Japanese style in the interior with a modern interpretation. Entrance hall in Japanese style, decoration and design

1. Features of the hallway design. (Fig. 1)

Features of the hallway design

Features of hallway design 2. Spaciousness and modesty of hallway layouts * Visual increase in the area of ​​corridors and hallways * Finishing materials and methods of finishing hallways and corridors 3. Furniture for hallways 1. Features of hallway design. Michail Rybakov

The place from which acquaintance with a house or apartment begins performs a very important function business card premises and is called a hallway. The arrangement of a hallway often shapes an opinion not only about the house or apartment, but also directly about the owner.

There are special requirements for the design of the hallway, and this is often due to poor planning and the proximity of this interior space to the street environment. At the same time, as a rule, the hallways in the house, having space and planning possibilities, are more exposed to the often destructive influence of the street environment, while the hallways of apartments, being located at a distance from the street thanks to the entrances, are a small, long or tiny enclosed space without windows with two or more doors. (Fig. 2)

At the same time, as a rule, the hallways in the house, having space and planning possibilities, are more exposed to the often destructive influence of the street environment, while the hallways of apartments, being located at a distance from the street thanks to the entrances, are a small, long or tiny enclosed space without windows with two or more doors

Features of the hallway design. The place from which one begins to get acquainted with a house or apartment performs a very important function as the business card of the room and is called the hallway. The arrangement of the hallway often shapes an opinion not only about the house or apartment, but also directly about the owner. Special requirements are put forward for the design of the hallway and this is often associated with an unsuccessful layout and the proximity of this interior space to the street environment. At the same time, as a rule, the hallways in the house, having space and planning possibilities, are more exposed to the often destructive influence of the street environment, while the hallways of apartments, being located at a distance from the street thanks to the entrances, are a small, long or tiny enclosed space without windows with two or more doors. Michail Rybakov

In an effort to maximally expand or “revive” corridors - hallways with the help of contrasting textures, bright colors or mirrors, their owners often make mistakes that destroy the entire interior and make it heavy and ridiculous.

The features of the design of hallways of different layouts and what needs to be taken into account in order to correctly design the hallway and corridor will be discussed in this article.

2. Spaciousness and modesty of hallway layouts. (Fig. 3)

Spaciousness and modesty of hallway layouts

The arrangement of the hallway often shapes an opinion not only about the house or apartment, but also directly about the owner. Special requirements are put forward for the design of the hallway and this is often associated with an unsuccessful layout and the proximity of this interior space to the street environment. At the same time, as a rule, the hallways in the house, having space and planning possibilities, are more exposed to the often destructive influence of the street environment, while the hallways of apartments, being located at a distance from the street thanks to the entrances, are a small, long or tiny enclosed space without windows with two or more doors. In an effort to maximally expand or “revive” corridors - hallways with the help of contrasting textures, bright colors or mirrors, their owners often make mistakes that destroy the entire interior and make it heavy and awkward. About the design features of hallways of different layouts and how what needs to be taken into account, in order to correctly design the hallway and corridor will be discussed in this article 2. Spaciousness and modesty of hallway layouts. Michail Rybakov

The design of hallways of any layout must comply with several simple, but not simply achievable rules.

* Visual increase in the area of ​​corridors and hallways. (Fig. 4)

The design of hallways of any layout must comply with several simple, but not simply achievable rules * Visual increase in the area of ​​corridors and hallways

At the same time, as a rule, the hallways in the house, having space and planning possibilities, are more exposed to the often destructive influence of the street environment, while the hallways of apartments, being located at a distance from the street thanks to the entrances, are a small, long or tiny enclosed space without windows with two or more doors. In an effort to maximally expand or “revive” corridors - hallways with the help of contrasting textures, bright colors or mirrors, their owners often make mistakes that destroy the entire interior and make it heavy and awkward. About the design features of hallways of different layouts and how what needs to be taken into account, in order to correctly design the hallway and corridor will be discussed in this article 2. Spaciousness and modesty of hallway layouts. The design of hallways of any layout must comply with several simple, but not simply achievable rules * Visual increase in the area of ​​corridors and hallways. Michail Rybakov

In order to visually expand the narrow space of a room intended for a hallway or, on the contrary, visually reduce and make the existing space more comfortable, several methods are used (“Photo gallery of corridors and hallways in the interior”, “Mirrors in the interior of corridors and hallways”):

Light and dark finish surfaces. (Fig. 5)

In order to visually expand the narrow space of a room intended for a hallway or, on the contrary, to visually reduce and make the existing space more comfortable, several methods are used (Photo gallery of corridors and hallways in the interior, Mirrors in the interior of corridors and hallways, Arches in the design of a corridor with your own hands): - Light and dark surface finishes

In an effort to maximally expand or “revive” corridors - hallways with the help of contrasting textures, bright colors or mirrors, their owners often make mistakes that destroy the entire interior and make it heavy and awkward. About the design features of hallways of different layouts and how what needs to be taken into account, in order to correctly design the hallway and corridor will be discussed in this article 2. Spaciousness and modesty of hallway layouts. The design of hallways of any layout must comply with several simple, but not simply achievable rules * Visual increase in the area of ​​corridors and hallways. In order to visually expand the narrow space of a room intended for a hallway or, on the contrary, to visually reduce and make the existing space more comfortable, several methods are used (Photo gallery of corridors and hallways in the interior, Mirrors in the interior of corridors and hallways, Arches in the design of a corridor with your own hands): - Light and dark surface finishes. Michail Rybakov

Very comfortable and affordable way visually expand the space of a small room in the absence of access to natural light - finish the surfaces of the room with light-colored materials color range. White color will saturate the atmosphere with freshness and a feeling of spaciousness. This type of finishing is inherent Scandinavian style interior But when using light, and especially white and blue paint, it can lead to the creation of an office or even hospital style design. (“Interior of a two-level bedroom for a bachelor”, “Photo gallery describing 6 interiors for a cozy bedroom”, “Modern notes in a gallery of 10 living room interiors”). (Fig. 6, 7, 8)

Michail Rybakov

But when using light, and especially white and blue paint, it can lead to the creation of an office or even hospital style design (Interior of a two-level bedroom for a bachelor, Photo gallery describing 6 interiors for a cozy bedroom, Modern notes in a gallery of 10 living room interiors)

A very convenient and affordable way to visually expand the space of a small room in the absence of access to natural light is to finish the surfaces of the room with materials of light colors. White color will fill the atmosphere with freshness and a feeling of spaciousness. This type of decoration is inherent in the Scandinavian interior style. But when using light, and especially white and blue paint, it can lead to the creation of an office or even hospital style design (Interior of a two-level bedroom for a bachelor, Photo gallery describing 6 interiors for cozy bedroom, Modern notes in a gallery of 10 living room interiors). Michail Rybakov

But when using light, and especially white and blue paint, it can lead to the creation of an office or even hospital style design (Interior of a two-level bedroom for a bachelor, Photo gallery describing 6 interiors for a cozy bedroom, Modern notes in a gallery of 10 living room interiors)

A very convenient and affordable way to visually expand the space of a small room in the absence of access to natural light is to finish the surfaces of the room with materials of light colors. White color will fill the atmosphere with freshness and a feeling of spaciousness. This type of decoration is inherent in the Scandinavian interior style. But when using light, and especially white and blue paint, it can lead to the creation of an office or even hospital style design (Interior of a two-level bedroom for a bachelor, Photo gallery describing 6 interiors for a cozy bedroom, Modern notes in a gallery of 10 living room interiors). Michail Rybakov

The opposite effect can be obtained when using dark-colored materials in finishing. Warm brown tones, energetic red shades or noble purple and steel tones in the decoration can give the interior coziness and luxurious unique style. But also in in this case there is a hidden danger of making the interior gloomy, cold and boring. For example, the color black can fill the atmosphere with an unconscious feeling of fear. Based on the above, when drawing up a design sketch for rooms with such complex layouts, as in situations with hallways and corridors, it is very important to take into account not only fashion trends in finishing. . (Fig. 9, 10)

Paying more attention to inner sensations and intuitive sense of proportion

Michail Rybakov

Paying more attention to inner sensations and intuitive sense of proportion

But even in this case, there is a hidden danger of making the interior gloomy, cold and boring. For example, the color black can fill the atmosphere with an unconscious feeling of fear. Based on the above, when drawing up a design sketch for rooms with such complex layouts as in situations with hallways and corridors, it is very important to take into account not only fashion trends in decoration. Paying more attention to internal sensations and an intuitive sense of proportion. Michail Rybakov

A combination of different textures and colors in surface finishing. (Fig. 11)

- Combination of different textures and colors in surface finishing

For example, the color black can fill the atmosphere with an unconscious feeling of fear. Based on the above, when drawing up a design sketch for rooms with such complex layouts as in situations with hallways and corridors, it is very important to take into account not only fashion trends in decoration. Paying more attention to internal sensations and an intuitive sense of proportion. - A combination of different textures and colors in surface finishing. Michail Rybakov

The combination of materials with different textures in surface finishing will help to visually lengthen the walls of the room or “raise” the ceiling. . (Fig. 12, 13)

In order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to recreate clear lines in the decoration or use materials with contrasting colors and textures

Michail Rybakov

In order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to recreate clear lines in the decoration or use materials with contrasting colors and textures

Paying more attention to internal sensations and an intuitive sense of proportion. - A combination of different textures and colors in surface finishing. The combination of materials with different textures in surface finishing will help to visually lengthen the walls of the room or “raise” the ceiling. In order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to recreate clear lines in the decoration or use materials with contrasting colors and textures. Michail Rybakov

The use of glossy and mirror surfaces will be noticeable. Matte and rough textures absorb light, while even black but glossy surfaces, refracting rays of light, can revive and saturate the atmosphere of space with movement and life. (Fig. 14)

Matte and rough textures absorb light, while even black but glossy surfaces, refracting rays of light, can enliven and saturate the atmosphere of a space with movement and life.

The combination of materials with different textures in surface finishing will help to visually lengthen the walls of the room or “raise” the ceiling. In order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to recreate clear lines in the decoration or use materials with contrasting colors and textures. The use of glossy and mirror surfaces will be noticeable. Matte and rough textures absorb light, while even black but glossy surfaces, refracting rays of light, can enliven and saturate the atmosphere of a space with movement and life. Michail Rybakov

Partitions and arches in the interior of hallways and corridors.

Additional tool In order to change the overall perception of the room there are all kinds of partitions, half-walls and arches. With the help of arches in the passage opening, the space is visually divided into an entrance hall and a common corridor; in this case, you can do without installing doors, which will save space. With the help of functional partitions, rooms are divided into an entrance hall and, for example, a living room in a studio apartment. By replacing the wall with a partition with numerous shelves and drawers, you can additionally place many useful things in them or, say, use them as a hanger and shoe rack. (“Installation of a plasterboard partition”, “Walls with niches and shelves made of plasterboard”, “Functional partitions in the interior of 2 apartments”, “Space planning with original partitions.”, “Arch made of plasterboard. Installation and photos”, “Arches in the design of the corridor with your own hands"). (Fig. 15)

Installation and photo, Arches in the design of the corridor with your own hands)

With the help of arches in the passage opening, the space is visually divided into an entrance hall and a common corridor; in this case, you can do without installing doors, which will save space. With the help of functional partitions, rooms are divided into an entrance hall and, for example, a living room in a studio apartment. By replacing the wall with a partition with numerous shelves and drawers, you can additionally place a lot of useful things in them or, say, use them as a hanger and shoe rack (Installation of a plasterboard partition, Walls with niches and shelves made of plasterboard, Functional partitions in the interior of 2 apartments, Space planning with original partitions, Arch made of plasterboard. Installation and photo, Arches in the design of the corridor with your own hands). Michail Rybakov

Translucent partitions with built-in LED backlight or sliding walls - partitions. With the help of such transparent and translucent elements it is quite possible to solve the problem of filling the space with daylight. Partitions such as ordinary doors - compartments, accordion doors or swing doors made of triplex glass or PVC plates - are installed. (“Sliding interior doors”, “Installation of compartment doors”, “Installing a book door”, “Accordion plastic doors”, “Triplex doors. Features and processing”, “Furniture lighting with LED strip”). (Fig. 16, 17, 18)

Installation and photo, Arches in the design of the corridor with your own hands). Translucent partitions with built-in LED lighting or sliding walls - partitions - look especially beautiful. With the help of such transparent and translucent elements it is quite possible to solve the problem of filling the space with daylight. Partitions such as ordinary doors - compartments, accordion doors or swing doors made of triplex glass or PVC plates (Sliding interior doors, Installation of compartment doors, Installing a book door, Plastic accordion doors, Triplex doors features and processing, Furniture lighting LED strip). 16, 17, 18) Michail Rybakov

Partitions such as ordinary doors - compartments, accordion doors or swing doors made of triplex glass or PVC plates are installed (Sliding interior doors, Installation of compartment doors, Installing a book door, Plastic accordion doors, Triplex doors features and processing, Furniture lighting with LED strip )

Michail Rybakov

Partitions such as ordinary doors - compartments, accordion doors or swing doors made of triplex glass or PVC plates are installed (Sliding interior doors, Installation of compartment doors, Installing a book door, Plastic accordion doors, Triplex doors features and processing, Furniture lighting with LED strip )

Installation and photo, Arches in the design of the corridor with your own hands). Translucent partitions with built-in LED lighting or sliding walls - partitions - look especially beautiful. With the help of such transparent and translucent elements it is quite possible to solve the problem of filling the space with daylight. Partitions such as ordinary doors - compartments, accordion doors or swing doors made of triplex glass or PVC plates are installed (Sliding interior doors, Installation of compartment doors, Installing a book door, Plastic accordion doors, Triplex doors features and processing, Furniture lighting with LED strip ). Michail Rybakov

* Finishing materials and methods of finishing hallways and corridors.

Absolutely all known finishing materials can be used for finishing walls, ceilings and floors. interior works. But people who are not involved in professional construction use several of the most common options. Here is an approximate list of surface finishes for the hallway and corridors: (Fig. 19)

Here is an approximate list of surface finishes for the hallway and corridors: 19)

With the help of such transparent and translucent elements it is quite possible to solve the problem of filling the space with daylight. Partitions such as ordinary doors - compartments, accordion doors or swing doors made of triplex glass or PVC plates are installed (Sliding interior doors, Installation of compartment doors, Installing a book door, Plastic accordion doors, Triplex doors features and processing, Furniture lighting with LED strip ). * Finishing materials and methods for finishing hallways and corridors In finishing walls, ceilings and floors, absolutely all known finishing materials for interior work are applicable. But people who are not involved in professional construction use several of the most common options. Here is an approximate list of surface finishes for the hallway and corridors: 19) Michail Rybakov

Ceiling and walls. Painting and whitewashing. (Fig. 20)

Painting and whitewashing

* Finishing materials and methods for finishing hallways and corridors In finishing walls, ceilings and floors, absolutely all known finishing materials for interior work are applicable. But people who are not involved in professional construction use several of the most common options. - Ceiling and walls. Painting and whitewashing. Michail Rybakov

These finishing methods were once almost the only ones available to ordinary people. Times have changed, but painting and whitewashing, which are economical on all sides, continue to be popular options for decorating ceilings. Paint and whitewash are not only affordable, but also do not take away the height in the room, which is very important in apartments where high ceilings are not so common. But such finishing also has a very significant drawback, in the form of the need to level the surfaces to an almost ideal plane. Due to the fact that painting and whitewashing can reveal and even highlight defects in the ceiling, leveling with plaster and putty can take a lot of effort and time. (“Whitewashing the ceiling”, “Painting the ceiling”, “High-quality painting - beautiful walls in the apartment”, “Painting walls with water-based paint”, “Preparing the wall for painting”, “Plastering correctly”, “How to putty walls for painting”).

Suspended ceilings in the hallway and corridors. (Fig. 21)

Due to the fact that painting and whitewashing can reveal and even highlight defects in the ceiling, leveling with plaster and putty can take a lot of effort and time (Whitewashing the ceiling, Painting the ceiling, High-quality painting - beautiful walls in the apartment, Painting the walls water-based paint, Preparing a wall for painting, Plastering correctly, How to putty walls for painting) - Suspended ceilings in the hallway and corridors

Times have changed, but painting and whitewashing, which are economical on all sides, continue to be popular options for decorating ceilings. Paint and whitewash are not only affordable, but also do not take away the height in the room, which is very important in apartments where high ceilings are not so common. But such finishing also has a very significant drawback, in the form of the need to level the surfaces to an almost ideal plane. Due to the fact that painting and whitewashing can reveal and even highlight ceiling defects, leveling with plaster and putty can take a lot of effort and time (Whitewashing the ceiling, Painting the ceiling, High-quality painting - beautiful walls in the apartment, Painting walls with water-based paint, Preparation walls for painting, Plastering correctly, How to putty walls for painting) - Suspended ceilings in the hallway and corridors. Michail Rybakov

Suspended ceilings can partially or even completely solve the problem with unevenness on ceiling surface. There are several types suspended ceilings. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, described in the following articles: “Types of suspended ceilings”, “How to make a ceiling from plasterboard”, “ceiling from plastic panels”, “Tiles for the ceiling”, “Types of ceilings. Their main advantages and disadvantages", "Suspended ceilings", "Ceiling in a wooden house".

It is important to understand that tiling the ceiling will help smooth out only roughness and minor irregularities, but will not significantly increase the height. Therefore, this decoration is often used in rooms with medium ceiling heights.

Suspended ceilings solve the problem of any construction defects in the ceiling; they can also hide poorly located communications, but plasterboard and suspended ceilings (especially multi-tiered ones) require a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. And if in the rooms large area the height deficit will still be at least somehow smoothed out due to the common space, then in the case of narrow corridors and the hallway you can get a heavy enclosed space with a ceiling “hanging” over your head. The same can be said about ceilings finished with various panels (MDF, wood, PVC). The panels are attached to the sheathing and therefore take up almost as much height as it would take to install a stretch or plasterboard ceiling. (Fig. 22)

The panels are attached to the lathing and therefore take up almost as much height as it would take to install a stretch or plasterboard ceiling

Therefore, such decoration is often used in rooms with an average ceiling height. Suspended ceilings solve the problem of any construction defects in the ceiling, they can also hide poorly located communications, but plasterboard and suspended ceilings (especially multi-tiered ones) require a ceiling height of at least 3 meters. And if in large rooms the height deficit will be at least somehow smoothed out due to the common space, then in the case of narrow corridors and hallways you can get a heavy enclosed space with a ceiling “hanging” over your head. The same can be said about ceilings finished with various panels (MDF, wood, PVC). The panels are attached to the sheathing and therefore take up almost as much height as it would take to install a stretch or plasterboard ceiling. Michail Rybakov

But if the apartment or house is built with a height sufficient to use suspended ceilings, then with their help you can create incredible ceiling decorations. Such designs feature built-in open and hidden lighting, as well as a combination of elements on the ceiling different color and even different materials. Ceilings with all kinds of patterns on the surface look interesting. (“We create a unique ceiling design”, “Two-level plasterboard ceilings”, “Two-level stretch ceilings. installation and photos”, “Plasterboard ceiling with lighting”, “Stretch ceilings with a pattern”).

Wallpapering. . (Fig. 23, 24)

Decorating surfaces with liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster

Michail Rybakov

Decorating surfaces with liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster

But if the apartment or house is built with a height sufficient to use suspended ceilings, then with their help you can create incredible ceiling decorations. Such designs feature built-in open and hidden lighting, as well as a combination of elements of different colors and even different materials on the ceiling. Ceilings with all kinds of patterns on the surface look interesting (We create a unique ceiling design, Two-level plasterboard ceilings, Two-level stretch ceilings installation and photos, Plasterboard ceiling with lighting, Stretch ceiling with a pattern) - Wallpapering. Decorating surfaces with liquid wallpaper and decorative plaster. Michail Rybakov

Wallpaper different types and the qualities continue to be relevant today. But modern wallpaper for a corridor in an apartment are no longer much similar to those that were widely used a couple of decades ago. Now it is a high-quality finishing material designed for a long service life. Liquid wallpaper is included in a separate group. They are called so because they are applied to walls and ceilings in the form of a wet adhesive mass. Liquid wallpaper has an incredible number of textures and colors. With their help, entire pictures are created. And varnished surfaces decorated with liquid wallpaper also acquire moisture-resistant and water-repellent characteristics. (“Wallpaper for the ceiling. Choose, glue, paint”, “Unique material - liquid wallpaper for the ceiling”, “Choosing wallpaper for the walls”, “Liquid wallpaper for a cozy interior”, “Photo wallpaper for the wall”). (Fig. 25)

Select, glue, paint, Unique material - liquid wallpaper for the ceiling, Select wallpaper for the walls, Liquid wallpaper for a cozy interior, Photo wallpaper for the wall)

Liquid wallpaper has an incredible number of textures and colors. With their help, entire pictures are created. And varnished surfaces decorated with liquid wallpaper also acquire moisture-resistant and water-repellent characteristics (Wallpaper for the ceiling. Select, glue, paint, Unique material - liquid wallpaper for the ceiling, Select wallpaper for walls, Liquid wallpaper for cozy interior, Mural on the wall). Michail Rybakov

Decorative plaster is applied to ceilings and walls in the same way. With the help of decorative plaster, you can also quickly disguise your failures when leveling the surface and, plus, add originality to the finish. (“Decorative plaster in the interior”). (Fig. 26)

With the help of decorative plaster you can also quickly disguise your failures when leveling the surface and, plus, add originality to the finish (Decorative plaster in the interior)

And varnished surfaces decorated with liquid wallpaper also acquire moisture-resistant and water-repellent characteristics (Wallpaper for the ceiling. Select, glue, paint, Unique material - liquid wallpaper for the ceiling, Select wallpaper for walls, Liquid wallpaper for a cozy interior, Photo wallpaper for the wall) . Decorative plaster is applied to ceilings and walls in the same way. With the help of decorative plaster you can also quickly disguise your failures when leveling the surface and plus, add originality to the finish ( Decorative plaster in the interior). Michail Rybakov

Decorative panels for wall decoration. This material has several varieties and correct installation with its help you can create an extraordinary and luxurious look for the premises. But, wall panels are most often attached to the sheathing, and this is a significant drawback for finishing narrow rooms, which most often are corridors and hallways. But the variety and uniqueness of panels imitating wood, stone, brick or something completely fantastic (for example, 3D panels) sometimes forces you to sacrifice a couple of tens of centimeters in order to fulfill the desire to see the splendor of such walls. (“Wall panels. Types, features. Photos.”, “Stone-look wall panels”, “MDF panels”, “Laminated panels”, “Stone-look gypsum tiles”, “3d panels for wall decoration”). (Fig. 27, 28)

Michail Rybakov

Photo, Stone-look wall panels, MDF panels, Laminated panels, Stone-look gypsum tiles, 3d panels for wall decoration)

But, wall panels are most often attached to the sheathing, and this is a significant drawback for finishing narrow rooms, which most often are corridors and hallways. But the variety and uniqueness of panels imitating wood, stone, brick or something completely fantastic (for example, 3D panels) sometimes forces you to sacrifice a couple of tens of centimeters for the sake of realizing the desire to see the splendor of such walls (Wall panels. Types, features. Photos, Wall panels stone effect, MDF panels, Laminated panels, Gypsum tiles stone effect, 3D panels for wall decoration). Michail Rybakov

Application of ceramic tiles.

Ceramic tile cladding is quite common in the decoration of hallways and corridors. But usually tiles are used only as flooring. It is extremely rare to find ceramics on the walls of hallways and corridors. But the use of this material for flooring is completely justified. Ceramic tiles for the corridor are distinguished by the extraordinary strength of the decorative layer; they are not susceptible to water damage and are often used to install heated floors (floors with built-in heating). (“Types of floor coverings”, “Warm floors under tiles”, “Tiled floor tiles”, “Warm water floors under tiles”).

Tile in the hallway photo. (Fig. 29, 30)

Michail Rybakov

Ceramic tiles for the corridor are distinguished by the extraordinary strength of the decorative layer, they are not susceptible to the effects of water and are often used for installing heated floors (floors with built-in heating) (Types of floor coverings, Warm floors for tiles, Tiled floor tiles, Warm water floors for tiles ) Tile in the hallway photo

But usually tiles are used only as flooring. It is extremely rare to find ceramics on the walls of hallways and corridors. But the use of this material for flooring is completely justified. Ceramic tiles for the corridor are distinguished by the extraordinary strength of the decorative layer, they are not susceptible to the effects of water and are often used for installing heated floors (floors with built-in heating) (Types of floor coverings, Warm floors for tiles, Tile for the floor, Warm water floors under tiles) Tile in the hallway photo. Michail Rybakov

Parquet and laminate in the decoration of corridors and hallways.

Quite common and popular finishing materials are parquet and laminate. A wide range of these coatings can satisfy the wishes of any, even overly demanding, property owner. Listed floor coverings meet all the requirements put forward for finishing floors in hallways, and, by the way, are perfectly used in finishing walls. (“Laminate on the wall”, “Laminate in the interior”, “Types of parquet”, “Tools for laying laminate, carpet, parquet”, “Wood in finishing floors and walls. parquet and fantasies made of wood”, “Parquet flooring. criteria choice").

Corridor in Japanese style photo. (Fig. 31)

The listed floor coverings meet all the requirements put forward for finishing floors in hallways, and, by the way, are excellently used in wall finishing (Laminate on the wall, Laminate in the interior, Types of parquet, Tools for laying laminate, carpet, parquet, Wood in finishing floors and walls parquet and fantasy wood, Parquet flooring selection criteria) Corridor in Japanese style photo

Ceramic tiles for the corridor are distinguished by the extraordinary strength of the decorative layer, they are not susceptible to the effects of water and are often used for installing heated floors (floors with built-in heating) (Types of floor coverings, Warm floors for tiles, Tiled floor tiles, Warm water floors for tiles ) Tile in the hallway photo. - Parquet and laminate in the decoration of corridors and hallways. Quite common and popular finishing materials are parquet and laminate. A wide range of these coatings can satisfy the wishes of any, even overly demanding, property owner. The listed floor coverings meet all the requirements put forward for finishing floors in hallways, and, by the way, are excellently used in wall finishing (Laminate on the wall, Laminate in the interior, Types of parquet, Tools for laying laminate, carpet, parquet, Wood in finishing floors and walls parquet and fantasy wood, Parquet flooring selection criteria) Corridor in Japanese style photo. Michail Rybakov

Linoleum and carpet.

You should not miss such common coverings as linoleum and carpet. I would like to immediately note that using carpet to decorate the hallway floor is extremely unjustified. Due to the rapid and severe contamination of the material, it will very quickly become unusable and require replacement.

As for linoleum, this material, beloved by most builders and ordinary people, has proven itself to be the most the best side and therefore it continues to be used when performing repairs and finishing works. (“How to lay linoleum”, “How to choose linoleum. Types and features of linoleum.”, “Heterogeneous linoleum”, “Glue for linoleum”). (Fig. 32)

Types and features of linoleum, Heterogeneous linoleum, Adhesive for linoleum)

- Linoleum and carpet You cannot miss such common coverings as linoleum and carpet. I would like to immediately note that using carpet to decorate the hallway floor is extremely unjustified. Due to the rapid and severe contamination of the material, it will very quickly become unusable and require replacement. As for linoleum, this material, beloved by the majority of builders and ordinary people, has proven itself to be the best and therefore continues to be used when performing repair and finishing work (How to lay linoleum, How to choose linoleum. Types and features of linoleum, Heterogeneous linoleum, Adhesive for linoleum). Michail Rybakov

Based on all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn. In order for the design of the hallway and corridor to look attractive and last for many years in decoration, it is necessary to use:

1. Moisture-resistant materials that do not lose their excellent decorative properties at high humidity and frequent treatments detergents(the proximity of the premises to the street suggests contamination from shoes, bags or umbrellas in bad weather).

2. Finishing should be done with materials taking into account the height and width of the hallways.

3. Too much passion for using finishing materials at the same time large quantity different colors and textures will lead to the creation of chaos and ridiculous design.

4. Don’t forget to equip the hallway with high-quality lighting and a mirror. Before going out it is very important to see yourself and good lighting. (Fig. 33)

Before going outside, it is very important to see yourself in good lighting.

Finishing should be done with materials taking into account the height and width of the hallways 3. Too much enthusiasm for using finishing materials at the same time of a large number of different colors and textures will create chaos and ridiculous design 4. Do not forget about equipping the hallway with high-quality lighting and a mirror. Before going outside, it is very important to see yourself in good lighting. Michail Rybakov

5. Don’t forget about additional features associated with the use of practical furniture in the hallway or functional walls - partitions. With their help, you can make life much easier by organizing the placement and storage of the numerous necessary gizmos and clothes.

3. Furniture for hallways. (Fig. 34, 35)

Furniture for hallways

Michail Rybakov

Furniture for hallways

5. Don’t forget about the additional possibilities associated with the use of practical furniture in the hallway or functional walls - partitions. With their help, you can make life much easier by organizing the placement and storage of the numerous necessary items and clothes 3. Furniture for hallways. Michail Rybakov

Furniture for arranging hallways is allocated to a separate group. Of course, in the hallway there is also universal furniture, suitable for rooms for various purposes, but there are several pieces of furniture used exclusively for decorating the hallway.

Design small corridor. (Fig. 36, 37)

Michail Rybakov

Of course, in the hallway you can also find universal furniture, suitable for rooms for different purposes, but there are several pieces of furniture used exclusively for decorating the hallway Design of a small corridor

With their help, you can make life much easier by organizing the placement and storage of the numerous necessary items and clothes 3. Furniture for hallways. Furniture for arranging hallways is allocated to a separate group. Of course, in the hallway you can also find universal furniture suitable for rooms for different purposes, but there are several pieces of furniture used exclusively for decorating the hallway Design of a small corridor. Michail Rybakov

Such interior items include a shoe rack, a banquette and specific hanger designs. The designs of the listed furniture are designed specifically to simplify as much as possible and at the same time rationally use every centimeter of the scarce space in hallways and adjacent corridors.

It is best to order furniture for the hallway (especially a small area) according to individual sketches and sizes, or make it yourself. Only in this case can you be sure that the hallway will organically fit into the space of the hallway and nothing will have to be cut, adjusted or remade. In addition, it often happens that furniture of the desired design is almost impossible to find. But it will be quite possible to make it yourself. In the process of drawing up a sketch, you can think through every detail and add additional functions to all pieces of furniture. For example, make a shoe rack with a soft seat and thus get a banquette. ("Chipboard in the interior. Types and methods of processing" In addition, it often happens that furniture of the desired design is almost impossible to find. But making it yourself will be quite possible. In the process of drawing up a sketch, you can think through every detail and add additional functions to all pieces of furniture . 38, 39, 40) Michail Rybakov

For example, make a shoe rack with a soft seat and thus get a bench (Chipboard in the interior types and methods of processing, We are building a podium photo in the interior, Children's bed podium with bookcase, DIY wardrobe photo, Wooden staircase do-it-yourself arrangement methods, We make a dressing room with our own hands from a storage room and a niche) Built-in hallways

Michail Rybakov

For example, make a shoe rack with a soft seat and thus get a bench (Chipboard in the interior types and methods of processing, We build a podium photo in the interior, Children's bed podium with a bookcase, Do-it-yourself wardrobe photo, Do-it-yourself wooden staircase arrangement methods, We make DIY dressing room from a storage room and a niche) Built-in hallways

In addition, it often happens that furniture of the desired design is almost impossible to find. But it will be quite possible to make it yourself. In the process of drawing up a sketch, you can think through every detail and add additional functions to all pieces of furniture. For example, make a shoe rack with a soft seat and thus get a bench (Chipboard in the interior types and methods of processing, We build a podium photo in the interior, Children's bed podium with a bookcase, Do-it-yourself wardrobe photo, Do-it-yourself wooden staircase arrangement methods, We make DIY dressing room from a storage room and a niche) Built-in hallways. Michail Rybakov

Another important point when choosing furniture for the hallway. In each family, the distribution of priorities occurs differently. In one house, more space is required for tramples, in another you can see a whole mini shoe store, which requires much more space to accommodate it than is customary in average families. (“50 design options for dressing rooms and closets”).

So, in conclusion, we can conclude that the design and arrangement of such a complex room as the hallway will require maximum effort and knowledge. . (Fig. 41, 42)

But, despite all the difficulties, it is quite possible to do all the work related to finishing and even making furniture with your own hands.

Michail Rybakov

But, despite all the difficulties, it is quite possible to do all the work related to finishing and even making furniture with your own hands.

Another important point when choosing furniture for the hallway. In each family, the distribution of priorities occurs differently. In one house, more space is required for tramples, in another you can see a whole mini shoe store, which requires much more space to accommodate it than is customary in average families (50 design options dressing rooms and cabinets) So, in conclusion, we can conclude that the design and arrangement of such a complex room as the hallway will require maximum effort and knowledge. But, despite all the difficulties, it is quite possible to do all the work associated with finishing and even making furniture with your own hands. Michail Rybakov

The hallway is a kind of gateway to your apartment; the entire apartment is often judged by it. The interior and design style of the hallway should be in harmony and not clash general style apartments. For example, a hallway made in country style will not match a living room in a high-tech style. This article will help you decorate the interior of your hallway in Japanese style.

This style is suitable for people who are already accustomed to simple and laconic forms. Japanese style does not welcome all sorts of rubbish and clutter.

We are already accustomed to storing all unnecessary junk either in the hallway or on the balcony. In a hallway decorated in Japanese style, all this will have to be abandoned, because everything should be in harmony, and furniture should be present to a minimum. After all, the motto of this style is space. Although the interior of the Japanese-style hallway has a simple design, it is still considered a symbol of warmth, harmony, and comfort in the home.

When decorating a hallway, they mainly use natural materials and plant colors. This emphasizes the closeness to nature, connection with the outside world.

good design solution there will be the use of modular elements. They will help save space and fit perfectly into the interior.

Japanese-style hallway interior

For modules you can choose natural shades- orange, brown, green, black and white, red. These colors will highlight our Japanese style well.

Japanese style is characterized by different color contrasts. For example, black furniture is perfect light walls. The combination of red and black colors is considered a classic of Japanese style. Most Japanese restaurants are decorated in these color tones. A green-brown color combination is perfect for a hallway.

Regarding the lighting of the hallway, the Japanese style here implies soft and diffused light. For example, good decision There will be the use of small lamps around the perimeter and one large one. They must differ from one another in the intensity of illumination, thanks to this the effect will be obtained soft color. When decorating the hallway, you need to remember that all colors should be natural - shades of bark, grass or autumn foliage. Black color is also an integral part of our style. I would also like to note that grey colour in combination with beige it will also look harmonious in your hallway.
When decorating a room, you can use not only rice paper, wicker, bamboo or straw, but also sea corals and mother of pearl.

Hallway interior in Japanese style video

Compositions made from fresh flowers, bamboo or coral are common.

Decorating a European hallway in Japanese style is not always acceptable, because in Japan they do not use partitions. Modular furniture will help you avoid cluttering your space.

The walls should be painted a light color, this will visually expand the space, then decorate them with cork. a natural stone.

You can also use cork imitation for the floor. The wardrobe fits into the wall, and it does not take up much space. You can paint Japanese patterns on its doors and mirrors, which will bring us closer to this style.

As we mentioned earlier, Japanese style loves large and bright spaces. Therefore, the most important thing is not to overload it, and leave free space.

The Japanese style is popular among Europeans, so decorating your home in this style is not difficult - all decorative elements can be found in the store, and decorative sketches can be found on the Internet or from designers. So, if you love minimalism or are interested in the philosophy of the East, the Japanese style will be the ideal solution for you.

Choosing a style

The hallway opens up your home to guests, so you need to choose the right style for it. The interior of the remaining rooms in the house should not be in harmony with the hallway, but only complement it. Over the past few years, Japanese style has been very popular, characterized by functionality and simplicity. This is the pinnacle of brevity. He does not tolerate cluttered space; it must be open. Let us examine in more detail the features of the Japanese direction in creating a cozy and spacious hallway.

  • 1 Features of the color scheme
  • 2 Furniture in the hallway
  • 3 Design contrasts
  • 4 Light
  • 5 A few secrets of creating Japanese style
  • 6 Summary

Features of the color scheme

Natural colors are best suited for Japanese style: light brown, dark shades, light and dark green. To create them, it is better to use materials such as wood, stone, and natural-based wallpaper. Based on closeness with nature and harmony.

Flowers are also used to emphasize this direction.

Furniture in the hallway

The ideal design option is to use modular structures. They save free space, which well emphasizes one of the features of the style. When choosing a material, it is best to choose the natural color of the wood: walnut color, dark colors noble wood, chestnut. The shapes of furniture should be concise and clear. Its peculiarity is its low height; you can place low stools, cabinets, and tables.

Design contrasts

In addition to correctly selected natural shades, you need to choose bright accents, contrasts that allow not only to emphasize the style, but also not to make the room monochromatic. So, if you chose light beige wallpaper, then the tone of the furniture should be dark. Classic combination colors are red and black. For the hallway, its use is not necessary, since the combination of colors will visually reduce the area of ​​the room. A common solution is to combine green and brown. A few bright little things against their background will look amazing.


Japanese-style lighting assumes a soft shade, it should not be spotty. Scattering beams are best. A large lamp is installed, which becomes part of the interior. There must also be small light bulbs throughout the entire area. Different intensity of all lighting fixtures will create the necessary soft light in the hallway.

To make the room even more like the Japanese style, you can use materials originally from Japan: bamboo, rice paper, wicker. A few of these details will transform the design. In addition to plant details, marine ones are also appropriate for Japanese ones. For example, corals. From the presented materials you can create a beautiful, neat vase that suits your style.

A few secrets of creating Japanese style

  • Use better sliding doors to save space.
  • The colors are calm, the lines are straight.
  • The furniture is low.
  • There should be a lot of light and free space in the hallway.
  • Using screen curtains with Japanese designs will add beauty to the room.
  • There should be no more than one accessory on the walls.

The philosophical way of life of the Land of the Rising Sun has always excited the minds and imagination of Europeans. They are surprised by a certain detachment and asceticism, an interior without frills and manifestations of personal preferences. Japanese style in the interior is laconic minimalism with absolute loyalty to tradition. Classic Japanese housing is a search for pleasure simple things and a timeless ode to nature.

Japanese style living room design

Unusual bedroom in Japanese style

When arranging a Japanese-style interior with your own hands, it is important to understand that without understanding Japanese philosophy and the way of life of the descendants of the samurai, this is only a weak imitation. It's easy to buy today suitable furniture and typical decor, but Japanese houses are very specific. People living in active earthquake and tsunami zones have adapted to making prefabricated structures that can be reassembled, right down to the foundation. The lost parts of the structure could be restored and the same house could be built in another location.

Today it is not customary to recreate the traditional Japanese style in the interior in all its subtleties. The Europeans are taking advantage of some design rethinking. This stylization is finding an increasing number of adherents, since it The best way add an exotic twist to a minimalist interior. This is a kind of challenge to the current philosophy of materialism, a way to get rid of everything unnecessary, and use what you have with pleasure. A minimum of furniture and accessories, simple geometry, a lot of free space and almost complete absence walls - this is the design in the Japanese style.

Japanese style bedroom

Japanese style in the bedroom interior

Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun formed this style only at the beginning of the twentieth century. The once poor agricultural country was not as developed as it is today, but several centuries ago a “middle” class began to form, replacing archaic feudalism. These people absorbed all the best from the way of life of the poor and rich sections of the population, abandoning luxurious decor.

When entering the home of a modern Japanese, it is difficult to determine his social status, level of wealth and profession. The difference is noticeable only in the expensive wood and household appliances. There are no personal photos or personal trophies in their homes, and the typically Japanese decor encourages peace, tranquility and introspection.

The houses of the capital's residents are characterized by disadvantages square meters, so everything here is multi-story. But even in a small area they find room to integrate wildlife. Therefore, a bush or small tree can grow right in the house - a typical Japanese interior. And in the podium that replaces the bed frame, next to the bed behind glass there can be an aquarium with colored koi crucian carp.

Living room in Japanese style

Where there is more space, the large windows of the house always look out onto a well-kept rock garden. In Japan, plants with intricately curving branches, sakura (a type of cherry), are highly valued, especially during the flowering period. Wild climbing grapes and maple trees, which decorate the garden with bright red carved leaves in the fall, are also held in high esteem.

Small coniferous trees and all kinds of chrysanthemums are also in the “rock garden”, with its well-groomed appearance and order more reminiscent landscape design. All these plants are reflected in Japanese interior design, for example, drawing or photo cherry blossoms on the front of the wardrobe.

Representatives of the Land of the Rising Sun come home to escape the working rhythm of the metropolis and meditate. They eat little, but only high-quality fresh seafood, drink a lot of tea, but do it for a long time and slowly. Every home has a low table for tea ceremonies with seats, pillows or beds directly on the floor, as in some photos.

Light Japanese style design

Japanese style interior

Low furniture and its almost complete absence are a cost of the lifestyle on the islands, which are often shaken by the elements. Low sofas and a bed, often there is no bed at all, only high mattress on a podium, in a niche or directly on the floor. It is customary here to sleep and sit on a hard surface.

Partitions made of geometric lattices with fabrics or rice paper are a replacement for traditional walls. The Japanese can easily move them to reorganize the living space, for example, when guests arrive, resulting in 2 additional bedrooms or another dining room for a tea ceremony.

In Japanese design there is no place for chaos, excesses and unnecessary trash. A clear geometry is observed in the arrangement of compact “ascetic furniture”, an unusual shape for us. During tea drinking and at the end of the ceremony, the Japanese withdraws into himself, reflects and meditates. Concentration can be facilitated by an image with a traditional Japanese landscape.

Japanese style in the interior

Residents of this country never hang many pictures on one wall, claiming that this is tantamount to listening to music at the same time. different styles. In the house of the descendants of samurai, the collection of edged weapons, rare dishes and works of art is highly valued. Sometimes you can even see a “museum exhibit” - a samurai outfit with armor behind a glass display case right in the house.

Art in a distant Asian country has always been in value, finding its place in Japanese interior apartments and houses. Here the lines between poverty and wealth are blurred, as a tsunami can wash a house into the ocean any day. And dedication to the employer and loyalty to the ideals of the company, diligence and hard work can lead any Japanese to a prosperous life. Here, the authority of the name and reputation, honor and duty are at a great price, but noble origin is a priority.

Due to such heterogeneity of society at home, it is difficult to determine who is in front of you, a relatively poor person or a rich and noble Japanese living modestly. But the traditional way of life of Asians is reflected in original interior, where it is difficult to separate archaic from high technology. In our presentation, an expensive Japanese-style house looks both simple and luxurious, but there is not much to take away from it.

Japanese style bathroom

Bright Japanese-style bedroom

Characteristic finishing in imitation of Japanese styling


The Japanese walk barefoot at home, so a comfortable warm floor is valued. It is not necessary to use the modern heated option, just natural wood and tatami type mats. Our interpretation of Japanese-style apartment design uses imitation of natural wood. Use parquet board and laminate in light shades or dark, but with an expressive textured pattern of expensive wood.


In modern styling, much that is traditional has been lost, for example, 2 types of walls - external (main) and internal (partitions). Geometric designs in the form of sectional grids covered with light fabric or thick rice paper - this solution is not found in any other style. A modern person must take all this into account.

Japanese style in the interior

Japanese style room design


Asian ethno style is unusual in all its manifestations, including the design of the ceiling. This wooden beams, which in modern styling are used as lintels for suspended ceilings and structures for original lighting. Multi-level ceilings with matte stretch fabric would be appropriate.


The same smooth lines and laconic shapes, clear geometry and rounded bowls. This is a wooden bathtub of an unusual shape - a “dugout” made from a single piece big tree and an oval washbasin. Reflecting the Japanese style in the interior of your apartment, you can limit yourself to a wooden podium for a bathtub and a countertop for a sink. The shower is minimalistic in the truest sense of the word, in the floor behind glass partition There is only a hole for water, there is a tap in the wall, and a flow divider under the ceiling.

Unusual room design in Japanese style

Big beautiful room Japanese style


The main palette is natural, calm, natural, especially in wall decoration. Shades reflect natural materials:

  • red – shades of autumn foliage and the rising sun, without acidic or unnatural undertones;
  • black and dark brown are typical of the Japanese palette, but only in the form of linear contrasts;
  • white, milky, sand and light beige tones are the basis of wall design;
  • pale shades of gray and blue color, like fog and sea pebbles on the shore, are also common in Japanese interiors;
  • pink and all shades of sakura flowers are used in decoration, but not as the main background ( modern bedroom- exception);
  • natural greenery is also welcome in the decor.

Interesting. The green palette has its own names for each shade. A Japanese schoolchild can name up to 57 shades of green - “pine needles”, “moss”, “young bamboo shoots”, “lime”, “spring sakura leaves”, etc. Each of them has its own hieroglyph, which children study in art lessons art. Therefore, you should approach the choice of shade responsibly, giving preference to natural colors.

Japanese style in the interior of the room

Japanese style room design


Natural wood is welcome in everything - furniture, the surface of walls and ceilings, even plumbing fixtures. In the Japanese style of interior design, great importance is attached to the outlines of wood products:

  • simple geometry;
  • grace of sinuous lines;
  • laconic elegance of forms.


Initially, they were not intended, since Japanese windows had a sliding design with a canopy on the outside and did not have tulle curtains on the inside. Rice paper roller curtains replaced the elaborate European window treatments. Screened fabrics appeared much later, and what we call “Japanese curtains” were widely used as interior partitions.

Japanese style in the interior

Yellow room in Japanese style

Modern Japanese curtain - flat fabric screen on large windows with a weight inserted into the bottom fold of the panel. They move to the sides using a special curtain rod for Japanese curtains, mainly electrically driven with remote control, which is very convenient. The fabric can be chosen arbitrarily; it is important that it transmits light, soft, dim, which is very much appreciated in traditional Japanese house. The color should highlight character traits stylistics:

  • elegant geishas with fans;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • exotic birds;
  • bamboo shoots;
  • sakura branch;
  • careless sketches of traditional landscapes.

Japanese style in the interior

Beautiful Japanese style bedroom

Decor and accessories

Typically Japanese style in the interior can be emphasized with “Japanese accents” alone, if it is simple stylization or imitation, in the bathroom, bedroom or living room. Having selected a suitable porcelain tile for tiling the bathroom, you can lay out a panel with a picture in the center of the room. The living room and bedroom will be decorated with traditional ikebana or blooming orchids. Hieroglyphs, screen curtains, pictures as part of Japanese-style decor are easy to make with your own hands. Dishes for sushi and tea ceremony can be purchased at any supermarket or specialized online stores.

Japanese style in the living room interior

Dark interior of a room in Japanese style

Bright room design in Japanese style


We do not practice a traditional round-shaped lamp made of rice paper, but you can always find a product made from frosted glass in the form of a sconce or floor lamp. Perhaps, due to the earthquake zone, the Japanese do not use volumetric ceiling chandeliers, so it is better to limit yourself to original ceiling lighting and local lighting.

Japanese minimalism in the interior is inimitable, but it has its own charm, which is why it has so many adherents. Many examples of laconic design were developed by specialists, which we suggest using in your home. Some successful examples– in our photo gallery.

Video: Japanese style in interior design

Today, the traditional Japanese style in decoration, which was formed in the Land of the Rising Sun, isolated from Europe and America for several centuries, has become one of the most popular European trends in home decoration.

When choosing a Japanese style for the hallway, we must not forget that it requires not so much copying individual decorative elements in the interior of the room, but rather the adoption of Japanese psychology and lifestyle.

Otherwise, life with snow-white screens, Japanese mats and a minimal amount of furniture will become so uncomfortable for you that you will want to immediately change the design of the room.

The Japanese style is characterized by harmonious asceticism and simplicity of decoration, the use simple lines, clearly defined geometric shapes in ornaments, a complete absence of bright, catchy colors. Japanese style is a minimal use of furniture to create free space, predominance in decoration only natural materials and flowers.

A properly decorated Japanese-style hallway allows you to harmonize your home space, find points of contact with the energy of living nature, and create a comfortable environment. It fits perfectly into any modern home, since for the most part japanese houses and the apartments are very modest in size.

The Japanese style, with all its commitment to natural, natural colors, is characterized by the use of sharp color transitions, in which in one room the light beige, milky or cream coating of the walls and ceilings is complemented by dark brown or black furniture.

Japanese-style doors, made, for example, of frosted glass and slats or wicker, will help you style a European wardrobe.

Nowadays, a wardrobe can be made to order for you, taking into account any style orientation that you need. In the same ethnic spirit, you can decorate all the doors opening into the hallway.

To create a national Japanese flavor in the decoration of the hallway, you can use such typically Asian materials as bamboo, rice straws, and rice paper. Natural stone looks good as a finish, laid on the floor ceramic tiles.

As for furniture, a traditional wardrobe will fit perfectly into a laconic Japanese style, especially if it is hidden in a niche, small cabinets of a strict geometric shape in a traditional color scheme. The interior will be harmoniously complemented by Japanese-style vases, shells, pots with fresh flowers, and corals.

A “Japanese” hallway should not be bright, so light sources should be dispersed on the ceiling and walls, or spot lighting should be placed only on the ceiling. The main thing is that the hallway should be filled with dim, warm light.

The ascetic and strict Japanese style, which does not accept chaos and disorder, is suitable for people with high level self-control and discipline.

The Japanese style, for all its laconicism, is quite functional and comfortable, allowing you to fill the room with air and create an atmosphere in which you can live easily and freely.

However, having chosen this style, we must not forget that the mentality of the Japanese, which influenced the formation of the traditional national style, is quite different from the European one and life in a “house of cards” can quickly get boring or seem uncomfortable, and to transform the Japanese style into another you will have to spend a lot strength and a lot of money.

Therefore, you should not choose Japanese style just for the sake of fashion, without internal acceptance of the culture of this country.