construction Materials. You can do a lot of things with your own hands.

If we talk about an American ranch style setting, it will suit very well wooden furniture or wicker furniture from the vine. Antique furniture will also fit very harmoniously. This could be a chest or a rocking chair. All items in this style should be simple and practical. You can place pottery on the shelves, or with ornaments. There will also be woven walkways to the site. self made and round rugs.

American ranch style limits the use of materials such as plastic and glass. Preference is given natural materials. "Be closer to nature!" - this is the main motto of this style.

Fresh flowers, wicker baskets and chests, and unusual tree branches will look very harmonious.

Ranch style room is desirable decorate in one color scheme - blue, beige, yellowish, with different shades. For blue wallpaper, for example, it is good to choose carpets in blue-gray tones, rugs in dark blue, and furniture should be white.

The fireplace is an integral part of the American ranch style. Of course, it is desirable that it be real. But if this is not possible, then an artificial one will do, just try to make it as realistic as possible. It is good to use for finishing a mantelpiece. fake diamond And natural wood. But you need to remember that this style is warm and homely, so the use of stone must be very strictly dosed. You can create a relaxation area around the fireplace - place a sofa, an armchair, a small table with a tea set.

Cozy house in American ranch style - photo

When choosing accessories, you should pay attention to any items rural life. For example, a cowboy hat will look very good.

Also, great importance is attached to the American ranch style lighting of a house or apartment. The house should have a large number of large windows for an influx of natural light. When decorating windows, you should avoid complex draperies. They are replaced by the pattern and texture of the fabric. It is suggested to use simple curtains with a minimum number of folds. Artificial lighting provided with lamps, both hidden and obvious. For evening lighting, you need to select lamps with soft, diffused light, reminiscent of daylight.

The most acceptable area for the American ranch style is 60 sq. m., which include two bedrooms, a hall and a kitchen. Of course, options with a larger area are possible. Here everything depends only on your desires and financial capabilities. The main thing is not to lose your sense of proportion and style. Go for it, friends! We hope that our advice will help you with this.

What comes to mind when you think of the word “ranch”? Cowboys, buffalos, the harsh romance of the American prairies. If you like this romance, then you will probably like the idea of ​​decorating your dacha in the style of an American ranch.

This style of interior design was extremely popular in the US and Australia in the mid-20th century. It is also the "heir" of the Spanish colonial interior. It is characterized by the use of brown-beige color range in the design, an abundance of handmade items and more open verandas around the house. Of course, over the years this style has been transformed taking into account fashion trends, but still it is clearly characterized by the above parameters.

California is considered to be the birthplace of the “American ranch” style, although there is a small offshoot - the western ranch (Texas, Colorado and other western American states). Therefore, the interior of a ranch is characterized by open verandas and large floor-to-ceiling windows.

In the interior of an American ranch, there is also always an emphasis on tinted wood in a distinctly rough finish, without any carving. The floors are laid out with ceramic tiles imitating stone.

Wicker furniture made from wicker and antique furniture are also perfect. If you have a grandmother's chest or rocking chair, as well as pottery, then these items belong in the country house. Remember - no accessories for the sake of decoration. All items should perform a purely practical function and be simple in design.

American ranch style limits the use of plastic and glass. Preference should be given to natural materials. Also, fresh flowers and wicker baskets will organically fit into the interior.

One storey house- a fortress built from what was at hand - stone and wood. And if building materials are tight, you can combine them. Under common roof residential and utility premises were located. And there was always an inconspicuous emergency exit - just in case. As a rule, ranches then looked like an asymmetrical 1-story house, where the main building was overgrown with extensions over time.

  • Closer to nature

A modern ranch is a multifunctional house in the shape of an “L”, “U” or even a loop. The central facade of the house is wooden, and the side facades are made of rough plaster, textured putty or stone cladding.

In general, this style is considered economical - low cost and quick results. So there is no need to spend money on expensive building materials, and many works can be done with your own hands.

As a rule, in a ranch, architects provide two courtyards - external and internal. The outer courtyard is a utility courtyard, and, according to tradition, is surrounded by a white fence. Garden beds will look organic here. In the backyard there is room for a poultry house or a pen for livestock. A patio will be an ideal place for family gatherings. If you stick to the style, massive tables and benches for relaxation would be quite appropriate here.

But if you don’t want to immerse yourself in the delights of natural farming, then you can get by with a neat lawn, an artificial pond and a rock garden.

And don’t forget, the ranch must have a veranda, and an open one, like in films with Clint Eastwood. To rock in a rocking chair and lazily glance at the sun.

  • Ranch style is comfort and naturalness

If speak about internal layout ranch-style houses, everything here should be extremely simple and functional. Large windows allow natural light to flow freely. Ceilings, as a rule, are not finished. Exposed beams will only add special flavor home. And in general, the use of deliberately roughly processed wood is one of the characteristic features of the “ranch” style. And the floors in the rooms are best laid with stone-like ceramic tiles. If you're going to stick to style, stick to it...

But the heart of the house should be the fireplace. This is an integral part of a real American ranch. The best materials for finishing a mantelpiece are artificial stone and natural wood. But you need to observe moderation. In order not to disturb the unique style, the stone must be used very carefully when finishing.

  • Important little things

If you have made your choice in favor of a one-story house project in the “ranch” style, then a few tips on interior design will not be superfluous.
Wooden or wicker furniture will look natural in such a house. Or you can go wild and get some antiques, for example, your grandmother’s buffet or chest will come in handy here. Pottery and handmade woven rugs will look very organic.

These rarities can be complemented with wrought iron accessories and skins.

Typically, American ranch style homes occupy a small area and consist of two or three bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. But today this is not a dogma; you can build a bigger house. The main thing is that finances allow it. You can find an option for any budget.